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doi: 10.1111/1471-0307.


RESEARCH Influence of storage, brine concentration and
in-container heat treatment on the stability of white
brined Nabulsi cheese
A B U - G H O U S H , 2 K H A L I D A L - I S M A I L 1 and T A R E Q O S A I L I 3
Department of Nutrition and Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Jordan, Amman 11942,
Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Allied and Health Science Collage, The Hashemite University, Zarqa
13133, and 3Department of Nutrition and Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Jordan University of Science and
Technology, Irbid, Jordan

Microbial levels were significantly (P < 0.05) affected by the temperature-time treatments used dur-
ing in-container heat treatment of the curd, brine concentration and storage duration. A heat treat-
ment of 115 °C 9 2 min, in the absence of NaCl, was sufficient to eliminate Mesophilic micro-
organisms, Coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus and Yeast and Moulds for the duration of 1 year of
storage. Sensory scores for colour, appearance and texture increased significantly (P < 0.05) with
the increase in the NaCl in brine concentration regardless of the temperature-time treatment.
Keywords Cheese, Shelf life, Storage, Acceptability, Cheese microbiology.

cheesemaking and the particular flavour of mah-

lab (Prunus mahaleb) and mastic (Pistacia len-
White brined Nabulsi cheese is a semihard tiscus) influence the flavour and organoleptic
unfermented cheese that is the most popular and characteristics of this cheese. The white colour
economically important traditional cheese in Jor- of Nabulsi cheese is an important factor for con-
dan and the Middle East (Caric 1987). Nabulsi sumer acceptance and directly related to product
cheese is considered as the principle cheese con- quality. Colour or appearance of the cheese is
sumed in Jordan (Tamime and Robinson 1991). related to its physical structure and chemical
The cheese is traditionally made by renneting nature (Rudan et al. 1998).
unpasteurised cow, sheep or goat milk or their Preservation of white brined Nabulsi cheese
mixtures without starter culture addition (Yama- depends mainly on boiling the cheese before
ni et al. 1998). The pressed curd obtained after storage with high salt concentration brine solu-
renneting is then boiled in brine solution (18– tions (Humeid et al. 1990). Many undesirable
20% w/v), manually filled and stored at room changes, however, such as discolouration, off-
temperature in large cans (5–15 kg) with brine flavour production, slime and gas formation,
solution (~20% w/v) for up to 2 years. Nabulsi bitterness and textural problems may occur in
cheese is mainly consumed at breakfast or as a cheese produced by the traditional methods
snack or used as an ingredient in some tradi- during storage when it is stored in large cans, in
tional sweets (Mazahreh et al. 2009). spite of the use of high brine concentrations
Nabulsi cheese has distinct sensory and tex- (Yamani et al. 1997; Mazahreh et al. 2009).
tural characteristics that are described in detail Postprocessing contamination during the repeated
by Humeid and Tukan (1986). In brief, Nabulsi opening of the cheese cans during consumption
*Author for cheese is characterised by its yellowish colour are considered as the main causes of spoilage of
correspondence. E-mail: that is attributed to the use of cow’s milk, a white brined Nabulsi cheese (Humeid et al.
semihard cheese without gas holes that becomes 1990). Such contamination was attributed to the
© 2014 Society of soft and elastic when heated. Moreover, the growth of a halophilic micro-organism that was
Dairy Technology type of milk (hence the cow’s diet) used in isolated and identified by Saleh (1998).

Vol 67, No 3 August 2014 International Journal of Dairy Technology 427

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White brined Nabulsi cheese is usually consumed after The usage rate of rennimax powder (2250 IMCU/g) is in
partial or complete removal of salt by soaking in water due the range of 2–3 g/100 L of milk. Salt was of a fine grade
to salty taste of the stored product. Therefore, production of (purity 99.7%) obtained from local market (Amra Salt Co.,
cheese with low salt concentration in closed economical Sahab, Jordan).
containers such as 1 kg tin cans or glass jars would have
the advantage of eliminating postprocessing contamination Cheesemaking
(which can occur after traditional boiling, reshaping, manual Nabulsi cheeses were manufactured in duplicate from the
filling and repeated opening of cans) and increased demand same batch of milk according to traditional procedures,
for such ready-to-eat cheese. described by Humeid and Tukan (1986) and Humeid et al.
Successful results have been achieved in different studies (1990) apart from the type of milk coagulating enzyme used
designed to eliminate postprocessing contamination and to (Figure 1). A fungal proteolytic enzyme was used instead of
enhance the keeping qualities during storage of white brined calf rennet in this study due to its high milk-clotting, low
Nabulsi chesses (Yamani et al. 1987; Humeid et al. 1990; proteolytic activities and higher yield of cheese than calf
Abu-Ghoush 1992; Mazahreh et al. 2009). Humeid et al. rennet (Seker et al. 1998). In brief, 250 L of raw cow’s
(1990) for instance, reported that steaming Nabulsi cheese milk was clarified using cheese cloth into a 500 L vat,
in-bag was superior to traditionally produced cheese due to warmed to 33–35 °C, then coagulated by adding 2.5 g/
the uniformity of the heat treatment. In-bag produced 100 L milk of microbial rennet (commercial Mucor miehei
cheese was organoleptically acceptable after storage for rennet powder; Tulip) and allowed to set for 30–45 min
more than 9 months. Yamani et al. (1987) indicated accept- before cutting (i.e.time was determined by the easy separa-
able organoleptic characteristics for Nabulsi cheese filled tion of whey from the curds). The curd was cut into slices,
with cold brine (20 °C) after 1 year of storage. These transferred into a cheese cloth within a container
authors, however, reported that some of the cheese samples (50 9 50 cm) and pressed under weights to expel the whey
filled with hot brine (85 °C) showed softening and disinte- (pressure of approx. 0.32 kPa) for up to 2 h. The pressed
gration after 10 months of storage. Additionally, Mazahreh curd was then cut into small rectangular blocks
et al. (2009) reported that a decrease in the pH of Nabulsi (4 9 2 9 1 cm). Dry salt was sprinkled on to the cheese
cheese to 4 by the addition of lactic acid allowed the reduc- blocks at the rate of 3 g/kg, and the blocks were left for 6 h
tion of brine concentration to 10% without any adverse at room temperature (i.e. time needed for the maximum
effect on the texture and sensory quality of the cheese. water drainage from cheese pieces). Blocks of curd of a
Abu-Ghoush (1992) also reported that using curd pasteuri- total mass of 1 kg were then filled into 2.5 L glass jars,
sation as an alternative to traditional methods in an attempt containing brine for heat treatment.
to improve the product quality was preferable to the tradi-
tional method in all quality parameters except the microbial Heat treatment of the curd
destruction rates. However, no previous studies on the The glass jars were filled up with previously boiled hot
effect of different heat treatments and different brine con- brine solutions at concentrations of 0, 5, 10 or 20% NaCl
centrations, and combinations on microbial and sensory and temperatures between 60–70 °C in a 1:1 w/w brine:
characteristics of white brined Nabulsi cheese have been cheese ratio. An empty head space of 10% of the jars vol-
reported in the literature. ume was left before tightly closing the glass storage jars
The objective of this study was to determine the microbi- (i.e. as described by the manufacturer) to achieve a hermetic
ological and sensory characteristics of white brined Nabulsi seal. Three temperature/time combinations (90 °C/10 min,
cheese produced from cow’s milk with different tempera- 100 °C/5 min or 115 °C/2 min) were applied on different
ture-time curd heat treatments and salt concentrations, when glass jars using a food retort. To measure the temperature in
kept in 1 kg hermetically, sealed glass jars from manufac- the jars during heating, a probe was inserted 1.5 cm above
ture and stored for up to 1 year at room temperature. the geometrical centre of the jar and connected via a ther-
mocouple wire to a digital thermometer (305 CIE, Belmont,
NC, USA) from which the temperature was recorded. This
slowest heating rate point (cold point) inside the filled jars
Materials was determined previously as described by Lopez (1987)
Milk: fresh cows whole milk, clean and cooled (5 °C), was and by Abu-Alruz (1999).
obtained from the pilot plant of The University of Jordan, The glass jars were cooled to room temperature (i.e.
Amman, Jordan. The initial pH and titratable acidity (as lac- approximately 22–25 °C, air cooled) after heat treatments.
tic acid) were 6.74 and 0.12%, respectively. Control samples were prepared where cheese samples were
Coagulant; The purified microbial rennet powder (Renni- kept in 20% NaCl brine solution with no retort treatment.
max 1/150, commercial Mucor miehei rennet powder) Cheese samples were stored as room temperature (i.e.
obtained from Tulip Co., origin of Spain, Amman, Jordan). approximately 22–25 °C) and analysed for microbial and

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Warming cow’s milk to about 33-35 ºC

Addition of microbial rennet (2.5g/100 L milk) and setting of milk for 30-45 min

Cutting the curd into small cubes and the curd drainage for 10 min for whey separation

Draining (Pressing in cheese cloth using weights for 2 hr)

Molding (Cutting the curd into small rectangular blocks)

Dry salting (Sprinkling of curd pieces with salt ~ 3 % w/w and rest for 3-6 hr)

Boiling (100 oC) curd pieces in brine containing not less than 18% sodium chloride

Removal of curd pieces from the brine for cooling

Packaging (curd placed in 5 kg tin containers with the brine in which the cheese was boiled)
Storage at room temperature for one year
Figure 1 Flow diagram for the manufacture of Nabulsi cheese.

sensory characteristics during 12 months of storage at 3- coli O157:H7 and Brucella were assayed using the FDA
month intervals. methods (Andrews et al. 2008).

Microbiological analysis Chemical analysis

Microbiological analysis was performed on both raw and Moisture, total ash, fat, protein, salt and pH of raw cheese
heat treated cheese samples. One jar from each set (i.e. sample were determined according to the standard methods
one brined and three heat treated) was taken for microbial of analysis (AOAC 1990). Crude protein value was based
and sensory analysis after 3-month storage. Ten gram on Kjeldahl nitrogen with a conversion factor of 6.38.
cheese samples in triplicate from each treatment were Cheese pH was measured using a pH meter (Hanna instru-
weighed and dispersed aseptically in 90-mL-sterilised buf- ments, Woonsocket, RI, USA).
fered peptone water and homogenised in a sterile polyeth-
ylene bag using a Stomacher (Stomacher 400; Lab Sensory analysis
Blender, West Sussex, UK) for 2 min. Appropriate deci- Sensory evaluation of white brined cheese stored for 0, 3, 6,
mal dilutions were prepared. The enumeration of total 9 and 12 months was conducted in the Food Science Labo-
Mesophilic bacteria (Plate count Agar; Merck, Gernsheim, ratories at the University of Jordan. A total of seventeen
Germany) at 30 °C for 48 h, total Coliforms (Violet Red panellists in-house trained in descriptive analysis methodol-
Bile Agar; Merck) at 37 °C for 48 h, Staphylococcus aur- ogy (11 male and 6 female) aged 22–50 years were used in
eus (Baird-Parker Agar; Merck) at 37 °C for 48 h and this study. Panellists were trained to quantify the following
Yeasts and Moulds (Potato Dextrose Agar; Merck) at quality attributes: colour (whiteness and yellowish), texture
25 °C for 7 days was performed. Salmonella, Escherichia (softness and firmness), overall taste (flavour and odour)

© 2014 Society of Dairy Technology 429

Vol 67, No 3 August 2014

and appearance (exterior, interior) of the experimental were determined using LSD test. Differences at P < 0.05
cheese samples. Attributes of the samples were identified, were considered to be significant.
and intensities were quantified in three orientation ses-
sions. During each orientation session the panellists were
familiarised with the quality attribute range found in Nab-
ulsi cheese. A nine point hedonic scale (1 = dislike extre- Chemical composition
mely to 9 = like extremely, according to Meilgaard et al. Moisture, protein, fat, ash, salt content and pH of
1999) was used to rank the acceptability of samples. freshly brined, nonheated Nabulsi cheese were
Samples were coded using random three digit numbers in 61.1  1.8%, 13.6  1.5%, 17.2  1.6%, 8.0  0.2%,
a randomised serving order, and samples were evaluated 5.2  0.4%, and 6.45  0.17%, respectively. The chemi-
in duplicate. cal composition results were broadly in agreement with
those reported by Ayyash and Shah (2011) except for
Statistical analysis protein and fat content. Those authors reported 59.1%
All treatments were repeated twice. Chemical and microbial moisture content, 25.2% protein, 22.4% fat, 10.9% ash
tests were performed in triplicate on the cheese samples. and pH 6.4 for Nabulsi cheese. Chemical composition
Statistical calculations were performed using statistical analy- variation was attributed to the type and source of milk,
sis system, SAS program (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, conditions of cheese production, seasonal variations, cow’s
USA). Significant differences among means of treatments or goat feed, degree of curd pressing and whey drainage.

Table 1 Counts (log cfu/g) of microbial groups (listed below) in raw and heat treated white brined Nabulsi cheese during storage at room
temperature in different concentrations of brine solution

Cheesea Heat treatment (°C/min) Storage (month) Mesophilic bacteria Coliform S. aureus Yeasts and Moulds
Raw No Heat Treatment After manufacture 8.91A 6.03A 2.48A 5.56A
Traditional (Brine 20%) Boiling (100 °C)/10 min 0 4.38B 2.22B 2.00A <1B
3 2.48C 1.54C 1.36B <1B
Brine 0% 90 °C/10 min 0 1.47E ND ND ND
3 2.60D ND ND ND
6 4.22C ND ND ND
9 5.81B ND ND ND
12 7.13A ND ND ND
100 °C/5 min 0 1.17E ND ND ND
3 2.55D ND ND ND
6 3.73C ND ND ND
9 4.96B ND ND ND
12 6.23A ND ND ND
115 °C/2 min 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 ND ND ND ND
Brine 5% 90 °C/10 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 ND ND ND ND
100 °C/5 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 ND ND ND ND
115 °C/2 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 ND ND ND ND
Brine 10% 90 °C/10 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 ND ND ND ND
100 °C/5 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 ND ND ND ND
115 °C/2 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 ND ND ND ND
Brine 20% 90 °C/10 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 ND ND ND ND
100 °C/5 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 ND ND ND ND
115 °C/2 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 ND ND ND ND
Means within the same heat treatment and column with different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05).
ND, Not detected.
Raw: white cheese produced by traditional method without heat treatment, boiled, manually filled and stored in 0, 5, 10 and 20% previously
boiled brine solution.

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Table 2 Comparison of temperature-time treatments at 90 °C, 110 °C and 115 °C for 10, 5 and 2 min, respectively, in various brine solution concentrations (0, 5, 10, 20% w/v) on the
sensory properties of experimental white brined Nabulsi cheese with cheese produced by the traditional method during storage

Appearance Colour Texture Taste

© 2014 Society of Dairy Technology

C 0 5 10 20 C 0 5 10 20 C 0 5 10 20 C 0 5 10 20
Storage (month) % Brine
90 °C/10 min
0 6.52dc 4.24a 5.73a 6.52a 8.01c 7.53a 6.05a 7.14a 8.12a 8.51a 6.33a 5.24a 6.03a 8.32a 8.71a 6.03a 8.22a 8.71a 8.12ba 6.33a
3 6.32d 4.04b 5.03b 6.32a 8.11cb 7.32a 5.24b 6.73ba 7.32b 8.41a 6.43a 4.05b 5.14b 7.22b 8.81a 4.24b 6.13b 7.92b 8.41a 4.04b
6 6.72c 3.15c 4.24c 6.33a 8.21b 6.23b 4.04c 6.53b 7.32b 8.21b 6.43a 2.1 5c 4.64b 7.02b 8.51b 3.82c ND ND 8.01b 3.23c
9 7.12b 2.05d 3.14d 5.83b 8.61a 6.23b 3.74d 6.72ba 8.21c 7.91c 6.52a 1.04d 3.03c 6.52c 8.11c 3.12d ND ND 8.21ba 2.82d
12 7.82a 1.04e 1.04e 5.03c 8.51a 6.03b 2.14e 5.73bc 7.52c 8.51a 6.62a 1.04d 2.33d 6.52c 8.51b 2.42e ND ND 8.31ba 2.03e
100 °C/5 min
0 6.52dc 6.13a 6.432a 6.52a 7.41d 7.52a 5.64a 6.2 3a 7.62c 8.11ba 6.33a 3.85a 5.04a 8.02a 8.41cb 6.03a 9.01a 8.721a 8.42a 5.83a
3 6.32d 3.84b 5.33b 6.62a 7.71c 7.33a 5.35b 6.14ba 7.72bc 8.11ba 6.43a 2.75b 4.34b 7.82a 8.5 1b 4.23b 4.75b 8.54a 7.92b 4.31b
6 6.72c 2.84c 4.0 3c 6.5 2a 8.01b 6.22b 5.03c 5.33b 7.71bc 7.81c 6.43a 1.0 5c 3.24c 7.12b 8.0 1d 3.82c ND ND 7.51c 3.82c
9 7.12b 1.0 5d 3.1 4d 5.3 3b 7.9 1b 6.22b 4.14d 4.63c 8.01ba 8.01b 6.53a 1.0 5c 2.54d 7.32b 8.3 1c 3.13d ND ND 7.61cb 3.52d
12 7.82a 1.04d 1.0 4e 4.73c 8.3 1a 6.02b 2.03e 2.33d 8.11a 8.21a 6.63a 1.0 4c 1.04e 7.22b 8.7 1a 2.42e ND ND 7.51c 3.23e
115 °C/2 min
0 6.53dc 3.05a 4.54a 7.02a 8.41b 7.521a 3.14a 5.33a 7.22ba 7.71ba 6.32a 3.04a 5.73a 7.71a 8.01c 6.04a 8.71a 8.81a 8.32a 7.33a
3 6.33d 2.15b 3.24b 7.22a 8.71a 7.31a 1.53b 5.62a 7.31ba 7.61b 6.43a 1.75b 5.24a 7.02b 8.51b 4.23b 8.81a 8.61a 7.52b 4.03b
6 6.72c 1.04c 2.23c 7.02a 8.71a 6.23b 1.25c 5.64a 7.12ba 7.81a 6.43a 1.05c 4.14b 6.82b 8.91a 3.83c 8.71a 8.71a 6.42c 3.94b
9 7.12b 1.03c 1.03d 7.32a 8.51b 6.22b 1.04d 5.73a 7.41a 7.61b 6.53a 1.05c 2.64c 6.9ba 8.81a 3.13d 8.81a 8.81a 5.02d 2.83c
12 7.82a 1.04c 1.04d 6.93b 8.21c 6.03b 1.05d 5.54a 7.02b 7.71ba 6.63a 1.04c 1.04d 7.12b 8.61b 2.43e 8.71a 8.61a 4.32e 2.04d
Means of sensory attributes (Appearance, colour, texture and taste) of the same column (the same temperature/time and brine solution) stored for 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks having differ-
ence letters are significantly (P < 0.05) different according to LSD. Means of the same attribute within the same raw having different superscripted number are significantly (P < 0.05)
different according to LSD.
C: Control treatment of Nabulsi cheese stored in 20% brine solution.
ND, Not determined.

Vol 67, No 3 August 2014

Moreover, the ratio of total solids, salt content and mois- achieved during storage which enhanced the keeping ability
ture content is highly affected by brining conditions and of the stored cheese pieces.
storage time (Guinee and Fox 1993 and Hayaloglu et al.
2002). Sensory characteristics
The sensory properties of white brined Nabulsi cheese
Microbiological quality made from cow’s milk and stored at different brine con-
The microbial counts of cheese samples before and after centrations and heated in brine at various temperature-time
heat treatments are shown in Table 1. Salmonella, E. coli treatments combinations are shown in Table 2. Mean sen-
O157:H7 and Brucella were not detected in any of raw sory scores for the appearance, colour and texture of
cheese samples but other microbial groups were present in cheese treatments kept in 20% brine solution were signifi-
raw cheese. Mesophiles, Coliform, S. aureus and Yeasts cantly (P < 0.05) greater than when kept in 0, 5 and 10%
and Moulds were present in high numbers. The high num- brine samples regardless of heat-time treatment. Table 2
bers of total Mesophilic bacteria (8.91 log cfu/g), Coliform shows that all mean sensory scores for the curd samples
(6.03 log cfu/g), S. aureus (2.48 log cfu/g) and Yeasts and treated at 90 °C/10 min and 100 °C/5 min and stored in 0
Moulds (5.56 log cfu/g) in raw cheese indicates that micro- and 5% NaCl concentrations were high at the time of
bial contamination of the raw unpasteurised milk used for manufacture and before storage, but decreased significantly
cheese manufacture was very high, and/or contamination by during the storage period, while the taste score of cheese
environmental flora during cheese processing in an open samples treated at 115 °C/2 min did not significantly
atmosphere or by cheese cloth used in curd pressing was change over the storage period as presented in Figure 2a,b.
possible. The counts of total Mesophilic bacteria (4.38 and The decline in the sensory values of cheese stored in 0
2.48 log cfu/g), Coliform (2.22 and 1.54 cfu/g) and and 5% brine was attributed to the low NaCl concentra-
S. aureus (2.00 and 1.36 log cfu/g) were high after process- tions. This probably caused weakening of the cheese struc-
ing and after 3 months of storage, respectively. These high ture as a result of absorbing water from brine which
counts were probably due to postprocessing contamination accelerated proteolysis and deterioration of the cheese
and lack of hygiene during manual filling and reshaping of (Guerts et al. 1974; Prasad and Alvarez 1999). These
cheese pieces by hand. However, total Mesophilic bacteria changes may have caused softening of the cheese texture
and S. aureus viable numbers decreased significantly during storage. Similar findings for the effect of different
(P < 0.05) throughout the storage period at the high brine brine concentrations on the hardness of cheese during stor-
concentration (20%) which adversely affects the growth of age were obtained for Gaziantep cheese (Kaya 2002) and
bacteria (Tukan and Humeid 1991). Iranian white cheese (Madadlou et al. 2007).
The populations of Mesophilic bacteria in cheese samples Figure 2a,b also shows the mean sensory scores for
treated at 90 °C/10 min or 100 °C/5 min and stored in 0% appearance, colour, texture and taste attributes of brine
brine solution were high and increased significantly through- temperature/time-heat treatment combinations during stor-
out the storage period, reaching their highest numbers at age. Results indicated a significant increase in mean
12 months of storage at room temperature. The presence of sensory scores for samples stored in high strength brine
Mesophilic bacteria in high numbers could be due to a high concentrations regardless of the temperature-time treatment.
initial microbial load in the raw cheese, low salt content of Colour, however, showed a significant decrease with stor-
cheese, insufficient temperature-time combinations and a age time (Table 2). Temperature-time treatments combina-
long storage period under nonrefrigerated conditions which tions of 100 °C/5 min and 115 °C/2 min for cheese stored
may encourage the growth of micro-organisms such as halo- in 10% brine led to significantly reduced mean scores for
philic bacteria, which are known as slow growing bacteria cheese taste during storage. Mean scores for taste were the
(Grant and Larsen 1989; Tukan and Humeid 1991). There highest after the processing and comparable for all the
were no viable microbial groups detected in cheese treated treatments. These differences in the taste scores could be
at 115 °C/2 min and stored in 0% brine solution during due to the variation in the salt content in the cheese pieces
storage period. This indicates that this treatment is sufficient before the equilibrium was reached. The salt–cheese equi-
for cheese preservation for 1 year at room temperature. librium usually is only reached after 1 week of storage in
All the temperature-time combinations that were applied brine due to the initial NaCl concentration gradient
regardless of the concentrations of brine solutions (5%, 10% between the cheese and surrounding brine (Prasad and
or 20%) were efficient in eliminating all the groups of Alvarez 1999; Kaya 2002; Madadlou et al. 2007). After
micro-organisms that existed in raw cheese and had the abil- storage, the salt inside the cheese pieces accumulates and
ity to preserve the in-jar heated cheese throughout the stor- imparts a salty taste. The decrease in cheese taste score
age period. It is expected that moisture was expelled from may be due to the slightly bitter taste that can be obtained
the cheese into brine in these treatments, and salt diffused due to the casein hydrolysis. This hydrolysis is promoted
from brine solution into the cheese until equilibrium was by the relatively high temperatures applied (Al-Otaibi and

432 © 2014 Society of Dairy Technology

Vol 67, No 3 August 2014

(a) 9 9
3 Months o
115 C/2 min
6 Months
8 8
110 C/5 min
7 7
90oC/10 min

Acceptance 6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
9 9
9 Months 12 Months
8 8

7 7

6 6


5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 5 C 10 20 0 5 C 10 20
% Brine
% Brine
9 9
3 Months 6 Months
8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
9 9
9 Months 12 Months
8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5


4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 5 C 10 20 0 5 C 10 20
% Brine % Brine

Figure 2 (a) Appearance and colour sensory scores (nine point hedonic scale) for Nabulsi cheese treatments (90 °C/10min, 110 °C/5min and
115 °C/2min) after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months storage at room temperature. (b) Texture and taste sensory scores (nine point hedonic scale) for Nabulsi
cheese treatments (90 °C/10min, 110 °C/5min and 115 °C/2min) after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months storage at room temperature.

Wilbey 2006) and/or from the low salt concentration (Harju of salt concentration. This was evident with the decrease in
2001). However, consumer evaluation of cheese taste (fla- taste scores with the increase in brine concentration
vour and odour) seems to be associated with the perception (Table 2).

© 2014 Society of Dairy Technology 433

Vol 67, No 3 August 2014

(b) 9 9
3 Months 115oC/2 min 6 Months
8 110 C/5 min 8

7 7
90oC/10 min

6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
9 9
9 Months 12 Months
8 8
7 7
6 6

4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

0 0
0 5 C 10 20 0 5 C 10 20
% Brine % Brine
9 9
3 Months 6 Months
8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5


4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
9 9
9 Months 12 Months
8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5


4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 5 C 10 20 0 5 C 10 20
% Brine % Brine

Figure 2 (Continued)

434 © 2014 Society of Dairy Technology

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The mean sensory scores for the colour and taste of tradi- Ayyash M M and Shah N P (2011) The effect of substituting NaCl with
tional white cheese stored in 20% brine decreased signifi- KCl on Nabulsi cheese: chemical composition, total viable count, and
cantly over the 12-month storage period, while texture and texture profile. Journal of Dairy Science 94 2741–2751.
appearance increased significantly. This was attributed to Caric M (1987) Mediterranean cheese verities. Ripened cheese verities
native to Balkan countries. In Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Micro-
the negative effect of the high brine concentration on cheese
biology, 2nd edn, Vol. 2, pp. 266–268. Fox P F ed. London, UK:
firmness. Kaya (2002) attributed these changes to the weak-
Chapman & Hall.
ness in structure as a result of absorbing water from the
Grant W D and Larsen H (1989) Extremely halophilic Archaeobacteria.
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