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Location: Google Hangouts

Date: Wednesday, August 8th 2018

Time: 8:00 PM to 8:55 PM

Attendees: Matthew Thomas: President

Taylor Rohleen: Vice President
Esha Patel: Parliamentarian
Afreen Ashraf: Recording Secretary
Maya Harris: Historian
Kristina Liao: Treasurer
Devin Rankin: Corresponding Secretary
Charlotte Varnes: Technology Coordinator
Ms. Robison : Sponsor

Agenda Items Details

Fall forum 8:10 PM: ​Matthew calls meeting to order

8:11 PM: ​Matthew announces date and location for 2018 Fall Forum
A. At Winter Springs on Saturday November 17th 2018
8:11PM: ​Matthew commences discussion about fall forum themes
A. The Odyssey will be the 2018 Fall Forum Theme
i. Maya proposes the slogan of “normalyssey”..none of the
officers understand and the chat is filled with awkward
silence. RIP
B. Matthew suggests no quotes are needed as the theme is well
represented without a quote/etc
C. Ms.R brings up the approach of the FJCL 70th milestone and
suggests doing something to celebrate that at Fall Forum
i. Further discussion is needed on this item
8:12 PM: ​Matthew asks for potential and willing t-shirt designers for Fall Forum
A. Taylor and Kristina volunteer
B. Ms.R suggests Ella Jackson, who designed the nationals t-shirt :)
8:13 PM: ​Social media posts and publicity
A. Taylor volunteers to make the infographic for Fall Forum
B. Fall Forum must be publicized before the end of August to allow
time for schools and sponsors to make preparations to attend
i. Ideally, the fall forum infographic must be posted to
Facebook and Instagram mid to late August. The earlier the
8:16 PM: ​Matthew suggests providing sponsors with info about Fall Forum and on
where/how the tests and questions for certamen are drawn from via email.
8:17 PM: ​Fall Forum Testing/Academic Contests
A. Participants can only take two tests max
B. Maya asks whether testing should be mandatory
i. Further discussion is needed to determine whether testing
will be mandatory
C. Matthew proposes making tests significantly easier to encourage
i. This will be done by drawing the majority of questions from
the FJCL regional guides and making 5-10 questions
difficult in comparison to determine placement
8:20 PM:​ Ms.R suggests allowing the regional leaders to help at fall forum to lessen
officer work load and make affairs run smoothly.
A. Suggestion of assigning a specific regional leader to an event
i. Further discussion is needed
B. Suggestions of assigning specific regional leaders to officers.
i. Kristina likes this idea of having her own minion.
ii. Further discussion is needed
8:24 PM:​ Certamen and Certamen Questions
A. Novice/intermediate certamen questions will be written by current
advanced certamen players or students.
B. Advanced certamen questions will be written by the teachers
i. Matthew and Ms.R will ask teachers to write questions
8:28 PM:​ Kristina suggests to make the ratio of difficult to to easy questions higher
A. That is, she wants to add more difficult questions as 5-10 questions
is too low of a span to determine placement in a wide pool of
competitive people
B. Further discussion is needed
8:29 PM: ​Taylor asks about precise timing for Fall Forum to add to the infographic
A. Matthew suggests 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM, hoping that the larger time
slot will make things run smoother this year
Summer Uvae Vitis 8:32 PM:​ Taylor asks officers to complete and turn in their officer logs by August
and Officer 22nd 2018 for the Uvae.
Announcements 8:33 PM: ​Taylor goes over the Uvae Vitis and its general planning
A. The 2018 Summer Uvae will include:
i. Directory( including region leaders and region map)
ii. Afreen’s Minutes
iii. Introduction to 2018-2019 Regional Leaders via
iv. 2018 Nationals Recapitulation by Matthew
v. 2018 Fall Forum Information
vi. Local Office Elections Tips by Esha
vii. Photo of the Month and Historians Corner by Maya+Links
to Collaboration Corner
viii. A Service and Spirit Recap by Taylor
ix. Introduction of the first service project of the year: School
Supply Drive
x. Introduction and Guidelines for Club of the Season
xi. Summer “Mommy Announcements” by Ms.R
xii. Officer Logs
xiii. Guide to New FJCL Website by Charlotte
8:36 PM:​ Charlotte wants to add an Officers’ Corner on the new fjcl website
8:38 PM: ​Charlotte texts us the ideas for the new FJCL website Officers’ Corner
since we cannot hear her
A. Charlotte is thinking of adding an officers’ corner tab for the
B. What this tab will include:
i. officer info
ii. spirit and service info
iii. google photos/photo of the month
iv. minutes
v. campaign corner
vi. +whatever else that the officers want to add
8:39 PM:​ Officers suggest additions to the website
A. Esha recommends a tab for constitutional amendment submission
B. Afreen recommends the collation of minutes on a google drive
before posting on the website
C. Maya suggests adding a contests tab
8:45 PM:​ Taylor goes over the service plan for the upcoming month
A. Project Trajan started by the FJCL regional leaders
i. Mini lessons for introductory latin programs to spread
JCLove at a young age
ii. Further discussion is needed
B. Back to School Supplies Drives
i. This will be the first service project of the year
ii. Taylor has already posted the infographic to Facebook and
8:45 PM: ​Maya explains the Collaboration Corner
A. For any events or projects that FJCL and affiliated chapters do,
Maya will add links for them to submit photos
B. This will ensure more organization for future endeavours ( nationals
8:55 PM: ​No other announcements are read
8:55 PM: ​Matthew calls the meeting to order

​Immediate Action Items:

● Fall Forum Infographic
● Fall Forum T-Shirt
● Finding Test/Certamen Writers
● Uvae Vitis Preparation
● Officer Logs
● Posting of Minutes

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