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ViNOD f : Bra Suavitsex’ se 1s, Wavxex ReywoLps, Dayip Roaci,, Scot wt Se ROLLER, RicakD Saxpiniis, Mane Sasso, ESIDENT OF PUBLISHING Baran Syoppy, Axtuony Warers, Sa Woop Masi Kurcior® a GRAPHIC DESIGNERS af) Cxermes Spee one Frorn, ’ Prax Gigiot : 18 MAN a) Meo TP plato Pesci Me ig eet OY oF canal vatok Sieg . we se : igs “PRODOCTPON MANAGER GRAPHIC PRODUCTION SPECIALIST | ‘eS broth ee et ‘Ears Donates z “Saairtebrees cnn Aa Astor daze, ds. dsompc, Mira Hy One Macnee apt Bb, Amy eer Howry Anan T Regn etre abe nee tac Atbn eeer Ge Fs Waco frp oe Vas nao a Guhl ps Gra kr Chee Fare Ma Pela ie Ranh he Ry Fett ten fama oe A Pea Soop escan aaycrhuo nso an ga ec aLgcnj bum eons dao acces: Rem Seer Baas srl tas Sete ta as Hoa ance tes W mon ogy Nagoe anagem Sa ee a eae eb aby tyes iscsi ora et ‘us Fass Dur fo, ies Powe Lens F Rae Rov Sas acoonn force! fess, wo Ry Duan Cee ee 5 Ue bata russians aty toonn ecens eartrne wirseum ose Suns rae { ‘eke Seve Murua Tm areca Daye Testi To oa tuna, cra mete cue won A Shes Wiccan freer Wataamsgiana Jone nas Asn ese Na ve SSOCCEDE sre nk i td ra pa tag etl Cope ent hi aaa ‘ an atin Wises Crilan’ Dayar Sap Wlinyantutcsttgn Das Nagas ad senene Ne Te Sa ea ja tie Reape cv ga eel coal xen ME meer Dla ints tu a ay i pg i Arn Dn Dp die { Je oc ns up Wins Re Rr oe Ab é uit or teefon pues nd ti Winn Can pair cons Ofer Gar Cott ea anole Reeder ( eee icrsedney oot tneutytes pros 1 amma svaths Ope enn etc nf tac Sem ee ee ‘visit wowwinaeds comjdea. = . es Dri cu at yg Ty rere gibi We si wel ta ecg titty t Gees Twouil/Ebre the iment | hos ed Thal, Dal Um caNan Asta AEH, PUROHEAN Hranaganrens & LATIN AMER SS Wines oft Cost eg # a Wiraris ofthe Com re Bact ia BO.Box ot oo Rete 9 6 “ein WA 86770707 RS peat : Tigi t uesrioss Boos 6496 wo traiet spereaner - Pose Paunvine: Servint 06 oon ‘ oioon plea O80, Das on ion ht Wan ts Cnt eee tists init? pen hp atresia ie Cant. A hatha een a ei ‘Tari Se eget oth ond te Cs Sens ae anal Weel eae: Deel ei Fa natany Dare! aot ata Poe et Deer meet Vi fhe Gas bese dete. ‘Medea Vrs hs Act er ssa rr eel sn ed SPEER the pics i ipso fact oem po cum ‘Vistourwetsize at vwnizardscomi dud Abeil 2 Dinosaur. 10 Hoo horror 126 vlaerouched. 16 Ask nt 24 Dine animal 74 Immo 127 Psurlon Aspen 25 Dragon, gem, 77 Ixipachid 128 Ragewind, ‘Automaton 27 Dread guard a7 bhi 430 Regge: voli 28 Dune stalker 28 Jermlaine 1a Rampage, Banshee 30 Effigy 89° Juggernaut 132. Rezorboar Bladeling ML Elemental wid 50 Jalen 432 Reneon senor Blood ape 52 ther scarab 24 Kopru a4 Redsundew Boggle 33 Etheresl doppelganger... 94 Leechvwaler 13S Rogue eidolon: Bogun 34 Etherel slayer 96 Legendary animal 136 Rukaraayll Bone niga 35 amine spin 96 Leviethan 139 -Runieguardian Bone oor 36 Feldrake 97 Lianoem 140 Seompinnfolk Brat 37 Bendwuam, 9 lx 144 Shadow spider Breathctioker Eye 100 Martash 14S sinine. Brome serpent 40 Fibelg 104 Mecnlode she Spawn of Kyuss Caprured one 204 Firear 102 Megaledon 147 spell wener Catoblepee 1 Hes ely 104 Megapede 148 Spellenunt Celestial. 42° Fomoran 105 Monsteroflegerd 213. Spellsieched create Chain golem 4 Forest sloth 106 Mocnbeast 149 Spititofthe land, Chics toe 45 Frostselamander 107 Mocnell $50 Stone eile Chimeric cere 206 Gale’ due 107 Moonsat asi Swamplight lynx Cleated spe 46 Gambel 108 Morketh 482. Sylph Clockworkshoror 47 Gane 109 Mudmaw 453 Touriecretare Cloud ray 49 Glimmerskin 116 Myconid 154 Tempest “ Corolla <0 Golem 415 Needlefolh 455 Teratomorph Corpse gutherer St Griverawier 118 Neogs. 156 thirkreen Grimson death 8 Gravorg 119° Nethersight mist... 160 Tianiccrearure Darkeentcles, 54 Greeavise 420 Nighemare beast 4c1 Twig blight Death knight. 207 Grell 121 Nimblewright 162 Veporghu! Deathbringer 5S Grmalkia 422 Ocemsrider 163 Warbeas. Demon, 56 Graaly mastoden 125 Orewort 135 Windghose Deemod 2 Halffend (dureagon '$ Omer 167 Wyse Deseo bat 65 Half gelem: 209 Phase warp 168° Vakfolk Devil 67 Hellize wyem 125 Phoenix 158 Yugolodh MONSTERS BY TYPE (AND SUBTYPE) Aberation: svoala, ctoblopae, ektertacles, ys, grll, hook hort kitachits, juajrrus, meenlock, roondexs, morkech, nog’, proms, windghot, wpe (in: air-weird, breahernker Innmoth, ph Animal: cesrrocu bats, dre animals, griezy mastoden, legendary sims, tani creature, warbesst (austc: cyptacidus, kepru, legendary shark, leviathan, mapa- leon, morkath, ocean gant, oczan sre srine Beast: dnossurs. fret oth, regalbdon, mpage azo boar, warbeas (Gold) est selarander, irmoth, ocean git. Construct automatons, bogun, bronze serpent, captured one. chain golem clockwork nrrers, dread guard, golems,hallgolers, jagger rout, nimblewight, raggemnafirs, rogue edelen, nie guardian Dragon crags, (arth: amethyst dragon, dune etallac earth word , gale dur, sravecrawer mountan glart, rukaranyl sepphie dragon, stone spike. "lemental (if sr werd, breather imeoth tempest Elemental (Earth) earth were, galeb cur, store spike, tempest omental (Fr) fre bat, Fre weir, tempest. Elemental (Wate): immoth tempest, water werd, (Gui) brethdsinker Fey, ermine, oceanside; svn, spit ofthe land (Fre: ash ray effigy, feb, aun gen, he ire wr, fre we Giant feboe, fornia, giants Humanoid: captured one crystal éragon, emerald dragon, fakes, here wyrm, innorms ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF MONSTERS Itecorporeal: banshee, crimson death effigy glimmerstin, jai pire ofthe land Magecal Beas: ash ra, asperi, blood ape, cheos oc, cherie crea ture, elaaked ape, cloud ray, celle, fendem, frost salamandet, {gambol, grave, eviahan, mooneal, mcoarat, madman, nethersight ‘aes, nightmare beast, phate wasp, phoen shadow spider, spl gaunt, swampligh hm Monstious Humane sbul, beggle brat, desmodu, ep, lows, cormy scorponflk, spell weaver, tawric ceatre, h-treen, ya fol eee: bone ooze Nes al, reason stealer, terstomorph (Outsider biageing, chaond, dune stake, ether scarab, gimmessin, monster of legend, zerythr Outsider (ir sph Outsider (Chaotic, Ev: abyssal maw, sbyssal ravagerabyssal shall, ethereal slayer arith, joroc, kelvezu,parethee, zowvut ‘Outsider (Evi dune stalker, ruheraey/l,vaporighu,yagooths Outeder (Ful, Lawfu): advespa, amnizu, durzagon, ralebranche, rmartash Outedar (Coed): ceri, upinal, Pant greens, cori, neclfok orcwot, ed sundew omg bh Shapechangor: stares! doppalpange,grimallin Urdead: banshee, bore nag, corpse gather, crimson death, death Imight, desthbringer, egy famine spi, gravecrale, jah, ragewind. spawn of Kyuss, spelsitched cestre ermine great old acter raogl,lsechwaler, megepede, itanic eres ture, warbeast (Water ope dragon, water weir INTRODUCTION | size ano TyPE “This book contains entries for more than 250 creatures, This line begins with the ereature’s size (Huge for exam stegories are briefly described in the CCreatuce Sizes table below. Size modifiersapply wo the creatures Armor Class(AC) and stack bonus, its Hide checks, and its grapple checks. A crea ture’ size also determines how far itcan reach to make a ince attack and how much space i occupies in eight see Face/Rescl, belo, and also Big anil Litle Crew tures in Combat, n Chapter 8 ofthe Hayer’s Handbook). The sire and type line continues with the exen rure type (giant, for example). Type deter ‘mines how magic aflects acreature, For cxample, the hold onimal spell affects only creatures of the snimal type ‘Type also determines many of the creatures characteristics and abilities, as described in the next section. both hostileand henign, for use in Duwcrons & Daacons* ple). The eight sie adventures, these creatures offera wide range of challenges forplayer characters ‘This introduction explains how to read 2 creature’ write-up. Allthe information necessary to rum the creature {s presented in an easy-to-read format Entries for creatures are presented alphabericlly by same, Some creatures, such as demons, ate pte- sented in groups, with the individual vari within the entry “The appendia. describes a number of different creatures that are created by addinga ternplte” toan existing cres- ture An example of this is che urte creature, which adds the ‘touric” te plate to a range of eligible creatures tthe end ofthe bookis« list of che monsters organ- 1m werkest to strongest Type Characteristics 1 Typical Crestute Statistics by Type table, Beginning on the following page, provides a variety Master 9 talor encounters to che party of statistics that vary according to crea level ofthe player characters (see Challenge Rating, laterin the introduction), Each monster entry is organized in the same general format, as described below. The information is presented in a condensed form. For complete information on the characteristics of monsters, consult the Playee’s Handbook or the Dungeon Mast! suggested canges of values for physical ability Scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution). The Text evo columns give the minimum and macimam mum- berof Hit Dice the erature may have.A‘—"in the mexissum column means that there s no upper limit to the Hit Dice a creature may have ata given sie. The final four columns give the suggested base damage for four common natural eta. forms (lem, hiv, claw,and gore) Thisinformation provides ‘useful guideline for creating your own monsters ‘A ceeature’s type also determines its Hit Die siz, base This text contains basic gime information on the creature, attack bonus, good saving theows, numberof skill points, organized as follows and numberof feats, 2s wells certain other characteristics. These characteristics are detailed in the type descriptions NAME tha follow the tble ‘Thisis the name by which the creature is generally known. “The descriptive text (following che main statistics blockand_ Type Descriptions the secondary statistics block) may give other nemes. The formulas for calculating a monster skill points and Creature Sizes Acjatack Hide Special Size Size Examples Modifer Modifier Modifier (Grapple) __DAmensio Fine Housefy “a a6 a6 «Gin. cr ss Diminuive Toad “4 a2 a2 Gin) f Tv Bogun jermbine” 42 a ati Vea ‘rail Frebet " 4 4 Mediomsze Human, neclefe 40, wee lige Desmads.immoth 1 4 a Huge Mocnbeast a 6 ty Cargantuan—_Megalocon 4 “1 42 3-64 fe 31,900 h-230,00 ib Colossal have ree iWeb ae (Bh orman emer iped's height, quioruped's body length (rose to bas of il). svAssumes that the creature e roughly a5 dense as sregulr srimal. creature made of sone wll weigh considerably more. A gaseous creature will weigh ach les ‘Treteat Creature Sraristics ay TYPE. Anrmaanion Fine Diminve Tey Sal Mediumsin large Hope Gaigemnain Cobssal ANiwaL Fine Dimintive Ainy Seal Medumsiae lage mae cagamuan Colo Beast Fine Tiny Smal Medumsize Lage Huge Cagantuar Colors Constauer Fire Diminutive Tiny ‘mat ediam-sine large Huge Corganuan olossl Deacon Five sing ral Mediursize Lage Huge agian aloes ELEMENTAL Fire Ty ‘Seal Mediumsize ape Huge Gargireuin Cobeail ‘sir ’ 1 2 oe rat 113 267 aes ats 2 67 ro 119 2627 Sass aa wan 118 227 335 a4 + 67 14 a3 2-21 229 23 ses rey ron 1213 15 113 27 335 28 “s 7 a wo meas 221 2025 223 2233 Dex 23 221 wis Ve17 1s vets 13 van 11 10a io wo to wan ww8 ws soar toa o7 4s ‘con 10-1 oN or 10-1 may 1-17 20-21 a ion 1 m3 1213 145 67 20.21 25 023 v0 lon jon ton yas 16-17 20-21 24-25 2929 Minimum rt Dice tne 188 aaa W208 1a 28 4 Tels at 168 1a a inde 18 28 as ves 318 ansere 1/8d10 qi4ai0 y2dio 1010 2410 no 690 32410 anearo sao jac aj2ai0 1410 2410 10 TediO mio yaar 1a? sare 462 7a Todi2 18a 2rd? sad)? sds aad viads vt 2a 4a ea eds sid ‘Maxima Hit Dice ees aes yee vas zal act ede 328 nero 4 0 rato 1410 2610 440. 16810 saa spac acto apne 10 1410 wid 1e10 a wae adi ai diz 1 nae san 38812 a2 145 ads ae 142 ry de 146 18 246 dz ary de 146 148 26 28 a6 142 a3 ide 16 18 236 28 46 142 143 We 46 vas 26 268 466, a8 M2 1 1s us rs 246, 248 486 1a 143 14a 146 148 26 208 a6 142 1a se tue 148 26 we 143 aaa 140 vs 246 486 408 142 a3 id 16 18 26 288 46 a3 1 6 ws 26 28 142 ir vas 6 148 26 238 1a 1 14 146 1d 246 2a ua 16 138 246 2a 86 12 13 1a 136 a8 246 2a 28 162 ae ra 18 Ve 246 2a 6 142 143 144 16 148 aaa 246 Fey Fine Ty Smal Medemsize large Hoge ‘cargantuan Closes, Giant Fi Diminuve Tiny Sra Mediumsize large Huge Coganun Colossal Humaworo ine Diminutive Ty Smal Madiarsioe lange Huge Gagrties Coossel, Macicat Beast Fine ‘iy Mediumsize large Huge Gaganuan Colossal a Tv ‘all Mediumsze Lage Huge Cagantuan Colossal Ooze Fine Dirinutve at small Mediumsize as ure Cargentuan Colossal 10-91 iis wae pen 2527 2 67 was 24-78 ma 2 es ie 119 2627 3035 a3 Monstrous Humanoio 7 1 24 © in 1219 2627 3035 aaa as oy 29 11 way 200 238 323 3637 Der 2B 2 ais 16.17 way 113 mas 1st 0 ne 2 1:9 1617 was 3 maa tei a m0 20-01 19 1617 Tey 1213 rer i 10 a9 1617 es is year 1 69 os Mirimum Hi Dee ans ads ade v/2dé nae 244 as redo dé anees a vied Vode Ves 48 edt saat 16s Vads tas Vj2d va 2a 48 Ved sit ineato ya a0 140 1240 1410 220 410 eai0 32410 ined sd 14 a8 12d Mascmum Hit Dies y8d6 yeas "nes 16 2s tds 7646 sad yee yaa wads a8 za “at 16a 248 wes acs res ‘a db on 6a 228 142 18 7 16 ide 246 a2 us ids v6 re 26 Ww a da 146 163 266 1a 168 mn 16 18 246 1 18 tot 146 168 206 2a 406 1d 146 vat 236 248 1a 13 14 146 148 246 28 142 ir a 146 Ms 246 2a 142 18 rm wus 148 246 28 6 1a 123 18 166 18 266 26 Ve 18 146 18 206 28 46 law 142 1a aa 146 vs 26 28 va 1 138 148 246 2a 12 M3 va 16 148 246 25 ae 183 144 16 168 246 28 18 163 104 166 168 206 28 ez 13 1a 146 ve 246 248 46 142 nas ma vs 148 246 2ae 466 142 13 1a We 1e8 266 208 46 162 18 164 108 Te 206 268 46 sw Dex Con Minimum Hit Dice Oursiver Fine 45 rag y ere asd Divinutve 671617 Ode Tiny es ea ae Small ON 12-18 128 Mediomsiee 1293 TON 1231s Lire 221 TON Ne? ade Huge tee ee ata aa Gurgentuan 1233 GT 22s Colessal 3637 aS 29) ae Punt Fine es) 9A ans Dminutwe 6716-17118 Tay Bas ee Smal TON 123 Nad Meciumsiee 1213 TON 3s Lge 20-106 Huge ae ea at Gepsntsan 3283 24S NE alos 363765) 289 ade SwaPECHANGER Five +3 yea ea aed Dirirutve 7161788 Tay eo as) toa es smil TON 11 Mediumsie 1218 TOM 213d urge 2-2 10617 Huse me at Gargentsay 928672256 Colessal soar HS 2a ads Unpeao Fine esa wear Divinitve 69 1617 sare Try PROTEST Small To 123 — Wadi Mediumsiee 12 TOM ia Large 20-20 10 al i: EOE Gargantua 9238 TO edt (Clessal IES OOS ATT Vermin Fine was yen anes Dirinutve 123 1/88 Tey 2 ON a yeas Small #7 10n 101) yadk Meciumsee 14rd Large 119d IS aM ge 1627 at Gargantvan 43572-2368 Colossal any eTI 6a ae feats often use the term “extra Hit Dice" (abbreviated. *ELID"),To determine a monster’ EHD, subiract the mini swum Hit Dice vahie for that monster's size and type ( siven on che Typict! Creature Statistics by Type table) from its actual Fit Dice, as given in ts entry. Iaformula specifies "Int bonus," use the creature's Int! ligence modifier only if itis a positive number; otherwise use +, If formula specifies ‘Ine modifier” use the creatures Intelligence modifier, whether itis bonus or penalty Mavimum Hit Dice Slam ila Chw Gere i 1 r oops = a = es 11d Y - id idé 1a # rds 6 1a — ods 8 = ads 6 46 = Pra) db a 4s 4s 26 vad v ET ya de ae 7 a vad 4 raz) 10s 148 at Idk dt 208 tds 1 tds ad dk Ide 5 1628 2d6 td dB 6 308 2d dB 2d Tek as 185d ads eee 1 r SEE V4 a ig wes tdt dda 145 a 28 [ae add a eds tds 16 1d 6, dt td dt 246 Tk ee ee 7 Y y ee 7 iT = Ss $a) TT NL = a a #8 1é6 16 dt 18 — ids Id 1d Tt = ee ee 2d add 285 Td = Pe eee ee) a SAAR senha 1a. im = , i nee = 1a dt 1h Idd ss tds deta = 1d Td Ide a td ds dB za a Ce ee = 2d A624 Esch monster is proficient with any weapons, armor, or shield mentioned in its entry, as well as with all armor that is Lighter than what it wears, Creatures not specified as, wearing armor o¢ cattying shields are not proficient with those items, but some crearures have additional weapon proficiencies by virtue of their type, as given below. Aberration: An aberration has a bizacre anatomy, strange abilities, an alien mindset, or any combination of the three. Hit Died, Tase Attack Bonus: As cleric (3/4 11D, rounded down). Ceod Saving Throw: Will Sfall Ponts: (2 Int score) + (2 EMD) Fea: Int bonus +t per 4 EHD. Exariple:Catoble Noles: Unless otherwise noted, an aberration bas datk- Vision with a range of 60 fee. ‘Animal: An animal isa nonkumanoid creature, usually a vertebrate, ll the animals included in this book lived on the planet Barth in historical cimes, or are larger versions of such crestures Hit Die dB ‘ase Attack Bonus: As cleric (3/4 HD, rounded down), Good Saving Throws: Usually Fortitude and Reflex, but varies by specific erature. Sl Pints 1010 15, Feats None. xarple: Dire hose Notes: An animal has an Intelligence score of tor 2, (4 predatory animal usually ha an intelligence score of 3, which reflects its cunning.) Unless otherwise noted, animals also have low-light vision Beast: A beast is « nonhistorial with a reasonably normal anacomy and no magical or tunnsal abilities Hit Die dio, Rase Attack Ronus As cleric (3/4 HD, rounded down). Gand Suving Throws: Forticude and Refle. skal Ponks 10 0 15, Feats None. Exarple: Rampager Notee A beast has an Intelligence score off or 2. Unless otherwise noted, it also has darkvision with a range of 60 fee: end low-light vision. Construct: A construct is an animated objector arti Cially constructed creature tu Die 410, Base Alleck Bens As cleric (3/4 HID. rounded down), Cond Saving Throws: None Sil Pins: None, Reals None. Example: Bronze serpent Notes A construct usally has no Intelligence score and never has « Constitution score, Unless otherwise noted it has davevision with a range of 60 feet. ‘constructs ummune to mind-affecting effets (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), poison, slerp, paralysis, stunning, disesse, death effects, necromanticelfects,and any eflect chat requiesa Fortitude save unless it also works on objects. It i not subject to crit hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain. A construct isnot at riskof death from massive damage (sce Injury and Death in Chaprer 6 of the Payers Hindbook), but when reduced t0 0 or fewer hie points, its vertebrate creature immediately destroyed, Since it was neveralive,a construct eannot be raised or resurrected Aconstruct cannot heal damage, though it can be healed through repair in the same way an object can. The fast heal- ing special quality works for those constructs that have it despite thei lick of Constitution. ‘Dragon: A dragon isa teptiian creature, usually winged, ‘with magical or unusual abilities, Hit Die di. ‘Base Mack Bom: As fighter (equal te HD) Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex, Will Sell Points (6 Int modifier) x HD. Feats: 1 +1 per HD. Example: Sapphite dragon. Noies Dragons are immune to slep and paralysis effects, and unless otherwise noted, they have both darkvision (with a range of at least oo feet) and low-light vision. Elemental: An elemental isa creature composed of one of the four classical elements: ait, each, fre, or water. Hil Die ds Rave Attack Bens: As clerie (3/4 HD, rounded down). Goad Saving Throws: Reflex (air, fite) or Fortitude (earth, Stell Points (2 x Ine score) + (2 x EHD). eats Int bonus + t per 4 EHD ‘Example: Water weitd, Notes. An elemental is immune to poison, sep, paralysis, and stunning, Since it has no clear front or back itis not subject to critical hits or flanking. Unles otherwise noted, an elemental has datkvision with a range of 60 feet. slain elemental cannet be raised or resurrected, although a wish or mirace spell can restore itr life Foy: This type of eresture has supernstural abilities and connections to nature or 1 some other force or plice, Most fey are human shaped, Hit Die d6 Base Alfack Bonus: As wizard (1/2 HD, rounded down). Goud Saving Threw: Reflex and Will ill ons: (3 Ine score) + (2 EHD). Feais:1+ Int bonus +1 per 4 EHD. Example Jermlaine, Notes A fey is proficient with all simple wespons and, unless otherwise noted, hss low-light vision. Giant: A giant is a creature of humanoid shape and greet strength. Mose giants area least Large in size Hit Die d8 Base Attack Bonus: As cleric (3/4 HD, rounded down), Good Saving Throw: Fortitude Still ints:6+ Int modifier + BAD. Feais:1-+1 per4 BHD, Example Firbolg. Noles A giant is proficient with al simple wespons and, unless otherwise noted, as davision with 2 range of 50 fet ‘Humanoid: A humanoid usually has two arms, two legs, and one head, ora humanlike torso, arms, and head ‘Humanoids are usually Small or Medium-size, with few or no supernatural or extrzordinary abilities, A humancid is proficient with al simple weapons. Hit Died Base Allack Bonus: As clevic (3/4 ILD, rounded down Good Soving Throw: Usually Reflex, but varies by specific creature Skill Points 6 = Int modifier + EHD. Feats t+ 1 per 4 EHD. Example Goblin (See Monster Mara. ‘Nats: Every humanold has a type modifier (ae the next section), often che name of race or racial type. For instance, goblins and bugbears are both of the type humanoid (gotlincid) Magical Beast A creature ofthis rype is similar toa beast but cam have an Intelligence score higher than 2. Magical beasts usually have supernatural or extraondinary abilities Hit Die dt. Bs: Atack Bonus: As fighter (equl to HD). Goud Saving Thrown: Fortitude and Reflex Skil Points: (2 tne score) + EHD. fens 14+ Int bonus 41 per4 EHD. xample: Corolla. Noles Unless otherwise noted, a magical beast has datk- vision with a range of 60 feet and low-light visio. Monstrous Humanoid: A moastious humancid has some humanoid and some monstrous or animalistic fex sures Frofter has supernatural abiltiesas wel. Hit Died, Base Aad Borns: As fighter (equal to HD). Good Saving Thraws Retlex and Wil sill ois: (2% Inu score) + (2x EHD), Feais:t +Int bonus + 1 por 4 EHD. Braxat Notes: A monstrous humanoid is proficient with all ss otherwise noted, ie has darkvision simple weapons. Un with # range of 60 feet. Gore: An ooze is an amorphous or mutable creature, Fit Die. 10, Raw Attack Bonus: As cleric (3/4 HD, rounded down), Gand Saving Throw: None, shall Ponts None. Faais‘None Equipe: Flesh jelly Notes: An ooze is immune to poison, slep paralysis, stan- ing, and polymorphing Since ithas no clear front or back, ‘tis nor subject to critical hts or flanking. An oove has no Litelligence score and is therefore imeaune to all mind: affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, pat- tems,and morale effects). ‘Qores are blind bur have tho blindsight epecial quality. this type has no natural armor bonus, but itis nevertheless difficult 10 kill Because its body is composed primarily of simple proceplasm. This phenomenon is reflected by bonus hit points (in addition to those from Hit Dice and Constitution score) that an ooze receives, accom ing to the cresturv size, as shown on the table below. ore Size Bonus Hi Point Fine = Dinintive Thy * Smal Outsider: An outsider is a nonelemental creature that comes from another dimension, reality, or plane, has an ancestor {rom such a place. or undergoes 2 change that sakesit similar 9 such creatures Ss HH Dievds, ase Attack Bonus As fighter (equal to HD), Good Saving Throws Fortitude, Reflex, Will hil Boints: (8 + Int modifier) x HD. Fanle-t 41 per4 HD, Example: Abyssal rvager Notes: An outsider is proficient with all simple weapons. If its Inceligence score is 6 or higher, itis also proficient with all martial weapons. A slzin outsider cannot be raised orresurrected, although a wisk or miracle spell ean restore it tollife Unlesc otherwise noced, outsiders have darkvision with arange of 60 feet. Plant; This type encompasees all vegetable crestures, including both normal plants and plant creatures. tut Derds, Bese Attack Ronus: As cleric (3/4 HD, rounded down od Saving Throws Fortitude Skill Boints: None, als: None. Example: Greenvise, Notes: plan immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stur- ning, and polymorphing end is not subject 10 eviical hits ‘or mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, paar tasms, patterns, and morale effects). Unless otherwise ated, a creature of this type has low light vision. Shapechanger: This type of creature has a stable body ‘but can assume orher forms. Hu Diesds, ase Attack Bonus: As cleric (3/4 HD, rounded down). Good Saving Throw’: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Skill Ronis: (2 Int score) + BHD. Feats: + Int bonus « 1 per 4 FHT Example: Grimalkin. (Notes: Unless otherwise noted, a shapechanger has dark vision with a range of 60 feet Undead: Undead are once-iving creatures animated by spiritual er supernatural forces Hit Di: dt, Base Allacke Bonus: As wizard (1/2 HD, rounded down! pie ie suis Goof Saving Throw: Will. Skil Poins:(3 % Int score) + (2 EHD), Feats: 1+ Int bonus+ 1 per4 EHD Example Banshee Notes: An undead has no Constitution score. It is immune to mine-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), poison, sleep, pacalysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromantic effects, and any ffecr tha requites Fortirude save unless ic also works on objects The creature isnot subject to tit ical hies, subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain, ot energy drain ‘An undead with ao Intelligence score cannot heal damage, though it can be healed. (An intelligent undead heals damage normally, despite its lack of Constitution) [Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) heals any undead creature. The fost healing special quality works for those undead that have it regardless oftheir lack of Constitution. An undead Is noc 2t risk of death from massive damage (eee Injury and Death in Chapter 8 ofthe Payers Handbook, but when reduced to 0 or fewer hit poimrs itis destroyed. I «cannot be raised, and although resurrection can affect it, such attempts almost elways fail because most undead are unwilling to be brought back to life (see Bringing Back the ead in Chapter 100 the Meyers Haack} An undead spelleaster uses its Constitution modifier (10) or its Charisma modifier, whichever is higher, when making Concentration checks. Unless otherwise noted, an undead has darkvision with « ange of 60 feet. Vermin: This type includes insects, arachnids, acthro- pods, worms, an similar invertebrates, Ihe Die ds. Base Attack Banus: As cleric (3/4 HD, rounded down) Good saving Throw Fortitude. Skill Points 4080 15, Feats None. ‘tanple Leechwalker. [Notes A vermin has no Intelligence score andisthere immune to all mind-affeeting effects (charms, compul- sions, phantass patterns and morale effects). Unless oth exwise noted, it has dackvision with «range of 60 Feet. A poisonous vermin of at least Medium-size gets a bonus to the save DC for ts poison based on it size, a shown on the accompanying ule Yernin sie Poison Save 0¢ Bonus Mediumsize 2 ee ™ Hoge * Caper “a ‘cots ona Type Modifiers “Type modificis appear as parenthetical notes following the creature type. this notation indicates thar the crearare sociated with an environment (aquatic, for example), a subtype of creature (goblinoid), a form of energy (te), a state of being (incorporeal),or the like A type modifier can identily a subtype within a larger type, such: as undead (incorporeal), or link creatures that share characteristics, such és humenoid (goblinoid), or com rect members of differen ypes that share an artibute. For example, fost selamanders and iramoths belong to te magical beast and elemental types, respectively, bur both are also ofthe cold subtype. Some common type modifiers that alee a eretuces abi itp are described below. Cold: Acold creates immune to cold damage. Terakes double damage fcom fite unless a saving throw for half damage is llowed, in which cae i akes lf damage on a successor double damage on afailue Hire: A fire creature is immune to fire damage. It rakes double damage from cold unless a saving throw fr half damage is allowed, in which casei takes half damage on 2 success or double damage on failure Incorporeal: Ax incerporeal creature has no physical body Ircan be harmed only by ether incoporeclerearaes, 1 cox berter magic weapons, spells, spellike abilities, and super satural abilities. Tris immune tll nonmagical atack fortis Even when hit by spells or magic weapons, ie has a SO% chance to ignore any Gamage from a corporeal source except force elfees, such as magic msi or attacks made with ghost touch weepons). An incorporesl creature has no nataral armor bonus, butt does havea defletion bonus equal its Charisma modifier (minimum +1, even if the exeature’s Charisma core would not normally provide 2 bonus) ‘An incoporea creature can pas through sold objects, but notforce effect at will sareacks pass though (ignore) an ral armor, armor, and shields although deflection bonuses and force effect (such as mage arr) work normally against them. An incorporel creature moves slemly and cannot be heard with Listen checks it doesnt wish tobe. Tt ha no Strength score st uses ether its Strength mediir (40) ots Dexterity medi, whichever is higher, for is melee atacks. HIT DICE ‘This line gives the number end sizeof Hit Dice the creature has, plus any bonus hit points. A parenthetical note pro- vides the average hit points fora typical specimen. & cres ture's Hit Dice total is also its level forthe purpose of deter mining how spells effec it, ts rate of natural healing, and its maximum ranks ina skill, INITIATIVE This line gives the creature's modifier to initiative rolls This value isthe sum ofthe creatures Dexterity modifier and =4 forthe Improved Initiative fat, if eppieable SPEED Unless stated otherwise, the first enery on this line gives the creature’ tactical speed on land (the amount of distance itcan cover in one mave action). Ifthe creature has other modes of movement, these are given after the main entry. Unless otherwizenateg, modeso! movement arenaturl not magical ‘The other possible modes of movement are detailed belov. Burrow: The crearure can tunnel through dirt, bar nt through rock unless the descriptive text says ctherwise. A creature cannot run while burrowing. Climb: A creature with a climb speed has Climb asa class shalland gains «48 racial borus on Climb checks (included inthe ctesture's Climb modifier) The cresture must make a Climb check to climb any wall or slope with a DC higher than o, but it always an choose to take 10 (see Checks with out Ralls in Chapter 4 of the Player's Handbook), even if rushed or threatened, The creature moves at the given speed while climbing. IFit cheoses an accelerated climb {seeClimb in Chaprer 4 ofthe Payers Handbook), it moves at double the given climb speed (or its normal land speed, whichever is Lower) and makes single Climb check ata penalty. A creature cannot run while climbing. I¢retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Clas (if any) while climbing, andan opponent gets nospecial bonus om his or her atacks againse ir while it climbs ‘Fly: The creature can fy atthe given speed if carrying no more than light oad (see Carrying Capecity in Chup- ter 9 of the Players Handbeok, and Strength, below), All fly speeds include a parenthetical note indicating menewver- ability as follows Parjets The creature can perform almost any aerial maneuver it wishes. 1 moves through the air as well s a Ihuinan docs over smooth ground, CGond:‘The creature is very agile in the ait and can fly as well asa housefly or hummingbird, but it cannot change Aicection as readily as those with pesfect maneuverability. Average The eresture can fly as adroitly as a stall bit or: The creature Mies as wells avery large bird CClunsy:The erearure can barely ly at all Creatures that fly can make dive attacks This type of artack works just ikea charge, but the diving creature must move a minimum of 30 feet. 11 can make only claw attacks, but these del double damage. A creature can use the run accion while fying, provided i fies in. straight line For more information, see Tactical Aerial Movement in Chapter 3of the Dunczow Masres Guide Swim: A creature with a swim speed can move through wwateratthe given speed without making Swim checks. gins 2 18 racial bonus on any Swim check (included in its Sora ‘modifier to peeform some special action or avotd a hazard ‘The creature always can chouse 10 take 10, even if rushed oF threatened when swimming. A creature can tse the ruin accion while swimming provided itswims in a straght line. ARMOR CLASS ‘The Armor Class line gives the creatures AC for normal combat and includes a parenthetical mention of the med fers contributing to it (ususlly sie, Dexterity, and natural armor), The creatures AC against couch attacks and Its AC when flar-footed are also provided. The amount af a creavures natural armor bonus corre sponds tothe material that covers its body. The skin ofa crea ture such esa human, dwar, or elf provides no narural armor bonus A creature with thick skin or fur has a natural armor bonus ranging from +1 (the grimalkin, for instance) to +3, (che blood ape). A eeature with an exceptionally tough hide has a natural srmor bonus of +4 (the loxo) or higher Some creatutes, such asthe hook horror, have a high natura armor bonus (+10 in this case] because of e strong, rigid exeskele ton, With other creatures, sach asthe vaperighu, high nat tural armor bonus (+11, in this case) indicates 1 malleable, «amorphous bed that is difficult to strike effectively. ‘The scales of a dragon provide it with bonus thar usually stars out at +5 or +6 for a wyrmlingand can be as high as +38 or +39 for a great wyrm. See the dragon entries in this ook for more details natural armor Attacks “This line gives all the creature's physical atacks, whether with narural or manufactured weapons. If the creature is capable of multiple atcacks (either more than one attack with a certain attack form, or more then one stack using, different crack forms),alitsateck bonuses are given here. the given attack bonuses inclade al applicable modifiers. Attack Routine: Many creatures can atack in more than ‘one way or with different combinations of weapons. In such a cas, the creatures Attacks entry gives an attack row tine for each mode of attack. Mulriple attack routines in an Arcacks entry are separated by commas. For example, the entry for the chaos roe reads "2 claws ‘41 melee and bite 136 melee, or 2 wings +41 melee."The claw attacks andthe bite are one attack routine, and the rwo wing attacks are anther atack routine, A creature with smutiple atack routines cannet use mote than one! those routines in given round. An tick routine ean inclide an atack with a manufie: sured weapon as wellas natural weapon attack Natural Weapons: these include teeth claws, tentacles, and the like. The entry gives the nuraber of attacks along with the type of weapon (2 claws, for example), attack bonus, and form of attack (melee or ranged). The frst list- ing is for te creature's petmary weapon, and it includes an attack bonus that incorporates applicable modifiers for sie, Strength, Dexterity, the Wezpon Focus feat, and anything else chat affects this value The remaining weapons mentioned (if any) ate secondery. Fach ofthese attacks has a5 penalty on the attack roll, no aatterhow many secondary stacks there ate, Creatures with the Mulisttack feat (see the Ceearare Fears sidebar, later in the introduction) take only a~2 penalty on secondary attacks. All of the foregoing assumes that the creature makes 2 fall arack (see Attack Actions in Chapter 8 of the Players Handbook) and employs al its narural weapons. Ifa creature instead chooses the attack option (and thus makes only a single attack), i ues its primary atack bons. Unless otherwise nated, a natural weapon threatens 2 critical hit on a natural attack roll of 20. “Manufactured Weapons: Creatures tharuse swords bows, spears, and the like follow the same rales as characters do Sometimes a crearure may follow up a manufactured ‘weapon attack with one or more ofcsnatural weapon atecks Allnauralatacks used in combination with 3 weapon atack are secondary attacks, regarless of whether they were pri sary or secondary in the creature's natura attack sequence. DAMAGE This line provides the damage each of the creature's artacks deals, Natural Weapons: A ctesture’s primary artsck damage includes is full Steengeh modifier (1 1/2 % its Strength Thoms if ti the cresture’s sole attack, or 1 its Serengeh onus fit has multiple natural weapons or multiple attacks withthe sime ratural weapon) Secondary attacks ald only 1/2 x the erearures Srength bonus If any attacks also cause some special effect other than normal hit point damage (poison, disease, energy drain, paralysis, or the lke), chat information is giver here. Unlessotherwise noxed,a creature deals double damage with a natural weapon on a critical hit. ‘Natural weapons have types justas other weapons do (see ‘Weapon Qualities in Chapter 7 of the Players Handbook). The most common of these are summarized below. Bite: The creacure atacks with its mouth, dealing piere ing, clashing, and bhidgeoning damage (Claw or Rake: The creature rips with «sharp appendage, dealing piercing and sloshing damage Gove: The creature speats the opponent with an antler, hom or similar appendage, dealing piercing damage. ‘Slom or fil Slap: The cxeatute battets opponenis with an appendage, dealing bhidgeoning damage. Shing: The creature staks with a stinger, dealing piercing damage. Singers ae usually poisoned, Manufsctured Weapons: Creatures that use swords, bows, spears, and the lke follow the same rules as characters do, Regardless of how many bands (or other appendages capable of wielding : weapon) a creature may have, only one of them i primary The rest count zs off hands The damage bonuis for a melee weapon attack depends on the hand or sands that wield che weapons, 2s shown on the rable below. Apply the given multiplier tothe creature’ Strength bons if {thas one) and add che resul 10 she damage rolled. Weapon Held in Typeof rina Of Primary pus TwoOT Weapon Mand) Hand OF Hand Hands Notte aD a ake x xf x x2 No standard weapon can be wielded with more than two hands. (A custom version of a weapon may be able to be wielded with more than two hands; in such a case, the ada tional damage honus would apply for exch off hand used.) {A Strength penalty applies to the damage of any wespor at 1 x1ts value, regardless of which hand o how many hhands are used to wield i This penalty does not accumulate when anadditional hand is used to grasp 4 weapon, Ife monsterhasthe superior two-wespon fighting or spe. rior muliweapon fighting special quality all ofits hands are considered primary forthe purpose of damage bonuses FACE/REACH ‘This line describes how much space the creature needs to fight effectively and how close it has to be to threaten an ‘opponent. This information is written in the format"x ft. by y t/a fe" The numbers before the slash show the cresture'’s fighting space (width first, length second). The number aler the slash is the monsters natural each, Ifthe erearure has exceptional reach because of 3 weapon, tentacle, or the like, the extended reach and its source are noted in parentheses. A natural weapon that provides exceptional reach (such as the cloud ray’ ail or the moon- calf tentacle rake) may be used against foes that are adja cent the exeatue. ‘A creatures Face/Reach entry depends on its size and anatomy, as outlined inthe table belove Face/REACH by Ckearure SIZE feample Natu Great Face Reach Hasey aki Ok Tod Th byt cat soothing i Inachel SRS RS i resis siemeee Large el) —— Sf bys t eee eed Huge tal" Moorbeast_—WR.byIOR, 1S ge long) + Gergartuan (al) **_Corpse gathere DAb2OR 20K x (ong Fiend Sem ee Y s Colossal tal)**_—Nourtan gat 40 by 0%. 25 Celosal (onal Usted width by erg Tall creatures are those tha ae tale than the are lng or wide. Lae creatures teas eng or lrgey, or as wide or wide tan they ae tal. ‘Ble, long creatues maybe of several shapes. ACargantian corpse gstherer fil 3 10fcot=quare aes, while» Carganuan fend fis 2 space 40 feet long and 10 fee woe. ite Nerdwuim collec itself int scl it ould take up 2 70 foatby-70‘0ot space | SPECIAL ABILITIES Many creatures have unusual abilities, which can include spe= cialatack forms, resistance ot vulnerability tocerrainrypes of damage, and enhanced senses, among others. A monster entry breaks these abilities into Special Attacks and Special {Quulites. The later category includes defenses, vulnerabili- ties, and other special abilities that are not modes of attack A special abuty can be designated as extraodinary, spell ike, or supernatural, orit may have nodesignator (in whick case the ability is considered natural). The designators are defined below Extraordinary (Ex): Extriordinary abilities are nen: magical, dont go away in an antimagie field, and are not subject to any effec that disrupts magic. Using an extraor- elinary ability isa fee action unless otherwise noted. Spell-Like (Sp): Spell-like abilities sre magical and work just lke spells though they are not spells and thus have no vetbul, somatic, material, focus, or XP components. These effocte go sway inan ensimagic field and are subjectto spell resistance. there is usually a limit on the numberof times & spelhlike ability can be used, but one thar is designated as “ways serve” or ‘at will” as no usage limit A cteature with spelblike abilities has an effective caster level, which sets the difficulty of dispelling that creature’ spell-like abilities and defines any level-dependens vari- ables (such as range and duration) that might apply. The creatures effective caster level never affects which spel: like abilities it can have; sometimes the given caste level is lower than the level s spelicesting character would have to be in order tocast the spell of the same name. Likewise) it's not necessary for a creature to have levels in a particular spellcasting class in order to use a spell-like ability that tesemblesone of tharclasss spells. The saving throw (ifany to resist or negate the effect of a spellliee abilry has a DC af 10~ the level ofthe spell the ability resembles or dup ‘ates (he lowest possible level, where this differs by class) + the creatures Charisma modifier Usinga spelblike ability isa standard ction unless other wise noted, and doing so while threatened provokes an attack of opportunity. A spelllike ability can be disrupted just asa spell can be. SpelFlike abilities cannot be used to counterspel, nor can they be counterspelled bur they ean be used defensively jure as spells can (see the Concentra tion skill description in Chapter 4of the Players Handbook) Supernatural: Supernatural abilities are magical and go away in an antimagic Feld but sre not subject o spell resist. ance. Using 1 supernatural ability isa standard action unless utherwise noted. Such an ability may have a use limit or be usable at will juse like a spelblike ability. How ever, supernatural abilities do not provoke aitacks of oppor runity and never require Concentration checks. SPECIAL ATTACKS this line identifies the creatures special attacks. (IF t has sone, his ine is absent.) Domils of the most common types cof special atracks are given below. Where specific values are piven for save DCs ageinst special attacks, they are for « crearure with the HD snd ability scares given in the main statistics block. Additional information can be found in the creatures descriptive rext. Ability Score Loss (Su): Some artacks reduce the opponent’ scare in one ar more abilities This los can be permanent or emporary (see Ability Score Loss in Chapter 3of the Dose Ability Drain: This effect permanently reduces a living ‘opponent’ ability score when the creature its witha melee atack. The creature’ descriptive text gives the affected abil: ity and the number of ability score points drained. If an avtack that causes ability drain scores @ critica hi it drains twice the given amour (Ifthe damage is expressed as adie range, roll double the usual number of dice ) A draining crearure heals $ points of damage it bas taken (10 on exit: cal it) whenever it drains an ability score, no matter how rmany poinesit drains. the amount ofhhealing is more than the damage che creature has taken, it gains any excess 4s temporary hie points, which last a maximum of 1 hour. Some ability drain attacks allow a Fortitude save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 draining creatures HD + draining creature's Charisma modifier. [fro saving throw is mentioned, none isalloved Ability Damage: This attack remporarly reduces an ‘opponent's ability score. The creature's descriptive text tives the ability and the amount of damage. [fan attack that causes ability damage scores a critical hit it deals tice the given amount. (Ifthe damage is expressed as a die range roll double the usual number of dice.) Temporary ability damage heals naturally atthe rate oft point per day for each affected able. Breath Weapon (Su): A breath weapon attack ustally deals damage and 1s often based on some type of energy (such afte), rallows a Reflex save for half damage with 2 DC of t0 + 1/2 breathing creatures KID + breathing crea- tures Constitution modifier A creature Is immune to its ‘own bresth weapon and to the breath weapons of others of ite ind unless orhervvise noted. CGonstrict (Ex): This special attack crushes an opponent, dealing bludgeoning damage, after the creature makes a successful grapple check (see Grapple in Chapter @ of the Hlaye’s Handbook). The amount of damage is given in the creature's entry If the ereature alse has the improved grab ability (see below’, it deals constrict damage in addition to the damage dealt by the weapon itused to grab. ‘Energy Drain (Su): This areack saps « living opponent's vital energy and happens automatically when the creature melee or ranged attack hits. Each successful energy dain bestows one ot more negative levels (the descriptive text specifies how many). See Energy Drain in Chapter 3 of the DUNGEON Mastzx’s Guide for details. 1f an attack that includesaan energy drain scotes a critica ht, it drains twice the given amount. For each negative level bestowed on an opponent, the draining creature heals 5 potnts of damage it has taken, If dhe amount of healing is more than the damage the creature has tken, it gsins any excess as temporary hit points, which lasta maximum of t hour. The affected opponent tekes a~t penalty on al skill and ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws, and loses 1 effective evel or Hit Die (whenever level is used in a dle Masrens Guid), roll ora calculation) for each negative level. spellcaster loses one spell slot ofthe highest level he or che can cast and (if applicable) one prepared spell of that level this loss persists until the negative level is removed If chey are not eemoved with a spel, such as restration, negative levels remain until 24 hours have passed. At that ‘nme, the acted opponent must atiempta Fortitude save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 draining creature’ HD + draining creature’ Charisma modifier. On a success, the negative level goes eway with no harmo the opponent. On 2 failure, the negative level goes away, but the opponent’ level (oF HD) is also reduced by one. A separate saving throw is required for each negative level Fear (Su or Sp): There are several types of attacks that rmagicelly induce fesrin an opponent Teor Aura (Su) This ability exther operates continuously coc can be used at will In cither ease, using itisa free action ‘fear aura can immobilize an opponent for example, the riconbeasts aura) or function similarly to the fear spell for example, the oura of « malebranchs) Other specific effees are also possible if a fear effect allows a saving throw, itis a Will save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 fearsome creatures HD + fearsome eres ture’ Charisma modifier ‘rightful Presence (Ex): This ability makes a creature's vety presence unsettling to foes. Irrakes effect automa cally when the creature performs some sort of dramatic action (such as charging attacking,or snarling). Opponents within range thet witness the action may become panicked, frightened, or shaken (see Condition Summary in Chapter 30 the DuNGrOW Mastaxs Guide’ Actions required to trigger the ability are given in the cceature’s descriptive text The range is ususlly 80 feet, bat the entry gives any exceptions. The duration is usually sde rounds This ability afects only opponents with fewer Hit Dice and/or levels than the creature has. An affected opponent can resist the effects with a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 frightful creatates HID + frightful creatures Charisma zmedifier. Aa opponent thar succeeds at the saving throw is immane to that creature frightful presence for 24 hours. Caze (Su): A gaze attack takes effect when opponents Tooke at the creature’ eves (see Gaze Artacks in Chapter 3 of, the DuNceow Mastaxs Guide) The actack can have almost any sore of effece petrifcation, death, eneray drain, chat, fear, and so on. The typical range is 30 feet. Most gare attacks operate continuously a the creatute is von scious and hasits eyes open “The eype of saving throw against a gaze atack varies it {is usually a Will or Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 gazing, creature’ HID 4 gasing erearures Charisma modifier. A successful saving throw negates the effect. Evety opponent within sange of a gize attack must, tempt «saving throw each round at the beginning ofits turn in the initistive order. An ofporeatis vulnerable only \flooking direcly atthe creature. An opponent can avoid havingto make the saving throwby not lookingat the crea ture, which can be done by averting one’s eyes or by using @ bariero sight Averiing One's By The epponent aveids looking at the creature’ face and instead looks at its body, watches its shadow, rracks it ina reflective surface, or the like. Each rotind, the opponent has a $0% chance to avoid needing 10 make a saving throw against the gaze attack, The creature with the geze atack, howeven gains one-half concealment against that epponent. ‘Ruri to Sight: An opponent that cannot ste the creature at all cannot be affected by its gaze attack. This can be accomplished by turning one back on che cresture, shut= ting one's eyes, or wearing a blindfold or head covering that prevents sight. The crearure with the gaze aac gains rol concealment against the opponent. ‘creature with a gaze artack can atively gaze asa attack action by choosing a targer within range. That opponent rust artempe a saving throw unless successful at avoiding the gaze as described above. Thus, itis possible for an oppo- nent to have to save against a creature's gaze attack twice duting the sire round, once before the opponent’ ection and once during the creatures turn, Gaze atticks can affect ethereal opponents, Unless other- wise noted, a creature is immune tits own gaze atack and to those of others ofits own kind. Improved Grab (Ex): Ifthe creatuce its with a melee sveapon (sully s claw or bite attack) it deals normal damage and attempts to stata grapple asa free action without pro- vokingan atuck of opportunity (sce Grapple in Chapter 8 of the Players Handbook), No inital touch attack i requted, and a Tiny or Smal erature does not have 2 special size penalty: instead it uses its regular size modifier for attacks. Unless otherwise noted, impraved grab works only against opps nents atleast one size category smaller than the creature. “The creature can conduct the grapple normally or it can simply use the pattof ts body it used inthe improved grab attack to hold the opponent. If it chooses todo the later, it takes a~20 penalty on grapple checks unc its next rarn (at which point it een choose to continue taking the -20 penalry, or decide not to continue taking it but itis aso not considered grappled during that time. The creature doesnot lose its Dexterity bonus to Armor Cles, it still threatens en area, and itcan use its remaining attacks normaly Unlike a regular grapple, a successful hold does not dea! any additional damage beyond that dealt by the weepon in the initial round, unless otherwise noted (for example the constrict ability deals its damage the same round), £ the creature does have an ability that allows extra damage, each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds deals the damage given forthe attack that established the hold. Otherwise, it deals damage from all applicable special attacks 2s well (the amount is given in the creature's + descriptive text), Whenever creature gets a hold after an improved grab poll che opponent into its space. This cer does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If it chooses to take 2 20 penalty on its grapple check, it can move (possibly carrying away the opponent), provided ie can drag the latter’ weight Poison (Ex): A poison stack dealsits intial damage, ust- ally in the form of ability damage, to the opponent on a filed Forcirude save, Unless otherwise nored, another saving throw is required 1 minute later (regardless of the first saves result) o avoid the poison’ secondary damage. The creatures descripive text provides the details The Fortitude save against poison has 1 DC of 10 + 1/2 poisoning creature's HD + poisoning creature's Conatite tion modifier. A successful save avoids the damage Psionics (Sp): Psionic abilities are generated with the power of «creatures mind. As. genecal rule, psionics are treated 2s spell-ike abilities the use of one is standard action, and it can be used a certain number of times per day (oc at will), as specified in the creature's descriptive text. I yourcampaiga uses the Francs Handhvok, substitute the psionic power of the same nzme for each ofthese abilities. With the Poni Hanldock it also possible forthe psionic cxeatures in this book (the brraat, the gem dragons, and the thn-kreen) tobe fully fleshed out with pstonic artack and defense modes and class equivalents for manifesting powers, which are previded for exch psionic creature in the Atack/Defense Modes paragraph ofthe psionics entry. Pa centhetical actes elsewhere in each psionic creature's descriptive text indiczte other adjustments that need to be made when the Psonics Hunutook s used. Ray (Su oF Sp}: A cay behaves like a ranged attack (see Aiming a Spell in Chapter 10 of the Payers Handbook). 1 requires a ranged touch aitack rol, ignoring armor and shield (dhe opponent's touch AC applies) and using the creamare’ ranged attack bonus, Ray atacks are always made as if at short range (no range increment penalty applies). The creature descriptive text specifies the maximum range, effects, and any applicable saving throw Spells: Some creatures can cast arcane or divine spells Just as members ofa spellcasting class can (and can activate ‘magic items accordingly), These creatures are subject co the same spelleasing rules as characters are. Spells per day and spells known are given fora creature with the ability scores noted in the main statistics block, ‘Aspellcasting creature isnot actually a member of class, unless its entries says so, and itdoes not gain any class abil ities or featuces For example, a cresrure that casts arcane spells asa sorcerer cannot acquitea familiar. Unless other= ‘wise noted, 1 creature with access to cleric spells tha: does not actually have levels asa cleric must prepare the spellsin the normal manner and receives no extra slots for domain spells, though it may be able ro chocse spells from partct ler domains. In any case, such a creature does not have access toa domains granted powers artack, Swallow Whole (Ex): Ifthe creature begins is turn with san oppaneat held in its mouth (see Improved Crch, show), itcanartempt a new grapple check,as though attempting pin the opponent. Ifit succeeds itswallows its prey and the ‘opponent takes bite damage. Being swallowed has various additional consequences, depending on the creature doing the swallowing, but a swallowed crenture is considered grappled, while the crea- ture that did the swallowing is not. A swallowed creature canny tocut is way fie with any light piereingor slashing ‘weapon (the amount of cutting damage required to get free is noted in the creature description), ot it can just try t0 escape the grapple. If the swallowed creature chooses the lorter course, success puts it back in the attacker's mouth, where it may be bitten or swallowed again. ‘The creature's descriptive ext specifies what size op nents it can swallow. The creatures stomach or gullet cen hold either one or two opponents of the largest size cate- gory itcan swallow, or 2 certain number of creatures of smaller size, as specified in the creature's deecriptive text. ‘Trample (Ex): As standard action during its turn each round, the ereature can trample opponents at least one size category smaller than itself, unless otherwise noted. ‘The creature merely has to move over the opponents. The trample deals bludgeoning damage (the descriptive text gives the amount) ‘A trampled opponent may attempt an attack of oppor tunity with a ~4 penalty on the aitack roll, An opponent that chooses act to make an attack of opportunity may inscead attempt a Reflex save for half damage. The save Cis 10+ 1/2 trampling creatuces HD + trampling crea ture’ Serength modifier SPECIAL QUALITIES ‘This line identifies the crecture’s special qualities. (Fit has no special qualities, this line is absent.) Detsils of the most common special qualitiesare given below. Additional infor- mation can be found in the ersturv descriptive text Blindsight (Ex): Using nonvisual senses, such as sensi- tivity o vibrations, seent, cute heating, or echolocation, the creature maneuversand fights normally without vision. Invisibility and darkness ae irrelevant, though the creature suill cant discern ethereal beings. The ability range is spec- ified in the erearures descriprive text, The creature usually does not need to make Spot or Listen checks to notice crea tures within range of is blindsight ability Damage Reduction (Su): Most weapons (naturel or man- tactared) thar hit the erearure deal less damage than they ondinanly do, (The creatur’s wounds heal immediately orthe hie turns into glancing blow in either case, the opponent keaows the attack was ineffective )The creature tekes normal damage from energy attacks (even nonmagical ones), spells, spell-like abilities, end supernarurl abilities. A magic weapon cor creature with its own damage reduction (DR) ean some- times damage the creature noted below. the creature’ e {gnoced (usually Sto 25 points) and the type of weapon that cvercomes the ability For exaruple, the boggle’ entry reads “DR /mi” Each rime a foe hits a bogale with a weapon, the damage dealt by that attack is reduced by 5 poinis(to min imum of 0), However, +1 weapon deals full damage ‘Any weapon more powerful then the type given in the creature DR statistic slso overcomes the ability (See Table 3-15: Damage Reduction Rankings in the DUNGEON Masie’s Guide.) For example, a boggle (DR 5/11) takes normal damage from weapons with 42 or hetter bonuses from magic, but not from nonmagical weapons. Non magical enhancement bonuses (such as those of master work or adamantine weapons) do nor enable a weapon t0 overcome demage reduction. For purposes of harming other creatures with damage indicetes the amount of damage reduction, a creatures natural weapons count as the type that overcomes its own innate damage reduction, However, damage reduction fro spell, such as sbreskn, does not confer this abilicy The amount of damage reduction is irel: evant. For example, a bronze serpent (DR 10/+t) deals fall damage 10 a boggle, as if the bronze serpents bite attack 1 weapon Darkvision (Ex) This ability enablesa creature 0 se lightless conditions, out to a range specified in the crea ture’ descriptive text. Darevision is black and white only (no colors.can be detected). and it does not allow a creature to see something it could nox see in lighted conditions, such as en invisible creature. A crearute with darkvision is vulnerable to geze attacks, just a6 2 creature without dark: vision would bein lighted conditions Fast Healing (Ex) The creature regains hit points at an exceptionally fast rate, usually 1 or more hit points per round, as given in the entry. (For example, an ethereal dep" pelganger has fast healing €.) Fast healing is like natural healing (see Chapter 8 of the Mayer’ Fiandbcok), except that {i does not restore hit points lest from starvation, thirst suffocation, Fast healing only wosks on a creature that is alive. Unless otherwise noted, the ability does notallow lost body parts to be reartached, Immunity: Many creatures are immune to various harinfil effects. For example, creatures with fire immunity take no damage from fice In some ceses, an attack can deal several kinds of damage at once, and in these cases the immunity might negate all, some, or none of the damage, Some aituchs combine smaller amounts of damage in discrete parts. For example an ice torm spell deals 346 points of bludgeoning damage plus 2d6 points of cold damage. A creature that has cold immunity suffers enly the bludgeoning dimage from an ie storm spel, A creature that is immune to bludg- eoning damage suffers only the cold damage from an ice sloin: spell Other forms of attack deal multiple kinds of damage simultaneously. For exaraple, a crearure’ bite attack deals sere made with a piercing, slashing, ond bludgeoning damage, but that damage isnot divided into separate parts In these cases, 2 creature vulnerable to any one of the types of damage delivered takes the attack’ full damage. For example, + creature immune to sleshing damage still suffers Full damage from a bite. ‘Low Light Vision (Ex): This ability is possessed by crea tures whose eyes are extraordinarily sensitive to light, so that they can see twice as far as normal in dim light. See “Table 9-7: Light Sources and the Vision and Light section in Chapter 9 of the Players Hondook; also see Low-Light Vision in Chapter 3 of the Dunceow Masten’ Guide Regeneration (Ex Crestures with this ability are dif. cleo kill Damage dealt to the creature is treated a5 sub- dual damage—and the creacure automatically heals this subdual damage ata fixed rate por round, as Biven in the entry (For exemple, an elemental weird has regeneration 10.) Certain attack forms, rypieally fire and acid, deal norimal damage to the creature. The creature’ descriptive text contains these derails ‘A creature with regeneration that has been rendered tunconscious through subdul demage can be killed with « coup de grace (see Helpless Defenders in Chapter 8 of the Hlayer’s Handbook) ifthe type of attack used for the coup de grace deals normal damage tothe crearre. “Attack forms that dont deal hit point damage (for example, a dsinegrte effect and most poisons) ignore regeneration Regeneration also does not restore hit points lost from star vation, thirst, or suffocation. Body tut Regeneration: Some creatureshave a special form of regeneration thatenables them to regrow lost portionsof their bodies or reattach severed limbs or body parts details are given in the creature's entry (For instance, both the ‘datktcnacles and the grell have tentacle regeneration. Resistance to Energy (Ex): The creature disregards some amount of darnage of the given type each rourd (com: monly acid, cold, fre, or electricity). The entry indicates the amount and rype of damage ignored. For example, a gem dragon has fire resistance 30, 50 it disregards the first 30 points of fire damage dealt co it each round. Scent (Ex): This ability sllows the crearure to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell Crearures with the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans ean identily familiar sights with their eyes, ‘A creature with the scent ability can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. [fhe opponent is upwind the range increases to 60 fet; if downwind, it tops to 15 fect. Song scent, such as smoke or rotting gerbage canbe detected at ewice the ranges noted above, Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or croglodyte stench, can be detected t triple novimal range ‘When a crearure detects scent, the exict location is not revealed—only its presence somewhere within range. The cceatuze cin take a partial action to note the ditection of the scent. it mevesto within 5 feer ofthe souree the tes: rure can pinpoint that source A creature with the scent ability can follow tracks by smell, inaking a Wisdom check to find ot follow a track The typical DC for a fresh rail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds the scent). This DC increases or decieises depending on how strong the quarry’> edor is, the number of creatures inthe tricked group, and the 2g* of the trail For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the rales for the Track feet (see Chapter 4 of the Players Handbook). Creatures tracking by scent ignore the effects of sunfuce conditions and poor visibility Spell Resistance (Ex): The creature can avoid the effects of spells, spellike abilities, and magic stems that directly affect it.The entry includes ¢ numerical rating. To determine if a spell or spel-like abiliry works, the spell caster makes a cester level check (roll 1420 ~ caster level. If the resule equals or exceeds the creatute’s spell resist ance (SR) rating, che spell works normally, although the creature s stil allowed a saving throw (if applicable). See Spell Resistance in Chapter 3 of the Duwceow Masten’ Guide for devil ‘Turn Resistance (Ex): The create (usually an undead) is less easily affected by clerics or paladins (see Turn and Rebuke Undead in Chapter § of the Hayer’s Handeot) than it would be otherwise. When resolving a turn, rebuke, com mand. or bolster attempt, add the given bomus ro the crea ‘ures Hit Dice total For example, a spawn of Kyuss has urn resistance +2 and 4 HD. Attempts to turn, rebuke, com- mand, or bolster wea the spawn as if had 6 11D, though it isa (HD creature for any other purpose. SAVES This line gives the creature's Fortitude, Reflex, and Will save modifiers, which take into account its type, ability score modifiers, and any special qualities. ABILITIES This Line lissall sof the creature ability scores inorder: Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha. These values are average for the ctesture’ kind, Most abilities work as described in Chapter 1 of the elayer’s Bzandbvok, with the exceptions noted below. Strength: (Quadrupeds can carty beavlerloads than char acters ca. To determine 2 quadrupeds carrying capacity, use Tle 9-1: Carrying Capacity in che Payers Handbek, :nuliplying by the appropriate modifier forthe creatures, size: Hine 1/4, Diminutive 1/2, Tiny 3/4, Small 1, Medium 11/2, Lange 3, Huge 5, Gargantuan 12, and Colossel 24. Intelligence: 4 creature can speak all the languages mentioned in its descriptive text, plus one addiciona! fa guageperpoint of Incligence bonus. Any crearure withan Intelligence scare of 3 or higher understands atleast one language (Common, unless otherwise nove Nonabilities: Some creatures lack cern ability scores, Such s creature does not have an ability sore of 0—it lacks the ability aliogethes, The modifier for & nonability i +. Other detil of noncblities ae a follows. Shength: Any crearure that can physically manipulate objects has atleast 1 point of Srength A-cieature wth no Strength score can exert force, ust ally because it has no physical body (a banshee, for exam- ple) or because st doesn't move (a shite Merual) The exestare automacealy fils Strengch checks. Ait can atic, it applies its Dexterity modifier to is base stack bonus instead ofa Sirength mollie. Dexterity Aay creature that ean move has at of Dexterity ‘creature with no Dexterity score (a shite, for exam- ple; see Monster Manual) cent move, Ii ean scx (such aBby casting spells), se applies its Intelligence modifier ro inti te checks instead of a Dexterity modifier The crearure failsall Reflex saves and Dosterity checks Camalilaion: Any living creavuce has st least 4 point of Constitution, see Monster 1 1 point ‘Acreature with no Constitution score has nobody (aban- shee, for exaraple) or no metabolism (a golem). It is immune to any effect that requites a Fortitude save unless the effece works on objects Tor example runic guardian is unaffected by any type of poison bur is susceptible t adi integrate spell, The creature is also immune to ability damage, ability deain, and energy drain, and it always fails Constitution checks ‘Acteature wich no Constitution score cannot heal damage omits ovr, though it can be heeled by external means (aspell cor an application of the Heal skill, for example). Negative ‘energy (such as an inflict spell) can heal undead creatures. Constructs can be repaired in the same way an object can be (see the eretare’s description for detail) The regeneration and fast hesling special qualities work regardless of a cree tuzes Constitution score (or lack of ene) Ineligone: Any erearure tha can chink, learn, or remem ber has atleast t point of Intelligence. Acresture with no Intelligence score operates on simple instincts oF programmed instructions. Iris immune to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns and morale effects) and automaticaly fils Intell gence checks Wisdom: Any czeature that can perceive its environment in any fasion has at leas {point of Wisdom. ‘Anything with no Wisdom score is an object, not acres ture. Anything without a Wisdom score also has no Chitisma scoce, and vice versa, ‘Charisma Any erearure capable of telling the difference between stself and things that are not itself has a least 1 pein of Charisma ‘Anything with no Charisma score is an object, nota cree ture. Anything without a Charisma score also has no ‘Wisdom score and vies versa CREATURE FEATS Some ofthe creatures in this book possess iets that ae nct mentioned inthe Payers Handbuch. These scranure fate” are cezerbed blow ABILITY FOCUS [Generat] Ce ofthe ceture's special tacks is more potere han aera Renoft the DAfiity Clas for all saving throws. against the selected spec attack creases by +2 ‘Special: This feat canbe teken mie times ts effects éo net stack ach be ti aber, applies toa diferent spacial tack i FLYBY ATTACK [General] Theceature can atack on the wing. ‘reequiske: Fy speed Benet: When fhrg, th ceaturecantakea move setion finclading aa dive) and anather partial action al ny point dung the rove. The Cleture cannot take a sxcand move action during 4 round when it mates #fyby ace Normal: Without thie fst, the creature tales 2 gaia action eer before or afer is move HOVER [General] The creature ean halt its forward metion wile fying, regardless of ite mansuverabity. Prerequisite: Fy speed Beneli: While hovering, the creature can attack with als natura weepenss except for wing aac, Some creature may beable 0 make Zddtonal avacks whe hoverng, es noted in the creature's descripive tet I the erature has a breath vpn, t can use the breath weapon Irstead of making physical attack, {Fa cesture hovers dose te the round in an area vith ts oflonse ltrs, the craft from te wings estes + hemvepherial loud wita 3 fads specified in the ceaue’s descpive tes. The winds so gener ated can snuff torches, small campires, exposed lantems, ard other Small, epen ares of nonmages!ergin. The cloud obscurer zion, and creatures caugntwthn tate inde whle inside and for | round ‘her emerging Each cresture caught inthe cloud mist succeed 3t 3 Concentration check (OC 10+ 1/2 creature's HD) to cas spel Normal: creature without this feat carnot hat its frward motion without fing. Acreaure wth average, poos or dumsy maneuersbliy Can slow ts yng movertet to only falas My speee. (See Tacteal ‘aral ovement in Chiptor 3 ofthe Dinczow Masras Guide) MULTIATTACK [General] The creature is adept ot using al ts natura wespars at once. Prerequiste:Thiee or more ratirl weapons. Benefit: Each cf the store sacondary stacks with natu weapons tales onl 32 penalty Neral Without thie ft, each of he crestute's secondary natural attacks lakes 5 peraty MULTIDEXTERITY [Generail The creature ie adept at using al ts hands in combat rerequiste Det 15, three or more arm. Benet The creature gooves al peat‘ sing an ean Normal Wihou this fest, 2 ceture using ar eff hand tales a4 pray atak roll ablity checks, and sl checks. A creat haz De primary nand, and alghe othe are offhands: for ample. a fou Srved creature hae one primary hard and three efFhunds ‘Special This fest replaces she Arbidexterty Feat fer creatures with more than two airs. MULTIWEAPON FIGHTING [General] ‘Acresture with thre or more harde can fight with 2 weapon in exch hand. Itcan mike ore exe atch per roune with each extra weapon. Prerequisite: Three ot more hard Benefit: Perales fr igiting with mullipl weapons are reduced by 2. Norma A creature without this fet tales 26 penalty on atacks radewith ts primary hard ard 2-10 pony on attack rade wth ite Off hands I Fas one primary hand, and al the others ae of hands) See Attacking with Two Weapens, page 124in the Player's Hendtock ‘Special: This feat replaces the Twoeapon Fighting feat for eres tures with mare than two arms QUICKEN SPELL-LIKE ABILITY [General] The creature con use a speliteabilty wth a moment's thovgrt Benfts Using quctened spllile ably ica ee action that does net provoke an aack of opgotuniy The crexure cn perform anather scion —ndading the ue of another spl le cbityin thsame ound Tharit uses a quickened speb-tke ally. The ceature ay use onl one ‘uickenedspeliceabilty ner round, A sel-ikeaily that duplicates 3 pel with s casing time greter tan 1 round cannot be quicaned ach of creature's spell-ike abies canbe quicered only once per ay, and he fest does mt allay he crestue to exceed ts normal sige Tim Forary abit. Thus if demon chooses to queen its dress bi ity cannot use quchoned davkress again the sae day, though i could Le te dines ablty again rovraly (ance car ure dona atl) ot Itould quclen another of ts spate abies, sucha cece, Nowa Normal the use of spellikeabityrequites a standard tion and provokes an atackoFepporunty unless note otherwise ‘Special This fea can be taken ripe times. Each times tken, the erature can ply to each oft spallite bites orm ions ‘ume per dy. SNATCH [General] The creature cin gape more easly with its claws or be. Preraquist:Clawe or bite =. natural weapon attack Bereft: A cestre with thin fe! that bit wih claw or bite attack tempts to stata grapleasafee acon without provokingan stack of ‘Spporuiy Ft gto a ald witha caw on a erste four or more eae Categories smal than tsalf Ht squeezes each round fer automate caw clarage it gts a hod with ts ten acectirethre or more se cate es smaller thon se it stomatal deals bite darnage each round, no ether action incor, sls double bite damage The enitched erature gts no ving throw againat che creature’ breath weapon (f2n7) “The cretute can drop 2 fo ithss satched 252 ee acton or use a standard tion 0 fing azide, The fot waveled and the damage taken by a Mung foe are specie inthe creature's descriptive text if the fe fe Rung whe the creature i fying, the fou tales the specifed amount of damage o illng damage, whicnever ' greater Novak Without this fea, the creature must conduct grape tempts according to Chapter @ o the Players Hondbock WINGOVER [General] ‘The creture can change direcion quickly while fying Preraquishe: Fy speed Deneft: Ths fet allows «fying crsture totum up to 18D degrees ‘once ger round regardless ofits maneuver, In2¢ation to any ater irre te ncrmaly slowed, A crate cannot gain alitude during the round when i sectes a wingoeer, but can de, ‘Normal: create without this eat that kas average. poor, clumsy rareuversbity i ivted to 9 turn af 90 degree of 45 degrees. (Set Tacteal Aerial Moverrert Chapter 3 of the DuNcéoW MiStEr's Guide) SKILLS “Thisline gives thectearuresskillsalong with each sills mod tier, which tnchidesedjustments for ability scones, siz, sy cigy bonuses, armer check penalties, magic items, Feats, or racial sits unless otherwise noted in the descriptive text. All cof a creatures skills were purchased as class skills unless the crearuze as a characterclass. Any skill not mentioned in the creature entry is treated asa cros-clss skill unless the crea ture his a character clas, in which case it cén purchase the skill as any other member ofthat class can. A creatures type and Ineligence scoredetormine the numberof kil points it has (ee Type Descriptions, earlier in the introduction). The Skills section of the creature's descriptive text recaps racial and other bonuses for the sake of clarity, these bonuses should not be added to the creature’ skill modifiers unless otherwise nored. An asterisk (*) beside the relevant score and inthe Skills section indicates ditional adjustment. FEATS This line identifies the creature's feats. The creatures descriptive rext may contain additional i works differently from che way itis described in this hook rin Chapters of the Havers Handbwok. Some creatures also receive bonus feats, designated by (B) following the feat name in the statistics block. A creature need not meet the prerequisites for 3 honus feat. Most creatutes use the same feats that are available to characters, but some have access to special feats. See the Creature Fats sidebar for descriptions ofthese feats. SECONDARY “This section include: informstion that the DM needs for campaign purposes but not (usually) during an encounter in many cases when the main statistics block includes information for several related creatures and the secondary injormation for all those creatures is idanticel, the second ary statistics block appears only once. CLIMATE/TERRAIN This entry describes the locales where the creature is most often found Cold: Arctic and subarctic climes, Any atea that has winter conditions forthe greater portion ofthe year is cold Temperate: Any area that has alternating warm and cold sessonsis temperate ‘Warm: tropical and subtropical climes. Any area that dua summer conditions forthe greeter portion ofthe year Aquatic: Fresh or salt water: Desert: Any diy area with sparse vegetation. Forest: Any area covered with trees Hill: Any area with rugged bur not mountainous terran. Marsh: Low, flat, waterlogged areas: includes swamps Mountains: Rugged terrain, higher than hills. Plains: Any faily fla area that is nota desert, swamp, or forest. Underground: A subterranean area, ORGANIZATION This line describes the kinds of groups the creature might form. A range of numbers in parentheses indicates how say combet ready adults are m each typeof group. Many groups also have a number of noncombatants, expressed as a percentage ofthe fighting population. Non ‘combatants can include young, the infirm, slaves, or other individuals who are not inclined to fight. A creatures Soct ety entry may include more deuails on noncombatants CHALLENGE RATING “This is the average level ofa party of four adventurers for which a single creature would be an encounter of moderate difficulty. Assume a party of four fresh characters (full hit points, full spells, and equipment eppropriate to thelr levels) Given reasonable luck, the party should be able to win the encounter with some damage but no casualties For sore information about Challenge Ratings, see Chapter + and Chapter 7of the Duncvon Masrexs Guile TREASURE This entry reflects how much wealth the creature owns and refers 0 Table 7—4: Treasure in the Duncrow Master's Guide In most cases, creature Keeps valuables in its home ot air and has no teasure with it when ir travels, Intelligent crew rures that own useful, portable treasure (such as magic items) tend to carry and use these, leaving bulky items 2t home. Note The random dungeon generation tables in Chapter 44of the Duncrew Masren’s Gude provide their own treasure information. Use that information instead of the monster's Treasure line whenever you refer to those tables Treasure can include coins, goods, and items. Creatures can have varying amounts of each, as follows, Standard: Roll once under each type of treasure’ column on the appropriate row forthe creatures Challenge karing (for groups ofcreatures use the Encouner Level for the encounter instead). Some creatures have double, triple, or even quadruple standard treasure; in these cases, roll under each treasure columa two, three, or four times None: The creature collects no rreasure of its own, Nonstandard: Some creatures have quirks oc habits thar affect the types of weasute they collect. These creatures use the same treasure tbles, but wth special adjustments Fractional Grins Roll on the Coinscolumn, using the row for the creaturc's Challenge Rating, but divide the resalt as indicated % Goods or items:"The creature has goods or items only some of the time, Before checking for goods or items, roll 4X. On a result that indicates treasure, make 1 normal roll ‘on the Good column or the Items calummn (which may still result in no goods or items Double Goods or Items: Roll rwice on the Goods or Items columa arenthetical Notes Some entries for goods or stems include notes that limit the types of treasure collected. ‘When a note includes the word “no,” it means the crea ture does not collect or cannot keep that thing. Ifa rando! roll generates such a resule, treat the resule as “nothin, instead, For example, ifa crestures “items” entry reads "no flammables; and 2 random roll generates ¢ scroll the crea- rue instead hes no item at al (the seroll burned up, or the creature lft it behind) When a note includes the word “on! goes out of its way to collect treasuce of th type. fan entry for Goods or Items indicates" roll on the Goods or items column and rreat any “art result as gems" instead Ir sometimes will he necessary to reroll until the right sort of item appears, For example, ifa creature’ “trem ceatry reads “poallammables only,” roll normally on the Goods of ems column. Ifyou get flammable item, revll con the same table until you get a nonflammable one. Lf the table you rolled on contains only Harannable items, back up astep and reroll until yeu getto arable thar can give you 2 appropriate item. ALIGNMENT Thais line gives the alignment that the creature is most likely to have. Every alignment line includes a qualifier that indicates how brosdly that alignment applies to thar kind of creature. “Always: The creature is born wich the given alignment ‘The exearure may have a hereditary predisposition 0 the alignment or come from a plane that predetermines it. Itis possible for such individuals wo change alignmene, but such individu are either unique or one-in-million exceptions. Usually: The majority of these creatures have the given alignment. This may be due tw strong cultural influences, ot it may be a legacy oftheir origin. For example, most elves inherited their chaotic good alignment ftom their creator, the deity Corellon Larethian, Often: The creature tends toward the listed alignment, by either nature or nurture, but not strongly A plucality (40% to 50%) of individuals have the given alignment, but exceptions are common. ADVANCEMENT This book describes only the weakest and most common version of each creature, The Advancement line of a crea- ture’ encry shows how cough the creature can get, in terme of extra Hit Dice, (This is not an sbsolute limit, but exceptions sre extremely rare.) In general, a creature should be able to gain up 10 three times its original Hic * the creature indicated Dice (that is, « 3-H creature should be able to advance up r09 HD), Size Increases (Creatures may become larger as they gain Hit Dice. A size increase can affect a creatures physical ability scores, naturel armor, Armor Class, attack bonus, and cdemage, a8 indicated on the following tables, Natural acy Oli Si? New Se Sr DevCon trmor stack “Fine Diminutve Dimintive Tiny Same Same 2 Ti Eo iceman Cirgactian Colesaal 48 Same +4 aS stepaltheedustnertf the este vel un ore han 8 toe For erample, a creature advanene from Mediursie to Huge, igus =16 Svength, 4 Dexerty, ang -2t0 atack bonus ard Aumor Cats 14 Damage (Exen)* New Damage 1a "st ‘IBM SUme aU casa 15 vd 1l2 dE *Repest the adjustment ifthe creature moves up more than ane sie category. For earipeifa Mediumsze creature wth two cla tacts dealing Id pointe of damage each advances From Macium size te ge, the damage dealt by each of ts daw attacks increases to 18 Skills and Feats To determine the number of skill points and feats an advanced creature has, use the formulas given for its type in the Type Descriptions section of the introduction. The only difference is tharif you need to calculate its extra Hit Dice for those Formals, use the minimum Hit Dice for its old size rather than its new size from the Typical Creature Statistics by Type table, (Doing this prevents the advanced creature fram having fewer skill points and feats than it did when it was smaller: Other Improvements AAs its Hit Dice increase, the creatures attack bonuses and saving throw smodifiecs might improve, and it could gain more feats and skills, depending on its type Saving throw bonuses are given in Table 3-1: Base Save and Base Attack Bonuses in the Hayers Handbook. “good” saving throw uses the higher of te given values. Note that if the creature acquires a character class, t impeoves according wits class, not its type Creatures with Character Classes Ifa creature acquices « character class, it follows the rules for multiclassing given in Chapter 3of the Mayer’ tuamdbcok The creature’ character level equals the number of class levels it has, plus the total Hit Dice for its kind, if greater than 1. For example, an ogre normally has + HD. IF it picks up one level in the barbarian class, it becomes a 5th-level acter. ist love] barbarian/4th-level ogre (is ‘monster and adds 1412 (for its barbarian Hit Die) to is hit point rol. A creature with tor fewer HD trades out its cre (ace Bit Die forits first level ofa character lacs. Thus irus only its character level see Monsters as Races in Chapter 2 of the Duvc#oN Mastzt's Guide for details). In tis case, the adjustments (such creature retains al ts racial benefits as racial bonuses to the use of skills) but gains no fears or sla poinis for its monster class. Additional Hit Dice froma chatncter class never affect creature size A creature's monster class is always its favored class, and the creacure never suffets XP penalies for having it Effective Character Level: Some of the erestures in this book are capable of having levels in aclass,and when theydo, they are significandy more powerful han the races described inthe Players Handbook, This difference in power is expressed ss the creature’ level adjustment (a positive number). This number and the creature’ Hit Dice are added to the exeatures class level to determine its effective character level, or ECL. For instance, an avolakis PC has 2 level adjustment of +5 and 10 HD; thus, a astlevel avolakla sorcerer hasan ECL of 16, end itis the equivalent of a 161h-level character. The creature would be a good fit in a party whose other mei bers were ator about 16th level, br it would be too power ful fora perry of lowerevel characters. —_—______DESCRIPTIVE TEXT "The descriptive text opens with a short narrative about the monster: what it does, what it looks like, and what is ost noteworthy about it, The following sections of the text describe how the creature fights and give details on special actacks, special qualitles, skills and feats, EXAMPLE OF MONSTER ADVANCEMENT The dune talarie 3 Madium-size outsider ith advancement of staler with 13 Hit Dee requires the fellow adjustments HO (Medirn-sie);13-18HD (Large). Creating a more powerful dune (Od sates New Statistics Notes Steppes Nediam-size outsider Large outsider New sie duet0 13 HO, Habe 68472 [9 ap) 13dB152 (110 hp) Canstation for 1 to 1 for becoming Large. Ieitatve: 4 ) Devteriy fon 10 a8 du to size ner Speoe 40, chinb 20 4D ch 20 ft ‘Wo chang. ns 17 7 aural, 17 13 sae, 1 Dex 49 natura, Natural amor imeroves, but Decoy and size touch 10, ated 17 touth 8, fat footed 17 penaties app ‘ischs: Sam 49 melee ‘Sam +30 meine ase attack bonus fr & TED outsider is +13 Adjustments ae 7 for Stroh 24,1 (6 Large siz), ane +1 for Weagon Focus) fers primary attack bonus of +20 Damage: Siam 1684 siam2a6i10 Each dé becomes 245, Strength 24 provides bonus of oto dame Free/Reack: 5 ft By ff 5h by Seon Reach nerenase de to Large size Speck attacks: Kiss of deth, shout iss of death, shout ‘he eave OC against the creature's ss of death stack reefer 15 20 (3 fo al of is addon Hit Dice rounded down, aed +2 because its Consituton modifier tse om 4210 special Qualities, DR10/-1, mprovedirechirg, DR0/r1,impreved Wachng, SRrises by} foreach additonal point of CR jump. ouside’ tats, S810" jmp, outsicet tras, Sk 22 Sees Fan 47, Ref, Will 7 For 2, Ral, L210 1813 HO, good saves havea base 48 bonus saves adasted for abil scores ‘Abii ‘Str 16, Dax 10, Cor 14 Str24, Dec, Con TR ‘Strength increases br &, Constitution increases by 4 Int 13, Wis 15.cha 1 Int 13, Wis 18, Che 1 Deter decreases by 2 ‘Shi: Balance +8, hb +19, Balance +8, Cimb +25, Hide Adding 7 HD rises kil ax ranks to 16 and Hides, intimidate 4 Jump +10, Intidate 4, Jump 21, adds 63 sil points, 45, Knowleoge (nature) +4, Knowledge (nature) ~4, Listen lislen =8, Nave Sienth 18, 118, Move Silently 10, Search ‘Search +7, Spot +8, Tumble +916, Spot 19, Tumble +15 Feats ‘leeress, improved intieie Aletes, Improved inictve, Advancing tis ceure 1913 HD adds two feats rower atace, Weapen Focus (slr) Challenge Rating: 9 0 Challenge Rating rises by 2, since the dune sakes Hit Die have been doubled (se Tougher Monsters i Chapter 4 of the Duncren Masts Guide ABEIL Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft. hive mind Darkwisio Abeils are inceerlike humanoids known fer their industri- oousness and their complex social structure, They are com- monly ceferted co as “bee people” Their society has an expansionist philorophy—a fact thar troubles those whose lands they intrude upon. Rather than resorting 10 war, abeils prefer to overcome rivals through superior resourcefulness snd industry Vassal Soldier Queen Medium-Size Monstrous Large Monstrous Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid Humanoid Humanoid Hit Dice 148 (4 hp) 18 45 bp) 41448142 (105 hp) Initiative: 41 a“ 8 speed: 30, fly 60 (average) 40 ly 90 (good) +40 ft, fy 80 fe (go0d) AC 13 (11 Dew 10( 4 size, +1 Dex), 11 (+4 Dew), touch 11, flat-footed 10 touch 10, lae-footed 9 touch 11, flat-footed 10 attacks: 2chws+i meleeand sing 4 2claws+1i meleeand sing +6 _2claws-+18 melee and sting +13, melee, orlight flail +1 melee melee, ot Huge ranceur11/+6 melee, orsickle -18/13/+8 and sting + melee, or relee and sting +6 melee, ‘melee and sting +13 melee, Javelin +2 ranged or Huge masterwork mighty or masterwork mighty composite longhow (+6St-borus) composite longhow (+4 47) ranged Strbomus) +16/+11/46 ranged Damage: Claw 1d4, light fal 168, Claw idov6, Huge ranseur Claw 1d6+4, sickle 10644, sting 16 plus poison, aados9/><3, sting 14603 plas ison, sting 24442 plus poison, javelin 146 Hoge mighty composite longhow masterwork mighty composite (46 Strbonus) 2645/3 longbow (+4 Str bonus) id8+4/x3 Fuce/Reach: Sf bySik/s ShibyshAok.(istwih sftbysh/sf. ranseu) Special Attacks: Drone, improved sr Drone, improved grab, polson, Drone, improved grab, poison, poison srormwing spells n eft, DRS it, Darkvision 60 fe, DR 10/1, hive mind, special enemy hive mind, SR21 Saves: Fort 10, Ref +3, Will +4 Fort +5, Ref 16, Will 16 Fore 9, Ref 149, Will 14 Abilities: Str 14, Dex 13, Con 10, Str22, Dex 13, Con 16 Str 18, Dex 13,Con 16 Int 10, Wis14, Cha 9 Ant9, Wis 12, Cha13 Int 15, Wis 21, Cha 18 skills: Craft(any one) H4,Jatsit —_Intit Direction +6,Knovledge Concentration 113, Diplomacy. Direction +6, Knowledge (any (any one), +4, Listen +6,Sense +6, Intimidate +13, Knowledge one) +2, Listen +5, Search +4, Motive +4,Spor-+6, Wilderness (any two) #10, Listen +12, Sense Wilderness Lore +5 Tore +7 Motive +10, Spot +6, Wilderness Lore «13 Feats: Dodge Dodge, Flyby Attack Dodge, Flyby Attack, Great Fortitude, Improved Intitive, item creation feat (any one), tmetamagic feat (any one) Climate/Terrain: Temperate or warms hills, Temperateot watm hillsphins, ‘Temperate or warm hills plaing plains, ordesert or desert ordesert Organiration: Solitary, pat, team (3-8) Solitary or hive (1 plus 20-100 or erew (10-40) vassals and 5-30 soldiers) ‘Challenge Rating: 2 12 Treasure: Sandand Standand Double standard Alignment Usually lawful Usnally lofi Usually lawful Advancement: By character class By character class By character class ‘An abel looks like across between an elfand a bee. A vassalor queen stands more than 7 feet high and hes lender bursinewy legs and arms. Asoldierisat least 10 feet tall and considerably more muscular than either of the other rwo varieties, An abeils hands and feet have four digits each. Its body is covered with bristly fur, colored in alternating bands of black and yellow. The creatures headland facial features resemble those of an elf, except that the abeil has black, faceted eyes and long antennae, Like a bee, an zbeil has teanslucene wings Abeils speale Common, Elven, and Sylvan, COMBAT ‘All abeils prefer to fight from rhe sky, making ranged attacks and sonicasseults upon their foes below: f forced to fight on the ground, they coordinate their atecks to make the best use oftheir ranged weapons (nd spells, for those capeble of casting them), In melee, they prefer to swarm around particulady tough opponents and sting chem with their enfeebling poison. Fi Abeils fight to the death because they believe that | comardice-on the battlefield | could doom the hive. They | rarely wear armor because it impedes their ability to fly. Drone(Su):As2 full-round action, an abeil can beat its wings to eveate a droning buzz in + 60-foot spread. Bach cretture in the atea rast make a Will ave (see below for DCs) or fall asleep asthe sleep spell There is no Hit Dice limit for this elle. Abeils are immune ro their own drone attacks as well as those of ether abel Improved Grab (Ex): If an abeil hits a single target that is at least one size category smaller than itself with both claws, ir deals normal dam age and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an tttack of opportunity (see below Z for grapple bonuses) Ifit gets 2 hold, it “™ auromatically hits with its sting, Thereafiey, the abeil bas the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use its claws to hold the opponent (~20 penalty on grapple check, but the abell 1s nor considered grappled). In either case, each successful apple check it makes during succes sive rounds suromarically deals damage from both claws and the sting ive Mind (ix): All abeils within 25 miles oftheir queen ay in constant communication. If one isaware of a particu lar danger, they all ae, 1fone in.a particular group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No abeil in such a group is considered flanked unless they all are. VASSAL Vessals are the backbone of a il society. It is they who provide the menial labor for the hive. They gather pollen, tnainian th hive-city, and obey their queens every com. mand. Vassals produce the necessary goods for the abeil soclety, provide both mundane and specialized services andadvance the culture and techology of their hive city A few even choose to lene behind their mundene tasks and pursue more individualistic paths, such as philosophy, ar, religion, and politic. These sbeils form an elite conclave Called the vassal court that reports direcsly 10 the qusens and serves asher council Combat Unless dered to attack, vassals fle combat so notify the hive ofthe threat. When armed for battle, they fight with light fails Drone (Su): Will save DC. Improved Grab (Ex): A vassals grapple bonus is +1 Poison (Ex): A vassal delives its poison (Fortitude save DC 10) with each success ful sting atcack. The initial and secondary damage is the seme (1é4 points of Strength damage) SOLDIER These creatures account for fully a chird of an abeil hive: city’s population. The sol queen's army— and last line of defense for their hive. They are trained to respond swiftly to any danger. Soldiers consider most nearby civilizations to he threats and treat uninvited visitors with grave suspicion, Combat WA eit solders ae often called storm wing: becaute of the thunderous noise they make in battle They prefer to meet a threat by using their stormwing attacks and bows first, then meleeing with ranseurs and stingers es needed Drone (Su): Willsave DC 14 Improved Grab (Ex): A soldier's grapple bonus i +16. Poison (Ex) A soldi delivers is poison (Fortirude save DC 16) wits each enceessfl sing attack The initial and sec onary damage i the same (244 poinrsof Strength damage) Storming (Su): As fallsound acrionya soldierin flight ccan hover and deliver a destructive sonic attack with its ‘wings, The attick deals ode points of damage to all (except ther abeils) within a 40-foot bucst (Reflex save DC 16 for half damage), Once he colder uses this ability, it must wat 14 rounds before using i again creature asaspecil enemy: Thisabilty similar tothe rangers favored enemy ability, andthe soldier may choose from the same list see the Ranger entry in Chapter 3 of che Players Hndbouk), Each soldier may select only one special enemy. The soldier receives # +3 bonus on Bluif, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Wilderness Lore checks when using these skills agsinst its special enemy. Likewise, a soldier gets tis same bonus on weapon damage rolls against ctea- tues ofthe selected type QUEEN Arthe pinnacle of ny abell society is the queen, who rules swith absolure power. All the abeils in her realm live and die at her command. Though she was born to rule, the typical queen routinely seeks the advice of her court before com miting woany mgjor decisions ‘The queen selecisa mate from her vassal court and per sonzlly rears furure queens. Each hive-city maintains t-5 juvenile queens in addition to the reigning queen. Exch such young queen has the same statistics asa vsssal Combat ‘An abeil queen can cast powerful spells when threatened, and her poisoa is more viralent than that of any other abel However she is rarely in combat because she depends pr marily on her soliees o protect her Drone (Su): Will save DC 21 Iimptoved Grab (Ex): A queen's grapple bonuis is 18, Poison (Ex): A queen delivers her poison (Fortitude save DC 20) with each successful sting attack The initial and sec- canlaty damage is the same (142 poines of Steengeh drain). Spells: An abeil queen can cast divine spells as a t6th level druid (spells/éay 6/7/6/6/5/5/3/3/25 save DC 15 + spell level ABEIL SOCIETY ‘The hive-rity is the central hub of the abeils' busy society. vassals buzz here and there, ensuring that vita city services continue, while putrls of soldiers vigilntly keep the peace and protect the hive aguinst outside threats. Abeils ore highly imperialistic, though they ate not = much concerned with conquering other races 2s they are with seting up new hive-cities. Nevertheless this geal puts them into conflict with nearly every orher race they encounter, since sozieitiesin their path must fight for space and resources or be pushed our by the abel civilization When 2 hive-city becomes too large, one ofthe young queens given a substance calied royal jell, which converts her inuo a full ledged queen. She then takes weary vassals and fve soldier and esvesto set up anew hive-city ats pre- vicusly scouted location ABEIL CHARACTERS Although abeil society is extremely rigid, there is enough Special Enemy (Ex): An abel soldier may seecta typeof freedora within a hive to allow an individual abell its own choice of profession. Even so, relatively few abeils desire to progress as characters. For those that do the favored class is druid for queens or vassels and ranger for soldiess. ‘An abeil PC affective character level (EC! level plus the appropriate modifier: vessal 13, soldier «11, queen #21. For example, Astlevel vessal druid has an ECL of 4 and is the equivalent ofa th level character pate SEL RAT ‘Small Magical Beast (Fire) Hit Dice: idt0 (5 hp) Initiative: +8 Speed: 40 ft. climb 20 AG:16 (41 size, +4 Dex, +1 natural), touch 15, fBi-footed 12 Attacks: Bite 40 melee, or lame spit +6 ranged touch Damage: Bite 164-2, flame spit 1d4 fre Face/Reach: fi by 5fi/5 ft Special Attacks: Flame spit, heat Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 fc, fire heal, fire subtype, low-light vision, smoky hide Saves: Fort +2, Ref 16, Will +4 Abilities: Str 6 Dex 18, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 13, Che 3 Skalls: Climb +14, Hide +9, Move Silently +5 Feats: Improved Initiative eile Glimate/Terrain: Any warm land Organization: Solitary, nest (10-40) or horde (41-60) Challenge Rating: 1 Treasure: None Alignment: Always chaotic neutral Advancement: 2-3 HD (Small) Spreading ftes throughout towns, ields and forest, ash rats constitute a deadly menace to any civilized society These lnele nomadic horrors are naturally drawn to lange sources ‘of lune; in face, they gee their nourishment from heat in a ‘way thar not even the sages understand, These crestures are so hot that they ignite any combustibles they touch, ‘An ash rat isa 2footlong rodent with orange eyes. [thas the general shape of at, nd its furis black, gray, or brown, ats oversized front teeth are a dull yellow color. An ash rars cxact appearance is difficult for most onlookers to discern because it exudes a perpetual cloud of sooty smoke that hides it From view. COMBAT ‘An ash rat normally flees from combat if possible. When cornered, it fights defensively, spitting fire at those who threaten it. Is heated body is painful to the touch, which prevents prident foes from closing, Flame Spit (Su): Once per round, an ash rat can spit flames at one target up to 10 feet sway. This attack deals 1d4 points of fire demage Heat (Ex): An ash rat body heat deals 1d2 points ‘of Fire damage ro each creature (except another ash rat) that touches it. Any flammable iter in contect with an ash rat must make a successful Reflex save (DC 10) or atch fire (se Catching on Fire in Chapter 3 of the Dovceox Masrex’s Guide), When an ash rt dies ts body burns away completely in 1 round Fire Heal (Ex): Fire and heat heal an ash rat's wounds, For every round thatthe creature is exposed to flame or heat intense enough to deal atleast 1 point of damage, the creature instead gains the benefit of a cure minor wounds spell (1 hit point healed). Two or more ash rats touching, ‘each other provide enough heat for fte healing Fire Subtype (Ex): An ash rat is immune t but takes double damage from cold unless savin, half damage is allowed. In that case, the creatare rakes half damage on asuccess and double damage ona failure. Smoky Hide (Fx): An ash rat continually sheds smoke from its bods: This smoky have isso thick that it grants the creature one-half concealment (20% miss chance) and sles hiding easier (see Skills, below). Though itisifFicult to see the ash rat because of the stoke rising irom its body the soaoke itself is visible, provided thatthe erea hae cui cient light by which to see it. Skills; An asb ratuses its Dexterty modifier instead of ts Sctength modifier for Climb checks. in smoky or foggy areas, an ach rt gains a +8 bonus on Hide checks ire damage hrow for s Large Magical Beast (Cold) Hic Dice: 441048 (30 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 60f fly 30 fe. (good) AC! 13 (1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 10, flat footed 13 a Attacks: 2 hooves 4 melee and bite ~1 melee Damage: Hoof 1dé+1, bite tds ace/each: 5 fi by 10/5 Special Qualities: Cold subtype, darkvision 60 fi, dodge arrows, father fll, low-light vision, ride the wind, telepathy, uncanny dodge, wind immunity Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will 2 Abilities: Sr 13, Dex 12, Con 15, In 13, Wis 12, Cha 10 Skills: intimidate +7, Listen +10, Spot +10, Wiierness ~ ore +8 Feats: Alertness, Flyby Attack Climate/Terrain: Any mountains Organization: Solitary, par, sting (3-4), or herd (5-20) Challenge Rating: 4 ‘Treasure: None Aligamene: Always neutral geod ‘Advancement: 5-6 HD (Medium-size) {Ae Gnst glance, an asper appears tobe nothing more than an ‘unusually beautiful horse, An individual asperi can be white, gtay or dun-colored, with gracaful, flowing mane of silver, white, o light gray. A secondary mane of the same shade athe first extends from the creature fiont shoulders down along the bucks efits Font legs. Unlike typical horses, agperis are intelligent magical beasts They live in the permanent cold of remote mounttin peaks, where they gallop acress the glaciers and through the frigid skies. By estehing prevailing winds and flying with tem, asperis can move even faster through che shies than their nocmal fying speed permits Theie ability to “tide the ‘wind! in this way has earned them the common name of wind steeds The typical asperi belongs to a herd wish up to wenty members, but it spends much of is time roaming the skies alone ot with just one or two chosen companions. Hip pogritis and griffors, the mortal enemies of the asperis, are almost never encountezed in mountains where wind steeds live, since the far more intelligent asperis take pains to drive them off or kill them. Aspetis also dislike rocs, bur they get along well with pegad. Lasting friendships between asperis, and pegast are rave, however, because the winged horses seldom yenruce into the cold mountain heights where the vind steeds live Lf captured when very young and ralsed with respect and consideration, an asperican be trinedas asteed, Any poten: tial rider must realize that an asperi mount is not a mere animal; it is an intelligent, sentient being with opinions and ideas ofits own, and it demands to be treated as such, Under no circumstances will an aspor tolerate a sider who is chaotic or evil. A paladin might convince an adule wind steed 1 serve asa permanent mount, but fullgrown asperis usually agree to beat riders only inthe short term, since they value their independence. Asperis with 5 or more Hare very sare, Such creatures have iridescent hhides that glisten like snow and rainbow-hued manes and cals compat ‘Asperis are inoffensive creatures ky nature. Given their great speed, their usual response to danger is simply to Tike most horses, how ever, they can fight ferociously when aroused. In com bat, they usually kick and slash with their front hooves and bite swith theie power Fabjaws Asperis prefer to fighe from the ss, which gives them agam significant advantage against opponents on the ground, under the right condi tions Neartheir mountain homes, asperis sways look for opportunites to attack intruders when the liter are2t the edges of cliffs or maneuvering on narrow ledges. The wind steeds use combinations of charges, bull rushes, lyby attacks, and trip attacks (all while aisborne) to f into glacial crevasses. They usually prefer to use thetr speed and maneuverability to avoid combat until condi tions are in their favor Gold Subtype (Ex) An aspert is immune to cold damage but ekes double danasge from fire unless a saving throw for half damage is allowed. In that case, the creature takes half damage on success and double damage on failure Dodge Arrows (Ex): A flying axperi gains 2 =2 dodge bonus 1oAC against any missile artek during any turn in which it takes « move action, If it has a rider, he or she also gains the bonus. The bonus lasts until the aspecis ‘eather Fil (Sp): An esperi can use feather fill up to four times per day Caster level 4ch. Ride the Wind (Su): This ability is similar tothe effect of the air walk spell in most respects. When an asperi uses ree their enemies over procipices or ride the wind, it gains bonus movement (+1 ft. to fly speed for each 1 raph of the prevailing wind) when moving with winds faster than 20 mph, Adverse winds do not slow the creature down, but they provide no bonus movement. ‘An asperi carrying a rider gallops through the air so smoothly that the rider can cast spells ~ without making Goncentration checks, provided that the asperi does not attack or perform any sudden aetial maneuvers: ‘Telepathy (Sa): An speri can communicate with any cresrure that hasan Intellige of at least t through 2 form of lepathy. This communication has a range of 60 fer, and its complexity fs limited by the tnrell gence score of the other creature. ‘Uncanny Dodge (Ex): ecause of its preternat tal alertness, an asperi re- tains its Dexterity bonus to AC even when flat-footed and it cannot be flanked ‘Wind Immunity (Ex): Winds, ether natural or megi- cal, have no effect on an asperi unless it chooses to ride them for additional movement (see Ride the ‘Wind, above). This benefit applies equally to mountain goles, magical windstorms, clemental whit! winds, and other similar effects TRAINING AN ASPERI ‘Young asperis are worth 7,000 gp per head. They maeure at the same rate as horses do. A professional rrainer charges 2000 gp to rear an asperior to train it asa mount. Training an asperi requires 1 successful Handle Animal check (DC 22 for young asperi, DC29 for an adult) and the willing cooperation of the creature. An asperi can fight while carrying rider, but the ridereanmot also atack unless hae or she succeeds at a Ride check. ‘Carrying Capacity: Alight loud foran asperiis upto 150 pounds; a medium losd, 151-300 pounds; and a hesvy lond, 301-480 pounds. Unlike most flying mounts, an asperi can fly wich a medium or heavy load, thanks to its ride the wind ability Pulverizer ‘Hammerer Medium-Size Construct Medium: ize Construct Hit Dice: adio(te hp) sd10(27 hp) Initiative 0 +0 Speed: sole AC 21 (41 natural footed 21 “411 natural), touch 10, flar-footed 21 Attacks: 2slams-+7 melee Slam +to melee Damage. Slam 14615 Slam 26:10 Frce/Reach: Shi by sfi/sie Sf by sfe/sift Special Attacks: Sonic shriek = Special Qualities: Dlindsight 40, construcetrsits; unrelisble Construct trait reliable’ Saves: Fort +1, Rel «1, Will 40 Fort «1, Ref H, Will40 Abilities: Str21,Dex 11, Con—ynt— Wis 9, Chad $er25,Dex 11, Con — Ine Wis 9 Chat Climate/Terrain: Any land end underground “Any land and underground i Orgenization: Solitary, pus or team (3-5) Solitary, pa, oF team (3-5) Challenge Rating: 3 3 Treasure: None None Alignment Always neutral ‘Always neutral ‘Advancement: 4-8 HID (Medium-size) 9 HD (Large) 6-8 HD (Medium size) 9-15 HD (Large) Anautomaton is acre last instruction to the best of its ability, chough it returns ‘eure buil for labor er ang attacks directed at it. Typicelly, the creator gives an war, Although the automaton a simple set of instructions (such as “Remain construct is super sn this area and attack all creatures that enter,” or "Attack ficially similar co Bi all bipedal creatures you sce,” or "Ring a gong and a golem, an au attack,’ or the like) to govern its actions in his or omaton is actu- her absence. ally quite differ Construct Traits: An cnt. 1c is buile with automaton is immune to clockwork parts and animated mind-affecting effects, by means of powerful shadow poison, sleep, paralysis, magic. While the shadow stunning, disease, death consciousness ofan autom- i effects, necromantic ef aton sometimes makes it fects, and any effect that difficult for the exeature to requires a Fortirude save interact with the physic: “2 unless it also works on world, it nevertheless can be a I objects. The erearure is fearsome opponent. not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability COMBAT § damage, ability drain, en Like golems, automatons , ergy drain, or death from massive damage. It cennot heal itself are mindless bur tenacious combarents, Since they are emotionless in combat, they bur can be healed through repait. It cannot be raised or are notexsly peovoked, Autom tons dont use weapons, even if ordered to do so. Instead, they always resurrected An au- strike with their limbs, which are formidable tomaton has dark ‘weapons in themselves. vision (60 foot rang: ‘An atiomaton follows the orders of is crestor The crea Unreliable (Ex): The ture can be commanded directly by its cteator ifthe latier , shadow consciousness of is within 60 feer and both visible and audible to the an automaton is only qussi automaton, If uncommanded, an automaton follows its real, like the consciousness of 2 times slow to retct tothe changing environment around i Ar the beginning of esch round in which an automaton artempts to act, roll 1420. On a result of 11 or bemter tacts normally, otherwise, it takes no action. PULVERIZER The pulverizer automaton was originally intended as « smining machine. Is sonic shriek was designed t9 weaken stone, and its wedges to finish the job of breaking tt up Thanks to its lindsight ability, this construct is particularly effective underground. ‘A pulverizer looks something like a four-legged, mezal lobster with spiked wedges instead of claws. Instead of « head, it has a round opening at the top of its body from which itemitsits sonicattacks. Combat When attacking, 2 lone pulverizer usually looses its sonic shriek, then moves in to use its slam attacks against any foes who are still moving, Teams af these creatures pose 4 formidable threat on che bstlefield, since one or more can hhang back and shriek every round while the others close with foes Sonic Shriek (Bx): Once per round asa standard action, ¢ pulverizer can loose a cone of sonic energy 30 feet long Everything within the cone takes 1d8 points of sonic damage. In addition, every creature within the cone that fails « Foctitude save (DC 13) is stunned for 1 xound, (This value incomporates a 45 racial bonus she save DC ‘Blindsight (Ex): A pulverizeris blind, but it maneuvers and fights as well as sighted creature by using sonas, ike that of a bat Thi ability enables irto discern cbjects and crea tures within 40 feet. The pulverizer usually does not need to make Spot or Listen checks to notice creatures within range ofits blindsight. Asilece spell negates this silty HAMMERER The hammerer automaton is « roughly human shaped, bipedal war machine adapted from another automaton that was designed for construction and heavy lifting. One of the creanurel two arme ends in a massive elaw or pincer, the other in an even more massive hammer Combat Hammerers are not built for fancy tactical maneuvers; but they ate stl fearsome opponents, On the battlefield, com- manders simply point teams of these constructs at the tenemy and let them go tthe powerful hammerarm that gives the hammerer its name is a nasty piece of business —heavy, solid, and deadly. ‘The pincer-arm is used mainly for lifting things. The con- struct can attack with only one arm at a time, and although icon slam with cther arm, i¢favors the hammer arm for all its araces creation such ass stmulacrum. the creature isthussome) _______ AVOLAKIA Large Aberration Hit Dice: 1068-30 (75 hp) Initiative: +3 Speed: 20 AC! 18 (1 size, 13 Dex, +6 deflection), rouch 18, flat footed 15 Attacks: Bite 110 melee and 8 claws +8 melee Damage: Bite 2464 plus poison, claw 14442 Face/Keach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft Special Attacks: Poison, spellltke abilities, suggestion Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft, defensive aura fire resistance 10, immunities, regeneration 4 SR 21 Saves: Fort +6 Ref +6, Will 12 Abilities: See 19, Dex 16,Con 17, Int 16, Wis 24, Cha 22 A Skills: Bluff 414, Concentration +14, Diplomacy +18, Inuimidate +8, Sense Motive +18, Spelleraft=11 Feats: Combat Casting, Combst Reflexes, Dodge, -Multiatiack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability Climate/ Terrain: Underground Organization: Solitary pair, band (3-8), ér tribe (4-24 avo lakiss plas 3-30 zombies,2-12 wights, and 1-6 mummies) Challenge Rating: 10 ‘Treasure: Standard coins standard goods, double items Aligament: Ususlly neutral evi ‘Advancement: By character class The avolakia is a nauseating crecture that combines the ‘worst aspects of 1 worm, an octopus, and an insect, Ithas exceptional intelligence and is incredibly wise and glib. Awvolakias are experts atinfileating humanoid socieries fer 1 variety of nefarious purposes ‘An avolakia stands 10 feet tall, ts wormlike body is pallid and gray, shimmering with a pale yellow slime. The creature supports ittelf and moves about on a set of six suckered tentacles, each of which is tipped with a mult : faceted yellow eye. Its “head” consists ofa fleshy sheath that houses a set of three ervelly hooked mandibles. Fight long, spidery arms tipped with tiny insectoid claws that almost look like human hands protrude from a set of ridges about halfway up the erearure’s body An avolakia reeks of mold and decay. Although they can digest dead o living flesh, avolakias find both disgusting and resort to such sustenance only under dize circumstances They prefer to eat undead flesh— “fresh off a zombie’ flank is best ‘Avolakias speak their ewn language (a guttural, slokber= ing tongue). Many of them also understand Undercommon and other languages, though they do not have the vocal apparatus to speale them. With its polymorph slfspell-like ability however, an avolakis can assume a form that i capa ble of speaking any language it desires. This ability also enhances its disguise capabilities and aids it in laying ambushes foc unwary opponents COMBAT “An avolakis prefer tocostspelle or ute it spell-ie ailtos from a distance while its undead minions close to melee with the enemy. If forced into melee, an avolakia uses its poisonous bite and ile with its eight claws. Qecasionally, the creature may choose t use plson azainst one or more foes then assume humanotd form and use ts suggestion abil ity to bend them to its wil Poison (Ex) An avolska delivers its poison (For- tirade save DC 18) with each successful bite attack. The inital damage is 1d6 points of Wisdom dam age, and the secondary damage is 246 poiats of Wisdom damage Spell-Like Abilities: Ar willchill touch, cause fea, detest mage, disrupt undead, gentle repose, ghoul loud, hal undead, mage hand, polymorph self Y {humanoid form only) ead magi se tral hand; 3/day—arumate dead, cevte ) tindad,enenation, vampiric ouch Caster level téth;save DC 16+ spell level Suggestion (Sp): When in hu- g manoid form, an avolekis has a melodious and hypnotic voice. By speaking soothingly 1 any one creature in range that under stands its spoken words avolakia can create an effect ‘denticl to that ofa quickened svggton spell (aser level 10th Will save DC 1). An opponent in eye contact with che creature while it makes it suggestion takes a~2 penalty onthe saving throw. The avolakia can use this ailty» numberof mes per dry equal rots Charisma modifier (sally sictimes pet day). Defensive Aura (Sp) An avoakiahasa +6 defle- tion bonus to Armor Class. This ability s always in effec. Fire Resistance (Ex): The slime that an avolakie on. stantly exudes grant it Fire resiscance 10, Tealso helps the creature escape more easly (se Skills, below). Immunities (Su): Because of is close association with undead, the svolakis has developed immunity ro cold dis- ease, eneigy dian, and paralysis Regeneration (Ex}: An avolakia takes normal damage from ac, fire, and elecrriciy ‘Skills: Because of the slime it constanly exudes, an 30 Iakia gains +10 competence bonuson Escape Arist checks. AVOLAKIA SOCIETY Avolakiasband together in tal ues deepin the recesses of the earth They delight in creating and modifying undead of all sorts, which they use for both food and defense. volakia cletics make good use ofthe ete grater undead spell ro ereate ‘mummies, spectres, vampires, and ghosts. They often arm these greater undead with magic weapons, armor, and won- ddrous items to aid them in defending the svolakias’ervtory. » majority of avolakia have raken to worshiping Kyuss, 2 little-known quasi-deity. Despite the fact that their deity’s divine status does not enable him to grant spells, m avolakis clerics are quite powerful, drawing their spells from some unknown source. Socager are the avolakiasto le vate Kyuss to full deity status that they acively recratt new wor shipers for his cult ‘The crearures typically establish settlerents beneath the communi ties of surface races, then use thei polyrorpe if and suggestion abilities to infilerate teie target areas, Often a group of avelakias infiltrates 2 focal religious institution and atiempes to assume contro ofthe funerary sites forthe community. Should the avolakias succeed, they have access to plenty of corpses that they can use to create more undead. In addition, the disguised avolakias are in a perfe position to corrupt selected membersof J he community and slowly indoctrinate them into the cult of Kyuss, ‘Avolakias also interact with various Underdark races. Some, such as the row, they infiltrate in much the surme way as they do surface races ‘With others, such as mind layers, they openly propose a alliances forthe two groups' mu tual benefit. A typical agreement betvren ‘mind flayers abdavolakias stipulates that both groups hunt down and capture intelligent beings. The mind flayers consume the unfortunate victims’ brains then bind the bodies over t the avolakias, who use them 0 creite undead. But such alisnces tend to fill apa eventual either when the mind flyers enslave captives for long peticds before consuming their brains, oc when the avelakia kill 2 few inind flayers to make more powerful undead creatures AVOLAKIA CHARACTERS ‘An avolakit' favored clas is sorcerer but avelakiaclavis are also quite common, and tribal leaders are always clerics of Kyuss, Avolukis spelleasters of any sore rend to focus on ‘neeromantic magie. Though they may choose from any of Kyusssdomsins (Death, Evil Magic, Trickery), the major tty choose Death and EviL An avolaia PC effective chartctet level (ECL) isequalto it las level + 15, thus. fstlevel avolaka sorcerer as an ECL of 16 and is che equivalent of a Leth-ievel character Medium-Size Undead (Incorporeal) Hit Dice: 26d12 (169 hp) Ini Speed: Fy 80 ft (gond) AC: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 deflection), touch 16, flarfooted 15, “Attacks: Incorporeel touch +16 melee Damage: Incorporeal touch 148/19-20 plus td4 Charisma drain Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 f/f. Special Attacks: Charisma drain horrific appearance, wail Special Qualities: Detect ving incomporeal subtype, SR 23, stunt plants, undead traits Saves: Fort 8, Ref +11, Will 19 Abilities: Str—, Dex 17, Con —; Int 16, Wis (5, Cha 17 ‘Skills: Balance +5, Hide +43, Ineuit Direction 47, Jump +2, Listen 424, Sery 113, Search +23, Spor +24, Tumble +16 Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Refleres, Dodge, Experts roreil touch), Improved Initiative, con Will, Mobility, Spring Arack Improved Critical (incor Climate/Terrain: Any land and {| underground Organization: Solitary, pais or brood (3-4) Challenge Rating: 17 Treasure: Double standard Alignment: Usually neutral evil advancement: 27-52 1D (Medium-sze) banshee isthe spinitof astrong willed, selfish individual of a humanoid race. Because of its rage atthe loss of its own life, it delights in bringing death to any living creature encounters Ihis creature appears asa transhi- cent image ofthe form it heldin lie ‘With the passage of rime, the ban- shes image tends to become blurred and indistinct, though the creature remains recognizable ss a humanoid, The very presence of abenshee creates a pall over the landscape. 1s ability © stunt the growth of plants combined with ite deadly wal eventually reduces the surrounding territory to blasted heath and wasteland. Largely for this reason, many cultures com sider a sudden blight upon the land to be aa omen of death ‘A banshee speaks the languages that it knew in life COMBAT Banshees hate ll living things with an unholy fury, and they readily attack anyone foolish enough to tespasses within anormal pla otherwise functions like the stunt version of x dintnish plants spell (caster level 1st their territories, A banshee typically uses its horrific appear ance to drive offless powerful foes, then employs itshowling wall one or more times to damage any who remain Finally i Finishes off the inteudess with its Charista drain in melee. IF overmatched, the creature flees into the earth, usually t0 2 sravelikeluir that it maintains beneath the surface ‘Charisma Drain (Su): An individual strack by a ban shee must make 2 Fortitude save (DC 26) or permanently lose 1d4 points of Charisma (or 2d points ona critical hit “he banshos heals 5 points of damage (10 on a critical hit) whenever it drains Charisma, gaining any excess as tempo- rary hit points Horrific Appearance (Sa) Any living creature within 60 feet that views a banshee must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 2s) or permanently lose 1d4 points of Siengih, td+ points of Dexterity and 1d$ points of Constiutidh. Acroature thar successfully saves against this effect cannot be affected by the same banshee horrific appearance for 24 hours. ‘Wail (Su): During the night, banshee can loose deadly wail. Ths attack can slay up to eighteen living creatures within a 30-oot spread centered on the bam shee, of within a 60-foot cone extending from the hhanshee, a the creatures option. A successful For titude save (DC 26) negates the effect. Once a banshee wails it must wait 1d¢ rounds before it ‘ean do so again, and it can wail no more than three times per dy. Dilet Living (Sp) This ability functions ike the commune with nature spel, except that it detects only living creatunes and the range is one-half mile, The banshee can use detec living ‘upto three times per day Incorporeal Subtype: A banshee can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, +1 or better magic weapons, spells spellike abilities, and supernatural abilities The cree ture has a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source, except for force effects or attacks made with gost touch weapons, A banshee can pass Fr, through solid objects, bur nor f force effects at will I attacks ignore natursl armors, armor and shields, but deflection bonuses and force effects work normally against them, A banshee alrays moves silently and cannot bbe heard with Listen checks iit doesnt wish tobe Stunt Plants (Su): Once per day, banshee can stunt all ats within « one-half mile radius, This ability Undead Traits: A banshee is immune to mind affecting effects, poison, slep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromantic effects, and any effect that require Fortiade sive unless it also works on objects. Iris no: subject roctitical its, subdual damage, ability damage, ability dean, energy drain, or desth fram massive catunot be taised, and resurrection wocks only if The creature has darkvision (60-fov1 range), is willing. —__________BLADELING Mediam Size Outsider (Lawful) Hit Dice: td8 (4 hp) Initiative: +5 Speed: 30 AC: 15 (ot Dex, +4 natural), ouch 1, flacfooted 14 Attacks: Claw +1 melee, or longsword +1 melee Damage: Claw 1dé, longsword 148/19-20 Face/Reach:5 ft. by 5/5 ft Special Attacks: Razor storm Special Qualities: Cold resistance 5, DR 5/1 (slashing and piercing weapons only’, fie resistance 5, immuni- tes, outsider traits Jemage. A banshee BLADELING SOCIETY Immunities (Ex) A bladeling takes no damage fom sid and its immune to rust attacks despite its metalic hide Outsider Traits: bladeling hes darkvision (60-fo0t range) Treannot be roised r resurrected Most bladelings ive in the city of Zovonos, on Ocanthus the fourth layer of Acheron. Some, however, wander the other layers of Acheron or even the other planes Bladeliogs ate superstitions and xenophobic creatures, 20 15 no surprise that they abhor intrusions into cheit home termitory (Of course, as residents of Ocanthus—a place of flying storms of blades—they rarely have vistors) Their society is prone to internal stife, but they immediately band together against external dangers. Bladelings that travel the planes are reasonably amiable toward strange, perhaps because they have picked up + degree of tolerance for other beings through constane contact. Even $0, they tend not co trustanyone they do not know. Saves: Fort +2, Ref «3, Will 12 jes: Str 11, Dex {3, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10 BLADELING CHARACTERS A Bladeling’s favored class is fighter. Leeders ate often ive cleric/fighters, and the race is known for its assassins as well, Badeling clerics usually worship Hextor. A bladeling PC’ elfective character level (ECL) is equal to ite clae lavel + 4; chus, 4 Lstlevel bladeling fighter has an ECL of 2 and isthe equivalent of a 2nd level character Feats: Improved In Climate /Terrain: Any land Organization: Solitary, pit, compeny (3-6) or squad (11-20 Challenge Rating: | Treasure: None Alignment: Always lawful (usually lowful neurral or lawful evil Advancement: By charseter clase Bladelings are xenophobic beings of humanoid shape. Though they beil from Achetoa, most scholars believe chat the race emigrared here from another plane, possibly the Nine Hells of Baator, the Bleak Eierity of Gehenna, or ven some unlknoven metal-based plane. A bladeling has skin of «dull metallic hue, sported with patches of meralic spines ts eyes gleam Like shards of purple cc, and its blood is black and oily. Bladelinge speak Common, and those with high enough rtelligence scotes to know an additional language usually speak Infe smal aswell COMBAT Bladelings are yack to jump into batle, relying on their rough skins and natural agility to see them through any fight, They are asa brave, so they usualy focus their attacks on the most duagerous wombatants they see Razor Storm (Ex): Once per day, a bladeling can expel shrapnellike bits ofits skin in a 15-foot cone, dealing 2d6 points of piercing damage to any creature in the ar Reflex save (DC 10) halves the damage. Alter this attack bladelings natural armor bonus drops to +2 for 24 hours. ee BLOOD-APE ‘Targe Magical Beast Hit Dice: 441048 (30 hp) Initiative: +2 Speed: 30f, climb 30 ft AC: 14 (1 size, 2 Dex, +3 naturady touch 11, flapfooted 12 ‘Attacks: 2 claws +8 melee and bite +3 melee Damage: Claw idé-s, bite 14842 ace/Reach: § f by 5 1/10 ft. ‘Special Attacks: Grow, improved grab, ond 24447 Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 [low-light vision, scent Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will42 Abilities: Se 21, Dex 15, on 14 Int Wis 42, Cha 7 Skills: Climb +15, Tisten +3, Spot «3 Feats: Power Attack Climate/Terrain: Worm forest and mountains Organization: Sclicary, patrol (1 alph male plus 1+ males), or colony (1 alpha male plus 2-$ males and 7-21 noncombatants) Challenge Rating: 6 ‘Treasure: None HD (Huge) ilood apes are peaceful dlurnal foragers with a unique defense mechanism. The alpha male (or leader) of a troop or patrol hae the magical sbility to make himself and other members of the group larger. Their Huge forms (sce Growth, below) allow them to deal more damage in combat, but the ability to return to Large size means that they re quire subseantially less food than Huge crea tures woald. Sages and scholars suggest thet this sbiliry is 2 residual effect of exceptionally strong growth and form-aliering magic practiced on the ancestors of the current blood apes rillennia ago, ‘A blood ape resembles a red-furred mountain gorilla ts body is compact but maseular, and ts sinewy arms end in humanlike hands. The alpha male is typically the lagest ape na group. Unlike the rest of the group, he has silvery far and e balding head. Blood apes are exceptionally territorial, and they fight to the death to protect their young and their land from intruders, Patrols occasionally forage fer from the colony’ Iairin search of new feeding grounds, COMBAT “The alpha male in any group of blood apes begins using his srowth ability on the other males a the first sign of incr cts. After ceceiving the benefit of this power, all the males pair up to attack specific opponents. Blood apes give no ‘warning and make no display before attacking, The alpha sale uses his growth ability on himself lest, then enters melee. If females and young are present, they beat « hasty retceat while the males fight. Growth (Sp): The alpha male in every group of blood apes can use this power up to eight times per day. It fune- tions ike an animal growth spell (casterlevel 9th), except that it works only on adult male blood apes. The following changes unply to all subject blood apes as long as the effect of growth lasts: $2, Hage; HD dt 0432 (76 hp) AC 15 ssatual), touch 9, fat foored 14; Atle +15 melee (2d4v9, 2 claws) and +10 melee (2d6+4, bite); SV Fort +40, Ref +7, Will +3: Face/Reach oft by 10f1/10f15 542, Dex 13,Con 18; Climb +49, Improved Grab (Ex): If a blood ape hits an oppo- nent thats at least one size category smaller than itself with a claw attack, it deals normal damage and at tempts to start a grapple os a free action without pre- voking an artack of oppor tunity (grapple bonus +13, or +25 if under growth wich borh claws, itean also rend in the same round, Once tt has a hold, the blood ape has the option to conduct the grepple normally or simply use its claw te hold the opponent (-20 penalty on grapple check, but the blood ape is not consic- cexed grappled check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals claw damage. Rend (Ex): Ia blood ape hits with both claws, i latches conto the opponent's body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 24447 points of damage (or2d4+13 if undera growth effect; see above) Init +4 size, +1 Dex, +6 fect), ith nn either case, each successful grapple Scent (Ex): A blood ape can derecr approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes,and track by sense of smell. BLOOD APE SOCIETY COne-thicd of the noncombatants in any colony are infants and The females have the same statistics as the males, but without the growth, and rend abilities. The young have no fas, and the balance are adult fernal improved combat zbilicy The alpha male of s colony 1s the only one permitted to mate with the females of that group, As colony giows large, the younger males eventually break off and attempt to form their own colonies by stealing a few fernles. A male who succeeds immediately gains the growth cblity, aaad over a period of six months he develops the char istic silver furand ald head of an alpha male. a BOGGLE Small Monstrous Humanoid “ir Dice: 4d8 (8 bp) Initiative: -9 Speed: 40 ft, climb 30 fi. AC: £8 (4 ize, +5 Dex, +2 naturi), touch 16, laefoored 13, dt Tace/Reach: 5 fe by 5/15 Special Areas: Darivision 60 it Improved giab, rend 24 special Qualit DRS /4, ie resistance §, grease, Saves: Fort 4, Ref 49, Will 3 Abilities: Str 10, Dex 21,Con 11,Int 5, Wis8,Cha Skills: Climb 18, Espo Ast +17, Hide +11 Move Silenly +10, Pick Tocket 112 Feats: Improved Initiative Dimension doo ‘ground ‘Organization: Solitary, pair, orcrew (3-5) Challenge Rating: Treastre: Sif coins, 50% goods, no items alignment: Usually chaotic neutral Advancement: 5-8 HD (Small);9-12 HD (Mediuin-size Bogeles are clever, gibbering scavengers that behave much like some species of monkeys. They do not value treasure, but they do like to collect bright, shiny objects such as eoins, pracions gems, and jewelry, aswell as bits of polished junk. Tn addition, they can often be tempted with food ard sweets A bogele isa foot, hairless humanoid with a rubbery hide. 1chas a large, bulbous, bald head, buge ears, and dis- proportionate body parts though the exict details vary from fone individual to another. For example, a boggles nose right be large and crooked, broad and flt, or nonexistent except for nostril slits, Arms, legs, hands, fet, torso, and abdomen vary from spindly to oversized but are almost always misshapen. Skin color may be any shade from dark {ey to blackish blue, A boggle can stretch and compress its body remarkable degree, which accounts for its impressive reach, Boggles have their own rudimentary language of grunts 1 limbs to and whistles COMBAT Boggles area cowardly lot. They taunt, bluster, and scold in their gibbering language, but always froma distance. If they know ineruders are approaching, they often use their sgreace ability to make a section of floor slippery ahead of time, o that they can easily steal baubles from anyone who falls. When forced co ight, « boggle prefers to climb a wall and leap down on prey from sbove, so that ic ean bring its hind claws to bear for tending Improved Gi hits an oppone gory larger than itself with a claw autack, it deals normal damage and b (Ex): If a boggle of up to one size cate artempts to start 2 grapple as a free action without provoking an atrack of ‘opportunity (grapple bonus +5). If i hits with both claws, it can slsa rend in the same round. The boggle has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use its claw to hold the opponent (-20 penalty on grapple check, but the bogzle is not considered grappled). In either case, each successful grapple check st rakes during successive rounds auto rmarically deals claw damage. Dimension Doar (Sp): A hoggle can use dimension door up to six times per day, Caster level 7th Grease (Su): At will, secrete an oily, viscous, nonflammable substance from its skin, This ability boggle can fanctione like the spell gyeaie except that the range is touch, the durs- tion is 4 round per Hit Die of the boggle (4 rounds for the typical creature), and the Reflex save DC is 12, Typ cally, a boggle uses this abil ity to grease a section of floor or wal, though it can use the ability in any ofthe ways that the spel can be used, This eily uid also makes the boggle tougher ro hold onto (see Skills, helo) Boggles are smmune tothe effects ofthis substance Rend (Ex): aboggl hitsasingle target with both claws, it atches onto the apponent’s body and teas the lsh, This sttack deals 244 points of damage Scent (Ex) A boggle can detect approaching enemies, sniff cut hidden foes, and tack by sense of smell Skills: Because ofits perpetually oily skin,a bogele gains 2410 racial bonus on Escape Artist checks —_____ BOGUN Tiny Constract Hit Dice: 2410 (11 hp) Initiative: +3 Speed: 20 f, fly 50 ft. (goad) AC: 15 [+2 size, 43 Dea), touch 15, fa Attacks: Netles +1 melee Damage: Nettle dt-2 plus poison Face/Reach: 21/2 t by 21/2 /0 ft Special Attacks: Poison Special Qualities: Construct traits Saves: Fort +0, Ref «3, Will +1 bilities: Sir7, Dex 16, Con — Int 8, Wis 13, Cho 11 Climate/Terrain: Any land (ypicaly forest) Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: ¢ Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral (seme us the Advancement: 3-6 HD (Tiny) ‘Abogun isa emall narure servant crested by « ead dmvid Tike a homuncults.tisan exteasionof _ eal its creator. Ths it has the same i alignment and link to narare sharits maser has. A bogun looks lke a ‘aguelyhuranoid mound of compost. The crestor determines 118 precise § features, but the typical version stands about 18 inches tall and has a wing- ’) 4 spn of about 2fect. Tes skin is Covered with nettles and branches. Insect carapaces, eaters, scales, and other forest detritus may also be patt ofits form ‘A bogun does not fight particularly well, attacking, carryinga message, or epening.a door or window. {it can perform any simple action, such as For the most part, the creature simply caries out lis cte ators inseruections, Recsuse itis self aware and somewhat willful, however, its behavior is not entirely predictable On rare ocrasions (5% of the time), a bogun may refuse to perform a particular task, In that case, the crestor must makea Diplomacy check (DC 11) to convince the creature to cooperate, Success meuns the bogun performs the task as requested; failure indicates that it either does exactly the apposite or refuses to do anything at all for 24 hours (DMs option), ‘A bogun cannot speak, bur the process of creating one links it telepathically with is crestor. It knows what its cre- ator knows and can convey to him ot her everything it sees and hears, up to «range of 1.500 fet, A bogun never travels beyond this range willingly, though it can be removed forcibly. In such a case, it does everything in its power to regain contact with its creator. ‘Any attack that destroys a bogun deals its creator 2410 points of damage. Ifthe ceatoris sain, the bogun also dies, and its body collapses into a heap of roting vegetation. COMBAT ‘A bugut lias very litle offensive copability, since its pri sary purpose isto carry out small tasks. Nevertheless itis capable of artacking, either on the command of its creator oF inselFdefense, A bogun usually tries to flee from combat. [fit is prevented from escaping, it artacks by reking oppo- nents with its poisonous nettles, Poison (Ex): A bogun's nettles deliver an irritating powson (Fortitude save DC 11) inirial and secondary damage is the same (1ds points of Deater ity damage). The creator of @ Construct Traits: A bogun is immune to mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, diseese, death effects, necromantic effects, and any effect that requires @ Fortitude save unlessit also works on objects. The creature is not ‘subject to critical hits, subdual “damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, or death from massive damage. Although itis made of vegetable marter, a bogun is not a plant and is there- ore not subject to spells that = affect only plants or plant creatures. It cannot heal itself but can be healed through repair. Itcannot be raised or resurrected. A bogun bas dark: vision (60-foot range) CONSTRUCTION Unlike homunculus a boguniscteated from natural mate rials available in any forest. Thus, there is no gold piece cost forits creation. All materials used become petmanent parts of the bogun The creator must be at least 7th level and possess the (Craft Wondrous Item feat to make a bogun, Before casting any spells, the creator must weave a physical form out of living (or once-living) vegetable matter ro hold che magical ‘energy A bitof the creator's own body, such asa few strands of hair or a drop of blood, must also be incorporated into this crude mannequin. The creator may assemble the body personally or hite someone else to doit. Creating the man nequin requires a Craft cbaskerweaving) or Craft weaving} cheek (DC 12 ‘Once the body is finished, the creator must animate it through an extended magical ritual that requires # week to complete. He or she mist labor for atleast 8 hours each day in complete solitude in forest grove: any interruption from another sentient creature undoes the magle Ifthe creators personally weeving the creatures body, thst processand the ritual can be performed together ‘When not actively working on the ritual, che creator must rest and can perform no other activities except cating, sleeping, or talking. Missing even one day causes the process o fail. At thar point, the ritual must be started anew, though the previously cralted body and the grove can he reused. ‘On the final day of the ritual, the creator must personally cast control plants, wood shape, and brgstbogu (see below), ‘These spells can come from cutside sources, such as scrolls, rather than being prepared, ifthe creator prefers. BEGET BOGUN Conjuration (Creation) Level: Did 1 Components: SM. XP Casting Time: { action Range: Touch Effect: Tiny construct Duration: Instantaneous Suving'Throw: None Spell Resistance: No _Beget bogen allows you ro infuse living magic into a small manne that you have creared from vegetable matter, {fis s the final spell inthe process of creating a bogun. See the bogun descsiption, above, for further details. Material Componenl: The mannequin from which the bogun iscreated. XP Cox: 25 XE Large Undead Hit Diee: 15d1? (97 hp) Initiative: +5 Speed: «of. AC: (6 (1 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural, touch 10,flacfooted 15 Attacks: Sting +9 melee and bite +4 melee Damage: Sting 244+3 plus poison, bite td4v4 plus poison Face/Reach: 5 fe. by 5 ft. (coiled)/10 Special Attacks: Poison, spells Special Qualities: Detect thoughts, guarded thoughts, immunities, SR 23, telepathy, undead traits Saves: Fort +5, Ref 18 Wl 441 Abilities: Ste 16, Dex 13, Con —; Int 16, Wis 45, Cha 47 ‘Skala: Bluff +12, Concentration +14, Diplomacy +7, Hide 41, Intimidate +12, Listen +12, Sense Motive +8, spelleralt=14, Spot +12 Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, metamagic feat (any one), Spell Focus (any one seb!) (Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm land and tnder- ground Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: 11 ‘Treasure: None Alignment: Always lawful evil ‘Advancement: 15-21 HD (Large) 22-45 HDD (Huge) Abone nage was once living dark naga. After is death, it ‘was transformed intoa skeletal undead creature by another dark naga through & hori situa A bone nage looks like a 12-foot-long, serpentine skeleton, Its skull bears an eerie resemblance to that of a human, except that the bone naga sports long fangs that can deliver « debilitating poison, A cold, cruel light burns in the creature’ eye sockets, giving it an air of unspeakable hatsed and malice ts tail ends in a vicious bone stinger which, like its teeth, delivers poison with every bit Though it despises its servitude, a bone naga unswerv- ingly obeys its ereatar, attacking even other nagas if so commanded. Should its master die, a bone nage becomes free-willed and can choose its own destin. COMBAT Bone nagas under dhe conteol of masters are given explicit instructions on haw to deal with enemies. Beyond that, these highly intelligent undead can make their own dec sions about methods for defeating puticula: fs. -A bone naga typically uses its mind-ceading abilities to determine is foes’ strengths and wesknesses before join- ing combat. Ir often begins by trying to intimidate its enemies with telepathic taunts, Thereafter, it resorts to spelleasting to soften up the more powerful-looking opponents before entering melee. A bone nagais focus its melee attacks on living opponents rather then undead or constructs, since the living ate susceptible to its powson, Boison (Ex): A bene naga delivers its poison via success fal bite ot sting artacks. The poison from is bite (Forsitude save DC 17) kas the same intial and secondary damage (1d4 points of Strength damage). The poison fiom its sting (Fort rade save DC 1 points of Constitution drain, and the secondary damage is 1d4 points of Ci nn damage Spells: A bone nags casts spells as 2 14th-level sorcerer spells known 8/5/5/4/4/3/2/1; spells/day 6/7/7/7/6/ 6/53 save DC 43 + spell eve), Detect Thoughts (Su): A bone naga ean continuously detect the thoughts of those around it Thisabiliy functions (coster level ath, Will save DC 45), is more virulent; its inital damage is td like a detet thoughts Guarded Thoughts (Ex): Because of their ability to shield their thoughts, bone magas are immune w any form of mindresding Immunities (Ex Bone nages are immune to cold. Also, because they lack flesh or internal organs, rhey take only half damage from piercing weapons Telepathy (Su): A bone naga can communi ly with any creature witin 250 feet that b re telepathi- a language Undead Traits: A bone naga is immune to mind- affecting effects, poison, seen, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromantic effects, and any effect that requices « Fortitude eave anleee it also works on objects. It is mot subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability dlamage, ability drain, energy drain, or death from massive \d resurrection A bone naga cannot be raised works only if ir is willing. The creature has darkvision (60- foot range’: Gargantuan Ooze Hit Dice: 20410210 (320 hp) Initiatives Speed: 2 AC: 1 (4 size, 5 Dew), touch 1, flat-footed + Attacks: 2 slams +26 melee Damage: Slam 243145 plus abiliry drain pls wounding Face/Reach: 30 fe by 30 f/15 lt Special Attacks: Ability dram, bone meld, engulf, wounding Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 f., DR 30/15, ooze traits, sR32 Saves: Fort 415, Ref +1, Will +1 Abilities: Str 40, Dex 1, Con 26, Int Wis 1,Cha t (Climate/Terrain: Any underground ¥ Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: >: “Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: 2-30 HD (Cargonruan} 31-40 HD (Colossal) Bone oozes cide slong underground, scavenging for ones. These disgusting creatures are called rolling graveyards because ofall the bones suspended in their bodies A bone ooze appears as an immense, undulating mass of goo the color of bleacked bone, Jagged, bony protrusions jut from the monster's mess here and there, and more bones in ows stages of digestion are suspended within its transit cent body. A bone ooze normally maintains a roughly spher- ical shape, smeasucing more than 30 fect in diameter and ‘weighing more than 40,000 pounds, though it can alter is shape to flow through 2 space as small as $ feet by 5 feet Because the bones it contains give its amorphous shape ficmer support than the typical ooze has, it takes 4 round for a bone ooze to squeeze through an opening too small for its ji normal dimensions. COMBAT A bone oo2e attacks by slamming opponents or by olling over them. Ie tries to engulf opponents whenever possible, so chat it cam use its hone meld. A bone oozes attacks also caus Ability Drain (Ex): A successful slam attack from « bone aoze absorbs some of the victims bone structure. Any melee hit deals 1dé Strength drain, 1d6 Dexterity drain, and 1d¢ Constitution drain. Ona critical hit, it drains twice that amount from each affected score. A bone ooze heals 5 points of damage it hus taken (10 ‘on a critical hit) whenever it desins abilities If the amount of healing is more than the damage the creature has taken, it guins any excess as temporary hit points fort hour. Bone Meld (Ex): Once perround, a bone oove can attempt tw absorb the skeleton of an engulfed creature into its own mass, pulling the bones out through the flesh, The victim rust make a successful Fortitude save (DC 38) or die. After 123 rounds the bore ooze leaves behind the fleshy parts of the victim and any treasure he oF 5 Engulf (Ex): A bone ooze can simply bowl over Huge or smaller creatures asa standard action, This atcack affects as many opponents as the creature's body can cover, Hach target cat take either an attack of opportunity against the bone ooze or ¢ Reflex save (DC 35) co avoid being engulfed [A successful saving throw indicates chat the target has been pushed back or aside (targets choice) asthe ooze moves fore ward. A bone ooze cannot make @ slam attack during a round in w engulfed is considered grappled and trapped within the tone cores bed. Such a creature takes automatic slam abil ity desin, and wounding damage upon being engulfed and ‘each succeeding round that it remains rapped. In the next round after engulfing, the bone ooze can attempt 2 bone eld attack. Wounding (Fx): Because of the bone shards the cres- rures body contains, a bone oozes slam or engulf attack. a wound that bleeds for 5 points of damage per round 36 carried, h it artempts to engulf, but each creature thereafter, in addition tothe attack’ normal damage. Mulli- ple wounds from the creature result in cumulative bleeding Tose (tw wounds for 10 points of damage pet round, and s0 on)-The bleeding can be stopped only by a successfal Heal check (DC 15) or the application of a cure spell or some other healing spell (heal healing circle or the like) Blindsight (Ex): A bone ooze is blind, bur blindsight allows itt maneuver and fight es well as sighted creature Through this ability t can discern objects and crearures within 60 feet. The bone poze usualy does not need to make Spot or Listen checks to notice crearures within range of its blindsight Ooze Traits: A bone oo7e is immune to mind-affecting «effects poison, seep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing, Itis not subject critical hits ox Nanking, ee RRAXAT Large Monstrous Humanoid Hit Dice: 1048+50(85 hp Initiative: +1 Speed: 30% AC: 18 C1 size, +1 Dex, +8 natural, touch 10, flat-footed 17 Attacks: Huge grestclub +16/+11 melee and gowe #10 melee Damage: Huge greatclub 2d6-s, gore 1d8+3 Face/Reach: § fe by $f/10ft Special Attacks: Breath wespon, mind blast psionies, spell ike abilities Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft, DS 10/+1, telepathy Saves: Fort +, Ref +8, Will +10 Abilities: Sr 23, Dex 12,Con 20, ne 15, Wis 12, ha 11 Skills: Intimate +9, mp #11, Listen +12, Spor +13, Wildemess Love +19 eate: Expercie (8), Improved Bull Rush, Improved Diseem, Improved Tip, Iron Will, ower Artack (8), BPA Weapon toes great) Jj, Climate/terrain: Any desert or mountains Organization: Solitary, pais, gang (3-0) wwarband (7-12), oF ibe (20-80) Challenge Rating 9 Tp) treasure: Standard Alignment: Usually neutral evil ‘Advancement: By character class Brexats are violent, nocturnal hunters that stalk mountainous and desert regions. These dangerous, evil humanoids prey exclusively ‘on intelligent beings, whom they take ‘great pleasure in torturing, killing, ‘and eating, Their taste forhumanoid flesh can take them deep into civi- lized lands, where prey is plenriful and easy io catch ‘A braxat is a hulking, bipedal, lizard Fike humanoid that towers over many giants at its full adult height of 15 feet, ts features are a combination of those ofa :hinoceres anda spiny beetle. The top of its head and irs back are lined with thick, horn covered plates, and a single, massive horn juts up from between its nostril Braxats respect neither aw norauthority, and they fear ne one. Their awesome strength, psionic abilities and reduction make them neatly unstoppable, and itis not sncommon for single band of them to wipe out several humanoid settlements in the course ofa yeat Occasionally a few survivors from braxat raids band together and try to hunt the creatures down, but rarely do sed in exacting vengeance. Experienced ven 1c been known to hunt braxas for sport hey suc pitting thelr experience and cleverness against the creatures raw cunning and psionic abilicies, As such hunters covered to their dismay, we quite proficient at pro- themselves with | raps and ambushes, Most such hunts end in vic- braxats, but nd then one is suc yielding a fe braxat-horn uophies to the hunters. These horns have no value in them selves, but artists some imes carve inticate sculp- cures on them and sell them asartobjecis Braxats speak Ciant,and afew of the more civilized ones make the effort wo learn Com ion ae vel (OMBAT Braxats relish the hunt, They delight in their vie- tn’ fear and lke to prolong the agony of their prey by stalking it for long periods, using their to create false hopes, and then crushing those hopes with new ambushes. Alternatively, braxats may send hci victims rlepathic tants, detailing the graly fate that awaits them after capture. In comb, brax sofien up oppencats with before clocing in forthe kill They usually save their breath weapons for particularly stubborn foes. Once the oppo- nents arc damaged, the braxats wade into combet with their greatelubs Breath Weapon (Su): A braxst can breathe 230-footlong cone of cold for 348 20 half aust wait 1d¢ rounds before t can do's again are cruel and cunning, They prefer 0 nd Masts and psionic assaules ‘Once it has used its breath wespon, the crearare ‘Mind Blast (Sp): This mind-numbing blast extends from thebeaxat ina 30-footlong cone. Anyone caught in the ares ‘ust sueceed at 2 Will save (DC 15) or be stunned for 344 rounds (When using the Po ity with the mind blest attack mode, as noted below) sionics (Sp): At will —