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2017-2018 Moving Up (Script)

Francis: Good Afternoon and Welcome to St. Vincent College of Cabuyao 3rd Moving Up Ceremony with the theme “K to
12 Learners: Ready to face life’s challenges”.

Jess: My name is Jesselle S. Alemania

Francis: And I am John Francis M. Vallejos

Both: And we are the masters of Ceremony for today’s event.


Jess: Ladies and Gentlemen, the Processional.

Francis: Pave the way for the completers of batch 2018 as they march along with their parents.


Jess: Let us give a glad hand to the pillars of this institution, the faculty of SVCC Junior High School together with the
honored guests.

adlibs: (Ladies and gentlemen, the entrance of our school’s assistant principal, Mrs. Shirley A. DeJesus,------- the school’s
Vice President for Academic and External Affairs, Lt. Col. Jannette Chavez Arceo,----- our principal and directress, Mrs.
Marina A. Chavez, -------- our guest of honor for today’s ceremony, Atty. Ma. Jamea Assumpta Garcia)

II. Invocation

Francis: To bless this momentous occasion, let us seek Divine Intervention. May we call on Pernilla Mojado and Ron
Rendell Rapis for the Invocation. Please all rise.

III. Entrance of Colors

Jess: Ladies and Gentlemen, the Entrance of Colors.

IV. Phillipine National Anthem

Francis: May we stand still as we pay tribute to our National flag through the singing of the Philippine National Anthem
to be led by Ma. Anna Alexandria Ustaris.

Jess: Please be seated.

V. Welcome Remarks

Jess: To set the tone for this afternoon’s event, let us have Justine Mae B. Yaldua, top 2, for her welcome remarks. Let us
give her a big hand.


VI. Introduction of the Guest Speaker

Francis: Today’s affair is being graced by a special person who in a minute will deliver her words of wisdom to our young
students and to their parents as well. Let us welcome Ms. Jannette Chavez Arceo, the Vice President for Academic and
external affairs for the introduction of the guest speaker.

VII. Message of the Guest of Honor

Francis: May we call on Lt. Col. Jannette Chavez Arceo and Mrs. Marina A. Chavez to award the certificate of
appreciation to Atty. Ma. Jamea Assumpta Garcia…..

(Emcee will read the certificate)

VIII. Presentation of the Candidates

IX. Confirmation of the Completers

Jess: And now the most significant moment for this ceremony has come. May we call on Ms. Jennifer Abella , a Grade 10
adviser for the presentation of candidates for completion.

Francis: This is to be followed by the confirmation of the completers by no less than , our school’s directress/ principal,
Mrs. Marina A. Chavez.

X.Distribution of Certificates for Completion and Awarding of Honors and Special Awards)

Jess: A certificate of completion is the tangible evidence of being a completer in a certain level of education. This is now
the fruit of each student’s endeavor.

Francis: So to do the honors of the distribution of certificates of completion, and the awarding of Honors and Special
Awards to deserving students, may we have on stage our school’s assistant principal Mrs. Shirley A. De Jesus and our
academic coordinator Mr. Rex V. Dayto…

Jess: May we also call on the advisers of grade 10 to facilitate the distribution.

XI. Valedictory Address

Jess: And now, may we have on stage the top 1 student to deliver her valedictory address, Ericka Vivien G. Barandon. Let
us give her a big round of applause


XII.Moving Up Songs

Francis: In every memorable moment of one’s life there are always songs that will embody inferred emotions. With a
round of applause, let us welcome the completers to be led by Melrowe Silab and Princess Ruelo for their Moving Up

XIII. Closing Remarks

To deliver us the final words for today’s ceremony, may we call on Jose Mari Christian M. Samaniego, top 3 to deliver his
closing remarks. Let us give him a big hand.

Adlib: We would like to express our deepest and sincerest gratitude to those persons who made this event possible and
successful, the junior highschool faculty and staff, the founders of this institution…etc….

(Preparation for the video)

Let us now witness a video presentation for our completers….!!!

Congratulations Completers! May all of you be successful in the path that you are about to take. It will be rough but
always remember to put God first, work hard and persevere, and believe in the power of your dreams.

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, the retiring of colors.

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