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Name: _________________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Persuasion Rubric
Directions: Your assignment will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric as a guide when
working on your assignment and check it again before you submit it.

Traits 4 3 2 1

Organization The introduction is The introduction The introduction There is no clear

inviting, states the goal includes the goal or includes the main introduction,
or thesis, and provides thesis and provides goal or thesis. Most structure, or
an overview of the issue. an overview of the information is conclusion.
Information is presented issue. Information is presented in a logical
in a logical order and presented in a logical order. A conclusion is
maintains the interest order but does not included, but it does
of the audience. The always maintain not clearly state a
conclusion strongly states the interest of the personal opinion.
a personal opinion. audience. A conclusion
states a personal

Goal or There is one goal or There is one goal or A personal opinion The personal
Thesis thesis that strongly and thesis that states a is not clearly stated. opinion is not easily
clearly states a personal personal opinion and There is little reference understood. There is
opinion and identifies the identifies the issue. to the issue. little or no reference
issue. to the issue.

Reasons and Three or more excellent Three or more Two reasons are Arguments are weak
Support reasons are stated with reasons are stated, made but with weak or missing. Less than
good support. It is but the arguments are arguments. two reasons are
evident that a lot of somewhat weak in made.
thought and research was places.
put into this assignment.

Attention to Argument demonstrates Argument Argument Argument does not

Audience a clear understanding demonstrates a clear demonstrates some seem to target any
of the potential understanding of the understanding of the particular audience.
audience and anticipates potential audience. potential audience.

Word Choice Word choice is creative Word choice enhances There is evidence of Word choice is
and enhances the the argument. attention to word limited.
argument. choice.

Visuals/ Visuals are appealing, Visuals are appealing Visuals are related to Visuals are not directly
Delivery highly relevant, and add and add support to the the topic. Delivery related to the topic.
support to the argument. argument. Delivery is lacks some fluency. Delivery is not fluent.
Delivery is fluent, with an fluent.
engaging flow of speech.

Grammar, There are no errors in There are few errors in There are several errors There are numerous
Mechanics, & grammar, mechanics, grammar, mechanics, in grammar, mechanics, errors in grammar,
Spelling and/or spelling. and/or spelling, but and/or spelling. mechanics, and/or
they do not interfere spelling.
with understanding.


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