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 Yunior García Sánchez,

Ana Rodriguez Galvez,


Msc. Victor Acosta Pastor ,


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Professional School of Naval Engineering

Av. Túpac Amaru 210-Rimac – Lima
 Telephone (01) 481-1490, Telefax: 381-
3847, Email:


In the present report will explain the form in that it developed the conversion of a craft
pesquera allocated to the fishing of anchoveta with arts of fishing of the type of siege, in
a ship of fishing of drag

For this, will present the introduction of the present report, as well as his aims,
the justification and the scopes of the project developed.

More advance, will make an analysis of the problematic that motivate the
development of the present project and will expose the main characteristics of the Crafts
pesqueras of siege and of the Crafts pesqueras of drag. Likewise we will make a brief
review of the theory of applicable intact stability to the crafts.

Afterwards, we will make a description of the craft pesquera original, detailing

his main characteristic and the condition in that it found before the modification.
Likewise we will define the proposal of modification in base to the requests established
by the armador.

Likewise, we will develop the engineering of the process of transformation for

the change of service of the craft, splitting by the structural calculations based in the

“Rules for the construction and classification of crafts with lower length to 90 metres”
of the American Bureau of Shipping – 2011, following with the analysis of the systems
propulsion, bale out, contraincendios, government, freshwater and of fuel, and finalising
with the preliminary study of intact stability according to the national and international
regulations valid.

Finally, we will make an economic analysis of the project, to end to determine

his feasibility.


The Peru is one of the greater countries pesqueros of the world, inc uanto to volumes of
capture refers . According to the INEI (National institute of Statistics and Computer of
Peru), the sector pesquero
It is the second elder rubro extractivo in our country and the second in importance in our
economic activity by his contribution in currencies, situating us as the first producer of
flour of fish in the world, in addition to being a big source generadora of foods and
employment. Regarding the consumption, 72% of the total of the captures is used for
human consumption, and the rest in the preparation of flour and oil of fish (used to his
time to feed animal of farm)
.The reduction of the size of the fleet of crafts allocated to the fishing of the anchoveta
of our country, like consequence of the implementation of the “Law of Maximum Limits
of capture by Craft” issued by theM inisterio of the P roducciorn by means of the D.L.
Number 1084 don 11 November of the year 2008, has opened an interrogante, about the
destination or final use that will give them to the crafts that are withdrawals of the
activity pesquera, of such form that these do not generate unnecessary costs by his
maintenance and conservation. In this sense the company for which developed the
present project that like purpose convert the craft that was for fishing of siege, in a craft
for drag background by the stern, with isolated cellar for the estiba of the hake in boxes
with ice. This transformation no only allowed that the armador can follow giving him a
productive use to his craft, but also benefit it economic and operativamente


The aim of the present report is to develop the necessary parameters for the
transformation of a craft pesquera anchovetera with art of fishing type hover, in a craft
for drag background by the stern, with isolated cellar for the estiba of the hake in boxes
with ice. Likewise it pretends determine the factibilidad technical and economic of the
development of this project.


By means of the present report pretends show the feasibility to transform a craft
pesquera anchovetera with art of fishing type hover, in a craft of fishing of drag, without
making big changes in the form of the helmet, structure and systems of operation, and
without the need to invest high sums of money in said transformation.
Likewise it pretends explain the feasible that can result the reuse of the crafts
pesqueras into disuse, transforming them in crafts that make other activities of fishing.


The Law of Maximum Limits of Capture by Craft (LMCE), is a mechanism of

legislation pesquero implementado in the industrial fishing anchovetera by means of the
D.L. Number 1084, issued by theM inisterio of the P roducción the 11 of N oviembre of
the year 2008, and that consists in distributing a quota of annual capture, between all the
crafts pesqueras allocated to the fishing of the resource hidrobiológico of the type
anchoveta and sardine with valid licence in the Peru; by means of calculations that
involve the capacity of cellar and the historical captures of each craft.
The main aim of this law is to restructure the system of captures of fishing
pesquero of such form that can delete the career by the capture of anchoveta, reduce the
effort of fishing, maximizar the economic profits and guarantee the sustainability of the
Orna of the consequences of the implementation of this law, is the reduction of
the size of the fleet pesquera, due to the fact that the armadores, in his eagerness for
reducing operative costs and improve his productive efficiency; they will transfer in
some cases, the quota of some part of his fleet provenientes mainly of his less efficient
crafts , to those crafts that present better characteristic technicians of efficiency and
operating capacity and generate fewer operative and greater costs profitability.
Si Well is likely that a lot of armadores, in his eagerness to reduce costs and
responsibilities, opt for dismantling and fondear his crafts excedentes, exist other
alternatives that can be very profitable, but that they have to be analysed and evaluated
before being able to carry them out.

One of these alternative is the reuse of the crafts excedentes are transformed and
employees in destined activities to the fishing of drag background by the stern, with
isolated cellar for the estiba of the hake in boxes with ice,
To end of reutilizar this craft like a Craft of fishing of drag, the armador opt for
transforming it and adapt it to the requests of this new activity, por what was necessary
to make some works of structural modification, analyse his intact stability, francobordo,
security, habitability and endow it of the necessary teams for these nuevas tasks.



The crafts pesqueras anchoveteras with art of fishing of the type hover in our
country, have been builts of naval steel and typically treats of embarcacionands with
total lengths minors to the 50 metres, manufactured with an alone main cover; with
mirror and with adaptations of ramp of launching employed for the manoeuvres of izada
and botadura of the auxiliary crafts of the type panga, with rigs and teams of fishing of
the type hover, and with destined spaces to the habitability situatesdo in the zone of bow.
The room of scheme generally finds lowcu bierta main situated to bow; with cellars in
the central zones under the main cover.
Lace crafts pesqueras anchoveteras with art of fishing type hover more ancient
have a capacity extractiva between the 100 and 350 metric tonnes; and with room ofm
áquinas situated in the bow. Between so much, the embarcaciones pesqueras
anchoveteras with art of fishing type hover more modern are of greater capacity of
cellar (around the 500 metric tonnes), and his room of machines is positioned in stern.

It photographs Number 1: it Corresponds to a craft pesquera of the type of siege, with

capacity of cellar 350 cubic metres and built in the year 1992

2.1.1 Main characteristic of the crafts pesqueras anchoveteras of steel with

art of fishing type hover Antiquity of the fleet pesquera anchovetera of steel

The massive construction of crafts pesqueras of steel in our country, gave

between the decades of the 60 and 70, with the peak of the fishing of anchoveta.
It is that then, our dockyard produced more than 1200 crafts of steel, which, with
the step of the years, have been withdrawn of the activity because of the excess
of existent capacity and the shortage of resources. Nevertheless in the actuality,
the greater part of the fleet is conformed by these crafts, which have suffered a
series of structural and technological modifications that has allowed them keep
operative until our days.
In the Table Number 2.1 can notice that of a total of 556 crafts pesqueras
with art of fishing type hover manufactured in steel that exist in the actuality,
more than the half (283 Andmbarcaciones) surpass the 30 years to having been
built, which reflects the antiquity of our fleet pesquera. With regard to the crafts
with less than 20 years of antiquity, can notice that these only constitute 45% of
the fleet pesquera anchovetera total, nevertheless these crafts concentrate more
than 50% of the capacity extractiva total of the fleet.
Table Number 2.1: Antiquity of the And/P of siege

Antiquity of And/P
12% 1960-1970

899% 1980-1990

Source: own Preparation, in base to the Annex 1 of the Regulation of the Legislative Decree

Number 1084 Law of Limit Maxima of Capture by craft 2008 – PRODUCES


With the implementation of the Law of quotas of fishing, expects that the crafts
more antigutos are withdrawace gradually of the activity pesquera, being
replaceors by crafts more efficient and bulkys.

Capacity of cellar of the crafts pesqueras of steel

According to the database of the Ministry of the Production, published in

Annex 1 of the Regulation of the Legislative Decree Number 1084 Law of
Maximum Limits of Capture by craft 2008 – (See Table 2.2), the greater part of
the fleet pesquera anchovetera industrial of steel, active and authorised for the
extraction of anchoveta is conformed by crafts with capacity of lower cellar to
300 m3 (283 Andmbarcaciones).
On the other hand the crafts whose capacity of cellar varies between 300 and 400
cubic metres, conform another important group with a total of 152 crafts. Finally
the most reduced group is the conformed by the crafts with capacity of greater
cellar to 400 m3 (121 Andmbarcaciones).

Table Number 2.2: Classification of the Crafts according to his capacity of cellar

Source: own Preparation, in base to the Annex 1 of the Regulation of the Legislative Decree
Number 1084 Law of Maximum Limits of Capture by craft 2008 – PRODUCES

With the implementation of the law of Quotas of Fishing, is predictable that the
crafts that have a low capacity of cellar (minor to 300 m3) are withdrawals
paulatinamente of the activity pesquera, since they do not result very profitable
under a format of fixed quotas, and are replaced by ships of elder tonelaje that
they cover the quota of two or more together crafts.



This type of fuselage is the more prolífero and like his name indicates his
procedure of fishing is by means of the drag of a big network. This network is
thrown by him or in couple with another arrastrero. At present there is arrastreros
that throw of two and until three networks what supposes to have of an enormous
There are two basic types, the classical and ramperos.
The first have a round stern and the habilitation, bridge, etc. go from the stern
until aprox. The half of the ship. From here to bow are the maquinillas of shot, a
crane that iza the fish and the rest of elements and maquinillas. It is not usual in
our country.
Of the ramperos his main characteristic and by what is very easy his
identification is the stern in shape of ramp pronounced at the end of which find
the maquinillas. In the stern a structure in shape of bridge called stick of pastecas
commissions to guide the wires of the network. Some ramperos have a second
bridge more to bow that uses to raise the network and download the fishing.
All the arrastreros have to his time some sub-classifications as they are
tangoneros, freezers, factory and to the fresco.
The tangoneros are fuselages arrastreros that carry two appendices, anor on the
port side and another to estribor that are articulated for when opening them when
it requires that the networks have a greater surface of collected. They devote to
the fishing of seafood, shrimp and shrimp. You will have seen them in the ship of
the perfect storm and that so many problems gave to the leading.
The freezers are those ready to freeze with some long campaigns, while to the
fresco do not freeze and return to port each few days.
The fuselages factory process the fish. Clean, packs and freezes.
In the photo one of the arrastreros bigger of the world with 143 m. Of length. It is
factory and the special peculiarity of this ship is that it collects the fishing by
means of some chuponas that has to stern and that “absorb” the fish until the
cover of processed while the water goes back to the mar.


The transformation of the craft in study, make following the “Rules for the
Construction and Classification of crafts with lower length to 90 metres” of the
American Bureau of Shipping – 2011, with which guarantees the structural resistance of
the craft.
On the other hand, in the referred to the analysis of the intact stability, Línea of
M áxima load, francobordo and proof of inclination, applied the applicable national

norms to these subjects established by the General Direction of Captaincies and

Guardacostas of the Peru (DICAPI), such as:
- Andl Supreme Decree Number 0223-96/DCG “Norma for allocation of Line of
Maximum load to Maritime Ships”
- Lto Resolution Directoral Number 0562-2003/DCG “Code of Security of teams
for Ships and Maritime Naval Artefacts and,
- Lto Resolution Directoral Number 0474-98/DCG “Preparation and execution of
Proofs of Stability to National Ships that make Aquatic Activities”.

2.2.1 Concepts of Naval Engineering Centre of Gravity of the Fuselage

It is the point where finds concentrated all the weight of the craft or point
of location of the centre of gravity (G). This point does not change of position if
it does not produce a traslación, load or download of the weights of the
fuselage. (See figure 1) Centre of Carena

It is the point where situates the centre ofB oyantis or Cgo in
geometrical of the volume of water displaced by the craft, also conocido like Cgo
in of And mpuje (B). Dado the movement of the the craft in the waves, the
position of the centre of carena is variable and depends on the form and volume
of helmet submerged in determinate instant.
Figura 1: Centre of Gravity (G) and centre of carena (B) Metacentro

The metacentro (M) is the point of intersection of the vertical lines traced
from the centre of Carena (B), for small angles of escora, with the central axis
that goes through the centre of gravity (G) of the craft. (See fig. 2)
It appears 2: Metacentro (M)
9 Metacentric height

The distance between the centre of gravity (G) and the metacentro (M)
knows like the metacentric height (GM) and uses to calculate the stability of a
ship in the stage of design. (See appears Number 3)
A stable fuselage in position of adrizado has a metacentric height (GM)
positive, that is to say, the metacentro finds por on of the centre of gravity.
Generally, this magnitude designates height GM positive or positive initial
If the centre of gravity (G) of a fuselage finds above the metacentro (M),
says that this has a height GM negative or a negative initial stability. A craft in
this state shows an indifferent balance, that is to say, fleet to an angle with regard
to the position of balance to a side or another, and is in danger of zozobrar. When
the position of the centre of gravity (G) of a fuselage coincides with the
metacentro (M), says that this finds in neutral balance (GM0) and, if the craft
bent to a small angle of escora, will tend to keep in this position.
It appears 3: metacentric Height (GM)

2.2.2 Hydrostatic curves


The hydrostatic curves show of form grafica the behaviour of a subject

craft to strengths of desestabilización static, to different calados. His calculation
from the curves of Bonjean or Lines of form, constitute a first step in the design
of a shipping and is one of the indispensable initial procedures of the Naval
The calculation of the hydrostatic curves obtains assuming that the craft
this in condition of adrizamiento and that the effects of a longitudinal cut are
small. The rank of the lines of flotation will have to cover and exceed the calado
operational of the craft.
The utility of the hydrostatic curves consists in the ease with which the
captain or any another person interested in knowing the behaviour of the craft,
can use them to calculate his operational parameters such as the trip, the height of
the metacentro horizontal, calados final, seat, among others. In it appears it
Number 4 can see a grafico of hydrostatic curves of a craft.
It appears 4: Hydrostatic Curves

2.2.3 Transversal static stability

It is the tendency that has the fuselage in recobrar his position of balance
when it has been separated of her by action of external strengths as they can be
the sea or the wind.
The transversal stability has divided in initial and for big escoras, as it
was the angle of escora inferior or upper to 10º-15º. And this is due to the fact
that during the 10º-15º first of escora the vertical traced from the successive
positions of the centre of carena cut roughly in a same point called Metacentro,
but when being greater the angles of escora, the cut between the vertical of the
distinct positions does in different points. Transversal stability Initial

It corresponds to the study of the stability of the fuselage for angles of

escora equal or minors to the rank of 10º-15º. Durante the first 10º-15º of escora,

the vertical traced from the successive positions of the centre of carena (B) cut
roughly in the Metacentro (M). Of there to that for lower inclinations of 10º can
assume constant KM.
As we know, the trip of the fuselage has like point of application the
centre of gravity and the push goes through the centre of carena. While the
fuselage is in balance, the trip is equal to the push, and the centre of gravity and
the centre of carena are in the same vertical.
When by effect of a balance the ship escora a small angle The carena
changes and, like consequence, the centre of carena displaces happening of the
position B that had with the ship adrizado to the new position B'. The centre of
gravity G, as it is obvious, keeps in the same place put that it will not vary until
we do not add, remove or move of place weights.
The immediate consequence is that the push and the trip (that they are
always vertical anytime), although they keep on being equal, no longer are
directed according to the straight that joins his points of application B' and G,
It has generated a pair of strengths that will tend to do turn the ship. In
this condition, the ship will try in this situation to go back to his position of
adrizamiento. The pair of strengths generated is, in this case, a pair adrizante and
his intensity or moment comes given by the following relation:
Mto = ∆ x GZ
Where ∆ is the trip of the ship and GZ is the distance between the lines of
application of the weight and the push, also known like Arm adrizante and
whose value determines by the following relation:
GZ = GM x sen ʘ
The arm adrizante (Figure 5) is the main measure that uses to evaluate
the stability of a fuselage and his value depends enough of the location of the
centre of gravity.

It appears 5: Arm adrizante (GZ)


If a craft presents a centre of gravity in a low position, will have a greater

arm adrizante and therefore a moment of adrizamiento greater. If by the contrary,
the centre of gravity is in a high position and/or near to the metacentro, the arm
adrizante will be very short and therefore, the moment of static stability to go
back the fuselage to the position of adrizado will be considerably lower. Stability pairto big angles

As I explain previously, for small angles of escora (Minors to 10º), is
possible to study the transversal stability with the help of the metacentric height
GM, since the metacentro M, is a fixed point whose position can determine in
any fuselage.
However,p ploughs angles of greater inclination to 10º the position of the
Metacentro changes appreciably and can not consider fixed. When varying this
point, GM loses validity, by what the new index of stability is the arm of
adrizamiento (GZ).
It is thus that,p ploughs to determine the stability of a fuselage to big
angles of escora, have to calculate and graficar theC urvas of arms adrizantes for
the distinct conditions of operation that confronts . These curves show
gráficamente the values of the arms of stability (GZ) produced by the movement
of a fuselage when going back to the position of balance from several conditions
of escora.

2.2.4 The curves of Stability

The s curves of stability or curves of arms adrizantes is a graphic
representation of the stability of the fuselage under the condition of load for
which was calculated. The typical standards that analyse in this curve are the
It appears 6: Curve of stability

 The area under the curve serves like indication of the strengths adrizantes
available to counter the strengths escorantes that act on the fuselage. In

general, what elder was the area under the curve, stronger will be the
strengths adrizantes presents, and stronger will be the alterations in the
operations that the fuselage can bear. Generally it determines and they
analyse the aerial under the curves of 0 to 30 degrees and of 30 to 40
degrees of escora.
 The angle of escora for the maximum arm adrizante has to be greater to a
determinate angle. In general, what bigger was the arm adrizante and
elder was the angle of escora where occur, the strengths adrizantes
presents will increase and stronger will be the alterations in the operations
that the fuselage can bear.
 The angle of escora in which the arm adrizante does zero indicates the
moment where the stability of the fuselage pesquero changes of strengths
adrizantes positive to strengths escorantes negative. In general, what elder
was the angle where occur this transition, greater will be the strengths
adrizantes available.
For the calculation of the curves of arms adrizantes, splits of the
hypothesis that the centre of gravity is in a fixed position K, situated in the
lowest part of the centre of the fuselage (See figure 7). From this point calculate
the arms adrizantes KN (N projection of B) for different trips and escoras.
It appears 7: Arm adrizante to big angles

Following the geometry of the Figure 6, and for a position G of the centre of
gravity have:
GZ = KN – KM
KM = KG*sen(Ø)
GZ = KN - KG*sen(Ø)

2.2.5 Curves crossed of stability


As I explain previously, the curve of arms adrizantes obtains supposing

as fixed the trip ∆, and the centre of gravity of the craft (G). Therefore, if we vary
the value of any one of these two elements, changed the form of the curve of
arms adrizantes.
During the operation of the craft, exist infinite possible trips and distinct
positions of the centre of gravity, by what is impossible to foresee all the possible
combinations and trace the curves of arms adrizantes for his immediate use.
Being these curves of frequent application, is necessary to know some
method that allow the fast outline of the curve of arms adrizantes, knowing the
trip and centre of gravity of the craft for determinate condition of load, this
method is the one of the curves crossed.
The curves crossed of stability, give the value of the arms adrizantes, in
function of the trip, for determinate angle of escora and for a determinate
position of the centre of gravity. Like this last position can vary according to the
load of the craft, the curves crossed trace considering an ideal or supposed
position of the centre of gravity.
In it appears it Number 8 can see the curves crossed of stability of a craft.
It appears 8: Curves crossed of stability

2.2.6 Dynamic stability

It studies the characteristics of stability of a fuselage when it is in

movement, especially when it swings , and is the necessary energy to bend a craft
until a determinate angle of escora and counter, like this, the moment of static
The dynamic stability can determine measuring the area under the curve
of arms adrizantes (curve GZ) until a determinate angle of escora. What elder
was the area, better will be the dynamic stability. The waves are the external

strength more common that causes the escora of a fuselage. The waves of slope
pronounced and little length between crests, especially the breakers, are the most
dangerous for the small fuselages.
The relation between the dynamic stability of a fuselage and the energy of the waves
is complex and depends on some factors as, for example, of the speed and course of
the fuselage in relation with the speed and direction of the wave. However,
generally, what smaller was the fuselage, smaller will be the waves to which can
confront .



3.1.1 Main characteristics of the original craft

Total length : 25.21 m
Sleeve moldeada : 6.62 m.
Mainstay molding : 3.33 m.
Calado Maximum : 3.06 m.
Mark of the Main Engine : General Motors
Installed power – RPM : 467 BHP @ 1800 Rpm
Capacity of cellar : 119.39 m3
Capacity of fuel : 6.64 m
Freshwater capacity : 1.51 m3

3.1.2 I gavestribución general of compartments

The general distribution of compartments finds described of of bow to
stern of the following form: (Ver ToFlat link Nº EOR-100-DG, corresponding to
the D isposición General).
A) On main cover the craft finds distributed of the following form:
To.1) Cover of the Castle:
- Pañol And descent to room of scheme to BR
- Cabins of crew (12 bunks) to ER
- Cabin of the motorista to BR
- Kitchen to Br, byear to Er
To.2) Cover of the caseta:
- Cabin of the captain
- Cabin of control
- Guardacalor
To.3) Cover of work:

- Topmast, main and auxiliary feather, tangón and Winche of

- A hatch of cellars with five mouths of access and his respective
covers tight
- A desaguador of fish on the port side
- Some structures of defence of network to Estribor
- An access to the lazareto in the extreme of Stern-port side
B) Under main cover, the helmet is divided by seven mamparos transversal
and two mamparos longitudinal tight, in the following compartments.
- It hammer of bow.
- Room of machines of bow
- Five cellars of load, two on the port side, two to estribor and a head
- Tanks of storage of fuel in Stern - BR/ER
- Lazareto

3.1.3 General structure

The helmet of the original craft was built entirely in naval steel, with
longitudinal structure in the cover, side and bottom and with two longitudinal
knuckles. In the flat Number AndOR-104-EG can see the details of the original
structure. The escantillado of the craft is the following:
- Quilla : Iron of 25.4 mm
- Sobrequilla : Profile “T” soul 175x12.7, wing
- Zapata : Iron of 12.5 mm.
- Cover : Iron of 6.4 mm.
- Bottom : Iron of 8 mm.
- Side : Iron of 8 mm.
- Varengas : Profile “L” soul 8mm, wing
- Cuadernas : Profile “L” of 200x100x8mm.
- Baos : Profile “T” of 200x100x8mm.
- Knuckles : circular Bar of 38mm diameter
- Longitudinal of cover: Platen 100x12.7 mm.
- Longitudinal background : Platen 100x12.7 mm.
- Longitudinal of side: Platen 100x12.7 mm.
- Mamparos Transversal : Iron of 6.4 mm.
- Mamparos Longitudinal : Iron of 6.4 mm.
- Reinforcements of mamparos : Platen of 85x8mm.
- Palmejares : Profile “L” of 200x100x8mm.
- Carlinga : Iron of 15.8 mm.
- Base of engine : Iron of 200x25.4 mm.
- Ramp : Iron of 8 mm.

- Reinforcements of ramp : Platen 100x12.7 mm

- It gives : Iron of 6.4 mm.
- Barraganetes : Profile “T” of 100x100x8mm.
- It covers of it gives : Tube 4” diameter SCH 40
- Tunnel of Propulsion : Iron of 6.4 mm.
- Planchaje Of tanks : Iron of 6.4 mm.

3.1.4 Intact stability of the Original craft

To end to know the conditions of intact stability of the original craft, was
necessary to effect a proof of stability, the same that allowed us find some
unknown data like the To ltura metacentric, the position of the C go in of gravity
and the trip of the craft in his condition in light. The proofd and stability made in
theM uelle Municipal of Chimbote, under good climatic conditions and without
swell. Proof of stability

 Conditions of the proof: For the development of this proof participated
three people and used four blocks of concrete of distinct weight, a
pendulum and team of measurement. The craft found with all his teams
and aditamentos of fishing, in the following conditions:
- Cellars of fishing: To 0% of his capacity
- Tank of C omb. Daily Port side: To 15% of his capacity (799 Kg.)
- Tank of C omb. Newspaper Estribor: To 15% of his capacity (799 Kg.)
- Tank of C omb. Central newspaper: To 100% of his capacity (454 Kg.)
- Tank daily freshwater caseta - Br: To 0% of his capacity
- Freshwater tank bridge - centre: To 0% of his capacity
- Tank of hydraulic oil and of engine: To 0% of his capacity

 Weights of the blocks: Lyou weights of the blocks employed in the proof
of inclination were the following:
- Weights of estribor: w1 = 650 Kg., w2 = 327 Kg.
Weights side port side: w3 = 640 Kg., w4 = 326 Kg.
 Pendulum and teams of measurement: For the realisation of the proof
of stability used a metallic pendulum of 3500 mm. Of length, which
hanged in the hatch of load, to the height of the Mamparo 8, in the
central line of the craft. Likewise for the measurement of the inclinations,
employed a regleta metallic of 1500mm. Of length, situating the point
1000 in the line centre.

 Taking of calados: To end to determine the calado half, trimado and

escora in that the craft was submerged, effected a taking of the distances
between main cover and the surface of the sea, in 5 points of the craft
obtaining the following data:

ESTRIBOR (mm) E (mm) (mm)
Mamparo "16" 2237,0 2287,0 2262,0 -50 8220 -0,35

Mamparo "12" 1635,0 1800,0 1717,5 -165 8220 -1,15

Mamparo "8" 1475,0 1565,0 1520,0 -90 6424 -0,80

Mamparo "5" 1570,0 1680,0 1625,0 -110 6424 -0,98

Cuaderna "To" 1948,0 2033,0 1990,5 -85 6424 -0,76

Once obtained these points, proceeded to graficarlos in the plane of the

craft to end to find the trimado and calculate the Calado half. In it appears
it Number 9 can see the location of the points and the line of flotation of
the craft in the proof of stability

Afterwards of graficar the line of flotation of the proof of stability, find

the calados in bow and stern, and with this calculate the trimado and the

calado half, which will serve us for the calculations of the proof:


Calado In P opa 1,877
Calado In Bow 2,328
Trimado -0,451
Calado Half 2,1025

 Measurement of inclinations: Like final part of the proof of stability,

proceeded to measure the angles of inclination of the craft, for which

effected manoeuvres in the main cover with 4 blocks of steel, which

were displaced of band to band in six movements obtaining the data

showed in the Table 3.1:



No UBIC. LONG No. BR (-) ER(+) (Ton-m) BR (-) ER (+) BR ER BR ER
(mm) m m t-m tm (mm) (mm)

1 BC 3500. Number 1 0,650 -5,170 -3,361 1 -117,27 -0,0335



1 BC 3500 Number 2 0,650 -5,170 -3,361 1 -184,72 -0,0528

0,327 -5,170 -1,691


1 BC 3500 Number 1 0,640 5,170 3,309 1 105,12 0,0300



1 BC 3500 Number 2 0,640 5,170 3,309 1 175,61 0,0502

0,326 5,170 1,685






Afterwards to obtain the data of the proof of inclination, proceed to draw the

grafico Moment escorante vs. Tangente, obtaining the following:





-6.00 -4.00 -2.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00




 Results of the proof:

To determine the metacentric Height of the craft, in base to the data of the

proof, will employ the calado half obtained in the taking of calados (T =

2.1025 m.)

With this calado, ingresamos to the hydrostatic curves of the original craft

(See flat Number EOR-102-CH), and obtain the trip of the craft.

∆ = 118.7 Ton

Applying the theorem of the traslación transversal of weights, obtain the

metacentric height of the craft:

𝑮𝑴 =
∆𝒙 𝐒𝐨 Ø

 On the other hand, the value of the KM will obtain of the hydrostatic

curves ingresando with the value of the calado half.

With the data obtained, will calculate the VCG of the craft applying the

following relation:


Replacing the data obtain the centre of vertical gravity of the craft in


 On the other hand, for the calculation of the centre of longitudinal gravity

(LCG), ingresamos to the hydrostatic curves and obtain the value of the

LCB, which for treating of a helmet with carena straight will coincide

with the location of the LCG.

LCB = LCG (For carenas straight)


 Finally for the calculation of the centre of transversal gravity (TCG), use

the value of the escora and the GM calculated and apply the following:

TCG = GM x SoØ

Where Ø is the angle of escora found the proof of stability.

 In the table Number 3.2 have the final results of the proof of stability:

TABLE 3.2: Results of proof of stability


CALADO HALF 2,103 (m)

TRIP 118,7 (t)
GM 0,854 (m)
KMt 3,889 (m)
VCG 3,035 (m)
LCG 10,942 (m)

Once calculated the centre of gravity of the craft in thread, will proceed to

calculate the properties of the craft in light, for which will discount the

weights addyou in the proof of inclination, will increase those elements

quand always remain constants and will make the correction by the

effects free surface:


o In the calculation sand tomor like longitudinal and vertical reference

the inferior extreme of stern

o For effects of calculations considered the locations to estribor as (+)

and the ones of port side as (-)



.m 3 .T/ m3 .T .m .T – m. .m .T – m. .m .T – m. .T– m.
1,0 PROOF OF STABILITY 118,70 10,942 1298,82 -0,001 -0,07 3,035 360,20


BLOCKS OF PROOF (2) - SIDE ESTRIBOR 0,977 10,070 9,83 2,580 2,52 3,600 3,52
BLOCKS OF PROOF (2) - SIDE PORT SIDE 0,966 10,070 9,73 -2,590 -2,50 3,600 3,48
TOTAL To REDUCE (FIRST PART) 1,943 19,565 0,016 6,994


DAILY FUEL BR (15.%) 0,940 0,850 0,799 5,347 4,27 2,496 1,99 1,754 1,40 0,58
DAILY FUEL ER (15.%) 0,940 0,850 0,799 5,347 4,27 -2,496 -1,99 1,754 1,40 0,32
DAILY FUEL 0,534 0,850 0,454 15,050 6,83 0,000 0,00 2,713 1,23 0,26

WATER DUCE NEWSPAPER (BR) (0%) 0,000 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,00 0,000 0,00 0,000 0,00 0,00
TOTAL To REDUCE (SECOND PART) 2,052 15,376 0,000 4,034 1,16


OIL ENGINE 0,000 0,920 0,000 0,000 0,00 0,000 0,00 0,000 0,00
OIL HIDRAULICO ( 24 CYLINDERS ) 0,000 0,920 0,000 0,000 0,00 0,000 0,00 0,000 0,00
TOTAL To ADD 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

1,0 PROOF OF STABILITY (+) 118,700 1298,815 -0,070 360,199
2,0 WEIGHTS To DISCOUNT OF THE PROOF (-) 1,943 19,565 0,016 6,994
3,0 WEIGHT OF FLUIDS IN TANKS To DISCOUNT (-) 2,052 15,376 0,000 4,034
4,0 WEIGHTS To ADD (+) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

5,0 LIGHT SHIP (WITHOUT CORRECCION F.S.M) 114,705 11,018 1263,87 -0,001 -0,087 3,044 349,170

LIGHT SHIP 114,705 11,018 1263,87 -0,001 -0,087 3,034 349,170


In the table Number 3.3 can notice all the considerations to find the trip and centre of
gravity of l to craft in conditions of Light trip.
As we can see, the trip of the original craft was of 114.705 Tonnes.
Likewise I make the correction by effects of free surface considering those tanks that
contained some type of liquid during the development of the proof of stability, by what
the GM calculated is virtual.
The results obtained will serve us like base to make the study of stability of the craft
transformed, for which have to consider all those weights that remove and/or add during
the modification.


3.2.1 Requests of the Armador
Once obtained the information of the original craft, proceeded to analyse the requests of
the armador with regard to the activities to which would be allocated this craft, to end to effect
the design and study of the transformation that had to make , considering for this that the
structure would have to be designed and evaluated following the rules of classification of the
ABS and the norms that has the D irección General of C apitanía, in regard to the new type of
Between the main requests of the armador had the following:
 Our department of Naval Engineering is preparing the respective planes in coordination
with the armador, applying the Engineering to obtain a pesquero efficient, sure. And
fulfilling the regulations of the Peruvian Maritime Authority. Offering the conditions of
necessary security so much for the crew, the craft and the elements transported.
 The cellars have to be turned into a big space of storage of load been used to, by what has
to ensure his estanqueidad.
 The craft made works of fishing of drag background by the stern, with isolated cellar for
the estiba of the hake in boxes with ice. By what has to condition and reinforce the bow
and stern of the ship for this end.

3.2.2 Proposal of modification

To end to fulfil with the requests given by the armador, and looking for the more feasible
and profitable alternative, decided effect the following modifications in the craft:



2.1 COVER.-
2.1.1 Desmontaje of the desaguador of fish in cover.
2.1.2 Desmontaje of the tube of the desaguador.
2.1.3 Desmontaje of the tank situated under the desaguador in cover (ballast).
2.1.4 Cut and retreat of the canalones of network (balancera).

2.1.5 Cut and retreat of the defence of network.

2.1.6 Desmontaje of the arboladura.


2.2.1 Disassemble the on caseta.
2.2.2 Cut and retreat of the rail of the caseta
2.2.3 Cut and retreat of the saves heat of the cover of the caseta.
2.2.4 Cut and retreat of other accessories of the cover of the caseta.
2.2.5 Cut and retreat of the accessories inside the caseta; bunks, tables, bases of kitchen, etc.
2.3.1 Cut and retreat of the escurrideras vertical in the mamparos longitudinal and
transversal, even his tubes of drainage.
2.3.2 Cut and retreat of the manifolds of the bottom (flat).
2.3.3 Break and withdraw all the cement of the bottom of the cellars.
2.3.4 Break and withdraw all the cement inside the tunnel of the axis propulsion from the bow
until the CD. 10 roughly.
It made an inspection and calibration to evaluate the condition of the irons of the helmet and the

Points of Calibration:

In shape preliminary calibrated the irons of the helmet in the side, pantoque and bottom on the port side
and to estribor, from the bow until the central zone of the fuselage a total of 47 points (See drawing).
Taking into account an original thickness of 8 mm, in the points where exceeded the wear in 20%,
determined change the irons.

Equally in the inspection of the inner structure decided the change of the elements that presented
deterioration because of the corrosion, etc. As well as cuadernas longitudinal of helmet and of cover,
etc., for this made a partial mechanical cleaning.

The elements to change indicate in the planes delivered previously, previous report to the Armador and
his respective approval.


It is the general inspection made in the helmet, observed that the keel was deteriorated and entirely
desalineada, the width of this would not allow to install a tube of codaste of agreement to the power of
the new engine propellant and would be a cause of the apparition of undesirable and dangerous
vibrations for the integrity of the craft and of the system of propulsion, besides the space reduced in the
zone of the press tow would not allow to install a new of greater dimensions; which informed him to the
armador in a meeting that made , agreeing the total change of the keel, making the respective plane
that later was approved by his represented.

3.1 it has cut and withdrawn all the keel and codaste in stern to build it again due to the fact that it
is entirely dilapidated, for this previously broke and withdrew the concrete inside the keel.
3.2 it has planted the codaste and the central iron of the keel until the cuaderna 12 and hammer
them 8, 8ª,9 and 9ª (in the side of estribor)
3.3 it has changed an iron of the bottom in the side of estribor to bow between the cuaderna 14 and
the cuaderna 16.
3.4 it has cut and withdrawn an iron of the bottom in the side of port side to bow between the
cuaderna 17 and the cuaderna 18, still has not planted the new iron.
3.5 it has changed an iron of the bottom in the side of port side, between the cuaderna 11 and
cuaderna 13.


To application of the armador, east will be the pañol of networks, deleting the tanks of fuel that initially
went to plant, besides all the structure of this will be repaired and the one of the bottom will modify to
achieve a uniform height with the end to have of a suitable flat for the estiba, already was planting
cement or an enjaretado wooden or both.
On the cover will have a hatch with brazola and covers tight with closing in the side of port side.

4.1 it has cut the mamparo transversal of bow of the tank, to turn into it cuaderna.

To adapt the cellar of fish to the one of an arrastrero in which estiba the boxes of fish with ice is
necessary to have or flat flat where plant these, deposing divisional removable wooden, borne by
mainstays of tubes to avoid that the boxes displace and put in danger the stability of the craft.

In addition to the isolation of cover, sides and mamparos transversal extremes considers that it will
plant solid ballast of cement deep down (flat), with a density of agreement to what the calculations of
stability and trimado determine.

For this was necessary to delete the mamparo longitudinal head office, and the transversal head office
replacing the structural resistance of these, with mainstays, lengths and carlingas.

The tunnel of the axis of propulsion will be partially tight, since in this type of estiba is not necessary the
same estanqueidad that needs in a craft anchovetera.

Both sides of the tunnel will have a box colectora of bale out, with covers of iron pierced.

5.1 it has converted the mamparo central transversal Number 11 in cuaderna, changing the iron in the
zone of pantoque and varenga in the side of port side; it has planted wing in all the perimeter of the
bao, cuaderna, varenga and pantoque.
5.2 it has withdrawn part of the mamparo longitudinal of bow (before withdrawing all the mamparo,
will enable and will plant the lengths, carlingas and mainstays of tube of 4” to bear the structure).
5.3 it has withdrawn the concrete inside the tunnel of the axis of propulsion to inspect the helmet and
the keel (stern).
5.4 it has enabled and planted the lengths, carlingas and mainstays on the port side and to estribor.
5.5 it has changed all the iron of the carlinga of the tunnel in the side of estribor.
5.6 it has repaired the cuadernas 9, 10, 13 and 14.


In what it determine the model of the engine propellant and obtain the drawings with the
characteristics and dimensions of east, will proceed to make the planes of the base of the engine
indicating the structure that will have to change, due to the fact that the current base and the structure
of the bottom like varengas longitudinal and on keel, etc., find entirely dilapidated, besides splits of the

To application of the armador situated all the tanks of fuel and the one of oil of the hydraulic system in
this compartment, modifying his height to install on the ceiling of these an auxiliary group, box of
batteries, etc.

6.1 it has changed the bao 18 of the saltillo by that was deteriorated.
6.2 it has changed the bao 19 with his cartelas.
6.3 it has reduced the height of the tanks of oil, the iron of the mamparo longitudinal of the inferior
part has withdrawn for being dilapidated and planted the iron of the top in replacement of the
inferior (the irons and reinforcements of angle are material recovered), on the port side and to
estribor, with cartelas of tie up.
6.4 it has changed the iron of the cuaderna 17 in the zone of the tank of oil (pantoque) on the port
side and to estribor.
6.5 it has withdrawn the mamparo longitudinal of the tank of oil in the upper zone and has left a
length in cover and vertical reinforcement in the mamparo 15 on the port side and to estribor.
6.6 it has changed a part of the sobrequilla central between the cuaderna 18 and 19.
6.7 it has planted in the varenga 19 a mamparo to manufacture a tank of daily oil between the
cuaderna 19 and the mamparo 20 until the height of the current flat.

7.- BOW
When inspecting the cover and the interior of the tank of collision of bow, found zones with a lot of wear
because of the corrosion in the external cover and his reinforcements (barraganetes); the iron of the
mamparo of collision presented too much socavación, afterwards to calibrate this and when finding
that the thickness was underneath of the acceptable minimum determined change it with all his vertical
reinforcements, besides will add a palmejar that by structural resistance was missing him.

7.1 it has withdrawn the iron of the cover of bow from the saltillo until the roda, with barraganetes
and brazolas of hatches.
7.2 it has withdrawn the flat of drainage of the pañol of chains.
7.3 it has made and placed new baos in the cuadernas 21 and 22.
7.4 it has made and planted a central length between the mamparo 20 and roda.
7.5 it has made and planted a buzarda in the roda.
7.6 it has made and planted a varenga in the cuaderna 21 until the bottom.
7.7 it has prepared and planted a cartela of anchorage of the chain of fondeo of ¾” thickness with
holes of 1 ½”Ø, on the inferior part of the roda.
7.8 it has withdrawn the mamparo Number 20 to change it.

7.9 it has withdrawn the concrete of the tank of collision of bow to change the mamparo 20
7.10 it has disassembled (by court) the tank of hydrocarbons soldered to the ancient mamparo of
collision (Number 20).
7.11 it has arenado and painted with anticorrosivo the inner helmet and has changed a traca in the
helmet to bow of the mamparo of collision, on of the upper knuckle, an area of 500 x 1250
aprox. On the port side and to estribor, before planting the mamparo.
7.12 it made and it planted the new mamparo 20 with all his reinforcements
7.13 it has planted the new iron of cover of bow with his reinforcements


To application of the armador is preparing the following planes:

1.- Enlargement of the tanks of oil of room of machines on the port side and to estribor, suppressing him the
ones of stern (lazareto).

2.- Modification of the ramp of stern forq ue was the drag by the stern.

3.- Design of the portico and descantes of drag, similar to the And/P “EOS”.

4.- Modification of the mirror of stern, will be vertical with light inclination to support the doors of drag.

5.- Structure of the bottom of stern in the zone of the keel, before planting this, due to the fact that the irons
are deteriorated and has to plant the new keel on new irons.


Afterwards to having obtained information of the craft pesquera original, to know the requests of
the armador with regard to the new tasks that developed this ship and to having posed the possible
modifications, will proceed to study in great depth all the changes proposed, to end to guarantee that
these make chord to the norms and parameters ingenieriles. For this will analyse initially, the structure
of the original craft and the structural modifications that plan make. Later we will see the changes in the
teams and systems of the ship and finally, with all the already clear-cut modifications, will study the
stability and francobordo of the craft.


Before carrying out all the attainable changes to the craft posed previously, is necessary to effect
an analysis of the new structure that will have the craft, to end to guarantee his rigidity and resistance
during the development of his operations.
For this will use “Rules for the construction and classification of crafts with lower length to 90
metres” of the American Bureau of Shipping – 2011, and will analyse the escantillonado of the craft, as
well as his irons, reinforcements and other structural elements.
Like initial step will effect a calculation of the escantillón minimum that it has to have the
embarcación, in base to his main dimensions (length, sleeve and mainstay), type of structure and
separation of reinforcements. Once obtained these data, will proceed to compare it with the
escantillonado original of the craft, to end to establish if the current structure is the sufficiently resistant,
contrary case will determine cuales are the structural elements that have to add , reinforce or modify so
that the craft fulfil with the requirements established by the rules of classification.

4.1.1 Definitions
According to the norm of classification, in the Part 3, Capitulate 1, Section 1, Numeral 3
(Lengths), for the use of the rules, the length of escantillonado (L) does not have to be minor to
96% neither elder to 97% of the length in the flotation of summer.
To calculate this value have to find first the calado of maximum load, which coincides
with the flotation of summer, for which resort to the national rule, which indicates that it took
like length (L), 96% of the total length in a line of flotation situated to a distance from the equal
keel to 85% of the mainstay of outline, by what have:
Mainstay modelling (D) : 3.33 m
85% D : 3.06 m
Length of flotation @ 85%D : 21.725 m
96% length of flotation : 20.856 m
According to the results obtained, can see that the value of the length of summer,
calculated with the methodology of the Regulation for the allocation of the line of maximum
load (20.856 m.) It finds out of rank, by what will take the minimum value according to the
ABS, with which have the following:
Flotation of summer : 3.4 m
Length of flowering in summer (LWL) : 21.982 m
96% (LWL) : 21.102 m.
Finally, the values that will employ in our calculations will be:
Length (L) : 25.08 m.
Sleeve (B) : 6.68 m.
Mainstay (D) : 3.33 m.
With these values will be able to begin to calculate all the escantillonado of the craft.

4.1.2 Separation between reinforcements

Of agreement to the indicated in the rules of classification, the separation between main
reinforcements (According to the type of structure of the craft) does not have to be greater to:
S = 508 + 0.83 L (m)
L : Length of the fuselage = 21.102 m.
Replacing have: S = 525.5 m.
By what the separation between reinforcements has to be lower to 525.5 mm
In our case, S = 500  Fulfils the condition

4.1.3 Calculation of the minimum thickness of irons in helmet and mamparos Thickness of irons of the bottom
As it indicates the norm in the part 3-2-2/3.3, the thickness of the irons of the bottom for
ships with longitudinal structure does not have to be minor to the obtained in the following
𝑡= + 2.5 𝑚𝑚.
t : Thickness of the iron of the bottom in mm.
s : Separation of longitudinal in mm. = 500 mm.
h : Calado In metres = 3.6 m.
 tmin = 6.2349. Thickness of irons of the side

Of agreement to the part 3-2-2/5.1 of the norm, the thickness of the irons of the side for
ships with longitudinal structure does not have to be minor to the obtained in the following
𝑡= + 2.5 𝑚𝑚.
t : Thickness of the iron of the side in mm.
s : Separation of longitudinal in mm. = 500 mm.
h : Calado In metres = 3.6 m.
 tmin = 6.039 Thickness of irons of cover

For the case of the irons of cover, in the part 3-2-3/3.1 of the norm establishes that
thickness of these does not have to be lower that the calculated in the following equation:
𝑡= + 2.5 𝑚𝑚.
t : Thickness of the iron of cover in mm.
s : Separation of longitudinal in mm. = 500 mm.
h : Taking like height the most critical case, that is the one of a cover that transports
load (h=3.66 m)

 tmin = 6.2659 Thickness of irons cost of castle

According to the norm, the minimum thickness of the irons of the side of the castle of
bow does not have to be minor to the calculated in the following equation:
𝑡 = 0.038 ∗ (𝐿 + 30.8) + 0.006 ∗ 𝑠 (𝑚𝑚)
t : Thickness of the iron of the side of castle in mm.
s : Separation between reinforcements in mm. = 500 mm.
L: Length of the craft according to previous calculations (L = 21.102 mm.)
tcmin = 4.97 mm. Thickness of irons of Mamparos

Of agreement to the established by the norm in the part 3-2-7/5.1, the minimum thickness
of the mamparos tight has to calculate of the following way:
√𝑞 ∗ ℎ
𝑡=𝑠∗𝑘∗ + 1.5 𝑚𝑚.
t : Thickness of the iron of the mamparo in mm.
S : Separation between reinforcements in mm. = 500 mm.
k, ∝ : Factors that depend on the form of the mamparo
q : 1
h : Distance between the inferior and upper part of the mamparo
Finding “h” for each mamparo analysed:
hM4 = 3.66 m.
hM10 = 3.60 m.
hM12 = 3.82 m.
hM1 6= 3.28 m.
c : Factor according to type of mamparo
254 (For mamparos of collision)
290 (For mamparos tight)
Replacing data have the following results:

M4 M10 M12 M16

s 500 500 500 500
α 2,164 1,457 2,551 1,032
k 1 0,9454 1 0,8027
q 1 1 1 1
h 3,66 3,68 3,82 3,29
c 290 290 290 254
t 4,798 4,627 4,870 4,366
tMin 6 6 6 6

According to the results obtained, can see that in all the cases, the thickness of the
mamparos is lower to the minimum value established by the norm (6mm.) By what took this
value like reference to the moment to effect the comparisons. Comparison and validation of the existent irons

Afterwards to calculate the minimum thickness that they have to have the irons of the
helmet and of the the mamparos chord to formulate them of the norm ABS, will proceed to
compare these values with the real thickness that has in the craft to end to validate these
structures. In case that detect that any of the existent irons is of a lower thickness to the
minimum value calculated, these will have to be changed by some of the suitable thickness so
that the craft fulfil with the requirements of the norm.
In the table Number 4.1 shows a comparison between the real thicknesses of the irons of the
craft and the values calculated:

Table Number 4.1: Comparison between real thicknesses and theorists according to ABS
Real thickness
UBICACION thickness ABS It fulfils
Iron of the bottom 8 6,234 If
Iron of the side 6,4 6,039 If
Iron of cover 6,4 6,266 If
Iron of caseta 6,4 4,970 If
Mamparo 4 6,4 4,798 If
Mamparo 10 6,4 4,627 If
Mamparo 12 6,4 4,870 If
Mamparo 16 6,4 4,366 If

As it can observe , all the existent irons in the craft fulfil with the minimum thickness
required as you formulate them of the ABS, by what remain validated, nevertheless is necessary
to effect a calibration of these to end to determine if they find in good conditions and if the real
thickness in physicist is between the permissible ranks.

4.1.4 Calculation of the escantillonado of the bottom of the helmet Calculation of Varengas
According to the formulas established by the ABS in the part 3-2-4/5.3.1 (Structure of
simple bottoms), the Modulate of section of the varengas reinforced will not have to be minor to
the value obtained of the following equation:
𝑺𝑴 = 𝟕. 𝟖 ∗ 𝒄 ∗ 𝒉 ∗ 𝒔 ∗ 𝒍𝟐 (𝑐𝑚3 )
SM = Modulate of section of the varenga reinforced (cm3 )
h = Distance between bottom of the varenga and the cover to the side (m)
c = 0.915
s = Separation between varengas (m)
l = Luz no borne of the varenga (m)

Replacing the variables with the real values of the craft, will obtain the Modulate of
minimum section that they have to have the varengas according to the rules of the ABS. Once
calculated these values, will proceed to compare them with the Modulate of Section that have the
varengas existent, to end to validate said structure, for which will have to effect the calculation
of the Modulate of section of the ordinary form.
In the following table can see the structural configuration of the varengas existent in the
craft by zones:

Profile of Alma Wing

Varenga Thickness Long Thickness Long
Lazareto T 8 300 8 100
Cellar L 8 200 8 100
Room of
L 8 200 8 100
Inside the varengas that will analyse will include the Varengas Number 6 and 8, which
formed from Mamparos existent, the same that they will be withdrawn like part of the
modifications done to the craft. These mamparos cut forming a structural ring, conformed by the
varengas, cuadernas and baos, with dimensions and similar forms to the structures aledañas.
Likewise it installed a varenga additional (Number 6To) which helped to reduce the efforts
formed in the new location of the central hatch. In the Table Number 4.2 cann see the variables
used to calculate the modulate of section of the varengas according to the ABS and the
comparison with the Modulate of the Varengas existent:

TABLE 4.2: Calculation of Varengas

ZONE VARENGA c h s l MS ABS MS Real It fulfils

Varenga To 0,915 1,99 2,29 2,98 287,2 470,3 IF

Varenga 2 0,915 2,21 1,70 3,12 261,7 466,0 IF
Varenga 5 0,915 2,79 0,90 2,46 108,5 258,0 IF
Varenga 6 0,915 2,88 0,87 2,54 114,3 239,5 IF
Varenga 6To 0,915 2,66 0,92 2,56 114,0 258,2 IF
Cellar Varenga 7 0,915 2,73 0,85 2,57 109,0 257,3 IF
Varenga 8 0,915 2,77 0,80 2,57 104,7 238,7 IF
Varenga 9 0,915 3,15 1,23 2,56 180,6 261,1 IF
Varenga 10 0,915 3,19 1,43 2,49 201,5 262,4 IF
Varenga 11 0,915 3,30 1,21 2,40 163,1 260,9 IF
Room of Varenga 12 0,915 3,25 1,24 2,25 146,0 261,2 IF
Varenga 13 0,915 3,21 1,55 2,42 208,3 263,0 IF
Varenga 14 0,915 3,08 1,54 2,00 135,4 262,9 IF

Varenga 15 0,915 2,84 1,21 1,50 55,3 261,0 IF

As it can observe , all the varengas existent surpass the value of the Modulate of
minimum Section that establishes the ABS, by what these structures can remain installed in the
craft. Calculation of Vagras

As I mention previously, one of the main modifications that had to suffer the craft, was
the retreat of his mamparos longitudinal situated in the cellars. To end of not altering the
structural resistance in this zone, formed vagras and lengths reinforced, which were borne by
mainstays. To determine the dimensions that had to have these vagras, apply formulate them of
the ABS in the part 3-2-4/5.3.1 where establishes that the Modulate of section of the Vagras
reinforced will not have to be minor to the value obtained of the following equation:
𝑺𝑴 = 𝟕. 𝟖 ∗ 𝒄 ∗ 𝒉 ∗ 𝒔 ∗ 𝒍𝟐 (𝑐𝑚3 )
SM = Modulate of section of the vagra reinforced (cm3)
c = 0.915
h = Distance from the centre of the supported area by the vagra until the cover
to the side: 3.018 m
s = Separation between vagras: 1.5 m
l = Luz no borne of the vagra: 1.57m
Replacing values have to:
SM=79.639 cm3

With the Modulate of section calculated, can determine the dimensions that has to have
the vagra so that it fulfil with the specifications of the ABS.
If we consider a vagra with a profile “T”, of 200x6.4mm. Of soul and 100x8mm. Of
wing, can notice that his Module of resultant Section is of 243.38 cm3, surpassing to the
minimum required by the clasificadora. Calculation of Longitudinal background
According to the rules established by the ABS, in the part 3-2-4/5.7, the Modulate of
section of the background longitudinal reinforcements has to calculate applying the following
𝑺𝑴 = 𝟕. 𝟖 ∗ 𝒄 ∗ 𝒉 ∗ 𝒔 ∗ 𝒍𝟐 (𝑐𝑚3 )
SM = Modulate of section of the longitudinal reinforcements (cm3)
h = Distance from the centre of the longitudinal to the cover to the side
c = 1.0
s = Separation between reinforcements (m)
l = Luz no borne by the reinforcements (m)
Replacing the variables with the dimensions of the existent longitudinal reinforcements obtain
the following results:

Thickness Length
ZONE c h s l MSABS MS REAL It fulfils
(mm.) (mm.)

Lazareto 12,7 125 1 2,80 0,5 2,30 57,77 64,61 IF

Cellars 12,7 100 1 3,51 0,5 1,05 15,37 42,76 IF
Room of
12,7 100 1 3,59 0,5 1,27 22,69 42,76 IF

As we can observe, all the longitudinal existent surpass the value of the Modulate of
minimum Section required by the ABS, by what do not require effect any change in these

4.1.5 Calculation of the escantillonado of the side of the helmet

To the equal that in the calculation of the escantillonado background, will effect an
analysis of the structure of the side of the craft applying the rules of the ABS, this with the
purpose to validate the capacity and structural resistance of the existent reinforcements and of
the modifications that pretend make. Calculation of Bulárcamas

Of agreement to the norms established by the ABS in the part 3-2-5/7.1, the calculation of
the Modulate of Section of the bulárcamas of a craft with longitudinal structure obtains applying
the following equation:
𝑺𝑴 = 𝟕. 𝟖 ∗ 𝒄 ∗ 𝒉 ∗ 𝒔 ∗ 𝒍𝟐 (𝑐𝑚3 )
SM = Modulate of section of the bulárcamas (cm3)
h = Vertical distance in m. From the half point of the bulárcama, until the cover to the
side, but no lower to the result of the following relation: 0.02*L+0.46 m.
c = 0.915 to stern of the Hammer of Bow
1.13 in the hammer of bow
s = Separation between bulárcamas (m)
l = Luz no borne by the bulárcamas, taken in a straight line (m)
Applying the same procedure that use in the calculation of the reinforcements of the
bottom, will replace the variables with the real values of the craft, obtaining like this the
Modulate of minimum section that they have to have the bulárcamas according to the rules of the
ABS. Once calculated these values, will proceed to compare them with the Modulate of real
Section that have the bulárcamas existent, to end to validate said structure, for which will have to
effect the calculation of the Modulate of section of the ordinary form.
In the following table can see the profile and structural dimensions of the bulárcamas
existent in the craft by zones:
Profile of Alma Wing
Varenga Thickness Long Thickness Long

Lazareto T 8 200 8 100

Cellar L 8 200 8 100

Room of Scheme L 8 200 8 100

Inside the structures that will analyse find the Bulárcamas Number 6 and 8, which
formed from the Mamparos of the same number, the same that they will be withdrawn like part
of the modifications done to the craft.
These mamparos will be cut giving form to the bulárcamas, with dimensions and similar
forms to the structures aledañas. Likewise it installed a bulárcama additional (Number 6To),
which bear the efforts formed in the new position of the central hatch.
In the Table Number 4.3 can observe the variables used to calculate the modulate of
section of the bulárcamas according to the ABS and the comparison with the Modulate of the
bulárcamas existent:
TABLE Number 4.3: Calculation of Bulárcamas
ZONE BULARCAMA c h s l MS ABS MS Real It fulfils

Lazareto Bulárcama To 0,915 0,88 2,30 1,77 45,6 262,6 IF

Bulárcama 5 0,915 1,06 0,90 2,14 31,3 253,9 IF
Bulárcama 6 0,915 1,09 0,87 2,19 32,2 236,0 IF
Bulárcama 6To 0,915 1,12 0,92 2,24 36,6 254,1 IF
Cellar Bulárcama 7 0,915 1,14 0,85 2,28 35,7 253,0 IF
Bulárcama 8 0,915 1,15 0,80 2,31 34,9 235,2 IF
Bulárcama 9 0,915 1,16 1,24 2,33 55,3 257,6 IF
Bulárcama 10 0,915 1,15 1,43 2,32 63,3 259,0 IF
Bulárcama 11 1,13 1,14 1,21 2,32 65,5 257,3 IF
Room of Bulárcama 13 1,13 1,15 1,55 2,34 85,2 259,7 IF
machines Bulárcama 14 1,13 1,06 1,54 2,29 75,7 259,6 IF
Bulárcama 15 1,13 1,11 1,21 2,23 59,0 257,3 IF

As it can observe , all the bulárcamas existent surpass the value of the Modulate of
minimum Section that establishes the ABS, by what these structures can remain installed in the
craft. Calculation of Longitudinal of side

According to the rules established by the ABS, in the part 3-2-5/3.1, the Modulate of
section of the longitudinal reinforcements of side has to calculate applying the following
𝑺𝑴 = 𝟕. 𝟖 ∗ 𝒄 ∗ 𝒉 ∗ 𝒔 ∗ 𝒍𝟐 (𝑐𝑚3 )
SM = Modulate of section of the longitudinal reinforcements (cm3)
h = Distance from the centre of the longitudinal until the cover to the side, but no
lower to the result of the following relation: 0.02*L+0.46 m.
c = 0.915
s = Separation between reinforcements (m)
l = Luz no borne by the reinforcements (m)
Replacing the variables with the dimensions of the existent longitudinal reinforcements obtain
the following results:

Thickness Length
ZONE c h s l MSABS MS REAL It fulfils
(mm.) (mm.)

Lazareto 12,7 100 0,915 1,48 0,59 2,50 38,95 41,88 IF

Cellars 12,7 100 0,915 1,72 0,595 1,66 20,38 41,90 IF

Room of
12,7 100 0,915 1,77 0,612 1,82 25,98 41,99 IF

As we can observe, all the background longitudinal reinforcements existent present a

Modulate of upper section to the minimum established by the norms of the ABS, by what is not
necessary to change these structures.

4.1.6 Calculation of the escantillonado of the cover of the helmet Calculation of Baos

To end to determine if the Baos existent and installed, present the structural resistance
that requires the craft, resort to the ABS which establishes in the part 3-2-6/3.3 that the Modulate
of minimum Section of these structures calculates by means of the following relation:
𝑺𝑴 = 𝟕. 𝟖 ∗ 𝒄 ∗ 𝒃 ∗ 𝒉 ∗ 𝒍𝟐 (𝑐𝑚3 )
SM = Modulate of minimum section of the baos reinforced (cm3)
c = 0.6
h = In free covers without superstructures on:
h = 0.02*L + 0.76
In covers with superstructures on:
h = 0.02*L+0.46 m.
b = Space between transversal reinforcements (m)
l = Length no borne by the reinforcements (m)
In the case of the craft in analysis, the baos existent present the following structural
Profile of Alma Wing
Varenga Thickness Long Thickness Long

Lazareto T 8 200 8 100

Cellar T-L 8 200 8 100

Room of Scheme T-L 8 250 8 100

Inside the structures that will analyse, will include the Baos Number6, and 8, the same
that they formed from mamparos existent and took the form of the structures aledañas. Likewise
it formed a bao additional (Number 6To), which helped to bear the efforts of the new central
Analysing the baos of the craft with formulate them of the ABS obtain the results showed
in the table Number 4.4:
TABLE Number 4.4: Calculation of Baos

ZONE BAOS c h b l MS ABS MS Real It fulfils

Baos To 0,6 1,18 1,65 3,20 93,0 260,2 IF

Baos 2 0,6 1,18 1,60 3,23 92,3 260,0 IF
Baos 5 0,6 1,18 0,90 2,56 32,7 253,9 IF
Baos 6 0,6 1,18 0,87 2,56 31,4 236,0 IF
Baos 6To 0,6 1,18 0,92 3,00 45,6 254,1 IF
Baos 7 0,6 1,18 0,85 1,90 17,0 253,1 IF
Baos 8 0,6 1,18 0,80 1,90 16,0 235,2 IF
Baos 9 0,6 1,18 1,24 3,00 61,7 257,6 IF
Baos 10 0,6 1,18 1,07 2,55 38,5 256,0 IF
Baos 10To 0,6 1,18 0,60 1,50 7,4 247,6 IF
Baos 11 0,6 1,18 0,97 2,50 33,5 254,8 IF
Baos 12 0,6 0,88 1,24 2,43 30,0 257,6 IF
Room of Baos 13 0,6 0,88 1,55 6,00 229,6 259,7 IF
machines Baos 14 0,6 0,88 1,54 5,50 192,3 259,6 IF
Baos 15 0,6 0,88 1,21 5,01 125,4 257,3 IF

As it can observe , all the baos existent in the craft and those that installed later surpass
extensively the minimum value of the Modulate of Section established by the ABS, by what
these structures can remain installed in the craft. Calculation of Longitudinal of cover

To the equal that in the previous cases, will use the rules of classification of the ABS to
calculate the Module of minimum Section that they have to have the longitudinal reinforcements
of cover and in base to this compare with the existent reinforcements to end to validate them. In
the part 3-2-6/1.3 of the Norm establishes the following relation for calculation of MS of the
reinforcements of cover:
𝑺𝑴 = 𝟕. 𝟖 ∗ 𝒄 ∗ 𝒉 ∗ 𝒔 ∗ 𝒍𝟐 (𝑐𝑚3 )
SM = Modulate of section of the longitudinal of cover (cm3)
c = 0.6
h = In free covers without superstructures: h = 0.02*L + 0.76
In covers with superstructures on: h = 0.02*L+0.46 m.
s = Separation between reinforcements (m)
l = Luz no borne by the reinforcements (m)
Replacing the variables with the dimensions of the existent longitudinal reinforcements obtain
the following results:

Thickness Length
ZONE c h b l MSABS MSREAL It fulfils
(mm.) (mm.)

Lazareto 12,7 100 0,6 1,18 0,5 1,93 10,30 41,35 IF

Cellars 12,7 100 0,6 1,18 0,5 1,67 7,71 42,76 IF

Room of
12,7 100 0,6 0,88 0,5 1,82 6,84 42,76 IF

As we can observe, all the longitudinal reinforcements of existent cover present a

Modulate of upper section to the minimum established by the norms of the ABS, by what is not
necessary to change these structures. Calculation of the Modulate of Section of the lengths

According to the norms established by the ABS in the part 3-2-6/3.3, the Modulate of
minimum section that they have to have the lengths reinforced obtains applying the following
𝑺𝑴 = 𝟕. 𝟖 ∗ 𝒄 ∗ 𝒉 ∗ 𝒃 ∗ 𝒍𝟐 (𝑐𝑚3 )
SM = Modulate of minimum section of the baos reinforced (cm3)
c = 0.6
h = In free covers without superstructures: h = 0.02*L + 0.76
In covers with superest. On: h = 0.02*L+0.46 m.
b = Space between transversal reinforcements (m)
l = Length no borne by the reinforcements (m)
Inside the lengths that will analyse find those that formed from the mamparos
longitudinal of the original craft and that they were withdrawn to make the modification. These
lengths are profile L with Wing:135x6.4 and Alma 100x8 mm.
Replacing the variables with the data found in the craft obtain the following results:
Profile Alma Wing
Length t Long t Long
Room of
machines I 12,7 135 - - 0,6 1,18 3,23 1,36 33,0 79,7 IF
Stern L 6,4 135 8 100 0,6 1,18 2,32 2,75 97,0 168,1 IF
Cellar Bow L 6,4 135 8 100 0,6 1,18 2,32 4,02 58,7 168,1 IF

As we can observe all the lengths surpass the Modulate of minimum section established
by the ABS, by what these structures can remain installed in the craft. Calculation of mainstays

As I explain previously, one of the modifications that effected in the craft was the retreat
of the mamparos longitudinal of the cellars, since this zone had to remain free for the storage of
loads been used to of big dimension. To end of not altering the structural resistance of the craft,
opt for installing 8 mainstays of 4” diameter - SCH 40 inside the cellar, situating them between
the lengths and vagras that formed from the mamparo withdrawn.

Before making this modification, analysed the norms of the ABS with the end to
determine the dimensions that had to have the mainstays so that they fulfil with the requests of
necessary resistance.
As it indicates in the part 3-2-6/5.3 of the ABS, the permissible load that can bear each
mainstay can calculate by means of the following relation:
𝑾𝒂 = (𝒌 − 𝒓
) ∗ 𝑇𝑜 (𝐾𝑁)
Wa = Loads in KN
k = 12.09
n = 0.0444
l = Length no borne of the mainstay = 265 cms.
r = Irradiate of minimum twist of the mainstay = 3.835
To = transversal Area of the mainstay = 20.45 cm2
 WTo = 184.498 (KN)

Afterwards to calculate the admissible load of the mainstay, happen to determine which is
the load under which worked the mainstay, for this analyse the section 3-2-6/5.5 where
establishes the following relation:
𝑾 =𝒏∗𝒃∗𝒉∗𝒔 (𝐾𝑁)
W = Loads that it bears the mainstay in KN
n = 7.04
b = Half width of the supported area: 2.216 m.
s = Half length of the supported area = 1.477 m.
h = Height for mainstays that bear greater loads to 2.636 Kgf/m2 (h = 3.66 m)
Replacing the real data in the equation obtain the following:
 W = 84.33 (KN)

As we can see in the results obtained, the load that bears the mainstay is lower to his
admissible value, by what the selection and installation of these elements remains validated.

4.1.7 Cálculo of Mamparos Cálculo of the irons of the mamparos
According to the norms established by the ABS in the section 3-2-7/5.1, the thickness of
the irons of the mamparos has to be elder to the value obtained in the following equation:
√𝒒 ∗ 𝒉
𝒕=𝒔∗𝒌∗ + 𝟏. 𝟓 (𝑚𝑚)
But “t” does not have to be lower to 6mm. Or 𝟐𝟎𝟎 + 𝟐. 𝟓, the one who was greater
t = Thickness of the iron in mm.
s = Separation between reinforcements of the mamparo
(3.075∗√𝛼− 2.077)
k = , (1≤ α ≤2)
1 , α>2
To = Relación of lengths (Length long side/ short side)

q = 1
h = Distance between the lowest edge of the iron and the cover of
compartmentalized in the centre of the fuselage
c = 254 for mamparos of collision
290 for another type of mamparos
Replacing the values, with the data of the mamparos existent find the following:
ZONE s k q h c tABS t Real It fulfils
Mamparo 4 500 1 1 3,07 290 4,5 6,4 If
Mamparo 10To 500 0,931 1 3,73 290 4,6 6,4 If
As it can
Mamparo 12 500 0,802 1 3,69 290 4,2 6,4 If observe ,
the Mamparo 16 500 1 1 2,48 254 4,6 6,4 If mamparos
existent present a thickness of upper iron to the recommended by the ABS, by what these
structures remain validated to remain installed in the craft. Calculation of reinforcements of the mamparos

According to the norms established by the ABS in the part 3-2-7/5.3, the minimum value
of the modulate of section of the reinforcements of the mamparos has to calculate following the
following relation:
𝑺𝑴 = 𝟕. 𝟖 ∗ 𝒄 ∗ 𝒉 ∗ 𝒔 ∗ 𝒍𝟐 (𝑐𝑚3 )
c = 0.3 for reinforcements that have of effective consoles in both extremes of
his light
h = Distance from the half of the mamparo until the cover of
compartmentalized in the cuaderna master.
S = Separation between reinforcements
l = Distance in metres between the feet of the consoles of union
Replacing the real data in the variables of the equation will obtain the value of Modulate
of minimum section that they have to have the reinforcements of the mamparo, which will
compare with the existent reinforcements to end to determine if necessary effect some
modification in these elements:
ZONE c h s l MS ABS MSReal

Mamparo 4
0,3 1,54 0,50 2,73 13,4 19,8
Mamparo 10To
0,3 1,82 0,50 3,00 19,2 19,8
Mamparo 12
0,30 1,71 0,50 2,16 9,3 19,8
Mamparo 16
0,30 0,87 0,50 2,96 9,0 19,8

As we can observe, all the mamparos existent present vertical reinforcements with a modulate of
upper section to the demanded by the ABS, by what is not necessary to effect any modification
in these structural elements.



To the equal that the changes made in the general structure, is possible that the diverse systems
with the account the craft require of some modifications that allow them condition to the new activities
and tasks that made the craft.
In reason of this, will analyse all the existent systems and will determine if necessary effect some
modification in his design or configuration. Likewise, it will define if necessary implement some new
system in the craft. For this, will take like reference the recommendations given by the American
Bureau of Shipping (ABS) in his “Rules for the Construction and classification of Crafts of lower Steel
to 90 metres”, as well as other texts of similar projects.
4.2.1 System of Propulsion
Like initial step in the analysis of the systems, will verify if the elements that compose
the system propulsivo of the craft are properly dimensionados for which will resort to the rules
of the American Buretoor of Shiping which establishes in the part 4-3-1/7.1 that the calculation
of the axis of propulsion calculates by means of the following relation:
𝟑 𝑯 𝑪𝟏
𝑫 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎 ∗ 𝑲 ∗ √ ∗ (𝑚𝑚)
𝑹 𝑶𝒓 + 𝑪𝟐
D = minimum Diameter required for the axis of propulsion
K = Factor of design of the axis of propulsion (1.26 according to tables)
H = Improves (270 Kw)
R = Revolutions by minute (300)
C1 = 560 (Considering the worst condition of work)
C2 = 160
Or = Effort of the material (415 N/mm)
Replacing the variables have the following result:
D = 120.58 mm.
According to the result obtained, the diameter of the axis has to be greater to 120.58mm. In the
case of the craft analysed, this presents a diameter of axis of 5” (127mm.), by what finds
properly dimensionado and only would suffice to analyse if it is in mint condition to validate his
4.2.2 System of Bale out
According to the norms established by the ABS, in the Part 4, Capitulate 4 “Bombs and
Systems of pipes), section 3 “Systems of sentina and ballast - Bombs of Bale out”, all the self-
propelled crafts, with greater length to the 20m. They have to have of two bombs of bale out
accionadas of mechanical form, one of which can be accionada by the unit of propulsion and the
another of manual form.
The minimum discharge that they have to have of these bombs will depend of the size of
length of the ship, having in the case of the craft in study a minimum discharge of 11.36 m3/hr
(Ships between 20 and 30.5 metres).
The bombs are situated in room of scheme and are joined up to two manifolds, which
connect to the lines of suction situated in the distinct compartments of the craft. Calculation of the diameter of the pipe of bale out

According to the norms established by the ABS in the section 4-4-3/5.9, the inner
diameter minimum that have to have the pipes of suction of the sentinas has to be of the
commercial size more next, inside a margin of 6mm., to the obtained in the following equation:
a) For the diameter of the main lines of suction:

𝒅𝒑 = 𝟐𝟓 + 𝟏. 𝟔𝟖 ∗ √𝑳 ∗ (𝑩 + 𝑫) (𝑚𝑚)

L = Length of the fuselage in metres (21.102 m.)
B = Sleeve of the fuselage in metres (6.68 m.)
D = Mainstay of the ship in metres (3.6 m.)
Replacing the values obtain:
dP = 49.74 mm.
We look for in the catalogues a pipe with a near diameter to the value obtained and select the one
of 2” SCH 40, whose inner diameter is of 52.501 mm.

b) For the diameter of the ramales secondary

𝒅𝒔 = 𝟐𝟓 + 𝟐. 𝟏𝟔 ∗ √𝒄 ∗ (𝑩 + 𝑫) (𝑚𝑚)
c = Size of compartment (In our case the biggest compartment is the one of cellar
with length = 5.5 m.)
Replacing values have:
dS = 41.24 mm.
With the value obtained, look for in the catalogues a pipe with the inner diameter more next,
selecting a tube of 2” SCH 40.

4.2.3 System Contraincendios

According to the norms established by the ABS, in the part 4, capitulate 5 “Systems
contraincendios”, section 3 “Requests for lower crafts to 500 Ton. Gross”, all the crafts have to
have at least two bombs against fire, one of which has to be independent and of accionamiento
mechanical, and the another can be connected to the unit of propulsion. The capacity of the
bombs contraincendios, for the craft in study, does not have to be lower to 11 m3/hr according to
On the other hand, and fulfilling with the specifications established by the ABS in the
part 4-5-1/5.9, have installed two valves against fire of 38 mm. Of diameter, each one with his
respective hose and python, situating one of 15 m. In the entrance of room of scheme and
another of 30m. In the mamparo back of the caseta.
Regarding portable extinguishers, followed the recommendations given by the ABS in
the part 4-5-1/Tables I and II, selecting the following portable teams:
- In room of scheme plant an extinguisher ofCO 2 of 12 Kg. And one of PQS of 9 kg.
- In hand-held bridge plant a portable extinguisher ofCO 2 of 5Kg.
- An extinguisher of type CO2 of 5 Kg. In the kitchen.
- An extinguisher of foam of 9 Lts. In the caseta of passengers.
- An extinguisher of type CO2 of 5 kg. In the descent to room of scheme.

4.2.4 System of Government

The craft in study, presents a system of government accionado by means of a hydraulic
team of an alone piston, which is connected to the top of the axis of the shovel and is governed
from the bridge of main control.

The movements of the piston activate by means of an installed hydraulic bomb in room of
scheme, which is connected to the main engine by means of fajas and that it is controlled from
the bridge of control by means of a directional valve. Calculation of the lining of the shovel of the rudder

Of agreement to the norms established by the ABS in the part 3-2-11/19.3, the minimum
thickness of the irons of the shovel of rudder does not have to be lower to the calculated in the
following relation:
tb = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟓 ∗ 𝒔 ∗ 𝑽𝒓 + 𝟐. 𝟓 (𝑚𝑚)
s = Separation between reinforcements of the shovel in mm. (In this case, s = 400 mm.)
Vd = 10 Knots
Vr = (Vd+20)/3 , substituting Vd, Vr = 10 knots
Replacing have to:
tb = 8.5 mm.
Verifying the lining of the rudder, could observe that the current thickness (t = 15.8 mm.) It is
greater to the minimum required, by what is not necessary to effect change of irons. Calculation of the strength of design of the rudder

As the established by the ABS, in the part 3-2-11/3.1, the strength actuante on the rudder
calculated by means of the following relation:
CR = n*kr*kc*kl*To*Vr2 (KN)
n = 0.132
kr = + 𝟐, but no lower to 1.33
b = Half height of the shovel m.
At = Great of the area of the shovel and the horn of the shovel in m 2 = 2.3 m2
kc = Dependent coefficient of the profile of the shovel, in this case k c = 1
kl = Dependent coefficient of the location of the shovel, in our case
kl = 0.8
To = Area of the surface of the shovel = 2.09 m2
Vr = Speed of the fuselage (Vel. Advance= 10, Vel. Shrinking = 7 knots)
Replacing data have the following:
CR advance = 23.76 KN
CR shrinking = 11.64 KN Calculation of the moment torsor of the rudder

As the established by the ABS, in the part 3-2-11/5.3, the moment torsor actuante on the
rudder calculated by means of the following relation:
QR = CR*r (N.m)
CR = Forces actuante on the rudder in KN
r = c*[α - k], but no lower to 0.1*c
c = Wide half of the shovel
α = Dependent coefficient of location of the shovel
k = Af/To,

Af = Area behind axis of the shovel = 0.337

To = total Area of the shovel = 2.09
Replacing the data, so much for the condition of advance, as of shrinking obtain the following:
Advance Shrinking
Cr 23,76 11,64
c 1,20 1,20
α 0,25 0,55
k 0,16 0,16
r 0,11 0,47
Qr 2,54 5,43 Calculation of the upper axis of the rudder

Of agreement to the norms given by the ABS in the part 3-2-11/7.1, the diameter of the upper
axis of the rudder calculated applying the following relation:
S = NOr*√𝑸𝒓 ∗ 𝑲𝒔
NOr = 42.0
QR = Moment torsor of the rudder
Ks = Corresponding factor to the type of material

Replacing the data, so much for the condition of advance, as of shrinking obtain the following:
Advance Shrinking
Qr 2,50 5,43
ks 0,82 0,82
Nu 42,00 42,00
S 53,35 69,10

The upper axis of the rudder of the craft in analysis presents a diameter of 4” (101.6 mm) elder
to the obtained in the calculations, by what remains validated according to the norms of the ABS.
Nevertheless it has to effect a calibration and inspection of said axis to end to verify if it finds
in good conditions. Calculation of the inferior axis of the rudder

Of agreement to the norms given by the ABS in the part 3-2-11/7.3, the diameter of the
inferior axis of the rudder calculated applying the following relation:
𝟔 𝟒 𝑴
Sl = S* √𝟏 + ௻ ∗ 𝑸𝒓
S = Diameter of the upper axis of the rudder
M = ∗ 𝒍𝒄
To1 = Area behind the axis man
To = total Area of the rudder
lc = Distance between centreof To 1 and To
Replacing the data, so much for the condition of advance, as of shrinking obtain the following:

Advance Shrinking
S 53,35 69,10
Qr 2,54 5,43
Cr 23,76 11,64
To1 0,34 0,34
To 2,09 2,09
lc 0,49 0,49
Mn 1,88 0,92
Sl 58,44 69,53

The inferior axis of the rudder of the craft in analysis presents a diameter of 4” (101.6 mm) elder
to the obtained in the calculations, by what remains validated according to the norms of the ABS.
Nevertheless it has to effect a calibration and inspection of said axis to end to verify if it finds
in good conditions.

4.2.5 Freshwater system

The freshwater system of the craft is conformed by a high tank of 153 gal., which is
situated in the central part of the cover of the caseta and from where resupplies water, through a
system of pipes, to the following points of consumption:
- Lavatorios And bathrooms of the crew
- Lavatorios Of kitchen
- Tank of expansion of main engine
The pipes of freshwater distribution are of steel ASTM To53 galvanised, of ½” of diameter and
with threaded connections.

4.2.6 System of Fuel

The system of fuel of the craft consists of two tanks of daily service of 849 Gal. Each
one, situated in the lazareto, and from where resupplies fuel, to the main engine and others
scheme with which explains the ship.
The pipes used in the system of fuel are of ¾”ϕ – SCH 40, in the feeding and ½” ϕ in the


Afterwards to having made the corresponding modifications so much in the structure, as in the
systems of the ship, have to effect a preliminary study of stability, to end to determine if the craft
modified fulfils with the necessary requests to sail and make his operations in altamar of safe form, or if
necessary effect some correction that allow him reach said condition.
For the development of this study, will use the results that obtained in the proof of stability that
make to the craft before they did him the modifications (Weight of the craft and centre of gravity) and
will add him the weights incorporated to the ship and will remove those that were withdrawn, to end to
give with a weight and centre of gravity approximated.

Later, we will analyse the parameters of stability in the distinct conditions of operation of the
ship and will compare them with some criteria that will describe more advance, to end to verify if the
craft fulfils with the same.
Finally, and in base to the results obtained in the study, will determine if necessary effect some
correction in the craft, to end to arrive to the conditions of stability wished.

4.3.1 Criteria of stability

Before making the study of stability, have to define and analyse the criteria and norms
that will use to verify if the craft is stable. For this will use the regulations established by the
General Direction of Captaincies and Guardacostas of the Peru, in his Resolution Directoral
Number 0474-98/DCG of 1998, in which it establishes the “Norms for the Preparation and
execution of the proofs of stability to national Ships that make aquatic activities in the sea, rivers
and navigable lakes”.
Likewise, we will analyse the norms implanted by the Organización Maritime
International (OMI), in the Resolution To.749 (18) of 1998, where establishes the “Code of
stability without failure for all the types of fuselages governed by the instruments of the OMI”.
In this norm, will employ the criteria for Fuselages of supply Mar inside, since it is the one who
fulfils with the conditions of work of the craft transformed. Criterion of static stability

Of agreement to the established by the National Maritime Authority, in the “Norms for
the Preparation and execution of the proofs of stability to national Ships that make aquatic
activities in the sea, rivers and navigable lakes”, Articulate 11, will accept like satisfactory result
of a proof of stability, the calculations that determine that a craft presents a Transversal
Metacentric Height of 450 mm. Like minimum.
On the other hand, the IMO establishes that this value does not have to be lower to 0.9 m. Criteria of dynamic stability

To validate the results of the analysis of the dynamic stability of the craft, will employ the
criteria established by the International Maritime Organisation (OMI) of 19 93 in the resolution
To749, where establish the following:
a) The area under the curve of arms adrizantes (Curve GZ) until an Angulo of escora of 30 degrees,
will not have to be lower that 0.055 metres-irradiate
Area(0-30º) ≥ 0.055 m-rad
b) The area under the curve of arms adrizantes, until an angle of escora of 40 degrees or until an
angle of inclination Øf , if this angle is lower that 40 degrees, will not have to be lower that 0.09
metres – irradiate:
Area(0º-40º) ≥ 0.09 m-rad
c) The area under the curve of arms adrizantes between the angles of escora of 30 and 40 degrees or
between 30 and Øf, if this is a lower angle to 40º, will not have to be lower to 0.03 metres –
Area (30-40º) ≥ 0.03 m-rad
Where Øf is an angle of escora in which the apertures of the case, superstructures or casetas that
can not close of tight way to the intemperie begin to close .

d) The arm adrizante GZ will be at least of 200 mm. For an angle of escora equal or elder that 30

GZ(30º) ≥ 200 mm.

e) The maximum value of the arm adrizante GZmax, will give for an angle of escora no lower to 25
Ø(GZ Max) ≥ 25º
f) The metacentric height initial will not have to be lower that 350 mm.
GM0 ≥ 0.35m. Francobordo Minimum

To end to avoid that the crafts make his operations in altamar overburden, reaching levels
of flotation above the line of maximum load, the National Maritime Authority established by
means of the Resolution Directoral 0223-96/DCG of 14 August 1996 , the “Norms for the
allocation of the line of maximum load for ships Marítimas”, as which:
Francobordo Basic of the craft = 293.1 mm.

4.3.2 Development of the study of stability

Once defined the criteria and norms under which will validate the study of stability, will
proceed to develop it, for this will use the software of naval engineer “MAXSURF”, which will
allow us modelar the helmet of the craft, calculate and graficar his hydrodynamic properties
(hydrostatic Curves and crusades), as well as simulate and analyse the behaviour of the ship in
his distinct conditions of operation. Calculation of the trip and centre of gravity

Like initial step, have to modelar the helmet of the craft with the modifications made, so
much in the external part as in the inner compartments, for which will use the plane of lines of
form of the craft modified. Later, we have to identify all the elements that withdrew and
installed in the craft, estimating his weight and centre of gravity, and will add them to the results
obtained in the proof of initial stability to obtain the weight and centre of gravity of the craft
In the table Number 4.5 can observe all the elements that withdrew and installed in the
craft during the modification, as well as the final calculation of the trip in light:


In the present chapter will identify and will present all the costs and costs made in the process of
transformation of the Craft of service pesquero of drag, from the proof of stability made initially, until
the desvarada in the dockyard afterwards to having concluded the works, obtaining of this form the total
Likewise we will make an analysis cost-profit, to end to determine if the project results
profitable for the armador.
In this sense, is important to highlight that the aim of the project is not to look for a high
profitability, but rather, guarantee that the operations that require the armador make in the moment and
place required, with the immediate availability of this craft.


The realisation of the Project of transformation of the craft of fishing type hover to Craft of
fishing type arrastrero, sued a big economic investment of part of the armador, since it had to solve the
costs of work (works of metalmecánica, carpentry, painting, etc.), the technical study-ingenieril of the
project, the acquisition of teams and material, the transfer and stay of the craft in the dockyard, as well
as the costs by the documentation and licences that demands the maritime authority and the insurance
To continuation, in the table Number 5.1, will detail all the costs that sue the project, for which
will resort to order them of service and of purchase of the armador, as well as the bills and budgets that
have registered. It is important to highlight that the present project make in the year 2010, by what is
likely that some of the values that will mention do not coincide with the current costs, because of the
fluctuations of the market and the change in the price of some materials.
Table Number 5.1: Detail of costs of the modification
Proof of initial stability 1800
Varada And desvarada 1250
1 ASTILLERO Stay 1500
Proof of final stability 1800
Sub Total 6350
Study of initial stability 15 00
INGENIERIA And Design of the modification 2200
2 DESIGN Information for DICAPI 100 0
Study of final stability 15 00
Sub Total 6200
Main cover
Retreat of aditamentos of fishing (Desaguador,
carrete, defence of network)
Retreat of the hatch of load 350
Preparation and installation of cover tight for entry to
Preparation and installation of bitas in cover 996
Preparation and installation of two pescantes 950
Retreat of the ramp of stern 1440
Extension in 1884 mm. Of the cover in stern 2850
Lined of the helmet 1495
3 CALDERERIA Reforzamiento Of internal structures 750
Extension of the amurada in stern 1560
Court of the helmet to 510 mm. Of bow 795
Lined of the helmet 950
Reforzamiento Inner of the helmet 325
Retreat of mamparos longitudinal 2500
Retreat of mamparos transversal 1660
Retreat of desaguadores of fishing 330
Preparation and installation of cuadernas 6 - 6To and
Preparation and installation of 8 mainstays 2250

Change of irons in helmet bow 4695
Preparation and installation of verduguetes in stern 960
Adecuación Of room of passengers 630
Change of irons in caseta 592
4 SIST. ELECTRICO Works in the electrical system 3220
Background cleaning of alive work 550
Arenado Of alive work 1500
Arenado Of cover 1100
5 Painted alive work (100%), cellar (100%), other zones
Anodes of zinc 750
Sub Total 7100
6 Uninstallation, repair and installation 5600
7 LASTRADO Correction by ballast 4000
8 Uninstallation, repair and installation 2100
Waistcoats salvavidas, packages of emergency,
medicine cabinet
Extinguishers PQS, CO2, Water presurizada 802
Sub Total 1637
10 And Conditioning of room of passengers 1400
11 Total maintenance of main Engine and auxiliary teams 10000
TOTAL 83426

TOTAL 83426

As we can observe, the modification sue a total cost of US $ 83,426.00 which was funded
entirely by the armador. Likewise, we can notice that the cost more high corresponds to the works of
coppersmithing, this because of the modifications made in cover and cellars.


5.2.1 Initial investment required

As the seen in the point 4.1, the total investment to make the modification of the craft is of:
US $ 83,426.00

5.2.2 Income by operations

To estimate the income that generated the operations of the craft, will take in account the
following considerations, for the most pessimistic case:
 The cost of the service of transport will be the same that it has at present with the external
providers, which is of US $ 250.00 by hour of operation.
 We will consider that the craft only will work 200 hours by month.
 In consequence will have the following:
Gross entry by hour of work : US $ 250.00
Gross entry by month (200 hours) : US $ 50,000.00
Annual gross entry (12 months) : US $ 600,000.00

5.2.3 Egresos By operation and other costs

In the estimate of the egresos consider the following:

 Consumption of fuel: Considering that the consumption of fuel of the engine and other
teams is in average 4 2 Chevrons/hour, to a cost of US $3.3 dollars/chevron, have to:
Cost by hour of operation : US $ 138.60
Cost of comb. By month (200hours) : US $ 27,720.00
Cost of fuel by year : US $ 332,640.00

 Salario Of the Crew and administrative personnel: Considering that the ship only had 4
crewmen (Pattern and three assistants) and some external personnel attendant of coordinater
and administer the services, will have:
Wages/month : US$ 3,200.00
Annual wages : US$ 38400.00

 Costs of maintenance: Although the craft is included in the Plan of maintenance of fleet of
the armador, consider a mount of US$ 7000.00 monthly for the repair of teams and/or
structures in front of any eventuality, by what:
Costs of monthly maintenance : US$ 7,000.00
Costs of annual maintenance : US$ 84,000.00

 Other costs: Also it considered :

Payment of annual insurance : US $ 15,000.00
Costs by accoutrements and feeding : US$ 14,400.00
Administrative costs : US$ 3,600.00
Annual bottom for renewal of teams: US $ 15,000.00
Total : US $ 48,000.00

Summary of Costs
Afterwards to enumerate all the costs that made annually, during the operation of the craft,
will obtain the total value:
Description Monthly cost Annual cost
(US$) (US$)
Consumption of fuel 27,720.00 332,640
Wage of crew and personal 3,200.00 38,400
Costs of Maintenance 7,000.00 84,000
Sure Annual 1,250.00 15,000
Accoutrements 1,200.00 14,400
Administrative costs 300,00 3,600
Annual bottom of renewal of teams 1,250.00 15,000
ANNUAL TOTAL 41,920.00

5.2.4 Financiamiento
To end to cover the costs that sued the transformation and the put in operation of the
craft, the emproprietary prey decided to fund the mount corresponding to the modification and to
the first month of operations of the following way:
- Cost of the transformation : 83,426.00
- Fuel 1er month : 27,720.00
- Wage of personnel : 3,200.00
- Accoutrements : 1,200.00
I mount total funded : 115 ,546.00

For the financiamiento, had of a financial credit by part of local banking entity under
the following conditions:
- I mount funded : 117,000.00
- Tax of effective interest : 20%
- Period of payment : 24 months
Under these conditions, generated 24 fixed quotas monthly by a value of US$ 5862.13.
5.2.5 Balance of box
Afterwards to having calculated the income and egresos annual that generated the craft
during the realisation of his operations obtain the following final balance:
ANNUAL ENTRY ESTIMATED 600000 600000 600000 600000

Costs of operation 503040 503040 503040 503040
Quotas of financiamiento 70346 70346 0 0
TOTAL EGRESOS 573386 573386 503040 503040
FLOW OF BOX 26,614.37 26,614.37 96,960.00 96,960.00


Afterwards to having calculated the flow of annual box of the operations of the craft, will
evaluate the profitability of the project.
Considering a tax of discount of 10% and taking in account that the financiamiento of the
modification has to be paid in a period of two years, have the following:
Initial Flow Flow Flow Flow
investment Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
To -117000 26614,37 26614,37 - - S/. -70.809,76 -27%
B -117000 26614,37 26614,37 96960,00 - S/. 2.037,72 8%
C -117000 26614,37 26614,37 96960,00 96960,00 S/. 68.262,71 21%

As we can see in the stage “To” when finalising the second year will have a negative
profitability, this because of the monthly payment that effected by the financiamiento of the project.
On the other hand in the stage “B”, can see that when finalising the third year and to keep
constant the costs of operation and maintenance, the profitability of the project will be positive.


 According to the calculations made and the conditions established, the project will be profitable
from the third year of operation.
 To the term of the second year of operations, the investment made for the modification will be
cancelled totally.
 Also it can observe that the balance of the project contemplates a bottom of US $ 15,000.00
corresponding to renewal of teams, which can be used to improve the equipment of the craft.
 In the estimate made, only consider 200 hours of work, that is the time average that requires the
fleet of the company for the realisation of the tasks of support. It is likely that when offering
services to other companies, the quantity of hours of work increase and with this the utilities.
 By means of the development of the present project, has showed that it is possible to transform
the crafts pesqueras anchoveteras with art of fishing type hover, in crafts PESQUERAS OF
FISHING TYPE DRAG, fulfilling with the rules and standards of the Societies Clasificadoras
International (ABS) and the rules of the National Maritime Authority.
 Although the craft had more than 40 years of antiquity, notice that the helmet kept in good
conditions, what facilitate the realisation of the modification. Nevertheless it was necessary to
reinforce some structures and change part of the lining of the helmet in the bow since they
showed wear.

 Lto craft modified is in conditions to transport hhorn 50 tonnes of load in cover and 10 tonnes of
dry load in the central cellar.
 According to the results obtained in the study of stability, the helmet modified did not fulfil with
the minimum values of stability pploughs a condition of load, by what had to add MIX OF
CONCRETE of ballast in the cellar of the craft to end to improve his stability. With the
realisation of this procedure improve the stability of the craft, fulfilling with all the norms
 With regard to the economic analysis of the new activities of the craft, determine that with a
minimum of 200 hours of work by month, the project will be profitable from the third year of


 For the realisation of this modification, effect of previous way a visual inspection of the teams,
systems and structure of the craft to end to determine if it was viable the realisation of the
project. It recommends make this type of inspections or some another more detailed before
developing a similar project, as it is likely that no all the crafts that are withdrawals of the fishing
can bear this type of modifications.
 Although the craft finds in good conditions, has to make a constant maintenance and review of
all the teams, structures and systems, since given the antiquity of this ship, is possible that can
suffer a flaw or failure.
 Before the armador make this type of modifications in his crafts excedentes, recommends make
a technical and economic analysis to end to determine if the project results feasible for the aims

1. Ministry of the Production “Statistical Bulletin PRODUCES 2010”,
Lima - PERU, 2010
2. Jessica Hidalgo F. “Individual quotas of Fishing”
Lima - PERU, 143 p. 2002
3. I SUPPORT Consulting “Application of a System of Maximum Limits of Capture by Craft in the pesquería of
Anchoveta in the Peru and proposals of program of Labour Restructuring”
Lima - PERU, 54 p. 2008

4. General direction of Captaincies and Guardacostas
“Norms for Allocation of Line of Maximum Load for Maritime Ships”
Resolution Directoral 0206 – DCG 1999

5. General direction of Captaincies and Guardacostas

“Norms for the Preparation and execution of Proofs of Stability”
Resolution Directoral 0474 – DCG 1998
6. General direction of Captaincies and Guardacostas
“Code of security of Teams for Ships and Maritime Naval Artefacts”
Resolution Directoral 0562 – DCG 2003
7. American Bureau of Shipping
“Rules for the construction and classification of Fuselages of steel of inferior length to 61 metres” - 2011


8. Ing. Nelson Noziglia “Theory of the Fuselage I”
Buenos Aires, Julio 1981
9. Alaez Zazurca, José – “Theory of the Fuselage”
Upper Technical school of Naval Engineers (ETSIN) - Madrid
10. Baldomero García, Doncel – “Theory of the Fuselage”
School of Technical Engineering – Cádiz
11. Godino Gil, Carlos – “Theory of the Fuselage and his applications”
Editions Gustavo Gil - Barcelona
12. Edgar Lewis – “Principles of naval Architecture”
The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers - SNAME
13. 13. (Capt. P. Zahalka , Association of Hanseatic Marine Underwriters)

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