Factory Act Presentation

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The Factories Act,, 1948

Fac ger

If its essence is rightly understood,

understood appreciated and
implemented, this act is a Master Piece of Social Legislation

W are bound
We b d by
b various
i Statutory
St t t Regulations
R l ti

It is
i important
i t t to
t know

1 Whatt iis applicable
Wh li bl
2. How it is applicable
3. Wh t needs
What d to
t be
b done
4. Who is to do it.
5. C
li requirements
i t – what,
h t how….


Levels Type of Compliance Requirements

Procedural Requirements related to prior permission /

approval authorization / licenses / renewal for
Requirements establishing factory / processes / storage

Operational Requirement related to safe design, operation

and maintenance of facility / equipment /
Requirements process etc. including submission and
maintenance off Periodicd forms
f / returns /
accident reporting etc.

Monitoring Requirements related to conducting work place

it i f
for permissible
i ibl exposure limits
li it
Requirements including health monitoring


Compliance Is the full implementation of legal requirements.

Non Compliance Is a breach of laws relating to EHS matters.

Contravention Infringement i.e. break or violate the law

Non Conformity Is non fulfillment of a requirement

Labour Legislations
„ The Factories Act 1948 & Rules
„ The payment of Wages Act 1936 & Rules
„ The Maternity benefit Act 1961 & Rules
„ The Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986
„ The Indian Boilers Act 1923 & Rules
„ The Labour Laws Act 1988
„ The Major Accident Hazard Control Rules 1994
„ The Building and Other Construction Workers Act 1996 & Rules

What the Factory Act is all about?
Enactment of Provisions
120 Sections
11 Chapters
03 Schedules

142 Rules
10 Chapters
41 Forms/Registers

A Comprehensive law for the persons working at a specific domain –

Covers significant issues relating to the persons employed in Factories.
29 Industries involving hazardous Process - listed in First Schedule
Special Provisions for Hazardous Processes
Includes penal provisions for violations

Global Objectives
 Secures - Safety
 Regulates - Working Hours
Leave with Wages

 P id
Provides - Addi i l protection
Additional i from
f hazardous
h d processes
Additional protection to women workers
Prohibition of employment of children

„ First Indian Factories Act, came into force during 1881

„ Comprehensi e Act was

Comprehensive as enacted immediatel
immediately after the
independence - “The Factories Act, 1948”.

„ This Act has seen many amendments after the independence.

„ Major
j amendments post
p 1987 - Bhopal
p Tragedy
g y

Some Definitions
„ Factories which use power and where 10 or more workers are working or

„ Factories which do not use power and where 20 or more workers are working

„ Definition of Workers includes the employees of Contractors or third party

agents Workers under the Act
agents. Act, includes

„ Permanent, Temporary, Contract, Casual, Clerical staff , Managers,

Engineers Supervisors etc.,
Engineers, etc

„ “Apprentice” under the Apprentice Act, 1961 are not the workers.
However as per Section 14 of the Act – provision of Health
Health, Safety &
Welfare are applicable to this category as well.

„ Occupier of a Factory is a person who has ultimate control over the affairs of
the factory
„ Proprietorship
P i t hi Proprietor
P i t
„ Partnership One of the partner
„ Company One of the director
„ State or Central Govt Persons so nominated by the Govt
„ Responsibilities
„ Prior
i Approval
A l for
f locating
l i the
h Factory, periodical
i di l renewalsl to operate the
„ Ensure the Health, Safety and Welfare of all the workers while they are at
workk in
i the
h Factory
„ Compliance to the various requirements under the Act and Rules
„ Ensure provision and maintenance of the Plant and Systems in Safe
„ Health and Safety Policy 10
„ Person nominated or appointed by the Occupier for the purposes of the Act
under Section 7.

„ Responsibilities

„ Maintenance of registers, Muster rolls, Furnishing OT slips, leave cards

„ Furnishing of returns

„ Submission of notice to work

„ Intimation about the reportable accidents, dangerous occurrences.

„ Notice on Change
g of Manager

„ Person appointed by the respective State Govt under section 8 of the Act

„ Powers
„ Enter any premises that is a “Factory”
„ Make examination of the premises, plant, machinery, article or substance
„ Investigate
g into any y accident or dangerous
g occurrence,, take on the spot
p or
otherwise statements of any person which he may consider necessary for
such inquiry;
„ Anyy specific
p directives to the occupier
„ Seize any records, take copies which is required for the purpose of
„ Take measurements, photographs and make such recordings which are
required for enforcement of Law
„ Call for production of any registers or documents pertaining to his duties
from the occupier.

General Requirements
„ Approval & Licensing „ Accident Reporting

„ Health Initiatives „ Dangerous Occurrence reporting

„ Welfare Schemes „ Notifiable diseases reporting

„ Safety Management „ Provisions related to Women

„ Statutory Displays Workers

„ Statutory Committees „ Provisions related to Child

„ Statutory Registers „ No of Employees

„ Statutory
y returns „ Training & Education programs

„ Regulation of Working Hours „ Exemptions

„ Annual Leave with Wages „ Penal Provisions

Approval & Licensing
„ Approvall off site,
A it construction
t ti or extension
t i off a factory
f t
„ Prior approval necessary for the construction, reconstruction, or extension of
any Factory.
„ Prior approval, in writing, of the Chief Inspector is necessary for the
installation of additional machinery or for the installation of prime movers
exceeding the horse power already installed in the factory.
„ Application in Form 1 with
„ A flow chart of the manufacturing process

„ Detailed description
p of the pprocess in its various stages,
„ Plans in triplicate showing –

„ the site of the factory and immediate surroundings including adjacent

buildings and other structures, roads, drains…,
„ the plan, elevation and necessary cross sections of the various
buildings, indicating all relevant details relating to natural lighting,
ventilation, and means of escape in case of fire,
„ The position of the plant and machinery, aisles and passageways
„ Copies of the Approved Consents from State PCB’s
Approval & Licensing
„ Approvall off site,
A it construction
t ti or extension
t i off a factory
f t
„ The plans and layouts of factory building to be prepared by a person
possessing a degree or a diploma in Civil Engineering or an equivalent
lifi ti
„ Approval for the Plans is accorded on the Plan itself
„ Building Stability
„ No manufacturing process to be carried on in any factory constructed,
extended or taken into use as a factory unless a certificate of stability in
Form No. 1-A in respect of the said building is issued by a person
possessing a degree in Structural or Civil Engineering.
„ In case of more no of buildings, each building should be certified
separately or included in the list of buildings

Approval & Licensing
„ Application
A li ti forf registration
i t ti and d grantt off license
„ Application in Form 2 for registration of factory and for grant of license.
„ No premises to be used as a factory for any manufacturing process without the
registration and license granted under these rules.
„ License is granted in Form 3; Normally for a period of one year but in some
cases can be 3 years also
„ The plans approved by the Chief Inspector and the license granted by him are
to be readily available in the factory for any inspection.
„ A license ggranted may y be amended by y the Chief Inspector
„ if there is change in the name of the Factory,

„ if the Factory exceeds [increase or decrease] the limits specified in the

license in regard to horse
power or the number of persons employed.
„ Application seeking amendment to be at least 15 days prior to the intended

Approval & Licensing
„ Renewall off License
R Li
„ Application for renewal at least 2 months before the date of expiry in Form 2
„ An expired license on renewal application is deemed to be legally valid till the
renewal is granted / rejected
„ Penalty for late submission is up to 25% fees more (decretory powers)
„ Provision for Transfer or Temporarily
p y surrenderingg the license exists as pper
the Act
„ The Chief Inspector has the powers to revoke the granted license but after
g opportunity
pp y to the licensee through
g a show cause.
„ When License is Lost – provision for seeking a duplicate license exists

Health - Concerns
„ Cleanliness
„ Disposal of Wastes and ƒ Factory premises to be kept clean & clear of

Effluents nuisance
ƒ Cleaning of accumulated dirt,
dirt dust etc.,
etc on a
„ Ventilation & temperature
daily basis
„ Dust & Fumes ƒ Floor of every work room to be washed at
„ Artificial humidification least once a week
„ Overcrowding ƒ Effective means of drainage in case where

„ Lighting the floor is liable to become wet

ƒ Painting Schedule for walls, ceilings, doors,
„ Drinking Water
windows …
„ Latrines & Urinals ƒ Painted / Varnished Æ 5 years
„ Spittoons ƒ Washable Paint Æ wash once in 6
months, repaint once in 3 years
ƒ Lime / Color washed Æ 14 months

ƒ Doors, Windows, Shutters Æ 5 Years

ƒ Maintain registers for Whitewashing form 6

ƒ Some industries exempted & Provisions for

seeking exemptions also exist
Health - Concerns
ƒ Requires effective arrangements for ƒ Where mechanical means of ventilation
Collection, Transfer, Storage and are absent, the ventilating openings in
Treatment of Wastes and Effluents any room where workers are employed
ƒ Governed by the requirements as should be minimum 15% of the floor
specified by the SPCB’s area.
ƒ Where mechanical means of ventilation

VENTILATION & TEMPERATURE is provided, the capacity of such a

ƒ Adequate ventilation by circulation of
system should be minimum 10 times the
Fresh Air – General ventilation or by volume of the room per hour.
h i l means ƒ Where circulating fans are provided for

ƒ Temperature appropriate to the comfort

cooling, the rate of cooling of air at 1.5
& prevention of injury to the workers mtr from floor level should be at least
2.5 times the rate of cooling without the
ƒ Where manufacturing process generates
heat, adequate measures to prevent
exposure like insulation, exhaust etc.,

Health - Concerns
ƒ Where the manufacturing process ƒ No room in a factory should be
generates dust, effective measures to be overcrowded
taken to pprevent its inhalation byy workers ƒ At least 14.2 Cum of space per worker to
as well as prevent its accumulation in the be provided (height up to 4.2 mtr only)
room ƒ Display of maximum no of workers
ƒ The suction points for extraction to be as ordinarily employed in each room may
l to the
h source as possible
ibl be sought by the Chief Inspector


ƒ In factories where humidity is artificially ƒ Provision for adequate lighting – natural,
increased, the State Govt – artificial & both
ƒ Prescribes
P ib th
the standards
t d d ƒ All glazed
l d windows
i d andd skylights
k li ht to
t be
ƒ Regulates the method of monitoring kept cleaned and are kept free of
ƒ The water used for humidification is
from a drinking water source & is ƒ Prevent Glare – either from light itself or

purified before it is taken for by reflection

humidification ƒ Prevent shadow formation 20
Health - Concerns
ƒ Interior places where workers are ƒ Effective means of providing good
normally employed, the illumination to quality drinking water to all employees
be minimum 3 foot candles at 1 mtr from ƒ The quantity of drinking water provided
floor to be at least 5 times the no of workers
ƒ Interior places like aisle, passage ways, normally employed per day. Such qty to
where workers normally pass, be readily available at all times.
ill i i to be
illumination b 0.5
0 5 foot
f candles
dl at ƒ The receptacles containing drinking
floor level water to be hygienic and free of
ƒ Glare – when fittings are less than 5 mtr contamination risks
from floor level
level, source brightness to be ƒ No direct supply from open wells or
less than 10 foot candles to prevent glare. reservoirs, unless such wells / reservoirs
ƒ Where focused lighting is needed, glare are safe from contamination risks – in
to be controlled through opaque screens such cases, weekly sterilizations is
ƒ Drinking water quality tests as per IS
10500 necessary, bacteriological tests
t t
ƒ Drinking water outlets to be marked
Health - Concerns
ƒ Cooling - Water to be cooled in hot ƒ Separate enclosed accommodation for
season. Ladies and Gents
ƒ Water coolers to be adequately sheltered ƒ Adequately lighted, ventilated and
and drained maintained well
ƒ One water cooler per 150 workers up to ƒ Floors and internal walls to be glazed
500 and one per every 500 workers ƒ Adequate
q in numbers Æ
thereafter ƒ One Latrine per 25 woman workers
ƒ Maximum distance between a workplace
ƒ One latrine per 25 workmen up to
to a water cooler to be 50 mtrs 100 & one per every 50 workmen
ƒ Drinking
D i ki water outletsl to beb at least
l 6 thereafter
mtrs away from wash areas, toilets, ƒ Urinal width minimum 2 feet
urinals, washbasins, spittoons, open
ƒ One urinal per worker up to 500 &
drains carrying
y g effluent,, or anyy pplace
where contamination possibilities exist. one per 100 thereafter
h f
ƒ Mandatory signboards “For Men” &
“For Women”
ƒ No
N workerk should
h ld use any other
th place
l as
Latrine or Urinal.
Health - Concerns
ƒ Sufficient no of taps through piped water ƒ No person shall spit within the premises

ƒ Hygiene conditions to be maintained of a factory except in the spittoons

inside the toilets and urinals – thorough pprovided
ov ded
cleaning with disinfectants at least once ƒ Spitting in contravention of this rule is a
in a week punishable violation.
ƒ Walls, ceilings and partitions to be white ƒ Spittoon
p can be of
washed or color washed at least once in 4 ƒ A galvanized iron container with a
months – Form 6 to be maintained conical funnel shaped cover. A layer
ƒ For glazed tiled walls and washable of suitable disinfectant liquid shall
i ti the
th same tot be
b washedh d with
ith always
l be
b maintained
i t i d in
i the
detergents & disinfectants once in four container; or
months ƒ A container filled with dry, clean
ƒ All drains carrying the sludge and and sand and covered with a layer
effluents to be of proper masonry of bleaching powder;
construction so that it is impervious ƒ Spittoons to be cleaned and disinfected at
least once every day.

Safety - Concerns
„ Generall Safety
G S f IIncludes
l d
„ Equipment Safety

„ Personal Safety

„ Material Safety

„ Process
ocess SSafety

„ Excessive Weights

„ Fire protection

„ Dangerous Fumes, gases etc.,

„ Safety of building and machinery …… & So on

Safety - Concerns
„ Fencing
F i off Machinery
M hi
„ All moving parts of the machinery (shafts, impellers,
fans, coupling et,) to be secured with Machine
guards to prevent any injury to the workers
„ Where workers work closer to such machines which
are secured with guards, they should wear tight
fitting clothing (example – Tucking the shirts in !)
„ The clearance between the moving part and the
guard to be reasonably adequate to prevent any
injuries on account of limb access
„ No
N woman or young person shall h ll be
b allowed
ll d to
clean, lubricate or adjust any part of a prime mover
or of any transmission machinery while the prime
mover or transmission machineryy is in motion
„ No young person to be deployed for working on
such machines unless he is adequately trained and is
under the supervision of a person experienced with
that machine.
Safety - Concerns
„ Specific
S ifi Machine
M hi Safety
S f t requirements
i t defined
d fi d
in the State specific rules for Æ
„ Textile Machinery

„ Cotton ginning

„ Wood working machinery

„ Rubber mills

„ Centrifugal machines

„ Power presses

„ Shears,
Shears Slitters

Safety - Concerns
„ Cutting
C tti offff off P
„ Emergency Stops, Pull chord switches etc., to stop the power to the machine

„ LOTO systems for preventing inadvertently starting the machines

„ The
Th gap between
b t any movingi partt off a self
lf acting
ti machine
hi andd any fixed
fi d
structure should be at least 1.5 feet
„ No woman or child shall be employed in any part of a factory for pressing cotton
in which a cotton opener is working
„ Hoists and Lifts
„ Of Good mechanical strength, sound material, inspected and approved

„ Mandatory certification before first use and inspection by competent person

once in six months
„ Records and registers to be kept

„ Maximum Safe working g load to be displayed

p y on Hoist and Lift
„ Gates provided on Lifts to be interlocked to prevent opening when in motion

„ Automatic devices to be provided to prevent the cage lift from over running

Safety - Concerns
„ Lifting Machines,
Lifti M hi Ch i Ropes
Chains, R andd Lifting
Lifti tackles.
t kl
„ "lifting machine" means a crane, crab, winch toggle, pulley block…

„ "lifting tackle" means any chain sling, rope sling, hook, shackle, swivel,
coupling socket,
coupling, socket clamp,
clamp used in connection with the raising or lowering of
persons, or loads by use of lifting machines.
„ Of good construction and materials

„ Mandatory certification before first use and inspection by competent person once
in twelve months
„ Records and registers to be kept; table depicting the safe working loads for each
rope, sling, lifting tool to be available
„ Safe lifting loads to be marked with identifiers

„ Overhead travel cranes – passageways to be 500mm wide, with toe boards and 3
ft high hand railing on both sides
„ Revolving machinery.
„ Bench grinders, Grinding machines, etc.,

„ Speed of rotation to be marked,

„ Direction of rotation to be displayed

Safety - Concerns
„ Pressure Plants
P Pl t / Vessels.
V l
„ "Pressure vessel" means a vessel that may be used for containing, storing,
distributing, transferring, distilling, processing or otherwise handling any gas,
vapour or liquid under pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure and
includes any pipeline fitting or other equipment attached thereto or used in
connection therewith
„ Section not applicable to

„ Vessels made of ferrous material having an internal operating pressure not

exceeding 1 kilogram per square centimeter
„ Boilers covered under Boiler Act

„ Cylinders covered under Gas Cylinder rules

„ Vessels with only static liquid head

„ Vessels in Nuclear energy application

„ To have a suitable safety valve or other effective pressure relieving device so that
maximum permissible pressure is never exceeded
„ To have a pressure gauge with range not less than 1.5 times the max permissible
pressure with
ith max pressure markingski on the
th dial
di l
„ Stop valves for isolation and drain cock valve for draining the condensate
Safety - Concerns
„ Pressure Plants
P Pl t / Vessels.
V l
„ Mandatory initial inspection before its first use, Hydrostatic test at 1.3 times the
design pressure or 1.5 times the max permissible pressure by competent person
„ Every pressure vessel is inspected and certified by competent person

„ External examination once in 6 months

„ Internal examination once in 12 months or hydrostatic test once in 2 years

„ In case of the pressure vessel being continuous operation type and can not be
stopped for internal examination, hydrostatic test once in 4 years
„ Reports in Form 7

„ Certificates to be available at place of use

„ Display – Inspection date, next inspection due date, design pressure, Max
permissible pressure …..
„ Reaction Vessels.
„ Reaction vessels and kettles work at a pressure below 1 atm, but pressure can
become higher due to reaction of the ingredients
„ Appropriate safety devices like power cutoff thermostats, rupture valves etc., to
be provided to make sure that max permissible pressure is not exceeded
Safety - Concerns
„ Reaction
R ti VVessels.
„ Suitable pressure gauges

„ Auditory and visual warnings and alarms

„ Means
M for
f automatically
t ti ll stopping
t i the th feed
f d
„ Effective system for cooling, flooding and blanketing where needed

„ A prominent display of notice on hazards and risks associated with over pressure

„ E Examination
Eye E i ti
„ Mandatory eye tests (vision and color blindness) for those who operate a crane,
locomotive or fork-lift truck, or those who give signals to a crane or locomotive
„ Once in 12 months up to age of 45 years

„ Once in 6 months beyond age of 45 years

„ Records to be maintained in Form 39

„ Special provisions
pro isions in the act and state specific rules
r les w.r.t
r t the presence of railway
rail a
lines, wagons and locomotives inside the factories.

Safety - Concerns
„ All personal protective equipment provided to workers as required under any of
the provisions or the Act or the rules shall have certification by I.S.I, or any
equivalent standard approved by the State Government
„ Effective screens or suitable goggles shall be provided for the protection of
persons employed in or in the immediate vicinity of the processes which has risk
of injury to eyes.
„ Selection of PPE to be based on assessment of risks

Safety - Concerns
„ Floors, Stairs
Fl St i and d means off Access
„ All constructions to be sound and maintained obstruction free

„ Double hand rails (i.e. on both sides)

„ Fall
F ll prevention
ti measures – toe
t boards,
b d railings
ili / fencing,
f i self
lf closing
l i gates t etc.,
„ Access protection measures

„ Pits, Sumps, openings in floor etc.,

„ All pits,
i floor
fl level
l l vessels,
l sumps andd openingsi to suchh places
l to be
b securedd
with covers to prevent accidental falls
„ Excessive Weights
„ No woman or young person unaided by another person person, shall lift
lift, carry or move
by hand or on head, any material, article, tool or appliance exceeding the
maximum limit in weight specified in the table below:

Safety - Concerns
„ Confined
C fi d PlPlaces
„ No person shall be required or allowed to enter any chamber, tank, vat, pit, pipe,
flue or other confined space in any factory in which any gas, fume, vapour or dust
is likely to be present and may involve risk to persons,
persons unless it is provided with a
manhole of adequate size or other effective means of egress.
„ The manhole may be rectangular, oval or circular in shape -

„ in the case of a rectangular

g or oval shape,
p , be not less than 40 centimeter long
and 30 centimeter wide.
„ in the case of a circular shape, be not less than 40 in centimeter in diameter.

„ No person shall enter any confined space until all practicable measures have been
taken to remove any gas, fume, vapour or dust, so as to bring its level within the
permissible limits and to prevent any ingress of such gas, fume, vapour or dust
and unless
„ A competent person ississues
es a certificate in writing
riting indicating absence of such
s ch
risks and
„ The person entering is equipped with a suitable breathing apparatus and a belt
securely attached to a rope the free end of which is held by a person outside
the confined space
Safety - Concerns
„ Confined
C fi d Pl
„ No portable electric light or any other electric appliance of voltage exceeding
twenty-four volts is permitted inside the confined place
„ Only flame proof construction permitted where such explosion risks exist inside
confined place
„ Explosive or inflammable dust, gas, etc
„ If any manufacturing process generates dust / fumes that have explosive
characters, then
„ Provide for effective enclosures of such processes
„ Removal / pprevention of accumulation of such explosive
p dust / fumes
„ Effective exclusion / enclosure of all sources of ignition
„ Where practically not possible to prevent, measures aimed at containing the
spread of the risks important
„ No hot work on any tank / receptacle that contains / contained explosive
mixtures unless adequate precautions are taken to evacuate the residues

Safety - Concerns
„ P
ti Against
A i t Fire
„ All possible measures to be taken to prevent the occurrence of a fire and in the
event of its occurrence adequate measures to mitigate and control the spread.
„ P id and
Provide d maintain
i t i safe
f means off escape for
f persons
„ Provide and maintain necessary equipment `for protection against fire – Fire
extinguishers, Hydrants, Sprinklers…
„ Training of all workers about Fire emergencies
emergencies, its mitigation and response
„ Specific provisions
„ All fire prone processes, storages etc., to be isolated in segregated buildings
ensuring min no of people exposure; such buildings are to be easily isolatable
„ Walls of such buildings to be Fire resistant type (minimum 2 hrs capability)

„ Ducts prone to fire risks to be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing

y , fire resistant dampers,
p , interlocks for isolation etc.,,
„ Where fire hazards exist, the gap between storage and machinery to be at
least 3 feet and clearance at ceiling level to be at least 2 mtrs
„ All roads around the buildings to be free of obstructions to facilitate fire
tender movement, fire fighting etc.,
Safety - Concerns
„ Precautions
P ti Against
A i t Lightning
Li ht i
„ Lightning arrestors to be provided for

„ Buildings which store, handle or manufacture flammable and explosive

„ Storage tanks containing oil, paints, flammable liquids

„ Grain elevators

„ Tall chimneys,
chimneys stacks and buildings where flammable gases / dust,
dust lint are
likely to be present
„ Substations, Transformers, switch yards

„ Precautions against Explosive mixture in air

„ Electrical fittings to be flame proof type

„ Prohibition of Smoking, Lighting, matches etc., in such areas

„ Transmission belts and metal fasteners not to be used

„ Ensure spark free (even static sparks) environment (example prohibit shoe with
metal nails, frictional sparks, arcing electrical contacts etc.,)
„ Ensure adequate ventilaton

Safety - Concerns
„ Precautions
P ti against
i t Explosive
E l i mixture i t in
i air
„ Flammable liquids with flash point less than 21C – not more than 20 ltrs inside
any work area
„ Flammable liquids in closed containers; in well ventilated rooms with fire
resistant walls and self closing type fire doors
„ Larger quantities of such liquids to be stored in well ventilated isolated buildings
of fire resistant walls or in underground
g storage
g tanks as per
p petroleum
p rules
„ Effective measures to be taken to prevent leakages in to drains and sewers.
Detection systems to be implemented
„ Leakage containment steps to be taken (dike tanks, bund walls etc., )

„ Escape Routes
„ In every room / work area exits to facilitate safe escape of the occupants in the
event of fire is necessary
„ Lifts, Escalators, Revolving doors, Iron rung ladders, Spiral staircases are not to
be considered as Exit routes
„ Exists to be clearly visible, marked in a language understood by all and to be kept
f off obstructions
free b t ti
„ Exists to direct the occupants a continuous means to the outside street
Safety - Concerns
„ Escape Routes
E R t
„ The maximum horizontal travel distance from any workplace to the nearest Exit
should be less than 30 mtrs.
„ However,
However in case of factories storing & using high hazard flammable
materials, the distance is reduced to 22.5 mtrs & minimum 2 exists per every
room is needed
„ Number of exits depends
p on the Occupants
p also !
„ Exit width unit is minimum 50 cms; 50-75 cms = 1 unit, 75 -100 cm is 1.5
units; >100 cms is 2 units.
„ Occupants per unit – 75 per unit for Doors; 50 per unit for Stairs

„ For determining the no of exits, actual no of occupants or 10 Sq mtr per

person whichever is more is considered.
„ For floor areas above or below the ground floor, two exits are minimum
„ Every Exit Door should be 1 mtr wide x 2 mtr tall

„ All exit doorways to open outwards always

„ All exit doors not to open in to a step on the staircase; the minimum landing area
to be 1.5 mtr x 1.5 mtr
Safety - Concerns
„ Escape Routes
E R t
„ The passageway at the outside of each exit to be sufficient width to take in to
account the aggregate of all exists leading to it (Traffic Jams !!)
„ Staircase as Exit should not be around the lift shaft (most common in malls!!)
unless the building construction material around the shaft is fire resistant
„ Hollow construction is not permitted as Fire resistant

„ Minimum width of internal staircase is 1 mtrs; step should be minimum 25 cm

deep, maximum 19 cm high with maximum 12 steps per flight.
„ Firmly fixed and 1 mtr high handrails on both sides of the staircase needed.

„ When there is level difference between the inside and outside at an exit,, the ramp
after the landing of 1.5 mtr x 1.5 mtr should be maximum 1 in 8th slope
„ Where slopes are used as Exits, the surface should be non slippery type.

„ Fire Alarms
„ Automatic Fire alarms in buildings preferable. Else manual fire alarms if the total
no of occupants in a floor area is > 500;
„ In case of two floors, if > 25 occupants, fire alarm is needed

Safety - Concerns
„ Fire Extinguishers
Fi E ti ih
„ "Light hazard" — Occupancies like offices, assembly halls, canteens, restrooms,
ambulance rooms….
„ "Ordinary
Ordinary hazard"
hazard — Occupancies like saw mills mills, carpentry shop,
shop small timber
yards, book binding shop, engineering workshop …..
„ "Extra hazard" — Occupancies like large timber yards, godown storing fibrous
materials,, flour mills,, cotton mills,, jjute mills,, large
g wood workingg factories ….
„ "Class A fire".—Fire due to combustible materials such as wood, textiles, paper,
rubbish ……
„ "Class B fire" — Fire in flammable liquids like oil, petroleum products, solvents,
grease, paint, ….
„ "Class C fire" — Fire arising out of gaseous substances.

„ “Class D fire" — Fire from reactive chemicals, active metals ……

„ "Class E fire" — Fire involving electrical equipment and delicate machinery ….

Safety - Concerns
„ Fire Extinguishers
Fi E ti ih
„ To conform to IS standards

„ As far as possible similar types of extinguishers – operation method to be same

„ Ensure
E Æ Water
W t bucket
b k t – clean
l water;
t Sand
S d bucket
b k t – clean
l dry
d sandd
„ Each extinguisher to be labeled – Serial Number, Date of last refill, Date of last
„ Fire extinguishers to be located on wall mountings with their bottom at 750mm
from floor level; same for buckets too
„ If located outside, the extinguishers to be protected from rain and sun

„ Ensure immediate recharge after discharge

„ Subject to routine maintenance, inspection and tests

„ Total water required for fire fighting in ltrs per minute =

„ (Total floor area of all buildings + Total floor area where combustible
,materials are stored or handled + Total floor area of all floors above 15 mtr
level + Total floor area of non fire resistant buildings) in Sq Mrs / 20
„ For > 550 Lpm; power driven trailer pumps are needed

„ Water supply for 100 minutes needed or 450 KL whichever is more

Safety - Concerns
„ Fire Extinguishers
Fi E ti ih
„ Sufficient no of persons to be trained in Fire fighting

„ Fire fighting drills once in 2 months

„ Types
T off appliances
li Æ

„ A Type Æ one 9 ltr bucket per 100 Sqm & One 9 Ltr Water CO2 per every 6
buckets; layout spread over entire area;

Safety - Concerns
„ Fire Extinguishers
Fi E ti ih
„ For E class Æ

„ For rooms containing electrical transformers, switchgears, motors and/or other

apparatus dry powder or carbon dioxide type extinguishers Æ provide
electrical apparatus,
within fifteen mtr of the apparatus Æ minimum 2 numbers of 2 Kg. each.
„ Where motors and/or other electrical equipment are installed in rooms other than
those containingg such equipment
q p Æ one five Kg.,
g , dry
y ppowder or carbon dioxide
extinguisher within fifteen mtr of such equipment
„ Where electrical motors are installed on platforms, one 2 Kg., dry powder or
carbon dioxide type extinguisher on or below each platform. In case or a long
l f with
i h a number
b off motors, one extinguisher
i i h for f every three
h motors on the h
common platform.
„ All fire fighting extinguishers to be spread on the floor Æ ensure max 15 mtr
distance to reach any.
„ Location on the layout – criteria – Risk potential, Accessibility

„ State rules include specific requirements of the equipment with fire Fighting Trailer
„ It is always better to have a breathing apparatus and Emergency fire fighting PPE at
site. 44
Safety - Concerns
„ Buildings and structures:
„ No buildings, wall, chimney, bridge road, gallery, stairway, ramp, floor, platform,
staging or structure whether of a permanent or temporary character shall be
constructed,, situated or maintained in anyy factory,y, in such manner as to cause risk
of bodily injury.
„ Fragile roofs:- Provisions of crawling boards etc - In any factory, no person shall
be required to stand or pass over, or work, on or near any roof or ceiling covered
i h fragile
f il material i l through
h h which
hi h hhe iis li
bl to fall,
f ll in
i case it
i breaks
b k or gives
way, a distance of more than three meters —
„ Without the use of sufficient number of suitable ladders, duck ladders or
crawling boards,
boards which are securely supported,
„ Unless a permit to work on the fragile roof is issued to such person each time
he is required to work thereon by an officer of the factory authorized for this
purpose by the Occupier or Manager.
„ Belts, etc., to be regularly examined:- All belts to be tested at the joints.

„ Overhead service platforms to be of sound construction with access ladders /

stairways with hand rails and toe boards
„ Plant & machineries, Storage of Materials and methods of work inside any
building Æ ensure no risk of bodily injuries 45
Safety - Concerns
„ Electricityy
„ Compliance under Electricity Act & rules

„ Earth Leakage relays & overload protection

„ Motor Vehicle Speedp Limits

„ Maximum 16 Km per hr inside the factory premises (including factories internal
„ Higher limits permitted – but in writing by Chief Inspector of factories

„ Safety Officer
„ Where more than 1000 workers are normally employed or if the process is
hazardous as per schedule
„ State rules define the eligibility, qualification and experience; few global criteria
are Æ
„ Engineer + 2 years work exp or Graduate in Phy / Chem + 5 years work exp
or Diploma
Di l + 5 years workk Exp
E andd
„ Degree / diploma in Industrial Safety recognized by the State Govt and

„ Knows the language spoken by the majority of workers

„ State
St t rules
l ddefine
fi th
the various
i job
j b responsibilities
ibiliti off a Safety
S f t Officer.
Offi No
N safety
f t
officer shall be required or permitted to do any work which is inconsistent with
or detrimental to the performance of the duties prescribed 46
Safety - Concerns
„ Ovens and Driers (Karnataka Specific Rule)
„ Electric power to be from a separate circuit with isolation switch

„ Before first use, to be examined and certified by a competent person; same when
it undergoes any modifications;
„ To be equipped with positive ventilation system to dilute any flammable air
„ To be equipped
q pp with Explosive
p limit alarms
„ Prevention of dripping of combustible substances on heaters

„ Maintaining of registers of tests carried out

„ Safetyy Committee
„ Chaired by a senior officer with influence, has Medical officer, safety officer,
members form production, maintenance and purchase, equal no of worker
„ Tenure – 2 years; To meet once in 3 months atleast

„ State rules define the duties of the Safety committees

„ Safety Policy
„ Declared intentions of the top management towards Health & Safety

Safety - Concerns
„ Collection and Dissemination of Information - Hazardous Process
„ MSDS with 16 clauses

„ Every container of a hazardous chemical to be labeled to identify Contents, name

& address of the manufacturer / importer, physical / health hazards and PPE to be
„ Communicate the workers on the requirements related to MSDS – hazards
associated, protection measures, handling and storage conditions ….
„ Disclosure of information to Workers – Information in the form of trainings /
„ List of hazardous processes; Hazards and Risks associated

„ MSDS; its contents and availability of such data sheets

„ PPE to be used

„ Meanings of various labels and markings

„ Signs and symptoms on exposure and what to do in such cases

„ How to handle leaks, spills etc.,

„ Role of workers in Emergency response

„ Similar information with a copy of the MSDS to be furnished to Chief Inspector of

factories 48
Safety - Concerns
„ Collection and Dissemination of Information - Hazardous Process
„ MSDS with 16 clauses

„ Every container of a hazardous chemical to be labeled to identify Contents, name

& address of the manufacturer / importer, physical / health hazards and PPE to be
„ Communicate the workers on the requirements related to MSDS – hazards
associated, protection measures, handling and storage conditions ….
„ Disclosure of information to Workers – Information in the form of trainings /
„ List of hazardous processes; Hazards and Risks associated

„ MSDS; its contents and availability of such data sheets

„ PPE to be used

„ Meanings of various labels and markings

„ Signs and symptoms on exposure and what to do in such cases

„ How to handle leaks, spills etc.,

„ Role of workers in Emergency response

„ Similar information with a copy of the MSDS to be furnished to Chief Inspector of

factories 49
Safety - Concerns
„ Medical Examination
„ Workers employed in a 'hazardous process' to be medically examined by a
qualified Medical Practitioner (Factory Medical Officer) —
„ Once before employment, to ascertain physical fitness of the person to do the
particular job;
„ Once in a period of six months,

„ The details of ppre-employment

p y and periodical
p medical examinations to be
recorded in the Health Register in Form No. 16;
„ The Manager of every hazardous factory to maintain a sickness, absenteeism
register in the Form No. 40 in duplicate;
„ The copy of Form No. 40 to be furnished to the Inspector for each calendar month
on or before 15th of succeeding month

Safety - Concerns
„ Occupational Health Center
„ Schedules detail out the OHC requirements, Ambulance van, emergency medicines
„ Health records of the employees to be made available to them

Hazardous process, 50 workers One Medical Practioner on Retainer; 5

First Aiders; one first aid box
Hazardous Process, 51 to 200 workers OHC with 15 Sqm area
Part time medical officer – twice a week
One trained paramedic full time
First aid boxes in all deptartments
Hazardous process,
process above 200 workers One full time medical officer – up to 500
One more for every additional 1000
One nurse, one compounder and one
sweeper throughout
h h
Full time OHC
29 industries have been listed as industries involving
hazardous processes have been listed at the


(See Section 2 (cb)

List of Industries involving Hazardous Processes

„ Ferrous Metallurgical Industries

„ Non-ferrous Metallurgical Industries
„ Foundries ((ferrous and non-ferrous))
„ Coal (including coke) industries
„ Power generating industries
„ Pulpp and ppaper
p ((includingg ppaper
p pproducts)) industries
„ Fertilizer industry
„ Cement industries
„ Petroleum industries
„ Petrochemical industries
„ Drugs and pharmaceutical industries
„ Fermentation Industries (Distilleries and Breweries)
„ Rubber (Synthetic) industries
„ Paints and pigment industries
„ Leather tanning industries

List of Industries involving Hazardous Processes

„ Electro – plating industries

„ Chemical industries
„ Insecticides,, fungicides,
g , herbicides and other ppesticides industries
„ Synthetic resin and plastics
„ Man-made fiber (cellulosic and non-cellulosic) industry
„ Manufacture and repair
p of electrical accumulators
„ Glass and ceramics
„ Grinding or glazing of metals
„ Manufacture,, handlingg and processing
p g of asbestos and its products
„ Extraction of oils and fats from vegetable and animal source
„ Manufacture, handling and use of benzene and substances containing benzene
„ Manufacturing processes and operations involving carbon disulphide
„ Dyes and dyestuff including their intermediates
„ Highly flammable liquids and gases


Welfare Measures
„ Washing Facilities
„ For person whose work involves contact with any injurious or noxious substance,
there shall be at least one tap for every fifteen persons for washing; and for those
who are not in such contacts, as specified under state rules (1 tap per 20 ….)
„ Includes Trough with taps, Wash basins and Showers

„ Separate washing facilities for women workers

„ Minimum 27 ltr p per person

p per
p day. y
„ Facilities for storing and drying clothing

„ First Aid appliances

„ First aid boxes to be distinctlyy marked with Red Cross
„ Contents of the first aid box is defined in the State rules

„ Notice informing the names of the First aiders should be prominently displayed
on or near the first aid boxes
„ Name and phone no of the nearest hospital also to be included

„ The occupier of every factory to which these rules apply to provide in the premises
and maintain in good condition an Ambulance Van for quickly shifting the injured /
i k
Welfare Measures
„ Canteen
„ Provision of a Canteen if more than 250 workers are employed

„ Canteen building to be minimum 15 mtrs away from boilers, latrines, coal dumps,
ash dumps, or any other noxious smoke / fume generating areas
„ Floor and walls up to 1.2 mtr high to be smooth / impervious nature.

„ Doors and Windows to be fly proof; should allow adequate ventilation

„ Lime washed or color washed once every years; or painted once in 3 years

„ Doors, Windows & structural – varnished / painted once in 3 years

„ Inside walls of kitchen – lime washed once in 4 months

„ Records of whitewashing and painting maintained in Form 6.

„ Dining hall to accommodate at least 30% of workers at any given time.

„ Floor area of dining hall should be 0.93 sqm / person (excluding service counter
areas and anyy furniture other than dining
g tables and chairs))
„ Items served in canteen and their prices to be displayed

„ All books of accounts w.r.t running of canteen to be maintained and be produced

on demand by the Inspector
„ Canteen management Committee to be formed

Welfare Measures
„ Shelters, lunch rooms and rest rooms
„ In every factory where more than 150 workers are ordinarily employed, adequate
and suitable shelters or rest rooms and a suitable lunch room, with provision for
drinking water, where workers can eat meals brought by them, shall be provided
and maintained for the use of the workers
„ Creche
„ Applicable where no of women employees of child bearing age are >30

„ For use of children under age of 6 years

„ Situated at a safe distance, well lit and ventilated,

„ Equipped with bed and cradle, sufficient supply of toys; barricaded / fenced pay
„ Provision for clean and adequate Washrooms

„ Supply of milk and refreshment for children

„ One woman in charge and one female attendant for every 20 children & atleast
one sweeper
„ The mother of the child will have a break of 15 mins x 2 times during her
working shift

Welfare Measures
„ Welfare Officers
„ In every factory where 500 or more workers are ordinarily employed the occupier
to employ a Welfare Officer
„ State rules define the duties of the Welfare officers

„ Should have adequate knowledge of the language spoken by the majority of the

„ Not supposed to deal with disciplinary cases or appear on behalf of occupier
against workers.

Working Hours for Adults
„ Weekly hours.
„ No adult worker shall be required or allowed to work in a factory for more than
forty-eight hours in any week
„ Provision for a Weekly Holiday exists

„ Compensatory holidays equal to the no of days worked in lieu of a holiday; to be

provided within two months
„ Dailyy workingg hrs – not more than 9 hrs of work
„ Maximum working time before a rest interval is 5 Hrs

„ The total spread over for an adult worker including the rest interval to be within
10 ½ hrs. this can be enhanced to 12 hrs in writing by Chief Inspector.
„ Night shift is the shift extending beyond mid night

„ Overlapping of shifts is prohibited – At no time two relays of people will be

engaged for working inside the factory.
„ Overtime
„ If a worker works for more than 9 hrs a day or more than 48 hrs in a week,
Overtime wages at double wages is payable
„ Total
T l workk hrs
h in i a weekk including
i l di OT hrs
h to beb < 60 Hrs;
H Total
T l OT hrs h in
i a
quarter to be < 50 hrs.
Working Hours for Adults
„ Restriction on Double Employment - Double employment is prohibited
„ Notice of periods of work – To be displayed
„ Register of adult workers to be maintained at each factory
„ Employment of women in night shifts prohibited (10 pm to 6 am)
„ Child who has not completed his 14th year is not to be employed in any factory
„ Non Adult workers (14 to 18 years of age) are not allowed unless
„ Found medically fir by certifying surgeon – as a child if he is more than 14 but
less than 15 years of age
„ Found to be medically fit to work in a factory – as a young person if he above 15
yyears of age
g but less than 18 yyears.
„ Such certificate is valid for a period of 1 year only

„ Non adult workers (14 to 18 years) are not allowed to work in night shifts
„ Register
g of child workers to be maintained on similar lines of Adult worker registry
g y

Working Hours for Adults
„ Annual Leave with Wages
„ Every worker who has worked 240 days is eligible for annual leave with wages at
a rate determined as under-
„ For adult – one day per 20 days

„ For a child – one day per 15 days

„ Registers to be maintained – Form 14

„ Leave book in form 15

„ Medical certificate – to cover the illness related leaves – from the leave with

Special Provisions
„ Dangerous Processes
„ Rules by the State Govt

„ Prohibits employment of women and young children

„ Requires certain medical tests to be carried out

„ Prohibiting, regulating or controlling use of any specific substances or chemicals

„ Additional welfare amenities defined

„ Examples – Glass,
Glass Electroplating
Electroplating, Chemical works,
works operations involving high
noise levels……
„ Specific requirements – Industrial Hygiene monitoring for exposures, Medical
tests like PFT,, X-rays,
y , Audiometry…
„ Accidents and Deaths
„ Accidents resulting in Death Æ Notice within 12 hrs to be sent to District
magistrate, Officer in charge of the nearest police station and relatives of the
„ Accidents resulting in lost time beyond 48 hrs Æreport to the inspector in Form
17 within 24 hrs after the expiry of 48 hrs.

Special Provisions
„ Dangerous Occurrence
„ Occurrences that are dangerous but not leading to injury or death

„ Examples – Crane collapse, Scaffold collapse, Derrick collapse, Explosion,

collapse of roof, building, Fire etc.,
„ Dangerous occurrences - report to the inspector in within 24 hrs of occurrence

„ Notice on certain diseases - When any worker in any factory contracts any
disease specified in the schedules, the same shall be notified to the inspector by
the manager

List of Notifiable Diseases
„ Leadd poisoning
L i i „ Pathological
P th l i l manifestation
if t ti due
d to
„ Lead tetra ethyl poisoning „ Radium or other radio active

„ Phosphorous poisoning substances

„ M
Mercury poisoning
i i „ X-rays
X rays
„ Manganese poisoning „ Primary epitheliomatous cancer
„ Arsenic poisoning „ Toxic anemia
„ P i i by
Poisoning b nitrous
i fumes
f „ Toxic jaundice due to poisonous
„ Carbon disulfide poisoning substances
„ Benzene poisoning „ Oil acne or dermatitis due to mineral
„ Ch
Chrome ulceration
l i
„ Byssionosis
„ Anthrax
„ Asbestosis
„ Silicosis
„ Occupational
p or contact dermatitis
„ Poisoning by halogen or halogen due to chemical or paints

List of Notifiable Diseases
„ Noise induced hearing loss
„ Beryllium poisoning
„ Carbon monoxide poisoning
„ Coal miners pneumoconiosis
„ Phosgene poisoning
„ Occupational cancer
„ Isocyanides poisoning
„ Toxic nephritis
„ Any diagnosis reveals about the contractment of any of the disease shall be
immediately intimated by the Factory Manager.
„ The said contractment of disease may be enquired by appointing competent person by
the state government.




„ No worker
N k iin a factory
f t
„ Shall willfully interfere with or misuse any appliance, convenience or other thing
provided in a factory for the purposes of securing the health, safety or welfare of the
„ Shall willfully and without reasonable cause do any thing likely to endanger himself or
others and
„ Shall willfullyy neglect
g to make use of anyy appliance
pp or other thing
g pprovided in the
factory for the purposes of securing the health or safety of the workers.
„ If any of the workers employed contravened any of the said provision, he shall be
punishable with imprisonment for a term, which may extend to one hundred rupees or
b h

„ Every workers
E k shallh ll have
h the
th right
i ht to
„ Obtain from the occupier, information relating to workers health and safety at work
„ Get trained within the factory wherever possible, or to get himself sponsored by the
occupier for getting trained at a training centre or institute
institute, duly approved the Chief
Inspector of Factories, where training is imparted on safety, health and welfare.
„ Represent to the Inspector directly or through his representative in the matter of
q provisions
p for pprotection of his health or safety
y in the factory.

Maintenance of Registers
„ Muster roll cum Register of wages / salary /Subsistence allowance – Form No.22
„ Register of adult workers – Form No. 11
„ Register
g of leave with wages
g – Form no. 14
„ Inspection book – Form no. 6, 28 & 29
„ Register of accident or dangerous occurrence – Form no.23
„ Register
g of overtime muster roll for exempted
p workers – Form no. 9;;
„ Health register – Form no. 16 & 38
„ Register of absenteeism or Sickness – Form no. 40
„ Registers
g to be written afresh each month
„ Preserved for 3 years
„ No exemptions from maintaining registers

Item no. 1 & 3 are prescribed under four important legislations

Display of Notices
„ Notice
N ti off periods
i d off workk
„ An abstract of the act and rules
„ Cautionary notices
„ S f t posters,
Safety t catchy
t h safety
f t slogans
„ Name and address of the Inspector
„ Name of the Medical Officer

„ To be displayed in English and local Language

„ Displayed at prominent places and to be clean and legible

Returns to be Submitted
„ Combined Annual return - Form no. 20 ( on or before 1st Feb)
„ Annual return under PWA – Form no. IV ( on or before 15th Feb)
„ Half yearly return - Form no. 21 ( on or before 15th July)
„ Accident return - Form no. 17 ( for reporting of fatal and reportable accident)
„ Form no. 23 ( on or before 5th of subsequent month)
„ Intention to work on Sunday




CS Divakar
S i M
Senior Manager – EHS

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