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3 General Science
Baptist Lui Ming Choi Education (1st
Secondary School
F. 3 General Science Education (1 term) st

Scheme of work
Period Contents Page Activities Study skills and Strategies
1 1. Colour of light pp.1-2 Activity 1.1 - 1.2
Reading skills
2 2. Just beyond visible light pp.3-5 Activity 2.1 – 2.3 Note-taking in point form
3 3. Beyond Infrared and pp. 6-14 Activity 3.1 – 3.4 Note-taking with table and diagrams
2 pp. 14-15 Activity 4 Concept map
4. EM spectrum
KWL grid

Venn diagrams


Table of Summary

Read with book index

Vocabulary building
Check-list for Learning objective:
Students should be able to

(i) apply the study skills and strategies for effective learning in future studies
(ii) state that the speed of light and electromagnetic waves in a vacuum is 3.0 × 108 m s−1

(iii)state the range of wavelengths for visible light

(iv) state the relative positions of visible light and other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum

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F. 3 General Science Education (1st term) VER1.0/2009

1.1 Composition of white light

Under white light, a banana appears yellow, an apple appears red and a leaf appears
green. Do you know why? To answer this question, we should first investigate the
composition of white light.

White light can be dispersed by a glass prism into White light

seven colours, namely red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo and violet. These colours altogether red
form a colour spectrum (光譜).

The dispersion of white light into coloured spectrum is due to the changes in speeds violet
of light with different colours. When light travels in air and enters a piece of glass, its
speed will change and its direction of travel will change too. When white light enters a
prism, the speeds of colour rays will decrease. However, not all the colours in white
light move at the same speed. Therefore, when white light enters glass at an angle, the
directions of their movement also differ.

Rainbows are also formed by the dispersion of white

light by raindrops. When there are many water
droplets in the air, they work like prisms. When
sunlight shines on them, white light is dispersed to form
White light
a colour spectrum. It is then reflected and a rainbow is
formed in the sky.

Water droplet

ACTIVITY 1.1 : Note-taking

(a) Scan the passage above and guess the theme of it.

(b) State the main ideas in point-form by looking at the topic sentence

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F. 3 General Science Education (1st term) VER1.0/2009

1.2 Mixing light and Colour of an object

Mixing light rays of different colours will produce another

colour. This is often used in the lighting systems for stage magenta yellow
performance. When red, green and blue light rays are mixed
together, they produce white light. We call them the primary red
colours. A primary colour is a pure colour than cannot be made
by mixing other colours. Other colours which are produced by
mixing two primary colours are called secondary colours.
blue green

When white light falls on an object, the object will absorb some of the light rays and reflect
others. For example, red apple will reflect red light but absorb all other colours. Greencyan
leave will absorb all other colours except green. As a result, the objects will appear red and
green in colour respectively. Also, a yellow banana appears to be yellow as it reflects both
red and green light in same amount. White objects reflect all colours while black objects
absorb all colours.

ACTIVITY 1.2 : Note-taking

(a) Give the main ideas of the above passage in point-form.

(b) You may also draw diagrams to show the physics regarding colour of objects you learned.

(c) For further studies, different colours in the spectrum can be mixed with different ratio of
red, green and blue colour of light. Website :

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2.1 Beyond red and violet

Frequency refers to the number of vibration / oscillation or recurrences of an event in a

second. The frequencies of sound determine their pitch and energy. The higher the
frequency of a sound, the higher the pitch it is. Similarly, the frequencies of light
determine their colour. Violet light is of highest frequency when compared with blue
light, green light and yellow light. The frequency of red light is the smallest in the
coloured spectrum. The frequency of visible light is about 1014 Hz.

We know that the range of audible sound frequencies for human ear runs from 20 Hz to
20 000 Hz. In other words, we cannot hear any sound beyond this frequency range. The
sound of frequency higher than 20 000 Hz is called ultrasound and the one lower than 20
Hz is called Infrasound. Similarly, we can only see light by our eyes within a range of
certain frequencies which is known as visible light or coloured spectrum. We find that the
thermometer reading rises slightly beyond the red light of the spectrum. This indicates
that energy has been transferred to the thermometer. In fact the energy comes from a
kind of light or radiation called infrared radiation. Also, we find that the fluorescent
paper glow when it is placed beyond the violet light. This is due to the effect of energetic
ultraviolet radiation. The fluorescent paper glows because it absorbs energy of
ultraviolet light and releases it in the form of visible light.

ACTIVITY 2.1 : note-taking with a table

(a) Fill in the table below to realize that there are radiations beyond visible light.
Sound Light
Sensory organ
Frequency corresponds to
Frequency that we can detect
Name of sound/light that we can detect
Frequency too high
Frequency too low

(b) Give experiment evidences that radiations beyond visible light are present.

(i) Ultraviolet :

(ii) Infrared :

2.2 Infrared

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All objects emit infrared radiation. The higher the temperature, the higher the intensity
of the infrared light emitted. The frequency of infrared radiation is lower than that of
visible light. When objects absorb infrared radiation, their temperature will increase.
Therefore, altogether we cannot see infrared radiation, it is possible for us to detect it
with temperature-sensitive devices such as a thermometer, infrared detector and skin.

Infrared radiation can be used to transmit signals. For example,

the remote controls of domestic electrical appliances transmit
signals by infrared radiation and control the appliances. As
infrared radiation is invisible to the naked eye, it is used in
security systems. Some security systems use infrared radiation
transmitters and receivers. When somebody passes through and
blocks the infrared radiation, the alarm will ring.

Infrared radiation is also used for indoor heating. In

addition, it can be used to dry the wet paints on cars. The
most important application of infrared radiation is in
infrared (IR) photography. The temperature of objects can
be recorded on special films. Different colours represent
different temperatures. With the help of infrared
photography, scientists can observe stars beyond the visible
spectrum as well as the climate of the Earth. Lastly,
infrared radiation is also used by the military to detect
activities of other living things in the dark.

ACTIVITY 2.2 : Note-taking

(a) Highlight the properties of Infrared and the applications of it.

(b) Complete the following notes in point-form.
Properties of Infrared: Applications of infrared:

2.3 Ultraviolet

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The frequency of ultraviolet radiation is higher than that of visible light. Ultraviolet
radiation mainly comes from the Sun, while some quartz lamps and mercury-vapour
lamps also give out ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation, particular that with high
frequency, is highly hazardous to living organisms. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet
radiation can result in skin burn or even skin cancer. Some materials, such as petroleum,
paint or fluorescent materials, ca absorb the energy of ultraviolet radiation and release it
in the form of visible light. On the other hand, materials like glass allow the passage of
visible light but absorb ultraviolet radiation.

Sine ultraviolet radiation can kill germs, it is used in

sterilization. Clothes dried under sunlight are cleaner and free
of mould. This is because ultraviolet radiation in the sunlight
can kill germs. It can also used to sterilize water. We can also
use ultraviolet light to check banknotes. Ultraviolet light
causes fluorescent materials to glow. When a banknotes is
placed under an ultraviolet lamp, the specially printed mark
glows so that we know it is a real banknote. The signature in
the banknote is also printed in fluorescent materials. Some
washing powder contains fluorescent materials so that the
clothes can absorb ultraviolet radiation under sunlight and
glow, thus marking them look cleaner and brighter.

ACTIVITY 2.3 : Note-taking

Write down notes in point-form.


3.1 Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum

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Visible light, infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation all

belong to the electromagnetic spectrum (EM spectrum). All
members of the EM spectrum are waves. They have some
common characteristics. They all travel in vacuum with a
speed of 3 x 108 ms-1.

Members of the EM spectrum are classified according to

their frequencies. The higher the frequency, the higher the
energy is but the smaller the wavelength is. Wavelength is
the distance travelled by the wave in one period of
vibration. The diagram on the right shows the EM
spectrum. Wavelength of visible light ranges between 4 x
10-7 to 7 x 10-7 m. Those on the top have higher
frequencies and smaller wavelength. The members of the
EM spectrum are : gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet
radiation, visible light, infrared radiations, microwaves and
radio waves.

ACTIVITY 3.1 : Concept map and KWL grid

(a) Draw a concept map to summarize the above passage. Concept map organizes all concepts
together in a meaningful way.

(b) KWL (Know-Want-Learnt) grid is a learning strategy that helps you activate previous
knowledge on a topic and guide your further studies on that topic. Take EM spectrum as an
example. First, write down what you already know about EM spectrum in the K-column.
You may refer to 1.1 - 3.1 and you may write in words or sentences. Then, write down
what you want to know in the W-column. They may be questions or some more related
topics. Leave the third column blank until you have learnt all topics regarding EM

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What did I know about this topic? What do I want to know about it? What have I learnt about it?

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3.2 Gamma rays and X-rays

Gamma rays are EM radiation of wavelength 10-12 m. They are produced by the nuclei of
radioactive materials. They can be detected by a photographic film. Gamma rays have the
highest frequency among all members of the EM spectrum. They are the most energetic EM
waves and have the highest penetrating power. When they pass through an organism, their
energy is absorbed and thus damages the cells.

While penetrating gamma rays are harmful to normal cells, they can
also be used to kill cancer cells. During radiotherapy, doctors apply a
suitable level of gamma rays to the cancer tissue, thereby killing the
cancer cells. This therapy is usually used when the affected areas
cannot be removed by a surgical operation due to spreading of the
cancer cells.

X-rays have a lower energy level than gamma rays and are of wavelength 10 -10 m. They can
be produced by the collision of high-speed electrons with tungsten in a X-ray tube. The
frequencies of X-rays are higher than that of UV radiation. X-rays are therefore more
energetic than UV radiation. X-rays can be detected by photographic films.

Since its discovery in 1895, the major use of X-rays has been in the medical field. X-rays can
pass through soft-tissue organs such as the stomach, lungs, etc. but cannot pass through
certain parts of our bodies, such as the bones. Therefore, X-rays can be used to detect bone
fractures caused by injuries. They can also be used in medical diagnoses to detect changed
tissue densities caused by some diseases e.g. tuberculosis and certain types of cancer. X-rays
with a lower energy level can also be used during dental treatment. X-rays can also be used
to identify the contents of luggage in airports. X-rays photos are used in industries to look for
any cracks in metal objects. X-rays can also be used to study the structure of crystals.

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ACTIVITY 3.2 : Venn Diagram

Venn diagrams have long been popular in helping you to ascertain the similarities and differences between
ideas or concepts. Now, complete the below Venn diagram comparing the similarities and differences between
gamma rays and X-rays.
Gamma rays

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3.3 Microwaves

Microwaves are of frequencies lower than those of infrared radiation and are very helpful in
our daily lives. The wavelength of microwave ranges from 10-3 m to 10-1 m.

We regularly use a microwave oven, which provides a time saving way to cook. But do you
know how it works? In the microwave oven, microwaves penetrate the food and cause the
water molecules in food to vibrate vigorously. The water gets hot and heats up the food.

Microwaves can travel through the ionosphere of the atmosphere and reach satellites in space,
which are about 36 000 km above the ground. They are then reflected back to other spots on
the Earth and received. The huge distance between satellites and the Earth means that the
range of microwave transmission can be very large. Microwave transmission provides us with
a wireless, cheap and more direct means to make long distance calls to overseas countries.
Moreover, it makes live broadcasts of football games and Olympic games possible.

Microwave pulses of wavelength 3 cm are used in radars to detect distant objects. They are
emitted from the transmitter to the sky. When an object e.g. a plane passes by, microwaves
will be reflected back to the receiver. From the recorded time difference, we can determine
the distance and position of the object.

ACTIVITY 3.3 : Visualize to learn

In order to understand logical sequences of actions or reasoning to explain physical principles, pictures to
visualize the whole sequence and explanation are highly recommended. Take the above three applications of
microwave as an example. They are microwave oven, satellite telecommunication and radars.

Microwave oven : How it works?

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Satellite Communication : How it works?

Radar : How it works?

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3.4 Radio waves

Discovery of radio waves

In the late 19th century, many scientists attempted to transmit a huge quantity of signals
without using wires. Exploration in this field played an important role in the development of
broadcasting technology. In 1873, a British scientist, James Clerk Maxwell, proposed the
existence of electromagnetic waves. In 1877, a German scientist, Heinrich Rudolf Hertz,
produced radio waves, which, at that time, could not be used for communication. In 1896, an
Italian scientist, G. Marcont, successfully transmitted messages to a distance of 1.6 km away.
Three years later, he succeeded in communication between Britain and France. In 1901, he
transmitted the signals across the Atlantic Ocean. Then, in 1904, a British engineer produced
the first vacuum diode, which was later modified by an American engineer into transistor.
Since then, the production, transmission and reception of signals could be amplified, and
broadcasting technology has improved a lot. Radio waves are mainly used for
communication. There are five main types of radio waves.

Types of Radio waves and its applications

Radio waves have wavelength ranging from 10-1 m to 104 m. Long waves are mainly used for
submarine communication. Medium waves are mainly used in radio broadcasting. Amplitude
modulation (AM) broadcasting uses medium waves for transmission. AM broadcast is not
suitable for transmitting music and is normally used for broadcasting speeches and talk shows.
Transmission of music usually relies on Frequency modulation (FM) broadcast. Short waves
are mainly used in long-distance communication. As the Earth is round in shape, it is
impossible to transmit a message directly between two distant spots. So, for long-distance
broadcasts, short waves are first transmitted to the ionosphere, where they are reflected back to
the receiver far away on the Earth. Very high frequencies (VHF) are used for FM broadcasts.
Different radio stations broadcast in different frequencies. FM broadcasting is able to transmit
music with high fidelity. The main application of Ultra high frequencies (UHF) is in
television broadcasts. Each TV channel transmits in two frequencies, one for visual
transmission and the other for sound transmission. Therefore, a TV antenna is also specially
designed for this reason. In addition to TV broadcasts, communication by mobile phones and
pagers also reply on UHF.

How are radio waves received?

To transmit and receive radio waves, antennas are necessary. When transmitting radio waves,
the antenna receives a signal from a transmitter and radio waves are then emitted into space.

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To receive a signal, an antenna is connected to a receiver. Radio waves from space induce a
weak electric current in the antenna rod. This current is then amplified by a radio receiver.

ACTIVITY 3.4(a) : Timeline

Creating timelines helps you understand chronological order. They are most often to summarize the history of
something, how an event unfolded, or the significant events of an historical figures’ life.

Complete the following timeline to show the discovery of radio waves.

Year 1873 1877 1896 1901 1904



ACTIVITY 3.4(b) : Table to summarize

Draw a table to summarize the 5 types of radio waves and their applications.

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ACTIVITY 3.4(c) : Visualize to learn

Draw some diagrams to show how a radio wave is transmitted and detected.

ACTIVITY 4 : Table of Summary / Concept map
In summarizing what you have learnt in this topic, you may refer to your notes, you may create your concept
map and you may also construct a table of summary as well.

Complete the table of summary on page 15.

Now view 3 video clips about colour, long waves and short waves in EM spectrum in the eClass (Resource /
files / F.3_phy / video for revision /) and draw a concept map of what you have learnt from them.


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Electromagnetic Spectrum (EM Spectrum)


EM waves

Source Detector Application

They all tranvel with the same speed of light, e.g. _______________________


10-9 – 10-8 m


Visible light
10-6 – 10-3 m


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6. Some more articles on EM spectrum

1. Read the following article “Jocelyn Bell Burnell” and answer the questions.

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pp.85-89, Read and Understand Science Grade 4-6, Evan-Moor, USA.

Questions about Jocelyn Bell Burnell

1. To build the radio telescope, Jocelyn and the other students

A. connected a radio and a telescope together.
B. placed a large telescope on top of a building.
C. strung wires and antennas between tall poles
D. wired mirrors to the tops of tall poles.

2. What happened when the radio telescope picked up radio signals from space?
A. The signals showed up as marks on chart paper.
B. Beeping sounds came from the radio.
C. Jocelyn took picture of that part of the sky.
D. A computer assigned each signal a number.

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3. What did Jocelyn do immediately after finding the unusual signal?

A. She told a reporter it must be “little green men”.
B. She waited to see if it would happen again.
C. She worked with gamma-ray and X-ray telescopes.
D. She won the Nobel Prize for her discovery.

4. What was Jocelyn Bell Burnell’s important discovery?

A. A type of radio telescope
B. A new kind of star called a pulsar
C. Radio interference from space
D. A star that was collapsing

5. According to the article, pulsars

A. reflect little light
B. are easy to see.
C. don’t last very long.
D. are good timekeepers.

Complete the sentences below with words and phrases from the word box. Use a dictionary to help you, if

Solar system pulses regular dense antenna

Pulsar radio telescope astronomy collapse antennas

1. If you are interested in stars and events that happens in space, then you should study the field of

2. Our ______________________ includes the sun and all the objects that orbit it, including the eight

3. A ____________________ is a fast-spinning type of neutron star discovered by Dr Jocelyn Bell Burnell.

4. Most pulsars send our flashes, or ______________________, of radio signals about two times per second.

5. Astronomers use ______________________________ to scan the sky for radio signals from space.

6. Neutron stars are very compact, or ___________________.

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7. To receive radio or television signals, it is helpful to have an __________________________.

8. When something falls in on itself, it is said to _______________________.

9. Something that follows a pattern, happening again and again with the same amount of time between each
occurrence, is said to be ________________________.

Jocelyn Bell Burnell and you

1. From a very young age, Jocelyn enjoyed learning about the stars. What do you enjoy learning about?

2. When Jocelyn discovered the unusual radio signal, she was puzzled and curious. Her curiosity led her to
a big discovery. Write a story, true or make-believe, about a time when your curiosity led you to learn
about something.

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2. Read the following article “The Mystery of the Melted Candy Bar” and answer the questions.

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pp.95-98, Read and Understand Science Grade 4-6, Evan-Moor, USA.

Questions about The Mystery of the Melted Candy Bar

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. Why might Percy Spencer’s friends have thought Spencer would not be successful in life?

2. Why was Spencer considered a World War II was hero?

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3. What made Spencer believe that microwaves might be useful in cooking foods?

4. In what business did the first Radarangers find use?

5. Why were the first Radaranges not practical for use in home kitchens?

6. Why were people afraid of cook food in microwaves ovens at first?

7. How do microwaves cook food?

1. Use context clues from the story and /or a dictionary to help you match the following words from the
story with their definitions.

magnetron orphaned microwave

radar patented molecules

(a) An electromagnetic wave that acts much like a radio or light wave e.g. microwave

(b) Something used to determine the position of a faraway object.

(c) Legally secured as an original idea or invention

(d) A tube that produces microwaves

(e) Left without a living parent

(f) Small particles of matter

2. Now use the words from above in sentences of your own.

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(a) Microwave is an electromagnetic wave of relatively long wavelength.. (Example)






3. Read the following article “McDonald Observatory” and answer the questions.

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pp.120-124, Read and Understand Science Grade 4-6, Evan-Moor, USA.

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Questions about McDonald Observatory

1. Why is McDonald Observatory’s location in the mountains of west Texas ideal for stargazing?

2. How does a reflector telescope make distant objects seem brighter and closer?

3. Which of the big telescopes at McDonald Observatory did scientists at NASA use to help them prepare
for the Viking mission to Mars? Describe THREE ways that this telescope helped NASA scientists
prepare for the mission.

4. Describe how the McDonald Lunar Ranging Station is used.

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Complete the puzzle using words related to the article. Use a dictionary to check the meanings of your answer,
it needed.

Across Down
2. A concentrated beam of light; letters stand 1. Device; tools
for “Light Amplification by Stimulated
Emission of Radiation”
3. A curved glass that makes things look 2. Illumination that makes it possible to see
larger or closer than they are

5. The astronomer who discovered moons 4. A name assigned to U,S. missions to explore
around Jupiter in 1610 outer reaches of our solar system

6. A building or group of buildings that 7. A place; location

house telescope for viewing the stars

9. It looks like a star with a shining tail 8. With 2 down, it means light from buildings and
streets that makes it hard to see the stars

10. A device that makes objects in space seem 10. 2,000 pounds or 907.2 kg
brighter and closer than they are

13. Often means an object made by people 11. A name of a U.S. mission to Mars
and sent into orbit about the Earth

14. The study of things and events in space 12. The U.S. agency in charge of exploring space;
letters stands for “National Aeronautics and
Space Administration”

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From Earth, it looks like a twinkling point of
light in the night sky.
Here is a part of an index of a book. Read the index and use the information to answer the questions that

1. On what pages would you look to find out how hot a star is?

2. What page could you turn to in order to read about pulsars?

3. Where would you look to learn the names of the planets in our solar system?

4. Why is “space station” listed after “space exploration”?

5. What would you learn about if you read pages 75-77?

6. How can a book index help you?

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6. Self-study Exercise

Complete ALL the following exercise by yourself and try to correct them. The suggested answers appear on last page. This booklet will be collected and

evaluated by teacher at the end of the 1st first term.

1. Dalton’s atomic theory (CHEM)

John Dalton (1766-1844) studied the work of Democritus, Lavoisier and Prout.
Antoine Lavoisier investigated1the changes that took place when two chemicals
reacted2 and formed a new compound3. He weighed the chemicals before the reaction4
and then weighed the compound that was formed. Lavoisier found that the total mass 5
of the chemicals was the same as the mass of the compound that was produced. From
this result and from the results of similar experiments, Lavoisier set out his law of
conservation6 of mass which stated that matter is neither created7 nor destroyed8
during a chemical reaction.

Joseph Proust (1754-1826) followed Lavoisier example by carefully weighing the chemicals in his experiments. He
discovered that when he broke up copper carbonate9 into its elements of copper, carbon and oxygen and then weighed
them, they always combined in the same proportions of 5.3 parts of copper, 4 parts of oxygen and one part of carbon. He
found that other substances were made from different proportions10 of elements and these proportions were always the
same too, no matter how large or small the amounts of elements that were used. From his work, Proust devised11 the law of
definite12 proportions which stated that the elements in a compound are always present in a certain definite proportion, no
matter how the compound is made.

John Dalton put together his atomic theory and suggest that:
 All matter is composed of 13 tiny particles14 called atoms15.
 Atoms cannot be divided up into smaller particles and cannot be destroyed.
 Atoms of an element all have the same mass and properties16.
 The atoms of different elements have different masses and different properties.
 Atoms combine17 in simple whole numbers when they form compounds.

This theory helped chemists at the time, but the results of later investigations showed that it was not completely correct.
Source :Chemistry NOW! Peter D Riley

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1. investigated 研究 7. created 創造 13. composed of 包括
2. reacted (v) 反應 8. destroyed 消滅 14. particles 粒子
3. compound 化合物 9. copper carbonate 碳酸銅 15. atoms 原子
(a kind of chemical)
4. reaction (n) 反應 10. proportions 比例 16. properties 特性
5. mass 質量 11. devised 想出 17. combine 組合
6. conservation 守恆 / 不變 12. definite 特定

(a) Which parts of the theory come from Lavoisier’s work?

(b) Why do a block of copper and a similarly sized block of carbon not weigh the same?

(c) Whose work led to the statement that atoms combine in simple whole numbers?

(d) Which part of John Dalton’s atomic theory do you think is not correct now?

2. Father of Optical Fibre – Professor Kao ( 高錕 ) (PHY)

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Professor Kao has a great interest in science since his childhood and
establishes his success in optical fibre research. When Professor
Kao was still very young, he loved many science subjects including
physics, chemistry and mathematics. From primary six, doing
experiments was one of his most favorable habits. Whenever he had
spare time, he would make all sorts of electrical appliances on his
own. In his memory, he did a lot of experiment related to chemistry
and wireless electricity. Even if he would come across some
difficulties, there was no influence to his devotion to doing
experiment. He emphasized that the process of doing experiment offered him with the sense of satisfaction and

Professor Kao claims that besides books, experiment also plays a very important role in learning science. Students
can have a deeper understanding through the application of theory and performing experiments. Moreover,
experiments provide students the excitement to convert the abstract theory into some practical means that can
initiate students’ interest in exploring science.

In Professor Kao point of view, interest is a key element in learning science. When students have interest toward
science, they do not treat it as a burden. Contrarily, they will find that science is just like a game that contains lots of
fun and excitement. Therefore, they will have a motivation to actively get in touch with the science theory.

Additionally, curiosity also provokes students’ interest of learning science. Whenever they are curious about
surroundings, they will try to find our the reason of the existence of the phenomenon and the relationship between
them. This helps them apply what they have learned about science in real situation and grasp the related theories.

Another essential element of learning science is the memory. Learning sciences the ability to describe the
characteristics of the matter and surroundings. Professor Kao finds that reciting the book content will provide them
with the vocabulary to describe the science phenomenon and also communicate with each other in science fields. If
there is no memorization in science with the help of science words, it will be difficult to interpret science.

With the experience of doing science research, Professor Kao points out that physics contributes several advantages
to human being. From science research, many issues can be explained by science theory, which lets the human
being understand the nature and increase their sense of security about where they live. Furthermore, it is a kind of
training for identifying truth and critical thinking.

The invention of optical fibre really causes an indispensable influence to the world. If there is no optical fibre
invented, perhaps there is no emergence of Internet or prosperous development of telecommunication. On the
aspect of science theory, light is a desirable matter for telecommunication since it can transmit a several thousands

times more information in optical fibre than electrical signal in copper wire. Also the time required in transmission

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is relatively shorter. As a result, the use of optical fibre improves the quality of telecommunication, especially in the
area of computer.

With the abundance experience, Professor Kao realizes that companionship is an important factor in his success. If
there are several friends also have interest in science, they can group together for investigating in the field of their
interest. Through discussion, students can assimilate the knowledge in a faster way. Questioning is also a good
habit in research. We should not be scared to be laughed by others and give up the chance to ask since you will lose
the opportunity to know more about world.

(a) Underline the topic sentence of each paragraph, which can summarize each of them, in the passage.
e.g. topic sentence for the 1st paragraph is done for you.

(b) Which paragraph(s) refer to the below contents?

Professor Kao and Science : _______________________

Elements in learning science : ______________________

Kao’s contribution in science : ______________________

Factor to success in Kao’s research work : _____________________

(c) Try to write note (point-form) about the passage “The Father of Optical Fibre” below.

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3. The first ideas about matter (CHEM)

The earliest people used the materials they could find around them such as wood, stone, antlers and skin. When people
learned to make fire they began to change one material into another. First they learned how to cook food, then how to bake
clay and make pottery and bricks. Eventually they learned how to heat some rocks in charcoal fires so strongly that a
chemical reaction took place in which a metal was produced.

By 600 BC, philosophers in the Greek civilization were thinking about what different things were made of. They were
puzzled by the way one substance could be changed into another. They asked the question, “If a rock can be turned into
metal, what really is the rock? Is the rock a kind of metal or is the metal a kind of rock?” They then thought that if one
substance could change into another, perhaps it could go on changing into other substances. They did not carry out
experiments to test their observations and ideas but tired to explain them with more ideas.

A Greek philosopher called Thales (642-546 BC) believed that all substances were made from different forms of one
single substance. He called this substance an element. He observed how water changed from solid to liquid and gas and
how plants and animals needed water to stay alive. From these observations he concluded that everything was made form
different forms of water.

Other philosophers did not agree with Thales. Some believed that everything was made from air. They believed that air
reached up from the ground and filled the whole of space. They thought that air could be squashed to make liquids and
solids. Some philosophers suggested that fire was the basic element because it was always changing and it was this
element in everything that made things change.

Eventually it was agreed that there were four elements from which all matter was made. The elements were water, air, fire
and earth. Each element was given properties, and the way the elements and their properties were related to each other is
shown in Figure A.

The Greeks’ ideas of the elements were used for 2000 years to explain the structure of materials and the way they change.
Source : Chemistry NOW! Peter D Riley

Figure A. The Greek elements. Figure B. The four elements- air, water, earth and
fire – can easily be identified in our surroundings

hot dry


wet cold

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Questions :
(a) Why was the discovery of using fire important to make people think about the structure of materials?

(b) Why were the Greeks’ conclusions about matter not scientific?

(c) If a substance was cold and dry, what element did the Greeks think it had?

(d) What properties would a material have to show for the Greeks to decide that it contained fire?

(e) How do you think the Greeks’ idea of elements was used for such a long time?

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4. Changing the idea of elements (CHEM)

Robert Boyle (1627-1691) thought that elements could be identified by performing experiments. Any substance that could
not be broken down into simpler substances in an investigation was an element. He also believed that two elements could
be joined together to make a compound and that they could be split apart again.

Some scientists disagree with Boyle. They observed that when water was heated for many days, sediment was produced.
They believed this supported the Greek’s idea about elements because it showed that the element water was being turned
into the element earth.

Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) performed an experiment in which water was

boiled and condensed in a piece of apparatus called a pelican, a glass
recipient whose shape resembles the bird's form, for 101 days. At the end of
this time he found that the weight of water remained unchanged, but the
weight of the sediment was equal to the weight of the material lost by the
pelican. It demonstrated that the residue obtained was not due to a
transmutation of water, but rather to the dissolving of the pelican's inner
surface in the water. Lavoisier added his support to Boyle’s ideas and
produced a list of substances that he considered to be elements. In his list
were 21 elements we recognize today such as hydrogen, nickel and zinc.
Lavoisier’s work encouraged other chemists to search for elements.

Source : Chemistry NOW! Peter D Riley

Draw a concept map to summarize what you have learnt from the above passage.

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(a) How did Boyle believed that elements could be found?

(b) How did Lavoisier show that water did not turn into sediment?

(c) What important process did Lavoisier use to find the amounts of substances in his experiment?

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5. Biological Discoveries and inventions (BIO)

Many biologists have made important discoveries and have used their biological knowledge to invent useful thing
such as drugs and medical equipment to improve our life. The following diagrams show some of the discoveries and
inventions in the past 100 years.


A working draft of the entire human genome The first artificial pacemaker (心臟起搏器) The GM vaccine (基因改造疫苗) for
sequence (人類基因圖譜) was announced. was successfully invented. Hepatitis B (乙型肝炎)was produced.


The structure of DNA was identified by Penicillin, an antibiotic (抗生素), was The first cloned (複製) sheep, Dolly, was born.
Watson and Crick. discovered by Alexander Fleming.

You are requested to put the corresponding discoveries or inventions (A to F) to the boxes in the
timeline below to show the development of them.

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6. How were cells discovered? (BIO)

Before the invention of microscope ( 顯微鏡 ), no one knew about the detail of the parts of an organism.
Microscopes are tools for magnifying very small object.

In 1590, Jansen invented the compound microscope ( 複式顯微鏡 ) as shown in Figure 7.1 which had two lenses.
Cells are said to have been discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665.
He used an improved compound microscope to examine cork
from the bark of a tree. He saw that cork consisted of many
boxes as shown in Figure 7.2. He called these boxes “cells”.

During 1650 and 1700, nuclei ( 細胞核 ) and unicellular

organisms (organisms with one cell only, e.g. bacteria) were
observed by Antony van Leeuwenhoeck with a simple lens. In
1827, the quality of lenses was greatly improved by Dolland.
This allowed more understanding of cells using the microscope.

In 1839, cell theory was proposed by Schleiden and Schwann. It

states that the basic unit of structure and function in organisms is
the cell. This is a very important concept in biology.

During 1880s and 1900s, chloroplasts ( 葉綠體 ) and

mitochondria (線粒體 ) were discovered.

Figure 7.1 An early compound microscope Figure 7.2 Robert Hooke’s drawing of cork cells

With the invention of electron microscope in the 1930s, biologists learnt more about cells. These microscopes make
use of beams of electrons, instead of light. They magnify objects up to 500 000 times, compared to only 1 500 times
in light microscopes.

More recently, scanning electron microscopes ( 掃瞄電子顯微鏡 ) have been developed. They give three-
dimensional images at magnifications up to 80 000 times. These instruments help biologists study the structure of a
cell in more detail.

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Light Microscope Electron Microscope Scanning electron microscope

(x 300) (x 1500) (x 3000)

Blood cells observed under different kinds of microscopes

Fill in the following table to see the history of how cells were discovered.
Year Scientist Discovery Observing Tools

1650- 1700

1839 ------

1880s ----- ------


1930s ----

1990s ----

Answer for section 5

Page 16-19 Jocelyn Bell Burnell

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1. C A B B D
2. Astronomy, solar system, pulsar, pulses, radio telescope, dense, antenna, collapse, regular

Page 20-23 The Mystery of Melted Candy Bar

1. Microwave, radar, patented, magnetron, orphaned, molecules
2. Sentences will vary and accept all reasonable responses.

Page 24-28 McDonald Observatory

1. Across (2) Laser, (3) lens (5) Galileo (6) observatory (9) comet (10) telescope (13) satellite (14) astronomy
Down (1) instrument (2) light (4) Voyager (7) site (8) pollution (10) ton (11) Viking (12) NASA (13) star
2. (1) 29-30 (2) 25 (3) 13-21 (4) “e” comes before “s” in the alphabet (5) reflector telescope
(6) it tells you specific page numbers to find information you need.

Answer for section 6

1. (a) Atoms cannot be destroyed.

(a) Since the atoms of copper and carbon have different masses.

(b) Proust’s work on weighing the masses of different compounds and the elements that made up the compound.

(c) “Atoms cannot be divided up into smaller particles and cannot be destroyed.” Since atom can be broken down into smaller particles such

as proton, neutron and electron.

2. (a) 2nd Professor Kao claims that besides books, experiment also plays a very important role in learning science. In Professor Kao point

of view, interest is a key element in learning science

Additionally, curiosity also provokes students’ interest of learning science

4th Another essential element of learning science is the memory.

With the experience of doing science research, Professor Kao points out that physics contributes several advantages to human


The invention of optical fibre really causes an indispensable influence to the world

7th With the abundance experience, Professor Kao realizes that companionship is an important factor in his success.

(b) Paragraph 1, Paragraph 2-4, Paragraph 5-6, Paragraph 7

(c) -----

3. (a) People learned to change one material into another by heating. So they thought all substances were made from different forms of one

single substance (or some elements.)

(b) Because they did not carry out experiments to test their observations and ideas but

tired to explain them with more ideas.

(c) Earth

(d) It will be dry and hot.

(e) Since the development of sciences and technologies is not fast enough to support

them for carrying out experiments. Hence they did not able to test their observation and ideas (Or any reasonable answer).

4. (a) Boyle thought that a substance could not be broken down into simpler substances in an investigation was an element. He also believed

that two elements could be joined together to make a compound and that they could be split apart again.

(b) Lavoisier performed an experiment in which water was boiled and condensed in a piece of apparatus called a pelican for 101 days. He

found that the weight of water remained unchanged, but the weight of the sediment was equal to the weight of the material lost by the


(c) Weighing the masses of water, sediment and the apparatus accurately.

5. EBDCFA

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6. Robert Hooke, cells, Compound microscope

Antony and Leeuwenhoeck, Nuclei, Compound microscope

Schleiden and Schwann, Cell theory

Chloroplast and mitochondria

Learn more about cells, Electron microscope

3-dimensional images of cells, Scanning electron microscope

References :

Marilyn Evans & Sarah Simpson (2008), Read and Understand Science (Grade 4-6+), Evan-Moor Educational
Publishers, USA.

Debra J. Housel (2005), Non-fiction Strategies (Grade 4-8), Teacher Created Resources, Inc., USA.

Mandy Evans, Philip Hoare, Stella Kong, Sea O’Halloran & Elizabeth Walker (2001), Effective Strategies for English
Medium Classrooms (A handbook for teachers), The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.

WK Chan, YK Hui, WY Luk, YM Cheung & MT Au (2000), Understanding Integrated Science for the 21st Century,
Aristo, Hong Kong.

SS Tong (2009), NSS Physics in Life (3 : Wave motion), Longman, Hong Kong.

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