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FERI HERAWATI (17029091)


MERI ANDANI (17029161)







Thank to Allah who has given His bless to us for finishing the Psychology mathematics
instruction paper assignment entitled “Psychology”.

We also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those who have guided in
completing this paper, especially we would like to say thank you to Mrs. Dra.Hj. Fitrani
Dwina, M.ed as the lecturer that always teaches us and give us support to do this assignment.

In this assigment we discuss about psychology mathematics intruction, which is the meaning
of psychology commonly, definition of psychology education, purpose of psychology
mathematics intruction, advantage of psychology mathematics instruction, also the
characteristic of it. We hope this assigment will help the reader to learn about this topic. We
know this assigment do not perfect, thus we also need the advice and critic from the reader.

Padang, September 3th 2018

Autors (Group 1)


A.Issue Background

Learning is the process of gaining something new experience or knowledge that is

done by humans to develop and advance their lives. The process of moving information or
knowledge from one person to another is often referred to as the teaching and learning
Before psychology enters the education field, many people assume that mastery of the subject
matter that will be given to students is the only requirement that must be met for the teacher.
Such opinions seem to express children as inanimate objects that can be needed according to
the will of the teacher. But with the widespread development in the field of psychology, this
assumption began to change. That change began to emerge in the 19th century where people
realized that in-depth knowledge of the subjects given was not enough to be a good teacher,
besides that it also needed complementary knowledge to become professional teachers, one
of which was psychology.
Psychological knowledge about students will make the teacher know the nature of the
psychological symptoms, development, and talents of students. As well as being able to add
useful and effective results, because it can create harmony between teachers and students.
The mathematics teacher who studies this section will be very useful in improving his ability
as a professional and competent mathematics teacher, one of the characteristics of
mathematics learning today is its presentation based on a learning psychology theory which is
currently still developed by education experts

B.Problem Fomulation
1) What is the definition of Psychology, Psychology education, and Psychology
mathematics instruction ?
2) What is the purpose of Psychology, Psychology education, and Psychology
mathematics instruction ?
3) What is the advantage of Psychology, Psychology education, and Psychology
mathematics instruction?
4) What is the fuction of Psychology, Psychology education, and Psychology
mathematics instruction ?
5) What is the essence of Mathematics ?
6) What is the characteristic of mathematics ?
7) What is the purpose of mathematics instruction ?

1) The definition of Psychology, Psychology education, and Psychology mathematics
2) The purpose of Psychology, Psychology education, and Psychology mathematics
3) The advantage of Psychology, Psychology education, and Psychology mathematics
4) The fuction of Psychology, Psychology education, and Psychology mathematics
5) The essence of Mathematics
6) The characteristic of mathematics
7) The purpose of mathematics instruction





1.Definition and purpose

● Definition
"Psychology" comes from the Greek words "psyche" which means soul, and "logos"
which means science. So etymologically (according to the meaning of words)
psychology means the study of the soul, both about the various symptoms, the process
and the background, or called psychology.
Speaking of the soul, we must first be able to distinguish between life and soul. Life is
the physical power which is dependent on physical life and results in bodily deeds, which
are actions caused by the learning process. For example: instincts, reflexes, lust and so
on. If the body dies, then it dies too.
While the soul is a spiritual life force that is abstract, which becomes the driving force
and regulator for all personal actions (personal behavior) of high-level animals and
humans. Private dressing is an act as a result of the learning process that is possible by
physical, spiritual, social and environmental conditions. The learning process is the
process to improve personality by trying to get new understanding, new values, and new
skills, so that he can do more success, in the face of contradictions in life. So the soul
contains notions, cultural values and skills [Agus Sujanto, 2001:1]

Sujanto, Agus. 2001. Psikologi Umum. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara


Mustaqim and Wahid (2010) suggested that educational psychology is the science that
addresses the aspects of psychology in the field of education. From the behavior and
behavior of humans in all situations, the educational psychology is a scientific study of
individual behavior in educational situations
studying human behavior and behavioral change as a result of the process of education
and trying how behavior should be changed, guided through education. In other words,
educational psychologists try to study, analyze, explain, and lead the education process
so that get an efficient education system (Mustaqim and Wahib, 2010).

Mustaqim dan Wahib, Abdul (2010) Psikologi Pendidikan. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta.

Developmental psychology is a part of psychology that specifically studies the growth
and development of human physical, cognitive, and psychosocial aspects from the time
of conception to death

Agoes Dariyo. Psikologi Perkembangan.(Bandung: Pt.Refika Aditama: 2007), 4

1. To know the process of physical / psychological changes from the womb / birth to
2. To find out the factors causing the obstruction of knowledge.
3. To know physical / psychic according to his age.
4. Giving, measuring and explaining changes in behavior and abilities that are
developing in accordance with the age level and who have universal characteristics, in
the sense that applies to children anywhere and in a social cultural environment is safe.
5. Study the general characteristics of students' (someone's) development, both
physically, cognitively, and psychosocially.
6. Learn about personal differences at certain stages or periods of development. For
example, many children at the age of 8 months are very attached and depend very much
on their mothers so that the child will scream and cry, when left by his mother, while
many other children not so. Many children can say 10 words for example in the age of
1½ years, while other children do not.
7. Learn about children's behavior in certain environments that cause different reactions.
For example a child who is easily experiencing frustration in his social environment,
while in a home environment there is no, or vice versa.
8. Learn about deviations in behavior experienced by a person, such as mischief,
abnormalities in functional intellect, and others.
9. Find changes that occur at a certain age, vision, behavior, interests, goals of each
period of development.
10. Determine when changes occur
11. Determine the causes.
12. Determine how changes affect behavior.
13. Noting whether or not the change can be predicted.
14. Find out whether the change is individual or universal. This means that applies to
children everywhere and in any social cultural environment. For example children
anywhere in the world will show a fearful reaction between the ages of 8 to 12 months.
Or the ability of children to run anywhere in the world is around the age of 13 months.

EB. Hurlock.Perkembangan Anak.(Jakarta: Erlangga, 1992), 16


Psychology of mathematics learning according to Resnick and Ford (1984: 4) is the
science that examines the structure or structure of the building of mathematics itself and
reviews also about how a person thinks (reason), reason (reason), and how he uses his
intellectual abilities.
1) So that the teacher can educate students through a learning process that is efficient and
effective Therefore knowledge of this PB will play an important role in the
implementation of education in schools.

2) Develop the domain of affection for teachers to be measured. This includes feelings
and emotions, certain attitudes towards oneself and others. The domain of affection that
is often used as a shot in PB is attitudes and feelings related to the teaching profession.

2.Benefits and Function of psychology of mathematics instruction.

The benefits of learning psychology

1. Knowledge can be obtained about the nature of who students are and how to learn, the
general nature of learning and the conditions needed for learning events to work well
that can be used in learning policy making.
2. Knowledge can be obtained about theories, principles and characteristics of individual
children's learning behavior, which can be utilized in understanding children's
learning problems. Teaching and learning strategies that are treated become more
adaptable and far from the domination of the teacher.
3. Knowledge can be obtained that every child is different as an individual in learning,
which can be used to make the right approach in teaching and learning activities
according to the individual potential of each child.
4. Learning knowledge can be obtained and the factors that influence it, which can be
utilized by providing a conducive learning environment that is creative in order to
improve optimal learning outcomes.
5. Knowledge can be obtained that innate is a potential child available and can be
changed by providing a creative learning environment in the classroom.

The function of learning psychology

1. Understanding students as students, including their development, character, abilities,
intelligence, motivation, interests, physical, experience, personality and others.
2. Understand the principles and theories of learning.
3. Choose learning and teaching methods.
4. Establish learning and teaching goals.
5. Creating a conducive learning and teaching situation.
6. Helping students who have learning difficulties.
7. Guiding student development.

4.Characteristics of mathematic

A. Mathematics Has Abstract Objects.

In mathematics the basic objects studied are abstract, often referred to as mental objects.The
objects can be explained as follows:

1.Facts (abstracts) in the form of conventions revealed with certain symbols. An

example of a number symbol "3" has been understood as a number "three". If
presented with the number "3" then it is understood that what is meant is "three", and
vice versa.
2.Concept (abstract) is an abstract idea that can be used to classify or classify a set of
objects. Whether a particular object is a concept or not. "Triangle" is the name of an
abstract concept, "Natural Numbers" is the name of a more complex concept, other
concepts in mathematics that are more complex such as "matrix", "vector", "group"
and metric space ".

3.Operations (abstracts) are counting work, algebraic work and other mathematical
works. For example, "addition", "multiplication", "combination", "slice".

Principle (abstract) is a complex mathematical object. The principle can be "axioms",

"theorems", "traits" and so on.

B. Relying on the Agreement

In mathematics agreement is a very important support. A very basic agreement is axiom and
primitive concepts. Axioms are needed to avoid circling in proof. While the primitive concept
is needed to avoid circling in defining. Axioms are also referred to as postulates (present) or
base statements (which are often stated not to be proven). Some axioms can form a system of
axioms, which can further reduce various theorems.

C. Deductive Thinking Pattern

In mathematics as "science" is only accepted by a deductive mindset. The deductive

mindset can simply be thought of "which originates from things that are generally applied or
directed to things that are specific".


Many theorems in mathematics are "discovered" through special observations, such as the
Pythagorean Theorem. If the observations are included in a certain mathematical structure,
then the found theorem must be proven deductively, among others, by using theorem and the
previous definitions that have been received correctly.

D. Has a Blank Symbol from Meanings

In mathematics it is clear that there are a lot of symbols used, either letters or non-
letters. A series of symbols in mathematics can form a mathematical model. Mathematical
models can be in the form of equations, inequalities, building certain geometries, etc. The
letters used in the equation model, for example x + y = z are not necessarily meaningful or
mean numbers, as well as the + sign does not necessarily mean tamba operations for two
numbers. The meaning of letters and signs depends on the problems that result in the
formation of the model. So in general the letters and signs in the model x + y = z are still
empty of meaning, it is up to those who will use the model.

So in general, the mathematical model / symbol is actually empty of meaning. It will

mean something if we associate it with a particular context.

E. Pay attention to the universe of speech

If the scope of the speaker is a number, then the symbols are interpreted as numbers.
If the scope of the conversation is transformed, then the symbols are defined as a
transformation. The scope of the conversation is called the universe of speech. Right or
wrong or the presence or absence of a mathematical model is determined by the universe of
the conversation.

In the universe of integer talks, there is a 2x model = 5. Is there a solution? If completed as
usual, regardless of the results x = 2.5. But if it is determined that an integer is supposed to
be, then answer x = 2.5 is wrong or not the desired answer. So the correct answer is "no
answer" or no solution. It is often said that the set of solutions is "empty set".

F.Consistent in the system

Mathematics has a variety of systems. The system is formed from 'principles' of

mathematics. Each system can be interrelated, but can also be seen as independent
(unrelated). The system that is seen as loose, for example the system contained in Algebra
and the system contained in Geometry. In geometry itself there are smaller or narrower
systems and interrelated systems.

In a mathematical system, the law of consistency or obedience applies, meaning there cannot
be contradictions in it. This consistency includes both the meaning and the truth value.
Example: If we define the concept of trapezoid as 'the right quadrilateral a pair of sides is
parallel' then we cannot that parallelograms are trapezoidal. Why? Because the parallelogram
has two pairs of parallel sides.

5.the purpose of math instruction

Mathematics instruction in schools carries a very important mission, which is to support the
achievement of national education goals. In general, the purpose of mathematics instruction
in schools can be classified into:

1. A formal goal, emphasizing the arrangement of reasoning and shaping the student's
2. Material objectives emphasize the ability to solve problems and apply mathematics

From the description above it is clear that the life of this world will continue to be in
accordance with the development of science and technology / therefore students must have
the ability to obtain, choose and manage information to survive the ever changing conditions.
This ability requires thinking that is critical, systematic, logical, creative and effective
working together. Thus, a teacher must keep abreast of the development of mathematics and
always try to be creative in learning so that it can bring students in the desired direction.
In more detail, the purpose of mathematics instruction is presented in the book on
mathematics competency standards as follows:

1) Train ways of thinking and reasoning in drawing conclusions, for example through
investigation, exploration, experimentation, showing similarity, difference,
consistency and inconsistency,
2) Developing creative activities involving imagination, intuition, and discovery by
developing divergent thinking, originality, curiosity, making predictions and
conjectures, and experimenting,
3) Developing problem-solving abilities,
4) Developing the ability to convey information or communicating ideas, among others
through oral talks, graphs, maps, diagrams , in explaining ideas.

Practicing ways of thinking and reasoning in learning mathematics is very important. This is
in line with Soedjadi's opinion that "one of the characteristics of mathematics is deductive
thinking pattern which is one of the formal goals, which puts pressure on the arrangement of
reason." [7] Although this mindset is important, but in mathematics instruction, especially at
elementary and junior high school still needs a deductive mindset, while the school level
challenges the use of an inductive mindset in the presentation of a topic that has been
reduced. Besides the way of thinking, in the learning process students are also trained to
develop their creativity through imagination and intuition. Every student has different
abilities in looking at a problem that is developed, this is what is called divergent thinking
that needs to be continuously developed. Based on the explanation of the above teaching
objectives it is understandable that mathematics is not only required to count, but students are
also required to be better able to deal with various problems in life. The problem is both
about mathematics itself and other problems in the field, and is demanded by a very high
scientific discipline, so that if you have understood the basic concepts of mathematics can be
applied in everyday life.
The purpose of learning mathematics according to the 2013 Curriculum
(Kemendikbud, 2013) emphasize the modern pedagogical dimension of learning, namely
using a scientific (scientific) approach. In mathematics learning activities carried out so that
learning is meaningful is observing, asking, trying, reasoning, presenting, and creating.




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