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Volume 31 No. 1

Biblical Guidelines For Husbands, Wives And Parents
by Frank and Wendy Parrish
Introduction This behavior violates the biblical basis of marriage
The, most important decision you will J1"1ake in life n11d God's expectations and s tandards for a Christian
is whether you have received Jesus Christ as your marriage and home. Those who put ministry before
Lord and Savior. But the second most important deci- their family do not understand God's very clear
sion you will make in life is wh.:- (or if) you will marry. ins tructions in the Bible ab0ut marriage.
This second most i111portn11I decision has a lifelong impact Please study this magazine - and your Bible - very
on everything you do and everything you will become carefully and allow the Holy Spirit to deal with your
in life. heart and lifestyle in ministry. God has designed mar-
This issue of ACTS will exp lain w hat the Bible riage to be a strength and blessing to you. A godly
teaches about: marriage will help make you a much better person
• God's purpose for marriage; and iT1ore effective minister. As you will see from this
• The role of a husba nd and wife; study, God places an ex tremely high priority on mar-
• The responsibilities of parents. riage and godly order in the Christian home. This is
Some married Christian leaders mistakenly think it especially true for church leaders who - through their
is more "spiritual" to spend ALL of their time and faithfulness to their family responsibilities - can set a
energy in the work of ministry to others - and very lit- powerful example for others.
tle with their family. This is completely w rong!


Marriage, according to the ' opinions or selfish impulses. Nor originally designed it. But this ideal
Bible, is an institution created and can we ui1derstand what a true, marriage was ruined when sin
ordained by God. Therefore, the godly marriage is by using the entered the world through Adam
instructions for how to have a "wisdom of this world" as seen in and Eve. All human relationship~,
godly maniage must come from the customs and habits of the cuJ- including those recorded in l )
God through His Word. We can- ture we live in. Bible, show the distorting a1..
not make decisions about mar- The Bible gives us a brief look at destructive effects of sin. We can
1iage based on our own thoughts, the ideal (perfect) marriage as God see this especially in marriages.
• I
We see around us many exam- God has given them to share:
• Both man and woman are to INTERNATIONAL EDITION
ples - and often tragic results - of Volume 31/Number 1
man's will in marriage. But what is have dominion" over the rest Published by World MAP
' d's will and heart concerning of God's creation. "Male and
__.,uriage? To answer this question, female He created them. Then God
we need to understand what God
has revealed in His Word about
blessed them, and God said to
them, 'Be fruitful and multiply;
marriage. This will help our own fill the earth and subdue it; have
marriage - · and the marriages and dominion over the fish of the sea, A GODLY HOME
homes of those we lead - become over the birds of the air, and over
all that God intends. every living. thing that moves on Biblical Guidelines For
Husbands, Wives
the earth" (Gen 1:27,28). The And Parents _
I A. Manand Woman: Hebrew word for "dominion" by Frank and Wendy Parrish
Created In God's Image includes the idea of steward-
Marriage is the first institution ship; it is not cruelly "lording 1. The Biblical Foundation
Of Marriage .................... 2
es~ablished by GQd, before the Fall over", but rather lovingly car-
and the entrance of sin into the ing for and nurturing what is 2. Marriage After The Fall ...... , . . . 7
human race. God established mar- entrusted to you (see Genesis
riage - between one man and one 2:15). The Biblical Role Of
woman - as the normal pattern for • Man and woman are to A Christian Husband ............. 19
humanity. have children and raise them
The Biblical Role Of
God created man and woman in together; A Christian Wife ................. 30
His image. "Then God said( 'Let us • Man and woman are to be part-
make man [Hebrew adam, meaning ners - enjoying a close, loving
"human race"] in Our image, accord- relationship with each other
WMAP Found~r .........Ralph Mahoney
ing to Our likeness:.. So God created and with their Creator. Editors ..........Frank & Wendy Parrish
man in His Olfn image; in the image of Managing Editors
God He created him; male and female The Bible clearly teaches that Africa ..... . .. . ....Loreen Newington
India .... . .............. . .. Bill Scott
created them" (Gen 1:26,27). 1!tls
J t teaches us several important
God intended man and woman .to
have total partnership in every
aspect of life.
International . . ... .. . .. ..Gayla Dease
Copy Editor ....... . ....... .Keith Balser
Graphics .. : ... . ... . .....Dennis McLain
l. God designed and created the POSTAGE PAID AT
human race to have both male and B. Adam's Need For A Partner CHENNAI • 600 010 INDIA
female form. In Genesis 2:18, God declares:
2. Both the man and woman "It is not good that man should be
were created in God's own alone." God then brings the animals VISION AND MISSION
"image" and "likeness". "Image" to Adam, so that Adam can name OF ACTS MAGAZINE
and "likeness" do not refer to our them (v.19). In the Scriptures, to To provide practical Bible
physical form, but rather to our name something is to establish teaching ·and ministry training free
spiritual, mental and moral nature. authority ("have dominion") over it. of charge to church leaders in
"Image" means our capaci.ty to Naming the animals also showed Asia, Africa and Latin America
think; learn; expedence emotions; Adam that "there was not found a who preach or teach from the
appreciate beauty; use our imagi- helper comparable to him" in the rest Bible to 20 or more persons each
nation; make choices; love and be of creation (v.20). week, so that they will be
equipped to fulfill the Great
loved; have relationships; know These verses. reveal important Commission in their own nations
what is good and right. insights into the heart of God and and around the world.
3. Since man and woman were His view of marriage. God already
ACTS (ISSN 0744-1789) is published
both created in God's "image" and krlew that Adam was without any- quarterly by World MAP, 1419 North San
"likeness," they have equal value one comparable to him; thus He Fernando Blvd., Burbank, CA 91504-4194,
U.S.A. Address inquiries to World MAP at
in God's sight, and in God's plan had already determined to create the above address o r to P.O. Box 4142,
for · humanity and the world. Man someone for him. Eve was not an Manila, Philippines; Private Bag, White River
1240, South Africa; or Pos't Box 1037,
is not inferior to woman; woman is accidental after-thought in God's Kilpauk, Chennai, 600 010, India.
not inferior to man. This founda- mind! POSTMASTER: Please send address changes
Jional truth is vital to understand- One might wonder why there is to ACTS, World MAP, 1419 North San
V ' God's view of marriag~. This a delay between the creation of
Fernando Blvd., Burbank, CA 91504-4194
equality of man and woman in their Adam and the creation of Eve. The
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value and worth to God is seen in fact that Adam (man) was created
the authority and responsibilities before Eve (woman) does NOT
make him superior to her. Animals God as the Helper of those who full partnership of a man and a
were created before Adam (Gen tntst in Him (as in Psalm 33:20). woman. He created marriage so that
1:20-25), but that does NOT make Therefore, the word "helper" in man and woman would experience
animals superior to man. describing Eve does not necessarily the joy and strength that con A)
God has a divine purpose in the imply inferiority or weakness. The from true companionship atL-..:,
timing of events. He is already inti- "helper" is not less than the one mutual sharing and support in all of ·
mately aware of our need, but He being helped. The very need for a life's responsibilities. What a loving
does at times delay meeting that helper means that tlie streugtTt of Creator we have! He created us to
need in order to fulfill His plan tlte 01te being helped is not sufficie11t be a joy and a fulfillment to one
and purpose. by itself. another in a loving relationship as
In Genesis Chapter 2, we share In lPeter 3:7, the Bible does use husband and wife.
in Adam's suspense as he names the term "weaker vessel" for the wife. Genesis 2:21, 22 reaffirms this.
the animals. Perhaps they came However, this refers to her lesser God used a rib from Adam to form
before him in pairs like they did to physical strength and her vulnerabil- Eve. God did not use a bone from
Noah's ark (Gen 6:19; 7:9). We can ity as a woman; it does not mean Adam's head, to represent him
sense some of Adam's longing and that a wife is inferior to her hus- being over her. Nor ·did God tise a
hope as he names each of the ani- band. (Remember, this verse. also bone from Adam's foot, to show
mals until all have passed. Yet refers to "givillg honor to the wife".) that Eve was to be lower than him.
when he is done, he realizes there Eve was created to complement God formed Eve using a rib, to
is i1o one comparable to hii:i1. Adam. The word "complement" clearly represent her created place
Perhaps the reason for the divine means that which completes; or by Adam's side - protected under
delay is so that Adam himself that which must be added to make a his arm and close by to stand with
would come to realize how thor- symmetrical whole. him and support him (see Proverbs
oughly he needed a partner who Adam needed a helper compara- 31:10-31; Ecclesiastes 4:9,10). God
would be "co111parnble to him". He ble to him in order to have children, intended marriage to be a
would then receive his partner enjoy a sexual relationship, and relationship of intimacy and hanno-
with gratitude, and appreciate the have help with work. BUT, God ny, strength and joy', support and
wonderful gift God had given him. intended even more than that: the fulfillment

C. Eve: Adam's Perfect Partner

God createq Eve to be the per-
fect partner and companion to
Adam. She, like Adam, was creat-
ed in God's image and likeness
(Gen 1:27). Having the same image
and likeness allowed them to share As a couple, marriage
everythfog together - spiritually,
mentally, emotionally and physi- enables a man and ( ,)
cally. In. Genesis 2:23, Adam "woman to stand together ~! '
declares Eve to be equal to him in against the cha!lenges in ( fJ :\
regard to their humanity. This sup- the world. ~ti
ports the fact that Adam and Eve -
man and woman - have a similar
nature, both created in the image
and likeness of God.
The term used in Genesis 2:18
to describe Eve as "a lzelper compa-
rable" to Adam is the Hebrew word
ezer. This word means "helper",
"assistant", or "a support". So Eve
was "a helper matching him
[Adam]". . .
The word ezer comes from the
Hebrew word azar, which is often
us~d to describe God's assistance
to Israel or to individuals (see
Psalm 10:14 as an example). The
word ezer is also used to describe
D. Some Fundamental and permanence that s ho uld Sexual Union
Principles Of Marriage characterize marriage. Prom God's original created
"Therefore a man s/1a/l leave his order we can see that sexual expres-
• a\y and nwther a11d be joi11ed to his Passion sion between a husband and wife is
wtfo, and they shall become one flesh" Dabaq is also used in Genesis designed by God. However; ttie
(Gen2:24). 34:3 to describe the passion in beauty pf human sexuality has
In Genesis 2:24 Moses, tmder Shechem's Jove for Dinah: "His soul become twisted and misunderstood
the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, clave unto ['clung to'] Dinah tlte because of the distorting pow~r of
contin.ues to reveal to us the basic daugl1ter of Jacob, a1'1 d Jze loved tlw sin.
foundations of the marriage rela- damsel and spake kindly unto the Some people, in U1e name o( reli-
tionship. This verse shows us that damsel" (kjv). gious holiness and piety, have treat-
marriage is more than a relation- This same word is·alsq µsed to ed human sexual expression as
ship based on convenience, or just exhort Israel to "stick to" the Lord: something that is dirty and shame-
emotional or physical attraction. "¥011 shall fenr tire Lord your qod; you ful and only to be barely tolerated.
Scripture reveals three funda- sltal/ serve Him, and to Him yo11 slrall But this cannot be supported from
mental principles to us here. It is hold fast [stick to], and take oatlz." i11 Scripture.
important for us to grasp these His Name" (Deut 10:20; see also Others have allowed lust and
principles if we are to fully under- 11:22). covetousness to rnle them, and have
stand the marriage tmion in God's tumed sexuality into something that
created order. Pem1anence is cheap~ crude and selfish. They
1. "Therefore n 111a11 sltall leave Iris Unlike the rest of creation, man neglect to cherish this important
father and motlrer". · and woman were made in God's expression of love and intimacy, and
In a traditional translation, image. Human beings were created fail to reserve it only for th e ir
"leave" would suggest that the man for the security, fulfillment and joy spouse.
is to physically move away from his that can come only from stable, life- The God Who created us gave us
parents and set up his household long committed re la tionships. a physical body, a soul (mind, will
elsewhere. But the Hebrew word in Animals, by confras.t, breed by and emotions), and a spiritual
this case would more accurately be instinct alone. It do~s nqt matter nature. Our whole being - body,
_,,slated "forsake". However; this who the partner is . Animals may soul and spirit - is to become
~...Ji'nld not be taken to mean that a have many mates Utroughout U1eir one with our spouse as we grow in
man should no longer have relation- life. marriage.
ship with his parents (see Exodus Man and woman, however, Our human sexual expression
20:12 and Leviticus 19:3). were designed by God to have a life- touches every part of our being.
"Forsaking" should be w1der- lo11g marriage to one male. When Becoming "one flesh" involves not
stood to mean "changing one's priori- God instituted marriage, He'intend- 011ly physical, but emotional and
ties". When a single man or woman cd for the marriage of a man and spiritual bonding and intimacy as
live with their parents, their first woman to last for a lifetirr}e. Our well. This is why God intended for
obligation is to their parents. But human nature, as created and lunnan sexuality to be experienced
when they marry, their first obliga- intended by Goq, needs and only within the safety, sanctity
tion changes - it is now to each other requires a s table long-term relation- and permanence of the marriage
as husband and wife. This means ship wiU1 one spouse. union, with one 0U1er person.
that for the married couple, their Jesus reinforces this principle of . God forbids sexual exp~riences
parents are no longer free to com- permanency in marriage in outside of the marriage relation-
mand them or have authority over Matthew 19:6: "What God lras joined s hip. The Scriptures call such
them. The husband and wife now togetlrer, let 11ot 111a11 separate". experiences "adultery" and "forni-
form a complete unit. Their first God has designed marriage to cation" - sin! God never intended
responsibility is now to each other. be permanent. In Malachi 2:16, God for people to have sexual experi-
A married couple sho uld not declares U1at He ''/rates divorce" and ences outside of marriage. The
abandon their relationships or is opposed to it. He is fully aware of consequences of such experiences
responsibilities to parents and other the destruction that comes to the are very destructive to us person-
family members. However, once couple, the cluldren, and the·many ally and very damaging to our
they are married, their first priority others who are affe!=ted when a relationship with God. (Please
is their spouse. marriage is destroyed. [Note: Read read !Corinthians 6:15-20 for more
- ,2. " ... and be joined to his wife ... ". the more in-depth study on divorce insight.)
~ The Hebrew word translated later in this article.] · [Note: The importance of the
"joined" is dnbaq. It means to "cling 3. " ... a11d t11ey shall become one sexual union in marriage is
to" or "stick fo" one's spouse. flesh ... ". The term "one flesh" has a studied in more detail later in' this
This gives the idea of both passion number of important implications. article.]
TO WORK. roG-GrllER ... ro WA.5>11 THE 'C>l:SHG.S ?

Children E. The Covenant Of Marriage Lord Jesus Christ (see Ephesians

Nowhere else do we see more The same terms used to 5:22-32). This most important of all
clearly "two becoming one" than in describe the relationship between relationships is the ultimate fulfill-
the conceiving and bearing of chil- husband and wife am frequently ment of God's covenant with His
dren. Children a re a direct product used in Scripture to describe people through our Savior, Jesus
of the marriage relationship. They Israel's covenant with the Lord. Christ.
are a blend of both parents - two This is not accidenta l, but a pur- Second, marriage in the Old
different people coming together to poseful use of language. This is Testament was much more than
make one perso1,1. Children are a because the marriage relationship just a convenient way to further
combination of both the appearance was to reflect the relationship the human race through having
and personality of each parent. between God and His people offspring. Rather, the union of a
Children are the precious fruit or Israel. man and woman in marriage is the
"lieritnge" (Ps 127:3-5) given by God The Old Testament prophets first i11stitution established by God
to bless the marriage union. The often used marriage as an allegory and should therefore be regarded
marriage relationship as God (type or picture) of the relationship as a holy relationship.
intended it - a man and woman between God and His people Marriage is a sacred coven(
being joined as "011e flesh" for life - Israel. They likened God's relation- re/atio11sltip between a man anb. .
also provides a secure setting in ship with Israel to a faithful hus- woman. Marriage is sacred and
whkh to bring forth children (Gen band married to one wife (Isa holy in the eyes of God (Matt 19:6).
1:28). They can be raised to know 54:5,6; Jer 3:14; Hos 2:19,20). To It is a long-term commitment that
and love the Lord, His laws, turn away from a relationship with requires personal sacrifice and the
and , to relate properly to others the one true God and turn instead full involvement of each spouse.
(Deut 6:1-9). to another (as in idol-worship) was Therefore, marriage should not be
like the sin of adultery (Jer 3:8,9; entered into lightly or with only
One In Spirit Ezek 23:37). selfish desires in mind.
A husband and wife are more But God was like a faithful hus- The covenant of marriage is a
than marriage partners. As band to faithless Israel (Isa 54:5; sacred, life-long agr eement
Christians, they are also brothers study also the Book of Hosea). God between one man and one woman.
and s isters in Christ. A Christian did not reject Israel even when He Once this agreement is entered
husband and wife, as believers, bronght judgment upon them for into, it remains in effect at all
are related spiritually th.rough the their unfaithfulness. He was times. It is to be adhered to even
blood of Jesus (Eph 2:10-18). They always calling them back to renew when it is inconvenient, difficult or
are both members of Christ's their "marriage covenant" with seemingly un.fulfilling. The mar-
Body, and part of the family of Him. What an inspiring picture of riage covenant is a sncred binding
God. God's love and grace, and of the agreement for life. There great
Scripture gives hundreds of importance He places on covenant blessings for upholding the mar-
cxhorta tions as to how we are to relationship! riage vows and cherishing your
treat one another in the Body of The use of covenant ·terms for spouse - and sad and serious con-
Christ. The bond of mutual love, marriage - "forsake", "stick to" or sequences for breaking those
care and consideration goes even "cling to", and "one" - reveals two covenant vows.
deeper for a husband and wife. powel'ful truths:
We must give great care to our First, marriage in its most ideal
relationship with our beloved form is an image or "type" of the
spouse, who is also our brother or kind of relationship the Church is
sister in the Lord. to 11ave with Her Bridegroom the

Both the Old and New To the woman God says that Hebrew word for "desire" as it is
Testaments reveal the damage her pains in pregnancy would be used in Genesis 4:7. In this
"\l\sed by Adam's willful choice to greatly increased (v.16a). instance, God is explaining to Cain
.~el against God's commands Remember that the woman was the power of sin and that sin's
(Gen 2:15-17; Genesis 3). The fall created to be man's helpmate and "desire is for yo11". God then tells
from innocence of Adam and Eve, the joyful mother of children (Gen Cain, "b11t you sho11ld rule over it"
and the entry of sin into God's cre- 1:27,28; 2:18,23,24). But after the (4:7). Sin would desire to rule and
ation, has had a disastrous effect Fall, having a large family with control Cain, but God tells Cain to
upon: many children was going to instead rule over sin (which, sadly,
• the created universe become more difficult. he does not do).
(Rom 8:20-22) Next God says to the woman, In Genesis 3:16, God tells Eve
• all plant life (Gen3:17-19)" "Your desire shall be for your lws- /1
that Adam will rule over" her.
• all animal life (Isa 65:25) bn11d, a11d lie silnll rnle over yo11 " God is not, however, commanding
(v.16b). Though there is some diffi- Adam to dominate Eve; rather, He
A. Distortion Of culty in correctly translating the is describing a change produced by
Human Relationships original Hebrew in this verse, the the distorting power of sin in
At the Fall, Adam and Eve lost best interpretation is as follows: human hearts and human society.
their sinless harmony of relation- " Desire" in Genesis 3:16 is not sex- God's original created order had
ship with God (Gen 3:8-10). Adam ual desire; rather, it reflects the now been drastically changed.
and Eve' s relationship· with each presence of sin distorting what Because of sin, woman would now
other also began to deteriorate as God had created woman to be. desire to rule in the place of
Adam blamed and accused his wife As discussed previously, God authority. Man would have to
for his own choice to disobey (Gen had made woman as a "helper" to strive to resist this attempt, and
3:12). They entered into a life of man (2:18), to rule witli him in was to "rule over" the woman.
separation from, and struggle with, daily life (1:27,28). Sin, however, The full effects of sin's distor-
the rest of God's creation (Gen 3:17- allowed the entrance of wrong tion are clearly seen in Scripture,
19,23,24). desires. A woman's fleshly desire and in the world around us even to
- Because of this distorting effect would now be to seek indepen- this day. The Bible account of
3 sin on all human relationships, dence from the man - even to pos- Jezebel shows the extreme results
&d had to take drastic measures sibly desire to rule over him. of a woman giving in to the desire
to reorder the lives of now-fallen In order to better understand to dominate (lKi 16,18,19,21; 2Ki
human.beings (Gen 3:16-19). this, let u s exami ne the same 9). There was much heartache and
ACTS / 7
destmction caused by sin that "".as the tragic result of sin having its ty of a God-ordered marriage. Man
out of control in Jezebel's life. To way in a pers~n's life. lovingly cared for his wife, and she
this da~, there are women who · All of th1s is quite different graciously received his care and
desire to dominate and control from God's original intent at gave her support back to him. T()
their husbands, their relationsh~ps C:reation." Man and woman were ruled together, loving and suppL~ .-
. their. circuni.stances. Their
. fam- made to co11ipfement one another ing one another.
ilies and many others suffer from and co-rule together. Adam had . However, the entrance of sin
this destructive behavior. a
been given certain amount of allowed for the entrance of distort-
In this same Biblical accouht, authority over Eve as he was creat- ed desires. Man and woman would
the story of Jezebel's husband ed first. and named her twice (Gen now have to struggle with the con-
Ahab shows the results of a man 2:21-23; 3:20). However, it was not sequences of sin, which included
giving up his God-given responsi- an authority to dqminate her, but competition, striving, selfishness,
bilities (lKi 21:1-16, 23-26). The rather to be a servant/leader to her. dominance and rebellion (among
abandoning of his role also had God gave Adam the responsibilitlj other things). Their natural, human
tragic consequences. Even to this to love and cherish Eve, to protect tendencies woµld now be different
day, m~n who give in to human her, to provide for her, and to lead than what God had originally
and fle~hly tendencies _react to her an_d their family. And God intended for them. Woman would
responsibility by "letting someone gave E~e the responsibility of sup- desire to dominate or control; man
else take it". A man may not lead porting and helping Ad(\m in all of would desire to abandon his place
his family properly, or may not his God-given responsibl.lities. of leadership - or would strive in
work to provide for his spouse and The relationship God originally his own strength to regain his place
children. He may want to blame intended for inan and woman was of leadership by dominating his
his wife or his circumstances for not threatening or difficult for wife or behaving cruelly toward
his own failures. He may .even try them. They both understood that her.
to cruelly dominate and control his . G.o d designed .the marriage rela- Things would now be much
wife. In some cultures, women are tionship for their mutual blessing. more difficult for men and women.
treated as animals or as ·p osses- Before the Fall, Adarri and Eve Even.after the entrance of sin, God
sions to be traded or sold. This is walked in the beauty and simplici- reminded Adam that he still had
the responsibility to provide for) ·: ·
family, but that it would\...'.
through hard labor (Gen 3:17-19;
lTim 5:8). Man's shortened life
would be marked by labor and toil,
woman's by pain in childbirth;
and they would both suffer the
painful distortions caused by the
entrance of sin into the
h_usband/wife relationship.

Christ's Redemptive Work

The tragic effects of sin on the
Asa man marriage relationship are still very
jollows God and evident today. One might be
submits,to Him, tempted to feel discouraged and
he will lead his hopeless about the possibilities in
wife in a loving But we have the "good news"
and selfless way. of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to
encourage us!
Christ's death broke the power
of sin and the curse upon
mankind (Rom 5:12-21). Christ
came, died as a sacrifice, and rose
again to restore people to a persort-
al relationship with God (Col 1()
23). Full relationship with God had
not been possible since sin's
entrante into the human race at the
Fall. All of mankind lay under the been lost through sin. Jesus' work tinued in Israel even in the time of
curse of sin (which is death and was one of restoration and Christ.
separation from God) until Christ redemption. We have a great hope It is important to remember that
.,a e to set the captives free (John that no matter what has happened polygamy (taking multiple wives)
.1:-J4-36; Heb 2:10-18). in our past, it can be healed, is never sanctioned by Scripture.
Before receiving Christ, we are redeemed and restored. We can be God's original design - for one
spirihtally "dead" in our trespasses free of the bondage that man and one woman to be joined
and sins (Eph 2:1-3). But when we results from sinful and destructive in the sacred covenant of marriage
receive Jesus Christ as our Lord behavior. for a lifetime - is still His ideal.
and Savior, our spirit becomes Many New Testament scrip- This is certainly in accord with
alive (Eph 2:4-10). The spiritual tures encourage redeemed believ- the Creation account. We also see
blinders that covered our eyes and ers in Jesus Christ about what is this in the writings of the Old
kept us from seeing God and His 11ow possible in relationships with Testament prophets, who likened
ways are now removed. We can others, and especially in marriage. God's relationship with Israel to a
live very differently than we did We can love each ·other as Christ faithful husband married to one
before receiving Christ. loves us (lCor 13; lJohn 4:7-11). wife (Isa 54:5,6; Jer 3:14; Hos
Christ's redeeming work made We can be patient, kind and gentle 2:19,20).
it possible for our minds and hearts (Gal 5:22,23). It may take time and The N~w Testament never sanc-
to be transformed and renewed hard work to deny our fleshly tions having more than one wife. In
(Rom 12:1,2; Eph 4:22-24). We can desires and become more fact, one of the requirements for
repent of our sins, be forgiven, and Christlike; but it is well worth the leadership in the New Testament
be restored little by little into the effort, since we can then enjoy Church is that a man must be
kind of people God originally good and godly relationships with "blameless, tlie husband of 011e wife"
intended men and women to be our spouse and others. (1Tim3:2).
(2Cor 3:18).
The Scriptures tell us that we, as B. God's Standards 2. Solving The Problem
Christians, now have the mind of Do Not Change Of Polygamy
Christ (lCor 2:16). His will and His Sin may have distorted the stan- Today, polygamy is still prac-
-(~ys can now enter our thoughts, dards men and wome1t have for ticed in many places; perhaps even
Jjj;tl we can understand what God marriage. But God's standards for in your church there are those who
wants us to do. We are a "new cre- marriage have NOT changed. have multiple wives. Since God's
ation" and the "former things are Genesis 1:27,28 and 2:18,21-24 original ideal at Crea tion was for
passed away" (2Cor 5:17). What we show us what God intended the one man to be married to one
once were before Christ - and how marriage relationship to be. Other woman - and since this is still the
we once thought - can now be Bible passages, however, show pattern for New Testament believ-
completely different. how sinful human beings have dis- ers - what can you do to counsel
As Christians, we have the Holy torted the marriage relationship. those who have multiple wives?
Spirit living inside of us. We now They certainly should not be
have His power to help us deny 1. Polygamy - condemned or removed from your
our sinful and selfish desires; we Having More Than One Wife church. They most likely acquired
are no longer slaves to sin, but free This marriage practice was first multiple wives before they became
to live according to God's original seen in Genesis 4:19. Beginning Christians.
design. We can choose not to take with Lamech, sinful humanity's However, no man who is a
offense, but be understanding and decline from God's created order committed disciple of Jesus Christ
quick to forgive. What a difference can be clearly seen in marriage. should be attempting to have more
Jesus Christ and His Spirit can God intended the marriage rela- than one wife. But if a man already
make in our marriage! tionship to be a vital union has more than one wife, what
As a man and woman submit between one man and one woman ·should he do? Should he divorce or
themselves to God's transforming (Gen 2:24; see also Matthew 19:5; send away all but one wife? What
and ren~wing work by the power lTimothy 3:2; Titus 1:6). about the children? What does
of the Holy Spirit, they are changed Suipture reveals that polygamy Scripture recommend?
from the inside out. As they are (multiple wives) was practiced by The problem of polygamy in the
returned more and more into the the Patriarchs (Gen 29:21-30) and Church is a difficult one. But there
image of God, their marriage will by many of Israel's kings (lSam are principles we can learn from
~ >o become more of what God 25:43; 27:3; 30:5-18; 2Sam 2:2; 5:13; Scriphtre that will guide us as we
nZtended marriage to be at 12:11; 19:5; 1 Ki 11:1-11). This was sensitively and obediently follow
Creation. against the commands of God's the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus came to restore what had law (Deut 17:17). This practice con- First, James 1:5 tells us that "if
any of you lacks wisdom; let him ask of wisdom and power of a covenant- that we bring sin and brokenness
God, Who gives to all liberally and keeping God! He is committed to into all of our relationships. He
without reproach, and it will be given help keep and protect marriage. knows we sometimes give in to our
to hiin." God established marriage, and He lustful desires, or make very bt}
With this Spirit-given wisdom, stands behind marriage with all of decisions in the midsf of confli~~,,
let us look at some scriptures His power and authority. Marriage He does not approve of this behav-
together. !Timothy 5:8 reads, "But can be weakened and hurt only ior; therefore He has provided a
if anyone does not provide for his own, when we ourselves allow lust, cov- righteous way of escape when we
and especially for those of his 110use- etousness, neglect, "busy"ness, are tempted (lCor 10:13).
hold, lie has denied the faith and is anger, selfishness, pride or other But when a man or woman
worse than an unbeliever." This sin to interfere in our relationship. choose their own selfish way, God
clearly shows tha t it would be a Jesus Himself also stresses the understands the _painful conse-
violation of Scripture to not pro- sanctity of the covenant of mar- quences o.f that sin. Therefore,
vide for all wives. Even though riage. Jesus reinforces God's ideal there is some important discussion
having multiple wives is not what of a lifelong and unbroken relation- regarding divorce and remarriage
God intended, the husband is still ship between husband and wife in the Bible.
responsible for the ,w omen he mar- (Matt 19:4-6).
ried and the children they pro- Why does God so strongly Old Testament
duced. Those women have surren- oppose divorce? It is for the same Deuteronomy 24:1-4 explains a
dered their independence by mar- reasons God opposes any sin. First, procedure by which a husband
rying that man, and their children sin is a violation of God!s moral may divorce his wife. This passage
are his responsibility as well. order as revealed in His Word, the does NOT give a divine sanction for
Scripture does not forbid a man Bible. Sin is a direct rebellion divorce, and should NOT be used
who has multiple ·wives, or any of against the expressed will of God. as a blanket excuse for divorcing
his wives, from participating in Therefore, any sin committed - no one's husband or wife. Rather, it is
church meetings. Scripture . does, matter how well justified or ratio- an acknowledgement of the sad '
h<;>wever, forbid a man who has nalized - is first and foremost fact that, because of human sin and
multiple wives from becoming a against the holy Person of God brokenness, divorce has occurred
leaqer or elder in the church (1 Tim Himself. among the Israelites.
3:2). Second, sin is severely destruc-
tive to the person who participates New Testament
3. Divorce In The Bible in it! This can be clearly seen in the One group of Pharist:?es in
God hates d ivorce. '"For the case. of divorce. Much ·brokenness Jesus' time interpreted the
Lord God of Israel says that He hates and pain occurs in the sinful "uncleanness" of Deuteronomy 24:1
divor.ce, for it covers one's garments behavior that leads to divorce. Both to mean adultery. Thus, according
with violence,' says the Lord of hosts. the husband and wife suffer from to this group, adultery provided
'Therefore take heed to your spirit, that hurtful words and selfish actions. the only reason for divorce. But
you do not deal treacherously'" This is the result of tearing some- another group of more liberal
(Mal 2:16). thing apart that has been welded Pharisees claimed that you could
It is essential to remember that, together - both pieces are badly divorce a woman 'for just any rea-
whether or not you were a damaged. In addition, the children son" (Matt 19:3), even just for per-
Christian when you got ma_rried, of the divorced couple also suffer, sonal dislike.
marriage is a sacred covenant to and can be emo.tionally damaged Jesus responds td both claims
God. It is a lifelong joining of two and hurt. by reinforeing God's covenant
peopli into "one flesh" (Gen 2:24). God hates divorce not just principle within marriage (Matt
This means that each partner - because it is wrong. He hates 19:4-9). He points out that the only
both husband and wife - must divorc;e also because of the sin, bro- reason God allowed Moses to per-
maintain, promote, support and kenness and pain that cause mit divorce was the har.d ness of
preserve the commitment of mar- divorce and result from it. It human hearts (Matt 19:8). In every
riage as a lifelong relationship. grieves God to see children with- broken marriage covenant there is
This is how God designed mar- out the care and provision of both a heart hardened against one's
riage to be. parents. God hates the betrayal of mate, and against God's desire for
To initiate divorce is to do vio- adultery. He hates all that comes marriage.
lence to God's order for the mar- with divorce. · The difficulties and challengj'.,~·
riage covenant (Mal 2:16). God does hate divorce - but He encountered· in every marria ~
Because inarriage is a covenant does not hate the people who get could ultimately lead to divorce .::·
relationship established by God, divo rced . God understands that IF .a husband or wife follow their
He makes available all the love, people are distorted by sin, and · natural, fleshly inclinations and
allow their heart to be hardened. the begi11ni11g" H e reminds us, "it Paul makes it clear that a
But Jesus reminds us that a wns not so" (v.8b). God is seen Christian wife or husband should

.hardened heart is not the best way.

)jftid is the One
. Who joins people in
'...ttarriage, and H e can change and
throughout the Scriptures as a God
of redemption. He is the One Who
provides the grace for repen tance
not depart from their marriage.
"Now to tile mnrried I co1n111n11d, yet
not I but the Lord: A wife is not to
soften hearts. Restoration of the and forgiveness to bring people depart fro/// her h11sbn11d. But even if
marriage is always the best solu- and situations back into wholeness. she does depart, let lier remain unmar-
tion. Jesus Mrongly supports God's Thus, restoration of a damaged ried or be reconciled to her h11sbn11d.
original creation design and states marriage, NOT divorce, is clearly And n h11sbn11d is not to divorce his
bluntly, "They nre 110 longer two but God's highest desire. wife" (lCor 7:10,11).
one flesh. There.fore wlin t Go,d has But Paul, realizing the potential
joined together, let 11ot man separate" Paul's Teaching On Divorce for human failure, mentions that
(Matt 19:6). Jesus makes it clear Paul also con.fronts the issue of one spouse might still depart
that believers must strive to pre- divorce and remarriage in his first (v.11). However, if a Christian hus-
sen.~e the marriage bond. letter to Lhe Corinthian church. In band or wife departs from the mar-
Scripture does allow a single lCorinthians 7, he gives both gen- riage, they are not to marry some-
1exception for divorce: If one spouse er al and specific ins tructions one else (lCor 7:10,11). [Note:
commits sexual immorality, the regarding marriage relationships. Though Paul addresses this from a
other spouse docs have grounds Like Jesus, Paul affirms the woman's perspective, the principle
for divorce (Matt 19:9). However, sanctity of the covenant rela tion- applies to both men and women.]
even in this case, Jesus makes it ship of husband and wife; he there- If the husband and wife do not
dear that divorce was not God's fore reinforces the permn11c11cy of reconcile and therefore choose to
original desire for marriage. "From the bond of marriage. live apart, they are to remain single
(not remarry) and celibate - in
other words, Scripture forbids
them from engaging in any sexual
activity with another person. They
may only remarry the spouse they
d ivorced; or, if one dies, the other
is then free to remarry another
Believer (1 Cor 7:39).
It is God's desire that a husband
and wife be reconciled to each
other. It is God's desire that for-
giveness, reconciliation and
renewed com111it111c11t to the mar-
riage covenant be the primary goal
of the husband and wife.

4. Marriage To An Unbeliever
What if a Clu·istian is married to
a non-Christian (unbeliever)? Paul,
as a founding apostle appointed by
God (lCor 1:1) and writing under
the inspiration of the Holy Spirit,
addresses this issue in 1
Corinthians 7:12-16.
(NOTE: Paul docs say in 7:12,
"but to tlte rest I, 11ot t11 e Lord,
A believer s1zould stay mar- say ... ". Jesus did not address this
issue, so Paul does. It is important
ried to all unbelieving spouse, to remember that Paul was speak-
unless the unbeliever insists ing with an anointing and authori-
011 leaving the believer. ty no other person has today. There
are modem-day apostles but they
do not function with the same
authority as did Paul or the other
New Testament apostles. Paul does
go on to say in 7:25, "Now concern- ence of sin in human hearts, many state that the abandoned spouse is
ing virgins [single adults]: I have no people - including, sadly, some "not under bondage" (they are free
commandme11t from the Lord [as to Christians - may feel unable or from marital obligation to the
whether they are supposed to unwilling to keep the marriage spouse that departed). But it d
marry or not]; yet I give judgmenl as covenant. n ot state whether or not t •.:
one whom the Lord i11 His mercy has But remember - divorce is abandoned spouse is then free to
made trustworthy" (see also 7:40). allowable only in the case of sexual remarry.
No other person has the authority immorality or if an unbeliever We must carefully consider the
or a "word" that is at lhe same level departs and divorces the believer. consequences of our actions when
as, let alone supercedes, the written Even in these instances, divorce contemplating marriage, divorce or
Word of God. The Bible is com- should be the last option. remarriage. God has made it clear
plete, and should never be that marriage is a serious covenant,
changed, added to or subtracted Remarriage For The Believer intended to be made once for a life-
from; read and memorize The Bible does not allow for time. According to the Bible,
Revelation 22:18,19!) many of our modern ideas and Christians do NOT have the option
The Bible is very clear that NO practices concerning divorce and to divorce and remarry, except
believer iu Jestts Clt rist sho uld remarriage. Many people mistak- under very limited circumstances
marry a NONbeliever i1I Je sus enly believe that a believer who (as already discussed).
Christ. This would make them has divorced for any reason can The destructive effects of sin in
"unequally yoked". [Study 2 remarry. But this is not the case. people, and fuus in their relation-
Corinthians 6:14-7:1 for more on The Scriptures teach us that a ships, can create lerrible circum-
this subject.] Christian can remarry only when: stances in a home. Terrible arguing
However, in 1 Corinthians 7:12- • His/her first spouse committed or violence may take place, leading
16, Paul deals with the issue of a sexual immorality and the mar- to harm or physical abuse. This is
believer who is already married to riage ended in divorce NEVER acceptable behnvior for
an unbeliever. It is likely in the situ- (Matt 5:32; 19:9) believers. But when these situa-
ation Paul describes that one • His/her spouse has died tions do occur, the Bible does not
spouse became a believer after the (Rom 7:3) specifically address what a mar-
marriage took place. Or, unfortu- Some may add that a spouse ringe partner is to do. HOWEV "'
nately, in spite of the very clear abandoned by an unbeliever can if there is sinful behavior t .
scriptural warnings against it, a also remarry: "But if t/zc unbeliever threatens to destroy a marriage or
believer sometimes disobeys and departs, let him depart; a brother or a harm a family member, help
marries an unbeliever. sister is 11ot 11nder bondage in s11c/i should be sought out immediately.
Paul gives the following guide- cnses" (lCor 7:15). This verse does Through counseling, prayer, and
lines for a believer who is married
to an unbeliever:
• If the unbelieve r wants to
Sometimes, lust can come in and destroy a
remain with the believing spouse,
marriage when one of the partners desires
someone else. ·
then the couple should definitely
remain married (lCor 7:12,13). The
believing spouse cru'l possibly be a
holy influence on the unbelieving
spouse, and likewise on the chil-
dren (vs.14,16).
• If the unbelieving spouse initi-
ates a divorce, then the believer is
"not under bondage" to keep the
marriage together (v.15). (Paul does
not comment in this passage as to
whether tl'le believer is then free to
Scrip ture makes it clear that
divorce is NOT God's best for His
people. Those who commit them-
selves to live by scriptural princi-
ples in marriage will not consider
divorce as an option.
However, because of the pres-
12 /ACTS
biblical teaching on godly and lov- Is A Second Marriage evil deeds (Heb 10:17). Everyone
ing behavior, people and their Valid? who receives Christ has become a
marriages can be protected and Though remarriage under n~w creature, with a new nature.
,,. ..r_ unscriptural circumstances is not "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, /1e is
.1..... God's ideal, the Bible does seem to a new creation; old things /Jave passed
When Is Remarriage indicate that a second marriage is a away; behold, all things have become
A Sin? valid covenant. new" (2Cor 5:17).
Despite the clear instructions of Deuteronomy 24:1-4 describes a Self-condemnation over sin
Scripture, there are still occasions woman who has been divorced committed before salvation is NOT
when Christians break their mar- because of "uncleanness" (v.1). The from God, and is not pleasing to
riage covenant, and divorce outside Bible says that when she remarries, God (Rom 8:1). We can -we must-
the limits of what Scripture per- she "becomes another man's wife" receive God's full forgiveness pur-
mits. Often, remarriage to another (v.2). Thus, the Bible acknowledges chased for us on the Cross by His
person follows. Sadly, the desire that the two became husband and Son, Jesus Christ.
for a different marriage partner is wife in covenant marriage, even It is unfortunate that new
often why a spouse divorces. though it was her second marriage. believers may have divorce and
Jesus addressed divorcing for However, believers must be adultery in their past. They can
the purpose of remarrying in warned that they cannot continue rarely go back and fix the wrongs
Matthew 5:31,32 and 19:1-9. He the pattern of divorce and remar- they have done. But they must real-
was speaking to the Phadsees, who riage based on selfish desires and ize that these things are part of the
were divorcing their wives for the unscriptural terms. U they do, they darkness of their unsaved past. As
sole reason of marrying another are destroying their Christian char- a "new creature in Christ" they
woman. Jesus made it clear that acter and making themselves dis- must now "walk as children of ligl1t"
this behavior is unacceptable for pleasing to God - and they will (Eph 5:8) - through good works
both men and women - neither surely account for such willful (Eph 2:10), setting a Christ-like
should ever consider divorce so rebellion against God and His example (lTim 4:12), and witness-
that they can marry another. Word. ing for Christ (Acts 1:8).
Those who divorce and remarry As a church leader, you must be Some preachers have said that a
R·l\tside of what the Bible permits wary of men or women who claim new Christian who is divorced and
t( ?:)e, as Jesus said, "committed adul- to be believers, yet have been remarried should divorce their cur-
tery" (Matthew 19:9). They have divorced and remarried numerous rent spouse, and try to reconcile
broken their marriage covenant times for unscriptural reasons - with their original spouse. But this
without scriptural cause; they have especially after they have learned would mean dissolving yet another
then added to their sin by marrying what the Bible teaches about the marriage covenant.
another and thereby committing subject. They may appear godly, or Paul exhorts that we should be
adultery. even to have gifts for ministry. But "forgetting. tlzose thillgs [sinful
Many believers are mistakenly if their lives reflect unrighteous- deeds] which are behind and ranching
taught that this type of unscriptural ness (Matt 7:15-20; 2Tim 3:1-9) and forward to those things which are
divorce and remarriage is accept- a lack of repentance, they may ahead" and "press toward the goal for
able. It is NOT! Divorce without attempt to pull others into their the prize of the upward call of God in
scriptural cause, followed by adulterous behavior. Christ Jesus" (Phil 3:13,14).
remarriage to another, is a serious
sin. Divorce In Our Unsaved Past Conclusion
Once a believer faces the fact There may be some in your The issue of divorce and remar-
that he/she has committed this church who were married and riage is a very difficult and painful
type of adultery, he/she must: djvorced before they received one. Scripture does not give us a
• come to God in true and Christ and became His disciples. detailed set of rules that cover
heartfelt repentance This is very common in our world every possible circumstance.
• ask for God's forgiveness today. However, the Bible does give clear
and be cleansed of this Before Christ comes into their principles for how we should live
unrighteousness hearts, people are led by their sin- our lives and conduct our relation-
• humbly and prayerfully consid- ful and selfish desires. This can ships as believers.
er what else they should do to result in many broken marriages When instructing and counsel-
make right the wrongs they and emotionally wounded people. ing the people in our churches, we
1 ~have committed (such as pro- Once people receive Christ as must speak the truth in love (Eph
-7viding for the children they may Savior, their sins are forgiven (Eph 4:15). We must then pray for the
have abandoned from a prior 1:7; Col 2:13). God even declares Holy Spirit to convict them, and for
marriage). that He has forgotten their former God to lead them into obedience to
ACTS/ 13
His Word and will. Sin is to be to improve their marriage - to love restoration without compromising
repented from and abandoned, not more, give more, and serve more the godly principles of Scripture.
accommodated or allowed. than ever before. The Pharisees brought to Jesus a
It can be a very painful and dif- · woman who had been caught in ~­
ficult process for people to Teach Others Also act of adultery. They wanted tot! -:.
acknowledge their sin and repent. As a church leader, you must and trick Jesus, so they asked Him
Yet the Lord's grace is sufficient, n·e ver encourage or try to justify if she should be stoned. He replied,
even for this. divorce. You must encourage those "he who is without sin among you, let
Remember: Divorce never who are experiencing matjtal diffi- him throw a stone at lzer first" (v.7).
needs to occur if we diligently fol- cul ty to give and express forgive- When the crowd departed, having
low God's principles for marriage ness ~ their marriage. Forgiveness been convicted of their own sinful-
and relationships. Every Christian, is one of the primary keys to a suc- ness, Jesus told the woman, "Neither
married ·oi: not, needs to daily cessful marriage. [This subject will do I condemn you; go and sin no more"
invite the presence, power, love be covered in more detail later in (v.11).
and wisdom of God's Spirit into this teaching.] God desires recon- It is clear that the woman was
his/her heart, home and relation- ciliation of relationships. living an adulterous lifestyle. But
ships - as well as diligently study But what if there are people in Jesus declared the .truth to her, and
God's Word and follow its instruc- your church who are divorced? then exhorted her to stop sinning
tions for relationships. This will What should you as a church lead- and go her way. She couldn't
give us the wealth of God's divine er do? change what she had done in her
resource to draw upon, and will Be careful not to, like the past; only Jesus' forgiveness could
enable us to keep our marriage Pharisees, treat divorced people in do that. But she was to stop her sin-
covenant and maintain a godly a conderrming way. Instead - while ful behavior, and change her
relationship with our spouse. upholding the standards of lifestyle from that moment
Scripture - reach out with God's forward.
5. The Church Leader: lo'll:e and mercy to help them be People can rarely go back and
Setting A Godly Example restored to wholeness. Rerp.ember, fix the problems their sinful or
You are a church leader. although God does hate divorce, unwise behavior has caused in their
Therefore, you have an even He does not hate the person who is own lives or in the lives of oth~"
greater responsibility to under- divorced. God's love and forgive- But they can repent and rece1J
stand, and consistently live by, the ness are fully a1:id freely available God's forgiveness for their sin.
Word of God. You need to give to all who ·have failed or sinned, Then, having repented, they can
your marriage the kind of work when they call upon Him in repen- begin to live life according to the
and loving attention it needs to tance (1John 1:9). Scriptures from then onward. If
become a shining picture of There is so much confusion and there is something they can do to
Christ's love for His Church (Eph improper teaching on the subject of fix the problems. and alleviate the
5:22-32). marriage and divorce. This is com- pain they have caused, they should
You are not perfect, so your plicated by the careless approach of course do that (for example, sup-
marriage will probably not be per- some people have to the marriage porting the children of their previ-
fect either. But you should always commitment today. Sadly, in many ous marriage).
strive to grow and improve in countries, the divorce rate for God will give them the wisdom
your walk with God. As you are Christians is just as high as for non- and grace they need to move for-
transformed and renewed in your Christians. This should never be! ward in their walk with Him, and
mind (Rom 1'2:2), you will become But because of this, many peo- make good and godly decisions that
more Christlike - more like God ple find themselves in very difficult are based on His Word and His
wants you to be. This will make al).d complicated situations. They will.
you a more loving, fai_thful, may have been divorced and
devoted spouse - and thereby remarried several times; they may 6. Sexual Standards
strengthen and deepen your have children from. many spouses, For Christian Marriage
marriage relationship. etc. Our ability to have a sexual rela-
As a leader, you represent God They finally come to a point of tionship was something God creat- ·
and His ways to the people you repentance, realizing that they ed. It is important to remember that
lead. When you are faithful to have not lived their lives according it was God Who created them "male
your spouse, you will be a power- to God's Word. What, then, is the and female" (Gen 1:27). God ga"le
ful illustration of God's love and best way to counsel them about man and woman the ability to sh~
faithfulness to His people. This what they should do from now on? sexual intimacy, and to enjoy ti.
will assure those you lead that In John 8:1-11, Jesus shows us Sexuality is part of God's loving
they can and should always work how to minister forgiveness and plan for marriage.
14 /ACTS
But sexuality, when used your food, your belongings, even outside of the marriage relationship
improperly, can cause pain and your entire house. Fire out of con- is sin and must therefore be reject-
destruction in our li ves and the trol (at the wrong lime, in the wrong ed by every Christian believer.
~ ..aes of others. place, in the wrong sit11atioll) can Please take a moment now to
.,,.'. To understand this more clear- cause great harm and destruction - look up the following Bible pas-
1y, think of sex as though it were even loss of life. sages: Exodus 20:14; Proverbs 2:10-
fire. Like fire, our sexual nature and 19; 6:23-29; 7:.6-27; Matthew 5:28;
Fire is a helpful tool that God drive was given to us by God. He Romans 6:10-13; 12:1,2; 13:14;
gave us. Fire -enables us to cook our intended it to be used at the right lCorinthians 6:9-11, 13-20; Ga l-
food and thus stop our hunger. Fire time, in the right place, and in the atians 5:16-25; lThessalonians 4:1-7;
gives us light and warmth. Fire can right situation. The Word of God 2Timothy 2:22; lJohn 2:15-17;
protect us by keeping away preda- gives us very clear instructions on Revelation 21:8.
tors. Fire can be used to forge or how our sexua 1nature is to be used These are just a few of the many
make tools or objects of beauty. in order to be good and beneficial, Old and New Testament passages
But in order to provide these instead of harmful and destructive. about proper and improper sexual
benefits, fire must be co11trolled. It The Bible states very clearly that behavior. Take the time to study
must be used very carefully and the O NLY time, the ONLY place, each one carefully.
kep t within proper limits. At the and the O NLY situation in which It is impor tant to unders tand
right time, in the tiglit place, and in sexuality is to be experienced and the Bible - and thus God
the tight situatio111 fire is a blessing expressed is within marriage, Himself - does not regard human
and a helpful tool. between a husband and a wife. All sexuality as something dirty, pro-
But what happens if fire gets other sexua l encotmters are sin fane or bad. Rather, the Scriptures
out of control? It could destroy (iniquity) in the eyes of God. Sex reveal that our sexual nature is cre-
ated by God, intended by Him to
be a blessing within tlie marriage
As a ma11 and woman walk tmiott.
together, they become one -
and part of that relationship is Healthy Sexual
,_ l. Fulfillment In Marriage
~ ·~iJ The scriptural view of human
sexuality is based on the following
concept: Marriage should reflect
the loving relationship between
God aud His people. Therefore,
faithfulness and grace-filled s~nsi­
tivity are called for from both hus-
band and wife.
Many Old Testament cultures
(and many cultures today) had one
set of rules for men, and a d ifferent
set of rules for women. Often in
such cultures it is considered
acceptable for a man (married or
unmarried) to do whatever he
wishes in order to satisfy his sexual
desires; women, however, are
restricted to sexua1 activity with
their husband.
But the Bible teaches that adul-
tery (sex with someone who is not
your spouse) is a sin, whether com-
mitted by a man or by a woman.
This sin was punishable by stoning
in the Old Testament (see Exodus
20:14; Leviticus 20:10; Deuter-
onomy 5:18). The New Testament
speaks just as strongly against
adultery (Gal 5:19-21), though not
ACTS/ 15
making it punishable by stoning. even went so far as to forbid mar- activity aunng me ume or a
We, as Christian men and riage (lTim 4:3) . Paul addresses woman's menstrual cycle ("impuri-
women, must remember that the this issue, and states that such ty") was considered inappropriate
Holy Spirit has come to live _in us teachings are "giving heed to deceiv- (Lev 15:19,24). l)
(2Cor 1:22). We are supernaturally ing spirits and doctrines of demons" There are times when sexJ.....
joined to Christ and His Body (lTim 4:1). activity in marriage may or may
(lCor 6: 17; 12:13,14). Our physical Paul addressed a similar situa- not be appropriate. But the impor-
body is a "temple of tlze Holy Spirit" tion when he wrote to the church tant issue is that both the husband
(lCor 6:19). Therefore, we must in Corinth. Some of the Christians and wife need to walk in grace and
keep our physical body holy (lCor there had begun to believe and sensitivity to each other. Both
6:13-20). teach that followers of Christ were should be willing participants in
The physical body of every not to marry. Those who were mar- sexual activity, and not feel forced
Christian man and woman is to be ried were being told to abstain upon or unduly pressured. Both
a holy instrument of God (Rom from sexual intimacy in order should also agree together when
6:12,13; 2Tim 2:19-21) to be used to have a "purely spiritual" deciding that sexual activity will be
ONLY in a godly way. Our body is relationship. halted for a season.
NEVER for sexual activity Paul, under the inspiration of It is important for a husband
with anyone other than our own the Holy Spirit, gives godly marital and wife to clearly communicate
husband or wife (Heb 13:4). counsel to the Corinthians and to their needs and desires to each
The unholy use of our bodies us: other about everything in their
for immoral sexual behavior - and "Let the husba11d render to his wife marriage. Tius is especially impor-
the unholy use of our hearts and the affection due her, and likewise also tant when dealing with something
minds for lust or adulterous fan- the wife to her husband. The wife does as intimate and personal as their
tasies - violates the holy image of not have authority over her own body, sexual relationship.
God in which we were created. but the husband does. And likewise the Human sexual needs and
Wlzat, the111 is acceptable and husband does not lzave authority over desires were meant to be satisfied -
lzealtlty ill tlze sexual relationship his own body, but the wife does. Do and can be satisfied - wit/tilt t71e
between a 7msbaud tutd wife witlz- not deprive one another except with · bond of marriage. Sexual relations
iu marriage? Following are some consent for a time, that you may give are the seal and symbol of corrurf·
key Biblical principles to help yourselves to fasting and prayer; a11d ment and intimacy in marria~
answer this important question. come together again so that Satan does The sexual part of the marriage
God created both male and not tempt yo11 because of your lack of relationship helps maintain
female (Gen 1:27) for more than self-control" (1Cor 7:3-5). that commitment and deepen that
just producing offspring. He creat- Paul makes it very clear that intimacy.
ed them to help and complete one neither the husband nor the wife Our human sexual nature was
another. They enjoy compan- should withhold sexual intimacy created by God. Since He made us
ionship, friendship, and the inti- from their spouse. 11'\e sexual rela- this way, H e intends for us to use
mate sharing of a life-long loving tionship is an important part of the and enjoy our sexuality as He has
relationship. marriage union. Both partners are instructed us. God made us with
The life-long unity of a husband to freely and willingly participate. the ability to enjoy many different
and wife in marriage - their loyalty However, Paul does give three sensations . We can see colors,
and faithfulness to each other - is conditions for a married couple to taste food, appreciate beauty, and
symbolized by their physical (sexu- temporarily stop sexual activity U'\ feel emotions. Our Heavenly
al) union. The bonding that occurs marriage (v .5): Father "gives us riclily all thi11gs to
at this basic and intimate level will a. It should be by m utual con- enjoy" (lTim 6:17).
confirm, maintain and enhance this sent (they should both agree). God also gave us sexual
life-long unity. b. It must be for a limited time desires, to enjoy within marriage.
The sexual union of a husband (not too long) Read the Song of Solomon; it is a
and wife deepens the bond c. It should be for spiritual rea- joyous celebration of intimate love
between them - their "one-flesh" sons (not out of selfishness, anger, in marriage. The fact that this
unity - and is therefore sacred and resenbnent, etc.) book is included iri the Holy
holy to God. There are other times in the Scriptures helps us understand
lives of a married couple when sex- that God want s us to have an
Is Sex Unholy? ual activity might be temporarily exciting and fulfilling relationshin
There were some in New set aside - for example, during the with our spouse. He made us t1f)
Testament times who thought it latter stages of pregnancy, or if one way and gave us that ability.
was more "spiritual" to not allow spouse is ill or disabled. There is no guilt or shame in hav-
sexual intimacy in marriage. Some In the Old Testament, sexual ing a joyful sexual relationship
16 /ACTS
witlifo the godly bond of Ask the Lord to shape you into the especially important reason to
marriage. kind of person that will be a bless- avoid prostitutes. If we are mem-
ing to your spouse. The Lord will bers of the Body of Christ, how can
·~~ A Helpful Guideline help you! we join His members (ourselves) to
..~·. There is a passage of Scripture a prostitute? (see lCorinthians 6:15-
related to sex in marriage that can Sexual Practices 20).
sometimes be misunderstood: Prohibited In Scripture • Galatians 5:16,17 clearly
"Marriage is lzo1wrable among all, and • Sexual act ivity outside of states that our natural "fleslt lusts
the bed undefiled" (Heb 13:4a)'. What the marriage relatiouship is strict- against the Spirit" and that the flesh
does the writer mean by this ly forbidden btJ God. and Spirit are "contrary to one
statement? This includes both sexual activi- another". Our natural, fleshly
This statement is best under- ty before marriage (fornication) and desires fight against godly, spiritu-
stood as an exhortation for a mar- sexual activity with someone other al things. This is a very real battle
ried couple to protect thefr intimate than your spouse (adultery). that we all fight. But we can
l.Ulion from.perversions ("Jomicators It does not matter what your cir- decide to honor the Holy Spirit
and adulterers", v.4b). cums tances are. The Bible permits and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh
However, it also serves as a sexual activity ONLY between a (Rom 13:14; Gal 5:16; lPet 2:11).
reminder that sex between a hus- husband and wife. T here are no As Christians, we have the
band and wife w itliin marriage is exceptions! Spirit of God within us' (lCor
not given specific restrictions in the God made us, and He knows 3:16). Therefore, we must not prac-
Bible; it is instead given much free- how we will best be fulfilled and tice fleshly lusts specifically listed
dom. To live in this freedom, how- protected. HE is the One Who estab- in Galatians 5:19-21. In addition to
ever, requires a guiding principle. lished the boundaries for sexual adultery and fornication, the lis~
The principle that should guide a activity- for our blessing. · includes "uncleanness" (this covers
married couple in their sexual rela- To realize the terrible conse- all types of sexual defilement) and
tionship is this: quences of sex outside of marriage, "lewdness" (a brazen display of
A married cottple is free to e."Cpe- just look at the circumstances in the unclean sexual behavior).
rience and express whatever their li.v es of so many people today. Some try to justify sexual inti-
« xual desire is with each other, as Much of the disease and pain and macy between unmarried paJtners
'r~1g as it is by mutual consent and 11\any of the problems afflicting peo- based on a "commitment to" or
agreement - and as long as it does ple and their families have come "love for" each o thcr. This goes
NOT include sexual practices for- from willful disobedience to God's against the holiness of God and
bidden in Scripture (see the next commands. He clearly instructs us the Biblical standards of purity. It
section of this artide for more about to keep sexual .activity between a is never right to indulge in or
this) . . husband and wife only. Tragedy arouse sinful lust, or to participate
Remember, sexual activity is a and destruction will result if we use in unbiblical behavior (Eph 4:17-
way to physically express love to our bodies and desires in a way that 24; lPet 4:2,3).
your spouse. So the chapter in the God never intended. • The Bible does not comment
Bible devoted to love - 1 • Homosexuality (sexual activity specifically on the activities of
Corinthians 13 - is an excellent . with a person of the same gender, pornography and masturbation
guide for sexual intimacy. Ask such as man to man or woman to (sexual stimulation of oneself);
yourself: In the sexual part of your woman) and sexual intercourse however, these activities are
marriage - and in all areas of your with animals are strictly forbiddeu symptoms of a mucl1 deeper prob-
maniage - are you: in God's Word (see Leviticus 18:22- lem that the Bible does address.
• Patient and kind? 24; lCorinthians 6:9-11). Jesus said that He came to "ful-
• Not jealous or proud? • Prostitution is also forbidden fill " the Law (Matt 5:17). This
• Not conceited or rude? in the Bible (see Leviticus 19:29; meant in part that He came to
• Never self-seeking or insistent !Corinthians 6:15-20). Most of the reveal the true meaning of the Law
on your own way? Old Testament references to prosti- of God. Jesus warns that entering
• Not oversensitive or holding a tution concerned the use of male or His Kingdom requires a righteous-
grudge? female prostitutes in pagan and ness that exceeds the righteous-
• Not counting up past wrongs? idolatrous religious rituals. This ness of the Pharisees (Matt 5:20).
• Believing the best of your practice of prostitution is especially What does He mean?
spouse? deplorable since faithfulness to the Jesus was .emphasizing the
( ~ Protective, trusting, patient? covenant relationship of marriage is absolute importance of a riglt-
~ Take some time to read and a picture of God's love and faithful- teo11sJZess of the Tteart - not just an
study lCorinthians 13. Pray about ness to us. outward display of legalism or
your relationship with your spouse. The New Testament adds an religiosity like the Pharisees had.
ACTS / 17
"" IWIATAM / /'M SOR.('Y t-OR.P,

The Pharisees were concerned only of adultery. The Pharisees' legalis- Therefore, "keep your lteart witli nil
with an outward show of righ- tic attitude stressed outward diligence, for out of it spring fhe issues
teousness - how they appeared to actions, but ignored the sinful of life" (Prov 4:23).
others. They practiced an outward desires of the heart. The things that we persistently
conformity to the letter of the Law, Jesus is not referring to the think upon will change our behav-
but inside they were still unrigh- momentary lustful thoughts that ior, our lives and our destiny. This
teous and unchanged. can sometimes come into the mind. is why it is so important to obey
Jesus called instead for inward Such thoughts should be quickly Scripture when it exhorts us to
righteous11ess in the hearts of men repented of and the mind immedi- think about things that are pun:!,
(see Matthew 23:23-28 for more of ately returned to righteous godly and Christ-like (Phil 4:8; see
Jesus' words about this). Our con- thoughts (see 2Corinthians 10:5; also Romans 12:1,2; 2Corinthians
cern should not be how godly Philippians 4:8; Colossians 3:2). 10:5; Ephesians 4:22-24).
we appear to others, but how Jesus is, however, addressing The Bible instructs us to give
godly our heart is in the sight of lingering imaginations - s1.1ch as.lust- place to the Spirit, and not to the
God. "The Lord looks nt the heart" ing for a specific woman or desi.r- flesh (Gal 5:16-25); to not yield tlj'-
(lSam 16:7). ing impure actions with her. members of our body Lo sin, b°''-
With this understanding, let us Indulging in prolonged sexual fan- rather yield them to Christ (Rom
look at Matthew 5:27,28: "¥011 have tasies reveals impurity in a per- 6:12-14). Based on these and many
11.enrd tlint it wns said to those of old, son's heart and mind. These imagi- other Bible verses, we can confi-
'You shall not commit adultery'. But I nations and fantasies are sinful and dently conclude that pornography
say to you t/1at wltoever looks nt n must be repented of and changed - and masturbation have 110 place in
woman to lust for her has nlrendy com- before they lead to even more U1e life of a disciple of Jesus Christ.
mitted adultery witldter in /tis heart." destructive and sinful behavior. The commandments of God
The Law expressly forbids Much of what is in the mind regarding sexual immorality are
adultery. But Jesus explains that must first enter through the eyes. given through His own loving
the act of adultery is a result of lust This is especially true. of men character. He does not want to
that is already in tlie lzeart. The sin regarding sexual matters. What a deny us pleasure or joy; He is the
did not begin with the act of adul- man Looks on with desire will enter One Who has equipped us to expe-
tery; it began first in the thoughts his mind, influence his thoughts rience it!
of the mind and iuteut of the heart. and affect his behavior. It is signifi- However, He knows how we
Jesus acknowledges that the cant that the Greek word in the are made. Since He is our Maker,
Law can control outward human New Testament for '' prostitution" H~ knows how we will function
behavior to a certain extent. Yet He (pornein.) forms the root woxd for best. He is fully aware of the dam-
clearly shows that God is con- "pornography". When one looks at age and brokenness that result
cerned with the inward content of pornography (sexual pictures), it from disobeying H is divine
the heart and mind. enters the mind. A person who instructions regarding our sexual
In Matthew 5:27,28, Jesus looks at pornography is virtually behavior.
reveals that the desire to commit prostituting himself with someone God's laws and principles are
adultery is still adultery - even if who is not his spouse. This is why given to protect us and to enable
it lacks the opportunity to actually Jesus calls it adultery (Matt 5:28). each one of us to have a fruitful
do it. The sin is not just the net of Continued use of pornography fuUilling, joy-filled and life-lortJ
adultery; the sin of adul tery also and sexual fantasy will affect our relationship with our spouse. ~
includes the lustful desire in the behavior. "For as lte thi11ks in his
mind and heart that lends to the net Jzenrt, so is he" (Prov 23:7).
18 /ACTS

by Frank Parrish

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Introduction the principles for acceptable behav- Ofte n, however, we try to

Societies and cultures through- ior and the example of the life of behav~ in a Christ-like manner in
out the world have their concep ts Jesus; both show us how to live in public places, with those whom we
of what a man should be and how a manner that is pleasing to God. see only occasionally. Yet at home
he should behave. Unfortunately, - with those we are comfortable
these concepts are rarely based on Godly Leadership with and not as concerned with
the truth of God's Word, the Bible. Starts At Home impressing - we may allow our
Commonly accepted behavior for It is vital to recognize that ALL sinful or fleshly nature to rule our
a man or husband is often influ- Scripture concerning the behavior or attitudes. The Bible
enced by earthly ideas and sinful Christian's life is intended to be calls this hypocrisy.
human flesh. lived out in the home first. For One of the things that marked
Our concern as Christians, instance, the Bible instructs us to the Pharisees of Jesus' day was
however, is only for what God "be kind to one another, tenderhearted, their hypocrisy. They appeared
d~sires us to be. The clearest and forgiving one another, even as God in very religious, moral and righteous
1 ·i'} portrayal of what our Creator
Christ forgave you" (Eph 4:32). This in public. But theii inner attitudes
l..:iefd intends for a man or husband is to be applied at home in our and behavior were really very sin-
to be is found in the Word of God, relationships with those closest to ful. Jesus called them "whitewashed
the Scriptures. The Bible gives us us first. tombs" (Matt 23:23-28) because they
ACTS/ 19
had an outward appearance that wise and godly leader in the Ephesians 5:25 states the most
hid the sinfuJ altitudes they held in church. A person must first func- crucial and foundational part of a
their hearts. tion as an elder (or deacon) a t man's respo11sibility to his wife: He
It is much easier to be kind to home; then he will have learned is to love her. "Husbands, love Yt
those whom we might only see how to also rule well in the churdl. wives, just as Christ nlso loved •.•
occasionally in public places. We It is clear, then, that the princi- Church and gave Himself for Her"
may not be truly forgiving or ten- ples of Scripture that should be (Eph 5:25). This verse clearly shows
derhear ted toward them, but we applied to behavior in the church the most important responsibility
can prete11d we are for a short time. should also guide our behavior and of the Christian husband to his
But when we live every day with relationships in the home. wife is to love her.
someone, it is much harder to pre- Let us now examine the portion Just as love is the "greatest" of
tend. The attitudes that are truly in of Scripture that most clearly the Christian virtues (lCor 13:13),
our hearts begin to show. addresses the biblical role of a so is love the greatest key to a
No one is perfect in his behav- Christian husband: Ephesians healthy, fruitful and lasting mar-
ior all the time. God understands 5:22-33. riage. The husband is told three
that we can be weak and may times in Ephesians 5 (vs 25,28,33)
sometimes fail (Rom 3 :23). We THE GREATEST COMMAND: that he is to love his wife. This
should not corne under condemna- To Love Our Wives triple-repeated emphasis in one
tion ax1d give up trying to live as Ephesians 5:22-33 gives hus- section of ·scripture makes it very
the Scriptures instr,uct. The Bible bands and wives commands that clear that a husband is to love his
gives us dear help and insh·uctions ru:e essential to having a God-hon- wife!
for how to grow in godly behavior oring and healthy, nurturing mar- It is wheri the wife knows that
and become more Christ-like every riage relationship. This article will she. is truly loved that she will
day. look specifically at the commands more freely respond in godly sub-
If we are truly Christians - fol- given to men in order that they mission to her husband's headship
lowers of Jesus Christ - we will no might fulfill their God-given role as (Eph 5:22-24). However, a hus-
longer live in a way that serves our husbands. band's love for his wife should not
own fleshly desires. Instead, the
Bible tells us to "put on the Lord
Jesus Christ, and make 110 provision
for the flesh" (Rom 13:14). Wheri we
do this, we will not "give place
[opportunity] to tlte devil"
(Eph 4:27) to work through our
lives to hurt us and others.
It is very important that all men
- especially those who are leaders
in the Church - understand and
practice Scriptural principles. We
shouktnot just hear the Word - we
should do what it says (Jas 1:22-
25). And the first and best place for
The husband must be willing
a church leader to practice what to give sacrificially to his
the Bible teaches is in his home,
family. He must have an
with his own spouse and family.
attitude of giving.
The Apostle Paul gave a very
clear Timothy about
the qualifications of elders and
deacons (church leaders). These
qualifica ti o n s are all dire ctly
related to how the leader lives in
his home.
Open your Bible and read
1Timothy 3:1-13, especially verse 5.
A person who has learned to
behave righteously and keep good
relationships with those in his
home will also know how to be a
20/ ACTS
be based upon her response. He In order for a husband to truly beyond feelings. It must be rooted
should love her in obedience to love his wife in a Christ-like way, in a heart-felt desire to obey God
God's commands, and leave her he will also have to lay down his and be shaped into the image of
·....,_.iponse up to God. self-life. Putting his own wants Christ (Rom 8:29; 2Cor 3:18).
,_,' But how does a man love his and desires behind the needs of his A man's "feelings" are usually
wife? How is the biblical kind of wife may be very hard to do. It based on what he wants. But the
love in Ephesians 5:25 shown from takes much more than romantic kind of unconditional love a man
a man to his wife? feelings for a husband to love his is to have for his wife is not based
wife in such a selfless way. But a on what the husband wants. It is a
A Choice - Not A Feeling husband is to lay down his life if selfless love that goes beyond
Many people mistakenly he truly desires to love his wife as human desires. It is a much deeper
believe that love is just a special Christ loved the Church. But what kind of love that is not possible for
kind of feeling you have for some- does that mean? a husband to give unless he first
one you like. Love does involve Philippians 2:3-8 helps reveal receives it from his Heavenly
I our feelings. However, true love
goes far beyond just what a man
the self-sacrificing kind of love
required for a husband to love his
Father and His Son through the
Holy Spirit.
feels for his wife. Real love wife: "Let nothing be done through There are four basic words for
involves a choice of th e will, and selfish ambition or conceit, but in. low- love in the Greek language (the
results in actions that demonstrate liness of mind let each esteem otlters original language of the New
that love. better titan himself. Let eaclt of you Testament): storge, eros, p11ileo,
Scripture tells us that husbands look out not only for his own interests, and agape.
are to love their wives as Christ but also for tire interests of otlters. Let Storge is a family love, like one
loved the Church (Eph 5:25). How this mi11d be in you which was also in would have for a brother or sister,
then did Christ love the Church? Christ Jesus, who, being i11 the form of or parent to child. It describes a
How did He demonstrate His love? God, did not consider it robbery lo be strong bond between two people
Verse 25 says that Christ "gave equal with God, but made Himself of based on relationship.
Himselffor lier [the Church]". Christ no reputation, taking tire form of a Eros is love based on physical
loved the Church by the example bondservnnt, and coming ill tire like- desires. It is the kind of emotion
~~ His selfless death. "But God ness of men. And being fo1111d in that may attract a man and woman
1:mo11strates His own love toward us, appearance as a man, He humbled to each other. The Greeks used this
in that while we were still sinners, Himself and became obedient to tl1e word to describe a sexual or
01risl died for 11s" (Rom 5:8; see also point of death, even the death of tire romantic kind of Jove. This type of
John 15:13). cross." love is important in marriage, as it
Christ gave up His physical life . Believers are exhorted to let the provides a way to express and
when He died on the cross for the mind of Christ be formed in us grow in your oneness as a couple.
Church. But He also gave Himself (v.5). We are also told not to focus God designed this expres~ion of
in that He died to His self-life: He on our own selfish desires, but to love 011ly for marriage (Prov 5:15-
laid aside His own desires, comfort instead consider the needs of oth- 18; lCor 7:3-5). But Eros is essen-
and pleos ure in order to serve a ers first (vs.3,4). What better place tially a selfish·kind of love:
higher calling. to practice this kind of godly Phileo is a friendship love. It is
Scripture reveals that Christ behavior than with our spouse! the kind of love to be found in the
came to obey the Father's will and Church. This word shows a desire

I word (John 5:19,30; 14:31) and to

serve the Church (Matt 20:28).
Christ lived only to obey God the
Father's will and for the benefit of
the Church. Christ did not require
A D eeper Kind Of Love
Jesus was truly God (v.6), but
He did not hold onto His "posi-
tion". Rather, He emptied Himself
of His privileges (2Cor 8:9) in order
to give love to someone because
you enjoy them or receive pleasure
from the relationship. It, too, is still
somewhat selfish.
Agape is a radically unselfish
anything from the Church except to become a servant for our sakes love. Unlike both eros and phileo,
that she, too, learn obedience to (Phil 2:7). He chose to walk agnpe love is based on the character
God. humbly and obey the Father, even of the one doing the loving. It is an
As a result of Christ's selfless though it meant dying a painful unearned, unconditional kind of
love, the true Church chooses to and horrible death that He did not love that goes well beyond simple
love Christ and submit to Him. deserve (v.8). Why did He do this? emotion or attraction. This is the
"We love Him becnuse He first loved Because of His great love for us, kind of love God has for you and
~" (l}olu1 4:19). ln that same way, His Bride! me. And this is the same kind of
when a wife is loved by her hus- This is the same kind of selfless love God commands husbands to
band she will more readily respond love a husband is to have for his have for their wives.
with both love and submission. wife. This type of love goes far Agape love begins with und
ACTS/ 21
comes from God. This kind of love are told to love their wives as their Spirit. It is a man's privilege and
forms the foundation of the mar- own bodies. A man cares for, pro- responsibili ty to let God's love
riage covenant. A married couple's tects, feeds and shelters his body. flow through him to his wife, espe-
love may be tested by failure, dis- A wife is "one flesh" with her hus- cially in difficult times (Col 3:19).t
appointment, difficulty, sorrow or band (vs.30-33) and should be It is also helpful to find, talk L'-'
temptation. It is at these times (and treated with the same concern, care and pray with another Christian
other times as well) that we must and respect as a husband would man who understands how to love
draw from God's unconditional give his own body. his wife. A man is not a good hus-
love - first for us, and then given band just because he gets married;
tTtrouglt us to our spouse. We must Marriage: A Sacred Covenant it can take many years of loving,
:tnake a choice with our will (not When a man chooses to marry, sacrificing and praying to become
our feelings) to allow God's love to he is making a covenant commit- the 'kind of husband God wants
enter our hearts and be given out to ment to his wife before God. This you to be. A husband will fail and
our spouse. We must pray for God is a "heavenly contract" that is not make mistakes, just as a wife will.
to help us love as He loves; and to be broken. A man is committing It takes time for the character and
pray for Him to teach us how to to love and care for his wife, just as nature of Christ to be worked into
love in such a selfless way. When a Christ does the Church. This is a our lives. God is loving and
husband obeys God's word to love serious responsibility that should patient; turn to Him often to ask
his wife as Christ loves the Church, not be entered into lightly. for His help as you grow in becom·
he can fully expect God's supernat- This covenant is not based on ing a godly husband.
ural power and love to be released feelings. It is normal to have
into his marriage. romantic feelings or attraction to a A Godly Guideline For Love
spouse. But these feelings may A good and godly way for hus-
Love - Mo~e Than Attraction come and go throughout a lifetime bands and wives to practice loving
Fleshly, worldly love is always of marriage. What is permanent their spouse is to study lCorinthians
seeking to get, not to give. A per- and. unchanging is the deep and 13: 4-8 often. Read this passage daily,
son may feel a desire to love based genuine commitment to our and pray for God to help you love
on physical appearance, intelli- spouse - no matter what may hap- your spouse in this selfless way.
gence, talent:S or wealth. But these pen in life. Perhaps you could choose oi ·
feelings are very temporary; they This covenant commitment is key phrase each week to work il
do not last. And when the feelings the basis of real, lasting love. God such as "love is ... kind" (v.4). Each
or attraction go away, one thinks does not love us on the basis of His day of that week, practice extra
that they are "no longer in love" feelings or how well we are per- kindness toward your spouse.
and may end the marriage. Or if a forming - No! Christ has commit· If you experience weakness or
husband has strong feelings for a ted His love to the Church no mat- failure in loving your spouse, be
woman other than his wife, he may ter what happens. Husbands are quick to apologize. If you get impa-
think he is "in love" with her and · commanded to love their wives in tient, admit it to them and ask for
may even want to leave his wife. that same way (Eph 5:25,28,33; Col forgiveness. Pray together with your
This is NOT the kind of "love" God 3:19). spouse, and together ask God to
commands for marriage. deliver you from your weaknesses
The love a Christian husband Ask For God's Help! and knit your hearts in love for one
has for his wife might involve some Wives, like husbands, are another.
initial attraction. That is normal imperfect and may not always be
and right. But that is not love; that easy to love.. A husband may be Practical Service
is simply attraction. The husband tempted . to become frustrated, Love for a spouse should be
who loves a wife for her appear- angry or impatient with his wife. reflected in actions as well as words.
ance or for what she can give him He mny not have feelings of love Husbands must learn to be sensitive
is loving with a worldly, fleshly for his wife, or may not desire to to their wives. They must take
love. love her. He may feel that loving the time to listen to them, and
Agape love (selfless and com- his wife as Christ loves the Church respond with words of comfort or
mitted) looks to give. A godly hus- is an impossible task! encouragement.
band puts his own desires, prefer- At those times, remember that A husband should take the time
ences, likes and dislikes behind the "the love of God has been poured out to help his wife with household
needs of his wife. He must be will- in our hearts by the Holy Spirit Who chores, or with the children. The car-.
ing to live sacrificially in order to was given to us" (Rom 5:5). ~od has ing for the home and family is ~
serve and bless his wife, and truly given husbands the ability to love responsibility of both the husband
love her. their wives in every circumstance and wife.
In Ephesians 5:28,29, husbands through the power of the Holy There are many ways for a hus-
22/ ACTS
band to show love, concern and· family: "For the husband is head of given authority and power is not
care for his wife. This is something the wife, as also Christ is Head of the always good.
a husband should work on daily. Church; and He is the Savior of the God places people in positions
I c~:imember, a husband is to care body." Unforttmately, the biblical of authority for the good of those
.-Jt his wife a~ much as he would meaning of headship is often mis- they serve: to protect them from
care for his own body (Eph understood and abused. Let hatm, guide them with wisdom,
5:28,29). us examine the true meaning of and rule well over them to keep
headship. order and pea·ce. Consequently,
THE GREATEST PRIVILEGE God strongly disapproves when
AND RESPONSIBILITY: Spiritual Authority: people misuse their authority and
Headship A God-Appointed Service power for their own selfish gain.
The biblical principle of head- Sin entered the human ·race at Whether it is in government, at
ship and authority in the home is the Fall (Genesis 3). The chaos and a job or in a marriage, those who
vitally important for a husband to brokenness resulting from sin do not carefully and wisely use
understand. It is essential for a caused a need for right order to their authority will come under
good marriage and happy family. again be established. Thus, God judgment. Each man, as a husband
And a home in scriptural order is has appointed that specific authori- or a citizen (or leader) of a nation,
one of the key requirements for ty (rulership) be given to certain will give an account for how he has
leadership in the Church (1 Tim ·people. Because this order of used the authority God has given
3:2-12). authority is from God, it is there- him.
Ephesians 5:23 clearly shows fore good (see Romans 13:1-7). But The authority given by God is
the husband as the head of the what people do with that God- on temporary loan from God to
mankind. He releases to mankind
particular authority - within clear-
ly defined scriptural limits - for the
purpose of keeping order while we
come into full and total submission
to God. Once all of mankind is in
7-"' man's family full subjection to God at the "end
v~iA of the age", there will be no need
will look to him for for the same system of authority
the support and that we now have on earth. All
protection they authority will be back in God's
hands (lCor 15:20-28).
need. In the meantime, God has set
up a system of authority for people
to follow. One position of specific
authority esfablished by God is
that of a husband in his home.

The Husband's ·Authority

God has given authority to the
husband to be head in his home
(Eph 5:23). This authority is always
to be used for the best good of the
wife and clilldren. It is NOT to be
used to serve a husband's selfish
desires. A husband is not a dictator
or tyrant, whose every wish is to be
unquestionably obeyed. His wife
and children are not his slaves, nor
his possessions. They belong to
God, and the husband is charged
to carefully and lovingly "rule
over" his household as a good
steward (Luke 12:42) of what
belongs to God.

This authority God has loaned 5:6-10; 2Cor 5:21) . This is how God abundantly available to him!
to husbands does not give them much Christ loved us, and how He God commands us to do only what
rights. Instead, a husband is given exercised the authority given to He will make possible through His
the privilege and responsibility to Him by God! grace. God commands husband~ .­
lead and care for his wife and chil- Scripture requires a husband to love their wives in a Christ-h.<_
dren in a Christ-like manner. love and serve his wife and chil- way; BUT He also provides every-
Please open your Bible and read dren in that same Christ-like spirit thing a husband needs in order to
Phi1ippians 2:1-8. Review what it of servanthood and self-sacrifice fulfill that command! A husband
means to be Christ-like in attitude · (Eph 5:25). This can at times be needs only to turn to the Lord
and behavior. very difficult, since we are still daily, apd ask for and receive what
Christ our Savior is the model people i~ the process of being he needs from the Lord.
of a husban.d's authority (Eph 5:23- shaped into the image of Christ
29). He was a servant Who washed (Roin 8:29; 2Cor 3:18). We often fall Head Of The Wife
our feet Gohn 13:1-17); He showed short of Christ's ideal model. We Ephesians 5:23 s.tates that "the
great love, patience and need much encouragement, prayer husband is head of the wife." The
endurance; He was faithful even and effort to be a husband that ful- word "head" should not be inter-
when those He loved were not; He fills Christ's standard. preted in a hierarchical way. In
even took .upon Himself the pun- ·But remember: a husband has other words, men are not superior
ishment that we deserved (Rom the wisdom, power and grace of to women, nor are women inferior
to men. Rather, the word "head" in
this verse signifies source and nour-
isher of life. Christ gave Himself for
The man needs to always be the Church (Eph 5:25) and is now
willing to help and assist his working to bring the Church to her
wife in all ways. Even in basic full potential (vs. 26,27). So, too,
should the Christian husband imi-
household chores such as tate Christ. The husband as head is
shopping and gathering food. not to domineer or suppress his
wife. Instead, the husband is£ -
serve the best interests of his vvY '
He should lead and encourage her
developm.ent and growth so that
she becomes all that God desires
her to be. That is true, biblical
The original Greek word used
for "submit" (Eph 5:22) supports
this view of life-giving and sup-
portive headship. The word is
hupotnsso. Its root ?leaning is a mil-
itary term, "to draw up in ordei: of
battle; to form, array or nznrshall both
troops or ships". The word implies
soldiers· set up in proper order
under a commanding officer. It is
not about superiority or inferiority;
rather, it is about each person ful-
filling his or her appointed role for
the good of all.
This is not only how a husband
and wife (and family) should func-
tion. It is also how the Body of
Christ is to function (Eph 4:11-16;
lCor 12:4-27). Each member serves
the other, supplying what (l
Spirit has appointed them to give,
with God as Lord over all.

24/ ACTS
Submission: Foundation Of A his own fleshly desires. Instead, the and change to the wife's heart.
H usband's Authority husband is to sensitively and obe- Prayer frees God to work in you,
How can a husband be a diently follow God's will - then, your marriage and your spouse!
~·~.puree and nourisher of life''? with grace, apply the principles of Prayer is always the first thing to
\ :.i0st would assume that the first God's Word in his family. do when there is conflict in a
and primary role of headship is This requires a husband's obe- marriage.
authority - but it is not! For the dience to God from his heart, in Likewise, when the wife
Christ-like husband, the first part everything from daily activities to submits to her husband's authority
of headship is submission. big decisions - even when /1e doesn't in faith, patience and trust in God,
"But I wn11t you to know that the want to obey (;odor His Word! True it is God Who takes responsibility
h.ead of l'Very man is Clzrist, tlze· hen.d biblical headship requires that a for the husband. As the wife does
of womnn is man, nnd the head of husband first surrender his will to what is right in God's order for
Christ is God" (lCor 11:3). The first God's will. Even Jesus did this in marriage, God is free to work in
step in fulfilling the biblical role of the Garden of Gethsemane (Matt her, her husband and the marriage
a husband is to receive and sub- 26:36-44; Mark 14:32-36). (see !Peter 3:1,2).
mit to Ch rist's headship in your The more completely a husband God does not expect husbands
personal life. The only way for a is submitted to the Lord and His and wives to accomplish His order
husband to be a truly effective will, the more effective he will be by their own sl-riving. God estab-
head of his wife and children is to as a husband and leader. He will lished the order for marriage.
live and function in daily surren- become more sensitive to the Holy Thus, He will make available all
der to Christ. Spirit. He will have more fruit of His grace, strength, wisdom,
Christ's authority while on the Spirit evident in his life (Gal patience and love to any couple
earth began with His submission 5:22,23; Eph 5:8-10). He will be desiring to live in obedience to
to God (John 5:19,30; 12:49,50; more Christ-like in everything he Him.
14:10). Christ continues as Lord of does. As a husband submits to the
the Church, fulfilling God the Lord, he takes on more of the char- Wh at Headship Provides
Father's will until the consumma- acter of Christ in his own life. When a husband provides
tion of the Church age (lCor Christ-like headship to his family,
~:24-28). Christ's servant role is The Need For with a heart of service and
V!~ model for the husband's role Prayerful Headship sacrifice, God can use him to
in his family. Just as Christ's God has established His order accomplish His purposes.
authority comes from His submis- for marriage: the husband is to pro-
sion to God, so a h u sband 's vide Christ-like headship and his H eadship
au thori ty grows o ut of his sub- wife is to submit to (come under) Builds Up And Edifies
mission to Christ. his loving authority (Eph 5:22-33). A husband's Christ-like head-
As mentioned previously, the This is the order God has ordained, - ship will edify and build up the
issue of headship and submission and it is the only order God honors members of his family. His words
does not in any way imply superi- and supports. It is simple in con- and actions should model the love
ority and inferiority. Otherwise cep t, yet challenging to practice and encouragement of Christ.
Christ, Who is submitted to God every day in marriage! As a husband honors his wife
the Father, would be inferior. But At times, things may be difficult and treats her with courtesy and
this cannot be because Christ is between a husband and wife. The respect, the children Jearn the prin-
fully God, just as our heavenly husband may become selfish or ciples of godly headship. A hus-
Father is fully God. uncaring in his role as head. Or the band's love for ·his wife helps
J Christ serves the Church as its wife may be reluctant to submit to release her to respect, love and
Head and Source of Life. Likewise, her husband's authority. [Note: trust him in return. She will
the husband is to serve the well- "The Biblical Role Of A Christian also more readily submit to his
being of his family. The Christian Wife" (page 30) instructs wives on leadership.
husband exercises authority over true, biblical submission.] A Christ-like husband also
his wife and children as a personal For the husband whose wife is understands the importance of his
representative of Christ. This great unwilling or reluctant to submit, part in raising the children in the
privilege of headship carries with the first thing he should do is pray. "discipline and instruction of the
it great responsibility. A husband should pray for his Lord" (Eph 6:4, nas). The Lord has
The husband is to provide lov- wife, and seek for God's wisdom, placed both a father and mother in
( ~' understanding, self-sacrificing, grace and patience. God may bring the home. They are to both act as
·-f 'atient, God-honoring leadership correction to the husband for an the Lord's hands and voice to
to his family. As he prayerfully improper attitude or desire. Or the teach and train the children He has
leads his family, he cannot follow H oly Spirit may bring conviction given th em . Disciplining and
ACTS/ 25
instructing children as the Lord Christ's authority always has an command. But he does nil in order
would do is an essential part of the element of gentlene~s (Ps 18:35; lo direct and center his family
husband's role in edi.fyh\g the fam- Matt 11:29; Gal 5:23; Eph 4:2). He upon Christ. _
ily. The training of children is not always affirms His love and accep- Certainly, a husband will 6
to be left only to the mother. The tance of us - even "while we were have all the wisdom or good idt:<•:i
husband is required by the Lord to still sinners" (Rom 5:8). This is for his family. His wife, children
take part in the process (Eph 6:4; the model for how we are to love, and the cot.msel of others will also
Col 3:21). . instruct and discipline our contribute to what is good for his
Remember, husbands: The Lord children. family. But the husband must con-
does not strike us in anger; instead sider all this input, and prayerfully
He lovingly corrects and teaches Headship determine what is best for his fanu-
us. If we do not respond, He may Gives Direction And Guidance ly to do tmder the guidance of the
also use firm but loving discipline The headship of a Christian Word and the Holy Spirit.
to correct us. But He is always husband will also give direction A good husband should not
patient and wise. He does not pro- and guidance to his family. In have to make every decision or
voke us t~ anger (Eph 6:4) or use order to do this, a husband must be direct every detail in his home. His
unkind words or abuse us. submitted and sensitive to the wife should help manage the
Holy Spirit and the Word of God. home; that is right and proper
Through his obedience to the Word according to Scripture (Prov 31:10-
and surrender to Christ's Lordship, 31; lTim 5:14). In a well-ordered
the husband is equipped and home, the wife will contribute a
enabled to set godly and practical great deal to the function of the
priorities for his family. home. But a husband must guard
A husband must be flexible. against neglecting his responsibili-
Sometimes he needs to coax and ty to give sensible direction and
encourage; .at other times he must help. He must never let his wife

The husband must seek and receive
the Lord's guidance and direction
for leading his family.

26/ ACTS
perform all the tasks and carry But there are still a few important weaker vessel, and as being heirs
all the burden for the home and things to note. together of the grace of life, tltat
children. your prayers may not be hindered"
!~ A husband's neglect of respon- A Husband's Role (1Pet3:7).
~\•.>ility can happen ii he is gone As Encourager . In the day when Peter wrote
too much away from home. lt has been well stated that the these words, women were consid-
Though it may even be ministry role of the Christian husband is ered inferior to men. In both pagan
responsibilities that cause his modeled after the Person, cultures and heathen religions,
absence, this is neither right nor Character and Ministry of Christ. women had no rights and were
scriptural. Let us look at one of the primary unimportant except as child-bear-
The husband's first priority is fi.mctions of Christ's ministry to the ers and laborers.
his relationship with God. His next 01Urch: Christ's life and teachings com-
priority is his relationship with his "Husbands, love your wives, just pletely reversed this. With the
wife and children. His marriage as Christ also loved the Church and entrance of Christianity, women
and family come before his ministry gave Himself for her, that He migltt were now considered equal with
responsibilities or his job. A good sanctifij and cleanse her with the wash- men in terms of salvation and rela-
husband does, of course, need to ing of water by the word, that He tionship with God (Gal 3:28). It
work to provide for his family might present lzer to Himself a glorious was now recognized that, like
(1 T~m 5:8). But he must also take Church, not having spot or wrinkle or men, women have mit1istry gifts
the time to Jove and care for his any such tlzing, but that she should be given by the Holy Spirit for the
wife, and instruct his children in holy and wit/1011t blemish" (Eph 5:25- building up of the Church (Acts
the home. Neglecting a wife and 27). 21:9; see also Joel 2:28,29 with Acts
children for ministry m the church Christ's example gives the hus- 2:17,18). Wives are described in the
is NOT according to God's plan or band another clear priority in mar- Bible as "heirs together [with the
the principles of Scripture. A riage: encouraging his wife's spiri- husband] of tlze grace of life" (lPet
Christ-like husband will work tual d-evclopment. A husband 3:7); this places women at an equal
hard to properly b<!lance his time should desire his wife to have a level spiritually with men. This is
among all of his God-given personal relationship with the Lord still true today.
r~ponsibilities. that is strong, active and growing. Unfortuna tely, some try to cite
.,Alp A godly husband will recognize the "weaker vessel" portion of this
Perfect Models that his wife's fulfillment as a verse in an attempt to make
Of Headship woman, wife and mother will be women appear morally or intellec-
The Spirit-led husband will realized only as she knows and tually inferior. The word "weak-
serve his family by humbly accept- walks with God daily. er", however, refers only to lesser
ing the privilege and responsibility In marriage, a husband is "one" physical strength and thus greater
of headship in his home. He will with his wife (Eph 5:31). His words vulnerability of the wife.
make every effort to provide for and actions can either encourage Husbands are instructed to "dwell
the needs of his family: spiritually, his wife's spiritual growth, or hin- with them with u11ders tnnding",
emotionally, mentally, physically der it. The husband is certainly not because wives are less strong
and socially. He will use his God- his wife's "god" or "savior". Her physically and thus more
given authority to teach, direct, heavenly Father is her God, and vulnerable.
encourage, plan for and serve his Jesus Christ is her Savior. But a Husbands are further com-
family. husband can have a significant part manded to "give honor to tlte wife".
God is our perfect model of in leading his wife spiritually. A wife is a valuable gift from the
fatherhood; Christ is our perfect This does not mean a wife is Lord, and should be considered
model of a husband. They both spiritually inferior to her husband. more precious than riches or fine
gave Their all and Their best for Women are oftentimes more sensi- jewels (Prov 31:10). A husband
us; a godly husband must do the tive to spiritual things than men should value his wife, and reserve
same for his family. are. Women have spiritual gifts and a special place of honor and love
ministry capabilities, just as men for her alone in his heart. A hus-
THE GREATEST LEGACY: do. Both men and women are spiri- band should honor his wife by
Spiritual Leadership tual beings; both are created for treating her with courtesy, gentle-
Most of what you have already relationship with God. ness, respect, kindness and love.
read in this article could fit into Also in lPeter 3:7, the term
\. ;s category of Spiritual Honoring The Wife "vessel" is used to describe the
~~adership. Love, biblical head- "Husbands, likewise, dwell with wife. The biblical meaning of this
ship and service are all ways of them [wives] witlz understanding, term indicates something or someone
leading s.piritually in your family. giving honor to the wife, as to the used by God for His glory. It is
important to remember that God Also, as you pray daily for your and children who walk in God's
desires to be glorified through family, the Holy Spirit will show ways.
women as well as through men. A you how to be a better spiritual
husband needs to help his wife leader and more effectively meet Leading Through
become a "vessel for honor" (2Tim the needs of your family. Example
2:21) whom God can use for His In addition, here are a few sim- The Apostle Paul wrote to the
glory. ple examples of practical ways to Corinthian church, "Imitate me, just
The importance of a husband's spiritually lead in your home. as I also imitate Christ" (lCor 11:1).
spiritual support o f his wife is There is tremendous power in
clearly seen at the end of lPeter 3:7. Leading Through leading by example. Christ taught
If a husband does not work at Intercession His disciples in this way (John
understanding and honoring his The most powerful and impor- 13:15; lPet 2:21}. The saints and
w ife, his prayers will "be l1i11dered". tant thing a husband can do for leaders of the Bible also set exam-
The word "hindered" means "to his wife and children is to pray for ples we can follow (1Cor 10:11;
cut in, to interrupt, to have an them. "Tile effective, fervent prayer Heb 6:12; 13:7).
obstacle thrown in the way". of a righteous man avails much" Gas We are told in Scripture that we
This interruption or obstacle in 5:16). Much is accomplished are to imitate good. "Beloved, do not
a man's prayers can mean two through a husband's daily work imitate what is evil, but wlwt is good.
things: of praye~ for his family. He who does good is of God, but he
• The interference of Satan and As a husband seeks the Lord, who does evil hns not seen God"
his ways into a marriage, through his heart will become more (3Jolm 11).
the disunity that results from a aligned with the will of God for It is far too easy to tell our fami-
husband's failure to adequately his family. He will know better ly what they should do, but fail to
care for his wife. how to set priorities and deter- show them how to do it by our
• God's potential resistance to mine what direction his family example. Yes, a husband needs to
those who violate the principles of needs to go. He will be able to teach, instruct and encourage from
His Word (Ps 66:18; Prov 1:28-30, lead with joy and confidence, God's Word. But he must not just
28:9). because he will know what God "preach"; he must also live the
In addition to a husband's wants him to do. truth by example to his family.
prayers being hindered, his ability Jesus is continually making It is especially harmful to c
to spiritua lly lead his family will intercession to God J
on behalf of dren when a parent says one thing,
also be hampered. It is difficult for His Bride, the Church (Heb 7:25). but does something quite different.
a w ife and children to submit to Jesus is praying according to the The Bible calls this "hypocrisy"
and follow someone who does not will of God for us. Romans 8:26, (Luke 12:1; lPet 2:1}. Children
love them or care for them. Godly 27 assures us of that, and promis- become confused about what is
spiritual leadership begins with es that the Holy Spirit will lead us expected of them. Should they do
caring for and loving those you even when "we do not know wltnt what they hear their parents say, or
lead. This is true both in the home we should pray for as we ought" as what they see their parents do? A
and in the Church. This is how our we pray for our family. husband's contradictory behavior
heavenly Father and His Son initi- Jesus prays continually for us. will certainly not build trust or
ated the plan of salvation (John A husband will follow Christ's respect from his wife or children.
3:16) and how They continue to example when he prays regularly If children see their father pray,
lead us (Eph 5:1,2). This is the only for his wife and children. Though they will learn to become praying
way to lead others spiritually. a husband may have many other people. If children see their father
ministry needs to pray for, the study his Bible, they, too, will
Practical Ways prayer needs and concerns of his understand the importance of the
To Lead w ife and children should come Word of God. If children see their
There are many ways for a hus- first. Remember, God's order father serving others with Christ's
band to live each day as a spiritual requir es tha t the family be of love, they will also learn to serve
leader in the home. The Word of God higher priority to a husband (or others.
has hundreds of verses that describe wife) than the ministry. The Bible exhorts parents to
how to love and properly relate to As a husband prays for his "train up a child iti tlze way Ire slrould
other people. (For example: Matt family, God will move to bring go" (Prov 22:6). A large part of spir-
6:14,15; Rom 13:8; Gal 6:2; Col 3:9.) about His highest good for their itually training children is in set-
The many Scripture verses that teach lives. A husband's prayers, and ting a godly example for the
us how to relate properly to others God's work in hearts because of imitate.
should all be studied and practiced, them, will make a great difference A husband is exhorted to model
especially with those in our homes. in ensuring a fulfilling marriage Christ-like behavior in all of his
28/ ACTS
You HAV£ suc11 A NIC~
FAM1t Y - You- SUR.G ARE
_ _._L_UCK.Y !

actions and relationships (Eph 5:1- • Memorizing Bible verses as a spire to defeat a man's best
7) . If he will draw upon God's family; intentions.
grace, power and wisdom, he can • Receiving communion together Yet there is no higher calling or
truly grow in his ability to be a at home; greater privilege for a Christian
Christ-like example to his family. • Reminding our children often husband than to shepherd the,
of God's great love for them as "flock" that God has given him in
Leading Through we give them a hug. his wife and children. As great as
Practical Instruction Even in the normal course of the task may seem, God's grace is
We have learned that a.husband daily life there will be many sufficient even in weakness (2Cor
is to set the overall priorities and oppox:tunities to communicate 12:9). What seems impossible with .
~,ection for his family. One of the God's love and tn~th to family man is possible with God, for you
VY priorities is to lead the family members. A husband can: can confidently say: "I can do nil
spiritually through very practical • Pray with and for his wife each things through Christ Who strength-
means. morning; ens me" (Phil 4:13).
Deuteronomy 6:6,7 gives some • Pray with the children as they Even if you feel that you have
insight .as to how this can be leave for school, or for a need failed in your responsibilities as a
accomplished: "And these words they might have; husband, don't give up! It i's never
which I command you today shall be in • Talk to his children about God's too late to start again because
your heart. You sl1all teach them dili- love for them, and His great God's mercies are ·fresh and new
gently to your children, and shall talk plans for their lives; every day (Lam 3:22,23). If we con-
of them when you. sit in your house, • Tell them some of the fascinat- fess our failure and inadequacy to
when you walk bt; the way, when you ing stories of Scripture, or of a Him, He is quick to forgive us and
lie downr and when you rise up." miracle God has done in his life to help us begin again (Ps 51:10;
This passage instructs us to use or in another's life. Testimonies lJohn 1:9).
every opportunity, at every are a powerful way to build Husband, be assured that God
moment, to communicate the truth, your family's faith! has made available to you every-
wisdom, love and life of God to our A husband should pray and ask thing you need to have a marriage
family. This can be done through: the Holy Spirit for creative ways to and home that is filled with His
• Regular tir:nes of family prayer commtmicate the love and truth of presence, joy, love and blessing.
and Bible reading. Encourage God to his family. He can ask the You have been charged with a
each family member to partici- Lord to help him become an effec- great and wonderful responsibility
pate in some way. Even small tive spiritual leader in his home. - and opportunity - to represent ·
children can pray or recite a God will answer! the Lord to your family, an_d to
s·mall portion of Scripture. care for them as He would. Receive
Everyone can join in a worship Conclusion this charge with joy, and receive
, song together. All will grow in Becoming a godly and spiritual- from the Lord all that you need to
(:·~race and faith as they learn to ly mature man is never an easy accomplish it in His strength and
·-·'>"minister, share and pray. task. The demands of ministry or a power. Amen!
• Praying together at meal tim~s job, stress,_fatigue, personal weak-
or before bed; ness or lack of discipline often con- ~

··. .

by Wendy Parrish

High Standards stood about living virtuously who takes good care o'f her house-
"Who can find a virtuous (Prov 31:1). hold, has a right relationship with
wife?" asks the writer of Proverbs It is important to remember that her husband, can handle business
3L This eloquent chapter of the the truths taught in Proverbs 31 are matters, works hard, is physically
Bible is commonly referenced as intended as inspiring goals for a fit, serves the needy, is wise in her
the standard for the Christian woman. They represent what is decisions, and more. This can
wife. It clearly outlines how to possible for a woman and wife to seem like a difficult, even impossi-
live as a godly wife and is worthy accomplish over a lifetime. No ble, model for a woman and wife
of repeated reading and studying. woman could. possibly do and be to follow.
This high standard for woman- everything outlined in Proverbs 31 But remember: The command-
hood was penned by King Lemuel all in the same season of her life. ments of the Lord "are not burden-
under the inspiration of the Holy But this c hapter does help a some" (lJohn 5:3). The guidelines of
Spirit. But this chapter does not woman to see what is possible to Proverbs 31 are not rigid rules,
contain a man's lofty notions of achieve in her lifetime if she intended to make a woman fo<>l
the "ideal woman". It instead con- applies diligence, work, prayer, weighed down with guilt or fa~
tains biblical truths that were godly wisdom and God's great about her inability to perform
taught to the king by his motlter, a ·grace and help. every task outlined. Instead, the
woman who apparently under- Proverbs 31 describes a woman truths of Proverbs 31 teach what is
30 /ACTS
possible for a wife to fulfill when she reflect the image of God (as was This kind of heart is why God
lives her life in yielded submission seen in the previous article), and chose Mary for the special task of
to God and obedience to His loving live as examples of His great love bearing the Redeemer of the world,
'0mmands. She can live on a path and rederpption (Rom 8:29; 2Cor Jesus Christ. The Bible reveals this
~?·continual growth as a godly, 3:18). about Mary: "the Lord is with you"
productive and virtuous woman, Thus, a Christian woman's first (Luke 1:28) and "you have found
"through Christ Who strengthens" priority is to live in a way that hon- Javor with God" (Luke 1.:30).
her (Phil 4:13). ors and brings glory to the Lord God - the One Who looks upon
But how does a woman begin (lCor 6:19,20). This can he accom- the hearts of people (lSam 16:7) -
on this path to becoming a godly plished only through daily prayer saw within Mary a heart that was
and effective wife? What are the· and fellowship with God - and by completely yielded to the purposes
foundational biblical truths she learning and obeying God's of God. She loved God and,
i needs to understand before
attempting to apply the practical
instructions for life, the Bible.
Prayer and Bible study are things a
putting her own desires second,
allowed God's desires for her to be
l truths of Proverbs 31? woman must find time for each realized (Ps 37:4).
day. She cannot be or do all that she A godly woman recognizes the
Fulfilling God's Purpose should without full dependence importance of wanting only what
Every Christian woman should upon God for everything she God wants. She will not hold onto
desire to please the Lord and fulfill needs. her life and live only for herself
God's purpose for her life. AJ.l that a godly woman does (Matt 10:39). She will be willing to
However, she may not understand should be based on her desire to lay down her own desires in order
what God's purpose is for her life. love, serve and obey the Lord to serve a much higher purpose:
She may even be afraid she has (Deut 6:5). A woman should not God's desires and plans for her, her
somehow missed what God has for want to be a good w ife only to husband, her children and others.
her, wondering whether or not she please her husband, or to gain his Thus, the first priority for a
is properly using her time, energy favorable response. This desire in a godly woman also includes yielding
and gifts. wife can fade if a husband fails or her life to God in obedience. She is to
A faithful disciple of tre Lord - disappoints her. Likewise, a moth- cooperate with God's work in her
"'":W' or woman - would never er should not want to train her life to become a person who gives
-t:di.t to walk in willful disobedi- children just so otheFs will think glory and honor to God through
eri'ce to God's plans for them. But if she has done well. She should do both her words and her deeds.
a woman does not understand the so because God through His Word
priorities God has set for her, she instructs her to (Prov 22:6). The Unmarried Woman
may end up going down a wrong Doing all to please the Lord is If a woman chooses not to
path that takes her far away from not always easy, nor is it quickly marry, her first priority is still to
God's will for her life. accomplished. Our flesh resists become a yielded vessel of honor,
Thus, it is important for every obeying God and being conformed as described above. Her second
Christian woman, wife and mother into His image (Rom 8:29; 12:1,2). priority is to use her time and ener-
to understand what the Bible teach- However, God has supplied all gy to serve the Lord and serve oth-
es about God' s priorities for that we need to overcome our ers in ministry (lCor 7:8, 27-35). Of
women. fleshly ways and choose instead to course, she may need to have a job
obey the Word and the Spirit of and provide a living for herself.
Woman's Created Purpose God (Rom 13:14; Gal 5:16-23; Eph But her remaining time can be
First of all, it is important to 4:20-24). devoted to serving the Lord and
remember that the creation of the One of the most powerful vers- ministering to others.
female was very much in God's es for women in all the Bible con-
plan for mankind. This is seen in tains the words spoken to the Lord The Married Woman
Genesis 1:27: "So God created man in by Mary, the mother of Jesus: The Bible contains very specific
His own image; in the image of God "Behold the maidservant of the Lord! instructions for the married
He created him; male and female He Let it be to me according to your woman. A married woman's prior-
created them." It took the creation of word ... " (Luke 1:38). ities are different from those of an
both male and female to adequate- God was requiring Mary to do wunarried woman. After her rela-
ly reflect the image and glory of a very hard thing. Yet she was will- tionship with God, the next priority
God. ing to do whatever God asked of for a married woma11 is to care for and
fhus, a primary purpose for her. She recognized that she was a partner with her husband.
bo?h a man and a woman is to be a handmaiden of the Lord, and her Paul discussed this in his first
vessel that brings glory and honor · heart was set to obey Him and letter to the Corinthian church:
to God (2Tim 2:21). They are both to serve Him. "But she who. is married cares
ACTS/ 31
about ... how she may please her hus- So the second priority for a wife the wives be to their own husbands in
band" (lCor 7:34). Paul was - after her relationship of love and even;thing" (Eph 5:22-24).
reminding them that marriage was obedience to God - is to be a God originally created both
a big responsibility. It was a life- helper to her husband. Let us now man and woman to rule togetf
time commitment that required look at specific instructions the as partners and act as stewards v•
much time and energy in order to Bible gives to a wife about how to the earth that God had created.
be fruitful. A woman who chose to be a good and godly l·1elper to her "The11 God blessed them, and God said
marry would have to devote much husband. to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply; fill
of her time to her husband. the earth and subdue it, have domin-
This primary focus for a wife is God's Ord er Of Au thority ion [rule] over... "' (Gen 1:28).
again mentioned in Titus 2:4, One of the cleare st sets of But bo th man and woman
where older women are told to instructions for marriage is found chose to rebel against God's word;
"admonish the young women to love in Ephesians 5:22-33. For the wife, 'as a result, sin entered the world
their husbands". It is dear that one there are two specific instructions (Gen 3:1-7). It was at this time that
of a wife's priorities would be her in this passage. Let us look at the God set in motion a plan for
relationship with her husband. first one now. redeeming mankind from the
"Wives, submit to your own lms- curse of sin and established a new
A Helper bands, ns to the Lord. For tlze husband order (Gen 3:8-21).
The Bible says that God made is /rend of the wife, as also Christ is As part of this new redemptive
the male form of mankind first Head of the Church; and He is the order, God established levels of
(Gen 2:7,21,22). God made provi- Savior of the body. Therefore, just as authority on earth. Before sin's
sion for his needs, and gave him the Church is subject to Christ, so let entrance, God had all authority,
jobs to perform and instructions to and Adam and Eve obeyed Him
fulfill (Gen 2:7-20). willingly. There was no need for
Then God Himself said, "It is human authority to be established.
not good that man should be alo11e; I But mankind's choice to sin led
will make him a helper comparable to to increasingly selfish and wicked
him" (Gen 2:18). The Lord God, in behavior, which in turn led to dis-
H is infini te wisdom and power,
knew that a man could better ful-
fill what God required of him if he
had a female partner, a "helper"
who was like him.

A "helper comparable" as used in
Genesis 2:18 (also "ltelpmeet" - kj~
is best defined as "someone in the
same likeness to assist or aid" .
Woman was the only created
being with a form and likeness
similar to man's. ·She was given to
man by God in order to assist or
aid him. She was to help him in his
~aily work and provide him with
support and companionship. The
husband and wife were to partner
together in the bearing and raising
of children.
It is significant to note that Eve
was created from the rib of Adam.
She came from a bone in his side. The man is the Head of the
This beautifully illustrates how a w oman and Christ is the
husband and wife are positioned Head of the man.
side by side. They are to stand
alongside each other. They are to
provide help, support and encour-
agement for each other, in order to
fulfill all that God has destined for
32/ ACTS
order and chaos. God eventually which means "under", and lasso, own desires first. Thus, the Bible
established governments af\d tead- which means "an orderly manner, reminds a husband repeatedly that
ers in order to maintain a righteous appoint". So the word submission he is to love his wife. A godly man
"~ale and order on the earth until literally means "to live in an order- wil1 choose to "crucify" his own
\. a1e end of the age (lCor 15:24). ly, appointed manner under head- fleshly desires (Gal 5:24), and
God's order of authority began ship". When the Bible instructs a instead obey the spiritual com-
with the husband and wife. God wife to submit, it means that God mands of God to love his wife.
put the husband in a position of has appointed a wife to live under A woman's natural, fleshly
authority over his wife (Gen 3:16). the leadership of her husband in a inclination is to want to control,
This does not mean the husband is God-ordered manner. not to submit. She was originally
somehow better or superior to his Many women fear submission. created to co-rule with man. But
wife. God, in His wisdom, instruct- They may think submission means after the Fall, she was to be subject
ed the husband to fulfill the role of they are somehow less worthy or to God's order of authority, and be
headship, to protect his wife and less loved by God than a man is. led by her husband. God warned
lead her in godliness. Or because of abuse or mistreat- her, "you1· desire shall be for your /111s-
The previous article on the bib- ment by a male authority figure, a band" (Gen 3:16). In other words,
lical role of the husband (page 19) woman may think submission is a her fallen, sinful nature would
clearly explains how a husband is bad thing and should be resisted. desire to have the man's position of
charged by God through the ' But God understands better authority. So the Bible repeatedly
Scriptures to lead his wife and than we can the special way He reminds a wife to submit to her
family in this way. created a woman. She is uruque, husband. A godly wife should no
Among the things required for and ~s a different makeup and longer give place to her fleshly
a man to lead in a biblical manner, role 1an a man. A woman is inclinations to control or resist her
he is to: more ender and sensitive; she is husband. She should instead obey
• Be the head of the wife (1 Cor "weaker" (lPet 3:7), which means God's command to submit and
11:3; Eph 5:23) morcvulnerable to attack because receive her husband's God-
• Provide this headship with love of her lesser physical strength. appointed leadership in her life.
(Eph 5:25; Col 3:19) Thus, God provided a way for
~~ Love his wife as Christ loves the women - His daughters (2Cor Trusting In God
,.:/1~1 Church (Eph 5:25), with a ser- 6:18) - to be loved, cared for and A wife must remember that it is
vant heart and in a manner that protected. And He charged hus- God Who established the role of the
honors and pleases the Lord bands to fulfill this role. husband as the authority over lier. A
• Honor his wife and lead with Sadly, many men do not husband does not eam this respon-
understanding (lPet 3:7) understand the role God has sibility; he is commanded by God
• Love his wife without bitterness given them as husbands. They to lead and serve his wife in this
(Col 3:19) may not properly love or care for way.
• Care for his wife as he would their wives. At the same time, When a wife resists her hus-
his own body (Eph 5:28,29). many women do not understand band's authority, she is also resist-
To love and serve his wife how to receive their husband's ing God's w ill and order. When
in this manner is a husband's love and leadership. They may she receives her husband's leader-
greatest responsibility and highest fail to encourage, support or help ship and authority, she is also
pdvilege. him. This misunderstanding of receiving God's order. However,
the biblical roles of husband and this does NOT make the husband a
The True Meaning wife is the cause of much "god" - for he, too, is to submit to
Of S ubmission heartache and disillusionment in God's authority in his life (J Car
Just as the husband is charged marriage. 11:3; Jas 4:7).
to love his wife as Christ loves the When a wife chooses to obey
Church, the wife is charged to Putting Aside Ungodly God and submit to her husband -
come under the husband's protec- Inclinations even if th e husband fails in his
tive covering and receive his love God commanded the husband responsibilities to the wife - God is
and headship in the home. The to love his wife; He also command- the One Who will deal with the
wife is to receive - not resist - the ed the wife to submit to her hus- husband AND provide for the
headship role God has given her band. These commands are repeat- wife.
husband. She is to follow her hus: ed several times in the Bible (Eph A good example of this is found
.\.?d's leadership. That is what is 5:22-28; Col 3:18,19; lPet 3:1-7). in the story of Abraham and Sarah
Ji'\eant by submission (Eph 5:22). In the natural, fleshly realm, a (Gen 12:10-20; 20:1-18). There were
The word "submission" is man's first instinct is not to love two instances when Abraham fool-
, made from two Greek words: hupo, someone else; it is to think of his ishly and fear fully lied about
ACTS/ 33
Sarah, and failed to. protect her. A wise and loving husband will to understand. There is much abuse
Yet, Sarah still submitted, and God take the time to listen to the advice of this principle by those in
was the One Who stepped in to or opinions of his wife. He will be authority; and much resistance to it
protect and help Sarah. sensitive to her concerns. He may by those who are to be un~
How was Sarah so willingly find that she has a wiser perspec- submission.
able to trust and submit to her hus- tive on a certain matter, and gra- But remember. that submission
band? We get some insight in ciously acknowledge it to her. Or, is a clear principle established by
lPeter 3:5,6: "For in this manner, .in he may disagree with her perspec- an all-loving, all-wise God. He
former times, the holy women who . tive, and lovingly and pa tiently intended for a wife to be protected
trusted in God also adorned them- explain to her the reason for h is and blessed by her husband's lov-
selves, being submissive to their own different perspective. ing, Christ-like headship.
husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, The Bible instructs all believers A woman's true freedom can
If calling him lord [a term of respect, to be humble and mutually submit- come only through the knowledge
I not worship]; whose daughters you ted to one another, never "lording" of genuine truth (John 8:31,32), and
l ai:e if you do good and are not afraid their God-given authority over the application of that truth in her
with any terror." another (lPet 5:1-7). This is also personal life (Jas 1:22). It is through
We see in this passage two very true in a godly marriage. trust in God and His order that a
important qualities in Sarah's life It is not important who is wife can be fully released - truly
that helped her to submit with rev- " right". What is important is that liberated - to become all that God
erence to her husband. believers - including a ·married desires her to be.
First, she trusted in God. Sarah couple - work toward unity and
obviously knew and walked with agreement. A godly and loving The Biblical Meaning
God, and she trusted Him. She marriage is a partnership, in which Of Respect
believed that if God established an two people are growing together as Ephesians 5 contains a second
order of submission for her life, it one (Gen 2:24; Matt 19:5,6). A hus- instruction for wives: "Let the wife
must be good for her. She trusted band and wife must h~ve many see that she respects [reverences] her
that God's order is always best. conversations· and share their husband" (v.33).
Secondly, Sarah was not afraid. thoughts openly with each otner The original Greek word for
She knew God, and did not fear in order to come to a place of "respects" is phobeo, which mecy\
what might happen if she obeyed "oneness" and agreement in their "revere, be in awe of, [reverenti-l
the Lord and submitted to her hus- marriage. fear".
band. Sarah chose to remain under This does not mean a wife is to
her husband's leadership. Even - An Important Note be afraid of her husband. Phobeo is
when, in weakness and fear, he It is importan t to note that a the same kind of "fear" or rever-
stumbled·and opened his wife up woman does not have to subject ence that we are to have of the Lord
to harm, it was God Who inter- herself to harm or abuse in the (Ps 5:7). We honor 'God and hold
vened on Sarah's behalf and pro- name of submission; and a hus- Him in high esteem, not cower
vided for and protected her. band is charged never to exploit a 'because we are afraid of Him.
In the case when a husband is wife's trust or misuse his position In the same manner, a wife is to
not a believer who is submitted to of authority (Eph 5:25-29; lPet 3:7). hold her husband in high esteem
Christ's Lordship, the wife is still A godly husband will never inten- and honor him as the God-appoint-
encouraged to live with faith and tionally harm his wife or family, or ed head of the home. A wife can
trust in God and in submission to ask them to do anything that is submit to her husband, and obey
her husband (lPet 3:1-6). Her gra- contrary to the Word of God. everything he asks her to do. But if
cious and loving manner will be a It is equally important to note her attitude does not reflect respect
strong testimony to her husband of that a loving wife, with the •incor- or reverence for the position God
God's love, grace and redeeming ruptible beauty of a gentle and has given him, she is not practicing
power in her life. quiet spirit, is precious not only to true, godly submission.
her husband '(Prov 31:10,11), but A husband needs his wife's
A Loving Partnership , also. in the sight of God (l~et 3:4). respect. He needs the encourage-
Biblical submission does not Even if a husband fails at times· to ment of a wife who is supportive of
mean that a wife will always agree provide loving, godly headship, a his leadership. He does not need
with her husband. There may be wife's gracious attitude will still someone to mock him or criticize
times when a wife does not agree allow the testimony of Christ to be his every mistake; this will disco/ )"
with a decision her husband wants raised (lPet 3:1-7). age him from becoming a go~
to make. She should be free to effective, loving leader in the home.
share her ideas, with a loving and True Liberation To respect or reverence her hus-
'non-critical attitude. Submission is a difficult subject band means.a wife is to honor the
34/ ACTS
position of headship given to him by Earlier in this article it was stat- Christian wife should respect and
God. A wife is to highly esteem the ed that every godly person wants honor her husband is best seen in
position God has given her hus- to do the will of God. But a the way the Church is to love and
, as head, even if his behavior woman who does not understand honor Christ (Eph 5:24). This kind
-~i~kes that difficult to do. the biblical priorities God has of love and respect from a wife to a
God is the One Who appoints a given her can end up actually husband can be shown in many
husband to lovingly lead his wife. opposing the will of God for her ways. She can:
If a wife does not honor and and her family! That is why it is • serve him willingly;
respect her husband's God-given important for a woman to under- • acknowledge his God-ordained
role, she is setting herself against stand and put into practice the role place as the head;
God's Word and will. Opposing God has called her to fulfill. • respond to his leadership in
God is a very dangerous and fool- Respect and reverence for her obedience;
ish thing for anyone to do - man or husband is a priority for a wife in • Listen to him;
woman. marriage. The model for how a • love and receive him;
• praise and edify him;
• rrusthim;
• be unified in purpose and will
with him;
• be a true helper.
As a Christian wife prays, stud-
ies her Bible and seeks the Lord,
The woman looks to t1ze man she will discover many more ways
to love and respect her husband in
and the man looks to God. a way that glorifies God and hon-
ors her husband.

Being A Model
Of Godly Respect
Many women have difficulty
respecting their husbands. They
think a husband has to first behave
in a certain way or act perfectly,
and then they will respect and
honor him. But that is not biblical
Just as a wife should not
have to "earn" her husband's
love by trying to be perfect, nei-
ther should a husband have to
"earn" his wife's respect. A
husband should love his wife
because God has charged
him to do so. In the same
way, a wife should respect
her husband because God
has charged her to do so in
His Word.
Of course, a wife should
always strive to be a godly
woman her husband can easi-
ly love; and a husband should
work at living in a godly manner
that his Wife can respect. But nei-
ther a husband's love nor a wiie'.s
respect can be earned.
Respect is a choice a woman
makes. She willingly decides that
she will honor and respect the
position of headship God has given husband very well. She sees his suggestions or constructive criti-
her husband. flaws and knows his weaknesses. cism. A wise husband will wel-
Respect is also reflected in a But a godly wife also understands come his wife's loving input.
wife's attitude. She must choose to it is NOT her p lace to change her However , a wife is· NOT to
speak to her husband with respect, husband into what she wants him and control her husband's life ....
and honor his position by support- to be. character.
ing his leadership. She must sup- Only GM: Instead, she should encourage
port him both in the home, and in • has the wisdom to know what his strengths, and be patient and
public settings, with both her He wants a person to become prayerful as God shapes and trans-
words and her actions. and how they can grow into all forms her husband more and more
A wife's loving respect will be a that He has for them into the image of Christ (Rom 8:29;
tremendous encouragement 'to her • truly knows His will for each 2Cor 3:18).
husband, and will help him to lead person and when it is time for [NOTE: If a husband's behavior
her in a worthy manner. Her Him to shape or change some- is harmful to the .wife, children or
respect for him will also be a won- thing in a person's life others, then a wife should seek
derful model to the children in the • can truly change a person from godly counsel and help. Or if there
home . They will learn how to within, in a way that is lasting. is much strife and many problems
"respect and honor the Lord and A godly wife realizes that her in a marriage, then both the hus-
others who are in positions of husband belongs to God and is band and wife should seek
authority in their lives by watching under God's authority. She can out godly, biblical counsel and
their mother respect their father. respect her husband's position of assistance.]
headship - and God's authority A wife cannot truly respect and
God's Authority over him - by praying for her lms- honor her husband by mere will-
In Marriage band every day. If she notices weak- power alone - just as a husband
As a wife learns to respect her ness or failure in her husband, she cannot truly love his wife in his
husl:>and, she must also learn that it has the privilege and responsibility own strength. But a husband and
is not her role to correct him or of asking the Lord to help or to con- wife are Christ's workmanship
shape his character. Often, a wife vict her husband . She must then (Eph 2:8-10). The Spirit of God is at
wan ts .to tell her husband the trust the Lord to work in her hus- work in every Christian, buildi ..-
things that are "wrong" with him, band's life. them up and sanctifying them I
and what he should do to change There are occasional times when they yield to His work. God has pro-
them! a wife may - and should - sensi- vided everything a man or woman
It is true that a wife knows her tively give her husband helpful needs to be a godly spouse. They
need only pray for God to shape
them more and more into His
ANEW WAY to help other image, in order to love, honor and
respect their spouse as they should.

church leaders receive ACTS! This process takes daily effort over
a lifetime, but is well worth the
effort required to enjoy a godly
Dear ACTS Reader, marriage and family.
If you know of other church leaders who are not yet receiving ACTS
Magazine, and you think they would like to, please ask THEM to write Parenting: A Vital Role
to us and tell us the following: We have now examined the
• Their name and complete mailing address, first two priorities God gives to a
printed clearly in BLOCK LETTERS; woman through His Word. The
• How many people they teach or preach to each week; first priority fo r a woman is her
• A description of their ministry. relationship alJd walk with God.
You should NOT send us their names and addresses yourself. This, along with Bible study and
Each new person who wants ACTS must now write to us; this will help prayer, will help her to become a
us to be sure we are sending ACTS Magazine only to church leaders woman whose words and actions
who DO want to receive it. bring glory to God and blessing to
May the Lord strengthen and equip you and your fellow church others.
leaders for His great service! The second priority for a w;~..
Please write to the World MAP-office nearest you. (See addresses is t o be a helper to lter lmsba()
on the back of this magazine or on the application inserted in this She must love and care for her hus-
band, receive with submission his
God-given role of headship, honor
36/ ACTS
and respect him, and be a good wife might feel she has time for tionship as important as the hus-
partner to him in life and ministry. nothing else but caring for the chil- band and wife relationship. BOTH
A woman needs to take the nec- dren. But she must also try to the husband and wife must give
~i.ary time each day to work on maintain her other priorities: giv- their relationship the time and
.,.<\!Se first two priorities. But what ing time each day to her relation- attention necessary to keep it
is the next priority for a godly ship with God, and to her relation- healthy and to maintain unity.
woman? ship with her husband. In addition, they both must
We find it in Titus 2:4: There are serious consequences devote time to raising and training
"Admon.ish the youllg women to love when a wife begins to place her their children in the ways of the
their husbands, to love their chil- children above her husband in Lord. Children need love, care,
dren ... ". importance. (For an example of the feeding, nurturing, training and
A wife's third priority (if she problems this creates, read the discipline to grow up to be godly
has children) is to love a11d care for story of Isaac and Rebekah in and productive adults. Both the
her children. According to Genesis 24-28, especially ·25:28 and husband and wife are charged by
1 Scripture, both she and her hus-
band must share this responsibility
The same can be true if a hus-
God to devote themselves to this
privilege and responsibility.
in order to properly raise and train band begins to neglect his wife To properly raise children in a
their children (Gen 1:27; Deut 6:6,7; because of long hours at work or in biblical manner, parents should
Prov 22:6; Eph 6:1-4). ministry. The wife, the marriage include the following:
When children are young, they and the family will suffer. • teach, train and nurture children
require much time and attention. A There is no other human rela- (Deut 4:9; 6:6,7; Prov 22:6; Eph
When a man and • sanctify children to God through
woman work together prayer and worship (Job 1:5;
under God's plan in Luke 2:22,23)
· marriage they can • include children in worship
share a wonderful life times Gosh 8:35; Neh 12:43; Luke
together, including
• restrain. children from evil (lSam
children and 3:13; lTim 3:4,12)

, j
• chasten/ discipline children (Prov
13:24; 22:15; 29:15,17; Heb 12:6)
• love their children (Prov 13:24;
Titus 2:4)
~~··· , • be forgiving t.o ward children
. .;:.?.:. .. (Luke 15:20-24; Eph 4:32)

..· ·r
\ ~~~
• provide a godly example to chil-
dren c2cru 26:4; 2Tim 1:s)
Godly parenting caru\Ot be
~ ~ . ·~~ accomplished with only
.. ~ .' ~ . :. ··' . ,~;J occasional interaction with
·· · ' .J; one's children. Deuteronomy
6:6,7 makes it clear that proper-
1y raising your children takes
daily conversation, training and
discipline. Opportunities arise
every day for parents to communi-
ca te God's love, His
.. . . . ,~'<:" . Word and His plans for
... it,
· :~:::. : ...
·"'-~~' ... -
'(~~-W · ·
. ch'ld
t h eu 1 ren. p a rents
:.~~ • ··~...1~~~.,. must be present with their
children and available to them in
order to adequately train and
raise them.

To Everything
There Is A Season
As children grow in godli-
ACTS / 37
ness and as a marriage matures, women are often tempted to aban- the Word instructs in an area of
both require less time to manage. don their God-given roles in order your life, PRAY. Ask the Lord to
What then is a fourth priority for a to pursue things they perceive as help you - He certainly will
Christian wife, according to more "exciting" or "important". answer! A wife may also wan~
Scripture? Many people in the world around talk with her husband about t •.•
When a husband and wife are them are abandoning their spouse things in her life she wants God to
each day devoting themselves to for someone else, or replacing their change. She can ask her husband to
God, their marriage, and their chil- role as parents with their work pray with and for her. There is
dren, and when a husband is pro- outside the home. Even ministers immense power when a husband
viding for his family - what is can become too busy serving the and wife agree together in prayer
next? After these priorities are church to take proper care of their (see Matthew 18:19). Prayer togeth-
being met, the husband and wife can families. er also promotes unity and a
then minister to ~he Body of Christ. Christians must not become heightened sensitivity to each
Oftentimes, leaders in the deceived by or follow the unbibli- other's needs.
church get this confused. They cal standards that they see in oth- Remember, God has provided
think they must minister to every- ers. If they do, their marriages and all the strength, grace, wisdom and
one else in the church first. Then, if families will suffer. help you need to be a godly wiie
they have any time or energy left, God has made very clear in His and mother. If you feel weary or
they might spend a little time with Word what'His priorities are for a discouraged, remind yourself of
their spouse or children. This is Christian husband and wife. If a these truths: "T can do nil tltings
NOT God's order for the married husband and wife truly desire all through Christ Who strengthens me"
Christian! that God has for them, they will (Phil 4:13) and "Let us not grow
Ministry is very important, yes. fo llow what He has alr eady weary while doing good, for in due sea-
Christians are to be light and salt to instructed them to do in His Word. son we shnll reap if we do not lose
the world (Matt 5:13-16), par tici- When they are faithful and obedi- henrt" (Gal 6:9).
pate in church (Heb 10:25), and ent in the responsibilities God has
share the Gospel with others (Acts alr eady given, then God will Fulfilling God's
1:8; lPet 3:15). But ministry is not release more privilege and respon- Plan For You
to replace the family priorities God sibility to them (Matt 25:21; lTim For both men and women, U>-·.,.
has made clear in the Bible for both 3:8-13). relationship to God is their f.
a husband and wife. God honors faithfulness and a priority. If they choose to be mar-
Ministry to others must be bal- heart that is yielded to Him. He ried, their spouse becomes their
anced with the very important looks for those who are obedient next priority. If they choose to have
marriage and family responsibili- an d completely devoted to Him .- children, taking the time to care for
ties already given by God in His and then chooses to do great things and train t11eir children becomes
Word. As stated previously, the through them (2Chr 16:9). their next priority. A man must
orderly home life and right rela- also provide for his family by con-
tionships of the ministering person Encouragement sistently working. A husband, wife
must come before leadership and For Wives and older children must also be:
ministry (lTim 3:1-7). There are many passages in the available to serve in the church anc
Bible that give practical instruction to shar e the Gospel. All othe1
Keeping Your for living as a godly, loving wife things in a married couple's lif<
Priorities Straight and a fruitful Christian. Take time must come behind these importan
God does not change (Mal 3:6; to read and study the passages priorities established by God in Hi
Heb 13:8). He has already made below: Word.
clear in the Bible His plan for a Deuteronomy 6:6,7; Proverbs Do you want to fulfill God'
husband and wife. God will never 14:1; 31:10-31; !Corinthians 13:1-13; highest plan for you? Do you wan
call someone to do something that Philippians 2:14,15; !Timothy to be sure you are fulfilling God'
does n ot agree with what He has 3:11,12; Titus 2:1-5. will? Then live your life accordin
already said in the Bible! If a man Add to this list other Bible pas- to God's priorities - which He ha
or woman thinks God has told sages you find helpful for instruc- already revealed in His Word
them to do something, and it does tion in being a godly wife and and you will be set on a pathway t
not agree with the Bible, it is NOT mother. You might each week fulfill all that God has planned fc
from God. God's Word is complete choose an area of your life that you!
and final, and is not to be changed needs improvement, and then put
or added to (Ps 119:89; Isa 40:8; Rev into practice the godly principles
22:18,19). you learn from Scripture.
Today, Christian men and If you feel you are not living as
38/ ACTS
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