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Bessel Filter
This filter takes its name from a German mathematician and
astronomer named Friedrich Bessel who lived between 1784 and
1846. Bessel developed the mathematical theory on which this
form of filter is based. Occasionally, this filter may also be
referred to as Bessel-Thomson filter. This is due to the fact that
W. E. Thomson developed the methodology of using Bessel
functions within the design of this form of filter.
Bessel filters are optimized for maximally-flat time delay or
constant-group delay. This means that they have linear phase
response and excellent transient response to a pulse input. This
comes at the expense of flatness in the pass-band and rate of roll
off. The cutoff frequency is defined as the –3-dB point.
The Bessel filter provides ideal phase characteristics with an
approximately linear phase response up to nearly cut-off
frequency. Though it has a very linear phase response but a
fairly gentle skirt slope, as shown in figure. For applications
where the phase characteristic is important, the Bessel filter is
used. It is a minimal phase shift filter even though its cut-off
characteristics are not very sharp. It is well suited for pulse
Listed below are some of the key features of the Bessel Filter:
• Maximally flat group delay: The maximally flat group
delay of the Bessel filter means that it equally exhibits a
maximally linear phase response.
• Overshoot: A direct result of the maximally flat group
delay of the Bessel filter it gives an output for a square
wave input with no overshoot because all the frequencies
are delayed by the same amount.
• Slow cut-off: The transition from the pass band to the stop
band for the Bessel filter is much slower or shallower than
for other filters.…h=0dd975602231cc5b895e7bfa6a7c91de&oe=5B78553C&dl=1 17/08/2018, 6G43 AM

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Types of Filters:
• The Low Pass Filter – the low pass filter only allows low frequency signals from 0Hz to its cut-off
frequency, ƒc point to pass while blocking those any higher.
• The High Pass Filter – the high pass filter only allows high frequency signals from its cut-off
frequency, ƒc point and higher to infinity to pass through while blocking those any lower.
• The Band Pass Filter – the band pass filter allows signals falling within a certain frequency band
setup between two points to pass through while blocking both the lower and higher frequencies
either side of this frequency band.
• The Band Stop Filter – the name itself indicates that it will stop a particular band of frequencies.
Since it eliminates frequencies, it is also called as band elimination filter or band reject filter or
notch filter. It will pass above and below a particular range of frequencies whose cut off
frequencies are predetermined. Any frequencies in between these two cut-off frequencies are

Comparison of Different Types of Filters:

Butterworth Filter
The Butterworth filter provides a maximally flat response. its simplicity combined with a level of
performance that is more than adequate for many applications means that the Butterworth filter is widely
used in many areas of electronics from RF to audio active filters.
• Maximally flat magnitude response in the passband
• Pulse response in better than a Chebyshev filter
• Rate of attenuation is better than that of a Bessel filter
• Good all- around performance
• Overshoot and ringing in step response

Chebyshev Filter
The Chebyshev filter provides a steeper roll-off than the more commonly use Butterworth filter. However,
the additional roll-off of the Chebyshev filter comes at the expense of ripple, and this makes it unsuitable
for a number of applications. The steep roll-off can be used to advantage to remove out of band spurious
emissions such as harmonics or intermodulation.

• Better rate of attenuation beyond the pass-band than
• Ripple in pass-band.
• Considerably more ringing in step response than
Butterworth…h=0dd975602231cc5b895e7bfa6a7c91de&oe=5B78553C&dl=1 17/08/2018, 6G43 AM

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Bessel Filter
The Bessel filter is a linear form of filter that provides a
maximally flat group delay or across the frequency spectrum,
but offers a slower transition from pass-band to stop-band than
for other forms of filter of the same order.
• Best step response-very little overshoot or ringing.
• Slower initial rate of attenuation beyond the pass-band than
Elliptical Filter
These filters are also known as Cauer or Zolotarev filters. The
cut-off slope of an elliptic filter is steeper than that of a
Butterworth, Chebyshev, or Bessel, but the amplitude response
has ripple in both the passband and the stopband, and the phase
response is very nonlinear. However, if the primary concern is to
pass frequencies falling within a certain frequency band and
reject frequencies outside that band, regardless of phase shifts or
ringing, the elliptic response will perform that function with the
lowest-order filter.
• Has the narrowest transition width for the same filter order
• These filters have the most nonlinear phase response over
their passband…h=0dd975602231cc5b895e7bfa6a7c91de&oe=5B78553C&dl=1 17/08/2018, 6G43 AM

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