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6/29/2018 15 Great Essay Conclusion Examples to Impress the Readers

How to Write a Strong Conclusion

Based on the Outstanding Essay
Conclusion Examples

An essay conclusion is the next most important part after the introduction. It
should leave an impression on a reader. It is not enough to make a
summary of what was written in the body part – a writer must make the
reader want to continue exploring the problem or share the author’s
position. We have come up with essay conclusion examples and useful tips
to help students master the art of academic writing.


Read the article below to improve personal skills. If this information looks
insu cient to carry out a perfect study, feel free to contact online paper
writers and get a ready solution!

What is the Conclusion of an Essay?

“What is the conclusion of an essay?” The answer is obvious. It is the closing
part of any type of an academic assignment, no matter whether it is a school
essay or college research paper. This section is always present in the
document. The rest of the sections are di erent depending on the type of
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6/29/2018 15 Great Essay Conclusion Examples to Impress the Readers

A conclusion is made of 3 di erent parts. Do not miss any of them:

1 Rewrite the main premise, which is the thesis statement, which shows up in the
opening, introduction paragraph of the essay.
2 Include a couple of general sentences. They should summarize the arguments involved
in the body paragraphs to provide supporting evidence for the major
3 Add a warning of the outcomes of not following the thesis and a general statement of
the way society will bene t from using o ered ideas.

Some students wonder how to start a conclusion for an essay. Many of them
face writer’s block in the beginning. We recommend involving a paraphrased
thesis statement and adding a powerful hook sentence to attract the
reader’s attention again and leave an unforgettable impression.

How to Write a Conclusion for an

We have prepared several tips to make students understand how to write a
conclusion for an essay. Start with paraphrasing a thesis. Do not forget
about these tips:

1 Parallel structure is the key. Students who start their papers with a statistic should
involve one more fact in the nal paragraph. In case a writer inserted a
quotation at the beginning of the introduction, he/she must nd one more
similar quotation. Do not use the same hooks!
2 A rhetorical question. A rhetorical question is an intriguing question, which does not
require an answer, and it may leave the readers with some thoughts. Such
questions put the subject in the context of the bigger issue.

Argumentative Essay Conclusion Example

Examine each argumentative essay conclusion example. The purpose is to
take a speci c position on the topic.


“The epic TV series known as “Hercules: The Legendary Journeys,” is the best
start in the process of learning Roman and Greek mythology. It has many
di erences with the original legend but is understandable for students.
Students must keep in mind 3 major di erences. Hercules was not
accompanied by Atlanta or Daedalus, the authors did not mention Perseus
who played a signi cant role in the destiny of Hercules, and there is also no
love story between the hero and Psyche in the myth. The rest of the plot
re ects the myth better than other related shows. The image of Hercules
remains the same popular and recognized through centuries, and it never
changes.”  Ask Us anything! 2/8
6/29/2018 15 Great Essay Conclusion Examples to Impress the Readers

“The primary cause of Anorexia
Nervosa is role modeling. Young girls
get attracted by how celebrities look.
To prevent the expansion of such
problem, it is necessary to limit
access to social media.”


“To conclude, the authors stressed that vegetarian diets led to the smaller
all-cause type of mortality and with a few declines in cause-speci c
mortality. Along with the Eshel article, this study should prove vegetarian
diet is much safer for everyone to the nutrition counseling and educational

Persuasive Essay Conclusion Examples

These three persuasive essay conclusion examples aim to prove the target
audience the author is right with his judgments.


“My position was defended by the multiple credible sources - related

studies of the eld’s authorities. Banning smoking is a bad idea. This
action means a limitation of human rights, a negative impact on the
country’s economy, and a potential threat to people who su er from
problems with the nervous system.”

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6/29/2018 15 Great Essay Conclusion Examples to Impress the Readers

“Euthanasia should be legalized
everywhere. Making a patient suffer is the
worst crime. My paper proves that
euthanasia is moral and ethical as the
healthcare professionals help patients to get
rid of the endless suffering by letting them


“My position is 100% correct. I have collected both primary and secondary
sources to prove it. The essay proves that violent video games may motivate
adolescents to take part in school bullying and even commit crimes.”

Analysis Essay Conclusion Example

An analysis essay conclusion example should sum up the analysis. Critical
thinking is required!


“The essay proves that the epic English poem, “Beowulf,” can be considered
a work of the true artist as it sticks to the elder traditions and avoids
personalization, while “A Modest Proposal” might have some deviations
from what a good artist means. It is an exception from the rules. Swift’s
pamphlet gained an appreciation and in uenced next generations.”

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6/29/2018 15 Great Essay Conclusion Examples to Impress the Readers

“Speaking of the article, I should say that
the most complicated dilemma recalled by
the author is the lack of time versus storing
resources and not the rest of the ideas. Both
Steven and his daughter’s teacher are right.
While the teacher believes that conserving
resources by rinsing out paper cup instead
of discarding it may save natural
resources, the girl’s dad knows about the
importance of time as an intangible


“I have analyzed the given piece of literature to prove that the author
uses ghostwriting services. Several factors show that. A language of the
last chapters is signi cantly di erent from the writing style at the
beginning of the book, the plot changes throughout the story taking
new directions, and there is no slang words closer to the end while
they appear frequently at the beginning.”

Narrative Essay Conclusion Example

A purpose of the narrative essay conclusion example should simply sum up
everything described and discussed in the essay.


“My attitudes have greatly shaped after this study. I have realized the ways
meat impact our life and health. Meatless meals might improve the health
conditions of patients su ering from various disorders, and the observed
study proves it.”

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6/29/2018 15 Great Essay Conclusion Examples to Impress the Readers

“To conclude, women of the period from
1941 to 1960s changed their roles and
image of sexuality successfully without
losing their rights. The spirit of masculinity
plagued many of them. It left many homes
and children without their moms.”


“To conclude, the lack of family made many females independent back
in the 60s when their movement for rights expanded. They had to start
working hard to guarantee their own wealth, which forced women
around the world to combine home, child care, and professional

English Essay Conclusion Example

Look at the English essay conclusion example below. It may refer to any type
of paper.


“According to the U.S. Department of Justice, human sex tra cking is closely
related to cybercrime today as both are usually the results of progressive
modern technologies. Young adolescents spend hours in front of their PCs
and laptops. That is how they can become the victims of several categories
of victimization crimes: identity theft, sexual abuse, and property theft.”

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6/29/2018 15 Great Essay Conclusion Examples to Impress the Readers

“To conclude, it is impossible to
decide whether to buy or to lease a
vehicle without checking the
available sources of financing. Any
buyer will be better off purchasing a
modest automobile. A luxury one
requires way more expenses.”


“My verdict is there is no connection between the school sports team and
the level of academic performance of the school athletes. I have explored
several studies to prove that. None of the researches showed that the IQ
test results of the high school athletes are lower than the scores of the rest
of the students.”


How to Write a Conclusion for an

Expository Essay?
The last thing to observe is how to write a conclusion for an expository
essay. Such essay requires research, but the main goal is to explore and
analyze the problem in-depth to describe it in details.


“I believe Harry Potter and Hermione should have made a couple. Joanne
Rowling, the book’s author, agrees with my opinion. She changed the plot
because of the comments of famous colleagues and fans who wished to
have a less predictable plot. Both characters were natural leaders who could
create a better relationship tension than Ron and Hermione.”


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6/29/2018 15 Great Essay Conclusion Examples to Impress the Readers

“They should make college education free of charge. I proved my position in

this paper. The main reasons to make education of all levels free is the fact
adolescents who fail to enter college remain unemployed and get engaged
in criminal activities more often than their more successful peers.”

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