The Adj

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The adjective

1. We get on very well with our next-door neighbours. We are…….. with them.
a) On good premises
b) On good terms
c) In fine terms
d) Over good relations
2.The manager was ….upset when his employees failed in their task.
a) rightly
b) right
c) rightful
d) rightfully
3. Stiu engleza foarte bine si imi place foarte mult conversatia cu vorbitorii nativi.
a) I know very well English and I like very much conversation with native speakers.
b) I know very well English and I like conversation with native speakers very much.
c) I know English very well and I like very much conversation with native speakers.
d) I know English very well and I like conversation with native speakers very much.
4. ….. the whole, I found his novel…….disappointing.
a) in/profoundly
b) on/profound
c) on/profoundly
d) over/ profoundly
5. …… a job is to do, ….. paid are people who do it.
a) the easier/ the more highly
b) the easiest/ the highest
c) the more easy/ the higher
d) the easier/ the higher
6. I’ve got…… money than I thought.
a) fewer
b) less
c) least
d) fewest
7. Cu cat mi se spune mai mult sa mint pentru ei, cu atat sunt mai hotarat ca ar trebui sa se spuna
a) The most it is said to me to lie for the, the most decided I am that it should be told the truth.
b) The more they tell me to lie for them, the more I am determined that they should tell the truth.
c) The more I am said to lie for them, the more decided I am that they should tell the truth.
d) The more I am told to lie for them, the more determined I am that the truth should be told.
8. As each new problem arose, we felt……..
a) less and less enthusiastically
b) less and less enthusiastic
c) more and more enthusiastically
d) little and little enthusiastic
9. The garden is…. the back of the house ……the orchard.
a) on/besides
b) in /next
c) to/before
d) at/near
10. Vestile rele nu-I fac pe oameni fericiti.
a) Bad news don’t make people happy.
b) Bad news doesn’t make people happily.
c) Bad news don’t make people happily.
d) Bad news doesn’t make people happy.
11. He is so devoid of imagination. The more he talks, ………… she becomes.
a) the less bored
b) the more bored
c) more bored does
d) the least bored
12. Cu cat se straduia mai mult, cu atat parea sa progreseze mai putin.
a) The more he was trying, the fewer progress he seemed to do.
b) The harder he tried, the least progress he seemed to make.
c) The harder he was trying, the less progress he seemed to make.
d) The most he was trying, the less progress he seemed to make.
13. She….. said ……..; I tried …… make her speak.
a) hardly/ something/hardly
b) hardly/ anything/ hardlier
c) hardly/nothing/hard
d) hardly/anything/hard
14. The …… you work tonight, the more tired you will be tomorrow.
a) latest
b) letter
c) latter
d) later
15. Hikers in …. Loch Ness reported seeing …… large moving mass at …..dawn.
a) _/a/_
b) the/_/_
c) _/a/the
d) the/a/a
16. When you go to ……Athens, don’t forget to visit……..Acropolis and ……ancient Agora.
a) _/the/the
b) _/_/_
c) _/the/_
d) _/_/the
17. You were in my dreams last night. I dreamed …… you last night.
a) over
b) on
c) about
d) for
18. Don’t be too………; you should be back at ten …………
a) lately/ the latest
b) late/ the earliest
c) lately/ the most late
d) late/ at the latest
19. The nightingale sings …….
a) beautiful
b) beautifuly
c) beauty
d) beautifully
20. The pension lay in…..remote corner of….. Guatemala’s El Peten, clinging like ……..parasite to the
banks of the Rio Dolce, not far from……….coastal city of Puerto Barrios.
a) the/the/the/the
b) the/_/a/the
c) a/_/a/the
d) a/the/a/a
21. Erica always works……..; that’s why she has……….any free time these days.
a) hardly/hardly
b) hard/hard
c) hardly/hard
d) hard/hardly
22. The nearest shopping center is………walking distance. I would go….foot…..such a beautiful day.
a) at/in/in
b) within/by/on
c) in/on/on
d) within/on/on
23. Choose the correct answer:
O masă mare, moştenită, pentru sufragerie, scumpă, în formă de pătrat
a) an expensive, rectangular-shaped, big, inherited, dining- room table
b) an expensive, big, rectangular-shaped, inherited, dining- room table,
c) an expensive, big, inherited, rectangular-shaped, dining- room table
d) a big, expensive, rectangular-shaped, inherited, dining- room table
24. ……crime rate is quite low in Japan. The last time I went there, I climbed……Mount Fuji;…..
Japanese are generally shorter than I am.
a) The/_/the
b) _/_/the
c) _/the/the
d) The/the/the
25. Unfortunately, sometimes competitions bring out the______________in the
a) bad
b) badly
c) worse
d) worst
26. She has bought a new perfume. It smells so _______
a) well
b) good
c) nicely
d) strongly
27. Your stories are __________ credible.
a) lesser and lesser
b) less and less
c) little and little
d) more and less
28. Ann plays __________ .
a) the violin very well
b) the violin very good
c) very well the violin
d) very good the violin
29. Cu cât sunt zilele mai lungi,cu atât sunt noptile mai scurte.
a) The long the days, the short the nights.
b) The longest the days, the shortest the nights.
c) The longer the days, the shorter the nights.
d) Longer the days, shorter the nights.
30. They don't tell their secrets to … else but their … .
a) anybody / parent-in-laws
b) anybody / parents-in-law
c) nobody / parent's-in-law
d) nobody / parents-in-law
31. A new car is twice … a second-hand one.
a) more expensive than
b) much expensive than
c) as expensive as
d) the price to
32. He can … read or write. He is almost … .
a) harder / illegible
b) hardly / illegal
c) barely / illiterate
d) barely / illogical
33. We watched a _____ film last evening. It was the _____ experience of our______.
a) boring, black and white, German/worst /lives
b) black and white, boring, German/worse/lifes
c) German, black and white, boring/baddest/life
d) black and white, German, boring/bad/live
34. The sheets in the bedroom were made of ________ fabric ________was black as night.
a) rich, soft / whose
b) soft, rich / who
c) rich, soft / which
d) rich, soft / whom
35. …… you learn, …… get to know things.
a) most/best
b) more/better
c) the many/the best
d) the more/ the better

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