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(non-fictional fiction book)

Title: How to Enter the 5th Dimension

Sub-title: Lessons from The Skoolof5d
copyright 2018 – RedHawk of Elphinstone

Founding Teacher of the Skoolof5d; RedHawk; has a 'Mystery School' on

Mt. Elphinstone in the forest. She has been teaching there since 2000.
She has never published her Teachings.

She draws upon many Sources to teach from; such as books, excellent teachers, the past, present
and future; as well she gathers information from the Dimensions, or Densities.

SCRIBD wants me to submit a doocument to gain access to the Lindisfarne Gospels – the Holy
words of the Celtic Saints. Yes. I am she. So I will write this book; submitting chapter by chapter
to add to what I teach at 'The Skoolof5d'.

This book will not be published elsewhere. These teachings belong to Everyone & come from the
Allness. I cannot take credit; nor will I.

You may consider this book fiction; I do not. I would not argue if you thought me insane.
Enjoy; or do not. I simply want to read the Lindisfarne Gospels.

All Choices Are Yours.

To begin I will offer Chapter One on this day of September 7th, 2018.
Then Chapter Two etc...over the next 5 months.

RedHawk of Elphinstone

How To Enter the 5th Dimension

Chapter One: Who Am I?
Chapter Two: Why Amy I here?
Chapter Three: What should I do?
Chapter Four: How can I accomplish my goals?
Chapter Five: What is the future?

Chapter One:Who Am I?

The better question is who am I not. The answer to that is easy. You are that am. There is nothing
you are not. But this is gibberish until you know where you actually came from; an even better
question. Let's answer it first.
The Zero Dimension is the All & Nothing Eternal Space of the Goddess. All Beings come from a
Mother Being. This dimension is Black and the progenitor of Everything. In the Allness of this O
Dimension there is no separation, no division, no multiplicity, no discrimination, no
classifications of the All. In this Darkness of All & Nothing, Being and Non-Being Space and
non-Space; there is no way for the Goddess to see Her Potential.

You are part of material form. Creation. Goddess created God to distinguish Light from Dark,
Space from Material Form...God or 1 Dimension allows the Goddess to view Her Endless
Manifestations...God is the mirror of the Goddess.

So you have come through to this 3/4d Space/Time Reality via God expressing the Goddess.
He has left the blueprints and codes for all of Created Materialized form in 2d-'The Akashik

Now; these terms God and Goddess need not trigger you into an psycho-emotional breakdown
associated with the historical and current atrocities of the Catholic Church or any Church or any

These words God and Goddess as I use them; are not religious. They are only words to describe
something that is quite beyond description. I tell these tales only to push you further into the
world of The Dimensions.
Only to help you to realize that you are a Multi-dimensional Being. An Eternal Being.

Today Scientists have discovered particles from space that can penetrate all material form. They
are coming down at you now. If you hold ut your palms. You will receive more billions of these
“ghost particles” Why do Scientists call them ghost particles? Because they appear and disappear.

What is the 97% of your DNA that is unused or referred to as “junk”? It is inter-dimensional DNA
and those particles are coming in and out of dimensional realities. They are part of you. They are
the God Force.

(I rest for now and continue this chapter later.)

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