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CRM is More than simply an IT intervention

CRM is More than simply an IT intervention

Penmetsa Varma
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:45

CRM is an approach to manage the organizations interaction with current and potential
customers. CRM is a process that address all aspects of identifying customers, creating
customer knowledge, building customer relationships, and shaping their perceptions of the
organisation and its products. The role of IT or Technology is not mentioned in the definitin
discussed above. That means CRM activities can be done through IT or may not, But IT or
Technology helps to improve the efficiency and effectiveness in interacting and
communicating with the customers. Information technology just helps in getting the data
and create a data base, how well the organisation analyse the data, usage of data depends
upon the CRM startergy.

Yes, I agree with the statement that CRM is more than simply IT intervention.

For Example: Fast Food chain like McDonald‘s, KFC, Dominos etc. ask customer for Name
and Mobile number at store and Address when you make an order for home
delivery.Companies store this Data and use them to understand customer preferences and
buying behaviour ( How many times in a week he/she make up at the store and what kind of
products was ordered more) all the above information and data is collected and stored in
data base. Companies do analyze the data and create a customer knowledge with helps of
software’s available and start reaching customers through possible media like SMS, EMAIL
or Phone calls. Customer receive messages like Wednesday offer at KFC or Combo offer at
McDonald’s. When a customer again visit the store this helps the executives to serve Them
in much better way. In this entire process Information Technology is used a tool to reach
customer faster and efficient.

CRM Customer Relationship Managenent is a Management tool to reach customer and

serve them in the best possible way. Customer RelationShip is even followed and
maintained by local grocery stores, the Relationship between shopkeeper and customer
makes the customer purchase every grocery need for the same store itself. In this above
relation of shopkeeper and Customer there is no intervention of IT.
So CRM is the strategy which is used to build and maintain relationship with the customer
either current and potential to retain in the business. Where as IT helps to implement the
strategy in efficient and effective manner.

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Discussion 1
RE: Discussion 1

Pranjul Tiwari
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 11:38

Hello Badal,
I read your point of view and replying to your one part of question,

Why you should use a CRM?

Your customers are very important to your business. No matter what your industry is, no
matter what’s your focus on, no matter what kind of products or services you sell, your
customers are the most valuable asset of your company.

CRM tool is a must for any company that wants to take customer satisfaction to the next
Here are some main benefits of CRM tool that can help your company improve sales growth
and customer relation lifecycle:

1. Improved customer informations

2. Enhanced communication
3. Improved customer service
4. Automation of everyday tasks
5. Improved Analytical Data and Reporting
6. Improved sales processes and lifecycle
7. Marketing automation on multiple channels

the list goes on and on, but the main concept is, the better customer relationship, the easier
it is to conduct business and generate revenue, therefore using technology, in this case
a CRM tool makes good business sense.

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Discussion 1
Discussion 1

Pranjul Tiwari
Posted Date:
27 August 2018 12:06
Yes CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.
CRM is a strategy for dealing with an organization's associations with clients, customers and
deals prospects. It includes utilizing innovation to sort out, robotize, and synchronize
business essentially deals exercises, yet additionally those for promoting, client
administration, and specialized help. The general objectives are to discover, draw in, and
win new customers, sustain and hold those the organization as of now has, tempt previous
customers once more into the crease, and decrease the expenses of showcasing and
customer benefit. Client relationship administration depicts an extensive business
technique including client interface divisions and different offices.
1. It enables you to enlist your leads and contacts
2. You can track all client collaborations – from everybody in your organization.
3. It uncovers conceivable outcomes.
4. It makes your most important resource – the client information – remain.

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Forum- Discussion 1
Forum- Discussion 1

Anirudh Sundriyal
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:47
Attachment: Anirudh Sundriyal.docx (13.631 KB)
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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.
RE: CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.

Utkarsh Srivastava
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 22:30
I agree with your view, dependency on technology has its own limitation because in the end
customer satisfaction is the only key for success of the organization. IT can help in analyzing
the situation or problem but solution for these problem will come through us. and their
should also be some limitation in using the technology, as in Facebook case there was selling
of data of users, these types of practices are unethical and and should be taken care-

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CRM is simply more than an IT intervention
RE: CRM is simply more than an IT intervention
Utkarsh Srivastava
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 22:12
As you have said, it also consist of various processes like exploring new customers and
retaining them, IT has to be accurate, so that CRM will be more effective and productive but
without IT also companies are going ahead for their promotion and operations,as HUL is
using project SHAKTI in which the ladies are going door to door, for the distribution. IT can
ease the work load and make the process more stable and organised.

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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.
CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.

Utkarsh Srivastava
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 22:04
I do agree that IT is important and essential part of today’s business and it has substantial
effect on CRM, as we know the quality of processes, procedures and product can be enhance
through IT with quality data, still there are few limitations to it.

In India after demonetization government have asked people to use more digital
transactions but transition from manual process to automatic process is huge problem, as
people are not comfortable in using it.

Safety is also major concern, as IT has its own dis advantages, artificial intelligence is being
used to gather data on customer from different social networking sites and even fraud has
been seen in many cases in recent years, hence IT can be beneficial or hazardous.
If the organization can safeguard the interest of people and align their own interest or goal
with them, definitely it will be highly productive.

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Response to Above Discussion
RE: Response to Above Discussion

Rimzhim Srivastava
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 21:47
Dear Priyatosh,

Thank you for sharing your reviews with us. You have rightly shared the importance of both
the focus on IT and customer centric approach. And how IT facilitates in the whole process,
but is only one face of the CRM system.

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Reciprocating the above statement
RE: Reciprocating the above statement

Rimzhim Srivastava
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 21:31
Dear Pallavi,

Thank you for sharing your insightful reviews with us. These points show exactly why both
IT services and focusing on the customer are important.

Thanks and Regards,

Rimzhim Srivastava

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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention
CRM is more than simply an IT intervention

Rimzhim Srivastava
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:10
Attachment: CRM Discussion.docx (11.286 KB)
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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.
RE: CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.

Aman Soni
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 19:58
Hello Kaushal,

I found your answer very accurate to the topic. The example of CRM analysis technologies
satisfied your subjective view.

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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.
RE: CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.

Aman Soni
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 19:56
Hello Karan,

I really liked your explanation and point of view.

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Aman Soni
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 19:54
CRM is a procedure for dealing with an organization's associations with clients, customers and
deals prospects. It includes utilizing innovation to sort out, computerize, and synchronize
business forms—essentially deals exercises, yet additionally those for promoting, client
administration, and specialized help. The general objectives are to discover, draw in, and win
new customers, sustain and hold those the organization as of now has, allure previous customers
once more into the overlay, and decrease the expenses of showcasing and customer benefit.
Client relationship administration depicts an all inclusive business system including client
interface offices and additionally different offices.
 Be unwavering in your quest for recording precise information. Your group must be spurred
to center around the exactness of the data that is sustained into your CRM framework.
Information must be right, entire, progressive and legitimately consistent.
 Prepare your staff so they comprehend the results of contributing off base information. They
should see the master plan and not just view themselves as information section agents. Who
are they letting down? They must have the capacity to see the association, for instance,
between esteemed steadfast and long-standing clients and recording every single applicable
datum and exchanges to the most astounding gauges with the base of inaccuracies.3.
Enlarge and advance your client information. There is not something to be picked up from
stacking inadequate, sketchy, mistaken client information into a shiny new framework. You
are just robotizing a progressing risk. Having your information cleaned and enlarged
remotely and your database ensured as being spotless, improved and legitimately consistent
is completely basic.
 Just utilize superb prospecting information. Investing energy stacking prospect information
into your framework that ends up being unclean, mistaken and much of the time absolute
unlawful is to be stayed away from no matter what. Just purchase or lease your information
from a supplier that has a place with the List Warranty Register and is an individual from
the Direct Marketing Association.
 Consolidate web based life contacts. It's not simply shopper confronted organizations that
are profiting from drawing in and interfacing with another gathering of people on the web.
In the B2B part it's going on as well. While Facebook might be the online life instrument of
decision for customer marks, it's all incident on twitter for B2B brands. Be that as it may,
don't stack your online life contacts into your general prospecting pool in your CRM
framework. They have drawn in with you basically for social reasons so regarding them as a
'pitch to prospect' will go down like a lead expand.
How you can use CRM software to improve the customer experience.
1. Keeping in touch
An awesome client encounter is incomprehensible without progressing and significant
correspondence. What's more, around there a CRM framework can be an awesome help,
as it is progressively utilized as a client reliability upgrade apparatus.
2. Listening to customers’ needs
Client 2.0 is exceptionally garrulous, imparting insights and data about items through
different correspondence channels, for example, internet based life. Thus, in the event
that you need to be the circle of what's hot and so forth, you would be advised to begin
social tuning in to what he or she needs to state!
3. Offering what customers really want
Client 2.0 has a lot of decisions. So as to win his heart and wallet you have to
proactively offer them a significant item or administration. A CRM framework gives
you learning of what your clients require by revealing to you what items or
administrations they're occupied with, have requested or have just purchased. You
likewise realize what issues they have had previously, and whether they were content
with the arrangements you offered them.

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Discussion about IT intervention in IT
RE: Discussion about IT intervention in IT

Sahil Singla
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:33
Hello Deepak....

I totally disagree with your point as I am in favour of the point that CRM is not just IT
intervention, it is about managing relationship with the customers physically also. So I think
there is no relevance to discuss about IT application in CRM as I am not in favour of this
statement. "CRM application with IT"

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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.
RE: CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.
Sahil Singla
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:05
Yes I agree with your statement Kaushal that CRM is not just IT intervention as data
embedded into the systems can be inaccurate, illegal or may be irrelevant to study the
consumer buying behaviour. For this you must have a trustworthy CRM database that is
linked with trusted netweavers like IBM. Various big companies like seven eleven and
walmart have such a vast POS database systems that records the customer buying pattern
and what is the readiness of customer to buy that product again and again.

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Discussion about IT intervention in IT
Discussion about IT intervention in IT

Sahil Singla
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:47
Hi everyone....

I agree with the statement that CRM is not just a IT intervention due to the following

 first of all your team must be motivated to focus on the reliability, accuracy & efficiency of the data
embedded into the CRM system and make sure it complies with legality, transparency and accuracy.
 Secondly We must train our staff in such a way that they understand the consequences of entering
inaccurate data into the systems, therefore they must be trained in such a way that they don't just see
themselves as entry data clerks, they must see it as a bigger picture and accordingly trained as per the
requirement of the organisation.
 Thirdly we must avoid entering prospect data into the systems that is inaccurate, unclear and illegal.
We must buy that relevant information from a list Warranty register and a member of Direct
marketing association.
 Fourthly CRM is not just consumer faced business that involves engaging with the new audience
online. It is happening in B2B business also. While Facebook may be the social media tool of choice
for consumer brands, it’s all happening on twitter for B2B brands. However, don’t load your social
media contacts into your general prospecting pool in your CRM system.

Thanks & Regards

Sahil Singla

Roll No.48 MBA LSCM

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coustmer relationship managment
coustmer relationship managment

Pranav Singh
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 21:57
While having an effective CRM system will encompass using software that is either built exclusively
for your business or, is an off-the-shelf system that you can tweak, it is only the start of the process.
If you want your CRM strategy to be successful you have to create a customer centric organization.
There is little point in having clever software if it’s not being used as a tool to enhance the service
you deliver to customers at every single communication touch point.
1. Be unrelenting in your pursuit of recording accurate data. Your team must be motivated to focus on
the accuracy of the information that is fed into your CRM system. Data must be correct, complete, up
to date and legally compliant.
2. Train your staff so they understand the consequences of inputting inaccurate data. They must see
the bigger picture and not simply look upon themselves as data entry clerks. Who are they letting
down? They have to be able to see the connection, for example, between valued loyal and long-
standing customers and recording all relevant data and transactions to the highest standards with
the minimum of inaccuracies.3. Augment and enrich your customer data. There is nothing to be
gained from loading incomplete, patchy, inaccurate customer data into a brand spanking new
system. You are simply automating an ongoing liability. Having your data cleaned and augmented
externally and your database certified as being clean, enriched and legally compliant is absolutely

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Gautam Sharma
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 21:06
i would like to add one more point

with information collected and sorted centrally,the next stage is to make this information
available to staff in the most useful format

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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention
CRM is more than simply an IT intervention
Palash Sharma
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 21:03
Yes, I do agree with the subject because CRM is a strategy for managing a company’s
interactions with customers, clients and sales prospects. It involves using technology to
organize, automate, and synchronize business processes—principally sales activities,
but also those for marketing, customer service, and technical support. The overall goals
are to find, attract, and win new clients, nurture and retain those the company already
has, entice former clients back into the fold, and reduce the costs of marketing and
client service. Customer relationship management describes a company-wide business
strategy including customer-interface departments as well as other departments.
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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.
RE: CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.

Gautam Sharma
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 21:02
i really liked your explanation but i would like to add one more point

several software companies offer CRM applications that i.ntegrate with existing packages.
cut down versions of such software may be suitable for smaller business

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Gautam Sharma
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:57

Gautam sharma

CRM is a strategy for managing a company's interactions with customer,clients and sales involves using technology to organize,automate,and synchronize business
processes principally sales activities,but also those for marketing customer service,and
technical support. The overall goals are to find,attract,and win new clients,nurture and
retain those the company already has,entice former clients back into the fold,and reduce the
costs of marketing and client service.

Customer relationship management describes a company-wide business strategy including

customer-interface departements as well as other departements. while having an effective
CRM system will encompass using software that is either built exclusively for your business
or,is an off-the shelf system that you can tweak,it is only the start of the process, if you want
your CRM srtategy to be sucessful you have to create a customer centric organization

1-Be unrelenting in your pursuit of recording accurate data

2-Train your staff so they understand the consequence of inputting inaccurate data.

3-Only use high-quality prospecting data.

4-Incorporate social media contacts

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Badal Sharma
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 18:17
Dear Kartik,

your points are valid but CRM is use also as a software in some cases..

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CRM is more simply an IT intervention
RE: CRM is more simply an IT intervention

Badal Sharma
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:54
Dear Kartik,
Thanks for your responce..
I think it’s better to consider that there are TWO main categories of CRM solution:
 CRM for Small and Medium business
 Enterprise CRM
CRM for SMBs:-
If your company has a simple flow between the sales team and the marketing group,
you may not need the multi-dimensional functionality of an enterprize CRM. A
smaller-scale CRM can serve as a straightforward liaison between departments,
allowing for a single data-entry point for contact information and integrating calendar
Two best CRM for SMBs :-
Net hunt is a user-friendly email CRM inside Gmail. It introduces a simple, yet effective
concept. NetHunt lets you turn any email into a CRM record. This way, when a client or order
email arrives into our inbox, you put it into the CRM folder with all of the related client data.
The best part - there's no "other" app or service to keep open. The CRM database, pipelines and
todo's - everything is available from inside Gmail.
Being a fully Gmail-based CRM, NetHunt also adds a marketing automation platform to your
inbox, letting you send personalized mass mail messages, which openings you can track. If
you're a Gmail user, you'll be quick to get used to how Nethunt CRM works. And with all those
features included (with no limitations), it costs only $25 for a team of up to 5 people, making it
one of the most affordable systems on the market.
Insightly CRM
When you need a straightforward solution, Insightly might be it. Most of the CRM capabilities
revolve around contact management and social integration. You get a system that's mostly preset
for managing your leads and their passing through the sales pipeline, so there's little holding you
back in terms of onboarding .
Enterprise CRM:-
CRM vendors often offer different packages of the same software. Contrary to what
you might think, the enterprise version of the tool isn’t a more complicated, more
expensive version of the standard software. Enterprise solutions integrate customer-
facing activities across multiple departments.
Two best Enterprise CRM
Sales force CRM is one of the market-leading Cloud based CRM Software solutions and is part
of the Salesforce suite of business products. The platform helps you track all customer
interactions and info in a single location to follow leads effectively. You can utilize its partner
management, sales data, marketing automation, and lead management features to nurture leads
till they are ready to buy your product.
Freshsales is a product from the Freshdesk factory and it is a modern CRM software application
that high-velocity teams can use to keep track of contacts and resolve their queries. Sales teams
say the system is a single contact management hub that helps them control thousands of leads,
but at the same time offers a simple and easy-to-navigate interface. The app was distinguished
with our Expert’s Choice Award for 2016.
I think now you should be clear about what i am trying to say.......
Thanks & Regards
Badal Sharma

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CRM is more simply an IT intervention
RE: CRM is more simply an IT intervention
Badal Sharma
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:51
Mr Upkar,
Thanks for your responce..
I think it’s better to consider that there are TWO main categories of CRM solution:
 CRM for Small and Medium business
 Enterprise CRM
CRM for SMBs:-
If your company has a simple flow between the sales team and the marketing group,
you may not need the multi-dimensional functionality of an enterprize CRM. A
smaller-scale CRM can serve as a straightforward liaison between departments,
allowing for a single data-entry point for contact information and integrating calendar
Two best CRM for SMBs :-
Net hunt is a user-friendly email CRM inside Gmail. It introduces a simple, yet effective
concept. NetHunt lets you turn any email into a CRM record. This way, when a client or order
email arrives into our inbox, you put it into the CRM folder with all of the related client data.
The best part - there's no "other" app or service to keep open. The CRM database, pipelines and
todo's - everything is available from inside Gmail.
Being a fully Gmail-based CRM, NetHunt also adds a marketing automation platform to your
inbox, letting you send personalized mass mail messages, which openings you can track. If
you're a Gmail user, you'll be quick to get used to how Nethunt CRM works. And with all those
features included (with no limitations), it costs only $25 for a team of up to 5 people, making it
one of the most affordable systems on the market.
Insightly CRM
When you need a straightforward solution, Insightly might be it. Most of the CRM capabilities
revolve around contact management and social integration. You get a system that's mostly preset
for managing your leads and their passing through the sales pipeline, so there's little holding you
back in terms of onboarding .
Enterprise CRM:-
CRM vendors often offer different packages of the same software. Contrary to what
you might think, the enterprise version of the tool isn’t a more complicated, more
expensive version of the standard software. Enterprise solutions integrate customer-
facing activities across multiple departments.
Two best Enterprise CRM
Sales force CRM is one of the market-leading Cloud based CRM Software solutions and is part
of the Salesforce suite of business products. The platform helps you track all customer
interactions and info in a single location to follow leads effectively. You can utilize its partner
management, sales data, marketing automation, and lead management features to nurture leads
till they are ready to buy your product.
Freshsales is a product from the Freshdesk factory and it is a modern CRM software application
that high-velocity teams can use to keep track of contacts and resolve their queries. Sales teams
say the system is a single contact management hub that helps them control thousands of leads,
but at the same time offers a simple and easy-to-navigate interface. The app was distinguished
with our Expert’s Choice Award for 2016.
I think now you should be clear about what i am trying to say.......
Thanks & Regards
Badal Sharma
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CRM is more simply an IT intervention
RE: CRM is more simply an IT intervention

Badal Sharma
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:23
Dear Sudhanshu,
Thanks for Responce...
I Would like to add on my points what i wants to Say in terms of CRM As
Management Technique as well use of CRM as a Software..
Here I mention some points in Favour of my Previous Discussion .

1. Financialc services: A CRM software assists this industry in bank front-office and
contact center management; retail and corporate bank sales and marketing automation;
lending processes automation – from application to loan origination; debt collection.
2. Professional services: A company engaged in this form of business can reap benefits
from a CRM software such as time planned vs actually spent; human capital
management, planning and managing projects by roles, billing management, etc.
3. Retail: More than any other industry, a CRM software is useful for retail businesses
as they directly interact with the customers on a daily basis. A CRM software helps
automate the retail business. It helps in marketing campaigns, and analyzing campaign
efficiency; customer journey management in B2C, and more.
4. Media and advertising: A CRM tool helps a media and advertising business to
manage projects, billing management, etc.
5. Telecommunication: For a telecom business, effective communication with
customers is essential. A CRM software helps with that and also tasks like project
management, inventory management, order management, and more.
For a budding startup, a budget friendly software that provides all the features is
essential. Visit this website and compare from hundreds of Top CRM software tools..

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RE: Discussion 1: CRM is more than an IT Intervention
RE: Discussion 1: CRM is more than an IT Intervention

Badal Sharma
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:04
Thanks Upkar for sharing your views, it's definitely a great learning for us.
But I want to share my views for this discussion-
In my opinion Onsite CRM Software is the best software for managing customers and their data.
This affordable, adaptable and totally secure system is easy to use, and has a strong support team
in place who will reply swiftly to any queries you may have in a timely
manner. Onsite CRM was founded with unique insight in cutting edge technology and marketing
to fill the void in today’s lead management systems. There are many CRM options on the
market, however the engineers of Onsite CRM have decades of experience in multiple facets of
end to end business solutions. That
experience coupled with an exceptional design team allows us to to provide the
perfect solution for your business.
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Discussion 1
RE: Discussion 1

Badal Sharma
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 11:48
Dear pranjul,
No doubt Customer is an asset for any Organization....
But the Need of Organization and your Business nature is also affects the CRM
It all depends on your needs. You may not need all the features needed by a large
corporation whilst at the same time needing more than a basic CRM can offer. Here
are a couple of suggestions which may suit your needs.
with reviews, features, demos and price quotes. You will get free consultation for selecting right
software for your business List of best CRM Practices If you want to see more CRM software for
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Discussion 1
RE: Discussion 1

Badal Sharma
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 11:25
Thanks pranjul for sharing your views...
I just wants to add some points -
It really depends on specific business needs of the specific organization. The most
sophisticated CRM with outstanding capabilities and comprehensive set of tools might
not answer your business needs thus be completely futile. Plus, in the CRM market
more does not mean better. Sometimes it's even worse. So first and foremost get
answers to the questions: Why you need the CRM at first place? What KPI’s are
important for you and what ROI you are anticipating? And then evaluate
functionalities and capabilities of different CRM systems available on the market and
define what’s important specifically for your organization.
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CRM is more simply an IT intervention
CRM is more simply an IT intervention

Badal Sharma
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 11:21
Good Morning Friends,
Let's start the discussion ......
According to my point of view CRM is more than simply than IT Intervention..First of all Discuss
what's CRM is-
A CRM software is an application that assists the business in maintaining a good relationship
with the customer; CRM software is a system that enables you to nurture relationships with
customers and prospects to drive sales or sustain long-term profitability. A happy customer
means continued business for the enterprise. It is a fact that an organization has to spend 10 times
more to attract a new customer than to optimize on the old one.
All businesses are different from one another and thus, they also require a CRM software that is
either customized for the business or suits its requirements.
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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention
CRM is more than simply an IT intervention

Digvijay Sandhu
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 22:05
CRM manages relationship with customers to know their needs and then cater to their
needs. IT helps in maintaning customer relations by collecting data of the customers.
CRM is more than IT because any organisation cannot depend on technology for the
compilation and analysis of data. Contacting customers through technology can
remain unattended.
With the help of effective CRM a company can skip the dependency on technology,
as technology only help's us to collect data.Through effective CRM we can find the
exact data which is required.
IT technology only helps us gather information about the customers through
the internet which makes communication as well as collecting of valuable data easy.
technology and CRM together have proved to be a successful and productive type of
business.It helps the company to be more updated so that they are able to compete
with the competition and have an edge.
CRM cannot cater without technology,technology acts as a partner to CRM in order to
cater for the customers needs and satisfaction.
database acts as a soul for CRM, this is through which the CRM gets data to analayze.

Hence, technology is very important for CRM to work effectivly and effeciently.

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CRM is more simply an IT intervention
RE: CRM is more simply an IT intervention
Kartik Sahni
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:28
Dear Badal,

I would like to disagree with your view. IT can surely integrate various aspects of Customer
Relationship management but collection of data still depends upon a personal interaction
which cannot be replaced by any software. Thereafter, IT role comes where the rise of
technology paved way to the great positive effects in terms of establishing a business. It is
now easy for the companies to make their customers access directly what they offer to them
and CRM is a strategy to keep customers and it can also add appeal to make to increase the
number of customers to make the business survive the competition. On the contrary we
cannot forget the fact that databases serve as the soul of CRM. It would not become
functional without the use of technology. Databases help collect data and make it organized
before using it to serve its purpose.

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Discussion about CRM in relation to IT
RE: Discussion about CRM in relation to IT

Kartik Sahni
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:25
Dear Sudhanshu,

I agree with the point you have made. IT can surely integrate various aspects of Customer
Relationship management but collection of data still depends upon a personal interaction
which cannot be replaced by any software. Thereafter, IT role comes where the rise of
technology paved way to the great positive effects in terms of establishing a business. It is
now easy for the companies to make their customers access directly what they offer to them
and CRM is a strategy to keep customers and it can also add appeal to make to increase the
number of customers to make the business survive the competition. On the contrary we
cannot forget the fact that databases serve as the soul of CRM. It would not become
functional without the use of technology. Databases help collect data and make it organized
before using it to serve its purpose.

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Kartik Sahni
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:13
In my opinion, CRM totally rely on IT as technology facilitates the communication between
the business and the customers to a great extent. Innovation and CRM as accomplices
would result to a fruitful and beneficial kind of business. It would likewise assist
organizations with being more refreshed so they would have the capacity to beat the
opposition and make their organization truly outstanding. Innovation combination has
numerous impacts for the improvement of CRM.
CRM can't make due without innovation. Innovation fills in as the accomplice of CRM to
provide food the necessities of the clients. It makes their relationship significant in a way
that the organization comprehends what the clients require. They wind up mindful if the
clients are sufficiently fulfilled on their items and administrations if not, it would be simple
for them to search for procedures to make them fulfilled. Moreover due to the ascent of
various devices, it is presently simple for the clients to have an entrance to the organizations
that will suit their requirements. Cellphones and workstations are only few of the numerous
gadgets that can be utilized as long as it has an application that the organizations are

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Is CRM more than simply an IT intervention.
Is CRM more than simply an IT intervention.

Mahendranath Reddy
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:39
Customer relation management (CRM) is a combination of people, process and technology
to understand companies customer. It is an approach used to focus on customer retention
and relationship development. CRM has evolved from information technologies and
organizations changes that occur in customer centric processes. CRM is more than just
technology, it only helps to facilitate the relationship processes. CRM analysis technologies
help the companies about the information on which customers are best and which are
worst. Once the information is established action is taken for the best product and service.
CRM system just revolves around understanding customer behaviour.

An organization can determine the following things from CRM systems

 CRM reporting technology - helps to identify the customers.

 CRM analysis technology - helps to segment the customers into different categories.
Business can't be relayed entirely on system to keep their CRM solutions up to date, it also
needs employees. End users need to take an active role to maximize the CRM investments in
the company. It is nearly impossible to detect the percentage of technology, people and
process to maximize CRM investment through system analysis. Although a large portion of
CRM is based on technology, viewing CRM a technology only solution is likely to fail.
Managing a succesful CRM implementation requires a balanced approach of technology,
process and people.

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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention discussion
CRM is more than simply an IT intervention discussion
Abhishek Ramola
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 17:47
Attachment: CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.docx (11.911 KB)
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CRM is simply more than an IT intervention
RE: CRM is simply more than an IT intervention

Kaushal Pandya
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 19:33
Very well expressed thought Rohit, After reading this we can clearly state that CRM is not
just any another IT intervention, but it contains lots of activities as you stated such as "Sales
activity", "Marketing", "Customer service". It also contains Attracting new clients, nurture
and retains them.

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Kaushal Pandya
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 19:22
Well! I would not really say that CRM totally relies on IT facilities, Yes, of course, you can
say that IT facilities had made the CRM process easy, but once this information has been
established the company has the responsibility of interpreting the information and deciding
what action to take. Doing that is the core responsibility of CRM.

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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.
CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.

Kaushal Pandya
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 19:10
CRM is more than just IT intervention in the sense that the different tools
used, simply help facilitate the relationship process.
 For example, CRM analysis technologies only help the company understand
which customers are their best and which are their worst. Once this
information has been established the company has the responsibilit y of
interpreting the information and deciding what action to take. The action
taken hinges on ensuring the customer in focus receives the best service and
 CRM is a system that revolves around understanding customer behaviour
and catering to it, so it is important thatan organization does not become
overly involved in the technology itself instead of focusing on the customer. It
must be embraced on an enterprise-wide basis because the system must be in
line with the company’s vision and goals.
 Once this has been established, the company can cater its processes and services in a
direction where the relationship with the customer takes precedence over other

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Karan Nanda
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:13
Dear Aman,
Thank you for adding some CRM software’s to improve the customer experience.
1. Keep in touch
2. Listening to customer’s need
3. Offering what customers really want.
Some technological tools are also there which is growing very faster now a days and altering the way
customers acquires information about products and services. Technology incorporates all of the
hardware, programming, and correspondence connects that associations use to empower or then
again enhance their procedures, including everything from straightforward overhead
straightforwardness projectors to smart phones.
1. Electronic Point Of Sale (EPOS)
2. Sales Force Automation
3. Call Center
Thank You

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CRM more than IT
RE: CRM more than IT
Karan Nanda
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 19:51
Dear Mansi,
I totally agree with your point. I would like to add one more point in it i.e.
CRM is a system that revolves around understanding customer behavior and catering to it, so it is
important that an organization does not become overly involved in the technology itself instead
of focusing on the customer. It must be embraced on an enterprise-wide basis because the system
must be in line with the company’s vision and goals. Once this has been established, the
company can cater its processes and services in a direction where the relationship with the
customer takes precedence over other issues.

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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.
CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.

Karan Nanda
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 19:42
Good evening everyone,

CRM is a strategy for managing a company’s interactions with customers, clients and sales
prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business
principalities sales activities, but also those for marketing, customer service, and technical
According to me CRM is more than IT intervention because,

1. It allows you to register your leads and contacts. It is never too late to start organizing your customers
and contacts. You need some basic categories to make your data efficient so that you can implement your CRM
strategy to fulfill their needs. You need categories like Customers, Lost Customers, Prospects, Suppliers, Partners,
Potential Partners, Influences and Inactive Customers.
2. You can track all customer interactions – from everyone in your company.
Next time you talk to a customer or prospect, you get the upper hand when you know what that
company is talking about. You can get the person to feel seen and important. And this history
builds a long-term relationship. Emails should be in your system, and not in each person’s
3. It reveals possibilities.
Most companies keep their current supplier until they are ignored. That’s why keeping them
alive and kicking in your CRM database is so important. And if you have an effective email
marketing strategy or a great seminar plan, their business might be yours for the next quarter.

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CRM is not only for IT invension
CRM is not only for IT invension

Mridul Mourya
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:55
CRM gives flexibility to an organization in many ways such as;-

a- CRM reporting technology- Helps in identifying customer

b- CRM analysis technology- Helps in segmentation of different types customer such as

good or bad customer

c- CRM predicting technology- Helps in predicting different types of customer behaviour

d- CRM helps a organization in provideing better service, making call- centre, developing
new customer and also helps in increasing revenue.
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Discussion about CRM in relation to IT
RE: Discussion about CRM in relation to IT

Upkar Mishra
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:39
Dear Kartik, you have made a very relevant point but as of now I don't think that we still
need personal interactions for collecting data as various IT Tools like Google Docs, Survey
Monkey etc. are now available free of cost which are not only much more effective but can
also provide data analysis as well. As we all see numerous examples around us where
business organizations use IT Tools for collecting the customer feedback. Eg: Barbeque
Nations is a multi cuisine restaurant which after serving the order will hand over the survey
link to you to know your feedback, another example can be Mc Donald who also uses IT
Tools for collecting survey and other things. See I agree that nothing can match the level of
personal interaction but as of now, who has time to sit with Representative and fill the
survey as people don't even answer the Customer Relationship Agents phone call rather sit
with them. No one actually has time now a days on the contrary, IT provide easy, user
friendly and less time consuming solutions for collecting data. Time is changing IT is taking
over and is replacing a lot many things by online based softwares.

IT is helping business organizations in maintaining a more effective and efficient CRM and
as you have already mentioned, maintaing data base using manual means next to impossible
as of now. Technology provide various easy solutions for that.

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CRM is more simply an IT intervention
RE: CRM is more simply an IT intervention
Upkar Mishra
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:21
Dear Badal, CRM is not a software, it is much more than a softer based application as CRM
involves multi disciplinary organizations such as Marketing, Sales, Production and above all
Customers. Using softwares or other IT Tools such as Online Survey using Google Docs,
Data Analysis using Excel Tools etc. or in present time as you mentioned there are softwares
specifically designed for CRM, business organizations can perform the CRM with much
more efficiency and effectiveness but this does not confined the scope of CRM to IT
Intervention only.

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RE: Discussion 1: CRM is more than an IT Intervention
RE: Discussion 1: CRM is more than an IT Intervention

Upkar Mishra
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:15
Hello Badal, thanks for sharing your views, but I don't agree with you as CRM is much more
than IT Intervention, just using IT Tools will not ensure that all benefits of CRM are
achieved. CRM requires data uploading, data analysis, finding results, comparing the
findings and much more, yes IT Tools can help the business organizations in doing all these
activities but it does not mean that CRM is only software based system. It involves whole
organization and above all customers.

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RE: Discussion 1: CRM is more than an IT Intervention
RE: Discussion 1: CRM is more than an IT Intervention

Upkar Mishra
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:10
Hello Sudhanshu, I totally agree with you, that only IT can not ensure that the business
organizations are collecting accurate data and maintaining personal relationship with
customers, but IT as a tool can ensure that Business Organizations can perform entire CRM
Process more effectively and efficiently, thus again proving CRM is much more than IT
Intervention as you have mentioned points like collecting data and maintaining relationship
as well as employee training. IT is a tool for CRM.

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RE: Discussion 1: CRM is more than an IT Intervention
RE: Discussion 1: CRM is more than an IT Intervention

Upkar Mishra
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 11:55
CRM is definitely more than an IT Intervention. In present business world, CRM is essential
for success of any business organization because of following reasons:

CRM helps to establish Customer Strategy: Without customer strategy no business can grow.
Business need to categorize the customers into different categories such as Potential
Customers, Lost Customers, Prospects, Partners, Influences and Inactive Customeres.
Business Organizations need to develop and deploy seperate strategies for each customer
category in order to satisfy them and thus, eventually grow the business. IT can ease the
categorization work but this does not mean that CRM is only IT Intervention, IT is a tool to
ease the CRM Process, but CRM is a much bigger concept.
Replicating Best Practices: Business Organizations can learn and grow from Industrial
Leaders. Since customer is considered as king of market, satisfying customers means that
particular business organization is an industrial leader. CRM helps to determine which
brands or products are satisfying the customers based on customer surveys and other
information gathering tools, based on results business organizations can replicate best
industrial practices. Again, here IT plays an important role as conducting surveys online is
easy for organizations as well as customers. Data Analysis using IT Tools is much more
efficient and effective. Here again IT plays an important role in CRM but again CRM is
much more than IT Intervention.
CRM as Risk Management: Business Organizations faces a numerous risks in day to day
operations like loss of sales, unsatisfied customers, product failure etc. These risks can turn
around the business from star to scar within days. CRM helps to mitigate these risks as
while using CRM effectively, business organizations already knows what customer's demand
are, how satisfy the customers are etc. Again maintaining the data on IT is easy and effective
but again this does not imply that CRM is just only IT Intervention.
Conclusion: CRM is much more than IT Intervention, CRM is a tool or technique to help
business organizations developing strategies for growth, developing and executing best
practices and above all manage and mitigate risks. IT as of now is acting as a very effective
and efficient tool to help business organizations in maintaining the CRM for Business
Organizations but CRM is much more and wider concept then IT Intervention.

Thanks and Regards

Upkar Mishra

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Discussion about CRM in relation to IT
RE: Discussion about CRM in relation to IT

Sudhanshu Mamgain
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:27
thanks for adding this to my knowledge kartik

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CRM is more simply an IT intervention
RE: CRM is more simply an IT intervention

Sudhanshu Mamgain
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:13
I think Badal you should clear your basic concepts about CRM. First of all its not a software,
its a management technique to establish a healthy relationship between a customer and the
organisation and then satisfy their needs in order to generate loyalty amongst the
customers. Then comes the role of software and rest IT techniques that helps to enhance

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RE: Discussion 1: CRM is more than an IT Intervention
RE: Discussion 1: CRM is more than an IT Intervention

Sudhanshu Mamgain
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:04
I think upkar you have made the relevant points related to the strategies and benefits which
CRM provides to the organisation but the main focus should be on firstly how to get the best
data which can be fed into the system. This requires training of the employees, collecting
accurate data and maintaining personal relationship with customers, which cannot be done
only through IT.

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Discussion about CRM in relation to IT
Discussion about CRM in relation to IT

Sudhanshu Mamgain
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 11:58
Yes, i totally agree with the fact that CRM is more than simply an IT intervention i.e in
terms of tools applied because its not just only including technology in order to provide
better services or facilities to the customers in terms of IT but also interacting with the
customers, clients and sales prospects. This is the primary stage which further involves IT,
as a subset, by using technology to organise, automate and synchronize business processes
like sales activities, marketing, customer service and technical support. Without having an
accurate information that is to be fed into the system, alone IT system will not work. This
will necessarily need training of the employees so that they can put accurate data into the
system by able to see connection like between valued loyal and long-standing customers and
noting it down without any inaccuracies.

Businesses cannot solely rely on their system vendors to keep their CRM solutions up-to-
date and used by employees instead their should be a perfect mix of people, process,
information & technology and just only technology. they place a disproportionate amount of
emphasis on the technology and overlook the people who will use it, and the data that will
be fed into it.


Sudhanshu Mamgain

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CRM is more than simply IT integration. CRM has been efficiently been enabled by IT Integration.
CRM is more than simply IT integration. CRM has been efficiently been enabled by IT Integration.

Chinmay Majhithia
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 21:52
Today, information technology- plays a major role in today’s society Marketers have now
realized that in the global and highly competitive market place, success rests on the firm’s
ability to appeal, please and retain its customers. CRM is an innovative tactic started by the
marketers in the process of developing lifetime customers and maximizing lifetime value of
the customers. Companies no longer regard marketing, service and sales as detached
departments. Instead they are more concerned with treating them with a holistic approach.
It is essential to adapt ever changing technology to meet newer hurdles before CRM. It is
dynamic process and right mind-set of managers is key for the success.

To simply state that CRM is simply IT Intervention is not valid. CRM in today’s world is
driven by information technology and data collected from the customer. It is enabled by IT
Software which are gaining importance.
Some of the benefits of IT Enabled CRM are

1. Enhanced contract management

2. Cross team collaboration
3. Increased productivity
4. Accurate sales forecasting
5. Report generation and analysis
6. Boosting market ROI
7. Increased customer satisfaction and retention
CRM helps users focus on their organization’s relationships with individual people
including customers, service users, colleagues, or suppliers.

CRM as Technology: This is a technology product, often in the cloud, that teams use to
record, report and analyse interactions between the company and users. This is also called a
CRM system or solution.

CRM as a Strategy: This is a business’ philosophy about how relationships with

customers and potential customers should be managed

CRM as a Process: Think of this as a the system a business adopts to nurture and manage
those relationships.
CRM Software

CRM software archives customer contact data such as email, telephone, website social
media profile, and more. It can also automatically pull in other data, such as latest news
about the company's movement, and it can store details such as a customer's individual
The CRM system categorises this information to give you a wholesome record of entities and
firms, so you can healthier relationship.
CRM software improves customer relationship management by creating a 360° view of the
customer, capturing their communications with the company.

How do different business functions benefit from using CRM?

Sales teams can use CRM to understand their sales pipeline better.
Sales managers can access reliable information about the growth of individual team
members in realizing their sales targets, for example, and see how well individual sales
teams, products and campaigns are performing too.
Sales reps benefit from reduced admin, a deeper understanding of their clients, and the
opportunity to spend more time selling and less time entering data.

Marketing teams can use CRM to make forecasting simpler and more accurate.
They can get clear visibility over every opportunity or lead, and map out the whole customer
journey from enquiry through to sale, so giving them a better understanding of the sales
pipeline or prospective work coming in.
It’s also possible to include information from customers’ public social media activity – their
likes and dislikes, and their sentiment about specific brands and businesses.

Customer service teams can effectively track discussions across channels.

A customer might raise an issue in one channel – say, Twitter or Facebook – but then switch
to email, phone or live chat to resolve it in private.
Without a common platform for customer interactions, communications can be missed or
lost in the flood of information – leading to an unsatisfactory response to a valued

Supply-chain, procurement and partner management teams can manage

relationships better.
They can track meetings with suppliers and partners, record requests made, add useful
notes, schedule follow-ups and stay on top of expected next steps.
Reporting enables businesses to compare the efficiency of suppliers and so manage their
entire supply chain more effectively.

A CRM System

A CRM system helps businesses keep customer contact details up to date, track every
customer interaction, and manage customer accounts. It is designed to help businesses
improve customer relationships and also Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). This is vital
because of the vast amount of such data businesses generate daily.
A CRM system essentially provides a central place where businesses can store customer and
prospect data, track customer interactions, and share this information with colleagues. It
allows businesses to manage relationships with customers, helping the business to grow.

With a CRM system in place, every question, every service request, every preference and
every past contact detail about every customer is instantly available, which means that every
new interaction with them should always be personalised, relevant and up to date.

As well as tracking every phone call, email sent, meeting held and presentation delivered,
CRM systems can also be used to add notes, schedule follow-ups and organise the next steps
that need to be taken. This ensures that opportunities to close deals or grow customer
accounts won’t be missed.

By understanding customers better, cross-selling and up-selling opportunities become

clearer too, giving organisations a much better chance to win new business from existing

CRM over the years has enhanced and evolved with the use of customer data. Evolving from
just a paper and pen form to adoption of IT or personalised software for customer
relationship management

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CRM is more than IT intervention.
RE: CRM is more than IT intervention.
Dheeraj Kweera
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 21:48
Customer relationship managmentis client's information based and is encouraged by IT utilization.
Headways in IT have changed the diverse field of business condition and advertising. E-CRM is one of
the most up to date CRM application programming which is identified with a genuine estimation of an
electronic business. It enables organizations to enhance the connection with viability among clients. M-
CRM which is another sort of CRM works with a remote gadget called client relationship administration in
view of versatile. IT is viewed as a facilitator that enables associations to support nearer associations with
clients, client data examination is done and client reasonable view is given.
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Discussion 1
RE: Discussion 1

Dheeraj Kweera
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 11:59
Dear Badal,

We are discussing about CRM is more than a IT invention or not, not about other practices
of company and so i am also with Pranjul and telling you more benefits of CRM please read
it properly :

Many businesses in the business to business sector are understandably baffled by the widely bandied
phrase CRM. What does it mean?
This neat definition explains it in a nutshell: CRM is a strategy for managing a company’s
interactions with customers, clients and sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize,
automate, and synchronize business processes—principally sales activities, but also those for
marketing, customer service, and technical support. The overall goals are to find, attract, and win
new clients, nurture and retain those the company already has, entice former clients back into the
fold, and reduce the costs of marketing and client service. Customer relationship management
describes a company-wide business strategy including customer-interface departments as well as
other departments.
While having an effective CRM system will encompass using software that is either built exclusively
for your business or, is an off-the-shelf system that you can tweak, it is only the start of the process.
If you want your CRM strategy to be successful you have to create a customer centric organization.
There is little point in having clever software if it’s not being used as a tool to enhance the service
you deliver to customers at every single communication touch point.
1. Be unrelenting in your pursuit of recording accurate data. Your team must be motivated to focus on
the accuracy of the information that is fed into your CRM system. Data must be correct, complete, up
to date and legally compliant.
2. Train your staff so they understand the consequences of inputting inaccurate data. They must see
the bigger picture and not simply look upon themselves as data entry clerks. Who are they letting
down? They have to be able to see the connection, for example, between valued loyal and long-
standing customers and recording all relevant data and transactions to the highest standards with
the minimum of inaccuracies.3. Augment and enrich your customer data. There is nothing to be
gained from loading incomplete, patchy, inaccurate customer data into a brand spanking new
system. You are simply automating an ongoing liability. Having your data cleaned and augmented
externally and your database certified as being clean, enriched and legally compliant is absolutely
3. Only use high-quality prospecting data. Spending time loading prospect data into your system that
turns out to be unclean, inaccurate and in many cases downright illegal is to be avoided at all costs.
Only buy or rent your data from a provider that belongs to the List Warranty Register and is a
member of the Direct Marketing Association.
4. Incorporate social media contacts. It’s not just consumer faced businesses that are benefiting from
engaging and interacting with a new audience online. In the B2B sector it’s happening too. Whilst
Facebook may be the social media tool of choice for consumer brands, it’s all happening on twitter
for B2B brands. However, don’t load your social media contacts into your general prospecting pool
in your CRM system. They have engaged with you primarily for social reasons so treating them as a
‘sell to prospect’ will go down like a lead balloon.
Look upon your CRM strategy as a business initiative and not an IT project and ensure that the data
you load into it results in a blaze of delighted customers and converted prospects.

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CRM is more simply an IT intervention
RE: CRM is more simply an IT intervention

Dheeraj Kweera
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 11:49
Benefits of CRM

1. Enhanced communication
2. Improved sales processes and lifecycle
3. Improved customer service
4. Automation of everyday tasks
5. Improved Analytical Data and Reporting
6. Improved customer informations
7. Marketing automation on multiple channels
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CRM is more than IT intervention.
CRM is more than IT intervention.

Dheeraj Kweera
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 11:46
Hello everyone,

I think CRM is more than IT intervention because

 It’s a place to store all of your clients’ information in one place

 Every member of your team will be able to see the exact point when your business last
communicated with a client
 CRMs can give you instant metrics
 You will be able to see the complete history of your company’s interaction with a client.
A good CRM will also be integrated with your calendars and diaries, relating important events
or tasks with the relevant client.
Thank you.

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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention discussion
RE: CRM is more than simply an IT intervention discussion

Anurag Kesarwani
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 18:00
Dear Abhishek,

The facts which you have highlighted have a very valid point and appropriate in todays
world. CRM is more than a system in itself and less than an IT intervention.

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Discussion about CRM in relation to IT
RE: Discussion about CRM in relation to IT

Anurag Kesarwani
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 17:57
Dear Sudhanshu,

The very fact that CRM is more than IT intervention is true. The CRM is a tool or rather a
system to analyze and understand customers traits and how the customer responds to
changes made any by the company. So I totally agree with this fact.

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CRM an IT intervention
CRM an IT intervention

Anurag Kesarwani
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 17:55
CRM is a strategy for managing a company’s interactions with customers, clients and sales prospects. It
involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes—principally sales
activities, but also those for marketing, customer service, and technical support. The overall goals are to find,
attract, and win new clients, nurture and retain those the company already has, entice former clients back into
the fold, and reduce the costs of marketing and client service. Customer relationship management describes a
company-wide business strategy including customer-interface departments as well as other departments.
1. Unrelenting pursuit for accurate data
2. Training the Staff to understand the consequences of inaccurate data.

3. Use of High quality prospecting Data.

4. Incorporating social media contacts.

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CRM is not only for IT invension
RE: CRM is not only for IT invension

Sidharth Joshi
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 21:04
Dear Mridul
You have shared a very brief version of your views regarding the topic which is apt and
understandable and also proves that CRM is not just mere an IT Intervention but i would
like to add certain points in order to highlight the need of CRM which will help us to
understand more about CRM and clear the doubt that CRM is not just an IT Intervention.

Need of CRM:-

 A Forward View of Your Business

In the context of your ERP or financial systems, one could consider CRM as a “future view”
into your revenue stream as opposed to a “historical view” of revenue. CRM is also a future
view into trends and events that will be leading indicators of your revenue and profit
The CEO and CFO will use CRM dashboards to monitor these leading indicators. They may
look for changes to lead generation, opportunity creation, or pipeline value to spot early
indicators of future problems to the top-line. This will enable a pro-active approach to
managing the business.

A Sales leader will have access to a sales reporting tool. They will need to see the activities
of individual salespeople or teams and trace problems that may be affecting revenue such as
territory coverage, customer calling activity, lead conversion rates, and opportunity close
A Marketing leader will need to trace marketing activities and campaigns and adjust the
marketing plan according to the success or failure of those activities.

A Customer Service leader will need to see which of their people is most efficient at closing
cases, be alerted to cases that exceed the expected time to close, and monitor escalations.

A Product Manager needs to monitor Cases to understand any product defect, support
trends, or feature requests that may lead to improved products and services.

 Growing Your Business

Prospecting is not just a salesperson activity – it is a collection of manual and automated

activities across multiple channels that result in a lead or opportunity. You may use CRM to
acquire leads from your website, from email campaigns, bring them in from seminars,
webinars, conferences, or trade-shows and send the leads directly to your salespeople. You
can assign leads to reps immediately in order to catch the customer while your business is
still top-of-mind.

You may use the CRM to direct salespeople to cross-selling or up-selling activities. You may
use the CRM to identify new product or market opportunities. You may use CRM to simply
improve the calling efficiency of your Sales organization so that they can increase top-of-
funnel opportunity creation. Increasingly, successful companies have turned to inbound
marketing, which is the use of your website and search optimization combined with a
content curriculum to nurture customers from suspects to qualified prospects.

 Doing More with Less

Frequently, our customers say that a major reason for buying their CRM is that they believe
they are dropping the ball with customers. We had two customers from two entirely
different industries this past week state their problem in exactly the same way: 80% of
their customers come from 20% of their business which they know extremely well.
However, they have no clue what the other 80% of their customers are doing and they think
that there are opportunities for growth. Many organizations want to find efficient ways to
access the business in the “long tail” of their markets. Through marketing automation and
CRM can make it possible to prospect in the long tail that would otherwise be too inefficient
for your organization’s resources.
Your people’s ability to juggle an ever-increasing number of tasks, opportunities, cases,
communications, and information is in jeopardy without the right tools. CRM is key to
helping them manage their complex world without dropping the ball.

 Risk Management

One customer related a story of a sales rep who left and after the new rep took over, they
found numerous examples of customers who had never been contacted. I’ve seen many
situations where sudden account turnover results in dropped deals that caused missed sales
targets and dissatisfied prospects that simply went elsewhere.

When we have sales rep or customer service turnover, it literally takes a few minutes to use
a global edit reassignment task and territory management functions to shift accounts and
opportunities to different sales or support reps. This enables us to provide seamless transfer
of responsibilities without dropping the ball.

We have another customer that has been to court over a case where a former employee
downloaded their customer list and took it with them. CRM can help track those events and
provide an audit trail to make it easier to control sensitive information.

 Customer Intimacy

Customer intimacy is the act of tailoring your products, services, and even your customer
engagement processes to fit a customer’s business or industry. For many companies,
particularly small and mid-size enterprises, this is an effective way to compete in an ever-
crowded competitive landscape that is difficult for larger enterprises to duplicate at scale.
CRM can capture detailed information about your customers and their behaviors and enable
targeted marketing, product development, and sales activities. It can enable you to create
the illusion of the personal touch with every interaction. Look at it this way: do you really
think your dentist remembers your birthday, or do you think they have software that tells
them that? Do you think it’s a co-incidence that Google’s ads show you things that are
related to your interest or do you think they have software that does that? CRM can provide
customers with the impression that you understand their needs and preferences – in a
scalable way to allow you to remember these things for thousands of customers at any given
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Is CRM more than simply an IT intervention.
RE: Is CRM more than simply an IT intervention.

Sidharth Joshi
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:47
Dear Mahendra

I totally agree with your point and i would like add some points which are related to the
importance of CRM. because without knowing about the importance there is no use of
implementing such system.

Importance of CRM:-

 A CRM system consists of a historical view and analysis of all the acquired or to be acquired customers. This
helps in reduced searching and correlating customers and to foresee customer needs effectively and increase

 CRM contains each and every bit of details of a customer, hence it is very easy for track a customer
accordingly and can be used to determine which customer can be profitable and which not.

 In CRM system, customers are grouped according to different aspects according to the type of business they do
or according to physical location and are allocated to different customer managers often called as account
managers. This helps in focusing and concentrating on each and every customer separately.

 A CRM system is not only used to deal with the existing customers but is also useful in acquiring new
customers. The process first starts with identifying a customer and maintaining all the corresponding details
into the CRM system which is also called an ‘Opportunity of Business’. The Sales and Field representatives
then try getting business out of these customers by sophistically following up with them and converting them
into a winning deal. All this is very easily and efficiently done by an integrated CRM system.

 The strongest aspect of Customer Relationship Management is that it is very cost-effective. The advantage of
decently implemented CRM system is that there is very less need of paper and manual work which requires
lesser staff to manage and lesser resources to deal with. The technologies used in implementing a CRM system
are also very cheap and smooth as compared to the traditional way of business.

 All the details in CRM system is kept centralized which is available anytime on fingertips. This reduces the
process time and increases productivity.
 Efficiently dealing with all the customers and providing them what they actually need increases the customer
satisfaction. This increases the chance of getting more business which ultimately enhances turnover and profit.

 If the customer is satisfied they will always be loyal to you and will remain in business forever resulting in
increasing customer base and ultimately enhancing net growth of business.

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CRM more than IT Intervention
CRM more than IT Intervention

Sidharth Joshi
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:37
CRM is a strategy for managing a company’s interactions with customers, clients and sales
prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business
processes—principally sales activities, but also those for marketing, customer service, and
technical support. The overall goals are to find, attract, and win new clients, nurture and
retain those the company already has, entice former clients back into the fold, and reduce
the costs of marketing and client service. Customer relationship management describes a
company-wide business strategy including customer-interface departments as well as other
departments. If you want your CRM strategy to be successful you have to create a customer
centric organization. There is little point in having clever software if it’s not being used as a
tool to enhance the service you deliver to customers at every single communication touch
point. So, this definitely means than CRM is way more than just an IT Intervention.

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Response to Above Discussion
Response to Above Discussion
Priyatosh Gupta
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 13:00
Hello Everyone,
RE: CRM is more than simply an IT intervention

Value of Customer Relation Management.

1. It allows you to register your leads and contacts

You never know when a lead is ready to buy from you. It is never too late to start organizing
your customers and contacts. You need some basic categories to make your data efficient so
that you can implement your CRM strategy to fulfill their needs.

2. You can track all customer interactions – from everyone in your company.

Next time you talk to a customer or prospect, you get the upper hand when you know what
that company is talking about. You can get the person to feel seen and important. And this
history builds a long-term relationship.

3. It reveals possibilities.

Most companies keep their current supplier until they are ignored. That’s why keeping them
alive and kicking in your CRM database is so important. And if you have an effective email
marketing strategy or a great seminar plan, their business might be yours for the next

4. It makes your most valuable asset – the customer data – remain.

People change jobs. Have you ever experienced someone leaving you, and nothing is left


Without a CRM system, it’s difficult to focus on the customer. With the help of the above
following points , I think that CRM is more than simply an IT intervention .

Priyatosh Gupta
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CRM is More than simply an IT intervention
RE: CRM is More than simply an IT intervention

Mansi Gaur
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 21:58
Dear Chaitanya,

The examples quoted by you are very apt, showcasing CRM's existence with/without IT.

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CRM more than IT
RE: CRM more than IT

Mansi Gaur
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 21:50
Thanks Karan for adding value to my statement.
We guys cannot deny the fact that these two areas cannot function effectively without
eachother,CRM cannot properly function without IT (the data provider) and same goes with
the MIS department, until and unless a proper workforce is employed in tis department, IT
services cannot be applied properly.

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CRM more than IT
CRM more than IT

Mansi Gaur
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 19:17
CRM is more than simply an IT intervention because with the help of IT one can actually get
information about their customers, but CRM is more to it since it analyses the data and
evaluated those customers and then chooses a proper strategy for the set of customers.

IT can just help in organising the data since contacting the customers through automated
calls can be at times irritating leading to improper and unanalysed data. Here comes the
role of CRM which can use the IT more effectively and can surpass the effect of technology.

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RE: Discussion 1: CRM is more than an IT Intervention
RE: Discussion 1: CRM is more than an IT Intervention

Tarun Dhawan
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 22:51
Hello Upkar, your above statement is true, with the support of IT we cannot ensure the
benefits will come, as this can only help us to look at and analyze the different parameters.

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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention
RE: CRM is more than simply an IT intervention

Tarun Dhawan
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 22:46
Before the IT came to CRM, the things were done by personal touch. Now with the IT
support, more data can be captured and more information can be used. From the best to
Lowest category.

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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention
CRM is more than simply an IT intervention

Tarun Dhawan
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:46
CRM is something beyond innovation as in the diverse tools utilized, essentially help in
encouraging the relationship procedure. For instance, CRM examination advancements just
help the organization comprehend which clients are best and which are their worst. When
this data has been set up the organization has the duty of interpreting the data and choosing
what move to make. The move made depends on guaranteeing the client in the center gets
the best administration and item. CRM is a framework that spins around understanding
client conduct and obliging it, so it is critical that an association does not turn out to be
excessively engaged with the innovation itself as opposed to concentrating on the client. It
must be grasped on an endeavor wide premise in light of the fact that the framework must
be in accordance with the organization's vision and objectives. When this has been built up,
the organization can provide food its procedures and administrations to a path where the
association with the client outweighs different issues. An organization culture concentrated
on CRM is required if the framework is to be completely fruitful. A sole division going for a
CRM approach would battle a daunting task as the obstruction from different offices would
be much too high to survive.

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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.
RE: CRM is more than simply an IT intervention.

Rohit Chauhan
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 19:32
I totally agree with the point you have made here . IT not only integrate various aspects of
Customer Relationship management but also collect the data which depends upon a
personal interaction which cannot be replaced by any IT interventions(software).
Thereafter, IT role comes where the rise of technology paved way to the great positive effects
in terms of establishing a business.
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CRM is simply more than an IT intervention
CRM is simply more than an IT intervention
Rohit Chauhan
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 19:28
Yes CRM is more than IT intervention. CRM is a strategy for managing a company’s
interactions with customers, clients and sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize,
automate, and synchronize business processes—principally sales activities, but also those for
marketing, customer service, and technical support. The overall goals are to find, attract, and win
new clients, nurture and retain those the company already has, entice former clients back into the
fold, and reduce the costs of marketing and client service. Customer relationship management
describes a company-wide business strategy including customer-interface departments as well as
other departments.

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CRM more than IT Intervention
RE: CRM more than IT Intervention

Pallavi Chaudhary
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:43
Dear sidharth,

Thanks for sharing your views.

I like your view point that there is very less significance of using a software, the overall goals
are to identify, attract and win new clients and retaining them.
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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention
RE: CRM is more than simply an IT intervention

Pallavi Chaudhary
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:38
Dear Rimzhim,

Thanks for sharing your views

I agree with your views that giving much importance to IT will deviate the company's
attention from the important activities which includes attraction customers. IT makes the
organization's activities easier but then CRM is all above just IT intervention.

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Reciprocating the above statement
Reciprocating the above statement

Pallavi Chaudhary
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:29
Formulating and implementing market strategy which aims at creation of long-lasting
relationships with customers is known as Customer Relationship building, companies can
achieve success with it but it is not that easy. The promises made have to be fulfilled in order
to flourish. Therefore, it is definetely more than just an IT intervention.

CRM is a business strategy and therefore it is more than a functional strategy.It affects the
organization as a whole : IT, marketing, service, logistics, finance, production &
development, HR, management etc. This strategy provides direction to every department
which maintains contact with the customer.

CRM is vital for success of any type of business due to the below mentioned reasons:

1. Formulation of strategy for customer- Companies need to segregate customers under

separate heads such as potential customers,former customers, current customers, partners,
prospects. Organizations then need to create and implement different strategies for
different customer groups for the purpose of achieving customer satisfaction. IT can be used
as a method of making the process simpler.
2. Risk Management- Business organizations are risk prone such as product failure,
unsatisfaction from customers etc. CRM can be used in order to deal and mitigate such risks
involved by stating the demands of the customers by forming a data base about the
3. Adapting the best practices- Any business organization can be termed as an Industry
expert if they are successful in satisfying their customers. CRM helps to identify what type of
products are required by the customers on the basis of customer surveys. Involving IT here
will again make the work easy if the surveys are conducted online but CRM is more than just
IT intervention.
The achievement of competencies is to a great extent dependent on IT but it is not that CRM
cannot be achieved without IT system. It will involve situations in which guild master still
knows his customers personally and maintains relationships with them through face-to-face
contact. Since this situation is still possible therefore we can say that CRM is more than
simply IT intervention.

Thank You

Pallavi Chaudhary

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CRM, an Intangable Asset
CRM, an Intangable Asset
Udit Chakraborty
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 22:54
According to me CRM is not just an IT intervention but also an intangible asset to any
organization and i would like to support the same with the following points,

1.) It allows you to register your lead and contacts - this helps in creating a database where
information's about customers help in creating a lead to the company, this would also
eventually help in finding all the lost customers as well as the potential clients.

2.) Tracking all customer interaction from every employee and at every point of interaction -
This helps in giving an insight on what a customer is actually thinking about the company as
well as the highlights of what the company was doing right and wrong in dealing with the

3.) It reveals possibilities - The possibilities here can be vast, i.e. the customer's that a company has
not sold anything yet but has shown interest in the products as well as the most valuable regular
customers and the customers that the company needs to catch up with also known as lost customers.

4.) It helps create the most valuable asset - customer database :- CRM also helps in creating
an asset, i.e. creating the above database for the company to approach their customers and
work in the accordance and satisfaction of the customers, which is intern the most profitable
way a company can work.

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Intervention of IT in CRM
Intervention of IT in CRM
Ayush Bhatt
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 21:40
Customer relationship management is customer's data-based and is facilitated by IT usage.
Advancements in IT have changed the different field of business environment and marketing. E-CRM is
one of the newest CRM application software which is related to a real value of an electronic business. It
helps companies improve the interaction with effectiveness among customers. M-CRM which is a new
kind of CRM works with a wireless device called customer relationship management based on
mobile. IT is considered a facilitator that allows organizations to encourage closer relationships with
customers, customer information analysis is done and customer coherent view is given.
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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention
CRM is more than simply an IT intervention

Ashish Bhardwaj
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:29
Good afternoon everyone,

As the topic for discussion is whether CRM is more than simply an IT intervention. It is certainly true that
the boundaries of CRM are far beyond than just IT intervention. CRM is an approach to manage a company’s
interactions with its present and potential customers, clients and sales prospects. It this approach, in order to
organize, automate, and synchronize business processes, technology or in other words IT is used. The business
processes principally incude sales activities, marketing, customer service, and technical support. The aim is to find,
attract, and win new clients while also retaining present customers, nurture and regain former customers and reduce
the costs of marketing and client service. Thus CRM describes a company-wide business strategy including
customer-interface departments as well as other departments to integrate and automate sales, marketing, and
customer support.
The dimensions of CRM includes: Customer loyalty, promotion, Interaction, Analysis,
order, Database, documentation, Communication which requires inter and intra
organizations integration i.e. Vertical and horizontal integration which is achieved through IT
implementation. Thus It implementation is just a part of CRM and CRM is far beyond Just IT implementation.
Ashish Bhardwaj



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CRM is more than simply an IT intervention
CRM is more than simply an IT intervention

Ashish Barge
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:59
CRM is unquestionably in excess of an IT Intervention. In display business world, CRM is
basic for achievement of any business association in light of following reasons:
CRM builds up Customer Strategy: Without client system no business can develop. Business
need to sort the clients into various classes, for example, Potential Customers, Lost
Customers, Prospects, Partners, Influences and Inactive Customeres. Business
Organizations need to create and convey seperate systems for every client classification
keeping in mind the end goal to fulfill them and in this way, in the long run develop the
business. IT can facilitate the classification work however this does not imply that CRM is
just IT Intervention, IT is a device to facilitate the CRM Process, yet CRM is a considerably
greater idea.
Reproducing Best Practices: Business Organizations can take in and develop from Industrial
Leaders. Since client is considered as lord of market, fulfilling clients implies that specific
business association is a mechanical pioneer. CRM figures out which brands or items are
fulfilling the clients in light of client overviews and other data gathering instruments, in
view of results business associations can duplicate best mechanical practices. Once more,
here IT assumes an essential part as directing studies online is simple for associations and
also clients. Information Analysis utilizing IT Tools is considerably more productive and
successful. Here again IT assumes a critical part in CRM however again CRM is
substantially more than IT Intervention.
CRM as Risk Management: Business Organizations faces a various dangers in everyday
activities like loss of offers, unsatisfied clients, item disappointment and so forth. These
dangers can pivot the business from star to scar inside days. CRM mitigates these dangers
as while utilizing CRM successfully, business associations definitely recognizes what client's
request are, the manner by which fulfill the clients are and so forth. Again keeping up the
information on IT is simple and powerful yet again this does not infer that CRM is simply
just IT Intervention.
End: CRM is significantly more than IT Intervention, CRM is an instrument or method to
help business associations creating methodologies for development, creating and executing
best practices or more all oversee and relieve dangers. IT starting at now is going about as
an exceptionally successful and productive device to help business associations in keeping
up the CRM for Business Organizations yet CRM is significantly more and more extensive
idea then IT Intervention.

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Discussion about IT intervention in IT
RE: Discussion about IT intervention in IT

Deepak Adhikari
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 20:06
Hello Sahil,

As you have discussed some of the relevant points. But you should also tell how CRM is
intervention in IT. like How CRM and It sector is helping each other to grow in an
organisation... How an organisation can grow with intervation of IT in CRM.

Thank you

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RE: DIscussion 1
RE: DIscussion 1
Deepak Adhikari
Posted Date:
03 September 2018 12:44
Yes, I totally agree with the fact that CRM is more than simply an IT intervention i.e. CRM is
essential for success of any business organisation because CRM helps in to established
customer strategy as a good customer strategy helps a company to grow and a well
categorizing/Segmentation the customer will help to know the market conditions and
demand of the market in order to satisfy them IT is much needed for growing and
expanding of business.

IT helps business to solely rely on their system as without having accurate and correct
information that is fed in the system alone IT system cannot work for it.

CRM tools and technique helps a business organization to develop their strategies for
growth and it helps in developing and implementing the best practice as IT is one of the
necessary tool to help business organisation in maintaining the CRM for Business
organisation But CRM is much more and wider concept then IT.

Thanks and Regards

Deepak Adhikari

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