India Budget Review 2014

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Varma & Varma

Chartered Accountants
For Private Circulation Only
Table of Contents
Particulars Page No.
Overview of the economy 3
Policy Initiatives 5
Rupee Comes from & Rupee Goes to 7
Direct Tax Proposals 8
Indirect Tax Proposals 19
 Customs Duty 19
 Excise Duty 24
 Service Tax 27

The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. The content provided here treats
the subjects covered here in condensed form. It is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter and should not be relied on as a basis for business decisions.
Although we endeavor to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue
to be accurate in the future. No one should act upon such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation. Specialist
advice should be sought with respect to any individual circumstances.
Overview Of The Economy
 Slow-down in economic growth was due to  Exports have witnessed a growth of 4.1% while
domestic, structural and external factors. Two imports have reduced over the corresponding
successive years of sub 5% growth was period last year by 8.3% in dollar terms.
witnessed for the first time in 25 years. The slow-
 Forex reserves are US$ 304 Billion as at March
down is mainly led by Mining/Quarrying and
2014. The average exchange rate of US$- ` is
Manufacturing. Agriculture bucking the trend on
seen at `60.50 per US$ as against `54.41 per
account of good monsoons.
US$ in the preceding period, translating to a
 The fiscal deficit of the Centre as a proportion of depreciating rupee of 12% approx. which has
GDP also declined for the 2nd year in a row as per clearly impacted the imports.
the announced medium term policy stands
 India’s share in the world exports has marginally
revised to 4.5% from 4.9%, the revenue deficit is
increased to 1.7% from 1.6%.
also downward pegged at 3.2% from 3.6%.
 Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) of the
private corporate sector (at constant prices)
declined sharply from growth of 17.94% in
2006-07 to a decline of 3.2% in 2012-13

Overview Of The Economy (Contd….)
INFLATION which has significant backward and forward
 Consumer price indices (CPI), CPI inflation has linkages. Simplification of tax policy and
remained close to double digits at 9.7%(10.4%) administration, repeal of archaic laws that govern
and Whole sale Price Index (WPI) at 6%(7.4%). market access, expansion and entry/exit of firms,
Moreover, WPI inflation in food articles that revamp of the dispute resolution mechanism for
averaged 12.2% annually in the five years ending commercial disputes, etc.
2013-14, was significantly higher than non-food  Though some measures have been initiated to
inflation. this end, reversion to a growth rate of around 7%-
 Moderation of WPI inflation is expected, however, 8% can only occur beyond the ongoing and the
the major risk arises from expected sub-normal next fiscal. For the current year upto March 2015
monsoons during 2014-15 on account of the El- the economy is expected to grow in the range of
Nino effect and higher prices of oil due to the geo- 5.5% to 5.9%.
political situation in the Middle East. CHALLENGES
INITIATIVES TO REVIVE GROWTH  Keeping fiscal deficit in check without
 Acceleration in project clearances and compromising on capital expenditure.
streamlining of implementation procedures, apart
 Maintaining the CAD in the range of 2-2.5% of
from sector-specific investment policies.
 Linked to efforts at investment revival are policies
needed for rejuvenating growth in manufacturing, 4
Policy Initiatives
 The composite cap of foreign investment in the  Tax incentives for Real Estate Investment Trusts
Defence Manufacturing is proposed to be raised (REITS).
to 49% from 26% with full Indian management
and control under the FIPB route.  A modified REITS type structure for infrastructure
projects as the Infrastructure Investment Trusts
 The composite cap in the insurance sector is (INVITS).
proposed to be raised to 49% from 26% with full
Indian management and control under the FIPB  These two instruments are proposed to attract
route. long term finance from foreign and domestic
sources including the NRIs
 Manufacturing units are to be allowed to sell their
products in retail including through e-commerce

 Requirement of the built up area and capital

conditions for FDI proposed to be reduced from
50,000 sq. mtrs to 20,000 sq. mtrs and from US$
10 million to US$ 5 million respectively for
development of smart cities.

Policy Initiatives (Contd….)
 500 urban habitations to be provided support for  Proposal for banks to permit raising of long term
renewal of infrastructure and services in next 10 funds for lending to infrastructure sector with
years through PPPs. minimum regulatory pre-emption such as CRR,
SLR and Priority Sector Lending (PSL)
 Present corpus of Pooled Municipal Debt
Obligation Facility to be enlarged to `50,000 crore HIGHER EDUCATION
from `5,000 crore.
 Several Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and
 Proposal for Metro Projects in Lucknow and Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and All
Ahmedabad. India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) to be
set up.
 Plan for the Bengaluru-Mumbai Economic
Corridor (BMEC) and Vizag-Chennai corridor with CONVERGENCE WITH IFRS
provision for 20 new industrial clusters.  Convergence with International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) by Adoption of the
 Proposal for development of 100 smart cities. new Indian Accounting Standards (2nd AS) by
Indian Companies from the financial year 2015-16
voluntarily and from the financial year 2016-17 on
a mandatory basis.

` Comes From ` Goes To

0% 0%
3% 3%
8% 3%
21% 4% 20%

19% 18%

11% 14%

Debt receipts Corporation Tax Central Plan Interest/Debt

Income Tax Resources of Public Enterprises States share of taxes Assistance to States & UT
Service Tax Non Tax Revenue Defence/police Subsidy
Excise Duty Customs Duty Other Non plan Pension
Non Debt receipts Other Taxes Grants to States - non plan Capital expenditure

Direct Tax Proposals (Contd….)
PROFITS AND GAINS FROM BUSINESS OR Two New business notified as “Specified
PROFESSION Business” for deduction u/s 35AD
Investment allowance to a manufacturing  Proposed to include two new business as
Company extended “Specified Business” to avail investment linked
 Deduction of 15% of cost of new plant and deduction under section 35AD, namely :
machinery by a manufacturing company under • Laying and Operating a slurry pipeline for
section 32AC of the Act, if the aggregate actual transportation of Iron Ore
cost of such investment exceeds `25 Crore in a • Setting up and operating a semiconductor wafer
previous year. This benefit will be available for fabrication manufacturing unit, as notified by the
three years upto 31.03.2017.The deduction under Board in accordance with prescribed guidelines.
existing threshold limit of `100 crore shall continue
to exist parallely. No Parallel claim u/s 10AA if deduction is claimed
u/s 35AD
 If deduction is availed on capital expenditure
incurred for specified business under section
35AD, no parallel deduction shall be available
under section 10AA in respect of such specified
business. Similar amendment is proposed in
section 10AA also.

Direct Tax Proposals (Contd….)
Deduction u/s 35 AD to be added back for the Business Of Plying, Hiring And Leasing Goods
purpose of determining Alternative Minimum Tax Carriages
(New clause (iii) inserted u/s 115JC)  It is proposed to provide for a uniform amount of
 Proposed to add back deduction claimed by presumptive income of `7,500 for every month (or
specified business under section 35AD after part of a month) for all types of goods carriage
reducing depreciation allowable under sec 32 without any distinction between Heavy Goods
(computed as if no deduction has been allowed in Vehicle and vehicle other than Heavy Goods
respect of such assets under 35AD) for the Vehicles
purpose of computing adjusted total income to
determine Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). Clarification on the carry forward and eligibility
of AMT credit
Corporate Social Responsibility  AMT credit to be eligible even when no deduction
 It is proposed to clarify that for the purposes of is claimed under Chapter VI-A /Section 10AA or
section 37(1) any expenditure incurred by an Section 35 D and even if the adjusted total income
assessee on the activities relating to corporate of the specified tax payer is below `2,000,000/-.
social responsibility referred to in section 135 of
the Companies Act, 2013 shall not be deemed to Extension of Sunset Date under section 80IA for
have been incurred for the purpose of business the Power Sector
and hence shall not be allowed as deduction under  Proposed to extend the terminal date under
section 37. section 80-IA for setting up a power sector unit to
31 March 2017. 9
Direct Tax Proposals (Contd….)
Losses in Speculative Business Reduction in Tax Rate in respect of Dividend
 Explanation to Section 73 is proposed to be received and repatriated from Foreign
amended to provide that its provisions shall also Companies
not be applicable to a company, the principal  The benefit of lower rate of taxation @ 15% under
business of which is trading in shares. This is in section 115BBD on repatriated dividend earned by
addition to the exemption for companies whose Indian Companies, earlier available until
principal business is business of Banking or assessment year 2014-15, has now been
granting of loans and advances. extended to prospective assessment years.

Mode of acceptance or repayment of deposits Change in Method for Computation of

 It is proposed to amend the provisions of sections Dividend/Income Distribution Tax (DDT/IDT)
269SS and 269T to provide that any acceptance or  Dividend declared by a domestic company must be
repayment of any loan or deposit by use of grossed up for applying DDT. Also the rate of
electronic clearing system through a bank account ‘income distribution tax’ payable by mutual fund on
shall not be prohibited under the said sections if distribution of income to unit holders of other than
the other conditions regarding the quantum etc. equity oriented mutual fund to be grossed up
are satisfied. based on prescribed rate of DDT for different
categories.(Effective from 1st October 2014)

Direct Tax Proposals (Contd….)
 Amendment to Section 271G has been proposed Other Matters
whereby the Transfer Pricing Officer has also been  Introduction of ‘Range concept’ for determination
included as the competent authority to levy penalty of Arm’s Length Price. ‘Arithmetic Mean Concept’
for failure to furnish the relevant document or will continue to apply where number of
information.(Effective from 1 October 2014) comparables is inadequate.
Roll Back provision in Advance Pricing  Allowing the use of multiple year data as against
agreement (APA) to prior years only one year for comparable analysis.
 Proposed to amend Section 92CC to facilitate
retrospective applicability of APA by including ‘Roll
Back” provisions .This benefit is available for 4
years preceding the first of the previous year for
which the advance pricing agreement applies.
(Effective from 1st October 2014)

Direct Tax Proposals (Contd….)
CAPITAL GAINS Speculative Transaction In Respect of
Transfer of government security by one non- Commodity Derivatives
resident to another (Effective from 1st April, 2014 retrospectively)
 Transfer of a capital asset, being a Government  It is proposed to amend section 43(5) (e) to
Security carrying a periodic payment of provide that eligible transaction in respect of
interest, made outside India through an trading in commodity derivatives carried out in a
intermediary dealing in settlement of securities, by recognised association and chargeable to
a non-resident to another non-resident shall not be commodities transaction tax under Chapter VII of
considered as transfer for the purpose of charging the Finance Act, 2013 shall not be considered to
capital gains. be a speculative transaction.

Capital Gains Arising From Transfer of an Asset

by way of Compulsory Acquisition
 It is proposed to amend section 45(5) to provide
that the amount of compensation received in
pursuance of an interim order of the court, Tribunal
or other authority shall be deemed to be income
chargeable under the head ‘Capital gains’ in the
previous year in which the final order of such
court, Tribunal or other authority is made.
Direct Tax Proposals (Contd….)
Tenure for determination of Long Term / Short Clarification on nature of Income earned by
Term nature of Capital gains on sale of Debt Foreign Institutional Investors from sale of
Oriented Mutual funds and Unlisted securities securities
changed  Proposed to provide that, any security held by
 Unlisted security and Debt oriented mutual funds Foreign Portfolio Investor (FPI), in accordance with
to be treated as long term capital assets only if SEBI regulations, would be treated as capital asset
held for more than 36 months instead of 12 months so that any income arising from transfer of such
security by a FPI would be in the nature of capital
Benefit u/s 112 restricted to only listed securities gain.
(other than unit) Capital gains exemption in case of investment in
 Proposed to amend section 112 to the effect that a residential house property
benefit available in the form of concessional rate of  The benefits of Section 54 and 54F were intended
tax @ 10%, where indexation benefit is not for investment in one residential house within
taken, shall no longer be available for mutual fund India. Accordingly, it is proposed to amend the
units and zero coupon bonds sections 54(1) and 54F(1) to provide that the
rollover relief under the said sections is available if
the investment is made in one residential house
situated in India.

Direct Tax Proposals (Contd….)
 In order to do away with the ambiguity contained in Advance received during the course of transfer
proviso to Section 54EC as a result of which of capital assets, forfeited to be taxed
investment in specified asset was made in such a immediately under ‘Income from Other Sources’:
manner, to avail benefit of deduction over two  Proposed to tax advances received and forfeited in
years, it is proposed to insert a proviso in 54EC(1) relation to a transfer of capital asset immediately
to provide that the investment in the long-term under the head “Income from Other Sources”.
specified asset, out of capital gains arising from Such sum cannot be reduced from the cost of
transfer, during the financial year of transfer and in acquisition of the asset under section 51 of the Act.
the subsequent financial year does not exceed fifty Consequential amendment has been made in
lakh rupees. section 2(24) to include such sum in the definition
of the term “Income”.[56(2)(9)]

Direct Tax Proposals (Contd….)
INDIVIDUALS, HUF, AOP, BOI, AND OTHER Deduction on Income from House Property
Basic Exemption Limit increased:  The deduction u/s 24(b) for Interest on Borrowed
 Increase in basic exemption limit from `200,000 capital (loan) for self occupied property increased
to `250,000 for Individuals (aged below 60 from `150,000 to `200,000.
years), HUF, AOP, BOI, and other specified Raising the Limit under section 80C
artificial juridical persons
 The limit of deduction allowed under section 80C
 Increase from `250,000 to `300,000 for raised from `100,000 to `150,000. Consequential
Individuals aged 60 years or more but less than amendments are proposed in section 80CCE and
80 years. 80CCD of the Act.
 No change in the rates of Surcharge, Education
cess and Secondary and Higher education cess. Benefit under Section 80CCD
 The provisions of section 80CCD amended to
provide that the condition of the date of joining the
service on or after 1.1.2004 is not applicable to
employees of private sector for the purpose of
deduction, since the date of joining the service is
not relevant for joining the New Pension Scheme
Direct Tax Proposals (Contd….)
AUTHORITIES  The tax rates to remain unchanged at 30%.
 The tax rates to remain unchanged at 30%.  No change in the rates of Surcharge, Education
 No change in the rates of Surcharge, Education cess and Secondary and Higher Education cess.
cess and Secondary and Higher education cess.
 Tax shall be increased by a surcharge @10% in
case of person having income exceeding 1 crore
subject to marginal relief.
 The levy of Education Cess and Secondary and
Higher Education Cess are proposed to continue
at the existing rates of 2% and 1% respectively.

Direct Tax Proposals (Contd….)
CHARITABLE TRUSTS AND INSTITUTIONS  The benefit of sections 11 and 12 shall be
 No exemption can be claimed under Section 10 available in respect of any income of a trust in any
[other than relating to agricultural income – 10(1) assessment proceeding for an earlier assessment
and income exempt under Section10(23C)] where year which is pending before the Assessing Officer
a trust or an institution has been granted as on the date of such registration. It is also
registration under Section 11. proposed that no action for reopening of an
 Educational institutions, universities and hospitals assessment under section 147 shall be taken by
claiming benefit of exemption under section the Assessing Officer in the case of such trust or
10(23C) would not be entitled to claim any benefit institution for any assessment year preceding the
of exemption under other provisions of section10 first assessment year for which the registration
(except the exemption in respect of agricultural applies, merely for the reason that such trust or
income) institution has not obtained the registration under
section 12AA for the said assessment year.
 Section 11 and Section 10(23C) provides (Effective from 1st October 2014)
exemption for income which is applied for
acquiring a capital asset. Depreciation on such  New Taxation Regime for Real Estate
asset shall not be allowed as a deduction while Investment Trust and Infrastructure Investment
computing income for the purpose of exemption Trust (Business Trusts ) – (Introduced effective
under this section as it would result in claiming of from 1st October 2014)
double benefit.

Direct Tax Proposals (Contd….)
 Non-deduction or non-payment of TDS on  Provisions of Section 271H of the Act is also
payments made to residents as specified in section proposed to be amended to provide that the
40(a)(ia) of the Act, the disallowance shall be penalty under the section shall be levied by the
restricted to 30% of the amount of expenditure Assessing Officer. (Effective from 1st October
claimed. 2014).
 In order to improve the TDS compliance in respect  In respect of disallowance for non payment of tax
of payments to residents which are currently not deducted at source from non-resident, the time
specified in section 40(a)(ia), it is proposed that the limit for payment of tax to the credit of government
disallowance under section 40(a)(ia) of the Act has been extended till date of filing of return.
shall extend to all expenditure on which tax is  Income received by a resident under a life
deductible under Chapter XVII-B of the Act . insurance policy, including bonus thereon shall be
 It is proposed to amend section 200 and 200A of subject to deduction of tax at source at 2% unless
the Act to allow the deductor to file correction such income is exempt under section 10(10D) of
statements and enable the processing of the Act or if the aggregate sum paid to an
correction statements filed respectively. assessee in a financial year is less than `100,000.
 In order to rationalise the time limits provided (Effective from 1st October 2014)
under Section 201(3) and 148 of the Act, the time
limit u/s 201(3) shall be extended by 1 year. 
 18
Indirect Tax Proposals – Customs Duty
 No Change in the general customs duty rate of  Discretionary power of Tribunal to refuse
10% admission of appeal is increased from `50,000/-
 To boost domestic manufacture, address new to `2,00,000/-
investment and capacity addition in chemical and  Refund of Customs Duty on import of scientific
pertrochemical sectors, BCD has been reduced and technical instruments, apparatus etc. by
on certain items. public funded and other research institutions
 Baggage Rules amended to: holding a certificate of registration from the DSIR
• Increase of free baggage allowance from  Clarification - Aircraft engines and parts thereof
`35,000/- to `45,000/- are eligible for duty exemption when imported for
• Reduce duty free allowance of: servicing, repair or maintenance of aircrafts used
for scheduled operations
• Cigarettes from 200 to 100
 Duty structure on non-agglomerated coal of
• Cigars from 50 to 25 various types is being rationalized at 2.5% BCD
• Tobacco from 250 gms to 125 gms and 2% CVD
 Safeguard Duty on inputs/ raw materials imported
by an EOU and cleared into DTA as such or are
used in the manufacture of final products cleared
into DTA

Indirect Tax Proposals – Customs Duty (Contd….)
EXEMPTION FROM BASIC CUSTOMS DUTY  On re-gasified LNG for supply to Pakistan
(BCD):  On specified parts of LCD and LED panels for
 On De-oiled soya extract, groundnut oil cake/ oil TVs
cake meal, sunflower oil cake/ oil cake  On Pre-forms of precious and semi-precious
meal, canola oil cake/ oil cake meal, mustard oil stones
cake/ oil cake meal, rice bran/ rice bran oil cake  On Goods imported by National Technical
and palm kernel cake, up to 31.12.2014. Research Organisation (NTRO)
 On Specified goods imported for use in the  On HIV/AIDS Drugs and Diagnostic Kits imported
manufacture of textile garments for export (CVD under National AIDS Control Programme (NACP)
also exempt) funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and
 On Wire rolls included in the exempted list of Malaria (GFATM)
specified goods required by handicraft  For raw materials required for manufacture of
manufacturer-exporters. security threads and security fibre (including CVD)
 On Flat copper wire used in the manufacture of
PV ribbons (tinned copper interconnect) for solar
PV cells/ modules
 On specified raw materials used in the
manufacture of solar backsheet and EVA sheet.

Indirect Tax Proposals – Customs Duty (Contd….)
(SAD):  Exemption from Counter-vailing Duty (CVD) on
 On Parts and components required for the Portable X-ray machine / system withdrawn
manufacture of wind operated electricity
 Requirement of certification by Road Transport
Ministry (or NHAI) for availing of customs duty
 On Specified inputs (PVC sheet & Ribbon) used exemption on specified goods required for
in the manufacture of smart cards construction of roads is removed
 On Inputs/ components used in the manufacture
of Personal Computers (laptops/ desktops) and
tablet computers subject to actual user condition

Indirect Tax Proposals – Customs Duty (Contd….)
 Exemption has been granted in respect of some  Concept of stay of demand done away with.
mineral oils extracted or produced in the Appeals to Commissioner/ CESTAT to be
continental shelf of India or exclusive economic admitted only on payment of specified percentage
zone of India imported prior to the 07-Feb-2002. of duty as follows:
No refund shall be granted in respect of duties • At First stage appeal – pay 7.5% fixed pre
already paid on these imports. All pending suits in deposit of duty/penalty/both (Commissioner or
this regard shall cease. Tribunal)
 Scope of Settlement Commission widened to • At Second stage appeal – pay 10% of the duty /
include cases of importation by Post/ Courier. penalty / both (Tribunal)
• Subject to a ceiling of `10 crore

Indirect Tax Proposals – Customs Duty (Contd….)

New Old Old

Particulars Particulars New Rate
Rate Rate Rate
Reformate 2.5% 10% Coking coal 2.5% Nil
Propane, Ethane, Ethylene, Propylene, Steam coal and Bituminous coal 2.5% 2%
2.5% 5%
Butadiene Stainless Steel flat products (CTH 7219
Ortho Xylene 2.5% 5% 7.5% 5%
& 7220)
Ethyl Alcohol, Methyl Alcohol 5% 7.5% Half-Cut or broken diamonds; 2.5% Nil
Crude Naphthalene 5% 10% Cut & Polished diamonds and
Ships imported for breaking up 2.5% 5% 2.5% 2%
coloured gemstones
Coal tar pitch, Battery waste, Battery Telecom equipments under tariff head
5% 10% 10% Nil
scrap 8517 - 6290 & 6990
LCD & LED TV Panels below 19” Nil 10%
Colour picture tubes for CRT TVs Nil 10%
E-Book readers Nil 7.5%
Equipments & machineries for solar
5% 10%
energy production projects
Equipments & machineries for
5% 10%
compressed Bio-gas plants

 23
Indirect Tax Proposals – Excise Duty
 No Change in the general excise duty rate of  Specified assessees and authorities (such as
12%. income tax authorities, registrars of
companies, banks, depositories, electricity
 Significant incentives to alternative energy
boards) who maintain certain records are to
production including solar energy and biogas by
furnish returns to a prescribed authority for the
means of exemptions and concessional rates.
purposes of excise law. Penal provisions for non-
 All assessees to compulsorily pay duty compliance also introduced.
electronically except if the Department specifically
 Concept of stay of demand done away with.
Appeals to Commissioner/ CESTAT to be
 Non- payment of duty for 30 days will result in admitted only on payment of specified percentage
penalty of 1% per month. Monthly payment facility of duty as follows:
will not be lost. • At First stage appeal – pay 7.5% fixed pre
deposit of duty / penalty /both (Commissioner or
• At Second stage appeal – pay 10% of the duty /
penalty / both (Tribunal)
• Subject to a ceiling of `10 crore

Indirect Tax Proposals – Excise Duty (Contd….)
 The time limit for an order of the Committee of the  Articles of various metals covered by Chapter 71
Chief Commissioners of Central Excise directing such as gold, etc. of the Tariff are now exempt
that an adjudication order be appealed against only if they do not bear a brand name.
was three months. The CBEC now has the
 Rates in respect of chewing and other tobacco
power, on sufficient cause being shown, to extend
have been increased by nearly 80%. Significant
this period by a further thirty days.
increases also for cigarettes, cigars, pan
 The CESTAT now has the power to not admit masala, etc.
appeals where the duty involved is up to
 The clean energy cess has been done away with.
`2,00,000/- as against the earlier limit of `50,000/-
 Exemptions for certain
 It has been clarified that questions regarding the
tannings, pigments, catalytic
taxability or excisability of goods for the purpose
preparations, ethylene polymers, etc. used in
of assessment arising from an order of the
making photovoltaic cells.
CESTAT shall lie in appeal before the SC and not
the HC.
 Scope of AAR extended to resident private

Indirect Tax Proposals – Excise Duty (Contd….)
Particulars New Old Particulars New Old
Sports gloves Certain electronic storage media
12% 10%
Writing/ printing paper for Concessional devices, wires, etc.
educational text books rate of 6% (if Certain anti-retroviral drugs, diagnostics
Polyester yarn made from CENVAT credit and equipments for use in the National Exempt
Normal Rates
plastic waste or scrap claimed) or 2% AIDS Control Programme
Sewing machines with (if CENVAT Additional excise duty on aerated
motors attachable to body. credit not 5% Nil
waters containing added sugars
PSF & PSY claimed)
Some components for the use in
Recorded smart cards Normal
packaging of agricultural, horticultural, 6%
Branded Petrol ₹2.35/ litre ₹7.5/ litre Rates
etc. products.
Footwear of price exceeding LED and MCPCB for LED lamps & Normal
`500/- per pair but not 6% 12% 6%
fixtures Rates
exceeding `1,000/- per pair.
Parts used in factories that
Exempt Exempt
manufacture tractors

 26
Indirect Tax Proposals – Service Tax
 No change in the Service Tax rate of 12% drugs by a clinical research organization
 Exemption hitherto available for services provided
Services made Taxable now:
by way of renting of immovable property to
 Selling of space for advertisements other than in educational institutions stands withdrawn, with
print media. This will include online and mobile immediate effect. Only specified services to
advertising educational institutions will be exempt
Print media means:  Services such as consultancy, designing etc
• Book – as defined in Press and Registration of provided to Government / local authority etc
Books Act, 1867 (This does not include
business directories, yellow pages and trade
catalogues meant for commercial purposes)
• Newspaper - as defined in Press and
Registration of Books Act, 1867
 Radio Taxis or radio cabs whether or not air
 Air conditioned contract carriage (at abated value
of 40%)
 Technical testing or analysis of newly developed

Indirect Tax Proposals – Service Tax (Contd….)
Service tax on service portion in works Interest on delayed payment of Service Tax
contracts: (w.e.f 1st Oct 2014)
In Rule 2A of the Service Tax (Determination of  Up to 6 months – 18%
Value) Rules, 2006, category B and C of works  More than 6 months and upto one year – 18% for
contracts are proposed to be merged into one the first six months and 24% for the balance
single category, with service portion being 70% period
w.e.f 01-10-2014. (earlier the taxable portion for  More than one year - 18% for the first six
“C” category was 60%) months, 24% for the next six months and 30% for
Exemptions/ Reliefs the balance period
 Relief granted to transport through coastal E-payment is made mandatory for all tax payers
vessels by amendment of Place of Provision for w.e.f 1st Oct 2014.
Service Rules.
 Loading, unloading, storage, etc. of cotton
 Micro-insurance schemes where sum assured
does not exceed ₹50,000 per life exempted.

Indirect Tax Proposals – Service Tax (Contd….)
Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) CENVAT Credit Rules
 Services provided by a Director to a body  Credit to be availed within six months from the
corporate date of invoice, bill or challan (w.e.f 01-09-2014)
 Services provided by Recovery agents to banks, FI  Credit to be allowed for rent-a-cab/ tour operators
and NBFC to promote tourism.
Point of Taxation Rules (POT):  In case of full RCM, the condition of payment of
 In case of RCM, POT is the payment date or the invoice value to the service provider for availing
first day after 3 months from the date of credit is being withdrawn. No change in respect of
invoice, whichever is earlier. Applicable to invoices partial reverse charge
issued after 1st Oct 2014.  Re-credit of CENVAT credit reversed on account of
non-receipt of export proceeds within the specified
period or extended period to be allowed if exports
are received within one year from the period so
specified or extended period based on documents
evidencing receipt of export proceeds

Indirect Tax Proposals – Service Tax (Contd….)
Abatement in case of GTA Service  Concept of stay of demand done away with.
 Condition for non-availment of credit is required to Appeals to Commissioner/ CESTAT to be admitted
be satisfied by the service providers only only on payment of specified percentage of duty as
Abatement in case of renting of motor vehicle • At First stage appeal – pay 7.5% fixed pre
 If the service provider does not avail deposit of duty / penalty /both (Commissioner or
abatement, the portion of service tax payable by Tribunal)
the provider and receiver will be modified as 50% • At Second stage appeal – pay 10% of the duty /
each (w.e.f 1 Oct 2014) penalty / both (Tribunal)
 Resident Private Limited Company can make an • Subject to a ceiling of `10 crore
application for advance ruling
 SEZ procedures for claiming exemption from
service tax will be simplified.

Indirect Tax Proposals – Service Tax (Contd….)
Power to search premises
Search or seizure can be authorized by the
following officials:
• Joint Commissioner of Central Excise
• Additional Commissioner of Central Excise
• Any other officer as notified by the Board
Any Central Excise Officer can be authorized to
search as against only Superintendent of Central
Excise earlier.

The provisions of Central Excise Act, 1944 relating

to furnishing of periodic information by third party
sources will also be made applicable to service tax

 Dues of a predecessor can be recovered from the

assets of a successor transferred or otherwise on
disposal of business or trade in whole or in part or
effect any change in ownership

 31
Varma & Varma
Chartered Accountants


‘Sriniketan’ TC.4/647 H.No.17,
Nettipadam Road, Sreevilas Lane, Kowdiar.P.O,
P.B.No.2350, Thiruvananthapuram 695003
Kochi- 682 016

#424, 4th C Main 6th Cross, Marath Lane, M.G. Road,
OMBR Layout,Banaswadi, Thrissur - 680 001.
Bangalore 560043

Sreela Terrace, 19/1996, G, Sunlay Building, First Floor,
Level-4,Unit-D,No.105, Opp: CSI English Medium School,
First Main Road, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Madhavan Nair Road,
Chennai-600 020 Chalappuram, Kozhikode – 673 002

No.104, Metro Palmgrove Appts, Fort Road,
Raj Bhavan Road, Somajiguda, Kannur - 670 001.
Hyderabad-500 082

303, Gokul Regency, J.B Nagar,
Andheri East,
Mumbai- 400 059

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