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Chaos Lord/Pirate King: Thane Saint Slayer (Larius Augustus)

Daemonic Name: KhroSathElyDemAhnu

Obsessive Urge 1: Bathing in the blood of an innocent while in the middle of an orgy of people
whose number is divisible by 6

Obsessive Urge 2: taking a person and making them “beautiful” by subjecting them to
excruciating treatments like cutting them up, burning them, pouring liquid metals on them, etc.

Whispering Blade: Legacy of Excess- When using his Legacy Weapon, the Heretic adds one extra Degree
of Success to successful WS or BS Tests, as appropriate to the weapon. In addition, the Heretic chooses
one additional Characteristic (Agility) that benefits from a +5 bonus whenever the weapon is in hand.
Should the Heretic fail a Test of his chosen Characteristic by four or more Degrees, he gains 1 Corruption
Point, Merciless Pattern. Chastener -For each successful attack against an opponent, the Heretic gains a
cumulative +3 bonus to further WS or BS Tests (as appropriate to the weapon) made against that
opponent for the duration of the encounter. Vicious – The weapon gains the Crippling Quality with a
value equal to one half of the Heretic’s Infamy Bonus. Terrorizer - After killing an enemy, the Heretic
gains Fear (1), or increases his existing Fear rating by 1, for the duration of the encounter. Ripper - Any
target that suffers Damage from this weapon must pass a Toughness Test with a penalty equal to twice
the Heretic’s Infamy Bonus or suffer from Blood Loss. Tormenter - The weapon causes Zealous Hatred on
a roll of a 1 or 0.


1st Mate: Leo, the dragon of the Ragged Helix

Master of rites and rituals: ghost rider

Chief Assassin: Strassa

Cubellios and Hssithis – Larius’ adored pet Tyyrc beasts (Giant spiked snakes), the beasts are both deadly
and loyal but only to their master and they enjoy eating nigguhs who fail said master

Lynosha Vylella – former Canoness of the Order of the Argent Shroud. Acts as the disciplinary master
aboard the Ravager and in battle leads the Angels of Ecstasy of the Ravager into combat.


Indra- eldar sniper assassin, dabbles in divination

Arismae- human xenobioligist and thrice bound daemonhost

Ezirneza Fhaseos – dark eldar Lhamaean and master of poisons

Sarina Limardi – human artist, favorite artist materials: blood, skin, bone, eyes, silver, gold, amethyst

Leana Blessett – daughter of an imperial governor, master politician and orator

Nikia Khan – human former rough rider, master of mounted combat

Grand Court of the Ragged Helix:

Lishkar Delphues- see tome of excess for details, captain of the Orthrus

Cravelle Gurlsh- see tome of excess for details

Zydax Demagral the Golden Cardinal – greedy ex- ministorum priest who sold his planet’s defense codes
for his ships weight in gold, captain of the Golden Carnage

Annosa +Lozara Ferridine – beautiful twins who excel in the use of swordplay and love capturing arbites
vessels in order to free their fellow criminals and punish their captors, co-captains of The Raven

Talodekai Ironhide – former commissar of Armageddon who realized the beauty of the war machines he
used and now seeks show everyone the power of daemon engines, captain of the Steel Colossus

Sabatea Kornadell the kind – powerful psyker of the astro telepathica who was robbed of all senses,
however had them returned by Slaanesh along with hideous mutations, captain of The Hags End

Braza the Cunning- Sslyth master of all bladed weapons and master strategist, he enjoys finding and
killing the best swordsmen he can find and then taking their blades captain of The Lullaby

Xaku Gasil the Baron of Slaves – Stryxis merchant and slave trader who enjoys taking the finest and most
exotic slaves he can find, captain of the Royal Harpy

Angelika Britosh – former noblewoman of Ghibelline who has risen as a mighty pirate captain who
wishes to teach manners and culture to the barbarians abroad, captain of The Perfect Crown

Tazamehra – dark eldar archon and self-proclaimed queen of raiders she seeks to use her powers of
chaos to one day storm Commorragh and have all Dark Eldar embrace Slaanesh, captain of The Khymera

Vasari – dark eldar archon who used to believe his fall to chaos was all for the purpose of overthrowing
Vect but has since become a slave to his desires and is in reality manipulated by his Haemonculus,
captain of the Onyx Flame


Most ground troops very from captain to captain, however Larius’ personal troops include:

Chaos Incubi

Death Screamers – pirates armed with Ghibelline Shard Throwers and equipped with vac sealed
carapace and jump packs. They specialize in boarding and taking ships with the cargo (people and
treasure) intact

Mad Dogs – pirates armed with blades and pumped full of varies drugs and sent at the enemy in suicide

Deadeyes – pirates, usually dark eldar but not always, armed with a sniper variant of the standard
splinter rifle, these men are usually used to eliminate key targets when taking a ship or planet

Angels of Ecstasy – chaos sisters of battle, wield howler rifles instead of bolters

Hell Drakon – mix of a hell drake and a mauler fiend

Hell Drakes

Ghibelline Shard Throwers: a unique design created by Leo, based off Q’Sal Crystal Casters. The weapon
uses Warp Crystals taken from the ever growing crystal palace of the Saint Slayer. The crystals are a
frightening, glowing purple and more importantly give of a strong magnetic field. The shard thrower
uses a magnetic barrel to launch the crystals out at high speeds even in the dead of space, and upon
impact with flesh the crystals crack and splinter in the victim’s blood creating an incredibly painful


The Ravager – Larius’ flagship, a Repulsive class grand cruiser the ship is almost as infamous as its
captain, its main broadsides have been replaced with dark lances, its engines are designed for maximal
thrust and speed, its torpedoes are specifically designed to cripple a ship not destroy it, on its hull Larius
has used as much silver as he could muster to decorate the ship with intricate carvings of daemons and
desire, huge crystals line the edges of the ship, on the inside its about what one would expect except for
the intricate drawings in blood down the spine of the ship, the extensive gold and drapery and anything
else that would pretty up the ship, and of course the maximum size brig for maximal slaves

The Requiem- Larius’ original flagship, a Falchion class frigate, this ship was given to Leo for his service
and serves mainly as his transport around the helix and beyond although it doesn’t have much in the
way of arms and armor

The Orthrus – Leshkar’s personal ship, an Ambition class cruiser that has been modified to reflect
Leshkar’s personality. On one side of the ship the broadsides load macro batteries, while on the other
side they load plasma batteries, one side of the ship is painted a deep royal purple while the other is
blood red.

The Jilted – Cravelle Gurish’s ship is a Universe class conveyer ship. The ship has minimal weapons and
looks as if it was scrounged together in a scrap yard. The ship is rather slow however it seems the more
his prey flees the closer his ship gets. The ships main strength of course is its capacity to hold people and
cargo, namely treasure and slaves. When the ship catches its prey the opposing crew is overwhelmed by
the sheer numbers as Gurish’s command.

The Golden Carnage – a meritech shrike class raider this ship is loaded with as much weaponry as its
small frame will allow. Its entire bow is solid gold with the figure of a daemonette as its masthead. The
ship is mainly used for lightning quick assaults in order to blow the ship apart then collect what treasure

The Raven – a defiant class light cruiser, The Raven has been painted jet black and has a special talent.
The twin sister who command the ship seem to have found some kind of archaotech that allows their
ship to completely slip past sensors, which combined with weaponry designed to be devastating at close
range makes the ship quite deadly.

Steel Colossus – an Avenger class grand cruiser, this ship was made for battle. As thick of armor as it can
allow, and armed to teeth this ship has won its captain many battles. Its greatest weapons are
undeniably its massive ectaplasm cannons.
The Hags End – a black ship taken from the clutches of the imperium this vessel is not as useful for
combat, however what it does excel at is storing the slaves its mistress has taken. Its other notable
feature is its only weaponry is Gellar cannons made to use the power of chaos to the fullest.

The Lullaby – a stolen Retaliator-class Grand Cruiser, the ship is heavily armed and armored and is used
to allow its captain to take on the most heavily fortified space stations and the largest vessels, all in the
name of the best loot.

The Royal Harpy – a Stronghold-class Commerce Vessel once belonging to the Demiurg, the ship is
perfect for its master to sell his goods and buy ever more slaves. Its weapons are rather minimal
although it is deceptively fast and can make use of its extremely rare haywire torpedoes.

The Perfect Crown – a Despoiler-class Battleship, the ship has been painted in a sort of ever-changing
rainbow pattern and it hurts one’s eyes to even look upon it. The ship uses this paint as both a
statement and a distraction as in the moment of hesitation most people have when looking upon it, the
ship strikes.

The Khymera – a Void Stalker-class Battleship, the ship is used mainly for its speed. Its captain uses it to
chase down her prey with amazing efficiency, and when the ship does catch its prey it blows it to pieces
with its pulsar lances.

The Onyx Flame – a Torture-class Cruiser, this vessel is usually used more to raid lightly defended
planets than large treasure burdened ships. Its weapons are standard torpedoes and phantom lances,
however its captain prefers using his men to raid planets and steal the people than robbing them of

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