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The Tape-Script of the Discussion by the group members.

Respected teachers and my dear friends. My name is Sunit from 3rd IT. We are doing a project work
on Group discussios and our chosen topic is "Villages of India: Strength or Weakness"
Let me introduce our group members: Shwetha,Karthik,Saritha,Sri Lasya,Satish,Siva Prasad,Sunit
Prasad,Surendra,Gopi and Avinash.

Around 70% of India consists of villages. They form the very essence of our culture,tradition etc.
Country-side life is more peaceful,calm and quite as compared to the city life.
It is full of greenery and thus providing a positive outlook.

Ya I agree with you. Village is a place of agriculture. It gives all the majority of food crops. Village
also forms the ecological balance to the environment.
The presence of greenery prevents majority of pollution.

Villages itsely is the strength of our country. It is the back bone of India. Villages and cities must go
hand in hand to achieve progress. The GDP growth is stressed on these sectors. Because villages
form the main part of Indian agricultutre which adds to the GDP.

Villages are core parts to India
In all fields,people in villages are contributing to nation's health,wealth,agriculture........Handicrafts

India may grow large in cities in IT or other Industry but villages are going to stay as major strength
for any developing country like India.

Well....they are strength to our nation as they contribute to politics, they bring agriculture to
maximum level.

Yes Satish, I would like to add few points here. "Bricks,how small they may be,they form the base
of a huge structure", the villages are also the backbone of our economy,politics and population of
our country.
And when it comes to country like India whose economy even today largely depends on
agriculture,we cannot deny the contribution of Indian villages.
Moreover the small scale industries play an important role in the growth of economy.

Therefore I feel that the government should develop the rural areas,other than agriculture and
provide more job oppurtunities to them,so that they can be stopped from migrating to cities and
eventually ending up in slums which has to be eradicated from cities

Though villages are our strength, due to the drastic development in the technology there is a lack of
fertile land which leads to lack of food resources for the population of our country.
Non-nuclear or comined families exist in villages, so there is integrity of family. Inter family
relations are good.

In villages inspite of their limitations, without adequate food or shelter they live contently.
Also, certain cultures and traditions are always followed by the villagers since decades, which gives
cultural integrity to the nation.

So i wish to say that obviously villages are our strength But what goes wrong is that we are not able
to realize the strength of our villages.They are a kind of hubs,to our economy and our cultural
identity comes from these villages.The saddest part being we failing to recognize the power of

O.k., what I say is that the Government should provide facilities such as construction of
schools,provide transport etc.Since the government is not providing basic meeasures, people start
migrating to cities.

Yes....even though we have become strong in technology we cant ignore the manpower which
comes from the large population of villages.The concentrated population in Indian villages
determines larglely the fate of Indian politics.So we should take care to strengthen ourselves by
providing proper education,healthcare,awareness and required help in other sectors.

But due to some climatic conditions some of our villages are still poor and economically backward.
New technology must be introduced into our villages.
The most senere and beautiful places in our country ae only villages not cities.

The city has busy life for every individual, so obviously we have more traffic and accidents. In
contrary to that in villages traffic pollutions and accidents are rare.

With regards to the points quoted by our friends I'm very happy to say that our villages are strength
to our nation.

I feel that the Govt. Should promote the updated agriculture methods in villages so that agriculture
will develop.

Yes even i feel that Government if takes a little care to improve the condition of the villagers then
no doubt.....we can rename villages as the backbone and strengrth of Indian economy,culture and
overall development of the nation.
Hence I wish to conclude that indeed villages are the strength of India.But what I want to say is we
have many resources in villages but if we wnat to develop the govt. Must work hard to improve the
conditions of villages. If that is done then we can definitely use this as a weapon for national
Thank you one and all for participating.

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