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Hualam Construction and Development Corp. v. CA (Jasfer Tagacay)  MTC denied the motion and issued a writ of execution.

enied the motion and issued a writ of execution. Deputy Sheriff dela Cruz restored
G.R. No. 85466, October 16, 1992 | Davide, Jr., J. the possession of said Unit No. 1505 to State Investment and simultaneously levied upon
Petitioner: Hualam Construction and Development Corp. and Tan Bee Giok the personal properties of Hualam found in the premises to satisfy the money judgment
Respondents: CA and State Investment House, Inc. decreed in the decision. Accordingly, he issued a Notice of Levy and Sale on Execution of
Personal Properties which set the public auction sale.
Doctrines: [Execution of Judgment; Stay Execution of Adverse Judgment]  Hualam filed a petition for certiorari with injunction with RTC against Judge Bueno, the
1. In forcible entry and unlawful detainer cases, the execution of judgment in favor of the plaintiff is a Sheriff and State Investment, seeking the issuance of an order enjoining the enforcement
matter of right and mandatory. The duty to order the immediate execution is ministerial and of the writ of execution.
imperative; it cannot be avoided.
 Sheriff dela Cruz, Jr. proceeded with the public auction sale of the levied properties. State
2. The only way to stay execution is by perfecting an appeal from the decision and filing a supersedeas
bond, depositing from time to time with the Regional Trial Court, during the pendency of such Investment was the sole bidder and a Certificate of Sale was to it on that date. On the
appeal, the amounts of rent or the reasonable value for the use and occupation of the property as same day, RTC issued a restraining order enjoining the enforcement of the Writ of
fixed by the court of origin. Execution together with the Notice of Levy and Sale on Execution of Personal Properties.
3. Exceptions to this rule, as (a) where delay in the deposit is due to fraud, accident, mistake or However, notice was received after the termination of the public auction sale.
excusable negligence, or (b) where supervening events occurring subsequent to the judgment bring  RTC favored Hualam since the MTC did not fix the rentals due up to the rendition of the
about a material change in the situation of the parties which makes execution inequitable, or judgment subject of the petition, it was not necessary for the Hualam to file a supersedeas
where there is no compelling urgency for the execution because it is not justified by the prevailing
bond to stay the execution of judgment. The adjudged amount of P161,478.61 constitutes
the totality of the unpaid installments on the downpayment of the purchase price of the
condominium unit, as well as the following charges: parking fees, electric bills, real estate
taxes, telephone charges, association dues and charges for the use of the airconditioning
 State Investment House, Inc. is the owner of State Centre Building in Binondo, Manila.
unit. It does not, however, include back rentals or the reasonable value for the use of the
The building is divided into several office condominium units offered for sale or lease to
condominium unit. RTC also rejected the claim of State Investment that the award could
the general public.
fall under the concept of damages provided for in Section 8 of Rule 70 because the
 State Investment House (vendor) executed a Contract to Sell with Hualam Construction
damages contemplated therein refer to and cover only the reasonable compensation for
and Dev’t Corp. (Vendee), where Hualam occupied unit No. 1505 of the building. The
the use and occupation of the premises, generally measured by the fair rental value of
contract provides for the price and terms of payment, as well as the terms for cancellation
the property.
of the agreement [see NOTES part]
 MR denied, State Investmen appealed CA through a petition for certiorari. CA ruled in
 Hualam, despite demands, failed and refused to pay the accumulated downpayment,
favor of State Investment that the amount of P161,478.61, which the Hualam were
installments, utility charges and other assessments mentioned in the Contract to Sell.
supposed to pay by virtue of the MTC order, represents more than just back rentals or the
State Investment filed a complaint for ejectment with the MTC of Manila. Hualam filed
reasonable value for the use and occupation of the condominium unit; thus, the filing of
their Answer with Special Defenses, and subsequently filed a motion to dismiss which was
a supersedeas bond for at least an equal amount in order to stay the immediate execution
denied by the court. On the pre-trial conference, Hualam and their counsel failed to
of judgment, pursuant to Section 8 of Rule 70, was necessary. Citing Arcilla vs. Del Rosario,
appear. Upon motion of the State Investment, the MTC declared the Hualam in default
it held that the filing of the bond to stay execution is mandatory. It further declared that
and allowed the State Investment to present its evidence ex-parte.
the petitioners’ remedy is not a petition for certiorari but an ordinary appeal, and since
 MTC favored State Investment, ordering Hualam to vacate the premises of Unit 1505 they had already filed a notice of appeal, they should have prosecuted it. Also, a petition
State Centre Building, and to pay unpaid down payment, installments and other charges for certiorari may not be availed of as a substitute for appeal.Moreover, the execution of
due by reason of their continued possession of the premises. Hualam filed their Notice of judgment was a fait accompli. Accordingly, the remedy of restoration may be obtained
Appeal before the MTC. under Section 5, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court.
 State Investment moved for Immediate Execution of the decision which the MTC granted.  MR having denied, hence, Petition under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
Hualam moved for reconsideration alleging, inter alia, (1) it is not necessary for them to
post a supersedeas bond under Section 8 of Rule 70 because the case does not involve ISSUE: WON it was necessary for Hualam to file a supersedeas bond in order to stay the
unpaid rents, but unpaid downpayment, installments and other charges, and that the execution of the adverse judgment of the MTC. (YES)
perfection of their appeal automatically stays the execution of judgment; (2) the
complaint, although captioned as one "For Ejectment", is in reality one for a sum of money WON amount adjudged by the MTC represents rents, damages and costs accruing down to the
as alleged therein and as found by the said court; (3) the case being for a sum of money time the decision was rendered. (NO)
which exceeds P20,000.00, said court has no jurisdiction to try the same; and (4) no writ
of execution having yet been issued, justice demands that the issuance thereof be held in HELD:
abeyance until after the outcome of such motion and the pending appeal shall have 1. Filing of supersedeas bond necessary to stay execution of adverse judgment.
become known. State Investment opposed. The term rent needs no further elucidation.
compelling urgency for the execution because it is not justified by the prevailing
As to damages, We have on several occasions ruled that since the only issue raised in forcible circumstances. The first exception also applies to the filing of the supersedeas bond. These
entry or unlawful detainer cases is that of rightful physical possession, the "damages" exceptions are not invoked in this case.
recoverable in these cases are those which the plaintiff could have sustained as a mere
possessor, i.e., those caused by the loss of the use and occupation of the property, and not the 2. In the circumstance of the case, remedy not limited to ordinary appeal.
damages which he may have suffered but which have no direct relation to his loss of material Under the circumstances obtaining in this case, the special civil action for certiorari under
possession. Municipal and city courts, therefore, have no jurisdiction to award damages Rule 65 of the Rules of Court could be availed of by the petitioners. They had filed a notice of
based on any other ground. Simply put, "damages" in the context of Section 8 of Rule 70 is appeal. The MTC took no action thereon either by denying or giving due course to the same.
limited to "rent" or "fair rental value" for the use and occupation of the property. In the meantime, a motion for execution under Section 8, Rule 70 of the Rules of Court was
filed and granted by the MTC; thus, petitioners’ ouster from the premises was imminent. If a
The costs mentioned in said Section 8 refer to the costs under Rule 142 of the Rules of Court supersedeas bond was not necessary then certainly the MTC, in granting the motion, would
which are, with respect to Civil Case No. 111274 (MTC), more specifically covered by Section 9 have acted without or in excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion amounting
thereof. As shown earlier, the adjudged amount does not include such costs. to lack of jurisdiction. The appeal earlier interposed cannot then be adequate remedy to
prevent their ouster from the premises. They cannot be confined or restricted to the sole
Petitioners admit that the above amount adjudged by the MTC includes unpaid remedy of an appeal and, as suggested by the respondent Court, simply wait for the
downpayments and installments provided under the Contract to Sell. Clause no. 12 thereof, judgment thereon by the RTC. It is settled that although the extraordinary writ of certiorari is
which was earlier quoted, evidences the intention of the parties to consider the monthly not proper when an ordinary appeal is available, it may be granted where it is shown that the
installments as the reasonable rent or fair rental value for the use of the unit. xxx In the body appeal would be inadequate, slow, insufficient and will not promptly relieve a party from the
of its decision, the MTC made a categorical declaration of default and treated the installment injurious effects of the order complained of, or where appeal is inadequate and ineffectual.
payments due as rentals; in the dispositive portion thereof, it described the adjudged amount
as representing, inter alia, unpaid downpayments and installments, and further ordered WHEREFORE, the Petition is DISMISSED for lack of merit and the Decision of the respondent
petitioners to pay "such other amount as may become due from defendants by reason of their Court of Appeals of 5 August 1988 is AFFIRMED subject to the modification above indicated.
continued possession of the premises." While concededly, the latter directive is phrased
rather imprecisely, its reference to the monthly installments provided for under the contract Costs against petitioners.
is unmistakable for these are the very amounts which, in the ordinary course of events, could
become due under the said contract. However, the other charges included therein, itemized SO ORDERED.
in the Statement of Account -- namely, airconditioning charges, association dues, parking
fees, telephone charges, real estate taxes, electric bills and penalty charges -- cannot be NOTES:
subsumed under the concept of damages for purposes of the supersedeas bond. 12. CANCELLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT --- Should the VENDEE fail or refuse to make the
payment of any of the monthly installments together with the interest thereon as agreed
Accordingly, the respondent Court erred in holding that the supersedeas bond should fully herein on ground other than those provided in Section 23 of P.D. 957, or of all the
cover the adjudged amount of P161,478.61. Nevertheless, the filing of a supersedeas bond corresponding proportionate obligations or dues for taxes and assessments levied on the land
to cover that portion representing the unpaid downpayments and installments was and the building herein involved during the term of this contract within thirty (30) days from
necessary to stay the execution of judgment; this is a mandatory requirement. In short, the its due date, this Contract shall, by the mere fact of nonpayment expire by itself and become
adjudged amount is divisible. So much thereof that would represent the unpaid downpayment null and void without necessity of notice to the VENDEE of any judicial declaration to the (sic)
and installments already due as of the rendition of the decision should be covered by the effect and/any and all sums of money paid under this contract shall be forfeited in favor of the
supersedeas bond. VENDOR as liquidated damages or if VENDEE is already in possession of the property; the
amount forfeited together with all improvements, if there are any, made on the premises
In forcible entry and unlawful detainer cases, the execution of judgment in favor of the plaintiff shall become rentals on the property, and in (sic) this effect, the VENDEE, should he be in
is a matter of right and mandatory. The duty to order the immediate execution is ministerial possession of the Unit(s) herein purchased, shall become a mere intruder or unlawful
and imperative; it cannot be avoided. The only way to stay execution is by perfecting an detainer of the same and may be ejected therefrom by the means provided by law for
appeal from the decision and filing a supersedeas bond, depositing from time to time with trespassers or unlawful detainers. Immediately after the expiration of the 30-day period
the Regional Trial Court, during the pendency of such appeal, the amounts of rent or the provided for in this section, the VENDOR, shall be at liberty to dispose of and sell said Unit(s)
reasonable value for the use and occupation of the property as fixed by the court of origin. and its appurtenances to any interested third person." (Underscoring supplied)
The reason for this is to prevent further damages to the plaintiff caused by the loss of his
possession of the property. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, as (a) where delay in
the deposit is due to fraud, accident, mistake or excusable negligence, or (b) where
supervening events occurring subsequent to the judgment bring about a material change in
the situation of the parties which makes execution inequitable, or where there is no

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