A - Full Stack Javascript: Terminal - 1

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A - Full Stack Javascript File Directory Name Progress Report

1 - Javascript Basics n/a Not Started
2 - Javascript Loops, Arrays and Objects n/a Not Started
3 - Defining Variables with Let and Const n/a Not Started
4 - Introducing Arrow Function Syntax n/a Not Started
5 - Javascript and the DOM n/a Not Started
6 - Introduction to jQuery n/a Not Started
7 - AJAX Basics n/a Not Started
8 - Uderstanding 'this' in JavaScript n/a Not Started
9 - Object Oriented Javascript n/a Not Started
10 - The Module Pattern in Javascript n/a Not Started
11 - Introducing ES2015 n/a Not Started
12 - Node.js Basics n/a Not Started
13 - Exploring Javascript Conditionals n/a Not Started
14 - Build a Simple Dynamic Site with Node.js n/a Not Started
15 - npm Basics n/a Not Started
16 - Using npm as a Task Runner n/a Not Started
17 - Gulp Basics n/a Not Started
18 - Express Basics n/a Not Started
19 - Mongo Basics n/a Not Started
20 - Understanding Closures in Javascript n/a Not Started
21 - User Authentication With Express and Mongo n/a Not Started
22 - Build a REST API With Express n/a Not Started
23 - JavaScript Unit Testing n/a Not Started
B - C#.Net
Beginner File Directory Name Progress Report
1 - BASICS n/a Not Started
2 - Beginner n/a Not Started
3 - Variables n/a Not Started
4 - IF Statements n/a Not Started
5 - Swith Statements n/a Not Started
6 - For Loops n/a Not Started
7 - While Loops n/a Not Started
8 - Methods n/a Not Started
9 - Arrays n/a Not Started
10 - Classes n/a Not Started
11 - Inheritence n/a Not Started
12 - ENUMS n/a Not Started
13 - Properties n/a Not Started
14 - Interfaces n/a Not Started
15 - Generics n/a Not Started
1 - Beginner to Intermediate Level File Directory Name
2 - C# Console Guess Number Game n/a
3 - Beginner to Intermediate Level 2.0 n/a
4 - Dapper CRUD - Insert, Update, Delete, View Search w/ SQL Server Database n/a
5 - 10 Best Practices for Programming C# n/a
6 - Hotel Reservation System Template n/a
7 - Library Management System with Database Template n/a
8 - Stock Control Management System Template n/a
// Xamarin requires to be downloaded

File Directory Name Progress Report

n/a Not Started
n/a Not Started
n/a Not Started
n/a Not Started
n/a Not Started
n/a Not Started
n/a Not Started

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