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Kod ovog govora postoje sledeći slučajevi tj.pravila kojih se moramo pridržavati:
1.Ako se glagol nalazi u prošlom vremenu(told,said,etc),obično tada važi skoro za sve gčagole da se oni
menjaju tj.vračaju se za jedno vreme unazad.Npr:
Present ►► Past - I am going ►► He said he was going.
Present perfect ►► Past perfect - She is passed her exams ► He told me she had passed her exams.
Past ►► Past perfect - My father died when I was six. She said her father had died when she was six.
2.Ako je glagol u sadašnjem vremenu(says,asks)tada ne dolazi do promene vremena.Na primer:
The train will be late. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -He says the train will be late.
I come from Spain.- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - She says she comes from Spain.
3.Kod vračanja vremena unazad za jedno vreme postoji jedan izuzetak.Ako „reported speech“govori o
nečemu što je točno tj.njegov je iskaz tačan,vreme ostaje isto.Na primer:
Rainforests are being destroyed.-- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -She told him that rainforests are being destroyed.
I hate football. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -I told him I hate football.
4.Takođe se pravilo“vračanej vremena unazad“primenjuje kod ovog govora kada on iskazuje neka
osećanja ili misli.Na primer: I thought she was married,but she is not.
I did not know he was a teacher.I thought he worked in a bank.
I forgot you were coming.Never mind.Come in.
5.Neki modalni glagoli imaju svoju promenu.Na primer:
can ►►►►could ; She can type well.He told me she could type well.
will ►►►►would; I will help you.She said she would help me.
may ►►►► might; I may come.She said she might come.
Što se pak drgih modalnih glagola tiče oni nemaju svoju promenu.
You should go to bed.He told me I should go to bed.
It might rain.She said she thought it might rain.
Modalni glagol must može ostati nepromenjen ali se isto takođe može promeniti u had to.Na primer:
I must go! He said he must go. He said he had to go.
6.U večini ustanovljenim rečenicama,upotrebljava se that posle glagola u ovom govoru.Na primer:
He told(that) he would be home late. She said(that)sales were down on last year.
7.Postoji veliki broj glagola ovog govora.(REPORTED SPEECH).U vrlo retkim situacijama glagol say
se upotrebljava sa indirektnim licima i predmetima kao na primer:
She said she was going. NEISPRAVNO JE REĆI She said to me she was going.
Glagol tell se uvek upotrebljava sa indirektnim objektima u ovom govoru.

Za razliku od glagola say i tell večina ostalih glagola su opisni kao na primer:
(žaliti se),WARN(upozoriti).INSIST(insistirati).

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