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Realisasi Pengeluaran Pemerintah Kota Bandung Menurut Jenis Pendapatan (ribu

Jenis Belanja
Kind of Expenditures
Belanja Tidak Langsung
1 Indirect Expenditure
1.1 Belanja Pegawai/Personnel Expenditure
1.2 Belanja Bunga/Retributions
Belanja Subsidi
1.3 Subsidies Expenditure
1.4 Belanja Hibah/Grant
Belanja Bantuan Sosial
1.5 Social Expenditure
Belanja Bagi Hasil kepada Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota
1.6 Sharing Fund Expenditure to Provincial/District/City and Village Government
Belanja Bantuan Keuangan kepada Provinsi/ Kabupaten/ Kota dan Pemerintah Desa
1.7 Financial Assistance Expenditure to Provincial/ District/City and Village Government
Belanja Tidak Terduga
1.8 Unpredicted Expenditure
Belanja Langsung
2 Direct Expenditure
2.1 Belanja Pegawai/Personnel expenditure
Belanja Barang dan Jasa
2.2 Goods and Services Expenditure
Belanja Modal
2.3 Capital expenditure
Pembiayaan Daerah
3 Local Government Financing
Catatan/Note: 1 Data APBD
Sumber/Source: Survei Statistik Keuangan Daerah/Financial Statistics of Provincial Government Survey, 2017
dung Menurut Jenis Pendapatan (ribu rupiah), 2015 − 2017

2015 2016 2017

(2) (3) (4)

2 383 630 305 2 556 095 241 2 623 333 113

2 139 610 746 2 275 389 581 2 236 525 020

- - -

116 260 455 128 532 390 4 592 725

126 741 369 151 250 782 375 815 368

900 741 - -

- - -

- 900 741 1 000 000

116 994 21 747 5 400 000

2 818 307 902 46 220 378 209 4 232 599 179

242 324 490 264 950 384 341 667 709

1 288 180 585 1 755 341 611 2 260 967 394

1 287 802 828 44 200 086 214 1 629 964 076

1 109 140 891 (42 097 118 700) 103 000 000

6 311 079 097,80 6 679 354 749,64 6 958 932 292,45

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