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40 g Kellogg’s® 40 g Kellogg’s® 40 g Kellogg’s® 40 g Kellogg’s® 40 g Kellogg’s® 40 g Kellogg’s® 1 Kellogg’s®

Special K® Special K® Red Special K® Red Special K® Special K® Red Special K® Special K®
Berries Berries mixed with 20 g muesli Berries Carrot muffin
½ cup low fat or fat free milk
½ cup low fat or skimmed ½ cup low fat or skimmed ½ cup low fat or skimmed or yoghurt ½ cup low fat or skimmed ½ cup low fat or skimmed Fruit smoothie
Breakfast milk milk milk milk milk
Fresh fruit salad
1 seasonal fruit Fresh fruit salad 1 fresh fruit 1 fresh fruit 1 fresh fruit
Layer all the food items in a
glass bowl!
1 fresh fruit 3 pieces dried fruit 1 fresh fruit 3 pieces dried fruit 1 fresh fruit 1 fresh fruit 1 fresh fruit
Snack Kellogg’s® 1 Kellogg’s® 1 Kellogg’s®
1 small fruit yoghurt 1 small fruit yoghurt Whole-wheat biscuits and Whole-wheat biscuits and
Special K® Bar Special K® low fat cheese / marmite Special K® low fat cheese / marmite
Red Berries Banana muffin Banana muffin

Chicken pita
Avo and bacon Creamed mushroom Roast beef and mustard
Lunch toastie All-in-one potato Chicken salad Tuna and pineapple
Use leftover chicken and spinach toast whole wheat sandwich salad / sandwich
from supper! salad Fresh fruit
Tossed salad Side salad Tossed salad
Tossed salad

1 fresh fruit 1 fresh fruit 1 fresh fruit 1 fresh fruit

Fruit smoothie 1 fresh fruit 3 pieces dried fruit
Snack 1 Kellogg’s® Kellogg’s® Kellogg’s® Kellogg’s®
Special K® 1 cup home-made popcorn 1 small fruit yoghurt 1 cup home-made popcorn
Special K® Bar Special K® Special K®
Carrot muffin Choc Chip Banana muffin Bar Red Berries
Chicken stir fry Pasta napolitano Grilled fish
Bobotie Macaroni Lamb chops Savoury rice Chicken kebab
Served on cooked pasta Use bought Yellow rice
chicken dish Roast potato Mixed salad
Supper or rice pasta sauces! Mashed sweetato
Green beans Large mixed salad Carrots Kellogg’s®
Steamed butternut Broccoli
Use 250 g stir fry vegetables Large serving of mixed Special K®
Stir fry vegetables
per portion! salad or grilled vegetables Apple crunch

Red – Kellogg’s® Special K® products and recipes
Blue – recipes below
Fruit Smoothie
Makes 2 glasses.

Take 175 ml low fat yoghurt, 2 fresh fruits cut up into chunks and 85 ml milk
and liquidize together until smooth.

You can also use 2 cups of left over fruit salad instead of the two fruits!

Kellogg’s® Special K® Carrot Muffins

1¼ cups cake flour (315 ml or 250 ml + 4 T)

2 t baking powder (10 ml)
½ t bicarbonate of soda (2.5 ml)
½ t allspice (2.5 ml)
2 cups Kellogg’s® Special K® (crushed to 1 cup, 250 ml)
¼ cup firmly packed brown sugar (60 ml or 4 T)
1 cup low fat buttermilk (250 ml)
2 egg whites
2 T canola or sunflower oil (30 ml)
1 cup shredded carrots (125 ml)

• In medium mixing bowl stir together flour, baking powder, bicarb and allspice. Set aside.
• Measure Kellogg’s® Special K® cereal, sugar and buttermilk into large mixing bowl. Stir to combine.
• Let stand 5 minutes to soften.
• Beat egg whites to soft point stage.
• Stir in egg whites, oil and carrots.
• Add flour mixture, stirring only until combined.
• Spoon batter evenly into twelve muffin pan cups coated with cooking spray.
• Bake at 200° C about 20 minutes or until lightly browned.
• Serve warm.

Kellogg’s® Special K® Muffins

1 ½ cups self raising flour (375 ml)

3 T sugar (45 ml)
2 ½ cups Kellogg’s® Special K® (625 ml), crushed down to 2 cups
¾ cup skim milk (185 ml)
1 medium banana, mashed
1/3 cup vanilla low fat yoghurt (85 ml)
3 T vegetable oil (45 ml)
1 egg white
pinch salt

• In a medium mixing bowl, sift the flour, sugar and salt together.
• In a large mixing bowl, combine Kellogg’s® Special K®, beaten egg white, milk, banana, yoghurt and oil.
• Let the mixture stand for about 1 minute or until it softens.
• Add the flour mixture, stirring until combined.
• Divide muffin mixture evenly into twenty four muffin cups in the muffin tray, which has been coated
with cooking spray.
• Bake at 200°C for about 20 minutes or until browned.
• Freeze the rest of the muffins until needed.

Avo and Bacon Toastie

Serves 2 - 4 people

4 slices low GI bread

100 g avocado (½ medium)
60 g bacon
1.25 ml salt (¼ t)
120 g lower fat cheese, grated (size of 4 matchboxes before grating)
30 ml sweet chilli sauce (2 T)
freshly ground black pepper

• Place the toast on a lightly greased baking sheet.

• Mash the avocado and add the grilled bacon and flavour with a little salt and pepper.
• Spread evenly on the slices of toast.
• Divide the cheese between the slices of toast to cover the avocado.
• Grill for 2 minutes.
• Drizzle the sweet chilli sauce over the sandwich and serve immediately with a side salad.

Chicken Pita

Grilled chicken pieces (1 breast) with 1 tablespoon low oil mayonnaise served in pita.

Tossed Salad
Serves 6 people

½ lettuce, ¼ cucumber, 1 carrot, 1 avocado, 1 apple and lemon juice to prevent avocado turning brown.

All-in-one Potato Salad

Serves 6 people

500 g baby / new potatoes (18 small baby potatoes)
125 ml young green beans (fresh or frozen), washed and sliced into 1cm pieces
18 cherry tomatoes cut in half
1/3 English cucumber, quartered & sliced
300 g cooked chicken breast, chopped (no skin, 2 breasts)
90 g low fat Gouda or Mozzarella cheese*, cut into cubes (3 matchboxes)
5 ml oil, olive / canola* (1 t)
15 ml vinegar (1 T)
5 ml sugar (1 t)
1 ml salt (¼ t)
½ clove of garlic, crushed (½ t dry garlic)
2.5 ml mustard or 1 ml mustard powder (½ t)
2.5 ml fresh thyme (½ t) or 1ml dried thyme
15 ml parsley, fresh, chopped (1 T)

• Scrub the baby potatoes (do not peel), place in a large saucepan, half cover with water and boil until
cooked, but still firm.
• Drain and place in a dish to cool.
• Meantime pour boiling water over the sliced green beans to blanch them. Drain the beans.
• Cut up the potatoes into bite sized pieces.
• Add the sliced green beans, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, chopped chicken and cheese. Toss lightly.
• To make the dressing mix the oil, vinegar, sugar, salt, garlic, mustard, thyme and parsley together and
pour over the salad ingredients. Mix gently, but thoroughly.
• Serve in a bed of lettuce and grated carrots.

Adapted recipe from Sustained Energy for kids, Gabi Steenkamp, Tanzia Merlin and Jeske Wellmann

Creamed Mushroom and Spinach Toast

Serves 1 person

Use 3 tablespoons tinned creamed mushrooms with chopped spinach on a slice of bread and add 2
tablespoons grated mozzarella cheese and coarsely grinded black pepper. Grill until cheese is melted.
Serve with side salad.

Chicken Salad
Serves 4 people

250 ml cooked chicken, shredded (2 breasts)

250 ml cooked rice or stampkoring or barley (1 c)
¼ red or yellow pepper, finely diced
2 spring onions, finely chopped
125 ml green peas, frozen or fresh (½ c)
60 ml parsley, finely chopped (4 T)
75 ml mayonnaise, low oil* (5 T)
30 ml chutney (2 T)
lettuce and / or spinach leaves, finely shredded salt & pepper

• In a salad bowl, combine the chicken and cooked rice, barley or stampkoring.
• Add the chopped peppers, onions, green peas (no need to defrost or cook) and parsley.
• Mix the mayonnaise and chutney together and add to the salad, mix well.
• Just before serving mix in the shredded lettuce and spinach, or serve on a bed of lettuce and spinach.
• Season to taste with a little salt and freshly ground black pepper.
• Serve with fresh fruit as dessert.

250 ml cooked rice, stampkoring or barley is equivalent to 6 T (1/3 c) of raw rice, stampkoring or barley.

Adapted recipe from Sustained Energy for kids, Gabi Steenkamp, Tanzia Merlin and Jeske Wellmann
Tuna and Pineapple Salad / Sandwich

Mix tuna and a few pineapple pieces with 1 tablespoon low oil mayonnaise with seasoning. Serve in a
bed of tossed salad and rye bread or seed bread on the side.

Serves 6 people

5 ml olive oil (1 t)
2 onions, chopped finely
2 cloves of garlic, crushed (5 ml crushed garlic or flakes)
500 g topside minced meat
25 ml curry powder – may seem a lot, but the lentils suck up all the flavour
2 ml salt
25 ml chutney (2 T)
15 ml smooth apricot jam
15 ml Worcester sauce
5 ml turmeric
30 ml brown vinegar (2 T)
25 g oat bran (4 T)
410 g tin brown lentils or 250 ml (1 cup) cooked lentils
100 ml sultanas (just under half a cup)
2 eggs, beaten
250 ml low-fat milk
pinch of salt and turmeric
bay leaves or fresh citrus leaves

• Preheat the oven to 180 °C.

• Heat the oil in a saucepan and fry the onion and garlic until soft.
• Add the meat and fry until brown.
• Add the curry powder, salt, chutney, apricot jam, Worcester sauce, turmeric and vinegar to the meat and
onion mixture. Mix well.
• Add the oat bran, lentils and sultanas to the meat and simmer for a few minutes. Remove from the heat.
• Add one egg, mix well and spoon into a greased ovenproof dish. Level the mixture.
• Beat the other egg with the milk, salt and turmeric.
• Pour egg and milk over the meat, put bay leaves on top and bake in the preheated oven for one hour.
• Serve with brown rice or Basmati rice and a large salad.

Recipe taken from Eating for Sustained Energy 1, Gabi Steenkamp and Liesbet Delport

Macaroni Chicken Dish

Serves 3 people

375 ml macaroni, uncooked (1½ c)

5 ml oil, canola or olive (1 t)
1 med onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
125 ml mushrooms, finely sliced (½ c)
450 g chicken breast, skinless, thinly sliced (3 large breasts)
250 ml homemade stock** (1 c)
3 ml mixed (dried) herbs (½ t)
30 ml parsley, freshly, chopped (2 T)
60 ml split lentils, raw (4 T)
15 ml Worcestershire sauce (1 T) (optional)
1,25 ml salt
250 ml skim (fat free) milk (1 c)
2 ml mustard powder (½ t)
30 ml cake flour (2 T)
500 ml mixed vegetables, frozen or fresh
1 tomato, thinly sliced
100 g low fat Cheddar or Mozzarella cheese
black pepper to taste

• Cook the macaroni in plenty of lightly salted water. Drain and set aside.
• Heat the oil and fry the onion until transparent, stirring continuously.
• Add the garlic, mushrooms and the chicken. Stir fry over lower heat until chicken changes colour.
• Moisten the mixture with the 250 ml homemade stock.
• Add the herbs, chopped parsley, split lentils and the Worcestershire sauce and season to taste.
• Simmer for ½ an hour until the split lentils are soft.
• Meanwhile preheat the oven to 180ºC.
• Add the skim milk and mustard and stir well.
• In a cup or glass mix the flour with 4T water to make a smooth paste.
• Mix this into the chicken mixture and cook over low heat until the sauce thickens.
• Add the cooked pasta and mixed vegetables (uncooked), and mix gently.
• Spoon into an ovenproof dish and decorate with tomato slices and sprinkle the grated cheese over the
top evenly.
• Bake for 30 minutes.
• Serve with vegetable fingers or cooked baby vegetables or a garden salad.

** For homemade stock use the water vegetables were boiled in. Always keep the water when you cook
vegetables. Store in the fridge or freeze in ½ c amounts.

Recipe adapted from Sustained Energy for Kids, Tafelberg. Gabi Steenkamp, Tanzia Merlin and Jeske Wellmann

Mashed Sweetato
Serves 6 people

Cook 3 medium peeled potatoes and 1 medium peeled sweet potato until soft. Place 125 ml (½ cup) but-
terbeans and 125 ml (½ cup) skim milk in a liquidizer and liquidize until smooth. Add the cooked sweet
potato and potato and liquidize until smooth. Add paprika, mixed herbs and mustard powder to taste.

Taken from Sustained Energy for Kids, Gabi Steenkamp, Tanzia Merlin and Jeske Wellmann
Kellogg’s® Special K® Apple Crunch

2 apples
2 egg whites
2 T castor sugar (30 ml)
1½ cups Kellogg’s® Special K® (375 ml)
¼ cup brown sugar (60 ml pr 4T)
2 T butter or margarine, melted (30 ml)
2 T desiccated coconut (optional) (30 ml)

• Preheat oven to 180°C.

• Peel, core and dice apples.
• Place in a saucepan with a small amount of water and simmer for 5 minutes or until apples
are just tender.
• Drain if necessary and allow apples to cool.
• Whisk egg whites until stiff peaks form.
• Add sugar gradually and beat until sugar has dissolved.
• When apples are cool fold the egg whites through the mixture and pour into an ovenproof dish – 1.5
Liter capacity.
• In a separate bowl, combine remaining ingredients.(Special K®, brown sugar, butter and coconut)
• Sprinkle the Special K® mixture on top of the apple mixture and bake in a moderate oven (180°C) for 15

Serve with a dusting of icing sugar.

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