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Problems plaguing women and children in a Globalized society.


Globalization has led to development in considerable dimensions but it has certainly not being
able to spread these opportunities among all social strata. The objective of this research is to
examine the current theory, policy, law and steps taken around the world particularly in India to
ensure the rights of women and children.

Around the world women and children do not have the same basic rights as men. Women and
children face brutal situations each day. Harsh acts like child labor, slavery, forced marriage, and
prostitution are suffered by millions. This problem of unequal rights of women and children
needs more global attention.

In Indian society there is systematic discrimination and neglect of women, which could be in
terms of inadequate nutrition, education, health, property and so on. India has made some
significant commitments towards ensuring the basic rights of children. There has been
considerable progress in overall indicators be it literacy rate or child mortality rate. But the issue
of child rights in India is still caught between legal and policy commitments to children.

The negative fallout due to globalization is visible as it has further worsened the condition of
women and children. The once available social benefits have been displaced by forced and
economic migration of them.

It is thus necessary to notice as whether the laws and conventions and its implantations have
been effective in ensuring the rights of women and children or not. This research examines legal
reports, policies, researches etc.

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