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Exercises SB complete the sentences with him /her/them. 1 Idon't know those gis Do you know . them I don't know that man. Do you know I don't know those people. Do you know Idon't know Davids wife. Do you know Idon't know Mr Stevens. Do you know I don't know Sarahs parents. Do you know I don't know the woman in the black coat. Do you know SBD complere the sentences. UseI/me/you/she/her etc. Twant to see her, but She doesn't want to see me it 2. They want to see me, but don't wane to see 3. She wants ro see him, but doesn't want co see 4 We want to see them, but don't want to see 5 He wants 10 see us, but don't want to see 6 They want to see her, but doesn't want to see 7 Awant to see them, but don't want to see 8 You want to see her, but doesn't want to see EBD Write sentences beginning like ..,1 don’t like .. Do you like ..? 1 Idon't eat tomatoes, | don't like them. 2. George isa very nice man. Wlike 3. Thisjacker isnt very nice. tdonit 4. Thisis my new car. Do 5. Mis Clark is not very friendly. | 6 These are my new shoes ESD complete the sentences. Use i/me/he/him ete. 1. Who is that woman? Why are you looking at . her. 2 ‘Doyouknow chat man?” "Yes, I work with 3 Where are the tickets? I cant find 4 Ieantc find my keys. Where are 5 We'e going out. You can come with 6 Tve gota new motorbike. Do you wane to see ? 7. Matia likes music plays the piano. 8 dont like dogs. Im affaid of 9 Tm taking t0 you. Please listen to WO Where's Anna? | wane to talk to 11 You can have these CDs. Idon't want. 12. My brother has a new job, but doesnt like very much © complete the sentences. 1 Ineed that book. Can you .giveit tome? 2 He wants the key. Can you give 2 3 She wants the keys. Can you 2 4 Ineed my bag. Can you 5 They want the money. Can you ? 6 We want the pictures. Can you ? 129 Exercises GB complete the sentences in the same way. 1 I'm going to wash my hands, 4 He’ going to wash 2. She's going to wash hands. 5 They're going to wash 3 We're going to wash 6 Are you going to wash ? }©BD compiece the sentences in the same way. 1 He . lives with his parents sl parents. 2 They live with . parents. 6 John 3 We parents. 7 Doyou live ? 4 Martina lives 8 Most children GB 100k at the family tree, and complete the sentences with his/her /their. 1 saw Sarah with .. her. husband, Philip. a | saw Laura and Steve with children. 2 3 saw Steve wich wife, Laura. SARAH = PHP 4 I saw Ben with brother, Will. at 5 saw Laura with brother, Wil 6 Isaw Sarah and Philip with son, Will 7 saw Laura with parents. 8 [saw Beth and Robert with parents. BEN wit roserr ETH GBD rice my/our/your/his/heritheiriits. 1 Doyou like ..yOur... job? 2 Iknow Mr Watson, but | dontt know wife, 3. Alice and Tom live in London. son lives in Australia, 4 Were going to have a party. We're going to invite all friends. 5 Anna is going out with friends chis evening 6 ike tennis. Ics favourite sport. 7 ‘Isthat car” No, don't have a car’ 8 Iwant to contact Maria. Do you know. number? 9. Do you think mose people are happy in jobs? 10 tm going ro wash hair before | go out. 11 Thisisa beautiful cee leaves are a beautiful colour. 12 John has a brother and a sister. brothers 25, and sister is 21. G]}V complete the sentences. Use my/his/their etc. with these word: coat homework house husband job- key name 1 James doesn't enjoy .hisob._. i's not very interesting, 2 cant get in. I don't have . 3 Sally is married. works in a bank. 4 Please take off and sic down. S ‘What are the children doing’ "They'e doing f 6 ‘Doyou know that man?” "Yes, but I don't know i 7 Weve in Barton Street. is ac the end on the left. 60 131

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