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Adult Jail Diversion New/Enhanced

Current Interventions
Sequential Intercept Model Interventions
Ultimate Intercept
New and enhanced prevention and community treatment
programs will prevent many adults from entering the criminal
justice system

Intercept 1
Intercept 1 1. Crisis intervention training
1. Jail high utilizer program 2. Establish Crisis Diversion
3. Respite beds
4. Mobile crisis team

Intercept 2 Intercept 2
1. Incoming Referrals to CJ 1. Release prior to filing when
Liaisons from: community treatment available
9 Family members 2. Increase deferred prosecution
9 DOC community cases
corrections officers 3. Increase referrals from Intake
9 Jail Health psychiatric Services
evaluation specialists 4. Stay competency process to
9 Inmate requests allow for community treatment
9 Public defenders and
public defense social
9 Probation officers
2. Assessments requested by
Intake Services

Intercept 3
1. Initial Referrals from CJ Intercept 3
Liaisons: 1. Increase CJ Liaison staff in the
9 Reconnect with existing jail in order to:
mental health case 9 Reconnect more inmates
manager to community services
9 Link to COD treatment 9 Refer more veterans and
9 Link to DSHS their dependents to VA for
9 Refer to VA treatment and housing
9 Link to ADATSA for CD 9 Increase felony drop down
treatment referrals to MH Court
2. Refer to Mental Health Court 2. Increase program services for
9 Link to Housing Voucher existing and new MH courts
and Case Mgmt Program
9 Link to COD
Intercept 4
Intercept 4
1. Increase Reentry Case
1. Ongoing Referrals from CJ
Management Program staff in
order to assist more offender-
9 Link to Reentry Case
clients in connecting to
Management Program
treatment and housing
9 Rental assistance
2. Reduce MH caseloads
Intercept 5
1. Forensic Programming at
Community Corrections: Intercept 5
9 Screen and assess CCAP 1. Urinalysis testing supervision
participants for appropriate at Community Corrections
services 2. Increased access to
9 On-site CD treatment community services for non-
9 On-site COD treatment Medicaid clients
9 On-site educational 3. Housing supportive services
classes 4. Employment services

ADATSA = Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Treatment and Support Act DOC = State Dept. of Corrections
CCAP = Community Center for Alternative Programs (day reporting center) DSHS = State Dept. of Social and Health Services
CD = Chemical Dependency MH = Mental Health
CJ = Criminal Justice VA = U.S. or State Dept. of Veterans Affairs
COD = Co-occurring Disorders
Prepared by King County Department of Community and Human Services
Current Interventions Youth Detention New/Enhanced
Diversion Model
Ultimate Intercept
More youth are connected to community resources and services that
are outside of the justice center and youth do not have to enter the
juvenile justice system to get those services Prevention/Early Intervention
Prevention/Early 1. School based MH
Intervention 2. Suicide prevention
1. SA prevention programs 3. Fully implement and
2. Skill building for children, expand Family Treatment
youth & families Court
4. Comprehensive SA
treatment for parents
5. SA prevention programs
EBP MH/SA Treatment
1. Increased access to
community MH and SA
EBP MH/SA Treatment treatment for non-Medicaid
1. Limited wraparound for youth
seriously emotionally 2. Case load reductions for
disturbed youth MH providers
2. Parent networks 3. Increased capacity for
wraparound for serious
emotionally disturbed
4. Expanded parent/youth
peer support
1. MH/SA screening &
1. Project TEAM assessment
2. Functional Family 2. Increased capacity for
Therapy wraparound
3. Increased access to
parent/youth partners
4. Increased access to EBPs
Initial Contact
Initial Contact 1. Youth Reception Center
1. CCORS 2. Expansion of CCORS
3. Crisis Intervention
Training for first
4. Increased access to
5. Increased access to
parent/youth partners

1. Increased assessments of
1. WSRAT Prescreen
juvenile justice clients
2. Global Assessment of
2. Expand Juvenile Drug
Individual Needs
3. Diversion/Community
3. Increased access to
4. Drug Court
4. Increased access to
5. Treatment Court
parent/youth partners
6. MH/CD liaison evaluation
5. Fully implement and
and linkage
expand Family Treatment
7. Advocacy teams

1. Full risk assessment
1. Increased access to MH &
2. MH liaison evaluation and
SA services for non-
Medicaid clients
3. Multi-Systemic Therapy
2. Increased capacity for
4. Functional Family Therapy
5. Aggression Replacement
3. Increased access to
parent/youth partners
6. Project TEAM
CCORS: Children Crisis Outreach Response System EBP: Evidence Based Practice
MH: Mental Health WSRAT: WA State Risk Assessment Tool
SA: Substance Abuse
Prepared by King County Department of Community and Human Services

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