Dialogues Part One

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Introductions and Family

1. Making a new friend*

Jon: Hi, how are you?

Dasha: I’m fine. What’s your name?
Jon: I’m Jon, and yours?
Dasha: My name’s Dasha, nice to meet you.
Jon: Nice to meet you too. Where are you from?
Dasha: I’m from Ukraine. Where are you from?
Jon: I’m from Australia.
Dasha: What language do you speak in Australia?
Jon: We speak English. What language do you speak in Ukraine?
Dasha: We speak Ukrainian and Russian.
Jon: Very interesting! How old are you?
Dasha: I'm 16, and you?
Jon: I'm 14. You speak English very well!
Dasha: Thank you, I study it in school.
Jon: Well, I have to go. I'll talk to you later.
Dasha: Ok, see you soon!

2. My Family

Talking to a new friend at school.

Student 1: What’s your family like?
Student 2: I have a very big family. A mom, a dad, a grandma, two grandpas, an older
brother, two younger sisters, one dog, and one goldfish.
Student 1: Wow, that is big! Do you live in a house or an apartment?
Student 2: We live in a house. Our grandparents live far away. What about your family?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Student 1: I’ve got a small family. It’s just my mom, my younger sister, my cat, and me.
We live in an apartment in the center of town.
Student 2: What does your mom do?
Student 1: She’s a lawyer. She is thirty years old and she works very hard for us.
Student 2: It sounds like you have a nice family.
Student 1: You too, maybe I can meet them sometime!
Student 2: Sure, I want to meet your cat too!
Student 1: Okay!

3. This is my family*

Stacy: Is this a picture of your family?

Ellen: Yes, this is my family.
Stacy: Who is this?
Ellen: This is my brother, Sam. Do you have any brothers?
Stacy: Yes, I have two brothers. Their names are Alex and John.
Ellen: Oh! You have more brothers than I do. But these are my two sisters. Their names
are Ann and Julie.
Stacy: I see. Julie is taller than Ann.
Ellen: Yes, and Julie is three years older than Ann.
Stacy: And these are your parents?
Ellen: Yes, this is my father. His name is Harry. My mother’s name is Judy.
Stacy: Oh, I see they both have brown hair.
Ellen: Yes, but my father’s hair is darker than my mother’s.
Stacy: Thank you for showing me your family.

4. How many brothers?

Sue: Molly, how many brothers do you have?

Molly: I have two brothers. Do you have any brothers, Sue?
Sue: Yes, I have one brother. He is seven years old.
Molly: My brothers are eighteen and fourteen. My brothers are older than your brother.
Sue: Yes, my brother is young. He does not have homework yet from his school.
Molly: Oh, my brothers help with my homework. I really like their help.
Sue: Do your brothers finish their homework?
Molly: Yes, my brothers are both good students and I want to be a good student also.

5. Meeting a new friend in class**

Sam: Hi! Can I sit here?

Laura: Sure.
Sam: What’s your name?
Laura: I’m Laura, what’s your name?
Sam: I’m Sam. Nice to meet you.
Laura: Nice to meet you too! Where are you from?
Sam: I’m from Springfield, what about you?
Laura: I’m from Australia.
Sam: Wow, that’s really far away! How old are you?
Laura: I’m nineteen, you?
Sam: I’m twenty. What are you doing so far away from home?
Laura: Well, my parents and I moved to New York a few years ago. I graduated from high
school and I wanted to stay in America for college.
Sam: What an adventure! This is my first time out of my hometown. Springfield is a
small town and I have a lot of brothers and sisters so I always had to help take care of
Laura: How many siblings?
Sam: I have four sisters and three brothers.
Laura: Oh wow! That’s a lot! I can’t imagine. I’m an only child.
Sam: Well, it can be a handful sometimes but I love them all. It must be nice to have so
much time to yourself at home.
Laura: It’s ok, I can practice my music whenever I want to so, that’s nice.
Sam: Music? What kind of music?
Laura: I play the clarinet, piano and guitar. I love to write music and then record myself
playing it.
Sam: Wow that’s really cool! I like music too, but I can’t really play anything. I try to
play to the bass guitar, but I’m not really that good.
Laura: Well, maybe we can play together sometime!
Sam: That would be really great! Thanks!

Laura: You’re welcome. Well, nice to meet you Sam. I gotta go now!
Sam: Ok Laura. See ya soon.
Laura: See ya!

6. Meeting your Friend’s Parents**

At your American friend, Shaun’s house

Shaun: Hi! I’m so glad you could come over!
Ukrainian Exchange Student: Thank you very much for the invitation! Doing homework
by myself is so boring.
Shaun: No problem! Do you want to meet my parents?
U.E.S: Uh, ok, but I’m a little shy and I’m afraid that my English isn’t very good.
Shaun: Don’t worry about it! They’re excited to meet you.
U.E.S: Alright!
Shaun: Mom! Dad! Come and meet my new homework buddy!
Shaun’s mom and dad enter the room
Shaun: This is my friend from school. She’s from Ukraine!
Shaun’s Mom: Well hello! Nice to meet you!
Shaun’s Dad: Welcome to the United States, and to our home.
U.E.S.: Thank you very much, you have a lovely house.
Shaun’s Mom: Thank you! My1, your English is so good! Where did you learn to speak
so well?
U.E.S: Back in Ukraine at school. During the 9th grade, I had a Peace Corps Volunteer
teacher and she really helped my progress.
Shaun’s Mom: Well, isn’t that nice!
Shaun’s Dad: Would you like some tea? I know Ukrainians love tea.
U.E.S: No thank you. I think maybe we should get started on our homework now.
Shaun: Yeah, we have a big math test tomorrow and we have to study.
Shaun’s Mom: Ok then, if you need anything, you know where we’ll be!
Shaun: Thanks mom.
U.E.S: It was nice talking to you both.
Shaun’s Dad: You too! Good luck on the test!
U.E.S. and Shaun: Thank you!!

‘My’ can be used as an exclamation such as ‘Oh My!’

7. On the street**

Two friends are walking along the street.

Warren: It’s a beautiful day today, isn’t it Peggy Sue?
Peggy Sue: Absolutely. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, spring has definitely
Warren: What do you want to do this afternoon? We could go to a movie, try that new
Italian restaurant, or how about…
Peggy Sue’s friend Judy walks by
Peggy Sue: Judy! Hi!
Judy: Hey! How are you Peggy Sue?
Peggy Sue and Judy hug
Peggy Sue: I’m fine! What are you up to3?
Judy: Oh, I’m just out shopping. What are you guys up to?
Peggy Sue: We’re just out for a walk. This is my friend Warren.
Warren: Hi, nice to meet you.
Warren and Judy shake hands
Judy: Nice to meet you too!
Warren: How do you two know each other?
Peggy Sue: We sat next to each other in Italian class last year. We haven’t seen each other
in ages!
Judy: I know! I’m so happy to run into you4!
Warren: Why don’t you join us? We were just talking about going to lunch.
Peggy Sue: Oh yes! Then we can catch up4.
Judy: I would love to! Thank you.
Warren: No problem! Any friend of Peggy Sue’s is a friend of mine.

Spring in here.
What are you doing?
To see you on the street

8. Filling in a form: Personal Information**

Two friends filling in a form together

Jane: Your painting is fantastic Roger!
Roger: I'm happy you like it. I’m going to enter it into a competition. Here's the form,
could you help me fill it out please? My hands have paint all over them.
Jane: OK, here are the questions....What's your name?
Roger: oh, that's easy ... Roger!
Jane: Ha! What's your last name?
Roger: I'm not sure ...
Jane: Very funny! OK, surname – Tailor
Roger: You got it!
Jane: Next question. Married or single?
Roger: Single. I'm sure about that!
Jane: What's your address?
Roger: 72 Londonberry Road.
Jane:... and what are your hobbies?
Roger: hmmm.... painting, going surfing and watching movies.
Jane: What is your Nationality?
Roger: Same as yours, American
Jane: …and your birthday?
Roger: August 25th 1984
Jane: Ok, and how old are you?
Roger: Can’t you do the math?
Jane: Just tell me your age!
Roger: I’m twenty-six years old.
Jane: ... OK, last question. What's your telephone number?
Roger: 0343 897 6514
Jane: 0343 897 6514 - Got it. Let’s send it! Where's an envelope?
Roger: On the desk. Thanks so much for your help!
Jane: No problem! I know you’ll win!

9. How’s the family?**

Two friends over coffee.

John: Hi Sally, nice to see you.
Sally: You too, how’s your family doing?
John: Oh, you know, same old, same old. My wife is loving her new job and little
Johnny just finished the first grade.
Sally: Oh, that’s wonderful. How is your sister?
John: Julie? She’s doing alright. She’s been really sick lately, but I think she’s getting
Sally: I’m so sorry to hear that. Please send her my regards.
John: I will, but enough about me. What’s new with you?
Sally: Well, my brother Ken just got married and is on his honeymoon right now in
John: I’m jealous! All we did for our honeymoon was go to the mountains for the
Sally: I know, he’s lucky! Our parents gave the trip to him and his wife as a wedding
gift. I just hope they have enough money saved for my honeymoon!
John: Yeah, is there someone special in the picture?
Sally: No, not really. I’ve just been so busy at work, it’s hard to find the time to date.
John: I know what you mean, but enjoy being single while it lasts. Family life can be a
Sally: I’m sure, I’m certainly in no hurry for a family. Someday I would like to have
kids, but right now I feel like I’m too young.
John: You’ll know when the time is right.
Sally: Yeah, I think I will.

10. My Family’s Occupations***

Person 1: I would like to know more about your family. What is your father’s occupation?
Person 2: My father is an airline pilot. He has been a pilot for twenty years. Right now, he
is flying from Kyiv to Berlin.
Person 1: Wow, that’s interesting. What does your mother do?
Person 2: My mother is an artist. She paints and draws. She has painted over 100
pictures. Now, she is painting a large picture of boats sailing on an ocean.
Person 1: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Person 2: Yes, I have one brother and one sister.
Person 1: What are their occupations?
Person 2: My brother is a teacher. He teaches biology and physics at a lyceum. He has
been a teacher for five years. This year, he is also coaching the school’s football team.
Person 1: And what does your sister do?
Person 2: My sister is a student at university. She has studied both law and business and
she wants to be a lawyer. She is working at a law office this summer.
Person 1: What a busy family you have!


11. At the (Ukrainian) Shop*

Seller: Good Afternoon.

Customer: Hello!
Seller: How can I help you?
Customer: I am looking for apples. Do you have any apples?
Seller: Yes! We have many apples.
Customer: Are they fresh?
Seller: Yes, they’re very fresh.
Customer: Great! I would like 1 kilogram of apples please.
Seller: Here you are. Anything else?
Customer: Yes, please. I would also like a liter of milk and 1 kilogram of potatoes.
Seller: Anything else?
Customer: No, that’s all. How much does it cost?
Seller: It costs 18 hryven and 25 kopeks.
Customer: Here you are. Thank you!
Seller: Come back soon!

12. Returning a Shirt to the Store*

Mrs. Smith: Excuse me, can you help me?

Shop Assistant: Yes of course, what can I do for you?
Mrs. Smith: I bought this T-shirt for my son this afternoon, but it doesn't fit him, it's too
Shop Assistant: Would you like to exchange it or get a refund?
Mrs. Smith: I'd like to exchange it for a larger size. Do you have these in large?
Shop Assistant: I'll check. Let's see…we have large or extra large, which would you
Mrs. Smith: I think large will be fine.
Shop Assistant: Ok, if it doesn't fit just bring it back again. Just take it to the cashier,
they'll help you.
Mrs. Smith: Thank you.
Shop Assistant: Not a problem!

13. Getting a pet**

Wanda= Store Clerk

Larry= Boy Shopper

Wanda: Hello, how may I help you?

Larry: I’m here to buy a pet.
Wanda: What kind of pet are you interested in?
Larry: Do you have any dogs?
Wanda: Yes, of course. Are you looking for a specific breed?
Larry: Not really, just one that would be a good companion.
Wanda: We have quite a few to choose from. Why don’t you come take a look?
Larry: Okay.
Wanda shows Larry to the dogs that are for sale.
Wanda: Would you like a large dog or a smaller one?
Larry: How about a medium sized dog? What about this one here?
Wanda: Oh, I’m sorry. Another person has already bought that dog. They will come by
later today to pick him up.
Larry: Oh, that’s too bad. He’s so adorable! Do you have any others that are this size?
Wanda: Yes, right over there. Wanda points.
Larry: Oh, he’s perfect! I want to take him home with me right now!
Wanda: Do you want to buy some food or toys for him?
Larry: Definitely, I’ll come back in one hour with my Mom and we’ll decide what to get
Wanda: Okay, see you soon!

14. Buying Shoes**

Shop Assistant: Hello, how may I help you?

Leonard: I would like to buy some shoes please.
Shop Assistant: Ok, what style?
Leonard: Sneakers, for running.
Shop Assistant: Sure. The size?
Leonard: Size 9 please.
Shop Assistant: Here are some new Nikes. Try them on.
Leonard: Oh they fit well! Thanks! How much are they?
Shop Assistant: 75 bucks, plus tax.
Leonard: Oh, they’re kind of expensive!
Shop Assistant: Well, they are of very good quality. They’ll last for a long time.
Leonard: Hmm, ok. I’ll take ‘em! Here’s $100.
Shop Assistant: Thank you, here’s your change. Enjoy your new shoes! Come back again
Leonard: Thank you! See ya!
Shop Assistant: Goodbye.

15. Buying a Gift***

Sue: Hi, can you help me?

Sales Assistant: Sure. What are you looking for?
Sue: I need to buy a gift for my father and I don’t know where to begin!
Sales Assistant: I can help you with that. What does your father like to do for fun?
Sue: He loves to golf, ski, and watch movies.
Sales Assistant: Okay, and what’s your price range?
Sue: Under $50 would be great!
Sales Assistant: Well, we are having a sale on DVDs, if you want to get him a movie.
Sue: No, he has a lot already. Maybe he would like some new clothes.
Sales Assistant: Ok! We have a wonderful new selection of ski sweaters for around fifty
bucks, if you’re interested.
Sue: I think a ski sweater would be great. Can you please show them to me?
Sales Assistant: Certainly, they’re in the men’s sports department. Right this way.
They walk to the department
Sales Assistant: Here you go, what color does he like?
Sue: I think he would like that blue and white one.
Sales Assistant: What’s his size?
Sue: Medium will be fine. Thank you so much! I’m sure he’ll love it!
Sales Assistant: No problem at all.

16. Returning a microwave to the store**

Customer: Hello, I’d like to return this microwave please.

Shop Assistant: And why do you want to return it?
Customer: It doesn’t work. I turn it on and nothing happens.
Shop Assistant: I see, do you have a receipt?
Customer: I threw it away, I didn’t think I needed it.
Shop Assistant: To get your money back I need to see your receipt, if you don’t have one
I can give you store credit.
Customer: That’s fine. I don’t want my money back; I just want a microwave that
Shop Assistant: Would you like the same brand or a different one?
Customer: Maybe I should try a different brand, my confidence in this one is shot5 after
this experience.
Shop Assistant: Okay, here is another one that I can recommend.
Customer: That one looks very nice, is it more expensive?
Shop Assistant: A little bit, but the quality is much better.
Customer: I suppose you get what you pay for. It’s a little more, but I still think it’s a
good value.
Shop Assistant: I can ring you up here if you’d like.
Customer: There’s a few more things I want to buy today, I’ll just buy it at the counter
with my other things.
Shop Assistant: Okay, is there any other way I may be of service?
Customer: You’ve been very helpful already, thank you.

Shot in this context means ruined, spoiled.

17. At the supermarket**

Mother: Okay, on our shopping list we have eggs, milk, chicken, lettuce, strawberries,
peaches, cucumbers, pasta, cheese, cookies, ketchup, beans, grapes, and juice.
Son: Can we get some ice cream?
Mother: Only if you’re good.
Son: Okay!
Mother: First, let’s go to the dried foods section so that we can get the pasta, beans, and
Son: I don’t like beans, do we have to eat them tonight?
Mother: Yes. I know you don’t like them, but they’re good for you.
Son: Well, as long as we get ice cream it’s alright.
Mother: We’ll see. Alright, we’ve got those things. Now let’s get the produce.
Son: Hey, look at this! Can I get this toy Mom?
Mother: No, we’re just here for groceries today.
Son: Please!
Mother: Not today. Put it back and let’s go.
Son: Okay…
Mother: Oh shoot6, it looks like they don’t have any strawberries left today.
Son: We can get them at the other store.
Mother: Yes, but we don’t have time right now dear. We’ll just have to do without them
for now. At least we were able to get all the other produce.
Son: What about the juice?
Mother: We’re going to get that now. Let’s go to the refrigerated isle where they have
the juice and dairy products.
Son: Can I pick the juice?
Mother: Sure, as long as you don’t get apple juice. Your dad doesn’t like it.
Son: Okay, I want to get pineapple!

An exclamation

Mother: Great, that’s one of my favorites.
Son: I know, that’s why I picked it!
Mother: Oh, that’s sweet dear.
Son: Thanks!
Mother: Okay, we have those. Now what am I forgetting?
Son: Chicken!
Mother: Right! After that we can go.
Son: Was I good?
Mother: Yes, you were a little angel. We’ll get you an ice cream.
Son: Yay!
Mother: Now let’s get home and we can start making supper.
Son: Can I help?
Mother: Of course, you can help me cut the vegetables.
Son: Okay, thanks Mom!

18. Advice for a gift****

Two cousins talking

Joe: Andrea, do you think you could help me pick out a gift for someone?
Andrea: Sure, who is it for?
Joe: It’s for my girlfriend.
Andrea: Oh, I see. And what would you like to get for her?
Joe: That’s the problem, I’m not really sure.
Andrea: What is the occasion?
Joe: It’s her birthday.
Andrea: You’d better get her something nice then!
Joe: I know, but I thought I’d get a woman’s opinion on what that might be.
Andrea: Well, what about getting her chocolates or flowers?
Joe: That’s too predictable; I want to get her something special.
Andrea: Hmm…what interests does she have? Maybe you can get her something related
to one of those.
Joe: Let’s see, she plays the flute. She also likes movies, music, traveling, and ballet.
Andrea: Why don’t you get her tickets to the ballet?
Joe: She would love that, but I don’t want to have to sit through a ballet.
Andrea: Her birthday should be about her!
Joe: I know, but why not get her something we both can enjoy.
Andrea: Well, she likes music. Do you two have a favorite artist?
Joe: We love listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Andrea: Great! You should get her one of their albums.
Joe: That’s a good idea, but she has all of them already.
Andrea: Wow! What about tickets to one of their concerts then?
Joe: I thought about that too, but they don’t have any concerts nearby.
Andrea: This is more difficult than I thought it would be.
Joe: Yeah, now you see why I’ve been having so much trouble.

Andrea: Oh, I’ve got it! You need to take her on a trip, somewhere really special!
Joe: That sounds great, but I don’t have the money to take her anywhere nice.
Andrea: You don’t have to spend a lot, does she like the outdoors?
Joe: Yeah, she loves to go hiking.
Andrea: Then take her to the mountains, go hiking, and maybe have a picnic by a nice
waterfall. That would be so romantic!
Joe: That’s a great idea!
Andrea: I’m happy to help.
Joe: You’re the best! I’m going to try to find a good place to take her. Next time you
need help, just let me know.
Andrea: I will, have fun!
Joe: Thanks! Bye!

19. Buying Pants***

In the men’s department

Shop A: Hello, can I help you?
Chris: Sure. I need some pants. Can you point out where they are?
Shop A: Of course. Did you want jeans or slacks?
Chris: I’m looking for casual slacks.
Shop A: Ok, here is this season’s most popular casual wear.
Chris: Hmm…no, I don’t like those very much. What else do you have?
Shop A: Dockers makes good casual pants. Here they are. What’s your size?
Chris: 32/32. Yeah, I like those grey ones.
Shop A: Would you like to try them on?
Chris: Yes, please.
Chris tries them on.
Shop A: How do they fit?
Chris: They feel good!
Shop A: They suit you.
Chris: I like them, but they’re a little expensive.
Shop A: Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Tomorrow our seasonal sale will start and
Dockers pants will be 20% off.
Chris: Hey, that’s great! I’ll come back tomorrow. Thanks a lot for your help!
Shop A: No problem! See you tomorrow!
Chris: For sure!

20. At the department store****

Michelle: I’m going shopping today for some new clothes, would you like to come with
Jane: Of course! I love to go shopping and I need to buy some things too.
Michelle: First, I want to buy a new skirt. What color do you think I should get?
Jane: I think plaid would suit you very well. What about this one?
Michelle: I like the style, but I’m looking for one that’s not quite so short!
Jane: Hmm….try this.
Michelle: Ooooh, I like that one! I’m going to go try it on.
Michelle tries on the skirt and comes out to show it to Jane.
Jane: That looks great on you, but it might be a little tight.
Michelle: Yeah, I think so too. Let’s see if they have it in a bigger size.
Michelle gets the attention of a salesperson walking by.
Michelle: Excuse me, do you have this skirt in a larger size?
Salesperson: I’ll check in back for you.
Michelle: Thanks!
Salesperson goes in back.
Salesperson: Here you are, it’s the last one!
Michelle: Oh that’s great! Thank you so much!
Jane: That will go well with the blouse I got for you last week, I think it matches
Michelle: I’m so excited; I can’t wait to try them together! Is there anything you want to
look for?
Jane: Yeah, I need to buy a new sweater.
Michelle: Oh, they’ve got lots of them. I know just where to find them. Over there!
Jane: Great! I’m looking for one that is very warm. Winter is coming soon. What about
this one?
Michelle: Well, it looks warm, but not very stylish.

Jane: Yeah, I suppose you’re right.
Michelle: Try this one. It’s very stylish and warm too!
Jane: Oooh, that one is nice! What about the price?
Michelle: Oh my! It’s rather expensive.
Jane: Maybe we should try to find it at another store.
Michelle: Good idea, I know a place that might have it.
Jane: Let’s go!

In the city

21. Giving Directions*

On the street
Lilly: Excuse me.
Stranger: Yes?
Lilly: Can you please tell me where the elementary school is?
Stranger: Sure. Go straight and turn left on 65th street. After about five minutes you
will see it on the right. It is a big, yellow building.
Lilly: Thank you very much.
Stranger: It’s no problem.

22. Asking Directions to the museum *

Kim: I cannot find the History Museum.

Emma: Where could the History Museum be?
Kim: I don’t know. Should we ask someone for help?
Emma: Yes, let’s ask someone for directions.
Kim: Excuse me…do you know where the History Museum is?
Stranger: Yes. You should go four blocks west and then turn right at the McDonald’s.
Then, go down two blocks and the History Museum will be on your right.
Kim: Oh, thank you for your help!
Stranger: No problem. Good luck.

23. Checking in to a hotel**

Front Desk Clerk: Good evening. Can I help you?

Tourist: Yes, please. I'd like a room for the night.
Front Desk Clerk: Would you like a single room or a double room?
Tourist: A single room, please. How much is it?
Front Desk Clerk: It's $55 per night.
Tourist: Can I pay by credit card?
Front Desk Clerk: Certainly. We take Visa or Master Card. Could you fill in this form,
Tourist: Do you need my passport number?
Front Desk Clerk: Yes, and your address and signature, please.
Tourist fills out the form
Tourist: Here you go7.
Front Desk Clerk: Here's your key. Your room number is 212. The elevator is down the
hall, to your right.
Tourist: Thank you.
Front Desk Clerk: You’re welcome! If you need anything, dial 0 for reception. Have a
good stay!

Here you are

24. In the City or the Country?**

Telephone conversation between two friends, one in the city and one in the country
David: How do you like living in the big city?
Maria: There are many things that are better than living in the country.
David: Can you give me some examples?
Maria: Well, it’s certainly more interesting than the in country. There is so much more to
do and see!
David: Yes, but the city is more dangerous than the country.
Maria: That's true. People in the city aren't as open and friendly as those in the
David: I'm sure that the country is more relaxed, too!
Maria: Yes, the city is busier than the country. However, the country is much slower than
the city.
David: I think that's a good thing!
Maria: Oh, I don't. The country is so slow and boring! It's much more boring than the
David: How about the cost of living? Is the country cheaper than the city?
Maria: Oh, yes. The city is much more expensive than the country.
David: Life in the country is also much healthier than in the city.
Maria: Yes, it's cleaner and less dangerous in the country. But, the city is so much more
exciting. It's faster, crazier and more fun than the country.
David: I think YOU are crazy for moving to the city.
Maria: Well, I'm young now. Maybe when I'm married and have children I'll move back
to the country.

25. Sending a package**

At the post office

Clerk: Hello, how may I help you?
Customer: Hi, I would like to mail this package.
Clerk: Okay, where would you like to send it?
Customer: I’d like to send it to Ukraine.
Clerk: Certainly, how would you like to send it?
Customer: By normal post.
Clerk: Uh-huh, that’ll be twenty four bucks.
Customer: Thanks a lot.
Clerk: No problem.

26. Buying stamps**

Customer: Hi, may I buy some stamps?

Clerk: How many would you like?
Customer: Two postcard stamps and one international stamp.
Clerk: That’s eight dollars please.
Customer: Here you are.
Clerk: Out of ten? That’s two dollars change. Thank you, have a nice day.
Customer: You too.

27. At the Art Gallery

Two sisters are at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

Linda: I am so glad to have the afternoon off to spend with you Carol!
Carol: Oh, me too! Thanks for meeting me here. I haven’t been here for a while.
Linda: It was a great idea. Which floor should we start on first? (Looking at the map)
Carol: I always love to start from the old and go to the new. Let’s check out the
Egyptian Art exhibits first.
Linda: Cool, I love Egyptian art, especially the mummies.
Carol: Me too!
Linda: Then we can go to the third floor, it has Renaissance art.
Carol: On the way down, on the second floor are the impressionists. Manet is my
Linda: Sounds like a plan, but do you know what?
Carol: Huh?
Linda: I’m feeling a little bit peckish8 – how about a snack in the café first?
Carol: Sure! The mummy sure isn’t going anywhere!
Linda: Come on, let’s go!


28. Discussing a painting***

Two strangers at a gallery are discussing a Picasso painting.

Art lover #1: He is one of the most powerful painters of all time.
Art lover #2: You think so?
Art lover #1: Absolutely, his use of shapes and color really make the picture come alive.
Art lover #2: It has so much texture, like it’s three dimensional.
Art lover #1: His passion for life is obvious from his work.
Art lover #2: I think he was in a lot of pain. Look at the way he painted faces.
Art lover #1: They do look pained. But that’s what makes it so powerful. The painting
is staring at you.
Art lover #2: Almost like it’s asking for something, like it wants to be released from the
Art lover #1: Incredible. You are a wonderful observer.
Art lover #2: Thank you. I have always loved all kinds of art, but painting and
photography are my favorites.
Art lover #1: I prefer sculpture. Have you seen the Rodin down this hall?
Art lover #2: No, I haven’t yet.
Art lover #1: Come, I’ll show you. It’s so lifelike you feel like you can shake hands with
Art lover #2: Great, let’s go!

29. Ordering a Meal**

At a Restaurant

Server: Hi. How are you doing this afternoon?

Customer: Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please?
Server: Of course, here you are.
Customer: Thank you. What's today's special?
Server: Grilled tuna and cheese on rye.
Customer: That sounds good. I'll have that.
Server: Would you like something to drink?
Customer: Yes, I'd like a coke, please.
Server: Ok, comin’ right up!
Server returns with the food
Server: Here you are. Enjoy!
Customer: Thank you.
Server: Can I get you anything else?
Customer: No thanks. I'd like the check, please.
Server: That'll be $6.75.
Customer: Here you are. Keep the change!
Server: Thank you! Have a good day!
Customer: You too!

30. At the Pharmacy I**

Stuart: Hi, can you help me please?

Pharmacist: Sure, what do you need?
Stuart: Well, my girlfriend has the flu and she's feeling really awful. She can’t sleep and
she has a high temperature. Can you please recommend something for her? What should
she take?
Pharmacist: I’d recommend Theraflu for her symptoms. It will also help her sleep. Here it
Stuart: Thanks a lot!
Pharmacist: No problem. If she’s not feeling better in a few days she should see a doctor.
Stuart: Ok. Thanks again for your help.

31. At the Italian restaurant**

Server: Hi, what can I get for you?

Jack: Hello, I would like to start with vegetable soup, please.
Server: Okay, and for you Ma’am?
Jill: I’ll have the mixed salad.
Server: Very good, and for your main course?
Jack: I think we’ll share the mushroom pizza. Is it any good?
Server: Yes, it’s delicious. Anything to drink?
Jack: Oh, yes. Honey, would you like red or white wine?
Jill: Let’s have white wine.
Server: Is that everything?
Jack: Yes, thank you.
30 minutes pass.
Server: How was everything?
Jill: Wonderful, thanks.
Jack: Can I get the bill, please?
Server: Here you go, it’s $32.50.
Jack: Is the tip included?
Server: No, it’s not.
Jack: All right, here’s $40. Keep the change.
Server: Thanks a lot, come again.

32. At the box office**

Max: Hello. I'd like two tickets to this evening's show.

Cashier: Ok, where would you like to sit?
Max: Do you have box seats?
Cashier: Yes.
Max: I would like to sit there, then.
Cashier: Ok, that will be $30.00.
Max: Do you have a student discount?
Cashier: No, I’m sorry.
Max: Ok, here you are.
Cashier: Thank you. Here are your tickets; your seats are 5 and 6 in row 10. The show
starts at 7 pm.
Max: Thank you!
Cashier: You’re welcome. Enjoy the show.

33. Our Saturday**

Person 1: Isn’t this great? We have the whole Saturday to do something fun.
Person 2: What should we do?
Person 1: Well, we could go see a movie, take a walk in the park, go bike riding, or do
something else. Do you have any ideas?
Person 2: I don’t really want to see a movie. It’s a nice day so we should do something
outside. I would enjoy taking a walk in the park or going bike riding. Or we could sit
outside at a café.

Person 1: I’m not hungry. Let’s go for a walk in the park. I would enjoy that as well.
Later, we can decide what else we want to do.
Person 2: Great idea. I’m excited to have a relaxing day.
Person 1: Me too. Let’s go.

34. Asking for directions to a restaurant**

Tourist: Excuse me. Can you help me, please?

Local: Yes, how can I help you?
Tourist: I am lost. I am looking for the Italian Pizza Restaurant. Do you know where it is?
Local: Yes, it is not far from here.
Tourist: How do I get to it?
Local: Go straight until you get to Washington Street. Turn left onto Washington Street
and walk four blocks. Then turn right on 9th Street. The Italian Pizza Restaurant is the
second building on the left.
Tourist: So, I go straight until I get to Washington Street, turn left and walk four blocks…
Could you please repeat the next direction?
Local: Yes. Walk four blocks, then turn right on 9th Street. The restaurant is the second
building on the left.
Tourist: Thank you!
Local: You’re welcome.

35. Getting a haircut***

At the men’s barber shop

Johnny: Hi! I’d like to get my hair cut please.
Hairdresser: Sure. Please sit down.
Johnny: Thanks!
Hairdresser: What did you have in mind?
Johnny: Just a trim really. I would like my sides shorter than the top. And if you could
please clean up9 my sideburns and my neck,
Hairdresser: Will do!10
The Hairdresser cuts Johnny’s hair and hands him a mirror
Hairdresser: What do you think?
Johnny: It looks great! Thanks! How much do I owe ya?
Hairdresser: $8.50
Johnny: Thanks a lot. Keep the change.
Hairdresser: Come back soon!


36. Using an ATM***

A brother and sister, outside a bank

Susan: How do I use the ATM?

Alan: First, you put your card in this slot and enter your PIN.
Susan: OK. Then I choose withdrawal?
Alan: Yes, choose withdrawal, not account information.
Susan: What's next?
Alan: Choose your checking or your savings account.
Susan: And then?
Alan: Enter the amount you want to take out of your account.
Susan: How much can I take out?
Alan: Most accounts have a limit of $400 per day.
Susan: Oh! What happens after I enter the withdrawal amount?
Alan: The ATM gives you bills, usually $20 bills. Take the money and receipt from the
slots, and don’t forget to take your card!
Susan: Thanks a lot!
Alan: No problem. Now you can buy me lunch!

37. Directions in New York City***

Two colleagues at the office

Heather: Hey David, how’s it going?

David: Hi Heather, not bad. Hey, do you know how to get to The Daniels Company? I've
never been there before and I’ve got a meeting there.
Heather: Are you walking or taking the subway?
David: The subway.
Heather: Ok, it will take some time. Take the number 9 from West 72nd street. Get off at
Times Square and change to the A train. Go across town and get off at Grand Central
station. Go above ground and walk north on Park Avenue. You’ll see it there.
David: Just a moment, let me write this down!
Heather: Ok, take the number 9 from West 72nd street. Get off at Times Square and
change to the A train. Got it?
David: Yes, thanks. Now, once I get to Times Square, which train do I take?
Heather: Change to the A.
David: Thanks Heather. How long does it take?
Heather: It takes about a half an hour. When is your meeting?
David: It's tomorrow at nine. I'll leave at eight-thirty.
Heather: That's during rush hour. You should leave before then, at eight.
David: OK. Thanks Heather.
Heather: Not a problem.

38. At the restaurant***

Server: Good afternoon, how can I help you today?

Jennifer: I'd like a table for one, please.
Server: Right this way. Here you are.
Jennifer: Thank you.
Server: Here’s our menu. My name's Alan and I'm your server today. Would you like to
hear today's specials?
Jennifer: Certainly.
Server: Well, we have a wonderful mushroom soup to start off with. Today's main course
is fish and chips.
Jennifer: Fish and chips? Is the fish fresh?
Server: Absolutely. Fresh off the docks this morning.
Jennifer: Alright, I'd like the fish and chips.
Server: Would you like to have a starter?
Jennifer: hmmm, I'm not sure.
Server: Our salads are excellent.
Jennifer: Ok, I'll get a green salad.
Server: Very good. And to drink?
Jennifer: Oh, I'd like some mineral water, please.
Server: Ok. So that's a green salad, fish and chips and mineral water.
Jennifer: Yes, that's right.
Server: Coming right up!
Jennifer: Thank you.
After the meal
Server: How was everything?

Jennifer: Just great! May I have the bill please?
Server: Of course, here you are.
Jennifer: Thanks a lot, keep the change!
Server: Thank you! Have a nice day!
Jennifer: You too!

39. At the Pharmacy II***

Pharmacist: Hello, how can I help you?

Elaine: Hi, I need to get my prescription filled.
Pharmacist: Do you have it with you?
Elaine: Yes, here it is, from Dr. Smith’s office.
Pharmacist: Ok, we will fill this for you. It will be ready in about an hour. How will you
be paying for this today?
Elaine: Oh, here’s my insurance card.
Pharmacist: Oh, thank you very much. Is there anything else I can help you with?
Elaine: Not right now. Thank you! See you in an hour.
Pharmacist: Goodbye.

40. Changing money at the bank***

Banker: Hello, how may I help you?

Customer: Good afternoon, I would like to exchange some money.
Banker: Okay, what currencies?
Customer: Hryvnia into US dollars, can you tell me the exchange rate please?
Banker: It’s 7.90 hryvnia to the dollar.
Customer: Okay, I’d like to exchange 600 hryvnia please.
Banker: That’s $75.95. Do you have 40 kopeks? Then it will be 76 dollars even.
Customer: I think so. Oh, here we are.
Gives banker kopeks
Banker: Thank you. Here’s your money, 76 US dollars.

Customer: Great. May I have a receipt please?
Banker: Certainly. Here you are. Have a nice day.
Customer: Thanks, you too!

41. At the Cinema***

Joy: So Bill, what movie do you want to see?

Bill: I’m not sure, what’s playing?
Joy: ‘Ever After’ is playing at 5:00. Should we see that?
Bill: What kind of movie is it?
Joy: It’s a romance.
Bill: Oh no, I hate romance films. What about ‘Die Hard 2’?
Joy: No way! It’s an action movie and I can’t stand those!
Bill: Hmm, ok. What else is playing?
Joy: How about ‘Office Space’. It’s on at 6:00
Bill: Is that a comedy?
Joy: Yeah, I heard it’s really funny!
Bill: Cool, let’s see that.
Joy: Ok, I could go for a laugh! Let’s go!
Bill goes to the ticket counter
Bill: Good evening. Could I please have two tickets to the 6:00 showing of ‘Office
Ticket Seller: Here you are. That’s $15.75
Bill: Thanks a lot!
Ticket Seller: Enjoy the movie.
Joy: Would you like some popcorn, Bill?
Bill: Sure!
Joy: Ok, I’ve got it11. Why don’t you go find some seats?
Bill: Ok, see you inside.

I will pay for it.

42. Post Office****

Larry: Hello there, I’d like to send this package please.

Post Office Worker: Is it going within the United States?
Larry: Yes, to Alabama.
Post Office Worker: Are you sending anything liquid, flammable, or hazardous?
Larry: No.
Post Office Worker: Okay, I need to weigh it.
Larry: Here you go.
Post Office Worker: Four pounds, three ounces. It will cost $15.67 to send. Would you
like insurance or delivery confirmation for this package?
Larry: How much is delivery confirmation?
Post Office Worker: It’s ninety seven cents and you can check our website to see whether
your package has arrived.
Larry: And what about insurance?
Post Office Worker: Your package will be insured up to fifty dollars for a cost of two
dollars. We can insure it for more if necessary.
Larry: Fifty dollars is enough. I’ll take the delivery confirmation and insurance, please.
Post Office Worker: Okay, is there anything else I can do for you?
Larry: May I have a dozen stamps, please?
Post Office Worker: Yes, here you are. Anything else?
Larry: That’s all for today.
Post Office Worker: Then your total comes to $23.56.
Larry: Here you go.
Post Office Worker: Thank you, have a nice day.

43. At the beauty salon****

Beautician: Good morning.

Kate: Hi! I was just passing by and I saw your salon. What services do you offer?
Beautician: We offer hair, skin, and nail care, waxing, massage and tanning.
Kate: Oh, cool. How much is a perm?
Beautician: $30 and it comes with a complimentary shampoo and scalp massage,
Kate: And an eyebrow wax?
Beautician: That’s $10.
Kate: Excellent to know! I don’t need one today, but I will come back in the future.
Beautician: Well, someone just cancelled an appointment, so there is an open slot right
now. Is there anything we can do for you?
Kate: Hmm, let’s see. I do have some time before work. How about a manicure?
Beautician: OK, great! Please take a seat.
Kate: Thank you.
Beautician: Would you like French tip or color?
Kate: Color, please.
Beautician: Ok, pick out which one you’d like from our shelf.
Kate: I’ll take that dark plum color.
Beautician: Good choice. It suits your skin tone.
The beautician paints Kate’s nails
Beautician: Ok, they will be dry in a few minutes,
Kate: Thank you so much. How much is it?
Beautician: $15 dollars. You can pay our cashier up at the front and also make any
appointments you might need.

Kate: Thanks again. Here’s a little something for your trouble12.
Beautician: Thank you! Come again soon!
Kate: I will!

44. Directions to the pharmacy****

Josh: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the pharmacy from here?
Stranger: Sure, you just go straight ahead for about three blocks, then make a left and
take that street for…
Josh: Hold on a second, let me write this down.
Stranger: Okay
Josh: Three blocks, then a left…
Stranger: Yes, you’ll go over a bridge and the pharmacy will be on your right. Next to
the electronics store.
Josh: Oh, thanks very much. I’m from out of town, do you happen to know of a good
restaurant nearby?
Stranger: What kind of food do you like?
Josh: What about Chinese?
Stranger: Oh, yes. There is an excellent one not far from here.
Josh: Is it on the way to the pharmacy?
Stranger: Unfortunately, it’s in the opposite direction.
Josh: Oh well, as long as it isn’t far.
Stranger: Just turn around and go about a block and a half. Then turn left and go for
about three kilometers past the McDonald’s…
Josh: Oh, wait a second. I don’t have a car, I’m going on foot!
Stranger: I see, in that case it might be a bit far.
Josh: So what is there that’s closer?
Stranger: Do you like Indian food?
Josh: No, that’s too spicy for me!

A tip

Stranger: What about Italian?
Josh: Oh, perfect. I love Italian!
Stranger: Great. That one is very close.
Josh: How do I get there?
Stranger: You just turn right over there, walk for about a block or two and it will be on
your left. It’s on the corner, you can’t miss it!
Josh: Thank you very much, you’ve been so helpful.
Stranger: No trouble at all.
Josh: No, you’ve really saved me a lot of looking around. Can I buy you lunch to pay
you back for all your help?
Stranger: Well, I was on my way to pick up my dry cleaning, but that can wait. It isn’t
going anywhere!
Josh: Great, let’s go!


45. Is this seat taken?*

On a bus
Woman: Excuse me, is this seat taken?
Young boy: Yes, I’m sorry. My mother’s sitting there.
Woman: That’s ok.
Pointing to another seat
Woman: Uh, is this seat taken?
Man: No, please sit down!
Woman: Oh, thank you.

46. Asking for Directions*

On the street
Bill: Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?
Stranger: Yes. There's one on June Street.
Bill: How do I get there?
Stranger: At the corner, take the first right and go straight on. It's on the left
Bill: Is it far?
Stranger: Not really.
Bill: Thanks a lot
Stranger: Don't mention it.

47. Summer Vacation*

Hannah: Hi, Angela! It’s good to see you. What did you do this summer?
Angela: It’s good to see you, too, Hannah. I went to Crimea for a month. Have you ever
been there?
Hannah: No, I haven’t. Tell me what you did there.
Angela: I went swimming, sunbathed on the beach, and built a sandcastle.
Hannah: That sounds fun. I went to the Carpathian mountains.
Angela: Why did you go there?
Hannah: My grandparents live in a village there.
Angela: What did you do there?
Hannah: I helped my grandparents in the garden, played with my friends, and explored
the forest. Have you ever been there?
Angela: No, I haven’t. I’ve always gone to the beach in the summer.

48. Checking in at the airport **

Agent: Hello, how may I help you?

Traveler: Good afternoon. I am checking in for flight 100 to New York.
Agent: Alright. May I have your passport?
Traveler: Here you are. My last name is Jones.
Agent: And do you have any luggage?
Traveler: Yes, one suitcase.
Agent: Please place it on the scale. Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?

Traveler: An aisle seat, please.
Agent: Here is your boarding pass, have a nice flight!
Traveler: Thank you very much.

49. Sightseeing in New York**

Tanya: New York is a beautiful city! I am so happy we are here, Michelle.

Michelle: I am excited to see Central Park. Tanya, how many parks does New York City
Tanya: I will look in my book….hmmm, here it is, I found it! New York City has more
than 1,700 parks and recreation areas.
Michelle: Oh my, that is a lot! Where would you like to go in New York City?
Tanya: I was reading my book about New York City and I read that some of the museums
in New York are the greatest in the world!
Michelle: I am so excited to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art! It has more than 200
galleries, more than 2,000 European paintings, more than 4,000 American pieces of art,
and the entire ancient Egyptian Temple of Dendur.
Tanya: This city makes me happy. I also want to look at universities here. Maybe I will
move here after high school. New York City has more than ninety colleges and
Michelle: Wow, we have so much to see! Let’s get started. Where should we go first?
Tanya: First, let’s take our luggage to the hotel room, get something to eat, and then we’ll
be ready!
Michelle: Sounds perfect!

50. Buying a bus ticket**

Jenny: Hello, do you have any tickets to Lafayette, Indiana?

Cashier: When would you like to go?
Jenny: Thursday.
Cashier: One moment, let me check.
Jenny: Ok.
Cashier: There are two buses going to Lafayette on Thursday. One leaves at 7:30 in the
morning, the other at 5:30 in the evening. Both have seats available.
Jenny: What time do they arrive?
Cashier: The travel time is 2 hours, so the first arrives at 9:30 in the morning, the second
at 7:30 in the evening.
Jenny: And how much does a ticket cost?
Cashier: Thirty seven dollars.
Jenny: I think I’ll take the bus that leaves at 5:30. Can I buy a return ticket too?
Cashier: Sure, when would you like to return?
Jenny: On Saturday.
Cashier: Let’s see…there are two buses. One leaves at 10:30 in the morning, the other at
8:30 in the evening.
Jenny: I’d like the 8:30 bus. May I have two round trip tickets for these times please?
Cashier: Of course, that will be $148 please.
Jenny: Wow! Here you are.
Cashier: Thank you. Here are your tickets. Is there anything else I can help you with

Jenny: That’s all, thank you very much.
Cashier: You’re welcome.

51. Passport Control**

Agent: Good morning. Passport please.

Traveler: Here you are.
Agent: Are you a tourist or on business?
Traveler: I'm a tourist.
Agent: Where will you stay in New York?
Traveler: At the Manhattan hotel on West 85th Street.
Agent: Do you have anything to declare?
Traveler: No, I don’t.
Agent: Are you carrying any food, seeds or animals?
Traveler: No, sir.
Agent: Ok. Have a pleasant stay.
Traveler: Thank you.

52. Hiking and camping**

Rob: Hi, Ann. Are you back from your vacation?

Ann: Yes, I am, Rob. Thanks for asking. I had a great time.
Rob: Where did you go?
Ann: I went hiking and camping in Yellowstone National Park.
Rob: That sounds fun. What did you see while you were there?
Ann: I saw many animals. I saw deer, elk, and even a bear. The mountains were also
beautiful. The weather was nice and clear. It didn’t rain once.

Rob: Did you take pictures of your trip? I would love to see them.
Ann: I would love to show them to you. Are you free tomorrow? You could come over to
my house in the evening.
Rob: Sounds great. See you then.

53. At the Travel Agent**

Rick: Hello.
Travel Agent: Hello, how may I help you?
Rick: I want to take a vacation.
Travel Agent: Where do you want to go?
Rick: I want to go to Crimea.
Travel Agent: What month do you want to go to Crimea?
Rick: I want to leave in July.
Travel Agent: I think you should go to Crimea in April.
Rick: Why?
Travel Agent: In April, Crimea has fewer tourists. It also is not as hot in April.
Rick: What can I see in Crimea?
Travel Agent: You can go to the beach, go hiking in the mountains, and enjoy the beauty
of Crimea.
Rick: That sounds great. Thank you.
Travel Agent: You are welcome. Goodbye.
Rick: Goodbye.

54. Comparing our Travels***

John: Hello, Sam. It’s good to see you before you leave for your holiday. Where are you
traveling to?
Sam: Hello, John. I am traveling to New York. I see that you are going on holiday, also.
Where are you traveling?
John: I am flying to London. What are you going to do in New York?
Sam: I am going to ride an elevator to the top of a tall building and look at the city. New
York has taller buildings than London.
John: That’s true. But London has older buildings than New York does. Some buildings
in London are over 500 years old. In London, I am going for a boat ride on the Thames
River to get a good view of the city.
Sam: I am also going to take a boat ride in New York, on the Hudson River. The Hudson
River is bigger than the Thames River.
John: I guess it is. But London has beautiful palaces and castles and New York doesn’t. I
am going to see the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace on my holiday.
Sam: That sounds great. I am going to a Broadway theater in New York to see a play.
New York has many theaters.
John: I am also going to see a play at a theater in the West End. London has many
theaters as well.
Sam: I hope you have a good holiday.
John: The same to you. Let’s talk about our holidays after we return.

55. Tourism in New York***

Tourist: Excuse me, ma’am. Do you know how to get to the Metropolitan Museum of
Woman: Yes, of course. Is this your first time in New York City?
Tourist: Yes, it is. There is so much to do here.
Woman: It’s a great city. Do you know how the subway works?
Tourist: Yes, I have ridden it a couple of times. Can you give me directions to the
Woman: Sure. We are here in Union Square. Go underground and take the 4, 5, or 6 train
to 86th street. When you get out of the subway you will see the Metropolitan Museum.
You can’t miss it.
Tourist: Wow, that seems easy. I think I can get there. Where else should I go?
Woman: If you have time, you should go visit some of the other museums near the Met.
The Guggenheim is not far from there. You should also go to the Museum of Modern Art.
Tourist: They both sound great. I don’t have a guidebook, though. Do you know where I
can buy one?
Woman: Right across the street is a large bookstore. You can find anything you need
there. I would recommend getting a guidebook and a map of the city.
Tourist: Thanks so much for all your help.

56. Visiting Ukraine***

An American visits his Ukrainian friend and they plan a trip.

Peter: Masha! It’s so nice to see you after all these years!
Masha: I’m happy to see you too. Welcome to Ukraine!
Peter: Thank you so much. To be honest, I don’t know much about Ukraine.
Masha: Don’t worry! I will show you everything there is to see in the next month that
you’re visiting. We will be very busy!
Peter: That’s great. I know Ukraine is very big…
Masha: …the biggest country in Europe…!
Peter: …yeah, so that’s why I wanted to travel around for a month. Where will we begin?
Masha: Well, we are just outside of Lviv now, so we will start from the West, and work
our way south-east.
Peter: Excellent. I’ve read about Lviv’s opera house and brewery.
Masha: Oh yes, the Lvivsky brewery is a wonderful place to go on a tour. Then, we will
go hiking in the Carpathians and climb Mt. Hoverla!
Peter: How exciting! I’m glad I brought my hiking boots.
Masha: Next, we will visit the beautiful fortresses at Kamenets-Podilsky and Khotyn. We
can have a picnic there, and relax in the country.
Peter: Wow! That sounds lovely! Also, will we be able to go to Odessa? I have heard a lot
about this city.
Masha: Sure! Odessa has a large port and some surrounding caves that we can explore.
Also, there’s a great nightlife.

Peter: Cool!
Masha: Then of course we should go to Kyiv, our capital.
Peter: I haven’t heard much about Kyiv, but I do know that it is very old.
Masha: Yes, it was established 1500 years ago. It is situated on the banks of the Dniper
River and has about 3 million people.
Peter: Can we take a boat down the river?
Masha: Of course! Also we have many beautiful churches and monasteries, like our
famous St. Sofia’s Church and Pecherska Lavra. After Kyiv, we can take a night train to
Crimea. We can visit Simferopol, hike in the Crimean Mountains, swim in the black sea,
and eat delicious Crimean Tatar food!
Peter: This trip sounds so exciting! I can’t wait!
Masha: Well, for now we can relax here at my house. I have made traditional Ukrainian
borsch to welcome you.
Peter: Thank you so much! This is going to be a wonderful month!

57. About my trip***

Mindy: Hey Paul, I haven’t seen you for a while.

Paul: That’s because I was in Egypt for a week.
Mindy: That’s great, how did you like it?
Paul: It was amazing!
Mindy: How long were you there?
Paul: Just over a week.
Mindy: What did you see?
Paul: The pyramids, of course! We also saw the pharaoh’s tombs, the Egyptian Museum,
traditional dancing, and mummies! We saw lots of other things too, but those were the
Mindy: Cool! Did you go to the Red Sea?
Paul: No, we didn’t have time. But that’s okay, we were so busy seeing the sights, there
was never a dull moment.
Mindy: What about camels, did you see any camels?
Paul: Sure, there are lots of them near the pyramids.
Mindy: And did you go on the Nile?
Paul: Yeah, we went on a boat ride. We sailed for about an hour and got to see Egypt
from the longest river in the world. I’ll never forget it!
Mindy: I’m so jealous!
Paul: Maybe you can go someday if you really want to.
Mindy: I’ll start saving!

58. Directions in London***

Tourist: Excuse me, ma’am, can you help me?

Woman: I will try, what do you need?
Tourist: This is my first visit to London and I think that I am lost.
Woman: Where do you need to go?
Tourist: I would like to see Westminster Abbey and Big Ben.
Woman: To get there, you should walk down this road for five minutes and then turn left
on Victoria Street. Walk for another ten minutes and you will see Westminster Abbey and
Big Ben ahead of you.
Tourist: So I should turn left on Victoria Street and walk for another ten minutes. Is that
Woman: Yes, that is correct.
Tourist: I would also like to see the British Museum. How can I get there from
Westminster Abbey? Can I walk there?
Woman: Yes, you may walk there. You should walk along the river to the right until you
reach Oxford Street. Turn left onto Oxford Street and walk for another fifteen minutes
until you will see Park Lane. The British Museum is across Park Lane.
Tourist: So I should walk along the river, turn left on Oxford Street and cross Park Lane.
Is that correct?
Woman: Yes, that is correct.
Tourist: Finally, I would like to see the Tower of London. Can you tell me how to get

Woman: The Tower of London is on the other side of the city. You should take a taxi to
get there.
Tourist: Thank you for your help!
Woman: Enjoy your trip to London.

59. Where to go on a honeymoon****

Zach: Melanie, will you marry me?

Melanie: Oh, yes! Of course I will!
Zach: That’s just what I was hoping you’d say. So, where do you want to go on our
Melanie: Oh my, I haven’t even had time to think about it. What about Paris? It’s so
romantic and I’ve never been there!
Zach: Paris is a good idea, but what about somewhere a little more adventurous?
Melanie: What did you have in mind?
Zach: I was thinking of something tropical, what do you think of Brazil?
Melanie: Brazil? What a great idea! They have beautiful beaches, tropical rain forests,
and we could take a boat down the Amazon!
Zach: Yeah, wouldn’t that make for an amazing honeymoon?
Melanie: No doubt about it! But wait a second, don’t you want to get married in the
summer? It would be extremely hot that time of year so close to the equator.
Zach: That’s true. Maybe we should pick somewhere a little bit cooler.
Melanie: Hmm…we could go somewhere south of the equator. Then it would be winter
Zach: Wow! You’re so smart, that’s why I love you!
Melanie: We could go to Argentina and go skiing!
Zach: Our friends would be so jealous!
Melanie: Let’s do it!

Zach: Okay, Argentina it is!

Hobbies, interests, art and sports

60. Baseball*

Daniel: Hello, Mark. How are you today?

Mark: I am fine, thank you. How are you, Daniel?
Daniel: I am great! I don’t have school today so I am going to play baseball.
Mark: I didn’t know you like to play baseball.
Daniel: Yes, I love to play baseball. Also, I like to watch baseball on television.
Mark: Who is your favorite player?
Daniel: My favorite player is Barry Bonds.
Mark: Why do you like him?
Daniel: I like him because he is strong and fast. Also, I like him because he is a very good
Mark: I agree, he is a very good player, but I do not like him.
Daniel: Why not?
Mark: I do not like him because he took steroids. Taking steroids helps players get
stronger and faster without working hard. It is like cheating.
Daniel: Oh, I did not know that.

61. The Beatles*

Bob: I love to listen to music.

Tom: I like to listen to music, also. Who is your favorite singer?
Bob: My favorite singer is John Lennon. He was in a famous band named The Beatles.
Tom: What style of music did the band play?
Bob: The Beatles played rock and roll. They became famous in the 1960’s. Sadly, John
Lennon died in 1980.
Tom: Is the band still popular?
Bob: Yes, The Beatles are still very popular. Many people still buy their CD’s.

62. Karate**

Two friends at the gym

Janet: Wow, this gym is great! What a fantastic workout!
Susan: Yes, I love coming here. What other sports do you do?
Janet: Well, I can play tennis, I can do a little karate and I go windsurfing in the summer.
Susan: You're very fit! I can't do many sports. I like coming to the gym because the
exercises are easy.
Janet: Listen, I have an idea. Why don't you come to karate class with me?
Susan: No, I can't do karate...
Janet: ... but you can learn! Karate is a great sport. How about coming with me on
Susan: well....Ok.
Janet: Great, why don't we meet at my house at 10 in the morning?
Susan: Sure, that's a good idea! I’m excited to try something new. What other hobbies do
you have?
Janet: I like going to the cinema, and reading a little.
Susan: Do you like cooking, or baking?
Janet: No, I can't cook. I'm a horrible cook!
Susan: Oh, I love cooking. I tell you what. Why don't I cook lunch after karate class?
Janet: Now that's a great idea!
Susan: OK, karate and lunch on Saturday. It's a date!

63. What kind of art?**

Two classmates talking.

Seth: Hey Marie, what kind of art do you like?
Marie: I like paintings and photography.
Seth: Are you a painter?
Marie: No, but I like to make collages.
Seth: That’s cool. I like photography too. I have a camera and I love taking pictures.
Marie: What do you take pictures of?
Seth: Mostly people, but sometimes buildings and nature.
Marie: Do you have any photos with you? I would like to see them.
Seth: No, sorry. Not here. I will bring them to school tomorrow.
Marie: Awesome! I can’t wait to see them!

64. Film Discussion**

James: Tom, have you seen the new film, “Basketball Life”?
Tom: Yes, I did see this film at the movie theater. Have you seen it, James?
James: No, I haven’t seen this film. Did you like it?
Tom: No, I did not think the film was very good. I would not recommend it to my friends.
James: Why not?

Tom: Well, it was not interesting and I did not like the story. I would recommend the
movie, “Football Games” if you want to see good sports.
James: Thank you for the recommendation! I will watch “Football Games” with my
friends this weekend.

65. My Favorite Film

Frances: Hi Jim.
Jim: Hi Frances.
Frances: What did you do this weekend, Jim?
Jim: I saw a movie with my friends.
Frances: What movie did you see?
Jim: I saw “Finding Nemo”.
Frances: Did you like the film?
Jim: Yes, I liked it. What is your favorite film, Frances?
Frances: My favorite film is “The Lion King”. It takes place in Africa.
Jim: Isn’t Africa very hot?
Frances: Yes, Africa is very hot because it’s located near the equator.
Jim: Have you been to Africa?
Frances: No, but I would like to go to Africa.
Jim: Goodbye, Frances.
Frances: Goodbye, Jim.

66. What’s your sign? **

Bobby: Hey Kelly, what’s your sign?

Kelly: I was born in August, so I am a Virgo.
Bobby: I can tell! You are very strong and independent, but also stubborn.
Kelly: Oh, I don’t believe in that, do you?
Bobby: Sure, I am a Taurus and I fit the description perfectly.
Kelly: Astrology is stupid.
Bobby: I think that there is some truth to it.
Kelly: Let’s ask our friend and see what they think!
Bobby: Ok!

67. Discussing the Summer Olympic Games***

Larry: Did you watch the Olympics last night?

Kristie: No, I missed it. What event was on last night?
Larry: Beach volleyball, tennis, and basketball.
Kristie: Ohhh, tennis? Who was playing?
Larry: Germany and Peru.
Kristie: Who won?
Larry: It was close, but Peru won.
Kristie: Oohhh…I was rooting13 for Germany.
Larry: Germany won beach volleyball.
Kristie: Oh, that’s great! Do you know when gymnastics comes on?
Larry: Yeah, on Thursday.
Kristie: I’ll be sure not to miss it.
Larry: Yeah, let’s watch it together.
Kristie: Great!

In support of

68. Sports****

Jackie: What’s your favorite sport Paul?

Paul: I like basketball because you’re always moving and never just standing around.
You’re always trying to get open for a pass or dribbling down the court trying to make it
to the hoop.
Jackie: Don’t you get tired quickly?
Paul: I’m usually having too much fun to even think about it. If I do get tired the coach
will make a substitution and I can rest on the bench for a while.
Jackie: I get tired just thinking about it.
Paul: Well, which sport do you like?
Jackie: My favorite is table tennis. It’s challenging and running around the table like that
is enough to tire me out without getting too exhausted.
Paul: Yeah, table tennis is fun, but I get bored just hitting a little ball back and forth. I
like a sport where I can be more physical. What about hockey? There’s nothing more
exciting than getting a pass from a teammate and then scoring a goal!
Jackie: But it can be so violent! You can get your teeth knocked out!
Paul: Of course you have to be careful and wear protective equipment.
Jackie: Still, it’s a little too intense for me. I prefer a sport like bowling where you can
be competitive, but you don’t have to worry about serious injuries.
Paul: Are you a good bowler?

Jackie: Last time I went bowling with my dad, I bowled three spares and a strike!
Paul: Wow, that is pretty good.
Jackie: Yeah, we should go sometime.
Paul: What about right now? Do you want to go bowling?
Jackie: Yeah, for sure. Let’s go!

Holidays and parties

69. Wishing Happy Holidays*

Bobby buys something at the store.

Store clerk: That will be $15.50.
Bobby: Here you are.
Store clerk: Thank you, merry Christmas and happy New Year!
Bobby: Thank you very much. Happy holidays to you too!

70. Wishing someone a happy birthday**

On the street
David: Hi Heather!
Heather: David! Happy birthday! I was going to call you today, but here you are instead!
David: It’s nice to see you!
Heather: Nice to see you too. What are your plans for your special day?
David: Well, today I’m taking it easy, but tonight I’m having a big party at my house. You
should come!
Heather: Oh, I’d love to! What time should I come?

David: Anytime after 7.
Heather: Cool, I’ll be there. You are going to love your present!
David: I can’t wait!
Heather: Ok, well Happy birthday again14!
David: Thanks a lot! See you later!
Heather: Bye!

71. A birthday Invitation**

Holly: Hi Natalie! Did you receive my birthday party invitation?

Natalie: Hi Holly! Yes, I did receive your invitation. Thank you for inviting me to your
birthday party. It is this Saturday, right?
Holly: Yes. The party will begin at seven o’clock in the evening at my parent’s house.
Will you be able to come to the party?
Natalie: Yes, I think I will be able to come. I have a basketball game at one o’clock in the
afternoon on Saturday in Kyiv, but it should finish before four o’clock in the afternoon. I
might be a little late, is this okay?
Holly: No problem, Natalie! I would rather have you come late then not come at all!
Natalie: Oh, thanks for being flexible! I will see on Saturday as soon as I can make it
Holly: Perfect, see you then!

72. Preparing the House for Christmas***

Betty: Are you excited for Christmas, Dennis?

Dennis: Yeah, how about you?
Betty: I am, I still need to get a tree.
Dennis: I can help you pick one out.
English speakers rarely wish each other more than “Happy Birthday” on their
birthdays. Sometimes you can hear a “Ukrainian Style” toast, wishing health, success and
happiness, but most English speakers keep it to a simple “Happy Birthday, and many
more to come”.

Betty: That would be great, thanks. I want to put it in that corner.
Dennis: Are you going to decorate the rest of your house?
Betty: I think I’ll put up some tinsel, Christmas lights, and a wreath, but that’s all.
Dennis: Let me help you! I love the holidays!
Betty: Well, thanks Dennis, I appreciate it.
Dennis: Not a problem! Let’s go get that tree!
Betty: Let’s go!

73. Planning a Surprise Party***

Two friends on the phone

Jim: Hello?
Barb: Hi, Jim, it’s Barb.
Jim: Hi Barb, what’s up?
Barb: I’m planning a surprise party for Bill’s birthday. I’m hoping you can come.
Jim: Of course! When is it?
Barb: It’ll be on Saturday. Bill will be home from work at six, so I want everyone to be
here at five.
Jim: Okay, can I bring anything?
Barb: Let’s see…Susan is bringing chips and Joe is bringing sandwiches. Do you want
to be in charge of dessert?
Jim: Sure, I’ll bring some brownies.
Barb: Great, see you then!
Jim: Can’t wait! Bye.
Barb: Bye!

74. Planning/ Invitation to a Party****

Two neighbors talking

Martha: Hi Brittany! What horrible weather we’re having today. I'd love to go out, but I
think it will just continue raining.
Brittany: Oh, I don't know. Perhaps the sun will come out later this afternoon.
Martha: I hope you're right. Listen, I'm going to have a party this Saturday. Would you
like to come?
Brittany: Oh, I'd love to come. Thanks for the invitation! Who's going to be there?
Martha: Well, a number of people haven't told me yet. But, Peter and Mark are going to
help out with the cooking!
Brittany: Hey, I'll help, too!
Martha: Would you? That would be great!
Brittany: I'll make lasagna!
Martha: That sounds delicious! I know my Italian cousins are going to be there. I'm sure
they'll love it.
Brittany: Italians? Maybe I'll just bake a cake...
Martha: No, no. They're not like that. They'll love it.
Brittany: Well, if you say so. Is there going be a theme for the party?
Martha: No, I don't think so. Just a chance to get together and have fun.
Brittany: I'm sure it'll be lots of fun.

Martha: But I'm going to hire a clown!
Brittany: A clown! You're kidding me.
Martha: No, I’m not! As I child, I always wanted a clown. Now, I'm going to have my
own clown at my own party.
Brittany: I'm sure everyone will have a good laugh.
Martha: That's the plan!



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