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Storage Tank (API 650)

Shop Fabrication Inspection1

Material Receiving Inspection Report

Check visual (free of lamination & damage).
Check certificate
Check dimensional (Length, Thickness, Width & Diameter).

Check dimensional marking.
Check transfer heat no.
Check dimensional.
Check traceability (Heat No & Plate No).
Check marking.

Check visual (free of damage).
Check edge Preparation.
Check rolling radius.

Check material painting (Batch no, Potlife, Brand).
Check ambient Condition (surface & whether).
Check DFT.

Field& Erection Inspection

Dimensional Inspection

Peaking and Banding

Peaking measured using a horizontal sweep board 900 mm long. Tolerance of Peaking shall not exceed
Banding measured using a straight edge vertical sweep board 900 mm long.Tolerance of banding shall not
exceed 13mm.

The maximum out-of-plumbness of the top of the shell relative to the bottom of the shell shall
not exceed 1/200 of the total tank height. The out-of-plumbness in one shell course shall not
exceed 1/250 of one shell course height.
Radius measured at 0.3 m (1 ft) above the bottom corner weld shall not exceed the following
Tank Diameter less than 12 m = ±13mm


Where foundations true to a horizontal plane are specified, tolerances shall be as follows:
a. Where a concrete ringwall is provided under the shell, the top of the ringwall shall be level
within ±3 mm in any 9 m (30 ft) of the circumference and within ±6 mm in the total
circumference measured from the average elevation.
b. Where a concrete ringwall is not provided, the foundation under the shell shall be level
within ±3 mm (lIs in.) in any 3 m
00 ft) of the circumference and within ±13 mm e/2 in.) in the total circlmlference measured
from the average elevation.
c. Where a concrete slab fOlmdation is provided, the first 0.3 m (1 ft) of the fOlmdation (or
width of the annular ling)~ measured
from the outside of the tank radially towards the center, shall comply with the concrete
ringwall requirement. The remainder of
the foundation shall be within ±13 mm (1/2 in.) of the design shape. Where a sloping foundation is specified, elevation differences about the circumference
shall be calculated from the
specified high point. Actual elevation differences about the circumference shall be detenuined
from the actual elevation of the
specified high point. The actual elevation differences shall not deviate from the calculated
differences by more than the following
a. Where a concrete ringwall is provided, ±3 mm (lIs in.) in any 9 m (30 ft) of circumference and
±6 nun el4 in.) in the total
b. Where a concrete ringwall is not provided, ±3 mm e/8 in.) in any 3 m (10 ft) of circumference
and ±13 mm e/2 in.) in the total
7.5.6 Nozzles
Nozzles (excluding manholes) shall be installed within the following tolerances:
a. Specified projection from outside of tank shell to extreme face of flange: ±5 mm e/16 in.)
b. Elevation of shell nozzle or radial location of a roof nozzle: ±6 mm e14 in.)
c. Flange tilt in any plane, measured on the flange face:
±1/2 degree for nozzles greater than NPS 12 in nominal diameter
±3 mm e/8 in.) at the outside flange diameter for nozzles NPS 12 and smaller
d. Flange bolt hole otientation: ±3 mm e/8 in.)
7.5.7 Shell Manholes
Manholes shall be installed within the following tolerances:
a. Specified prqj ection from outside of shell to extreme face of flange, ± 13 nun e12 in.)
b. Elevation and angular location, ±l3 mm e/2 in.)
c. Flange tilt in any plane, measured across the flange diameter, ±13 nun (1/2 in.)Ø

Check roundness at /5, 675, /5, * 75, *8/5, 2275, 23/5, 275

adius measured at * foot a!ove the !ottom corner eld shall not e0ceed the
follo ingtolerance9
ia eter

: 6
/ ; 1
< 6 / =
* 7 / ; >
< * 7 / =
2 7 / ; * <
? 2 7 / ;
* @ <


Check at /5, 675, /5, * 75, *8/, 2275, 23/5


The $lum!ness of the to$ of shell relative to the !ottom of the shell not e0ceed *A2// ofthe
total tank height.

The out of $lum!ness in one shell $late (single course) shall not e0ceed *A27/ of thecourse

Bisual e0aminations shall !e carried out during all stages of fa!rication to ensure that the
com$letedfa!rication meets C %P'ND satisfaction and a$$roval ith $articular attention
!eing $aid to thefollo ing9' eld shall !e acce$ta!le !" this kind of ins$ection if the conditions are fulfilled 9
The eld has no crater cracks or other surface cracks.

The ma0imum acce$ta!le undercutting is *A-6 inches of the !ase metal for vertical Eoints,
and*A 2 inches ma0imum for hori+ontal Eoints. or the elds that attach no++les,
manholes,cleanFout o$ening, and $ermanent attachments, no undercutting e0ceeds *A-6

The freGuenc" of surface $orosit" in the eld does not e0ceed one cluster (one or more
$ores)in an" 6 inches of length, and the diameter of each cluster does not e0ceed A 2
inches.W e l d s t h a t f a i l t o m e e t t h e
c r i t e r i a g i v e n i n $ a r a g r a $ h a ! o v e , s h a l l ! e r e o r k e d $ r i o r t o h"drostatic testing as
follo s 9

efects shall !e removed !" mechanical means or thermal gouging $rocesses.


f the resulting thickness is less than minimum reGuired as $er h"drostat

i c t e s t d e s i g n conditions, reF elding is reGuired.

The re$air eld shall !e visuall" e0amined for defects $rior to ree0amined !" radiogra$h".

- T

il leak testmedia solar, method s$ra", tem$erature am!ient, holding $eriod 6 hours.2

Bacuum !o0 test

Bacuum testing shall conduct as follo s9

Bacuum testing is convenientl" $erformed !" means of a metal testing !o0, - inches ide 0 / inches long, ith
a glass indo in the to$. The o$en !ottom is sealed against the tanksurface !" a
s$ongeFru!!er gasket. #uita!le connections, valves, and gauges should !e $rovided.

'$$ro0imatel" / inches of the seam under test is !rushed ith a soa$ solution or linseedoil.
The vacuum !o0 is $laced over the coated section of the seam, and a vacuum
isa$$lied to the !o0. 4u!!les or foam $roduced !" air sucked through the elded seam
illindicate the $resence of $orosit" in the seam.

' vacuum can !e dra n on the !o0 !" an" convenient method, such as connection to
agasoline or dieselFmotor intake manifold or to an air eEector or s$ecial vacuum $um$.

Bacuum !o0 tested using a test $ressure at least $si gauge or as s$ecified on

adiogra$h" test

adiogra$hic e0amination method shall !e in accordance ith the '#%I section B, 'rticle2.

adiogra$hic ins$ection is reGuired for shell !utt eld, annularF$late !utt elds, and flushFt"$e
connection ith !utt elds.

ns$ection !" radiogra$hic method is not reGuired for roofF$late or !ottomF$late elds,
for elds Eoining roof $lates to to$ angle, the to$ angle to the shell $lates, shell
$lates to !ottom $lates, or a$$urtenances to tanks.

Num!er and location of radiogra$hic shall minimum as s$ecified on 'P #tandard -7/,#ection -
. Bendor shall su!mit $ro$osal of num!er and location of radiogra$hic
toC NT 'CT AC %P'ND for revie and a$$roval.

The radiogra$hers shall !e certified !" the manufacturer

meeting the reGuirement asoutlined !" '#NT ecommended Practice #NTFTCF*' and its su$$lement.

Bendor shall su!mit the radiogra$h" test result to C NT 'CT AC %P'ND for revie and a$$roval. The
$enetrameter image as result of radiogra$h" shall clearl" enough forvisual e0amination on a
radiogra$h vie er. The acce$tance criteria of radiogra$hs resultshall !e Eudged as s$ecified on '#%I
#ection B iv. *, $ar. JWF7* (!).
e$airing defective elds shall !e done !" chi$$ing or melting out the defects from one or !oth
side of Eoint, as reGuired, and $roceed ith reF elding. 'll re$aired elds are su!Eectto !e
reFtested as s$ecified a!ove.

Penetrant test

LiGuid $enetrant e0amination shall !e $erformed in accordance to '#%I #ection B, 'rticle-.


%agnetic $article e0aminer shall meet the reGuirements on 'P #tandard -7/ $ar. -.6. .

The acce$tance criteria and re$air of defects shall !e $er '#%I #ection B , ivision *,'$$endi0 8,
Par. 8F , 8F6, and 8F7.

Jltrasonic test

Jltrasonic e0amination method shall !e in accordance ith '#%I #ection B, article 7.


Jltrasonic e0aminer shall !e Gualified in accordance ith as s$ecified on 'P #tandard -7/ $ar. -
. . .

The acce$tance criteria and re$air of defects shall !e $er '#%I #ection B , ivision *,'$$endi0
*2, Par. *2F and *2F6.

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