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Blessed be the Goddess
of the Sparkling
Freyja, Beautiful One,
Most Passionate
Teach me the
mysteries of the
heart's true passion.
Show me the secrets of
wyrd .
Walk with me in
I light this candle
in fiery offering to you,
Freya, Goddess of Airy

What do I say about Freya. I was named after her, I was born on her day, and she and
her mythos have always played a prominent role in my life.

Element: Colors: Divination:

Air of Fire Red, Green and Gold, Runes,
also based on my personal Seidh (channeling)
journeys she seems to like white Shamanic journeying
The Red Ray

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Totem: Attributes: Stones:

Hawk, Ruler of the First House Red Amber
Cats - Freya has two Pyschic warrior and leader of the Tiger Eye - Red
winged cats who pull Valkyries Agate - Red
her carriage Bygul Ruler of the Disir Fire Agate
and Trjgul or Love goddess. Tourmaline -
Honeysuckle and Teacher of the Nine noble virtue Watermelon
Amber as I call them Ruby
Partner: Frey her twin brother
Boar Tourmaline - Rubellite
Chakra= First, Root Chakra
Trees: Traits: Festivals:
Redwood bold, dynamic, impulsive, highly Dec 27th
Birch extroverted. Passionate when Jan 10th
Elm aroused whether it be in love or for March
a just cause. Aggressive is her
middle name. Always doing and
on the go. A need for a cause and
challenges. Easily bored. Fiercely
imaginative but sometimes a little
self-centered, Impatient but
Healing Techniques: Plants: Crafts:
Soul retrieval Nettles, Holy Thistle, magical workings
Shamanic healing Crowfoot, Wormwood , Mansongar (love
Spikenard, Cornflower, Rose, poetry)
Music: Mustard, Hibiscus, Woodruff, Sense:
Drumming Pepperwort, Heather, Speedwell
Incense/oils: Magical Tools: Direction = South
Basil, Brisingamen - the magical Planet = Venus
Pine, necklace she got from the dwarves Day = Friday
Black pepper, Feather cape Number = 1
Amber wagon drawn by 2 cats
Mullein Freyja's Heart- the symbol of
Freyja's blessings and those
given to her mysteries.

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Freya is probably the best-known and

best-loved of the goddesses today. Her
name simply means "Lady," implying
that it was once a title rather than her
original name. Freya is the "wild
woman" among the deities of the North:
She is considered a goddess of love, of
prophesy, and of magic while at the same
time ruling over the Valkyries and
choosing half the the slain on the
battlefield (Odin gets the other half)
whom she takes to her hall in Asgard.

Freya lives in the beautiful palace

Folkvang ("field of folk"), a place where
love songs are always played, and her
hall is Sessrumnir.

skilled at the form of ecstatic

consciousness-altering, and sometimes
magic called seidhr;
Drawing from the Norse Tarot deck

Freya's chief symbol is the necklace called Brisingamen, which she bought from four
dwarves. The price was a night spent with each of them. Metaphorically this necklace is
can be seen as representing Freya's guardianship over the four elements (or dwarves).

This goddess drives a wagon drawn by two cats, perhaps large forest-cats such as lynxes,
and is seen today as the patron goddesses of cats and those who keep them.

As a battle-goddess, she also rides on a boar called Hildisvini (Battle-Swine).

Norse mythology associates the aurora with the beautiful goddess, Freya, daughter of
Njord and the giantess Skadi. Friday was named after her. Her twin brother is the earth
god Frey.

Like her brother, she is also a source of wealth, for her daughters are Hnossa and Gersemi
(meaning treasure or jewels). Freyja herself was said to weep tears of gold on her journeys
to find her wandering husband in the Eddas.

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Prior to the merging of of the Æsir and Vanir.the historical/mythological basis for Oðr is
rather unlcear. There are a few stories that refer to him but in general the myths seem to
be confusing. In general Freya is paired with her twin brother and the myths vary in terms
of how close they claim that relationship really was. I think it would be wrong to assume
it was an incestuous relationship in the modern sense. The point of the myths was to show
a couple who's relationship was so close that they were at one time joined in the same
womb. Now if we believe that Frey and Freya are a couple does that eliminate Od? I
don't think it has to. Again the point of the myth seems to be around Freya's seperation
from him and not on their lives as a married couple.

There isn't much written about Od. Some historians claim that Od is simply another name
for Odin. Again the confusion here seems to revolve around whether Frig and Freya are
the same Goddess. I don't believe they were. Is it possible to read the myths and believe
that Freya and Odin had a relationship at one time (mythologically of course). Yes I think
it is. Hence I think I've always subscribed to the school that Od really is another name for
Odin. I can hypothesize that just like a good romance story, the myths would tell us that
Odin had his world and wife to go back to and Freya had her committments to the Vanir.
She looks for Od, knowing that she can never find him because he has once again become
Odin and cries her tears of amber.

Oðr, usually identified as Odin, may be a slightly later introduction with the merging For
the divine family pairing, which was customary amongst the Vanir, was disapproved of
later and Oðr would have been introduced to replace her original consort which would
have been her brother Frey. In the same way Njörðr fathered Frey and Freyja with his
sister and the Egyptian Isis and Osiris, another well-known divine brother and sister
pairing, show this motif is a global phenomenon for a special class or godly tribe.

Freya is sometimes seen as a fertility goddess, but there are no sources suggesting that she
was called on to bring fruitfulness to fields or wombs. Rather, she is a goddess of riches,
whose tears are gold and whose "daughters," in the riddle-poetry of the skalds, are
precious objects. However, the giants are always trying to take her away from the gods,
and it is clear that this would be a great disaster: she was obviously known to be the
embodiment of the holy life-force on some level. Perhaps because of this, Wagner gave
her some of Idunna's attributes, making her the keeper of the golden apples without which
the folk of Asgard would wither and die.

Old Norse Freyja, Old English Freo, Modern German Frau, Wagnerian Freia, Modern
English Frowe.

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©all original material Freya Owlsdottir 1986-2002

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