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Magical items for low-level characters

 Scabbard of endless swords: Uses – varies. Dweomer – powerful

conjuration/summoning aura. Effect – whenever the user would fumble his
sword in combat, instead of having to pick it up, making him/herself vulnerable,
another sword non-magical, normal quality sword appears in the scabbard ready
to be drawn. This works each time the character fumbles one of the conjured
swords, but it will cease to produce swords if one is not sheathed within it after
combat, and does not work if another character fumbles a conjured sword.
 Scroll case of message sending: Uses – 1/day. Dweomer – strong
invocation/evocation aura. Effect – This scroll case comes in pairs, and is many
times used by military commanders and thieves’ guild masters to keep track of
their spies. Each carrier may send one message per day to the other by writing the
message on a piece of paper, rolling it up, and placing it inside of the tube-shaped
case. It will only teleport the paper, though, so kings have found their seals and
ribbons still in the tube after the message has been sent.
 Powder of drying: Uses – depends on amount carried. One vile carries 5
applications. Dweomer – weak transmutation aura. Effect – when powder is
sprinkled on wet wood, paper, leaves, or grass, it dries out, making it able to be
burned. This is very useful immediately after a rainstorm for building a campfire.
 Log of Burning: Uses – 1 Dweomer – powerful invocation/evocation and
transmutation aura. Effect – when placed in a pile of burnable material, and
command word spoken, this log bursts into flame, igniting any combustible
materials that the magically conjured flame touches. This works even if
drenched, and if any of the materials touched by the magical flame were wet, they
immediately dry out and ignite.
 Bedroll of warmth: Uses – any time anywhere. Dweomer – powerful
transmutation and enchantment/charm aura. Effect – When a character lies down
inside the bedroll, it heats up to a temperature that is comfortable to the user,
thereby making it easier for the character to sleep in cold temperatures. The
bedroll does not induce sleep, and will not hinder the character from waking up
due to noises, or being physically touched, shaken, or prodded. (or bitten). The
bedroll will also not keep pests from hindering the sleeper’s rest, nor will it keep
him/her dry or asleep if rainfall occurs while resting.
 Anti-vermin bedroll: Uses – any time, anywhere. Dweomer – strong abjuration
aura. Effect – This bedroll repels rodents, insects, and reptiles. Naturally, you
will not see a lizard-man or wererat sleeping in one. It has no other power.
 Pot of cooking: Uses – 3/day Dweomer – strong alteration aura. Effect – when
something is placed into the cooking pot and command word spoken, the pot will
automatically heat to cook the contents. If one command word is spoken, then it
heats to the point of boiling water. If another command word is spoken, it heats to
a good cooking temperature below the boiling point. If a third command word is
spoken, it will only heat the contents to a good warm temperature, suitable for
serving warmed-over leftovers steaming hot. This pot does nothing to influence
the cooking ability of its user, however, so the food itself may not be particularly
 Mug of safe drinking: Uses – any time, anywhere. Dweomer – strong
transmutation aura. Effect – When a liquid is poured into this mug, it is purified
so as not to be hazardous to the person who then drinks it. In other words, it can
be used to make disease-infested water or even poison, harmless to consume. It
does not, however, ensure that the liquid will taste very good. Also, any magical
potion that is placed into this mug will immediately become non-magical and will
do nothing for the imbiber aside from whatever nourishment the ingredients
 Dwarven mug of drinking: Uses – any time, anywhere. Dweomer – strong
transmutation aura. Effect – This mug was made by a mage for a Dwarven friend
of his who always grumbled about never having enough ale. This is a slight
variation on the mug of safe drinking, in that it turns whatever liquid is poured
into it into some type of alcoholic beverage. A 2d6 roll randomly determines the
exact type. See below for result:
2 Dwarven firewater
3 Elven brandymeade
4 Gnomish honey wine
5 Whiskey
6 Dwarven bloodwine
7 Goff’s tap standard ale
8 Danwyn’s prunewine
9 Moonshine
10 Dragon’s Breath ale
11 Elister’s golden drunkard
12 Underdark ale
The imbiber has no way of knowing what type of ale it is until he or she begins to
consume the beverage.
 Staff of walking: Uses – any time, anywhere. Dweomer – strong
enchantment/charm aura. Effect - As long as this staff is used while walking, the
user will not tire due to exercise related exhaustion, however, the character will
still need to keep up his/her normal sleep pattern, for it will not allow the user to
walk for days on end with no food or rest. Also, if traveling through difficult
terrain, the staff will ensure that the character using it gets the best footing. It
does not behave like a staff of free action, but it will allow a +2 bonus to the save
against a web or entangle spell.
 Pepper of sneezing: Uses – varies, average peppershaker holds 25 applications.
Dweomer – vague enchantment/charm aura. Effect – when sprinkled on the
ground, this pepper causes anyone who walks over the area that the pepper was
sprinkled over to immediately start sneezing until they move away from the area
of effect. Duration is 1 turn.

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