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Russia Europe occupies Poland regions hundreds Russia Europe occupies Poland regions hundreds
Republic Lithuania million nations capital to Republic Lithuania million nations capital to
Latvia climate Ukraine districts European welcome Latvia climate Ukraine districts European welcome

The 1 of Belarus is the UNICEF democratic state based on The 1 of Belarus is the UNICEF democratic state based on
principles of social welfare and rule of law. principles of social welfare and rule of law.

It lies in the centre of 2 surrounded by 3 in the east, 4 in It lies in the centre of 2 surrounded by 3 in the east, 4 in
the south, 5 in the west, 6 and 7 in the north. The country the south, 5 in the west, 6 and 7 in the north. The country
8 206,700 square kilometers. 8 206,700 square kilometers.

The 9 of Belarus is moderately continental with cold The 9 of Belarus is moderately continental with cold
winters and warm summers. winters and warm summers.

Belarusians make 81.2% of its 10- 10 population. Among Belarusians make 81.2% of its 10- 10 population. Among
the representatives of other 11 are mainly Russians, Poles, the representatives of other 11 are mainly Russians, Poles,
Ukrainians, Tartars and Lithuanians. Ukrainians, Tartars and Lithuanians.

For the purposes of government the country is divided into For the purposes of government the country is divided into
six 12 (Minsk, Gomel, Mogilev, Brest, Grodno and Vitebsk) six 12 (Minsk, Gomel, Mogilev, Brest, Grodno and Vitebsk)
and 117 13. The 14 of the country is Minsk, a 15 city with and 117 13. The 14 of the country is Minsk, a 15 city with
the population of about 2 million people. the population of about 2 million people.

Today, just like 16 of years ago, Belarus is ready to 17 Today, just like 16 of years ago, Belarus is ready to 17
guests from any parts of the world. Welcome 18 Belarus! guests from any parts of the world. Welcome 18 Belarus!
Keys. Fill in the missing words
Russia Europe occupies Poland regions hundreds
republic Lithuania million nations capital to
Latvia climate Ukraine districts European welcome

The *republic* of Belarus is the UNICEF democratic state

based on principles of social welfare and rule of law.

It lies in the centre of *Europe* surrounded by *Russia* in

the east, *Ukraine* in the south, *Poland* in the west,
*Lithuania* and *Latvia* in the north. The country
*occupies* 206,700 square kilometers.

The *climate* of Belarus is moderately continental with

cold winters and warm summers.

Belarusians make 81.2% of its 10- *million* population.

Among the representatives of other *nations* are mainly
Russians, Poles, Ukrainians, Tartars and Lithuanians.

For the purposes of government the country is divided into

six *regions* (Minsk, Gomel, Mogilev, Brest, Grodno and
Vitebsk) and 117 *districts*. The *capital* of the country is
Minsk, a *European* city with the population of about 2
million people. Today, just like *hundreds* of years ago,
Belarus is ready to *welcome* guests from any parts of the
world. Welcome *to* Belarus!

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