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Wilbur and Orville Wright were American Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) made far-
inventors and pioneers of aviation. reaching contributions to many areas of
science, technology and art.
1903 - First powered, sustained and
controlled airplane flight Leonardo's pioneering research into the brain
led him to discoveries in neuroanatomy
1905 - Built and flew the first fully practical
(such as those of the frontal sinus and
meningeal vessels) and neurophysiology (he
MAIN CONTRIBUTION: they were the was the first to pith a frog).
first to ever have a successful man controlled
His injection of hot wax into the brain of an
ox provided a cast of the ventricles, and
represents the first known use of a
solidifying medium to define the shape and
size of an internal body structure.
Pierre and Marie Curie are best known for
Leonardo developed an original, mechanistic
their pioneering work in the study of
model of sensory physiology.
radioactivity. They receive the Nobel Prize
in 1903 for their research with radium. Leonardo's most famous drawing, the
Vitruvian Man, is a study of the
MAIN CONTRIBUTION: discovery of the
proportions of the human body, linking art
elements radium and polonium. (1898)
and science in a single work that has come to
represent Renaissance Humanism.

3. TESLA Leonardo was a master of mechanical

Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American
engineer and inventor who is highly regarded INVENTIONS AND PROJECTS:
in energy history for his development of
- A Machine for Grinding Convex Lenses
alternating current (AC) electrical
systems. - Bridging and Hydraulics: Various
Hydraulic Machines
Tesla made public the first successful
wireless energy transfer to power electronic - War Machines: An Arsenal, and Proposed
devices in 1891. Vehicle

The earliest demonstration of fluorescent - Flight: Flight of a Bird

lighting was also his accomplishment.
- Musical Instrument: viola organista, the
MAIN CONTRIBUTION: use of first bowed keyboard instrument
alternating current (AC).
- A parabolic compass.


- An "aerial screw", suggestive of a 7. ARISTOTLE

Aristotle is a towering figure in ancient
- Cannons. Greek philosophy, making contributions to
logic, metaphysics, mathematics, physics,
- Walking on water.
biology, botany, ethics, politics, agriculture,
medicine, dance and theatre.

5. GUTTENBERG He was a student of Plato who in turn

studied under Socrates. He was more
Johannes Gutenberg was a German
empirically-minded than Plato or Socrates
blacksmith known for inventing the
and is famous for rejecting Plato's theory of
mechanical movable type printing press.
The 42-line 'Gutenberg Bible', printed
Aristotle was the first to classify areas of
around 1455, was Gutenberg's most well-
human knowledge into distinct disciplines
known printed item. It is considered by
such as mathematics, biology, and ethics.
many to be the first 'modern' printed book.
He was the first to develop a formalized
system for reasoning.
Aristotle famously rejected Plato’s theory
6. NEWTON of forms, which states that properties such as
beauty are abstract universal entities that
Sir Isaac Newton is best known for his work
exist independent of the objects themselves.
on gravity, but he worked on and discovered
Instead, he argued that forms are intrinsic to
many other scientific wonders during his
the objects and cannot exist apart from
lifetime (1642-1727).
them, and so must be studied in relation to
Other Contributions: them.

Newton developed the three laws of motion Aristotle was the founder of the Lyceum, a
which form the basic principles of modern school of learning based in Athens, Greece.
His discovery of calculus led the way to
1. Invented the logic of the categorical
more powerful methods of solving
mathematical problems.
2. Classification of living beings
His work in optics included the study of
white light and the discovery of the color 3. Founder of zoology
spectrum. It was his experiments with light
4. Contributions in physics
that first made him famous.
5. Influences in history of psychology
6. Advances in meteorology


7. Ethics 4. Special Theory of Relativity

8. Aristotelianism This Einstein theory helped to explain that
time and motion are relative to their
9. Politics
observers, as long as the speed of light
10. Poetics remains constant and natural laws are the
same throughout the universe.

5. General Theory of Relativity

Einstein proposed that gravity is a curved
Albert Einstein was a German-born
field in the space-time continuum created by
physicist who developed the general theory
the existence of mass.
of relativity. He is considered one of the
most influential physicists of the 20th 6. Manhattan Project
Albert Einstein created the Manhattan
Inventions list, theories, and findings that Project, a research supported by the U.S. that
highlight some of his key contributions: led to the development of the atomic bomb in
1. Quantum Theory of Light
7. Einstein’s Refrigerator
Einstein’s quantum theory of light proposed
that light is composed of small packets of This may be one of the least known
energy called photons that have wave-like inventions that Einstein is famous for today.
properties. In this theory he also explained Einstein developed a refrigerator design that
the emission of electrons from some metals used ammonia, water, and butane, and
they’re struck by lightning – this was called required almost no energy to work.
the photoelectric effect.
8. Sky is Blue
2. E=mc2
Though this seems to be a simple
He demonstrated the link between mass and explanation, however, Einstein help put this
energy that led to the nuclear energy today. argument to rest.

3. Brownian Movement
This could by far be the best Albert Einstein 9. GALEN
discoveries, where his observation of the
Aelius Galenus or Claudius Galenus often
zigzag movement particles in suspension,
anglicized as Galen and better known as
helped to prove the existence of atoms and
Galen of Pergamon, arguably the most
molecules. And we all know how
accomplished of all medical researchers of
fundamental this discovery is to almost every
antiquity, influenced the development of
branch of science today.
various scientific disciplines, including
anatomy, physiology,


pathology, pharmacology, and neurology, as 1847 to 1862 (Pasteur As a Physicist and a

well as philosophy and logic. Chemist)
Galen was a master of medical philosophy, Crystallography
and considered the study of philosophy to be
Louis Pasteur launched his remarkable
essential to a physician's training.
scientific career as a chemist studying
Galen's chief contributions to the theory of organic crystals.
Greek Medicine were his theories of the
Alcoholic Fermentation
three varieties of pneuma, or vital energy,
and the Four Faculties of the organism. He He discovered that under polarized light,
also developed and expanded the humoral inactive substance became active due to
physiology and pathology of Hippocrates. fermentation. Based on his experiments, he
associated fermentation with life which led
In pharmacology, Galen developed a system
him from studying molecular asymmetry to
of Galenic degrees, which enabled
contagious diseases through fermentation.
physicians and pharmacists to gauge more
precisely the effects of a medicinal substance.

Galen's most famous medicinal formula 1862 to 1877 (Pasteur as a Biologist)

was Theriac, an herbal jam or electuary with
Spontaneous Generation
some 64 different ingredients that was a
virtual panacea or cure-all for many diseases, In his paper in 1862, he explained that
and an antidote to many poisons. airborne dust carried the germs of yeasts and
microorganisms present during the
fermentation process. And even the most
perishable liquids could be preserved if they
were kept away from these germs. Through
different innovative yet simple experiments
Louis Pasteur is regarded as one of the involving grapes, fermentable solutions and
greatest saviors of humanity, and was swan-neck flask he clinched the spontaneous
responsible of the discovery of generation argument.
Pasteurization: (Wine & Beer Diseases)
Pasteur's scientific and medical
His pasteurization process concluded that all
accomplishments include cure for rabies,
fermentable liquid could be prevented
anthrax, chicken cholera, and silkworm
from a spoiling with a special heating
treatment. This method was particularly
He also contributed towards developing the implemented to save wines and beers from
first vaccines and provided logical grounds diseases by heating at 55ºC.
for fermentation and brewing.


Silk Worm Diseases Ptolemy published a major work Geography,

written in 8 books, which attempts to map the
His study of silkworm diseases laid
known world giving coordinates of the
foundation for prophylaxis rules and
major places in terms of latitude and
provided solution for hereditary and
contagious problems, and also inspired him
to discover germs theory. His writings represent the culminating
achievement of Greco-Roman science,
particularly his geocentric (Earth-centered)
1877 to 1887 (Pasteur as a Microbiologist) model of the universe now known as the
Ptolemaic system.
Germ Theory of Disease
His first major astronomical work, the
With his analysis and treatment methods for
Almagest, was completed about 150 CE and
infectious diseases, Pasteur established the
contains reports of astronomical observations
immunology branch of science.
that Ptolemy had made over the preceding
Rabies quarter of a century.

Development of vaccine against rabies or

hydrophobia was the last and the most
famous success in the long career of Pasteur's
research. Johannes Kepler, German astronomer who
discovered three major laws of planetary
motion, conventionally designated as
11. PTOLEMY follows:

Claudius Ptolemaeus, (born c. 100 CE— (1) The planets move in elliptical orbits with
died c. 170 CE), an Egyptian astronomer, the Sun at one focus;
mathematician, and geographer of Greek
(2) The time necessary to traverse any arc of
descent who flourished in Alexandria during
a planetary orbit is proportional to the area of
the 2nd century.
the sector between the central body and that
The earliest, and perhaps most important of arc (the “area law”)
Ptolemy's work that has survived is the
(3) There is an exact relationship between the
Almagest, a treatise in 13 books. It gives in
squares of the planets’ periodic times and the
detail the mathematical theory of the
cubes of the radii of their orbits (the
motions of the Sun, Moon, and planets.
“harmonic law”).
Ptolemy used geometric models to predict
the positions of the sun, moon, and planets,
using combinations of circular motion 1. He was the first to publish a defense of the
known as epicycles. heliocentric model of Copernicus.


2. He discovered that a planet moved at He is known for his formulation of a

different speeds according to its distance hydrostatic principle (known as
from the sun. Archimedes’ principle) and a device for
raising water, still used in developing
3. Johannes Kepler discovered that planets
countries, known as the Archimedes screw.
move in elliptical orbits around the sun.
In antiquity Archimedes was also known as
4. His work Astronomia nova is considered
an outstanding astronomer: his
one of the most important books in
observations of solstices were used by
Hipparchus (flourished c. 140 BCE), the
5. He discovered his third law of planetary foremost ancient astronomer.
motion while writing Harmonices Mundi.

6. His book Epitome became a highly

influential work in astronomy.
7. He laid the foundation of modern optics.

8. Kepler was the first to correctly explain

the working of a human eye.
9. He invented the Keplerian telescope, an
improved refracting telescope.

10. Johannes Kepler was a key figure of the

scientific revolution.

Archimedes of Syracuse, the greatest
mathematician of antiquity, made his greatest
contributions in geometry. His methods
anticipated the integral calculus 2,000 years
before Newton and Leibniz.

His famous work is Measurement of the

Circle, in which he determined the exact
value of pi.

Archimedes is especially important for his

discovery of the relation between the
surface and volume of a sphere and its
circumscribing cylinder.

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