Modern and Advance Algebra

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Modern and Advance Algebra 3.

A mathematician who is considered as “Prolific

1. It is written in Cuneiform script which gives a table of a. Pierre de Fermat
Pythagorean triples. b. Leonhard Euler
a. Straussburg Tablet c. Richard Dedekind
b. Plimpton 332 d. Carl Freidrich Gauss
c. Plimpton 322 4. Who is the founder of the Modern theory of numbers?
d. Babylonian Plimpton Cuneiform Table a. Pierre de Fermat
2. He translated Euclid’s elements into modern b. Leonhard Euler
European language. c. Diophantus
d. Richard Dedekind
a. Emmy Noether
5. A German Mathematician who developed in major re-
b. Alan Turing
definition of irrational numbers in terms of arithmetic concept.
c. Niccolo Fontana Tartaglia
a. Pierre de Fermat
d. Camille Jordan
b. Leonhard Euler
3. She was considered as one of the greatest
c. Andrew Wiles
mathematician. Her most important work was related
d. Richard Dedekind
to abstract algebra, specifically the theory of rings and
6. Indian Mathematician whose contribution to the theory of
numbers include Pioneering discoveries of the properties of the
a. Camille Jordan
partition functions.
b. Emmy Noether
a. Srinavasa Espinoza
c. Joseph Louis Lagrange
b. JevonasaRamanujan
d. John Von Neumann
c. SrinavasaRamanujan
4. His book includes six types of equations in Algebra.
d. Jevonasa Espinoza
a. Diophantus
7.What is the full name of G.H Hardy?
b. Al-Khwarizmi
a. George Harvey
c. Arthur Cayley
b. Godfrey Harold
d. Alan Turing
c. Godfrey Harvey
5. An Indian manuscript which uses a form of algebraic
d. George Harold
notation using letters of alphabet, with up to five
8.British Mathematician who proved Fermat’s Last theorem.
unknowns. a. Andrew Fermat
a. BhramaguptaBakashali b. Andrew Wiles
b. Bramasphuta-siddhanta c. G.H Hardy
c. Bakshali d. J.H Hardy
d. Bhramagupta theorem 9. Find the missing number on this Fibonacci Sequence:
6. It is associated with formal manipulation of abstract 120120240360_?_960
symbols and or with finding the solutions of the a. 550
equations. b. 900
a. Abstract Algebra c. 600
b. Analytic Geometry d. 640
c. Equations 10. Who discover the Fibonacci Sequence?
d. Algebra a. Fibonacca
7. The author of the book Aritmetica, a work featuring b. Fibonaccii
solutions of algebraic equations and on the theory of c. Fibonacci
numbers. d. Fidonacci
a. Diophantus
b. Al-Khwarizmi Calculus
c. Alan Turing
d. Arthur Cayley 1. It is the mathematical study of continuous change.
8. A British mathematician who broke the Nazi-crypto a. Algebra
b. Geometry
a. John Von Neumann
c. Calculus
b. Alan Turing
c. Evariste Galois d. Trigonometry
d. Niels Henrik Abel 2. Who discovered the trapezoidal rule while doing
9. He proved that it is impossible to solve fifth-degree (or astronomical observations of Jupiter?
higher) polynomial using radicals by studying a. Eudoxus
permutation groups associated to polynomials. b. Babylonians
a. Isaac Newton c. Greek mathematicians
b. Niccolo Fontana Tartaglia d. Archimedes
c. Benoit Mandelbrot 3. What method ZuChongzhi established to find the
d. Evariste Galois volume of a sphere?
10. He clearly explained zero in his work. a. Method of exhaustion
a. Bhramasphuta b. Adequality method
b. Bhramagupta
c. Method of Indivisibles
c. Bhrama
d. Cavalieri’s Principles
d. Bhramana
4. What theory that Newton and Leibniz developed
Number Theory during late 17th century?
a. Infinitesimal Calculus
1. It is a branch of Mathematics concerned with properties of b. Mean value theorem
the positiveintegers. c. Rolle’s Theorem
a. Geometry d. Integral Calculus
b. Trigonometry 5. Who used the method of exhaustion which
c. Calculus foreshadows the concept of the limit and to calculate
d. Number Theory areas and volumes?
a. Archimedes
2. The number theory is also called? b. Eudoxus
a. Queen of Algebra
c. Democritus
b. Queen of Calculus
c. Queen of Mathematics d. Zeno of Elea
d. Queen of Number Theory
6. Who investigated the new mathematical calculus
which applied to measurement of curves to differential
equations and to mechanical problems?
a. Bernard Bolzano
b. Johann Bernoulli
c. Johann Van WaverenHudde
d. Colin Maclaurin
7. He did make some contributions to calculus including
the first proof of the convergence of a Taylor Series?
a. Leonhard Euler
b. Pierre-Simon Laplace
c. Augustin Louis Cauchy
d. Rene Descartes
8. He discovered calculus between 1665 and 1667.
a. Isaac Barrow
b. Pierre Fermat
c. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
d. Isaac Newton
9. Who gave a partial credit for the development of
infinitesimal calculus?
a. John Wallis
b. Brook Taylor
c. Archimedes of Syracuse
d. Colin Maclaurin
10. He widely acclaimed as first mathematician who laid
the foundation of modern geometry that resulted in
development of analysis and calculus.
a. Bernard Bolzano
b. Rene Descartes
c. Michel Rolle
d. James Gregory

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