Akshay Mallipeddi

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¯ akshaymallipeddi
‡ github.com/akshaym96

Akshay Mallipeddi H +1(631)304-2267

B amallipeddi@cs.stonybrook.edu

2018-2019 Masters in Computer Science, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York.
{ Courses:- Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Analysis of Algorithms, Probability and
2013-2017 B.Tech, Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Gandhi-
nagar, India.
{ Courses:- Information Retrieval, Data Mining, Data Structures and Algorithms, GPU Programming

Jun-Jul 2018 Research Internship, Northwestern University,Illinois., Mentor:- Prof.Chaitanya Bandi.
{ Built REST APIs to access FAERS database using AWS RDS and AWS EC2, used elastic search to
speedup the search process for 60 million records. These APIs give statistical results related to the
Jul-17 Software Engineer, Juniper Networks, India.
May-18 { Built networking APIs for RLIs related to firewall and link failures.
Jan-Jun 2017 Software Engineer Intern, Juniper Networks, India.
{ Built networking APIs for JFlow/SFlow, a flow monitoring system, and routing engines.
Summer 2016 Summer Research Internship, Northwestern University,Illinois., Mentor:- Prof.Chaitanya
{ Applied machine learning and data analysis techniques on various food products to predict energy,
carbohydrates and protein values.

Major Projects
Spring 2016 Tokenization techniques for biomedical information retrieval, Prof.Prasenjit Majumder,
{ Built various tokenizers to tokenize TREC-2014 data which contains 7,50,000 documents on biomedical
discipline and used terrier to evaluate precision and recall based on 30 biomedical queries .
Fall 2015 Estimation of correlation coefficient and regression of given 2D/3D points using par-
allel programming (CUDA), Prof.Bhaskar Chaudary, DAIICT.
{ Parallel programming was used to the calculate correlation coefficient and regression line that can be
used for statistical interpretations. The input can be related to population, stock markets etc.
Fall 2015 Voice controlled wheelchair for the handicapped, Prof.Amit Bhatt, DAIICT.
{ Made a prototype of a voice controllable wheelchair along with two android applications that can be
used to control the wheelchair with help of Bluetooth communication.

Prog. Lang C, C++, JAVA, Python, Javascript
OS GNU/Linux, Windows
Web Tech HTML, CSS, Django
Technologies PostgreSQL, CUDA, Eclipse

2016 Became a core member of Data Science Community in Coursera.
2013-2014 Received a prize for building a game controller in a workshop conducted by PLAYLABS.

Miscellaneous and co-curricular activities:

Feb-Mar 17 Involved in Educating, Inspiring and Acting against Climate Change under Green Revolution
Global Certification Program, which is an international level program.
Feb 2016-17 Core member of ACM-Student Chapter DAIICT.

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