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A review of Causes and Consequences


Saied Tafida Sulaiman

The term propaganda in the 20th and 21st Century is often attributed to Nazism due to the power
and the techniques of its application. The Nazi propaganda was powerful that it was believed to
have mentally imprisoned many Germans and kept the face that supported a regime that destroyed
and kill millions of people over a period. The effectiveness was no doubt a creation of ingenuity
of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels. This paper seeks to review the cause and the build ups that
gave birth to the rise of Nazi Germany. The paper will review the pending socio-political factors
in Europe in the early 20th century that precipitated the Nazi Germany. The Role of Capitalism and
the Jews; and the propaganda techniques employed by the Nazism that made it successful and
worth mention.

Key Words: Propaganda, Nazism, Hitler, Jews

Propaganda and the hypocrisy of the mass media has been a major tool of manipulation since the
beginning of the 20thcentury. To put it right, the present day liberalism has only been successful
due to the mastery of media manipulation and the effective use of Propaganda1. Today, the general
notion is: If you don’t listen to the media you are not informed and if you listen, you are
misinformed2. Hence, the understanding of the manipulations and the use of the term propaganda.
Down the memory lane, prior to the 19th century, propaganda as a word was not used to connote
manipulation or taking advantage through misinformation or misgivings. It was reported to be used
in the church as a congregation for the propagation of faith. “Congregatio de Propaganda Fide”.
Owing its roots to the original Latin term ‘propagare’ meaning to propagate3. During the late 19th
Century, it was considered as the employer’s massive political weapon both locally and in
international relations. Lenin is seen as one of the first users of propaganda in politics and as an
instrument of the state. However massive scale usage became common through the Nazi Goebbels
Ministry of Public Enlightenment and propaganda.
The Nazi Propaganda did not just came up without a cause. The causes and the unraveling lies
with the history of Adolf Hitler (1889 -1945) and National Socialist German Party, also referred
to by many as the Hitler Nazi Germany4. The period in Germany was characterized by Ethnic
chauvinism, radical antisemitism that engulfed the world in a war that cost millions of lives and
displaced millions. This paper seeks to review the cause and the build ups that gave birth to the
Nazi Germany. The paper will review questions like: what were the pending socio-political factors
in Europe in the early 20th century that precipitated the Nazi Germany? What were the propaganda
techniques used by the regime to manipulate and control scientific and great minds in the regime?
Also, what were the roles played by capitalism in these imprisonments of the mind by the
propaganda techniques.

1John, W Murphy. "The Role of Philosophy in the Globalized World." Accessed November 23, 2016.
Danzel, Washigton, interview by Michael W. Chapman. 2016. If You Read the Newspaper you are Missinformed, (December 20).
Barbara, Diggs-Brown. Strategic Public Relations: An Audience Focused Approach. Online Edidtion:
(Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2011).
Adolf, Hitler. 1925. Mein Kampf. Google Play Books. (Berlin: Franz Eher Nachfolger, 1925)
The Prelude of Nazism
The development and the acceptance of Nazism in Germany was made easy because of
proceedings that preluded the period. The development was rooted in the events that happened
between the First World War and the Second World War after the fall of the German Empire5. At
the same time an eloquent speaker was growing through the society and challenged by his
environment that will prepare him for the event that will come in the future - Adolf Hitler. These
two damming challenges of being forced to accept defeat and pay for the consequences and the
societal challenges gave birth to the historical evolution. To put it in spectrum is to analyze what
is found in the German society that built the hatred and the need to use all measures to revert the
ill-fated faith.
Firstly, Anti-Semitism was not a German invention, but a European wave that has been created
many millennia before Hitler was born. A good example can be seen in the articles and literatures
of Europe during the enlightenment and mediaeval ages. According to Paul Johnson, The Jews
living in Europe during the late-fourth and fifth centuries, “had most of their communal rights and
all their privileges withdrawn. They were excluded from state office and the army”6.Another
example that strikes mind is also the work of William Shakespeare: The Marchant of Venice. The
short play which had a global acceptance (Not rejection) depicted the Jew as evil, manipulative
and economic exploiters in the Europe7. This background built a phase upon which the Anti-
Semitism of Nazi Germany was built. Different historians that gave different historical accounts
of Hitler, portrayed him as the lover of anti-Semitism literatures while growing.
Secondly is the defeat of the Germans in the First World War. Hitler was drafted as an army in the
war front of the First World War was forced to accept defeat from his government and senior
offices at home. To Hitler, if not for the November 11 surrender, Germany could have still won
the war. This was the very attitude he carried into the Second World War and a view that made
him label his superior offices at home as the November Criminals8. It was easy to condemn the
leaders because Hitler never liked Marxism which was a philosophy born in the German and
preached by a lot of great minds. For Hitler Communism is the main enemy of Germany and he
carry the hatred through his ideologies and it was obvious in his book the Mein Kampf. Hitler

Hitler, Mein Kampf
(Johnson 1987, 118) Paul, Johnson. 1987. A History of the Jews. (New York: Harper & Row.) 118
William, Shakespeare. The Marchant of Venice. (E-book. Massachusets: Heath., 1854)
8Hitler, Mein Kampf
believed that the Marxists had taken over his society and they are the cause of all ills hence most
of his activities is bent towards cleansing the ideologies in his Reich9.
The Economic situation of Germany did not also help the situation; hence it is portrayed as the
third historical cause. Firstly the markets were dominated by the Jewish who owned most of the
enterprises and secondly the entire world economy was hit by the great depression of 1929. Hitler
who was building a case against western domination in the First World War got a reason to use
the hunger and loss of the Germans in the great depression to exploit their thoughts towards his
goals. The Gross Domestic Product of the world fell by more than 15%. Massive Job cuts, hunger
and drastic inflation became the order of the day. Hence people including Germans were all
yearning for a radical change that will give the solutions to the hardships.
On this grounds, Hitler, a master orator and his puppets capitalized on the opportunity that gave
them the acceptance and the right crowd needed to build an ideology that will be known for
decades as Nazism. Hitler promised the Germans a superior Germany above other great nations
and a balanced Economy were hardships and struggles will be minimized10.

Adolf Hitler
Important in understanding Nazism and their propaganda is the need to understand who Hitler is
and the societal factors that built and shaped him. In chapter two to the Autobiography of Hitler,
the Main Kampf, the difficulties faced by Hitler right from his childhood was described. He
described hmself as a societal reject, an abused child by his father and a lover of poem. Hitler was
born in Austria part of the Autrian-Hugary region in present day Austria close to the German
Empire in 1889. He was raised in Linz mainly by his mother after his drunk abusive father died.
He dropped out of High school in 1905 at the age of 16. Even though He was encouraged by his
mum to learn a trade and take a job, his innate rebellion attitude could not allow him think of
himself as a servant working for someone else. Instead he spend most of his time wandering the
streets of Linz, visiting museums, and operas, and dreaming of becoming a great artist by the
Danube River.11 It is mostly during such lonely times, Hitler's view of the world and fantasy began.

History Place. Last modified 1996. "The Rise of Adolf Hitler." The Rise of Adolf Hitler. Accessed October 12,
He was a regular with the German History library to borrow large numbers of books. He was also
influenced by the opera works of Richard Wagner and their mythical tales of struggle against hated
enemies. By now Hitler also had strong pride in the German race and all things German along with
a strong dislike of the Hapsburg Monarchy and the non-Germanic races in the multicultural
Austro-Hungarian Empire which had ruled Austria and surrounding countries for centuries.
At the age of 17, Hitler visited Vianna, where he developed an interest in architecture. He is
reported to draw detailed pictures from memory and had shown natural talent for drawing. A skill
his high school instructors had also recognized. However because of his laziness and rebellious
character he flunked out of school, hence he turned all his hope to becoming a great artist. He
Applied to the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. He participated in the two days with so much
confidence to be picked, but was turn down that his drawing lacked appreciation of the human
form. The judges advised him to try architecture where his works seems to tilt more towards12.
Hitler took the second entrance exams in October of 1908. His result proved to be worse than the
first entrance exams. At the same time, in December of 1907 Hitler’s Mother died. The two
massive events took tall on the young Hitler and pushed him to take shelter with the homeless and
live in the streets for more than two years. He developed a temperament that could make him burst
out to any disagreement. While recounting on these hard times Hitler said I “owe it to that period
that I grew hard and am still capable of being hard”13
Adolf Hitler was drafted to fight in the war for Germany in the World War 1. It was a side he
preferred to fight for and he sees as a Fatherland. This single act gave a sense of purpose after a
long time in Poverty, loneliness and uncertainty. An act he sees as a “War to end all wars”14. No
wonder he was disappointed severely when Germany lost in the war. Even though most young
men like Hitler never thought the wars will stay long and will have such devastating effects.
Throughout the war, Hitler remained lucky, escaping serious massacres. One common was his first
engagement against the British and Belgians near Ypres, 2,500 of the 3,000 men in the Hitler's
regiment were killed, wounded or missing. Hitler escaped without a scratch.15 He is known to
volunteer for dangerous actions that may lead to narrow escapes or even death. His luck ran out in
October 1916 when he was wounded in the leg. Where he was hospitalized and taken out of the

12 History Place
13 Hitler, Main Kampf
14 ibid
war front for the first time. After returning to the war front, he was temporary blinded by the British
chlorine gas attack that sent him back to the hospital. In November 1918 an elderly man announced
in the hospital where he is bed ridden that, the Kaiser and the house of Hollenzollern had fallen
and now they all leave in a republic which meant the end of the war. For Hitler, it was a loss of
terrible days of suffering and hence he grew a special hatred for those responsible for ending the
war. He believe if Germany could have held a little further, the war could have been in their victory.
He did not blame the military, but the politicians back at home in Germany and primarily the Jews
for conspiring to undermine German efforts in the war.16
After the war, still in the military, Hitler was sent to lecture in a military school because of his new
discovered ability as an orator. He was sent to the University of Munich where he quickly came
to the attention of his superior offices. The officers used him as an informant and intelligent officer.
In 1919, Hitler was assigned by his superior officers to investigate the German Workers Party.
This led to Hitler later joining the party. Even though He felt they have a good intention he is
appalled by their ill preparedness, where he said that they don’t even have a “miserable rubber
stamp..." Even though he was not impressed by the position at which the workers party is at, Hitler
saw an opportunity that he believes he can harness and grow. Contended in himself that that will
someday become the right movement needed not just a political party. As a member of the
executive committee, they started wooing members to join them through friends and
Advertisements. In October 1919, they had the first mega gathering where Hitler was given the
opportunity to speak as the Second speaker. At the gathering Hitler was able to prove himself as a
leader and a motivator through his oratory. Hitler himself described the moment in the Mein Kampf
as “what before I had simply felt within me, without in any way knowing it, was now proved by
By early of 1921, the party had more than 3,000 members, donations and contributions of money,
and increasingly willing members to promote the ideals of the party. They also had a flag and a
chosen color for the party. Hitler engaged in rigorous campaign and became the voice of the party
and unassigned leader. This was a role some of the executive committee of the party seem not
happy with. After attempt to dispose him, Hitler was able to negotiate a way and became the Führer
of the Nazi party (a title created for the first time in the party for him). Carried away by his

Ibid, 78
supporters and the existing economic hardships created by the treaty of Versailles, Hitler attempted
to take over power by force in 1923. The attempt failed due to lack of cooperation of the major
security chiefs. This act led him to prison for treason and attempted coup. His trial which was set
up by Nazi sympathizers became a spectacle and Hitler turned the court rooms as his Propaganda
space. He insisted there is no treason against the traitors of 191818 (The November Criminals) and
his trial got both national and international coverage in the media. This gave Germans the window
to know the man for the first time, and most of them liked what they heard. Hitler was sentenced
to 5 years with option of parole in 6 months. Hitler used the quiet prison time to produce the first
volume of the Main Kampf. In 1930, after realizing the challenges within the Nazi party and the
popularity gained, Hitler and the Nazi party contested for election and the Nazi party was able to
form a government with more than 6 million votes19.
October 13th, 1930, marked the first day of the new era. The Elected Nazi representatives dressed
in brown shirts, marched graciously into the Reichstag and answered roll calls with, "Present! Hail
Hitler!" They refuse to cooperate with the democratic government, making the economic situation
in Germany worse, thus, paving way for people to yearn for Hitler transformation. Some of the
supporters of the Nazi celebrated their victory by destroying Jewish shops, Stores and restaurants,
signifying what is to come in the near future.
Europe between 1890 -1930
The state of Europe between the 1900s to 1940s also aided and paved way for the creation of
despotic leaders like Hitler possible. Europe was full of ambitions and the development of modern
capitalism was at its peak. States and individuals struggle to control resources, states, individuals
and capital. Building ‘democratic ‘states at the expense of other states or far African communities.
The situations is best analyzed lately by Daniel Bensaid as a manifestation of the doom of
liberalism and Democracy. It was obvious that the democratic ideals then and now could never,
on account of excessive ambition, lead to anything but disappointment and a drift toward forms of
invasive tyranny.20

Stan, Lauryssens. The Man who Invented the Third Reich. (ebook. Gloicestershire: The History Press, 2011)
Lauryssens, Third Reich
Daniel, Bensaid. "Parmanent Scandal." In Democracy in What State, by Gorgio Agamben et el, (New York:
Columbia University Press., 2011) 16-43
Europe was characterized by dictators taking over their states and building a nations in line with
their thoughts. Russia, was conquered by the Lenin revolution of 1905, and subsequently high
jacked by Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) in the early 1920s21. Just to the south of Germany at the same
time was the formation of a new regime with the invention of new name and a new mode of
leadership of fascism created by Benito Mussolini (1883 – 1945)22. All of these great leaders
created their empire during the same period Hitler was struggling to make Germany his puppet.
Hence it became not a new repulsive act but rather a trend. Bensaid had a better name for it, he
saw Hitler and Stalin and “twin stars”23.
Importantly is the outcomes of the treaty of Versailles which built a series of financial event that
put Germany in a very precarious position. The harsh treaty which was drafted in 1919, requires
Germany to accept that they stated the war and pay 33 billion dollars as the cost of the losses in
the war to other European countries. The German Army to be reduced to 100,000 soldiers; and
Give land back to France and Poland. This treaty gave Hitler the room to blame the November
criminals for endorsing it. Thus, it provided the Nazi an advantage to win the hearts of their
supporters and as tool for propaganda. The payment of 33 billion dollars took tall on Germany
when it decided to print money and pay it. Germany was hit by hyper-inflation. The German
MARK was changing for 4marks to 1 Dollar before the war. It slipped to 75 to a Dollar. In 1922
it declined to 400 to a dollar. In January 1923 the Mark further depreciated to 18,000 to a dollar.
This further slipped in the subsequent months, by November 1923, the marks were changing for
4,000,000,000 to a dollar24. These scary economic situation further provided a level grand for the
Nazi to build a home and build a propaganda around it.

The Bourgeois Life Style

Germany which was a home to the great philosopher Karl Max was suffering from an internal
disease which was destroying it. A disease of exploitation, alienations and manipulations. The
Germany where Nazism prospered is the same Germany Karl Max based his study and from his
analogies. It is obvious that Nazism can be said to be a product of Capitalist manipulation. Karl

Maurice, Dobb "Lenin." The Slavonic and East European Review 19 (1939): 34-54. 1939
Charles, F. Delzell. "Benito Mussilini: A Guide to the Bioraphical Litrature." The Journal of Modern History (The
University fo Chicago Press, 1963) 35 (4): 339-353. doi::
Bensaid, Permanent Scandal
History Place
Max pointed out the origins of such action to be intrinsically, a “question of the higher or lower
degree of development of the social antagonisms that result from the natural laws of capitalist
production’’25. Like any country in the Europe, Germany was faced by the burden of capitalist
exploitation, where the working class work day in day out but they end up servant of the owners
of the capital. With the financial crisis of the Great depression and the effect of the treaties of
Versailles, even the little savings done is missing to the banks.
Without any hope of redemption, social and cultural alienation became the order of the day. A
worker has to go to work only to be paid with what will bialy keep him and pay his rent. His
products are sold for thousands of Marks, the owner of the industry is becoming richer because of
the role of Capital and the Industries. The role of educations becoming less relevant but the amount
of capital accumulated. The seated German government claimed it is working to protect the
electorate under the democratic dispensation. But the citizen where just victims of What Daniel
Bensaid narrated as democratic ideal could never on account of excessive ambitions lead to
anything but disappointment and drift toward forms of invasive tyranny26. A life of hopelessness
always begets desperados, and the possible acceptance of whatever might come ones way. And
that was the case of Germany. The German workers found themselves in what Max Weber describe
as the iron cage. A bondage of capitalist trapping that gives a worker no freedom but trapped in
the fears of the unknown while he produce for the infinite and voracious bourgeoisie27. When the
Nazis came preaching about their liberation, using the same techniques the capitalist use – Media
and Propaganda- the poor worker fell victim and followed the Brutal German and helped him
crated a government that further imprisoned them just like the former.

The Role of Jews

As established earlier, Anti-Semitism was historic in the Europe even before the coming of Nazi
Hitler. The hatred was made easy because of the existing relationships between the Jews and the
rest of the world. Additionally the Jews were seen as the symbol of industrial capitalism. They
own properties all around Europe even Hitler worked and sell paintings to them during his years

Karl Max. Das Kapital. Online (Kindle Edition, 2012). Translated by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling. USA:
Aristeus Books.
Bensaid, Permanent Scandal
(Rogin 1971)Micheal, Rogin"Max Weber & Woodrow Wilson: The Iron Cage in Germany and America." Polity 3
(4, 1971): 557-575.
of struggle in Vienna28. The Jews who are seen as strangers and visitors, came and became
educated, owned capital and because of their capital positions they own properties and can
influence political offices and make decision. Most of the scholars, teachers and doctors were
Jewish including the doctor that attempted to cure Hitler’s mother from her dying Cancer29.
The Shakespeare Play merchant of Venice was actually a depiction of Jewish lender (A function
of the bank) who want his money paid with interest or he will take a pound of flesh. As the play
quoted the Jew to be saying “if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge”. Shakespeare
characterize the Jew complaining about the unequal treatment mated to him as “He hath disgraced
me, and hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation,
thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies; and what's his reason? I am a
Jew”30in the play the Jew owned money and the Christian borrowed it and could not pay back. The
courts shielded the Christian from the punishment of the Jew. Passing a subliminal message to the
reader of the cruelty of a Jew and why he should be reviled and the mercy of the courts to protect
the Christians.

The Birth of Nazism Propaganda

As mentioned earlier, political propaganda as a weapon for political dominations was earlier used
in Stalin Russia. The Nazi capitalized on the incidences describe above from failure in the First
World War, the financial crises of 1920s to the role of Jews capitalism. The Nazi used this
weaknesses against the Germans and preached different ideas to them that stock like a bolt due to
the existing gaps that were created.
The Nazi build the first item of their propaganda on the theory of Racial Hierarchy and Social
Darwinism. Hitler told the Germans that they are the most superior Nordic race and nobody should
make them think otherwise. He promise to deliver the rebirth of the Germans as the most influential
race. Building on the existing situation, he promised the Germans that he will dispose of all Jews,
close their business and destroy them. These notions were easy to blend in because of the inherent
hatred that existed in Germany. To achieve that, Hitler knew he need a master tactician and a
propagandist who can deliver. Especially since his conflict with the members of the executive

Hitler, Mein Kampf
Shakespeare, Marchant of Venince
community of the workers party, he need loyalist who shared his views and who can deliver results.
It is on this account he found Goebbels.
Joseph Goebbels first came to Hitler attention during the years when Hitler was banned from given
a public speech by the Weimer government. But because of his skills he had a quick rise in the
Nazi party within few years. A holder of Ph.D. in Literature from Heidelberg, Goebel is described
as brilliant but somewhat neurotic would-be writer. He has enormous talents and can deliver
speeches that can move the crowd. His kind is describe as rear gem among the Nazis hence sporting
him cannot be any difficult31. Goebbels was reported to have kept a diary of activities and follow
ups signifying his interest and infatuation with Hitler. It was found in his diary his account of the
second day he mate Hitler as “Great joy. He greets me like an old friend. And looks after me. How
I love him!"32 Reports has it that, even though Goebbels belongs to the Gregor Strasser faction of
the Nazi which has sympathy for the Marxism, he quickly switch camp after spending a few days
with Hitler at Berchtesgaden33.
Goebbels began his first assignment as the minister of propaganda even before the Nazi formed
government. He was sent by Hitler in October 1926 to Belin, the German capital. He was sent as
the Gauleiter. In Berlin, Goebbels faced the demanding task of propaganda and enlightenment to
a population that largely ignored the Nazi Party. Berlin serves as training ground of what is to
come in the future. He organized meeting, published on different Newspapers including the Nazi
paper, gave speeches, and distributed posters all over environs. And most importantly, he provoked
confrontations, a strategy the Nazis found useful in passing out their messages. Not so long the
followership of the Nazi party grew34. On May 20th, 1928, Goebbels was elected into the
Reichstag. The Nazis display was not great but it was the beginning of strength. The faith turn on
favour of the Nazis on October 13th, 1930, when the Nazis won a large seat into the Reichstag.
They used this position judiciously to frustrate the national government until they have taken the
power and the control.

History Place
Joseph,Goebbels. The Goebbels Diaries: 1942 -1943.(Google Books . Greenwood Press, 1942)
Goebbels, The Goebbels Diaries
Nazi Propaganda Techniques
After establishing government, Goebbels was made the minister of Propaganda and enlightenment.
The Nazis employed so many propaganda technique, few among them are: The Control of film,
Mass Media and arts. Any form of information that can have an effect and give a common German
a different idea from the view was controlled by Goebbels. Hitler’s speeches were played
continuously on television and in cinemas. Main Kampf used as a guide for every history narrative
and picture of what does not exist is created through craft and information manipulations.
Secondly, the Nazi employed the game of reverse psychology where the common Germans were
made to believe the argument in Main Kampf as their own idea35. The Nazis made the citizens
belief what does not exist. There by increasing the acceptance as once idea instead of a foreign
influence. Goebbels was quoted saying that, propaganda works best when the people manipulated
are confident they are acting on their own free will36.
Constant repetitions was also a successful techniques that worked to the Nazis. They keep
repeating the their ideas using words like ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’, “our Reich” and “eternity” which
sinks easier and shows and everlasting relationships. For Goebbels, “The most brilliant
Propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind
constantly … and repeat them over and over”37
The Nazis employed the use of fear as a political weapon and the continuous use of words of
redemption to show that they are the key and the solution to those things the Germans fear. They
explored the poverty and the bad conditions of the treaties of Versailles, they procrastinated the
doom of Germany and the evil of the Jews within their communities. In return they promised to
restore order, provide jobs, restore German international reputations, build back the economy and
build a better home yet again.
The Nazis denied the younger generation any access to any form of literature different from the
once they approved and authorized. They achieved that through the burning of books. This was an
event the minister Goebbels himself graced as a triumph against German enemies, while in reality
it is just another form of manipulation in the making.

William, Garber. "Propaganda Analysis- To what Ends?" American Journal of Sociology (University of Chicago
Press) 48 (2, 1942): 240-245.
Goebbels. The Goebbels Diaries
37 Ibid
The Nazis did balance the economy when they came to power and they did improve the situations
in Germany bringing some of their promises to light. Hence making the few left Germans with
skepticism towards them to give in and the few that refused were either killed or forced out of the

The styles and imprint of Propaganda in the Nazi has remained a model to be copied by different
leaders across the world to maintain and keep power. It paved way for the hegemons to build their
worlds. Today most nations around the world use propaganda machine to pursue their goals and
to keep strength in face of reality. Unfortunately, the same will not be said for Adolf Hitler and
Joseph Goebbels who poeticized propaganda as a tool for political domination.
The same spirit that helped the growth of Hitler to power contributed in his downfall. The view he
has for himself as infallible and hence will not take instruction from any one nor accept any fault.
Hitler's believe that the Germans could not achieve what he set for them. He believed his soldiers
are disloyal and timid officers. He killed many of his soldiers for treason. Even at the brink he
made the soldiers believe they can still win the war. Hence it became easier to sabotage him from
Nazism and Nazi propaganda was made possible because of the ills created by Capitalism. The
breathing space that allowed its growth and exploitation is rooted in the capitalist domination and
control which Created barbaric totalitarianism as a child of the lies of utopian liberalism. Etienne
Balibar argued that, the idea of identifying a concept in liberal democracy is itself biased. Hence
what define propaganda is itself a form of propaganda, if tested in the dialectic of negation of the
negation39. For Balibar, the whole world is racist. The account of racism by most of the scholars
put them in the same situations of analysis. Most of the western scholars ignore what is happening
in their societies and focus more on what others are doing or what the Nazi did. In Segal, (1991)
analysis of “A hsitory of the Jew” he portrayed how the jews painted pictures of them as victims
of the holocost, while in reality, the publications and the media used to highlight the maltreatment
of the Jews were also controled by the Jewish. Hence a form of Propaganda not any different from

Downfall.(The Movie, 2015) Directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel.
(Balibar 2012)Etienne, Balibar, "Civic Universalism and Its Internal Exclusions: The Issue of Anthropological
Differences." Boundary 2: International Jounal of Litrature and Culture(2012) 31 (1): 207 - 229.
what the Nazi Hitler did.These grand narratives, as described by Allain Badiou of Jews as the
Victims, democracy the victor and capitalism the conquers has left the masses subject to heinous
manipulations of the narrators40. Hence making everybody the victim of what he is told. It is on
such complicated dialectics of negation of the negation, and the Max Weber’s Iron Cage, Adorno
concluded that our world is damaged, broken, and in ruins. There are no prospects for a different
kind of future41.

40Badiou, Parmanent Scandal

Horkheimer&Theodore W. Adorno. Dialectic of Enlightenment. Translated by
Edmund Jephcuott. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002)
Badiou, Alain. 2007. "The Joint Disappearance of Man and God." In The Century, by Alain
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Agamben, 16-43. New York: Columbia University Press.
Delzell, Charles F. 1963. "Benito Mussilini: A Guide to the Bioraphical Litrature." The Journal
of Modern History (The University fo Chicago Press) 35 (4): 339-353. doi::
Diggs-Brown, Barbara. 2011. Strategic Public Relations: An Audience Focused Approach.
Online Edidtion: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.
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Garber, William. 1942. "Propaganda Analysis- To what Ends?" American Journal of Sociology
(University of Chicago Press) 48 (2): 240-245.
Goebbels, Joseph. 2006. The Goebbels Diaries: 1942 -1943. Google Books . Greenwood Press.
2005. Downfall. Directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel.
History Place. 1996. "The Rise of Adolf Hitler." The Rise of Adolf Hitler. Accessed October 12,
Hitler, Adolf. 1925. Mein Kampf. Google Play Books. Berlin: Franz Eher Nachfolger.
Hughes, Thomas Parke. 1971. "Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs by Albert Speer, Richard
Winston and Clara Winston." The Business History Review (The President and Fellows of
Harvard College) 45 (3): 415-418.
Isakhan, Benjamin. 2012. "The Complex and Constested History of Democracy." In The
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