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Presentation Skills: ENG1711 English for Engineers Laboratory Worksheet 4 (Group Work)

The Nuts and Bolts of Presentation Skills

What is a skill?

Define Presentation skills in your own words?

What are the Positive What are the positive What DID they do? What did they NOT do?
adjectives you use to adjectives you use to
describe other’s describe other
Presentations? Presenters?
Skillful Enthusiastic

What are the Negative What are the Negative What DID they do? What did they NOT do?
adjectives you use to adjectives you use to
describe other’s describe other
Presentations? Presenters?
Long Lifeless

Goal setting:

ENG1011 ENGLISH FOR ENGINEERS Laboratory worksheet_FS2018_19: Compiled by Evangeline Rajasekar, Division of Languages, SAS, VIT Chennai. Page 1
Do I need Presentation skill? Yes/No; Why/Why not?

Where, When and How often would I need to employ Presentation skill?

On a scale of 1 – 10 where would I rate my Presentation skills? 

Where would I like to rate myself after this course for my next presentation? 

What are some of the sub-skills required for a skillful presentation?

Skills I possess Skills I need to master

What are any five of your biggest fears about presentations? How can you handle it?

ENG1011 ENGLISH FOR ENGINEERS Laboratory worksheet_FS2018_19: Compiled by Evangeline Rajasekar, Division of Languages, SAS, VIT Chennai. Page 2
1. The topic of my/our presentation is

2. The contents of this presentation includes

3. The purpose (or objective/mission/goal) of my presentation today is to

4. If you remember only one (two, three) point(s) from this presentation, remember this

5. End the presentation with a purpose statement: “I’d like you to leave here remembering one
important point

6. What are any seven of the key questions for which you need to know the answer before you
set out for your presentation?

In your groups plan your presentation and do an impactful presentation before the class as per the

ENG1011 ENGLISH FOR ENGINEERS Laboratory worksheet_FS2018_19: Compiled by Evangeline Rajasekar, Division of Languages, SAS, VIT Chennai. Page 3

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