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Regulatory Comments

by Andre Susanto

Subject Rooftop Solar PV Draft Regulation July 27 2018

Date 01 August 2018
Document Audience Public


Executive summary The spirit of the regulation is to provide a framework for those PLN
customers who wish to reduce their monthly bills using solar PV
systems. Selling electricity to PLN is not encouraged, but the focus is
rather for self-consumption of solar PV generated energy.

The key purpose of the regulation is to allow for excess energy to be

sent to the grid. This is the biggest reason that the regulation has a
multiplier value for the credit of each kwh sent to the grid. For low
voltage consumers that are paying “non-subsidized” rates, the
multiplier value is roughly 0.7.

Consumers with storage will be able to store the excess energy

rather than send it on to the grid with a lower value as a credit to
their future grid electricity usage. Unfortunately the price of storage
is not yet at parity with PLN’s consumer tariff, even the most
expensive consumer group (low voltage connections) at

Without a clear guidance in the regulation under which PLN is

allowed to reject the rooftop solar PV installation applications, the
effectiveness of this regulation to increase the adoption of rooftop
solar PV in Indonesia is questionable.

The maximum limit of the capacity is 90% from each consumer’s

subscribed power. Although it is unclear whether the limit is based
on the kWp of the solar panels installed (DC power) or the kW/kVA
of the inverter installed (AC power).

The scheme is net metering, where self-consumption of the energy is

prioritized to reduce the consumer’s grid energy use. The excess
energy is then valued as a kWh credit after multiplied by a factor
according to the national average electricity cost of generation and
the consumer’s applicable tariff.

It is unclear in the regulation whether the kWh credit is accumulated

every day and then the new credit value applied at each month for

Andre Susanto +62 811 911 0427
Regulatory Comments
by Andre Susanto

that month’s bill, or whether the kWh credit is applied each day, or
whether it is applied in real-time.

It is unclear whether the certificate of operational readiness (SLO)

applies for the household installation or for the power plant.
According to the prevailing regulations, there are SLO categories for
power plants, distribution, transmission and building installation.
There was also talk about rooftop PV installations up to 25kW (again
unclear whether this is kWp (DC) or kW/kVA (AC)) not requiring new
SLOs. There is no mention of this in the regulation, but it is
expected that this will be the implementation reality.

With predominantly (91.9%) household consumers, and only 5.26%

industrial consumers, and 2.4% social institutions and government
consumers, the largest potential pool of rooftop solar PV consumers
are the residential sector. However, the residential consumers only
make up 42% (94,457 GWh) of all energy sold by PLN. Industrial
consumers purchased 32.4% (72,238 GWh) of all energy sold, and
businesses make up 18.7% (41,695 GWh). 1GWp of solar panels
installed on average will produce less than 1,600 GWh of electricity
annually. This is less than 0.72% of PLN’s total energy sales in 2017
(223,134 GWh). There is no reason for PLN to be feel threatened by
even the installation of 1GWp of solar panels. Source: PLN 2017

With 1GWp of solar panels installed and an average PPA tariff of

US$0.10/kWh (Rp 1,450/kWh), the total annual expenditure for the
PPA is US$160,000,000. If this is all funded by an increase to the
consumer tariff, the increase required across all consumers will be
less than US$0.072/kWh (or an increase of Rp 10.4/kWh).

How much excess energy from household installations can there be?
This can be as much as 95% per day if the houses are empty during
the day. Most empty houses will only have refrigerators (with the
compressors typically running at 30-50% duty cycle) continuously
drawing power. This daily excess power will be valued at 0.7:1 for
most residential consumers. For industrial customers, if they’re
allowed, they will likely have 28% of their annual energy production
as excess energy (based on little to no activities on the weekends
and holidays).

Industrial consumers are specifically excluded from this regulation

because of the perceived impact to PLN’s grid operations and
budget. Most industrial consumers are already connected to PLN
with 20kV lines. Potentially the rooftop areas of many industrial
consumers are enough to install more than 1MWp up to several

Andre Susanto +62 811 911 0427
Regulatory Comments
by Andre Susanto

MWp. This may require an interconnection study and therefore one

of the reasons this consumer group is excluded from this regulation.
Menimbang: This sentence is the basis of the purpose of this regulation.
a. … oleh pelanggan PT
Peruusahaan Listrik Negara “untuk kepentingan sendiri” = For self consumption
(Persero) untuk kepentingan
sendiri This leaves no ambiguity to the market segment this regulation is
aimed at; which is those interested to install rooftop solar PV
Considering: systems for their own use/self-consumption
a. … by PT PLN consumers for
self consumption Recommendation: Clarify that the regulation is to purposely limit the
reach of the regulation to these consumer types
b. … perlu diatur tata cara
pemasangan, transaksi dan
besaran perhitungan nilai
energi listrik dari …

a. … necessary to regulate the
installation procedures,
transactions and the
calculated value of the
electrical energy from …
Pasal 1 Ayat 1: In this definition of rooftop PV systems, what about the cases where
… modul fotovoltaik yang dapat the building owner is not the PLN consumer? An example would be
dipasang dan diletakkan pada leased or rented buildings. Does this mean if the owner wants to
atap, dinding, atau bagian lain install it, they would be unable to if they’re not the PLN consumer?
dari bangunan milik konsumen And vice versa
PT PLN (Persero) serta
menyalurkan … Recommendation: change the wording to “…buildings whose
electricity supply include legal connections to PLN …”
Article 1 Paragraph 1:
… PV module that can be
installed and located on the
roof, wall, or other parts of the
building owned by PT PLN’s
consumers and distributing …
Pasal 1 Ayat 3: This means that the industrial sector is not included in this
Konsumen PT PLN (Persero) regulation. Keeping consistent with the spirit of the regulation in
adalah setiap orang atau badan that rooftop solar PV systems in this context is only for self-
usaha atau badan/lembaga consumption. Industrial sectors are capable of installing larger sized
lainnya yang secara sah rooftop solar PV systems that may require an interconnection study
menggunakan tenaga listrik dari for implementation.
instalasi tenaga listrik

Andre Susanto +62 811 911 0427
Regulatory Comments
by Andre Susanto

PT PLN (Persero), kecuali sektor Recommendation: add 1-2 sentences to explain the reasoning of the
industri. industrial sector exclusion

Article 1 Paragraph 3:
PT PLN consumers are everyone
or business entities or other
institutions who are legally
using electricity from PLN’s
electrical installations, except
the industrial sector
Pasal 1 Ayat 6: On a technical execution level, recording a converted value instead of
… yang tercatat pada meter the real value of the energy will require a meter that can be adjusted
kWh Ekspor-Impor dan nilainya for a multiplier value. Most meters can easily record the real value
telah dikonversi dengan … of energy, but not many has an adjustment for a multiplier to show
the converted value. Is PLN ready with these meters to be deployed?
Article 1 Paragraph 6:
--- as recorded on the export- Recommendation: clarify how the kWh will be recorded and how the
import kWh meter and the multiplier value will be applied. An example would be that the kWh
value has been converted by … meter records the real energy value and then the multiplier value
applied and recorded on the monthly statement
Pasal 1 Ayat 10: Bagaimana dengan sertifikasi instalasi pembangkitan untuk PLTS
… yang diberi hak untuk nya? Tidak ada definisi LIT yang di sebutkan untuk sertifikasi
melakukan sertifikasi instalasi instalasi pembangkitan nya. Jika LIT-TR akan di sebut, mengapa LIT-
pemanfaatan tenaga listrik Pembangkitan tidak di sebut?
tegangan rendah.
Rekomendasi: Tambah satu ayat untuk menyebutkan LIT-
Article 1 Paragraph 10: Pembangkitan
… given the authority to
perform installation By law (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources regulation), a
certification for low voltage certificate of operational readiness is required for transmissions,
building electrical utilities distributions, power plants, and building electrical utilities. They’re
separate certificates and different inspection institutions are
authorized only for specific certificates (multiples are possible). This
article only mentions the certification for the building electrical
utilities whereas rooftop solar PV systems require a certificate for
power plants.

Recommendation: change the sentence to “… given the authority to

perform installation certification for power plants
Pasal 2 ayat 2: Will this annex be binding and has to be followed to the letter
… sesuai dengan diagram yang (diagram). In other words, will the rooftop solar PV systems that this
tercantum dalam Lampiran I regulation applies are only the ones that follow the scheme in the
yang merupakan bagian tidak diagram? In practice, rooftop solar PV systems have various
terpisahkan dari Peraturan technical arrangements that may not be covered in the diagram.
Menteri ini. There are AC-coupled vs DC-coupled. There are string inverters vs.

Andre Susanto +62 811 911 0427
Regulatory Comments
by Andre Susanto

Article 2 Paragraph 2: micro inverters. With and without storage. All in one energy
… according to the diagram management systems are also available.
included on Annex I that is an
inseparable part of this

Pasal 2 Ayat 3: Ini sudah bagus, arti nya pelanggan PLN yang akan memasang PLTS
… tidak dikategorikan sebagai atap tidak akan kena biaya operasi Paralel seperti mana di tampilkan
operasi paralel. dalam Permen ESDM 1/2017. Tapi dengan Pasal 1 Ayat 3 dari draft
ini di mana sector Industri di perkecualikan, maka Pelanggan PLN
Article 2 Paragraph 3: yang akan memasang PLTS atap dari sector industry masih akan di
… not categorized as a parallel kenakan biaya operasi parallel. Ini sangat merugikan mereka and
operation. mendiskriminasikan sector industry untuk meningkatkan pemakaian
EBT. Padahal dorongan paling tinggi berasal dari sector industry
Note: this refers to the parallel
charge regulation by MEMR in Rekomendasi: hilangkan kata kata “sector industry” di pasal 1 ayat 3
Regulation 1/2017
This is good news, which means all of the eligible solar PV system
owners under this regulation are not subject to MEMR regulation
1/2017 about the monthly parallel charge (equivalent to 40 hours x
name plate capacity x applicable tariff). But when the industrial
sector is excluded from this regulation, it means they’ll still be subject
to the parallel charge. For the non-technical readers of this
document, the monthly parallel charge amounts to 25-30% of the
monthly yield of a typical solar PV systems. This amounts to
discriminating against the industrial sector from utilizing renewable
energy. What this means is that the sector more likely to be able to
install a lot of rooftop solar PV systems and rapidly help the
Indonesian government achieve its targets are crippled from doing
Pasal 2 Ayat 4: Apa yang dimaksud besaran? apakah terdapat standar? kalau tidak
… memiliki besaran nilai yang di definisikan, akan sangat ambigu dan menimbulkan ketidakpastian
dapat ditransaksikan kepada PT di kemudian hari
PLN (Persero)
Apa arti nya dan definisi dari “dapat ditransaksikan”? Apakah ini
Article 2 Paragraph 4: akan bisa dapat uang dari PLN? Apakah ini hanya skema kredit yang
… has a value that can be di jelaskan dalam peraturan Menteri ini?
transacted to PT PLN (Persero)
What does “value” mean? How will it be calculated and what
standard will be used? If there is no definition, this will be
ambiguous and can cause uncertainties in the future.

What does “can be transacted” mean? Will this mean monetary

transaction from PLN? Or is it only the credit scheme explained in
this regulation?

Andre Susanto +62 811 911 0427
Regulatory Comments
by Andre Susanto

Pasal 3: Apakah PLN sudah publish Standar PLN yang berlaku? Di mana bisa
… wajib mengikuti Standar di download? Juga apakah kalau satu system memenuhi standar
Nasional Indonesia atau international tapi tidak memenuhi SNI atau standar PLN masih di
Standar Internasional atau perbolehkan? Dengan kalimat ini, maka jawaban nya adalah iya,
Standar PLN yang berlaku. masih di perbolehkan.

Article 3: Rekomendasi: wajibkan PLN untuk publish standar PLN yang berlaku
… required to comply to yang bisa di download oleh umum, EBTKE publikasi kan daftar SNI
Indonesian National Standards atau Standard International yang di perbolehkan. Sangat perlu di
or International Standards or tuangkan dalam lampiran peraturan ini.
applicable PLN standards
Will PLN publish the applicable PLN standards? Where can it be
downloaded? Will the compliance to any of the three mentioned
standards be accepted? What about mixed compliance within the

Recommendation: require PLN to publish applicable PLN standards

that can be downloaded by the public, and DGNREEC publish a list of
SNI and/or International standards that apply. This list is required in
the annex of this regulation
Pasal 4: Apa definisi kapasitas system?
Kapasitas Sistem PLTS Atap
pada pelanggan dibatasi paling Rekomendasi: Yang paling cocok adalah kapasitas inverter yang di
tinggi 90% … pasang dalam hitungan Watt-AC karena ini adalah batas daya yang
akan di terima oleh jaringan PLN dari PLTS atap
Article 3:
Consumer’s rooftop solar PV What is the definition of “system capacity”?
system capacity is limited up to
90% … Recommendation: The most appropriate definition is the installed
inverter’s capacity in Watt-AC. This is the limit of the power that can
be sent by the system to PLN’s network from the rooftop solar PV
Pasal 5: Apa definisi kredit, atau kredit energi listrik? Walaupun di jelaskan
Transaksi kredit energi listrik di pasal selanjutnya, apakah perlu untuk di jelaskan terlebih dahulu?
dari Sistem PLTS Atap dilakukan
… What is the definition of “credit” or “electricity energy credit”? It is
explained in the next paragraph, but this would be better explained
Article 5: in the definition
Electricity energy credit
transaction from the rooftop
solar PV …
Pasal 5 Ayat 2: Kalimat ini bertentangan dengan Pasal 1 Ayat 6 di mana definisi
jumlah energi listrik yang “kwh Impor” adalah: jumlah energi listrik yang diterima oleh sistem
diimpor diperhitungkan dengan jaringan PT PLN (Persero) dari sistem instalasi Pelanggan yang
menggunakan nilai kWh yang tercatat pada meter kWh Ekspor-Impor dan nilainya telah
tercatat pada meter kWh impor dikonversi.

Andre Susanto +62 811 911 0427
Regulatory Comments
by Andre Susanto

dikali Faktor Konversi kWh

Impor, dengan formula sebagai Di formula pasal 5 ayat 2, kwh import yang di kalikan factor konversi
berikut: bisa di definisikan seperti di Pasal 1 Ayat 6, arti nya “TELAH DI
Nilai kWh Impor = Faktor KONVERSI”. Jadi Nilai KWh Impor = Faktor konversi x kwh import
Konversi x kWh Impor (yang telah di konversi). Ini menjadi double counting nilai konversi.

Article 5 Paragraph 2: Rekomendasi: Di Pasal 1 Ayat 6 kwh impor sudah di definisikan.

Amount of electricity energy Dalam pasal 5 ayat 2 formula perlu di ubah menjadi Nilai kwh impor
that is imported is calculated by = factor konversi x kwh yang di terima oleh jaringan PLN
using the kWh value recorded
on the import kWh meter This article is in the opposite of the definition in Paragraph 1 Article 6
multiplied by the import kWh where it states that “imported kWh” is: amount of electricity energy
Conversion Factor, with the received by PT PLN (Persero)’s network system from the consumer
following formula: system installation that is recorded in the export-import kWh meter
Value of imported kWh = and the value has been converted.
Conversion Factor x Imported
kWh In the formula of Paragraph 5 Article 2, imported kWh that has been
multiplied by a conversion factor can be defined in Paragraph 1
Article 6, which is “has been converted”. So: Value of imported kWh
= Conversion Factor x imported kWh (that has been converted). This
can be interpreted as double counting of the conversion value.

Recommendation: In Paragraph 1 Article 6, Imported kWh has been

defined. In Paragraph 5 Article 2, the formula should be changed to
be: Value of imported kWh = conversion factor x kwh received by PT
PLN (Persero’s) network system
Pasal 5 ayat 4: Ini juga kalimat yang masih ambigu. Di pasal 1 ayat 6 sudah di
setiap akhir periode tagihan definisikan bahwa “kwh impor” adalah nilai kwh yang sudah di
bulanan berjalan, nilai kWh konversi kan. Nilai kwh energi listrik yang di impor bisa menjadi
energi listrik yang diimpor akan definisi lain, ya itu nilai kWh energi listrik yang di terima oleh
diaplikasikan secara kredit jaringan PLN sebelum di konversikan
kepada biaya tagihan listrik
Pelanggan; Rekomendasi: gunakan kalimat “kwh import” seperti di definisikan
pada Pasal 1 ayat 6 (JIKA PLN bisa membuktikan bahwa meteran PLN
Article 5 Paragraph 4: Ekspor-Impor bisa menampilkan nilai kwh yang telah di konversikan”
At the end of the monthly billing
period, the electricity energy This is still a little bit ambiguous due to the inconsistent use of the
value of imported kWh will be terms. There are already previous definitions of “imported kWh”
applied as credit to the (already converted). The “value of imported kWh” can be a different
consumer’s electricity bill definition since the wording is not consistent. This new wording can
be literally defined as the kWh value of the electricity energy received
by PLN’s network prior to the Conversion Factor

Andre Susanto +62 811 911 0427
Regulatory Comments
by Andre Susanto

Pasal 5 ayat 4: Ini juga masih ambigu dalam arti nilai kwh impor (sesuai dengan
setiap akhir periode tagihan definisi Pasal 1 Ayat 6, “telah dikonversikan”) belum bernilai rupiah.
bulanan berjalan, nilai kWh Sedangkan biaya tagihan Pelanggan telah bernilai rupiah. Walaupun
energi listrik yang diimpor akan pasal 5 ayat 5 dan pasal 5 ayat 6 adalah penjelasan lanjutan, kalimat
diaplikasikan secara kredit di ayat ini tidak jelas pengartian nya
kepada biaya tagihan listrik
Pelanggan; Rekomendasi: pasal ini perlu klarifikasi bahwa biaya tagihan
Pelanggan bisa di kurangi senilai kWh impor di kalikan nilai TDL
Article 5 Paragraph 4: (menjadi nilai rupiah) dan ini di berikan secara kredit kepada biaya
At the end of each monthly tagihan (dalam nilai rupiah) pelanggan. Tetapi jika ini yang di
billing cycle, the kWh value of inginkan, pasal 5 ayat 5 perlu di hapus
electricity energy imported will
be applied as credit to the Rekomendasi ke 2: pasal ini perlu klarifikasi bahwa biaya tagihan
consumer’s electricity billing pelanggan bisa di kurangi dengan pengurangan kWh ekspor pada
amount bulan itu di kurangi dengan kredit yang tersedia pada bulan itu. Dan
biaya tagihan kan masih berlaku sesuai peraturan (termasuk biaya
tagihan minimum walaupun kWh ekspor yang tercatat sudah
menjadi nol karena nilai kredit kwh impor)

This is another ambiguity in the meaning of “kWh value of electricity

energy imported”, which has been defined previously. The kWh
value of electricity defined so far are not in monetary value but
rather in kWh. Whereas the “billing amount” is already in monetary
value. How can these two values be credited in a single bill? The
clarification only comes in the next article and this can be confusing.

Recommendation: Rewording to clarify that the consumer billing

amount can be reduced to equivalent value of imported kWh
multiplied by applicable consumer tariff (becoming a monetary value
in Rupiah) and applied as credit to the consumer billing amount (as a
monetary value in Rupiah). In this case, Article 5 Paragraph 5 can be

Recommendation #2: This Paragraph can be clarified that the

consumer billing amount can be reduced by reducing the exported
kWh for the same month with the kWh credit available for that
month. The consumer billing amount will then still apply according
to the prevailing regulation (including monthly minimum charge even
if the export kWh value recorded is already zero due to the imported
kWh value credit).
Pasal 5 ayat 5: Tidak ada kalimat “transaksi kWh kredit energi listrik” di ayat 4
transaksi kWh kredit energi
listrik sebagaimana dimaksud Rekomendasi: Ubah ayat 4 menjadi “… akan di aplikasikan secara
pada ayat (4) dihitung dengan transaksi kwh kredit energi listrik yang menjadi acuan biaya tagihan
formula sebagai berikut: listrik pelanggan”

Andre Susanto +62 811 911 0427
Regulatory Comments
by Andre Susanto

Tagihan Listrik Pelanggan (kWh) There is no sentence mentioning “transaction for electricity energy’s
= Jumlah kWh ekspor – kWh credit” in the previous paragraph
Nilai kWh Impor
Recommendation: Change the previous paragraph to: “… will be
Article 5 Paragraph 5: applied as kWh transaction of electricity energy credit that will be
Transaction for electricity the reference value for the consumer electricity billing amount
energy’s kWh credit as
mentioned in Paragraph (4) is
calculated with the following
Consumer billing amount (kWh)
= Exported kWh Amount –
Imported kWh Value
Pasal 5 ayat 7: Perlu menyamakan kata kata dengan definisi di Pasal 1 ayat 6
dalam hal terjadi nilai kredit menjadi “kwh impor”
energi listrik yang diimpor lebih
besar dari jumlah kWh ekspor Need to be consistent with the definition in Article 1 Paragraph 6 to
maka selisih lebih akan be “imported kWh”
dikreditkan sebagai pengurang
tagihan bulan berikutnya;

Article 5 Paragraph 7:
In case the electricity energy
credit value imported is larger
than the amount of the
exported kWh then the
difference will be credited to
reduce the next month’s bill
Pasal 5 ayat 9: Mengapa bulan Juni juga dinihilkan? Ini akan membuat pelanggan
… periode tagihan bulan Juni malah kan boros listrik untuk menggunakan kredit yang masih ada.
dan Desember maka akan Apakah ESDM/EBTKE akan mendukung pemborosan pemakaian
dinihilkan dan perhitungan listrik? Kalau ini kan mau nya PLN (dan utility company dengan
kredit akan dimulai kembali pemikiran business masih jaman purba in general), bahwa
pada periode tagihan listrik pelanggan menggunakan listrik sebanyak mungkin.
bulan Juli dan Januari
Memperjelas format:
Article 5 Paragraph 9: apabila kredit yang terakumulasi masih tersisa setelah perhitungan
… In the June and December pada periode tagihan bulan Juni dan Desember maka:
billing cycles will be reset to a. akan dinihilkan dan
zero and the credit b. perhitungan kredit akan dimulai kembali pada periode
accumulation will start new in tagihan listrik bulan Juli dan Januari
the billing cycles of July and
January Why reset the credit accumulation in June also? This will make the
consumers be incentivized to waste the energy to use up the
available credits. Is MEMR suggesting and supporting wasteful use
of electricity? This is what PLN wants (and most electrical utility

Andre Susanto +62 811 911 0427
Regulatory Comments
by Andre Susanto

companies with cave man business mentality), that their consumers

use as much electricity as possible.

Clarify the format:

When the accumulated credit is left over after the calculation of the
billing cycles in June and December therefore:
a. Accumulated credit will be reset to zero
b. Credit accumulation will start again in the next billing cycles
of July and January
Pasal 6 ayat 2: Apakah ini berarti di form lampiran 2, pelanggan hanya perlu
Persyaratan administrasi melampirkan nomor identitas pelanggan? Ini bertentangan dengan
sebagaimana dimaksud pada pasal 6 ayat 4 yang merupakan cara permohonan. Dan juga apakah
ayat (1) adalah paling sedikit PLN akan nanti menambahkan persyaratan administrasi? Atau
memuat Nomor Identitas EBTKE akan nanti menambahkan persyaratan administrasi? Atau
Pelanggan PT PLN (Persero); DJK akan nanti menambahak persyaratan administrasi? Kalimat Ini
akan membuat tidak jelas nya proses permohonan
Article 6 Paragraph 2:
Administrative requirements Does this mean in the form Annex 2, the consumer only needs to fill
mentioned in Paragraph (1) at a in the PLN customer number and the rest can be ignored? This is in
minimum include PLN’s opposition to Article 6 Paragraph 4 which is how to request the
customer number permit. Will there be additional administrative requirements by PLN
since this is the “minimum”? Or will there be additional
administrative requirements by EBTKE? What will this be? Will it be
difficult requirements? Will there be transparency on how and what
additional requirements can/will be? What about directorate
general of electricity, will they add more requirements? This
sentence makes it unclear what the process is/could be to request
the permit. Who is responsible AND authorized to issue additional
Pasal 6 ayat 3: Ini bertentangan dengan pasal 6 ayat 4 yang merupakan cara
Persyaratan teknis permohonan. Dan juga apakah PLN akan nanti menambahkan
sebagaimana dimaksud pada persyaratan teknis? Atau EBTKE akan nanti menambahkan
ayat (1) adalah paling sedikit persyaratan teknis? Atau DJK akan nanti menambahak persyaratan
memuat : teknis? Ini akan membuat tidak jelas nya proses permohonan
a. besaran daya terpasang
Sistem PLTS Atap dan spesifikasi Juga sebaik nya ada definisi diagram satu garis, harus mencakup apa
teknis peralatan yang akan saja, apakah hanya module PV dan inverter saja? Termasuk sampai
dipasang; dan ke meteran PLN? Termasuk penangkal petir (jika ada) dan
b. diagram satu garis; pembumian? Termasuk perangkat pengaman (surge protection,
MCB, dll)? Termasuk merek dan model dari perangkat yang tertera?
Article 6 Paragaph 3:
Technical requirement as This is also in opposition to Article 6 Paragraph 4 about the process
mentioned in Paragaph (1) at a to request the installation permit. Who is responsible and authorized
minimum include: to issue additional requirements since this is only the “minimum”,
a. Value of the solar PV which implies there could be additional ones.
system’s installed capacity

Andre Susanto +62 811 911 0427
Regulatory Comments
by Andre Susanto

and the equipment’s What is the definition of single line diagram, what does it have to
technical specifications contain? Just the PV modules and the inverter? Including PLN’s
b. Single line diagram meters? Does it have to contain the safety equipment (lightning
arrester, surge protection), grounding, MCB and fuses, blocking and
bypass diodes at the string level, etc? Does it include the brand and
model of each equipment listed?
Pasal 6 ayat 4: Apakah ini merupakan cara permohonan yang lengkap? Bahwa jika
Permohonan sebagaimana lampiran II sudah di lengkapi dan sudah di berikan kepaad PT PLN,
dimaksud pada ayat (1) pasti akan di tanggapi? Bagaimana dengan cc permohonan kepada
disampaikan kepada PT PLN EBTKE untuk bisa di monitor? EBTKE butuh tahu berapa pemohon
(Persero) sesuai dengan format yang telah mengajukan permohonan dan berapa yang di terima dan
yang tercantum dalam berapa yang di tolak.
Lampiran II yang merupakan
bagian tidak terpisahkan dari Rekomendasi – permohonan ini di buat secara online dan bisa di
Peraturan Menteri ini. akses oleh PLN dan EBTKE dan pemohon sehingga process bisa
transparen dan EBTKE bisa monitor dan evaluasi dampak dari
Article 6 Paragraph 4: peraturan ini dalam peningkatan penggunaan PLTS atap
Request as mentioned in
Paragraph (1) submitted to PT Is this the complete request process? If a consumer fills in the form
PLN (Persero) according to the in Annex II and submitted to PLN, the consumer can expect a
format as attached in Annex II transparent and expedient response? What about copying the
that is an inseparable part of request documents to DGNREEC and creating a process for DGNREEC
the regulation to monitor and evaluate the performance of this regulation.
DGNREEC needs to know and monitor how many requests were
submitted and how many were accepted and how many were

Recommendation – this request process is made to be online and can

be accessed by PLN and DGNREEC and the requester, so the process
can be transparent. This will also allow EBTKE to monitor and
evaluate the effect of this regulation on the increase of rooftop solar
PV use
Pasal 6 ayat 7: Artinya selama permohonan memenuhi syarat administrasi dan
Penolakan PT PLN (Persero) teknis yang di tentukan, pasti akan di perbolehkan untuk memasang
sebagaimana dimaksud pada PLTS atap? Apakah Pasal 6 ayat 2, ayat 3 dan ayat 4 sudah menjadi
ayat (6) diberikan dalam hal prasyarat permohonan yang lengkap?
permohonan pembangunan
dan pemasangan sistem PLTS Juga di perlukan kewajiban dari PLN dalam hal penolakan, untuk
Atap oleh Konsumen PT PLN memberi alasan yang jelas dan dapat di perbaiki oleh pemohon
(Persero) tidak memenuhi
persyaratan administrasi dan This means that as long as the request meets the administrative and
teknis. technical requirements that have been set, the request will be
granted to install rooftop solar PV systems? Will the contents of
Article 6 Paragraph 7: Article 6 Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 already used as the complete
Rejection by PT PLN (Persero) as requirements for the permit request?
mentioned in Paragraph (6) is

Andre Susanto +62 811 911 0427
Regulatory Comments
by Andre Susanto

given in the case that the Also needed is the requirement for PLN, when they reject the
request for PLN consumer’s application, to give clear reasoning that can be fixed by the
rooftop solar PV installation requester. The reasoning must be transparent and not vague.
does not meet the
administrative and technical
Pasal 7 Ayat 2: Perlu di definisikan Badan Usaha Pembangunan dan Pemasangan
Pembangunan dan pemasangan karena ada SIUJK (Surat Ijin Usaha Jasa Konstruksi) dengan sub
Sistem PLTS Atap sebagaimana bidang Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik Energi Baru dan Terbarukan dan
dimaksud pada ayat (1) wajib ada juga SBU (Surat Badan Usaha) Pembangunan dan Pemasangan
dilakukan oleh Badan Usaha yang khusus dari DJK.
pembangunan dan pemasangan.
There needs to be a definition for “business entity licensed for
Article 7 Paragraph 2: construction and installation” because there are multiple business
Rooftop Solar PV Installation as licenses. One is called SIUJK (Construction Business Permit) with sub-
mentioned in Paragraph (1) field New and Renewable Energy Power Plant. Another is called SBU
must be performed by a (Business entity license) Construction and Installation specifically
business entity licensed for from DGE (Directorate General of Electricity)
construction and installation
Pasal 8 ayat 1: Karena LIT-pembangkitan tidak di sebut dan hanya LIT-TR, maka ini
Instalasi Sistem PLTS Atap wajib membingungkan, SLO yang mana yang di wajibkan? Apakah SLO
memiliki Sertifikat Laik Operasi pemanfaatan TR atau SLO pembangkitan yang di wajibkan?
(SLO) dari Lembaga Inspeksi
Teknis yang terakreditasi sesuai Jika LIT pembangkitan adalah yang di haruskan, ada beberapa
dengan ketentuan peraturan masalah:
perundang-undangan. - Biaya SLO pembangkitan belum ada ada standard, apa lagi
untuk PLTS atap.
- Hanya sedikit LIT (4) yang terakreditasi atau tertunjuk untuk
bisa mengeluarkan SLO pembangkitan PLTS dalam daftar

Kata kata Lembaga Inspeksi Teknis yang terakreditasi ini

mengartikan bahwa LIT yang di tunjuk oleh Menteri tidak bisa
mengeluarkan SLO PLTS Atap yang akan di terima oleh PLN.
Sedangkan di system pengesahan LIT, ada 2 cara: terakreditasi dan
penunjukan (ditetapkan oleh Menteri)
Pasal 9: kalau pakainya kata mengutamakan berarti tidak perlu kata “harus”.
Sistem PLTS Atap harus
mengikuti ketentuan peraturan Currently this ambiguous as we look at the law itself. Well by literal
perundang-undangan di bidang and legal definition as we look at and follow the definitions as has
penggunaan barang/jasa dalam been stated by the supreme court, it’s clear that local content
negeri. requirements only apply when state funds are used (in various forms
such as foreign loans, grants, etc)
Rooftop solar PV system must
follow the regulatory provisions
of the law for local content of

Andre Susanto +62 811 911 0427
Regulatory Comments
by Andre Susanto

materials, components, and


Pasal 12: Artinya pelanggan yang sudah melakukan investasi berdasarkan

Bagi Konsumen PT PLN peraturan sebelum nya (kepdir PLN) akan di rubah contract nya
(Persero) yang telah memasang sesuai dengan peraturan Menteri ini.
Sistem PLTS Atap sebelum
Peraturan Menteri ini This means that previous consumers that have invested their money
diundangkan, transaksi kredit based on previous regulation (PLN Director’s decision) will have a
mengikuti ketentuan dalam different condition than when they first started. While there has not
Peraturan Menteri ini. been any contracts previously, can this be a legal issue later on?

Article 12:
For the consumers of PLN that
have installed rooftop solar PV
systems prior to this regulation
is active, the credit transactions
will follow this ministerial

Andre Susanto +62 811 911 0427

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