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Centripetal Acceleration

Velocity is a vector - specifying how fast (or slow) a distance is covered and the direction of the
movement. Since the velocity vector (the direction) of a body changes when moved in a circle - there
is an acceleration.

This acceleration is named the centripetal acceleration - and can be expressed as

ac = v2 / r

= ω2 r

= (2 π nrps)2 r

= (2 π nrpm / 60)2 r

= (π nrpm / 30)2 r (1)


ac = centripetal acceleration (m/s2, ft/s2)

v = tangential velocity (m/s, ft/s)

r = circular radius (m, ft)

ω = angular velocity (rad/s)

nrps = revolutions per second (rev/s, 1/s)

nrpm = revolutions per min (rev/min, 1/min)

Centripetal Force
According Newton's second law the centripetal force can be expressed as

Fc = m ac

= m v2 / r

= m ω2 r

= m (2 π ns)2 r

= m (2 π nrpm / 60)2 r

= m (π nrpm / 30)2 r (2)


Fc = centripetal force (N, lbf)

m = mass (kg, slugs)

According to Newton's Third Law the centripetal force acting on the object has a centrifugal force of
the same magnitude acting in the opposite direction.

Example - Centripetal Acceleration acting on Car through a Curve

Metric Units
A car with mass 1000 kg drives through a curve with radius 200 m at speed 50 km/h. The centripetal
acceleration can be calculated as

ac = ((50 km/h) (1000 m/km) (1/3600 h/s))2 / (200 m)

= 0.965 m/s2

= 0.1 g


1 g = acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s2)

The centripetal force can bee calculated as

Fc = (1000 kg) (0.965 m/s2)

= 965 N

= 0.97 kN

Related to the gravity force - weight:

Fg = (1000 kg) (9.81 m/s2)

= 9810 N

= 9.8 kN

 car traction force

Imperial Units
A car with weight (gravity force) 3000 lb travels through a curve with radius 100 ft with speed 15

The mass of the car can be calculated as

m = (3000 lb) / (32 ft/s2)

= 94 slugs
The centripetal acceleration can be calculated as

ac = ((15 miles/h)(5280 ft/mile) / (3600 s/h))2 / (100 ft)

= 4.84 ft/s2

The centripetal force can bee calculated as

Fc = (94 slugs) (4.84 ft/s2)

= 455 lbf

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