Bang's Statement

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Subject: CA-based Monster Energy File Third Frivolous Lawsuit Against


Bang Energy CEO, CSO Founder and Front Man, Jack Owoc’s responses to
the myriad of false claims are in bold text below.

Bang Energy Drink has Monster ALL BANGED UP!™

CEO claims Bang can help cure forms of dementia including

Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease –

Jack Owoc: This is fake, falsified and fabricated news. Watch the video carefully – I
never claim that Bang can treat, cure or prevent any disease. I cite and quote the
research from the historical scientific database where creatine-amino acid peptides with
a long chain fatty acid ester chemical attachment can readily cross the blood brain
barrier with a 20-fold greater capacity than regular creatine. The USPTO granted me a
patent on creatine-amino acid peptides. Creatyl-l-leucine is a creatine-amino acid
peptide, AKA “Super Creatine”, contained in Bang RTD and Bang Master Blaster Pre-
Workout Powder. Bang Master Blaster was proven to increase lean mass in human test
subjects by 6.9 pounds in just 4-weeks and is a powerful non-hormonal legal
performance-enhancing and muscle building alternative to harmful anabolic steroids.
Bang has also been proven to be safe and has been tested and proven effective in three
double blind placebo controlled double blind studies. On the other hand, Monster
Energy drinks have been associated with 17 deaths and adverse events too numerous
to count. It is, therefore, imperative that Monster be pulled from store shelves
immediately because it represents a serious health threat to humans and children – THE

Riverside, CA (September 5, 2018) – A federal lawsuit was filed this week against the maker
of Bang Energy drinks claiming the company misleads consumers into believing the drink has
astonishing health benefits. According to the lawsuit, “Defendants VPX and [CEO Jack] Owoc
sell Bang by misleading and deceiving the public about the product’s ingredients and the
benefits of consumption. Simply put, Defendants’ advertising and marketing scheme tricks
consumers into believing they are getting something they are not. Bang is marketed as a
modern-day snake oil.

Jack Owoc: Consumers choose Bang because it’s more effective, tastes better, and
doesn’t contain harmful amounts of sugar and highly suspect ingredients like D-
glucuronolactone contained in MONSTER. RESEARCH HAS PROVEN THAT MONSTER
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sugar beverages like Monster’s flagship energy drink have been implicated for their role
in contributing to the obesity epidemic, diabetes, Syndrome X, heart attack, metabolic
dysregulation and a myriad of other health problems. In fact, a study specifically
showed that drinking a 24-ounce Monster energy caused adverse health effects.

Bang claims to be the “healthiest energy drink” on the market and states it provides “potent
brain & body rocking fuel.” Bang also says its “Super Creatine” enters the brain and
can reverse mental retardation and help cure diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s,
Huntington’s and other forms of dementia.

These allegations are purposely falsified and untrue. Listen to the my

video I never claim that
Bang can reverse intellectual disability and help cure diseases such as Alzheimer’s,
Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and other forms of dementia. Bang is infinitely safer and healthier
than Monster – consumption of Monster is associated with 17 deaths, heart attack, heart beat
irregularities and countless adverse event reports. To the best of my knowledge, we have sold
over 100,000,000 cans of Bang and we have never had even one adverse event report.

Bang further claims to create laser focus and says the drink can help ace exams by improving
brain function while studying. However, there is no credible scientific evidence that “Super
Creatine” crosses the blood brain barrier, and thus it cannot deliver the results Bang
advertises, according to the lawsuit. This allegation is fabricated and false.

Bang targets health enthusiasts looking to enhance muscle performance and improve body
physique through its “Super Creatine” and BCAAs (branched chain amino acids). Bang does
not disclose the amount of “Super Creatine” or BCAAs in its drink. According to the lawsuit,
the amount of “Super Creatine” and BCAAs in Bang are in such low amounts that none of the
claimed benefits could be achieved through safe consumption of Bang.

Bang Master Blaster significantly enhances performance with just a single dose and
increases strength while radically increasing lean mass in just 4 weeks as proven in a
University Study with human test subjects, which was presented at world renowned
2018 International Society of Sports Nutrition symposium under the direction of the
great Dr. Jose Antonio and Bang presented by one of the world’s leading sports
nutrition researchers, Dr. Neil Schwartz. Conversely, three studies showed that Monster
energy drink consistently failed to increase performance. Anyway you slice, Monster is
a complete failure and major threat to society. Aside from the fact that Monster is
associated with 17 deaths and counting, it contains harmful amounts of sugar and other
highly suspicious ingredients like, D-Glucuronolactone, it fails to increase anything
accept a myriad of health risks.
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Bang Energy drinks are manufactured by a Florida dietary supplement company named Vital
Pharmaceutical, Inc. (aka VPX). The company’s CEO and front man is Jack Owoc, who has
given himself the title of Chief Scientific Officer, apparently based on his former job as a high
school science teacher. As described in the lawsuit, VPX and Owoc have been called out for
unlawful practices in the past. The National Advertising Division (NAD) previously found VPX
made unsubstantiated claims for several products, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) issued a warning letter to VPX for selling dietary supplements that were considered
“adulterated” because they contained a potentially unsafe ingredient.

They are correct – at one time I taught six different science disciplines in the Broward
County School System proving my highly versatile command of science. Humbly
speaking, I am by far the most innovative and prolific scientist in the history of sports
nutrition and performance enhancing beverages. I have numerous patents including
what I and many others believe is the most important patent ever awarded in these
aforementioned industries – the world’s only water-stable highly soluble creatine
peptide aka Super Creatine. A successfully awarded, significant patent intended to help
mankind is the pinnacle achievement of any “scientist”. Super Creatine has been
rigorously tested at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars and proven safe as a
stand-alone ingredient and further, proven safe in humans when combined in a multi-
ingredient product called Bang Master Blaster. I probably do more science in a day than
Monster/Hansen has done since their inception. In fact, Monster’s science and flagship
product is a disaster and should be immediately recalled from the market because it
presents a grave danger to consumers. It is my professional scientific opinion that
Monster has no right developing products intended for human consumption.

As alleged, the maker of Bang is attempting to boost sales by disparaging legitimate energy
drinks by falsely calling them “life-sucking sodas” that cause consumers to “crash harder than
a test dummy into a brick wall.” There appears to be no scientific support for this claim either.

Jack Owoc: Monster goes into a tailspin when anybody that uses this word “crash”
because they are well aware that it is huge weakness in their flagship beverage. The
scientific and medical database shows that high sugar drinks like Monster’s flagship
beverage induce a myriad of serious health concerns. The scientific research explicitly
warns that combining high sugar and caffeine like that contained in Monster Energy
Drink is dangerous. Beverages with high sugar and caffeine are proven to cause heart
arrhythmias and metabolic dysregulation. High sugar beverages like Monster’s flagship
energy drink have been implicated for their role in contributing to the obesity epidemic,
diabetes, Syndrome X, heart attack, metabolic dysregulation and a myriad of other
health problems. In fact, a study specifically showed that drinking a 24-ounce Monster
energy caused adverse heart-related health effects.

“I am amazed at the lengths some companies will go to make a buck,” said Marc P. Miles of
Shook, Hardy & Bacon, counsel for the Plaintiff. “I imagine this lawsuit is just the tip of the
iceberg for Bang. I would not be surprised if the FDA took action or if there are consumer
class action lawsuits for false advertising. What is interesting to me is whether retailers will
become liable now that they are aware of the alleged issues with Bang’s ingredients.”
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Jack Owoc: Marc P. Miles of Shook, Hardy & Bacon, counsel for Monster better watch
his mouth before he finds himself and his firm on the wrong side of the law. I am
directing my legal team to evaluate whether to take legal action in regard to his
slanderous and damaging statements and use of unethical and unprofessional scare
tactics. We will not take Mile’s abuse of the US Legal System lightly. His statements are
a pathetic attempt to tortuously interfere with our business and an insult to everybody’s
intelligence. His words will come back at him and knock him and Monster off of their
feet like a legal boomerang.

The lawsuit also details how Bang Energy drinks violate the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics
Act by including an ingredient which is not an FDA-approved food additive or generally
recognized as safe.

Jack Owoc: This is another blatant, slanderous allegation made by an inept firm who
failed to do their research. Bang complies with all state, federal and local laws and Bang
further complies 100% with the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act. Super Creatine
is GRAS certified, which was a process that had cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Jack Owoc: Monster knows they cannot compete with Bang’s super positive branding message.
Monster cannot compete with Bang’s world-rocking flavor profiles. Sacks knows that Monster
cannot compete with Jack’s mind-blowing marketing. Sacks knows that Monster has no answer
to contend with Jack Owoc’s Patented Super Creatine – perhaps the most significant and
prestigious invention in the history of the beverage industry. Sacks knows that Monster cannot
compete with Bang’s unrelenting innovation. Worse yet -- Sacks doesn’t know what Sacks
doesn’t know!
Sacks knows that Bang has unstoppable velocity and momentum.
Jack Owoc is just too scientifically sophisticated for Sacks to compete. It’s an unfair match --
Owoc competing again Sacks/Monster is like Michael Jordan competing against a junior varsity
high schooler.
Monster is in big trouble. Jack Owoc and Bang are uncontainable,
irrepressible and unrestrainable!
Monster has no legitimate recourse or answers. So, what does Sacks do? Sacks does what he
always does – HE SUES! Sacks reverts back to his old school 1980’s playbook and sues Owoc –
FOR THE THIRD TIME! Sacks fabricates fake news like he did in the past and pursues claims
that have no merit. He litigates in an attempt to protect market share.
This didn’t work out well for Monster and Sacks when they sued Jack Owoc two prior occasions
for his Redline Energy Drink and Shot. Monster incurred legal fees and had to walk away with
zero compensation for their meritless claims.
Sack’s new suit shows Monster’s weakness and lack of leadership. It shows that Monster is lost
and cannot effectively deal with the #BangRevolution. Monster’s suit against Bang is a pathetic
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and feckless cry of desperation. Bang is beating Monster at their own game. Bang zigged when
Monster was zagging. Bang created an uncontested “Blue Ocean” market place.
Again, Sacks knows he and Monster are in big trouble. Jack Owoc and Bang are uncontainable,
irrepressible and unrestrainable! Bang has created an epic and geometrically explosive
paradigm shift and caught Monster totally off guard.
Monster’s marketing message is uncool because Monster itself has become uncool. The world
has changed radically since the introduction of Monster and the old school message and old
school formula just doesn’t resonate with today’s energy consumer. If the maker of Monster
was one of my former science students, I would have definitely failed him. He would have been
flagged for creating ineffective, health-robbing drinks. In fact, Monster is ill-equipped and has
no business creating any product meant for human consumption. When you create a product
that is associated with 17 deaths, a heart attack and numerous adverse events, the universe is
telling you that it’s time to throw in the towel and shut things down. The world is far better off
without you and your poison. Monster needs a new leader. It’s retirement time, Rodney. Do your
company and share-holders a huge and well-deserved favor and throw in the towel Rodney and
stop your bogus litigation and monstrous allegations!

Jack Owoc: Final notes to Monster shareholders et al – I would read my above answers
carefully. I had no intentions of coming against Monster. However, your upper
management backed me into a corner and now you have great exposure due to my
responses. I would recommend you hold the Monster employees who frivolously sued
us FOR THE THIRD TIME accountable. Be forewarned that our counter attack against
Monster Energy Drink will be unrelenting!

Please follow me on Instagram @BangEnergy.CEO for updates.


Jack Owoc

Bang Energy CEO

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