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Smart Manager Vol=1-4 No=1-4 (2005)


ROLL NO : 10334


SUB : M-360

The article titled “Global Capabilities” is written by Laura D’Andrea Tyson and Nigel
Andrews. It helps in understanding how the emerging managers of the multi-faceted companies
should be trained in order to compete in all factors to take the company globally. The author
stresses on some factors, where lot of hard-work should be kept in order to become global

The author also talked about globalization and its impact in world business. They explained that
globalization is not confined to particular area or country but is spread across the nations and is
multi-cultural. It means a company should adopt the culture and should analyze the needs of the
people of that particular country to stand over the other competitors in many other activities like
supply chain management, product development and back office processing. This can be done in
teams headed by a manager apart from his primary role.

It is stated that a manger needs more thoughtfulness, more aware, more sensitive, more flexible,
more adaptive. But the survey conducted on future upcoming mangers revealed that they lack
these qualities. The author suggested that the business-schools should take some responsibilities
in teaching their students these aspects and mold into global managers. The author also stated 3
elements which will held individuals develop global business capabilities. Primary element is
knowledge, it can be obtained through study and experience. It is the base information
accumulated early on in the managers career. Secondary element is skill, it is acquired through
the repeated application of knowledge during the middle career period. Tertiary element is
attributes, attributes are individual qualities, characteristics or behavior focused on leadership
and can be acquired in the later stage in a manager’s career. The author tells about customer
driven education where business-schools must pick the place to compete a differentiated mix of
teaching and training opportunities and they must change on three fronts i.e they must become
more global, they must rethink the learning process, they must become more action oriented.

Lately the business-schools must build a rapid fire set of decision making experiences. Apart
from making the students study and prepare cases, they need to make their students develop
universal skills like team-work skills, project management and talent assessment. For business-
schools, providing more action oriented programs is the biggest challenge. But business-schools
have an impressive capacity for self renewal.

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