Alfon Environmental Essay

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Alfon S.



Since when have you been truly aware of our environmental issues? How/What
increased your awareness? What are your own personal but concrete measures in
responding to this issues

Environmental Essay

Climate change, pollution, environmental degradation, and resource depletion are just
few of these common environmental issues that we know. Nowadays we’re experiencing this all,
even if sometimes these issues where not affecting us that much but we didn’t know that it
getting worse as time pass by. We, people are the main cause of this environmental issue and this
is an issue that is ongoing every day. This sounds ironic hence we are called to be steward of our
mother nature. So if we’re the one who causes the destruction we must do our part to counter that
destruction by helping reducing those environmental issues even with just our small actions.

I first became aware of our environmental issues since when I was in high school. When
the rainy days came. I notice that on my way to school the road is flooded. And on every
drainage systems there were stuck garbage such as plastic bags, styro, plastic cups and other
more plastic materials. Then I realize where these things came from? And with that I knew that
even small plastics have bigger impact in our environment that also leads in danger for us
people. As what a quote says earth can live without humans but humans can’t live without earth.
This is just the signal that we need our planet earth for us to survive, but how can we survive if
we’re destroying the one thing that must protect us.

So in our own place I envision that garbage is the biggest problem. Throw garbage there,
dump waste here, litter everywhere is just an ordinary scenario today. We often think that it’s
just a small act that may not affect our environment, but we’re wrong it that case. Garbage
especially plastics don’t just flow in flood but also go in different bodies of water. And this leads
to another major problem the pollution in our oceans. These garbages will not only affect us
human but also animals. As what I’ve seen in the video that presented by Sir Brent. Many
animals die because of eating plastic materials which they can’t digest it and become poison to
their bodies and lead to death. And some animals also deformed or mutate because of these
plastic garbages. As a realization to these issues about our environment it is true what Prince Ea
said. That before we fight for racism, feminism and other acts we must first fight for our
environment because if human extinct because of poisoned earth all this acts just like racism will
eliminated because there were no people too.

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