Name:Bernard Billyandi Tampubolon Class:Petroleum Engineering D NIM:101316141

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NIM :101316141


Social media is an online media in which the users can easily to participate, share an
information, create the content of blog or the virtual world. Social media has positive
impact for help another person to communicate with their friends and their family without
limited of time and distance, but from the benefits of socila media, social media can also
cause negative impact for all of you especially for children and teenagers if it not wisely

First, children or teenagers become lazy to communicate with their friends or their
family in real life. If a child is too much communicating in social media, it can kill their
knowledge about how to communicate and participate in their real life, moreover their
mind will be full about virtual imagination that unrelated with their development of their

Second, social media will make children or teenagers become not care about the
environmental around them, because most of their time is spent on it. Until they are not
conscious with situation in real life that coerce their to give empathy or attention of
situation and condition.

Third, social media especially about how children or teenagers to communicate with
their family or friends maybe are not use the rule of speelling and grammer, so it have the
impact with their affective about good skills of writing and speaking at home or school.

In conclusion, social media has many negative impacts to teenagers. In this case,
related between social media and children or teenagers must needs attention from their
parents at home, and teachers at school to monitor them from the negative impact of using
social media.

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