Senate Minutes October 5

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Senate Agenda

October 5, 2010
Arkansas Union 510-511, 6:00 PM

I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of the Minutes
a. September 21, 2010 Minutes - approved by unanimous consent
b. September 28, 2010 Minutes - approved by unanimous consent
IV. Special Orders
a. Reports (5 min ea.)
i. Advisor’s Report
1. Vacancy applications
a. 8 seats
b. Applications due Oct. 8th by noon
c. Must attend Candidate orientation in order to run.
2. Phone Calls of harassment made to ASG office
a. Notify me ASAP if you receive one.
ii. President’s Report
1. SEC exchange
a. Applications Due Oct. 22nd
b. Headliner Concerts Committee
i. Snoop Dog
c. Cyber harassment
i. Be respectful and sensitive on this issue
iii. Vice-President’s Report
1. absent
iv. Secretary’s Report
1. Cross- Walk Awareness Day
a. Oct 13th
b. Sign-up if interested
v. Treasurer’s Report
1. ASG Budget Presentation
2. Motion made to approve the ASG Budget
vi. Cabinet Reports
1. Chief of Staff
a. Pi Phi 5k
i. Applications to run will be passed around
ii. Sign-up sheet to volunteer will be passed around
b. Steve Womack
i. This Thursday in the Law auditorium
c. ASG office is open from 8am to 5pm
d. Cabinet member of the Week
i. Zoe Teague , for her sustainability efforts
vii. Chair of the Senate’s Report
1. Committees Contact list has been emailed out
a. Look at the bottom tabs there is more than just the
Appropriations Committee
2. Not in a Committee
a. Fill out a Committee request sheet
3. Pick up new placard in order to be recognized in senate
4. Committees should began meeting this week
5. Office Hours officially start this week
V. Public Comment (3 @ 2 min ea.)
VI. Webmaster Confirmation
a. Senator Norton – approved by unanimous consent
VII. New Business
a. ASG Senate Bill No. 4 – “The Student Printing Assistance Bill of 2010”
i. Authored by Senator Cosgrove, Senator Treece
ii. Sponsored by Senator Cosgrove, Senator Treece
1. Senator Cosgrove gave authorship.
2. Chair Johannesen question
a. where the funding will come from
3. Senator Lippert questions
4. Senator Scroggin questions
5. Senator Wright questions
a. the affect approval will have
6. Motion made to extend time by 5 minutes by Senator Norton –
7. Senator Cosgrove ask clarification from Senator Wright
8. Senator Rose questions
a. who will be in charge of the bill
9. Motion made to extend time by 5 minutes by Senator Gilmore-
10. Senator Tak questions
a. graduate student tuition fees
11. Senator Gilmore questions
a. why ASG funds has to pay for bill
12. Senator Hall questions
a. The ethics in passing this bill
13. Senator Cook questions
a. Has there been student polling for this issue
14. Senator Tak questions
a. Why not raise graduate student fees for the printing issue
15. Bill was referred to committees for further discussion
a. Press Relations
b. Appropriations
c. Academics
d. Sustainability
e. Campus Life
b. Motion made to suspend the rules and add new legislation by Senator
i. 27: 10: 2, motion passes

c. ASG Senate Bill No. 5 – “A Resolution to Support the Revision of the

University of Arkansas’s Core Requirements
i. Authored by Senator Robinson, Senator Brumfield
ii. Sponsored by Senator Baxter, Senator Brumfield, Senator
Hodges, Senator Phillips, Senator Robinson, Senator Tax ,
Senator Wright, Senator Bruick
1. Senator Robinson gave authorship
2. Senator Hall questions
a. What are the goals of this bill
3. Senator Robinson yields all questions to President Fleming
4. Senator Rose question
a. Where are the other hours placed
5. Bill was referred to committees for further discussion
a. Press Relations
b. Academics
VIII. Announcements
a. If you have lost your water bottle please come pick them up in the ASG office
b. Senator Gilmore- Press Relations committee meet me after senate
c. Senator Waldrip – Phone number is incorrect
d. Senator Dodd – Will send an email to Ethics committee tonight
e. Senator Bruick- Phone number is incorrect
f. Senator Treece – Email is incorrect
g. There will be a correction made tonight on the ASG contact list.
IX. Adjournment

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