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A proposal setting a nationwide curfew for children is now implemented with fines for parents of
violators (Solde). Called the “Safe Hour for Children Act” the measure would also be enforced
amid reports that drug pushers are already using minors as drug couriers in their effort to evade
the government’s tight enforcement on laws against prohibited substance under the Duterte
administration. The Safe Hours for Children Act prohibits parents or guardians from letting
children loiter, roam around, or sleep in any public place from 10pm to 5am without lawful
purpose or justifiable reason. It aims to ensure the safety and self-esteem of children, prevent
them from being used to commit crime, and protect them from abuse and exploitation (Bashier).
Based on Philippine law, individuals below the age of 18 are considered minors or children.
Under the measure, parents or guardians of children violating the Act for the third time or
succeeding offences shall pay a fine of P500 to P1,000 or render community service for five to
10 days, or both.

Some cities and municipalities have their own ordinances concerning curfew on children but
once enacted the impending measure would make it restricted for children to remain in the
streets between 10pm and 5am unless under certain circumstances (Cartajenas). These
exemptions are when the children are chaperoned or accompanied by either parent or guardian;
travelling or commuting between school and abode; engaged in an authorized employment
activity or going to or returning home from the same without any detour or stop; involved in an
emergency; attending an official school, religious, recreational, educational, social, community,
or other organized activity sponsored by the government, school or other private civic
organization; going to or returning home from such activity without any detour or stop; or
dismissed from their classes late in the evening.

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