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In past few years, the Indo –Pacific region has turned into a viable hotspot for growing Chinese
geopolitics. The dragon is at our doorsteps yet again, but this time it is much more strategically
equipped and treads with much more skilful thought and precision. The regional economic and
security dynamics are fast changing and so are the stances of Chinese Hegemony over the
region. Why is China always in pursuit of dominance – be it militarily, politically and now
economically as well. The Chinese challenges have grown in the region particularly in the
context of India and Japan. Both the states countries are facing similar challenges thrown by the
Chinese dominance and in various forms.

The discussion and arguments of my topic “ Standing up to similar challenges : India-Japan

perspective” are based on the IMR article written by Sana Hashmi, Lecturer at Centre of East
Asian studies and is a regular commentator on China’s foreign policy

I shall be covering the presentation under following heads:

Slide 5

 Emerge as new power by 2035

 Combies national and international obj by revitalising eco growth
 Invigorating Chinese domestic politics
 Chinese soft and hard power through high profile initiatives.

Slide 6

China’s new model Multi textured strategy the five Cs.

 Connectivity
 Strengthen rail and road networks
 Empower China’s internal provinces Xinjiang, Ningxia, Gansu, Shaanxi
 Facilitate China’s trade, energy and pipeline networks with different regions


 Lucreative deals, granting cooperative packages to enhance own presence


 AIIB –effective economic policy of asia

 Providing a platform and a win win situation for everyone

Country Specific

 Strong realtion network

 Est partnership to deny privileges another medium

Catch phrase- infra devlp

Slide 7

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