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Islamic Studies

Scheme of Work Rubrics

Grade 2
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
Week 1 Surat-ul-Asr Divine Revelation - To recite the Holy Surah - Al-Asr - I can recite Surat-ul-Asr
(Holy Qur’an) with Tajweed. - Time by Tajweed.
- To explain the general - Loss - I can explain the
Tajweed Focus meaning and the - Good deeds overall meaning of the
Tafkheem Letters Qur’anic words - Bad deeds verses.
‫خصضغطقظ‬ contained in the Surah. - Winner - I can compare between
- To compare between the - Loser the winners and losers.
“Winners “ and - Allah’s pleasure - I can suggest some
“Losers”. - Jannah ideas to be one of
- To suggest some ideas those who will be
that help me to win winners.
Allah’s pleasure.

Week 2 Allah, Al-Lateef , Al- Islamic Belief - To identify the meaning - Al-Lateef - I can explain the
Khabir of Allah’s Names Al- - Al-Khabeer meaning of Allah’s
Lateef and Al-Khabeer. - The Most Kind names Al-Lateef and
- To conclude Allah’s - The All Aware Al-Khabir.
kindness on His servants. - Compassion and - I can demonstrate
- To suggest some ideas to Mercy Allah’s kindness on His
show kind treatments to - Fear Allah. servants.
others. - Taqwa - I can suggest how I
- To conclude that Allah treat people with
S.W.T. is aware of kindness.
everything. - I can explain that Allah
S.W.T. is aware of what
I do and say.
Week 3 The prophet PBUH Prophet’s Biography - To identify the Prophet - Prophet - I can explain the
loves to work and Personalities. Muhammed’s Job when Muhammed Prophet Muhammed’
he was young. S.A.A.W. first job.
- To conclude, through - Shepherd - I can demonstrate that
Seerah events, some - Merchant I follow the example of
qualities of Prophet - Earn living the Prophet, peace be
Muhammed S.A.A.W at - Grazing upon him, in showing
work. - Mercy to animals patience and his love
- To value the importance - Patience to work.
of work. - Prosperity - I can conclude the
- To follow the example of benefits of working
Prophet Muhammed especially in grazing
S.A.A.W. in loving work. sheep.
- I can demonstrate that
work leads to
prosperity of the
Week 4 - I love good things Divine revelation - To explain the meaning - Anas Ibn Malik - I can explain the
for my brother ( Hadith Shareef) of the honorable Hadith. - True believer meaning of the Hadith.
- To explain the meaning - Love for his brother - I can clarify the
of Iman. - The believer meaning of Iman.
- To analyse the learned - Love and Peace in - I can explain the lesson
lessons from the Hadith. Society. learned from the
- To justify the - Happiness. Hadith.
importance of loving - I can innovate some
good things for my ways that help to
brother. strengthen my
- To reflect on the Hadith relationships with
and link it to daily life. others.
Week 5 Surat-ul-Kafiroun Divine Revelation - To recite the Surah with - Disbelievers. - I can recite the Surah
(Holy Qur’an) Tajweed. - Worship properly.
- To explain the general - Religion - I can explain the
meaning and the - Respect general meaning.
Qur’anic vocabularies in - Tolerance - To explain Islami’s
the Surah. - Different Religions tolerance.
- To link the Surah with - To analyse the learned
Seerah Nabawiyyah. lessons from the Surah.
- To value the importance
of respecting different
- To evidence for the
tolerance of Islam.
Week 6 -Honesty Islamic values & -To explore the broader -Al-Amanah - I can list the different
manners meaning Honesty aspects of Honesty.
- I can sort situation
-To compare between between honesty and
Honesty and dishonesty. Honesty dishonesty.
-To explain the Dishonesty - I can refer to the
importance of Honesty in Hadeeth of the prophet
Islam. (PBUH) to articulate the
importance of Honesty in
- To evaluate the impact
of honesty and dishonesty
on society. - I can refer to the
Seerah of Prophet
(PBUH) as a role model
that reflect his Honesty.
- I can illustrate the
positive outcome of
Honesty for examples
from real life situations.
- I can illustrate the
negative outcome of
Dishonesty for examples
from real life situation.

Week 7 Divine -I can recite the

-The good ablution -To memorise the -Wudoo (ablution)
revelations Honorable Hadith by
Honorable Hadith. ‫اﻟﻮﺿﻮء‬
Hadeeth - To explain the main - Good ablution ‫ﺣﺴﻦ‬
-I can state Allah’s
Shareef meaning of the Hadeeth. ‫اﻟﻮﺿﻮء‬
reward for performing
- To recite the supplication - Attawabeen ‫اﻟﺘﻮاﺑﯿﻦ‬ good ablution (wudoo').
(du'aa) that is said after
- AlMutatahereen -I can recount the steps
ablution (wudoo'). ‫اﻟﻤﺘﻄﮭﺮﯾﻦ‬ of good ablution
-To explore the way of (wudoo').
performing a good
-I can recite the
supplication (du'aa) after
ablution (wudoo') by
-I can demonstrate how
to perform a good
- I can criticize some
situations of performing

Week 8 -Purity & nullifiers of -To explore the meaning Wudoo (Ablution)
Islamic rulings -I can explain the
ablutions of purity. ‫وﺿﻮء‬
& aims meaning of purity.
-To conclude the nullifiers Wudoo Nullifiers
-I can list the nullifiers of
of ablution (wudoo). ‫ﻧﻮاﻗﺾ اﻟﻮﺿﻮء‬
ablution (wudoo').
-To explore the manners ‫اﺳﺘﻨﺠﺎء‬Istinjaa :
-I can illustrate the
of relieving Cleaning oneself after
manners of Istinjah.
going to toilet
Oneself (Arabic:
- I can compare between
Wudoo and Istinjaa.
- To validate the
- I can justify the
conditions of Wudoo
and Purity for some conditions of purity or
situations. impurity to some real life
I can justify the validity
or invalidity of Wudoo to
real life situations.
Week 9 -I pray Islamic rulings -To perform AI-Fajr -Salah ‫ﺻﻼة‬ -I can demonstrate the
& aims (Dawn) prayer correctly. acts of AI-Fajr (Dawn)
-Al-Fajr ‫اﻟﻔﺠﺮ‬
prayer properly.
-To recite the first
‫اﻟﺘﺸﮭﺪ‬testimony of
Tashahhud (Testimony of - I can match the phrases
Faith) with the proper
First Tashahud appropriate positions.
- To explore the meaning
of First Tashahhud Second Tashahhud -I can recite the Athkar
for each position of the
- To recite the second Istiftah opening
prayer by heart.
Tashahhud. ‫اﻻﺳﺘﻔﺘﺎح‬
-I can recite the first
- To recite Duaa Al-Istiftah.
Tashahhud by heart.
- To conclude the
-I can recite the second
importance of prayer.
Tashahhud by heart.
- I can recite Dua Al-
Istiftah by heart.
-I can explain the reward
of performing prayer.
-To recite Surat Quraysh
correctly and properly. -Li-ilaafi Quraysh -I can recite Surat
Quraysh correctly and
-To explain the general -Rihlatash shitaa- properly.
meaning of the verses. i wass saif
-I can explain the overall
- to discover what are -Fal y'abudu meaning of the holy
the blessings which verses, and the key
Allah, glory be to Him, -Haathal-bait vocabulary.
Week 10 bestowed upon the
Surat Quraysh Divine Revelation people of Quraysh. - I can explain how to be
thankful for all Allah’s
-To explain how to favors and blessings.
thank Allah, glory be to
Him, for His favors and -I Can recite Surat
blessings. Quraysh from memory.

-To recite Surat Quraysh

from memory.

-To explain the pillars of -I can mention the six

Iman. Arkan Al-Iman pillars of faith.

-Belief in the -To conclude the wisdom -Al-Iman be Rusol -I can tell the story of
Week 11 Messengers Nuh & Islamic belief of sending Prophet Nuh (Noah)-
Ibrahim PBUT Allah's Messengers. Peace be upon him.

-To explain the two -I can tell the story of

stories of our Prophet Ibrahim
messengers Nuh (Noah)
and Ibrahim (Abraham), (Abraham)-Peace be
peace be upon them. upon him.

-To explain the qualities -I can explain the lessons

of Allah’s Prophets and learned from the stories.
Messengers, peace be -I can explain the
upon them. wisdom behind sending
the messengers.
To value the importance -I can mention the
patience. characteristics of the
Prophets and
Messengers peace be
upon them.

-To discover the I can explain How to

conditions of performing start the prayer.
Prayer. Adhan
I can list the five daily
-To differentiate Salah prayer.
between the Valid and
invalid prayer. Takbeer I can mention the
Islamic rulings & numbers of Rak’at for
Week 12 -I pray (2)
aims -To discover how to Tashahud each prayer.
perform prayers
correctly and properly. I can explain the reward
of performing prayer in
-To learn to perform the groups.
prayer with reverence
and confidence. I can explain the
importance of praying
for the sake of Allah
-To explain the
importance of
performing Prayer in

To explain how the I can mention the story

prophet Peace be upon Al-Hajar Al- of how the prophet solve
Him was dealing with the Aswad. the problem of the Black
people of Makkah. stone.

To explain the Al- sadiq I can explain the reward

importance of saying the of Sidq and Amanah.
truth and doing the good Al- Ameen
I can define the quality
-The Truthful, the The Prophet’s To discover how the of which the prophet,
Week 13 Honest Biography and prophet, behave to solve peace be upon Him, was
personalities the problem of the black characterized and made
stone. the tribes accept his
To explain how the
prophet peace be upon
Him worked in trade
when he was a young


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