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Location: Google Hangouts

Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2018

Time: 10:30 AM to 12:01 PM

Attendees: Matthew Thomas: President

Taylor Rohleen: Vice President
Esha Patel: Parliamentarian
Afreen Ashraf: Recording Secretary
Maya Harris: Historian
Kristina Liao: Treasurer
Devin Rankin: Corresponding Secretary
Charlotte Varnes: Technology Coordinator
Ms. Robison : Sponsor

Agenda Items Details

Regional Leader 10:37 AM: ​Matthew calls the meeting to order.

Voting 10:39 AM: ​Regional 8 Response issue
A. There have been problems with teachers moving/retiring etc… :(
B. Taylor proposes to announce regional leader on monday at nationals
C. Give announcement for region 8 problem at nationals and allow
region 8 delegates(if present) to run for position.
10:41 AM​: Regional leader voting ensues
A. region 1: Brandon Mitra
B. region 2: Iyshwary Warren
C. region 3: Charles Li
D. region 4: Lindsey Jenkins
E. region 5: Heather Pickert
F. region 6: Dakota Marosi
G. region 7: Mara Xiong
H. region 8: TBD
11:10 AM:​ Suggestions for next year RL applications:
A. Adding a word cap/limit
B. Adding a preference for nature of responses (i.e paragraph, essay or
bullet form).
Nationals 11:15 AM:​ Social Media Affairs
A. Maya will start a 7 day Nationals countdown on Instagram
11:19 AM:​ Publication of Cheer videos
A. Cheers should be uploaded on the Youtube channel before the letter
to delegation is sent out
B. Maya will post the cheer videos on the Youtube channel
11:22 AM:​ Nationals Service Project: Plastic Bags
A. Taylor will write in the letter to delegation a reminder to bring plastic
bags for national service project
B. Ms.R suggests going to publix and getting plastic bags
C. **need to find out a way to incentivize donations without “guilt
tripping” delegation to bring plastic bags
11: 25 AM:​ Officer logs for nationals
A. Matthew suggests to keep track of officer logs…
B. We want to publish before fall forum in an Uvae Vitis
11: 27 AM:​ Roll call
A. Theme: Party in the USA parody
B. Still need to decide who is doing the roll call
i. Esha said she will be in india/ will be pressed for time.
11:28 AM:​ Spirit Check Video compilation has been completed and posted to
instagram( YAY!)
11:28 AM:​ Scrapbook
A. Update from Kiki Schmalfuss:
i. Recent certamen tryouts and Camp Wannabuzzin need to be
added to scrapbook
ii. Officers need to review the scrapbook make final changes
11:32 AM:​ Spirit letters
A. Taylor is remaking all the spirit letters for nationals
B. Maya suggests doing posters for the cheers and offers to make them
C. Matthew suggests the choice of having different letter holders and
letter choreography
i. Further discussion is needed
11:41 AM:​ Ms.R reminds us that for fellowship, officers need to meet 20 minutes
beforehand to discuss meeting notes/general things
11:42 AM:​ Ms. R suggests writing thank you cards for sponsors and chaperones.
11:44 AM: ​Maya suggests having senior speeches + allocation of time to ensure
senior speeches

Fall Forum 11:46 AM:​ ​Discussion about likely date for Fall Forum
A. Still no date from Mr.Robie
B. Best date would be sometime in October- November before SAT and
ACT testing
11:47 AM: ​Tests & certamen
A. We need a general test-writing overseer -- Mr. Revard?
B. Need to start recruiting writers
C. Matthew suggests expanding tests:
i. Suggestion of redivision of levels(make lower test easier and
upper test easier)
ii. Suggestion of making 30 question tests…
iii. Suggestion of reallocating testing times to create more
activity time (in between 1 hr and 1.5 hrs)
i. Further discussion is needed on all items.
11:58 AM:​ Officers need to meet at nationals and determine fall forum theme
12:00 PM: ​No announcements are read
12:01 PM:​ Matthew concludes the meeting

Immediate Action Items:

● 7 Day National Countdown Posts
● Publication of Cheer Videos and Spirit Check
● Sending of Letter to delegation
● Roll Call
● Scrapbook Editing
● Spirit Prep
● Officer Logs
● Posting of minutes

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