Thank You Ladies and Gentlemen, That Enough For My Arguments. It Will Be Continued by The Second Speaker Later. Thank You

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English Debate Competition

1. This house would not allow western culture come into Lombok’s culture
Good morning ladies and gentlement. Thank you for the opportunity. Next, I
would like to give our motions today. Our motions today is “ THIS HOUSE
CULTURE.” The definiton of motion is :
□ western culture is the characteristic and knowledge of a particular group of
people encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits,music and arts
and also the whole way of thingking, and the way of life of the nation in the
western hemsphere
□ lombok’s culture is a characteristic and knowledge of a particular group of
people that includes ancestral cultural culture and tends towards eastern

□ from the motions, we will give our theme line: that we as the affirmative
team absolutely agree with the motions, that says that the way of life of the
nation in the western hemsphere would not allow come into lombok’s culture

□ then our paramater today is that we just talk about social habits of western
□ well continue to our team split : I’m Sakya Violetta Andini as the first
speaker, I will deliver my argument from impacts of social habits of western
cultures for Indonesian generation, especially Lombok. And nadya as the
second speaker who will deliver arguments from .... and last, wayan satyam as
the third speaker who will deliver more proof and brief summary of our

Next ladies and gentlemen, I would like to give my argument from individual

how Westerners talk to their families, that's where we Lombok people think
their way of speaking is not polite and not in accordance with our habits. they
talk to older people in the same way when they talk to their friends, they only
mention their names. that means they don't respect older people and that is
completely different from our social habits, we always say names with the
following words like uncles, aunts, etc. Call them like that is not only a
formality but an ethic that must be maintained for us culture. Which is where
we are lombok, Indonesian people embrace eastern culture. This is why I
absolutely agree with the motions.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen, that enough for my arguments. It will be continued
by the second speaker later. Thank you
Okay, ladies and gentleman. We are from the opposition team, that against this
motion. We are strongly disagree that Western culture would not allow into
lombok’s culture. Before we deliver our points of arguments I want to introduce our
team-line and team-split.
□ Our team line is we just strongly oppose that Western culture would not allow into
lombok’s culture
□ and our team split, I’m sakya violetta andini as the first speaker will refuse the
affirmative side. And deliver argument in individual perspective. Nadya as the
second speaker will refuse the points affirmative and deliver her argument too. And
last wayan satyam as the Third speaker that rebuttals the all points of affirmative
side and brief summary our argument.

Okay ladies and gentlemen

□why can't let western culture enter? not all western cultures are bad especially in
terms of social habits. for example, their social habits in terms of mindset. many of
them have a simple mindset, speak directly to the point without the need to be
complicated. and also in terms of waiting in line. this is undeniable whichever young
generation we have certainly read a lot / see a comparison between their queuing
culture with us in Lombok

2. THB that mount rinjani should be like mount bromo

□ mount rinjani is is an active volcano in Indonesia on the island of Lombok. It rises
to 3,726 metres (12,224 ft), making it the second highest volcano in Indonesia.
The volcano and the caldera are protected by the Gunung Rinjani National Park. The
park is popular for mountain climbs and trekking and represents an important
nature reserve and water catchement area

□ mount bromo is an active volcano and part of the Tengger massif, in East Java,
Indonesia. At 2,329 meters (7,641 ft) it is not the highest peak of the massif, but is
the most well known. The massif area is one of the most visited tourist attractions in
East Java, Indonesia. The volcano belongs to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National
Our parameter : we just talk about how to managing it

My arguments :
In terms of management, Rinjani must be like Bromo. Bromo is really well managed
by the government there, like many other tours developed in the area of Mount
Bromo in addition to hiking and seeing sights such as "enjoying padang savana,
mentingen hills and bromo Bima Sakti, etc." this proves that the management of
Bromo is quite good compared to Rinjani whose natural wealth and contents have
not been so well managed. We all know that Rinjani has the most Segara Anak Lake
in the world and is the main point of people climbing. in Rinjani we only think of
climbing - until the peak - go to segare anak and then back. there are no other
tourist destinations that Rinjani actually has. why is Rinjani's natural wealth and
beautiful charm not so utilized and managed to be an additional destination that will
make tourists eat interested in going there. This is why I Absolutely agree with the
motions that says rinjani should be like bromo.


Gunung Rinjani and Mount Bromo, they have their own charm. why should we force
Rinjani to be like Bromo? Rinjani also has assets, has its own beauty, has its own
climbing points. Rinjani also has good governance. how not, rinjani is not just about
going up - to the top - going to segare Anak - going down. but there was a sense,
there was a certain satisfaction felt by the climbers themselves, they could also see
the sunrise or sink there as Bromo did. so what I mean is that each mountain has
their own Charm which is the pleasure of the climbers themselves, rather than
having to imitate other mountains that are managed by other tourist tours.

3. THBT senggigi should be main icon for lombok tourism

Definition : the main icon is a place that has its own characteristics that are not owned by
other places so that the place can be used as an icon of a region
Parameter : we just talk about the existances

Argument :
Senggigi is widely known by foreign tourists compared to Kuta Lombok or other places. Look,
if you hear Kuta, the first thing foreign tourists think is Kuta Bali, not Lombok, why? because
the existence of Lombok is lower than the existence of Kuta Bali. and if you hear senggigi,
foreign tourists will immediately think that this senggigi is what is meant, Lombok Senggigi.
how could this happen? because the existence of other places is still inferior to the existence
of Senggigi. senggigi is already superior in terms of existence, so why doesn't the
government take advantage of this? by making the main icon that will be built to become a
better and better destination so that the existence of Senggigi will be more recognized

Over time, places that have existence can be defeated by other places, depending on how
the place is managed, how the place has an icon that is superior to Senggigi. this allows
other places that have superior goals to be considered as the main icon not only about
senggigi that already has existences. I meant the other places has the opportunity too.

4. THBT culture is the main asset to face globalization in Lombok

- Definition : globalization is the process of interaction and integration between
people, companies, and governments worldwide.
- Parameter : we just talk about Traditional culture to face globalization
5. THBT Rinjani should become global geo park network

- Definition : The Global Geoparks Network (GGN) (also known as the Global Network
of National Geoparks) is a UNESCO assisted network established in 1998. Managed
under the body’s Ecological and Earth Sciences Division, the GGN seeks the
promotion and conservation of the planet’s geological heritage, as well as
encourages the sustainable research and development by the concerned
- Parameter : we just talk about

6. THBT modern market in lombok brings more harm than good

- Definition : modern market are where sellers and buyers are not linked directly.
Prices were higher even to very much compared to the traditional market. Buyers
shop by looking at the price list provided or without price tags or barcodes and can
not be a bargain between them.
- Parameter :
- Argumen :
Modern Market has a wonderful atmosphere with a neat arrangement of
architecture, cool, clean, marble floors, etc. In the modern market also known as
payment using credit cards or cash cards which in traditional markets can not be
Nowadays it is not more difficult to find modern markets, particularly in urban areas.
Because with the growing era of modernization, stood many modern markets with a
variety of forms and the uniqueness of each.

7. THS end contract with the newmont nusa tenggara (NNT)

- Definition : PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara is a subsidiary company of Newmont
Mining Corporation that operates their Batu Hijau mine in Indonesia on the island of
- Parameter : we just talk about
- Argument:
Newmont holds a 45% stake in the company while the Sumitomo Corporation from
Japan holds an additional 35% and Indonesian company P.T. Pukuafu Indah holds
the remaining 20%.[2] Newmont and Sumitomo are required to divest 51% of their
stake in the joint venture Indonesian parties by 2010 by the agreement signed under
the Indonesian government of Suharto.[1] The Indonesian government declined to
purchase 10% of the company between 2006 & 2007 because of lack of funds, and
Newmont declined to sell to local governments because the governments were
backed by unnamed private parties,[1] and Newmont wished to have more control
over potential buyers.[1] In 2008 Newmont sold a 2% stake in P.T. Newmont to the
local governments in Sumbawa.[2]
8. THBT LIA brings more harm than good
- Definition : LIA is an airport on the island of Lombok in Indonesia that replaced
selaparang airport. It is the island's only fully operational airport.
- Parameter :
- Argument :

9. THBT marriied teenegers should be allowed to school

- Definition : teenergers A person between the ages of 13 and 19; and also an
- Parameter :
- argument :
□why don't we let them go to school? even though they are married, they are still
entitled to study, the right to take part in their remaining future. if those who are
married in their teens stop school then what is their future fate. Of course we
cannot always blame marriage, but we can still give them the opportunity to reach
their future by being allowed to go to school, this can also improve their families'
future lives because later they will get decent jobs

- Kontra :

10. THBT handphone should be forbiddeen to bring to school

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