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Interacting with Computer

Command Line Interface - an interface used by the operating system to signal the user that it is
ready for use.
Graphical Interface – an interface that enables the user to issue commands by selecting icons, pictures
and menus on the screen with a pointing device like the mouse.
Menu-based Interface – an interface which consists of list of options, letters or characters.
Syntax - the rules or the grammar for entering command.
Icon - pictographs or small pictures used in place of words or phrase on screen displays.

Computer Operation
Power up - to turn on the electrical power to a computer system.
Power down - to turn off the electrical power to a computer system.
Boot -the process of loading the operating system into memory and preparing the computer system for use.
Default options –this refers to the standard settings of any computer.
System prompt - a command-driven operating system displays this to signal the user that it is ready to
accept commands.
Graceful Exit – to power down the program or shutting down the computer.
Log on - the process by which the user establishes a communication link with a remote computer.
Password - a character that is assigned by the operating system as a system security tool.
Personal Identification Number (PIN) - a number chosen and assigned to a user to serve as a security
password to gain access to the system.
Log off - the process by which the user terminates the communication link with a remote computer.

Keyboard Templates
Alphanumeric keys - pertaining to a character set that contains letters, digits, punctuation and special
105 templates - the exact number of templates of standard Windows keyboard.
Arrow keys - the keys used to move the cursor to any location of the document.
Enter key - the key used to send keyed-in data or a selected command to RAM for processing. It is also the
key used to execute a command or go to the next line,
Home key- the key used to move the cursor to the beginning of the work area.
End key- the key used to move the cursor to the end of the work area.
Page up key - the key used to scroll a screen of text at a time to see part of the document that extends
past the top of the screen.
Page down key - the key used to scroll a screen of text at a time to see part of the document that
extends past the bottom of the screen.
Del key -the key used to erase the character at the cursor position.
Backspace key - the key used to erase the character before the cursor or move the character to the left.
Insert key - the key used to insert or overtype a character.
Space bar - the key used to key in a space at the cursor position.
Shift key - the key used to enter a capital letter or one of the special characters above the numbers.
Esc key - the key used to negate or cancel the current command or menu and return to the work screen.
Ctrl key - the key used in conjunction with another key to expand the functionality of the keyboard, usually
used in keyboard shortcuts to give a command by controlling the key.
Alt key - the key used in conjunction with another key to expand the functionality of the keyboard, usually
used as an alternate key.
Tab key - the key used to move the cursor to the next specific tab stop and in spreadsheet, it moves the
cell pointer one screen to the right.
Capslock key - the key used to capitalize all the letters entered from the keyboard.
Numlock key - the key used to activate the numeric keypad.
Printscreen key - the key used to print what is currently being displayed on the screen.
Numeric keypad - a reference to any of the digits 0 to 9.

Mouse Techniques
Point - to position at a menu item or an icon.
Click - tapping the button to select a menu item or execute the program represented by an icon; to quickly
press and release the mouse button.
Double click - tapping the mouse button twice in rapid succession.
Drag - to hold down the mouse button while you move the cursor. Also known as highlight.
Right Click – tapping the right button.

Graphics cursor - a symbol on a display screen which can be positioned anywhere on a display screen by any
pointing device to initiate or to draw.
Text cursor - the blinking character that indicates the location of the next keyed-in character on the
display screen.

Types of Menu
Menu bar - a menu that provides a horizontal list of menu options, usually at the top of the screen.
Pull down menu - a menu that provides a vertical list of menu options and usually “pulled down” from the
selected menu bar options.
Pop-up menu - a menu that is superimposed in a window over whatever is currently being displayed on the
Pop-out menu - a menu displayed next to the menu option selected in a higher-level pull-down or pop-up
Floating Menu – a special function menu that appears or floats over the work area until you no longer need.

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