Date Transactions Supporting Documents January 2018 CYH Point of View Supplier's/ Customer's/ Bank's Point of View

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JANUARY Supplier's/ Customer's/

2018 CYH Point of View Bank's Point of view
Investment deposited on account-BDO, P3,000,000.
M. Aquino P 520,000.00
K. Bacolor 240,000.00
S. Bernabe 500,000.00
J. Bulanadi 640,000.00
M. Lubarbio 750,000.00
S. Pagtakhan 120,000.00
A. Sta. Ana 230,000.00
TOTAL 3,000,000.00
16 Deposit Slip Official Receipt
Payment of expenses
Services P7,700.00
Environmental Fee 100.00
Mayor’s Permit Fee 700.00
Sanitary Inspection Fee 50.00
Medical/Health Fee 10.00
Building Inspection Fee 160.00
Electrical Inspection Fee 200.00
Plumbing Inspection Fee 100.00
Mechanical Inspection 200.00
Fire Permit Fee 200.00
Sticker 150.00
Form Fee 150.00
Signboard 140.00
Fire Code RA 9514 216.00
Cedula Individual 365.00
Surcharge 877.50
19 Interest 175.50 Petty Cash Voucher Check Voucher
Payment Registration fee:
SSS P 1,000.00
PAG-IBIG 1,000.00
BIR 500.00
DTI 500.00
Barangay 500.00 Petty Cash Voucher Check Voucher
25 Advanced payment of rental of commercial space for two months,P 100,000. Cash Voucher Check Voucher
Purchased 20 units of computer sets on account from PC Pro for P600,000 with
26 20% down payment. Purchase Order Supplier's Invoice
29 Purchased 4 printing machine for P32,000. Purchase Order Supplier's Invoice
31 Purchased 20 chairs on account from Office Warehouse for P60,000. Purchase Order Supplier's Invoice
1 Purchased supplies for P20,000. Purchase Order Supplier's Invoice
2 Purchased 20 computer housings for P10,000. Purchase Order Supplier's Invoice
2 Purchased spare parts for P60,000. Purchase Order Supplier's Invoice
5 Received income from computer rentals, P825. Official Receipt Official Receipt
5 Received income from printing services, P307. Official Receipt Official Receipt
6 Received income from computer rentals, P900. Official Receipt Official Receipt
6 Received income from printing services, P579. Official Receipt Official Receipt
6 Issued billing invoice to JYP Co. for software installation, P4,000. Billing Invoice
7 Received income from rentals, P715. Official Receipt Official Receipt
7 Issued billing invoice to Big Hit Co. for hardware repair, P18,850. Billing Invoice
7 Received income from printing services, P284. Official Receipt Official Receipt
8 Received income from computer rentals, P770. Official Receipt Official Receipt
8 Received income from printing services, P697. Official Receipt Official Receipt
9 Issued billing invoice to YG Co. for software installation, P6,000. Billing Invoice
9 Receivede cash from JYP Co. for billing invoice no. 001, P4,000 Official Receipt Cash Voucher
9 Received income from computer rentals, P705. Official Receipt Official Receipt
9 Received income from printing services, P635. Official Receipt Official Receipt
9 Deposited collections from Feb 5-8 to BDO, P5,077. Deposit Slip
10 Received income from computer rentals, P960. Official Receipt Official Receipt
Received cash from Big Hit Co. for billing invoice no. 002, P18,850 as payment on
10 services rendered on account. Official Receipt Cash Voucher
10 Received income from printing services, P810. Official Receipt Official Receipt
11 Received income from computer rentals, P735. Official Receipt Official Receipt
11 Received income from printing services, P589. Official Receipt Official Receipt
Issued check no. 001 to Office Warehouse for payment of accounts payable,
12 P60,000. Cash Voucher Check Voucher
12 Received income from computer rentals, P1020. Official Receipt Official Receipt
12 Received income from printing services, P699. Official Receipt Official Receipt
Issued billing invoice to Starship Co. for hardware repair, 11,400 and software
12 installation, P4,000. Billing Invoice
13 Received income from computer rentals, P930. Official Receipt Official Receipt
13 Received income from printing services, P588. Official Receipt Official Receipt
14 Received income from computer rentals, P935. Official Receipt Official Receipt
14 Received income from printing services, P1,087. Official Receipt Official Receipt
14 Purchased spare parts from EXOLECTRIC Co. on account for P10,000. Purchase Order Supplier's Invoice
Issued check no. 002 to PC Pro for 20% payment of the remaining balance from
14 Jan. 26 transaction, P96,000. Check Voucher Official Receipt
Received check from YG Co. for billing invoice no. 003, P6,000 as payment on
15 services rendered on account. Official Receipt Check and Check Voucher
15 Cash advances to Wilson H. Tala, P3,850. Cash Voucher
15 Received income from computer rentals, P1,000. Official Receipt Official Receipt
15 Received income from printing services, P1,570. Official Receipt Official Receipt
15 Issued billing invoice to J Co. for software installation, P5,000. Billing Invoice
16 Received income from computer rentals, P750. Official Receipt Official Receipt
16 Received income from printing services, P1,206. Official Receipt Official Receipt
16 Deposited collections from Feb. 9-15 to BDO, P37,263. Deposit Slip
17 Received income from computer rentals, P1,030. Official Receipt Official Receipt
17 Received income from printing services, P594. Official Receipt Official Receipt
Issued check no. 003 to PC Pro for the remaining balance of the accounts
18 payable on Jan. 26, P384,000. Check Voucher Official Receipt
18 Received income from computer rentals, P1,220. Official Receipt Official Receipt
18 Received income from printing services, P636. Official Receipt Official Receipt
Received cash from Starship Co. for billing invoice no. 004, P15,400 as payment
19 on services rendered on account Official Receipt Cash voucher
Received cash from J Co. for billing invoice no. 005, P5,000 as payment on
19 services rendered on account. Official Receipt Cash voucher
19 Received income from computer rentals, P1,165. Official Receipt Official Receipt
19 Received income from printing services, P366. Official Receipt Official Receipt
20 Received income from computer rentals, P865. Official Receipt Official Receipt
20 Received income from printing services, P848. Official Receipt Official Receipt
21 Issued billing invoice to Pledis Co. for hardware repair, P30,300. Billing Invoice
Issued billing invoice to FNC Co. for software installation, 7,000 and hardware
21 repair, P19,950. Billing Invoice
21 Received income from computer rentals, 1250. Official Receipt Official Receipt
21 Received income from printing services, P657. Official Receipt Official Receipt
21 Payment of accounts payable- EXOLECTRIC Co., P10,000. Cash Voucher Check Voucher
22 Received income from computer rentals, P780. Official Receipt Official Receipt
22 Received income from printing services, P1,054. Official Receipt Official Receipt
23 Received income from computer rentals, P895. Official Receipt Official Receipt
23 Received income from printing services, P1,784. Official Receipt Official Receipt
23 Issued billing invoice to K Co. for hardware repair, P24,550. Billing Invoice
23 Deposited collections from Feb. 16-22 to BDO, P22,821. Deposit Slip
Received check from Pledis Co. for billing invoice no. 006, 30, P300. As payment
24 on services rendered on account. Official Receipt Check and Check Voucher
Official Receipt
24 Received income from computer rentals, P1,150. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
24 Received income from printing services, P697. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
25 Received income from computer rentals, P1,445. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
25 Received income from printing services, P1,768. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
26 Received income from computer rentals, P1,655. Official Receipt
Received check from FNC Co. for billing invoice no. 007, P26,950. As payment on
26 services rendered on account. Official Receipt Check and Check Voucher
26 Received income from printing services, P966. Official Receipt Official Receipt
26 Issued billing invoice to Fantagio Co. for software installation, P5,400. Billing Invoice
Official Receipt
27 Received income from computer rentals, P1,670. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
27 Received income from printing services, P806. Official Receipt
27 Purchased spare parts from EXOLECTRIC Co. on account, P12,000. Purchase Order Supplier's Invoice
28 Supplies on hand,
28 Depreciation expense for computer units, Journal Voucher
28 Payment of electricity expenses for the month, P25,561.86. Cash Voucher Check Voucher
28 Payment of water expenses for the month, P1,217.23. Cash Voucher Check Voucher
28 Payment of internet expenses for the month, P4,497.46. Cash Voucher Check Voucher
28 Deposited collections from Feb. 23-27 to BDO, P67,407. Deposit Slip
28 Payment of salaries and wages, P65, 701.72. Check Voucher
28 Received income from computer rentals, P1,305. Official Receipt Official Receipt
28 Received income from printing services, P761. Official Receipt Official Receipt
MARCH 2018
1 Received income from computer rentals, 1,161. Official Receipt Official Receipt
1 Received income from printing services, P2,335. Official Receipt Official Receipt
Received cash from K Co. for billing invoice no. 008, P24,550. As payment on
1 services rendered on account. Official Receipt Cash Voucher
2 Received income from computer rentals, P1,452. Official Receipt Official Receipt
2 Received income from printing services, P1,960. Official Receipt Official Receipt
2 Issued billing invoice to ADMU Co. for software installation, P5,800. Billing Invoice
Issued billing invoice to YSA Co. for hardware repair, 20,150 and software repair,
2 P6,000. Billing Invoice
3 Received income from computer rentals, P940. Official Receipt Official Receipt
3 Received income from printing services, P2,210. Official Receipt Official Receipt
4 Received income from computer rentals, P1,304. Official Receipt Official Receipt
4 Received income from printing services, P2,795. Official Receipt Official Receipt
5 Issued billing invoice to SJ Co. for hardware repair, P28,600. Billing Invoice
5 Issued billing invoice to RM Co. for hardware repair, P21,550. Billing Invoice
5 Issued billing invoice to BTS Co. for software installation, P7,000. Billing Invoice
Official Receipt
5 Received income from computer rentals, P1,789. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
5 Received income from printing services, P2,895. Official Receipt
Received cash from Fantagio Co. for billing invoice no. 009, P5,400. As payment
5 on services rendered on account. Official Receipt Cash Voucher
Official Receipt
6 Received income from computer rentals, P1,408. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
6 Received income from printing services, P3,125. Official Receipt
7 Issued billing invoice to STI Co. for software installation, P7,200. Billing Invoice
Official Receipt
7 Received income from computer rentals, P1,632. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
7 Received income from printing services, P2,915. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
8 Received income from computer rentals, P1,423. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
8 Received income from printing services, P2,795. Official Receipt
8 Issued check no. 004 in payment of accounts payable to EXOLECTRIC, P12,000. Check Voucher Official Receipt
Official Receipt
9 Received income from computer rentals, P1,263. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
9 Received income from printing services, P2,820. Official Receipt
9 Deposited the collections from Feb. 28- Mar. 8 to BDO. Deposit Slip
Official Receipt
10 Received income from computer rentals, P1,637. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
10 Received income from printing services, P2,685. Official Receipt
Received check from ADMU Co. for billing invoice no. 010, P5,800. As payment
10 on services rendered on account. Official Receipt Check and Check Voucher
Official Receipt
11 Received income from computer rentals, P1,038. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
11 Received income from printing services, P2,585. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
12 Received income from computer rentals, P2,575. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
12 Received income from printing services, P2,240. Official Receipt
Issued billing invoice to DAY6 Co. for software installation, 4,800 and hardware
12 repair, P19,100. Billing Invoice
Received cash from YSA Co. for billing invoice no. 011, P26,150. As payment on
13 services rendered on account. Official Receipt Cash Voucher
Official Receipt
13 Received income from computer rentals, P1,394. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
13 Received income from printing services, P2,455. Official Receipt
13 Purchased supplies for cash, P20,000. Purchase Order Cash Voucher
Official Receipt
14 Received income from computer rentals, P1,374. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
14 Received income from printing services, P2,500. Official Receipt
Received check from SJ Co. for billing invoice no. 012, P28,600. As payment on
14 services rendered on account. Official Receipt Check and Check Voucher
15 Issued billing invoice to Isaac Castaneda for hardware repair, P5,050. Billing Invoice
15 Issued billing invoice to SK Co. for software installation, P6,000. Billing Invoice
Received check from RM Co. for billing invoice no. 013, P21,550. As payment on
15 services rendered on account. Official Receipt Check and Check Voucher
Official Receipt
15 Received income from computer rentals, P2,526. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
15 Received income from printing services, P2,580. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
16 Received income from computer rentals, P1,428. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
16 Received income from printing services, P2,920. Official Receipt
Received cash from BTS Co. for billing invoice no. 014, P7,000. As payment on
16 services rendered on account. Official Receipt Cash Voucher
16 Deposited collections from Mar. 9-Mar. 15 to BDO. Deposit Slip
Official Receipt
17 Received income from computer rentals, P1,587. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
17 Received income from printing services, P3,075. Official Receipt
Received cash from STI Co. for billing invoice no. 015, P7,200. As payment on
18 services rendered on account. Official Receipt Cash Voucher
18 Received income from computer rentals, P1,359. Official Receipt Official Receipt
18 Received income from printing services, P3,155. Official Receipt Official Receipt
Received check from DAY6 Co. for billing invoice no. 016, P23,900. As payment
19 on services rendered on account. Official Receipt Check and Check voucher
19 Issued billing invoice to Jacob Racelis for hardware repair, P6,900. Billing Invoice
19 Issued billing invoice to Twice Co. for hardware repair, P29,150. Billing Invoice
19 Purchased spare parts from PC Pro on account, P25,000. Purchase Order Check Voucher
Official Receipt
19 Received income from computer rentals, P1,208. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
19 Received income from printing services, P2,590. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
20 Received income from computer rentals, P1,649. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
20 Received income from printing services, P2,660. Official Receipt
Issued billing invoice to Serena Ferrer for software installation, 3,200 and
20 hardware repair, P16,850. Billing Invoice
Issued billing invoice to 2PM Co. for hardware repair, 21,600 and software
20 installation, P5,000. Billing Invoice
Received cash from Isaac Castaneda for billing invoice no. 017, P5,050. As
20 payment on services rendered on account. Official Receipt Cash Voucher
20 Issued billing invoice to Cel Tuazon for software installation, P2,200. Billing Invoice
Received check from SK Co. for billing invoice no. 018, P6,000. As payment on
21 services rendered on account. Official Receipt Check and check voucher
Official Receipt
21 Received income from computer rentals, P2,460. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
21 Received income from printing services, P2,675. Official Receipt
21 Issued billing invoice to Bernice Espares for hardware repair, P8,750. Billing Invoice
Official Receipt
22 Received income from computer rentals, P2,304. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
22 Received income from printing services, P3,250. Official Receipt
22 Issued billing invoice to Clara Bermudez for hardware repair, P7,200. Billing Invoice
Official Receipt
23 Received income from computer rentals, P1,258. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
23 Received income from printing services, P2,485. Official Receipt
Issued billing invoice to Evangeline Aquino for software installation, 2,000 and
23 hardware repair, P4,850. Billing Invoice
23 Issued billing invoice to Brian Kang for hardware repair, P11,650. Billing Invoice
23 Deposited collections from Mar. 16- Mar 22 to BDO Deposit Slip
Official Receipt
24 Received income from computer rentals, P1,769. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
24 Received income from printing services, P2,590. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
25 Received income from computer rentals, P1,060. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
25 Received income from printing services, P2,925. Official Receipt
Received cash from Jacob Racelis for billing invoice no. 019, P6,900. As payment
25 on services rendered on account. Official Receipt Cash Voucher
Received check from Twice Co. for billing invoice no. 020, P29,150. As payment
25 on services rendered on account. Official Receipt Check and Check Voucher
26 Issued check no. 005 to PC Pro for payment of accounts payable, P25,000. Check Voucher Official Receipt
Received cash from Serena Ferrer for billing invoice no. 021, P20,050. As
26 payment on services rendered on account. Official Receipt Cash Voucher
Received check from 2PM Co. for billing invoice no. 022, P26,600. As payment on
26 services rendered on account. Official Receipt Check and Check Voucher
Received cash from Cel Tuazon for billing invoice no. 023, P2,200. As payment on
26 services rendered on account. Official Receipt Cash voucher
Official Receipt
26 Received income from computer rentals, P2,116. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
26 Received income from printing services, P2,515. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
27 Received income from computer rentals, P2,070. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
27 Received income from printing services, P2,660. Official Receipt
27 Issued billing invoice to GOT7 Co. for hardware repair Billing Invoice
Issued billing invoice to Lucas Magtalas for software installation, 1,600 and
27 hardware repair, P3,700. Billing Invoice
Received cash from Bernice Estaroza for billing invoice no. 024, P8,750. As
27 payment on services rendered on account. Official Receipt Cash Voucher
Official Receipt
28 Received income from computer rentals, P1,228. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
28 Received income from printing services, P2,850. Official Receipt
Received cash from Clara Bermudez for billing invoice no. 025, P7,200. As
28 payment on services rendered on account. Official Receipt Cash voucher
Official Receipt
29 Received income from computer rentals, P1,885. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
29 Received income from printing services, P2,695. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
30 Received income from computer rentals, P1,624. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
30 Received income from printing services, P2,785. Official Receipt
Issued billing invoice to YBK Co. for software installation, 6,600 and hardware
30 repair, P16,550. Billing Invoice
Official Receipt
31 Received income from computer rentals, P1,181. Official Receipt
Official Receipt
31 Received income from printing services, P2,625. Official Receipt
31 Supplies on hand,
31 Depreciation expense for computer units, Journal Voucher
31 Payment of electricity expenses for the month, P27, 891.86. Cash Voucher Check Voucher
31 Payment of water expenses for the month, P1,417.23. Cash Voucher Check Voucher
31 Payment of internet expenses for the month, P4,497.46. Cash Voucher Check Voucher
31 Deposited collections from Mar. 16- Mar. 30 to BDO. Deposit Slip
31 Payment of salaries and wages, P65,701.72 Check Voucher

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